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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Combiner la thérapie cognitive et la thérapie d’acceptation et d’engagement pour traiter la dépression / Combining cognitive therapy with acceptance and commitment therapy for depression

Hallis, Leandra January 2017 (has links)
La thérapie cognitive (TC) et la thérapie d’acceptation et d’engagement (ACT) reposent sur de différents principes philosophiques. La TC cible le changement de la forme et de la fréquence des expériences mentales, tandis que le ACT se concentre sur la compréhension du contexte des pensées et des sentiments. L’intégration de ces deux approches thérapeutiques dans une seule thérapie psychologique pourrait s’avérer bénéfique vu que les clients se voient ainsi offerts une plus grande flexibilité et un plus vaste répertoire de stratégies thérapeutiques. Dans le cadre d'une thérapie combinée, les clients pourraient se voir proposer des lignes directrices qui expliquent quand les techniques orientées vers le changement (par exemple, la restructuration cognitive) seraient plus efficaces et quand les techniques d'acceptation (par exemple, la défusion) seraient à privilégier. Un traitement combiné pourrait également être avantageux pour les clients souffrant de dépression qui n'ont pas connu de soulagement de symptômes en utilisant une modalité thérapeutique traditionnelle, grâce à un plus vaste choix d'outils pour faire face à leurs défis. Cette thèse traitera de l'utilité de l'intégration de la thérapie cognitive (TC) et de la thérapie d'acceptation et d'engagement (ACT) pour le traitement de la dépression et/ou de la dysthymie dans un contexte de thérapie de groupe. Avec la contribution de deux articles, la justification de l'intégration sur des bases théoriques sera présentée, ainsi que les principaux résultats empiriques d'une étude portant directement sur la question. Le premier article est de nature théorique et décrit la justification pour l'intégration des deux approches thérapeutiques, qui reposent sur des bases philosophiques différentes, pour traiter la dépression et la dysthymie. De son côté, la thérapie cognitive traditionnelle vise à aider les clients à modifier leurs distorsions cognitives et à créer de nouvelles pensées adaptatives. Ce processus, à son tour, peut améliorer l'humeur. La thérapie d'acceptation et d'engagement (ACT), quant à elle, vise à aider les clients à développer des stratégies pour mieux accepter et pour se détacher de leurs pensées et émotions angoissantes plutôt que de les restructurer ou d'essayer d’aider le client à s’en débarrasser. Les clients sont encouragés à développer une connexion avec leurs valeurs personnelles et à s'engager à prendre des mesures concrètes pour avancer, malgré leurs états d'humeur difficiles. Il y a aussi d'autres différences importantes entre les deux approches, dont les suivantes: la TC a tendance à se concentrer sur la forme et la fréquence des pensées et des événements mentaux, tandis que le ACT a tendance à se concentrer sur le contexte des pensées, des sentiments et des sensations physiques (Twohig, 2009). En outre, la TC met l'accent sur la réduction des symptômes bouleversants. L’ACT, quant à elle, estime que la réduction des symptômes est moins importante que de vivre selon ses valeurs personnelles (Arch & Craske, 2008). Quoique la réduction des symptômes soit la bienvenue, elle est considérée comme un sous-produit du processus d’acceptation et d’engagement, plutôt que d’en être l’objectif premier. Je propose qu'il soit habilitant d’offrir aux clients des stratégies qui ont pour origine les deux approches thérapeutiques et de leur offrir la possibilité de sélectionner les outils qui conviennent le mieux à leurs réalités personnelles et à leurs personnalités. Le premier article théorique traitera de l'utilisation de directives particulières que j'ai compilées pour aider les clients à sélectionner les stratégies les mieux adaptées des deux approches contrastées. Certains chercheurs ont été source d'inspiration, et leurs théories sont présentées dans le premier article. Le deuxième article est de nature empirique et présente les résultats de mes recherches sur la faisabilité de la combinaison des thérapies cognitives et d’acceptation et d’engagement dans un échantillon communautaire de participants souffrant de dépression et/ou de dysthymie. Sur une période de deux ans, quatre groupes consécutifs ont été vus dans une clinique communautaire, dont 24 participants ont complété un traitement d’une durée de 15 semaines. Des données post-traitement et de suivi ont démontré que les participants étaient satisfaits à l'égard du traitement, et qu’ils ont connu des diminutions importantes de la gravité de la dépression et des augmentations significatives de leur qualité de vie sur les cinq périodes d’étude. Les résultats confirment qu’il est acceptable et faisable d'intégrer deux approches différentes (la TC et le ACT) pour traiter la dépression et/ou la dysthymie. / Abstract : Cognitive therapy (CT) and Acceptance and Commitment therapy (ACT) have been shown to be effective in treating depression. Though integrating ACT with CT is used for the treatment of anxiety, there is a paucity of integrated CT and ACT treatments for depression and/or dysthymia. The purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility of integrating CT and ACT into a manualized group therapy treatment for depression and/or dysthymia. Over a period of two years, four consecutive groups were held at a community clinic, with 24 completing the 15-week treatment. Post-treatment and follow-up data revealed satisfaction with the treatment, significant decreases in depression severity, and significant increases in quality of life over the five time points. The results support the acceptability and feasibility of a manualized integrated CT/ACT group therapy program for depression and dysthymia.

The relationship between organisational commitment, work engagement and turnover intentions

Robinson, Nicole Dianne January 2015 (has links)
“The question of employee turnover has come to gain greater attention especially in the 21st century where organisations all over the world, in various industries, have faced this problem at some stages of their evolution” (Zahra et al, 2013:78). Turnover intentions have further become a vital study for organisations and researchers as research has found that once an employee has actually implemented the behaviour to quit, it is highly unlikely that an employer will be able to “gain access to them to understand their prior situation” (Darroux, Johnathan & Thibeli, 2013:78). Several studies have been devoted to examine the impact of various factors such as organisational commitment, work engagement, age, gender and tenure on turnover intentions in an attempt to assist organisations in alleviating the challenges associated with turnover (Darroux, Johnathan & Thibeli, 2013). The results of these studies have continually shown that both work engagement and organisational commitment have a significant effect on turnover intentions (Yin & Yang, 2002; Meyer, Stanley, Herscovitch & Topolnytsky, 2002 and Tett & Meyer, 1993).

The relationship between employer branding and organisational commitment

Tryfonos, Angelique January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine whether a relationship exists between organisational commitment (OC) and employer branding (EB). The purpose was to Identifying whether employer branding effects organisational commitment (affective, normative and continuance commitment) and how significant that effect may be. Questionnaires were personally distributed by the researcher directly to employees under study. Non-probability sampling was used in the form of judgement sampling. The sample consisted of 124 employees from various retail outlets throughout Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape. Five hypotheses were set for evaluation. A practically significant relationship was established between organisational commitment (OC) and employer branding (EB). A small practically significant relationship was found between gender and normative commitment. A medium practically significant relationship was found between gender and training and development as well as between gender and work/life balance. Statistically significant relationships were discovered with regards to age and leadership and also between age and rewards and recognition. A statistically significant difference was established between age and overall employer branding (EB). These findings suggest that a more positive employer brand will lead to improved organisational commitment (OC). More so, retail organisations aiming to improve on organisational commitment should incorporate those employer branding (EB) factors which employees’ place greater emphasis on, within their employer brand, which in turn will lead to greater organisational commitment.

The impact of job satisfaction and organisational commitment on turnover intentions amongst high school teachers: a case of Fort Beaufort district in Eastern Cape

Magocoba, Noncedo January 2012 (has links)
This study focused on establishing the impact of job satisfaction (JS) and organisational commitment (OC) on turnover intentions of high school teachers in Fort Beaufort. Quantitative research methodology was used to gather data with the use of the short version of the Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire; the Organisational Commitment Questionnaire measuring three facets of commitment (affective, continuance, and normative); and Turnover Intention Questionnaire consisting of three items. Validity and reliability of each instrument was presented and explained. Data analysis was facilitated by the use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The results indicated that teachers’ level of satisfaction was high with many aspects of their job and it was low with some aspects with pay and the amount of work being the lowest. A negative relationship between job satisfaction and turnover was established, and organisational commitment was found to influence turnover intention.

The Ottawa Senators Twitter Activity and the Effect on Their Followers

Lee, Jennifer January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is written in the publishable paper format, which is comprised of two papers. The research took a case study approach analyzing the Twitter activity of the Ottawa Senators of the National Hockey League, and their followers’. The first paper, using content analysis, analyzed the Senators’ tweets and resulting follower activity level. Focus group research aimed to uncover what specific Senators’ Twitter activity influenced their followers online, and their creation and perceived inclusion in an online fan group. The second paper, through the questionnaire method, looked at the Senators’ Twitter and it’s the influence on their follower’s social identity formation and fan commitment levels. These two papers highlight the importance of sport organizations facilitating connections between their followers and most importantly, facilitating the creation of an online central fan group specific to their Twitter handle.

Förutsättningar för engagemang

Pettersson, Alexander, Öberg, Jakob January 2017 (has links)
Introduktion: Konkurrenssituationen på den globala marknaden har lett till ett ökat behov av högpresterande medarbetare. Rapporter visar på låga siffror värden över gällande graden av engagemangsgrad, vilket belyser behovet av åtgärder för att höja engagemangsnivån i hela organisationen för att öka dess prestationsförmåga. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att identifiera förutsättningar för engagemang i en organisation samt om graden av individuellt engagemang skiljer sig mellan yrkesgrupper i en organisation. Metod: En övergripande litteraturgenomgång av befintlig litteratur i ämnet genomfördes där förutsättningar identifierades i form av organisatoriska faktorer och individuella drivkrafter för engagemang, varpå en teoretisk referensram arbetades fram. Efter det genomfördes en fallstudie för att samla in empiri, detta utfördes på ett företag i Gävle som tillverkar lågfartshissar. Studien är både kvalitativ genom intervjuer men även kvantitativ med en enkät, vilket båda genomfördes på ett fallföretag. En analys genomfördes där empirin ställdes emot den teoretiska referensramen varpå slutsatser kunde dras. Resultat: Personalen på fallföretaget, som visade en hög grad av engagemang beskrev begreppet dels som en känsla av glädje och dels ett agerande genom ansvarstagande med ett driv i förändringar. Det visade sig att uppfattningen om vilka förutsättningar som driver engagemang skiljde sig mellan yrkesgrupper i företaget. Slutsats: Synen på vad som driver engagemang har signifikanta skillnader beroende på yrkesgrupp i en organisation. Alla de olika faktorerna och drivkrafterna visade sig ha inverkan på engagemang, det indikerar dock på att vissa faktorer och drivkrafter inte uppfattas som engagemangshöjande då de snarare upplevs som basbehov. Olika yrkesgrupper visar sig även ha inverkan på graden av engagemang.   Nyckelord: commitment, engagement, organi?ation / Introduction: The competitive environment on the global market has led to an increasing need of high-performing, committed and engaged employees. Reports show alarming numbers of low engagement rates in organizations worldwide which highlights the need of actions to enhance the overall engagement and commitment level, which in turn will increase the organizations overall performance. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify organizational prerequisites for engagement and commitment, and to examine if individual engagement and commitment can be explained by differences between professions within an organization. Method: A literature review was conducted where organizational factors and individual drivers were identified so consequently a theoretical framework was created. In addition a case-study was performed at a company in Gävle in which the result of the study was conducted. Fianlly the result was analyzed and conclusions were drawn. Findings: The employees of the case company showed that a high level of commitment and engagement at the company was a mix between a feeling of joy and happiness at the workplace and a behavior in which responsibility for the company’s wellbeing is important. It was clearly indicated that perception of prerequisites for engagement differs depending on profession within the company. Conclusion: The view from the employees on engagement and commitment is significantly differences depending on the profession within a company. All the factors and drivers for engagement depend on the profession of the employees within a company. Although it can be concluded that not all the identified factors and drivers for engagement raise the level of engagement due to the fact that some of them are seen as basic needs. Finally, it can be concluded that different professions have different levels of engagement.

Retention by the U.S. Air Force Medical Service Corps and Civilian Healthcare Executives: A Generational Study of the Relationship of Ethical Values to Organizational Commitment

Conwell, Richard Joseph 03 May 2009 (has links)
This study examines the aspect of retention of healthcare executives in both a military and civilian environment and the relationship of ethical values to commitment in these respective organizational entities. The military differs from the civilian sector in that they recruit, train, and mold most of their medical service corps officer leadership; whereby civilian healthcare organizations largely depend on personnel accessions that require only minimal orientation in a hospital or clinic after completion of their university or military training. Regardless of whether a healthcare professional initially is accessed through the military or civilian sectors, the aspect of retention is of critical importance in the threat environment found today. Indeed, when one factors in different generational groups, it is important also to review the relationship between ethical values or commitment to both the military or civilian organizational models. Collectively, the challenge is to staff healthcare entities with committed healthcare managerial professionals in their respective organizations in order to meet an unprecedented threat and associated healthcare challenge to U.S. military and civilian populations. At this critical time in the nation's history, the U.S. cannot afford to lose a battle of attrition in either the military or civilian healthcare administration sectors. The U.S. military currently finds itself in the throes of a retention crisis resulting from extensive change. The changes include downsizing and re-engineering, reduction of benefits and rewards, and the effect of economic factors. Retaining medical professionals is an ongoing challenge, both in the military and civilian healthcare arenas. This dissertation will add to the body of knowledge and seek whether there is a statistically significant relationship between military ethical values and organizational commitment in the U.S. Air Force/Air Reserve Forces medical service corps/executive management personnel. Furthermore, it examines healthcare executives among different generational classifications of civilian and military personnel (Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Post Generation X), to see if there is a statistically significant relationship between military ethical values and organizational commitment. All survey data was recorded in a Microsoft Excel database for organization, retrieval, and transfer to Microsoft Word and SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) database.

Entrepreneurial service vision in a franchised home entertainment environment

Maritz, Phoebus Alexander 30 July 2008 (has links)
Entrepreneurship is the creative and innovative process of creating incremental wealth. This wealth is created by individuals who possess an entrepreneurial orientation; assuming the major risks in terms of equity, time and commitment. The process may not be new or unique, but must be infused by the entrepreneur toward securing and allocating the required resources. Franchising is an entrepreneurial option which develops new ventures; whilst strategic service initiatives are entrepreneurial implementations facilitating sustainability, growth and wealth creation. This study identifies entrepreneurial orientation within a defined franchise system; with synergistic links to a strategic service vision. The research objectives are to investigate the current situation of entrepreneurial orientation in a franchise system, together with examining the contribution of a strategic service vision in relation to service quality. The purpose is to identify entrepreneurial behaviour amongst franchisees; franchising as an entrepreneurial option, and to identify relationships between elements of service quality, the service profit chain, relationship marketing and best practice. The outcome is the development of a conceptual matrix, to be initiated within the defined franchise system. Objectives are evaluated via research hypotheses, using empirical statistical techniques. Theoretically, the value the investigation provides is in the understanding that the home entertainment industry is worthy of developing a body of knowledge, to be shared by all industry participants. As a contribution to practice, the entrepreneurial service vision will enhance the sustainability of the industry, notwithstanding the opportunity to share the vision with related industries. This study, the first of its kind in the home entertainment industry and in the specific franchise system, will smooth the way for implementation of entrepreneurial franchise service initiatives in the organisation. On a national level, successful implementation will enhance industry participation and competition; together with entrepreneurial contributions towards the creation of wealth, economic growth and creation of employment in a dynamic, yet turbulent developing economy such as South Africa. Research methodology comprises the survey approach, using electronic media and Surveypro analysis. This is facilitated by descriptive and inferential statistical techniques using SPSS version 11.0 data analysis. Inferential significance tests include the ANOVA Kruskal-Wallis hypothesis test; based on the approximation of the chi-square distribution with k-1 degrees of freedom. Internal-consistency reliability is measured by the Cronbach’s coefficient alpha, measuring overall inter-item correlation between the identified constructs. Exploratory research, in the form of the literature review and previous empirical studies, are used as background and facilitating data. Hypothesis tests highlight the absence of statistically significant entrepreneurial orientation in the franchise system, despite a significant orientation in a multiple-outlet proposition analysis. Franchising is seen as a significant option for creating and developing ventures, and strategic service initiatives (service profit chain, relationship marketing and best practice) are all significantly positively associated with service quality. These constructs constitute the development of an entrepreneurial service vision in a franchise system. Recommendations include the implementation of an entrepreneurial service vision within the defined franchise system. Limitations, however, include limited availability of appropriate data on the home entertainment industry, together with that of entrepreneurial orientation in franchise systems. Recommendations for future research include crossindustry and multi-national studies of similar substance, together with follow-up research regarding the successful implementation of the entrepreneurial service vision matrix. / Thesis (DCom)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Business Management / unrestricted

The relationship between organisational commitment, organisational citizenship behaviour and turnover intentions at a retail organisation.

Petersen, Bernice January 2010 (has links)
Magister Commercii (Industrial Psychology) - MCom(IPS) / The South African employment industry is facing exhaustion as the demand for talented workers is higher than supply (Bakos, 2005) and it has become imperative that the employer no longer simply focus on the commitment of employees, but more so on the extra efforts that are exerted by these employees in order to ensure their sustainability (Netswera, Rankhumise & Mavundla, 2005). Extensive research has been conducted on organisational commitment because of its importance in predicting individuals' behaviour outcomes such as absenteeism and turnover (Popoola, 2005). Findings of studies conducted by Bolon (1997) and Maharaj (2006) indicate that there is a positive relationship between organisational commitment (OC) and organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB). Bolino and Turnley (2003) posit that it is important for organisations and managers to have a better understanding of the factors that make employees willing to go the extra mile in order to enhance organisational performance and sustain a competitive edge. The alms of the study are to investigate the relationship between organisational commitment, organisational citizenship behaviour and turnover intentions. Furthermore, it also investigated the relationship between biographical variables (namely, gender, age, tenure and race) and organisational commitment as well as that of organisational citizenship of human resource professionals A sample of 138 human resource professionals employed at a retail organisation completed a self-developed biographical questionnaire, the Organisational Commitment Questionnaire, the Citizenship Behaviour Questionnaire and the Turnover Intention Questionnaire. Results of the study indicate the existence of a significant relationship between organisational commitment and organisational citizenship and turnover intentions for human resource professionals. The statistical analysis suggests that organisational commitment has a significant relationship with organisational citizenship, whilst turnover intentions did not have a significant impact on organisational commitment. The biographical variables (namely, gender, age, tenure and race) appear to have a significant impact on organisational commitment, with gender having the strongest relationship with organisational commitment. The biographical variables (namely, gender, age, tenure and race) appear to have a significant impact on organisational citizenship behaviour, whilst race appeared to be unrelated to citizenship behaviour. Previous studies were reviewed to support the findings of the current study. Limitations of the study and recommendations for future research were put forth in addition to recommendations for the organisation.

Investigating commitment to the family of origin as a correlate of subjective wellbeing

Georgiou, Melina January 2013 (has links)
No abstract available. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

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