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L'adverbe dérivé modifieur de l'adjectif : Étude comparée du français et du suédoisFohlin, Maria January 2008 (has links)
The present study addresses, in a comparative Swedish-French perspective, the derived adverb and its modification by a following adjective. From a translational point of view, the structure derived adverb + adjective is interesting, since its translation into French is reputed to generate problems. In this study, a linguistic approach is adopted to these translation problems. For the investigation, a corpus of 510 Swedish tokens representing the structure derived adverb + adjective, and their respective translations into French, was compiled. The tokens originate from 22 contemporary Swedish novels. The number of translators represented in the corpus amount to 14. The tokens were classified into two major groups: intensifying adverb + adjective and qualitative adverb + adjective. The former group was further divided into subcategories according to the semantic nature of the adjective from which the adverb is derived. The main objectives of the study are (1) to investigate the solutions adopted by the translators when rendering the construction derived adverb + adjective in French, (2) to analyse the factors − those inherent to the language and those situated on the contextual level − involved in the cases where the original structure is not maintained in the French translations, (3) to show that the solutions adopted by the translators differ according to which semantic category the adverb belongs to − the intensifying group or the qualitative group. Furthermore, the difficulties of making a clear division between intensifying adverbs and qualitative adverbs placed before the adjective are discussed at some length. The results show that when the adverbial element is intensifying, the same structure is more often maintained in the French translations than in those cases where the adjective is modified by a qualitative adverb. The study also demonstrates the great variety of factors involved in the cases where the structure derived adverb + adjective is not maintained in the French translations. These cases may be due to the fact that the equivalent of the Swedish phrase in question would form a non-established unit in French, to the lack of an equivalent adverb in French, to the tendency of the French language to favour nominal constructions, or to individual preferences of the translator.
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An evaluation of the parametric amendments of legislation relating to the distribution of retirement benefits upon divorceWiid, Yvette January 2011 (has links)
<p>This thesis will examine the effects of divorce on the benefit payable to a member of a retirement fund, where divorce has occurred before the member has reached retirement age. In  / particular, parametric (that is, piecemeal) amendments to the relevant legislation will be analysed in order to outline the development of the legislation relating to divorce and the consequent distribution of  / assets (including retirement savings). The previous and current legal position in South Africa relating to divorce and retirement savings will be set out and critically analysed to determine whether the current position can be regarded as an improvement upon the previous legal position, or whether other and/or new problems in this area have been created. Parametric amendments to  / relevant legislation have thus far been the subject of many cases in our courts and adjudicative tribunals. A systemic overhaul of a particular area of law is a useful tool in providing legal certainty  / and clarifying the laws applicable to that area. This thesis will therefore argue in favour of a systemic overhaul of the legislation applicable to the allocation of retirement benefits at divorce, as opposed to the ineffectual parametric (i.e. piecemeal) amendments that have been implemented thus far. An essential aspect of this study is a comparative study of South African legal principles  / relating to retirement benefits and divorce with the legal principles of this subject in the United Kingdom (UK).</p>
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Procedural validity of standardized symptom questions for the assessment of psychotic symptomsSpengler, Peter A., Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 29 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The study examines to what degree well-documented present and life-time psychotic symptoms in a group of former psychiatric inpatients are ascertained when using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS). The Inpatient Multidimensional Psychiatric Scale (IMPS) and the Manual for the Assessment and Documentation of Psychopathology/Diagnostische Sichtlochkartei (AMDP/DiaSika) Interview-Checklist approach were used for the “clinical” evaluations of symptoms. The results indicate fair concordance between the two clinical approaches and the DIS with regard to the presence of any delusional or hallucination symptoms. Low to poor agreement was found in the assessment of many of the rather specific hallucinations and delusions. Generally, the concordance found was higher when compared to the more clinical AMDP/DiaSiKa approach than to the IMPS. More detailed comparisons with diagnostic subgroups of schizophrenic and schizoaffective patients substantiated the findings in the overall sample. Overall it was reconfirmed that the DIS approach is limited to those patients who are cooperative and at least partly remitted.
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Improving Chinese Expenditure Incentive Programs for Venture Capital Investment: A Comparative Study of Government Expenditure Supporting Policies of Venture Capital Investment in the United States, Canada and ChinaHu, Yihua 01 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis will discuss the role of government in venture capital market and illustrate the national difference of that through a comparative study of government expenditure supporting policies of venture capital investment in the USA, Canada and China. Firstly, the prototype programs designed by Small Business Administration (SBA) of the United States and Canadian policies by the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) will be discussed. Secondly, the current Chinese government expenditure supporting policies will then be studied in the context of the Chinese venture capital market’s unique political, economical and legislative background. Ultimately, potential improvements in the future expenditure incentive programs in China will be explored.
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Improving Chinese Expenditure Incentive Programs for Venture Capital Investment: A Comparative Study of Government Expenditure Supporting Policies of Venture Capital Investment in the United States, Canada and ChinaHu, Yihua 01 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis will discuss the role of government in venture capital market and illustrate the national difference of that through a comparative study of government expenditure supporting policies of venture capital investment in the USA, Canada and China. Firstly, the prototype programs designed by Small Business Administration (SBA) of the United States and Canadian policies by the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) will be discussed. Secondly, the current Chinese government expenditure supporting policies will then be studied in the context of the Chinese venture capital market’s unique political, economical and legislative background. Ultimately, potential improvements in the future expenditure incentive programs in China will be explored.
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平衡計分卡長期實施困難及績效之比較研究-以兩公司個案為例 / Long-term Implementation Difficulties and Performance Research for Balanced Scorecard - A Comparative Study of Two Firms陳志冠, Chen, Chih Kuan Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本文即就平衡計分卡做為最主要的研究對象,透過過去在台灣成功導入平衡計分卡的兩個個案,K公司及L公司,徹底了解在實施平衡計分卡時,在不同產業下可能遭遇的困難,及兩公司如何解決這樣的困難。並探究平衡計分卡在這兩家公司績效成長的背後所扮演的角色及產生實務差異的因素,以作長期性的績效分析與比較,最後,利用這兩家公司長期的發展經驗,提供其他中小企業在實施平衡計分卡時之指引。 / In 1992, Balanced Scorecard was first introduced by two professors of management, Kaplan and Norton. Their research mentioned in the past that business performance was always measured in terms of financial results only. As technology advanced, this metrics became less and less useful. Balanced Scorecard is a better measurement tool for measuring financial and non-financial outcomes. In the 21st century due to the rapid growth of information technology many companies, such as Google, Yahoo!, Facebook, have already replaced traditional manufacturing industries and have become the biggest players in business. On the other hand, biological technology industry has recently become another major player in the marketplace. Therefore, after twenty years of development, Balanced Scorecard has become a key tool of corporate management. Because Balanced Scorecard is a long-term operating model rather than short-term operational strategy, implementing Balanced Scorecard is not only useful for improving short-term financial performance but also long-term non-financial performance as well. Hence, how to evaluate the non-financial performance and overcome the difficulties in implementing the balanced scorecard have become issues.
So, the thesis will evaluate two companies that used Balanced Scorecard in order to understand the difficulties that could be encountered by different industries as they use Balanced Scorecard, and to discuss how they overcome those difficulties. Then the thesis will analyze and compare their long-term performances thoroughly analyzing the factors that lead to differences in practice and performance improvement while implementing Balanced Scorecard. Finally, using the experiences of the companies, we should offer a simple guideline for medium and small businesses for implementing Balanced Scorecard.
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Distinction without Separation: Challenging Contemporary Yoga-Christian Praxis Dialogue Through a Comparison of Striving and Personal Transformation in the Yoga-Sūtra and the Life of MosesHodgman, Scott William 03 May 2007 (has links)
In contemporary society, distinct traditions are bleeding into one another, blurring traditional lines of inquiry and historically significant boundaries. This phenomenon frames this project and creates the context for the Yoga-Christian praxis dialogue this study constructively critiques. Unfortunately, this dialogue exhibits an Eliadean concern for essentialism and universality. I challenge this trend by juxtaposing two distinct texts, Patañjali‘s Yoga-Sūtra and Gregory of Nyssa’s Life of Moses. These texts point to the similar idea that without striving and personal transformation neither the yogic practitioner nor practicing Christian logically subsists. More importantly, however, from this point of correspondence I constructively critique the Yoga-Christian praxis dialogue by concretely engaging these texts and paying particular attention to the differences inherent in them. My comparison, then, suggests how attention to particularity points to a more authentic dialogue: what I wish to call a dialogue of distinction without separation.
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Le développement de la conscience environnementale et l’émergence de l’écologie politique dans l’espace public en France et en Allemagne, 1960-1990 / Die Entwicklung des Umweltbewusstseins und die Entstehung der Ökologie als Feld politischen Handelns in der deutschen und französischen Öffentlichkeit, 1960-1990Caro, Céline 03 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ecology is a critical current of thought towards industrialized societies, which spreads throughout the Western countries in the second half of the 20th century. As a social movement, Ecologists try to set the rules of a society more respectful of the environment and the living conditions ; as a political movement, they offer a new model for society. Between 1960 and 1990, France and Germany present similarities regarding a growing sensitivity towards the environmental issues in their populations and the progressive accession of ecology to the political stage. A more detailed analysis nevertheless reveals historical, economical, social, political and institutional as well as cultural and mental characteristics peculiar to each country underlining important differences in these fields and explaining the clichés about a romantic Germany concerned with the need to preserve the biosphere and a Cartesian France ignoring the environment. / L’écologie est un courant de pensée critique à l’encontre des sociétés industrialisées qui se développe dans la seconde moitié du XXème siècle en Occident. En tant que mouvement social, les écologistes cherchent à définir les règles d’une société plus respectueuse de l’environnement et du cadre de vie ; en tant que courant politique, leurs réflexions ont pour but de proposer un autre modèle de société. Entre 1960 et 1990, la France et l’Allemagne présentent des similitudes en matière de prise de conscience environnementale au sein de la population et au niveau de l’arrivée de l’écologie sur la scène politique. Une analyse comparative plus précise dévoile toutefois des caractéristiques historiques, économiques, sociales, politiques et institutionnelles ainsi que culturelles et mentales propres à chaque pays qui permettent de souligner des divergences importantes dans ces domaines et d’expliquer les clichés se rapportant à une Allemagne romantique, sensible à la protection de la biosphère, et une France cartésienne, négligente sur le plan environnemental.
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Obesity and blood pressure among elementary school children in Anadarko OklahomaFrick, Lisa Marie, January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis--University of Oklahoma. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 75-79).
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Rörfonation eller traditionell svensk röstbehandling? : En jämförande studie mellan två olika metoder för röstbehandling / Tube Phonation or Traditional Swedish Voice Therapy? : A Comparative Study of two Voice Therapy MethodsFranzén, Jerker, Wijkmark, Hannes January 2013 (has links)
Rörfonation och traditionell svensk röstbehandling är två av de vanligaste behandlingsalternativen inom svensk röstlogopedi idag. Som forskare är det viktigt att kontinuerligt utvärdera de behandlingar som erbjuds för att göra vården mer kvalitativ och kostnadseffektiv. Finns det skillnader i behandlingseffekt mellan dessa två röstbehandlingar? Är skillnaderna så tydliga att det går att fastslå att den ena behandlingen är att föredra framför den andra? Med analyser av ett patientmaterial, före och efter behandling, i form av akustisk analys, perceptuella bedömningar av en grupp erfarna logopeder samt patienternas självskattningar syftar föreliggande uppsats till att besvara vad behandlingsformerna har för effekt inom dessa områden. Patientmaterialet bestod av totalt 28 patienter varav 23 fullföljde behandling. Tolv av dessa erhöll behandling med rörfonation medan resterande elva patienter erhöll traditionell svensk röstbehandling.. Utöver röstinspelningar bestod materialet av patienternas självskattningar, i form av RHI- och Swe-VAPP-formulär. Gällande behandlingseffekt på akustiska parametrar kunde inga slutsatser dras. De perceptuella parametrarna afoni, hyperfunktion och knarr förbättrades sett till hela urvalet, oavsett typ av röstbehandling. Tydliga förbättringar sågs i patienternas självskattningar efter båda behandlingsmetoderna. Röstbehandling ger således positiva resultat, men några skillnader i behandlingseffekt mellan de två olika metoderna för röstbehandling kunde inte påvisas. / Tube phonation and traditional Swedish voice therapy are two of the most common voice therapy options in Sweden today. As a researcher, it is important to continually evaluate available therapy options to make health care more qualitative and cost effective. Are there differences in treatment effect between these two voice treatments? If so, are the differences so obvious that it is possible to conclude that one treatment should be preferred over the other? Analyses of a patient material, before and after treatment, which included acoustic analysis, perceptual analysis by a group of experienced speech-language therapists and patients' selfassessments were made aiming to answer what effect the two treatment options have in these areas. The patient material consisted of 28 patients, of whom 23 completed the therapy. Twelve of them received treatment with tube phonation while the remaining eleven patients received traditional Swedish voice therapy. Besides audio recordings, the material consisted of patients' self-assessments pre- and post-therapy, including VHI and Swe-VAPP forms. The treatment effect on acoustic parameters was inconclusive. The perceptual parameters aphonia, hyper function, and creaking improved over the entire sample, regardless of the type of voice therapy. Clear improvements were seen in the patients' self-assessments after both therapy methods. Voice therapy thus gives positive results, but no differences in treatment effect between the two different methods of voice therapy were seen.
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