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Exploring the contributions of corporate social investment to the company’s corporate image and reputation: a case study of a petrochemical companyRalehoko, Katleho 09 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Public Relations Management, Faculty of Human Sciences), Vaal University of Technology / Corporate Social Investment (CSI) has turned out to be a significant subject in the businesses environment in the past twenty years and is perceived as an important element of the organisational image and corporate reputation. Corporate social investment communication provides stakeholders with information about the company‟s involvement, and about being accountable to the society. Companies use their communication about CSI initiatives to project a positive image of themselves to the stakeholders. The purpose of the study was to explore how the company‟s Corporate Social Investment activities contribute to the company‟s image and corporate reputation among the local community. The study also looked at the possible gaps between the image projected by the company through their communication about CSI activities and the communities‟ perceptions of these activities.
The researcher used a case study qualitative approach with multiple data sources. The company‟s online press releases were analysed with a view to determining the corporate image projected by the company. In the second stage three focus groups were conducted with community activists, university students, and unemployed community members in order to understand the different perceptions how CSI activities influence the community stakeholders perceptions on organisation‟s reputation.
The findings indicate that although there is a gap between the projected image communicated by a company and stakeholders‟ perceptions about company‟s reputation the community is generally familiar with CSI of the petrochemical company in question and that CSI activities contribute to the positive reputation of the company. Furthermore, the findings highlight the challenges of not including community stakeholders in decision making when creating CSI initiatives. Interestingly, the study reveals that organisations with CSI activities aligned to the national framework are considered socially responsible.
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The Receptiveness of the Amish Community to a Community School Designed Specifically for Amish Culture and NeedsNye, William, Jr 31 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Negotiating individual and collective narratives in a contested urban space. An investigation of storytelling dynamics in contemporary Bradford.Rohse, Melanie C.C. January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores the dynamics of narrative production and contestation within individuals’ stories and the collective stories of the communities in which they live. The research is focused on trying to understand the relationship between public stories constructed about place and community, and the stories told by the inhabitants of those places.
A case study in the city of Bradford provides a focus for inquiry. A qualitative research design is utilised, combining theory with primary data collection and analysis. A narrative analysis of national, academic and local stories about Bradford is used to disaggregate collective narratives of the city and explore the relationship between popular, political and academic discourses. It provides a context for the analysis of in-depth interviews with a range of inhabitants from a selected geographic area within Bradford, centred on how their individual stories relate to the identified collective stories of Bradford.
Analysis of the fieldwork data shows that individuals are often engaged in complex negotiations of public discourse in ways that may reinforce and contest existing stories, but also complement them with parallel stories that neither reinforce nor contest but construct a different narrative. It reveals and reflects on apparent contradictions within everyday storytelling, for example, how nostalgia can be displayed about harsh times of socio-economic decline, or how attitudes to change over time can be variably positive and negative depending both on the speakers’ positioning of themselves and of the interviewer, and the speakers’ purpose in the interaction.
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Peace agreement and conflict transformation: A study of the 1997 Chittagong Hill Tracts Accord of BangladeshIslam, Md. Touhidul January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines how, and the extent to which, the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) Accord of Bangladesh contributed to transform conflicting relations of the parties, and communities living in the CHT. This case study research has combined two methods: (i) key informant interviews and (ii) consultation of wider secondary literature, reports of accord signing parties, international organizations, NGOs and other stakeholders, newspaper articles, working papers etc. We have developed a process-oriented analytical framework through reviewing eight widely studied peace agreements and their following conflict transformation processes. This theme-based distinctive framework has guided us to conduct a comprehensive analyse of the CHT case.
We argue that the 1997 CHT Accord, developed as a part of an internal strategic conflict management and negotiation process, and stipulated for limited territorial power-sharing and localized proportional power-sharing of communities, to a considerable extent helped to transform parties’ conflicting relations, and the conflict itself, despite the Accord’s limited nature and partial implementation. The post-accord immediate implementation of some key provisions helped to build confidence of the parties and engaged them in decision-making process. This restrained them not to return to violence, although an incremental accord implementation process helped to address some complexities but created contradictions and dubious relations between them over some issues. The accord considerably contributed to improve socio-economic conditions of CHT people. Nevertheless, it shifted the dynamics of original conflict towards an intra-ethnic dimension, whereas the inter-community relations remained highly polarized due to inadequate attention paid by relevant stakeholders to bridge their gaps for peace. / Commonwealth Scholarship Commission
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Perspectives on policing domestic violence in Lepelle-Nkumpi Municipality : the case of Lebowakgomo, Magatle And Zebediela policing area.Nkwana, Mmabatho Portia. January 2015 (has links)
M. Tech. Policing / Since the advent of democratic dispensation in South Africa, domestic violence is one of the societal issues that have increasingly emerged as a local as well as global concern. This study focused on analysing the prevalence of, and responses to domestic violence in the Lebowakgomo, Magatle and Zebediela policing areas of Limpopo Province, with the aim of the aim of investigating and evaluating perceptions by the police and community members regarding the prevalence of the domestic violence, and how the police responds towards policing domestic violence at the Lebowakgomo, Magatle and Zebediela policing area.
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Police officers' experiences of policing domestic violence in the Western Cape ProvinceRetief, Rita Theresa 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Domestic violence is one of the most prevalent forms of violence that police officials
encounter on a daily basis. The effects of domestic violence are far-reaching and
long-lasting. Globally, the police function as “gatekeepers” in terms of domestic
violence victims’ access to the criminal justice system. Intervening in domestic
violence has become a controversial process, as domestic violence is a very
complex issue, which has been compounded by misunderstandings, stereotyping
and myths.
Since 1998, police officials in the South African Police Service (SAPS) are expected
to promote redress and prevent crimes against women and children through
multifaceted approaches, including the building of trust between police officials and
citizens. Research reports indicate that victims of domestic violence are hesitant to
approach SAPS for assistance, for various reasons. Police officers’ personal
experiences of policing domestic violence are however largely unexplored.
Consequently, the goal of this research was to gain insight into the experiences and
perceptions of frontline police officials, who have to provide maximum protection to
victims of domestic abuse in terms of the Domestic Violence Act 116 of 1998. To
achieve the goal and objectives of the study, a combination approach was followed,
in which the qualitative research approach dominated and the quantitative approach
was applied to a lesser degree. An exploratory study guided by a literature review
and a phenomenological approach was conducted at seven (7) police stations in the
Western Cape Province. Twenty-eight (28) frontline police officials’ subjective
experiences and perceptions of their policing of domestic violence were determined
through in-depth interviews based on a questionnaire.
Data were analysed by means of thematic analysis, and presented as narratives
focusing on four major themes relating to the phenomenon under investigation.
The conclusions drawn from the study indicated that the pervasive police culture,
lack of insight by some police officials, and their continuous adherence to an outdated concept of domestic violence contribute to the weakening implementation
of current domestic violence legislation, leaving police officials frustrated, hopeless
and powerless to effect real change. The overall finding of the study is that, in
practice, little has changed because of inconsistencies in the actions of the police
and society as a whole in rejecting and condemning the brutalisation and intimidation
of women and children. What is most unfortunate, however, is that SAPS has yet to
accord the same weight to domestic violence in practice as it does to other violent
crimes. In order for law enforcement to be effective, law reforms need to be
accompanied by fundamental changes in attitudes, values and behaviours on the
part of SAPS and all relevant role players, including the communities SAPS serves.
The study concludes with recommendations on how to improve police officials’ ability
to provide maximum protection to victims of domestic violence, as well as to provide
programme developers and policy makers in SAPS with information on which to
base policy decisions regarding training interventions and national instructions aimed
at the policing of domestic violence. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Huishoudelike geweld is een van die algemeenste vorme van geweld wat
polisiebeamptes daagliks teëkom. Die gevolge van huishoudelike geweld is
verreikend en langdurig. Wêreldwyd dien die polisie as “hekwagters” wat slagoffers
van huishoudelike geweld se toegang tot die strafregstelsel betref. Ingryping in
huishoudelike geweld is deesdae ’n omstrede proses, want huishoudelike geweld is
’n uiters komplekse saak wat deur misverstande, stereotipering en mites vererger
Sedert 1998 word daar van polisiebeamptes in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens
(SAPD) verwag om deur middel van meervlakkige benaderings, onder meer die
opbou van vertroue tussen polisiebeamptes en burgers, herstel te bevorder en
misdaad teen vroue en kinders te voorkom. Navorsingsverslae toon dat die
slagoffers van huishoudelike geweld om verskeie redes huiwerig is om die SAPD om
hulp te nader. Tog is navorsing oor polisiebeamptes se persoonlike ervarings van die
polisiëring van huishoudelike geweld baie skaars.
Hierdie navorsing was dus daarop toegespits om insig te bekom in die ervarings en
opvattings van frontlinie-polisiebeamptes, wat ingevolge die Wet op Huishoudelike
Geweld 116 van 1998 maksimum beskerming aan slagoffers van huishoudelike
geweld moet bied. Om die doel en oogmerke van die studie te bereik, is ’n
kombinasie benadering gevolg waarin die kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering
hoofsaaklik, en die kwantitatiewe benadering in ’n mindere mate, toegepas is. ’n
Ondersoekende studie is aan die hand van ’n literatuuroorsig en ’n fenomenologiese
benadering by sewe (7) polisiestasies in die provinsie Wes-Kaap onderneem. Agten-
twintig (28) frontlinie-polisiebeamptes se subjektiewe ervarings van, en opvattings
oor, hul polisiëring van huishoudelike geweld is deur middel van diepte-onderhoude
op grond van ’n vraelys bepaal.
Data is met behulp van tematiese analise ontleed en word aangebied as narratiewe
wat oor vier hooftemas met betrekking tot die studieonderwerp handel. Die gevolgtrekkings van die studie doen aan die hand dat die heersende
polisiekultuur, sommige polisiebeamptes se gebrek aan insig, en hul voortgesette
navolging van ’n verouderde konsep van huishoudelike geweld tot die al hoe
swakker toepassing van huidige wetgewing oor huishoudelike geweld lei. Dít laat
polisiebeamptes gefrustreerd, moedeloos en magteloos om werklike verandering
teweeg te bring. Die algehele bevinding van die studie is dat weinig in die praktyk
verander het weens teenstrydigheid in die optrede van die polisie en die samelewing
in die geheel om geweld en intimidasie teenoor vroue en kinders te verwerp en te
veroordeel. Straks méér betreurenswaardig is dat die SAPD nog nie in die praktyk
dieselfde gewig aan huishoudelike geweld as aan ander geweldsmisdade heg nie.
Wetstoepassing sal slegs doeltreffend wees indien regshervorming gepaardgaan
met grondliggende veranderinge in houdings, waardes en gedrag deur die SAPD en
alle tersaaklike rolspelers, met inbegrip van die gemeenskappe wat deur die SAPD
bedien word.
Die studie sluit af met aanbevelings oor hoe polisiebeamptes beter in staat gestel
kan word om maksimum beskerming aan die slagoffers van huishoudelike geweld te
bied, en oor die bemagtiging van programontwikkelaars en beleidskrywers in die
SAPD met inligting as grondslag vir beleidsbesluite oor opleidingsintervensies en
nasionale instruksies rakende die polisiëring van huishoudelike geweld.
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An evaluation of the impact of community participation and multi-organisational partnerships on the implementation of sector policing in the rural areas of the Limpopo ProvinceBaloyi, Nyiketani Jackson 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sector Policing is understood to be a relatively new community-based policing approach that finds its initial mandate in the National Instruction 3 of 2009, of the South African Police Service (SAPS). This said National Instruction states that community participation and partnership policing can be promoted through Sector Policing. The mandate for the implementation of the principle of Sector Policing also flows from section 205 (3) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa.
The significant part of this study is that it provoked an interest in Sector Policing, both within the SAPS and the community; and it attracted a large number of participants. The IAP2 Public Participation Model regarding community participation as discussed by Theron, Ceaser and Davids (2007:8), adapted from the International Association for Public Participation (2007) can play an important role in the implementation of Sector Policing. Sector Policing has been found to fail where there is no community participation or multi-organisational partnerships.
The study focused on the Limpopo Province in order to encourage the effective implementation of Sector Policing in rural areas. The study targeted twelve (12) stations out of ninety five (95) police stations found in all the five (5) districts of the Limpopo Province in order to cover a wider policing spectrum, and ensure a representative sample.
The study has found that Sector Policing could be better implemented if the project management approach can be adopted in order to carry out work in terms of timeframes, and ensure monitoring as demonstrated in Chapter 5 (Figure 5.2). The study recommended the introduction of implementation teams to oversee the implementation of Sector Policing at provincial, cluster and station levels. A quarterly multi-organisational forum has been proposed to ensure sustainable community participation. Community participation in policing is entrenched in sections 18 to 23 of the South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act 68 of 1995), the White Paper on Safety and Security (1998) and the National Crime Prevention Strategy (1996).
The most recent community participation model, especially category C (levels 7-9), which is positioned to empower the community as “the influencer, director, controller and owner” of both decision-making processes is also recommended as a vehicle for effective community participation in Sector Policing (Gwala Participation Model). Monitoring, evaluation and feedback have been identified as effective tools to ensure the effective implementation of Sector Policing, which is currently lacking. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sektorpolisiëring blyk ‘n relatief nuwe gemeenskapsgebaseerde polisiebenadering te wees wat sy aanvanklike mandaat in Nasionale Instruksie 3 van 2009 van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) vind. Die vermelde nasionale instruksie stel dit duidelik dat gemeenskapsdeelname en vennootskapspolisiëring deur Sektorpolisiëring bevorder kan word. Die mandaat vir die implementering van die beginsel van Sektorpolisiëring spruit ook uit onderafdeling 205 (3) van die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika (1996).
Die beduidende deel van hierdie studie is dat dit belangstelling in Sektorpolisiëring ontlok het, beide binne die SAPD en die gemeenskap, en dit het ook ‘n groot aantal deelnemers gelok. Die IAP2 openbare deelnamemodel met betrekking tot gemeenskapsdeelname, soos bespreek deur Theron, Ceaser en Davids (2007:8), wat van die Internasionale Vereniging rakende Openbare Deelname (2006) aangepas is, kan ‘n belangrike rol vertolk in die implementering van Sektorpolisiëring. Daar is bevind dat Sektorpolisiëring ‘n mislukking blyk te wees wanneer gemeenskapsdeelname of multi-organisatoriese vennootskappe afwesig is.
Die studie is gerig op die Limpopo Provinsie ten einde die doeltreffende implementering van Sektorpolisiëring in plattelandse gebiede aan te moedig. Die studie het gesentreer op twaalf (12) polisiestasies uit die vyf en negentig (95) wat in die vyf (5) distrikte van die Limpopo Provinsie bestaan ten einde ‘n breër polisiëringspektrum te dek en om ‘n verteenwoordigende monster te verseker. Die studie het bevind dat Sektorpolisiëring beter geïmplementeer sou kon word indien die projekbestuurbenadering toegepas word, so dat werk in terme van tydsraamwerke uitgevoer kan word, en monitering te kan verseker soos in Hoofstuk 5 (Figuur 5.2) gedemonstreer is. Die studie het die aanbeveling gedoen dat implementeringspanne ingestel word om toesig te hou oor die implementering van Sektorpolisiëring op provinsiale, groep- en stasievlak.
‘n Kwartaallikse multi-organisatoriese forum is voorgestel om volhoubare gemeenskapsdeelname te verseker. Gemeenskapsdeelname in polisiëring is verskans in onderafdelings 18 tot 23 van die Suid Afrikaanse Polisiedienswet, 1995 (Wet 68 van 1995), die Witskrif oor Veiligheid en Sekuriteit (1998) en die Nasionale Misdaadvoorkomingstrategie (1996).
Die mees onlangse gemeenskapsdeelnamemodel, veral kategorie C (vlakke 7-9 ) wat geposisioneer is om die gemeenskap te bemagtig as “die beinvloeder, direkteur, beheerder en eienaar” van besluitnemingsprosesse, word ook as ‘n middel vir doeltreffende deelname aan Sektorpolisiering aanbeveel (Gwala deelnamemodel). Monitering, evaluering en terugvoer is geidentifiseer as doeltreffende wyses om die effektiewe implementering van Sektorpolisiering te verseker, en dat dit juis die` is wat op die’ oomblik ontbreek.
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A Content Analysis on Police Killings of Unarmed Black Males: An Assessment on Experts' Quotes in National News SourcesUnknown Date (has links)
There is increasing concern in news media sources regarding police killings of
unarmed Black males. However, there is limited research on the portrayal of such
incidents in the news and the implications for police-community relations in African-
American communities. In order to address this gap, this study analyzed 120 experts’
quotes provided by two of the largest and most respected newspapers in the United States
-- the New York Times and USA Today. This research comprised a content analysis of
quotes related to the deaths of Eric Garner (Staten Island, New York), Michael Brown
(Ferguson, Missouri), and Freddie Gray (Baltimore City, Maryland). A number of factors
are discussed: The news organization’s predominate category and specialty of experts
selected; whether the experts’ quotes attributed to pro-police or community bias; if the
experts’ quotes discussed social or racial inequalities in the cities selected; whether the experts addressed evidence-based strategies necessary to improve police-community
relations in the Black community, and whether experts’ quotes discussed solutions to
improve police and community relations in the Black community. The findings suggest
that the selected national news sources, in the one year following the deaths of each of
the unarmed victims, highlighted quotes from state manager, particularly politicians, at a
much higher rate than intellectuals. Although revealing a substantial level of procommunity
bias, the quotes presented very little regarding evidence-based strategies for
improving police-community relations in the Black community and reducing the number
of unarmed deaths caused by police. The implications for research on media and crime as
well as policing strategies are discussed. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Les arts communautaires à Belfast de 1979 à 2006 : de la marge au consensus ? / The community arts sector in Belfast from 1979 to 2006 : from resistance to consensus?Hamayon-Alfaro, Hélène 28 November 2009 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche explore les raisons et les enjeux de l’essor des arts communautaires à Belfast de 1979 à 2006. Il a pour objectif de mettre en relief une interdépendance entre les stratégies déployées pour résoudre le conflit nord-irlandais et le développement des arts communautaires. Nous avons, dans un premier temps, analysé le contexte dans lequel les arts communautaires ont émergé à Belfast. Nous avons, ensuite, étudié en parallèle le développement des stratégies mises en œuvre tant sur le plan national qu’européen et l’essor des arts communautaires. Principalement présents dans les quartiers catholiques, les arts communautaires ont d’abord été l’expression d’une résistance aussi bien artistique que politique. Au cours des années 90, le regard que les milieux décisionnels portent sur les arts communautaires évolue, notamment sous l’impulsion de l’Europe dont les Programmes pour la Paix et la Réconciliation encouragent la participation des habitants à des projets variés. Identifiés comme moteur de changement, les arts communautaires apparaissent en mesure de répondre aux attentes gouvernementales et européennes en termes de construction de la paix, de cohésion sociale, de relations communautaires et de développement économique. Dans un contexte de sortie de conflit, la municipalité de Belfast, désireuse de transformer l’image de la ville et de s’ouvrir sur l’extérieur, place les arts et la culture au cœur d’une stratégie de reconversion urbaine. / This dissertation looks into the factors that have caused the Belfast community arts sector to grow over a period of time that was marked by major political changes. Indeed, in the 80s community arts, which developed primarily in Catholic working-class areas against a backdrop of communal violence and community activism, were marginalised, undervalued and underfunded. In the 90s, this situation gradually changed as the British government and Europe came to realise the contribution community arts could make to peace building, social cohesion, community relations and economic development by enhancing community confidence. The impact this shift in approach has had, has been particularly impressive in the field of arts and culture where cultural trends promoting greater participation and wider access to the arts have gained momentum. In practice, the gradual move from arts policy to cultural policy has meant that community arts have been placed! at the heart of Belfast’s regeneration process and increasingly used as a tool to further public policies.
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Les programmes de relations communautaires, community relations [CR], en Irlande du Nord de 1969 a 1998 : l’illusion d’une continuité ? / Community relations programmes in Northern Ireland from 1969 to 1998 : the illusion of continuity ?Etchart, Joana 30 January 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse aux politiques de relations communautaires, community relations [CR], conçues et mises en place par les autorités publiques dans le contexte du conflit nord-irlandais entre 1969 et 1998. Elle s’interroge sur la filiation entre les dispositifs de 1969 et 1987-1990 et sur la cohésion de ces programmes dans la période étudiée. Elle insère les politiques de CR dans une démarche globale de construction de la paix, peacebuilding, parfois adoptée par les autorités publiques dans le contexte du conflit nordirlandais. La thèse décrit les caractéristiques de cette démarche et les met en relation avec les développements ayant lieu au sein du secteur associatif nord-irlandais. Malgré une première impression de discontinuité dans les politiques de CR, ce travail doctoral met progressivement en exergue la permanence de schémas de pensée et d’action au sein des autorités publiques entre 1969 et 1998, desquels émergent les programmes de CR étudiés. / This study focuses on community relations policies followed by public bodies in Northern Ireland during the Troubles [1969-1998]. The author compares the first plan, which lasted from 1969 to 1974, with the second series of measures taken from 1987. She also examines policies set up during the intervening thirteen years [1974-1987] when the issue of CR remained dormant. This examination shows that the consistency of government policies in the field of community relations is questionable. Community relations programmes have been looked at alongside peacebuilding initiatives involving public bodies as well as community activists. Despite an initial assumption that there has been no continuity in community relations policies between 1969 and 1998, it appears from the research that, throughout the Troubles, such policies have emanated from modes of thinking and acting which are well established among decision makers.
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