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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Goal-setting participation and goal commitment: Examining the mediating roles of procedural fairness and interpersonal trust in a UK financial services organisation

Sholihin, Mahfud, Pike, Richard H., Mangena, Musa, Li, Jing 2011 February 1924 (has links)
Yes / This study investigates whether participation in goal-setting within performance measurement and evaluation processes affects goal commitment and if so, whether the effect is mediated by procedural fairness and interpersonal trust. Using a sample of 54 managers within a UK financial services organisation, this study finds that participation in goal-setting is positively associated with goal commitment. Further analysis arising from introducing procedural fairness and interpersonal trust as mediating variables reveals that the association is significantly mediated by procedural fairness. Overall, these findings offer empirical evidence on the importance of procedural fairness on the relationship between participation and goal commitment.

Et-moone and marketing relationship governance: The effect of digital transformation and ICT during the COVID-19 pandemic

Alalwan, A.A., Baabdullah, A.M., Dwivedi, Y.K., Rana, Nripendra P., Lal, Banita, Raman, R. 27 October 2021 (has links)
Yes / This study aims to examine the drivers and impact of et-moone on relational governance within B2B relationships in the Arab Asian region. Building on commitment and trust theory, this study proposes how et-moone could be driven by IT-enabled interactions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were collected using an online questionnaire survey from the food, pharmaceutical, detergent and sterilizer industries in Jordan and Saudi Arabia. A two-stage structural equation modelling approach was used to test the model. The results largely support the significant impact of et-moone predictors. A strong and significant relationship was also found between et-moone and relational governance. This study expands the theoretical horizon of et-moone by considering a new driver (i.e., IT-enabled interactions) and its consequences in terms of relational governance. The outcomes of the current study also make contributions for both practitioners and researchers who are interested in socio-cultural values (i.e., et-Moone) in Arabic countries. An in-depth discussion on the above is presented in the subsections on theoretical and practical implications.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Parent training Protocol Based on an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Philosophy of Parenting

O'Brien, Karen M. 08 1900 (has links)
Thirty-four parents were referred by their CPS caseworkers to participate in one of two ACT for Parenting workshops. These workshops followed a 12 hour treatment protocol based on an acceptance and commitment therapy philosophy of parenting. Briefly, an ACT philosophy of parenting maintains that effective parenting requires awareness and acceptance of thoughts and feelings as they occur in the context of the parent-child relationship. An ACT philosophy of parenting also relies heavily on the identification and commitment to parenting values. Participants were asked to track acceptance and valuing behavior on a daily basis for 25 days prior to the intervention and 25 days post-intervention, as well as to complete a package of self-report instruments designed to measure both ACT specific and general psychological processes, at three different points (pre-, post- and follow-up). Nineteen parents received the treatment, and of those, seventeen provided follow-up data 3-4 months post-intervention. Results indicate statistically significant changes in the expected directions for scores on the BASC-2 Externalizing Composite as well as on the Meta-Valuing Measure. A total of 10 parents also evidenced clinically significant change in the expected directions on a variety of outcome measures.

Lack of Work Commitment : En studie om ogiltig korttidssjukfrånvaro

Ayoub, Mohammed Hitham, Karramo, Sofya January 2024 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med detta arbete är att genomföra en kartläggning av anledningar till att en del arbetstagare väljer att sjukanmäla sig från arbetet även om varken sjukdom eller skada har skett.   Metod: Grundad teori-metod om fenomenet Ogiltig korttidssjukfrånvaro med en induktiv ansats. Datainsamlingen har skett genom ostrukturerade intervjuer.   Slutsats: De allra vanligaste orsakerna som gömmer sig bakom arbetstagarnas ogiltiga sjukskrivningar kan förklaras via ledarskap som brister i olika aspekter, brist på motivation och engagemang med arbetet, arbets- och ickearbetsrelaterad stress, för hög arbetsbelastning och missbruk av sjuklön.   Nyckelord: Arbetsmiljö, Bedrägeri, Korttidssjukfrånvaro, Ogiltig sjukfrånvaro, Personligt välbefinnande, Work commitment. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to conduct a mapping of the reasons why some employees choose to call in sick from work even when no illness or injury has occurred.   Method: Inspiration of Grounded Theory method about invalid sick-absence with an inductive reasoning. Data gathering method has been done by unstructured interviews.   Conclusion: The most common reasons that hide behind employees' invalid sick leave can be explained through leadership such as deficiencies in various aspects, lack of motivation and commitment to work, work- and nonworkrelated stress, excessive workload and misuse of sick pay.   Key words: Work environment, Fraud, Short term sick-absence, Invalid sickabsence, Personal wellbeing, Work commitment.

Validité discriminante et structure factorielle des versions françaises des questionnaires "Job Involvement Questionnaire" et "Organizational Commitment Questionnaire"

Dupras, Claude-André January 1991 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Validité conceptuelle et structure factorielle de la version française de l'instrument de mesure "Organizational Commitment Questionnaire" (OCQ)

Reid, Alain January 1990 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Påverkar arbetet med Corporate Social Responsibility de anställda? : En kvantitativ studie av ett kooperativt företag i fastighetsbranschen

Cavka, Irma, Karlsson, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka huruvida ”Corporate Social Responsibility” (CSR) påverkar de anställdas organisatoriska engagemang och ”Organizational Citizenship Behavior” (OCB) positivt samt huruvida CSR-aktiviteterna minskar de anställdas vilja att säga upp sig. Forskningsstrategin har utgått ifrån en deduktiv ansats och grundades i en kvantitativ design där en webbaserad enkätstudie skickades ut till de anställda på ett medelstort kooperativt företag inom fastighetsbranschen under april 2016. Ett klusterurval genomfördes vilket genererade 62 enkätsvar med en svarsfrekvens på 36%. För att säkerställa mätinstrumentets reliabilitet användes Cronbachs alfa reliabilitetskoefficient där samtliga värden låg mellan α=0,81 och α=0,89. Pearsons korrelationsanalys och flera stegvisa regressionsanalyser utfördes för att analysera data. En signifikansnivå på p=0,05 tillämpades och studiens resultat visade att CSR predicerar de anställdas organisatoriska engagemang (p <0,001) och OCB (p <0,001). Slutsatsen av resultatet indikerade på att företagets CSR-arbete är relevant och har en positiv påverkan på de anställdas attityder och beteenden.

Long-term CSR incentives at fashion chains in Sweden

Persson, Stefan January 2008 (has links)
<p>In recent time the pressure on companies from groups like governments, regular citizens and media on taking its social responsibility has increased in rapid pace. This has led to increased interest from companies all over the world about social issues and the companies’ responsibility for these issues.</p><p>In the more competitive environment were companies act today the use of corporate social responsibility (CSR) to differentiate itself against other company’s increases in importance. Together with increasing interest from stakeholders about social issues has made it central for companies not only to be social responsible but also to be good at finding future social trends that will give them competitive advantage against other actors.</p><p>The purpose of this paper is to examine how the three largest fashion chains in Sweden, Hennes & Mauritz, Lindex and KappAhl, are managing its CSR work now and how good their organisation is prepared to manage the CSR work in the future. The examination will focus on the factors that make the management of CSR successful or not, and to get an overview of if the conditions for current and future successful CSR is present at the companies. By doing a qualitative document analysis of the selected companies the conclusion is made that there is much work to be done at the three largest Swedish fashion chains to more effectively use CSR and the positive effects that a well developed CSR plan can bring to the companies. The conclusion is based on the lack of long-term remuneration incentives for the management that rewards a short-term decisions and the extensive use of collective commitments instead of exclusive CSR work.</p>

Commitment Issues : En kvantitativ studie om commitment i relationen mellan kund och bank

Andersson, Amanda, Brambeck, Maria, Edberg, Emelie January 2016 (has links)
Commitment Issues? – En kvantitativ studie om commitment i relationen mellan kund och bank  Frågeställning  Hur upplever kunden commitment i relationen till banken och Internetbanken? Hur kan banken agera för att påverka kundens commitment?  Syfte Studien syftar till att undersöka commitment i relationen mellan kund och bank för att dra slutsatser kring vikten av kundens commitment. Vidare är syftet att undersöka påverkansfaktorerna förtroende och misstro samt bankens och Internetbankens påverkan på commitment.  Metod För att undersöka kundernas upplevda commitment genomfördes en kvantitativ studie med hjälp av en Internetbaserad enkät som besvarades av 1 265 svensktalande respondenter.  Slutsats Kundens commitment är influerat av relationen till banken och hur bankens commitment upplevs. Banken har således möjlighet att stärka kundens commitment genom att visa engagemang och kommunicera på ett personligt sätt, för att tydliggöra att kundens behov och intresse är främsta prioritet. Förtroende är en viktig grundsten i relationen mellan bank och kund, vilket ligger till grund för commitment. Om en kund däremot känner misstro för banken är benägenheten att byta bank större. Commitment till Internetbanken är nära kopplat till kundens commitment till banken. Stärkt commitment till banken stärker commitment till Internetbanken och vice versa. / Commitment Issues? – A quantitative study about commitment in the relationship between the customer and the bank  Research questions What is the customer perception of commitment in the relationship with the bank and online bank? How should the bank act to influence customer commitment?  Purpose The study aims to explore the concept of commitment in the relationship between the customer and the bank. The paper also examines the influence of trust, distrust and online banking on customer commitment and gives direction for how Swedish banks should conduct their business in order to build commitment.  Method In order to explore customers perceived commitment, a quantitative study was carried out using an online survey which was conducted by 1 265 Swedish speaking respondents.  Conclusion The perceived commitment is influenced by the relationship with the bank. It is influenced by the manner of communication, personalization has proven effective to show customers that their needs and interests are prioritized. Customers generally have a higher level of commitment when they feel valued by the bank. Trust is the main pillar in the relationship between the bank and the customer, which is the foundation of commitment. Distrust on the other hand increases the likelihood that the customer will switch to an other bank branch. The commitment to financial services online is closely related to the commitment to the bank branch. A strong commitment to the bank creates a strong commitment to the online bank, and vice versa.

The Effects of the Conflict Settlement Process on the Expressed Degree of Organizational Commitment

Kauffman, Nancy (Nancy L.) 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to study the effect of the conflict settlement process on the degree of expressed organizational commitment of employees in a collective bargaining setting. The research was done in a basic industry in northern Alabama. The instrument included the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) developed by Mowday, Porter, and Steers. Demographic variables measured were education, age, and sex. Main effects variables were tenure; union membership; and self-described experience with and feeling toward grievance/arbitration as a category 1 grievant, category 2 grievant, witness, and supervisor. Data were analyzed with hierarchical multiple regression. No statistically significant results were found. Limitations included the economic climate of the region and the industrial relations climate of the company.

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