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Present and future restaurant management competencies: an industry perspectiveVega, Daniel January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Hospitality Management / Kevin Roberts / Restaurant managers are responsible for the daily operation, coordination of staff, and profitability in the one million plus restaurants in the United States. However, the restaurant industry has a high management turnover rate and the identification of any process that may help restaurant owners identify, hire, and retain qualified managers is vital to the success of any operation, and the industry as a whole.
Clearly identifying competencies that are needed for a manager to be successful might help in lowering the turnover rate and ensure that operations are successful. Not only will the identification of competencies benefit operators, it will also provide information for faculty in hospitality programs to build and adapt curriculum to meet the demands of industry. Few studies have focused on restaurant manager competencies and most are over 20 years old, and no studies have explored future competencies. Thus, the purpose of this study is to determine present and future restaurant management competencies. Specific questions include:
1. Which competencies are necessary for entry-level restaurant managers?
2. How will entry-level management competencies change in the next 10 years?
3. What is the magnitude of change between current and future restaurant manager competencies?
The sample for this study included 123 restaurant managers in the United States, and yielded a 21.9% response rate. Most of the highest ranked competencies are soft skills. Managers ranked leadership skills as the most important competency, while education was ranked lowest. Interestingly, when exploring individual competencies, results of present compared to future competencies showed a slight decrease in mean score. Paired Samples T-tests were used to explore differences between present and future competencies and between the different domains. Few significant differences were found, though education was the only competency with a significantly higher future mean. Managerial implications, limitations, and directions for future studies are discussed.
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Kongruence manažerských kompetencí učitele, ředitele školy a podnikového manažera / Congruence of managerial competencies of teacher, headmaster and business managerŠimoňák, Marek January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the managerial competencies of school teachers and headmasters. It also focuses on finding the common features of such competencies as are shared by the two aforementioned professions and company managers. Its main aim is to find out whether a successful teacher would be equally successful in the position of a headmaster, or whether a company manager can be a successful headmaster without having worked as a teacher. The theoretical part deals with the definition of "management" and managerial functions, the definition of school management, and "classroom management". The personalities of a manager, their qualities, knowledge, skills, the term "leadership" as well as "competencies" are also clarified here. At the end of this part there is an analysis of managerial competencies in the position of a company manager, headmaster, and teacher as well. The practical part analyses the subjective perception of the job duties, required qualities, skills and competencies in teachers, headmasters and managers. The thesis contains a comparative research. Dialogue was used to map such activities as form the daily job duties of the two professions and such competencies as help the respondents to be successful at work. The generalised answers can be found in the tables. They are compared...
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A Comparison of Microlab Discussions of Interpersonal Competencies and Corrective Feedback on Counselor Trainees' Defensiveness LevelsDean, Christian 21 May 2005 (has links)
This study explored the comparison of microlab discussions of interpersonal competencies and corrective feedback on counselor trainees' defensiveness levels. Additionally, the effects of microlab discussions of interpersonal competencies or corrective feedback on counselor trainees' beliefs about their ability to communicate more clearly, receive corrective feedback with less difficulty, and act on corrective feedback receive more easily were explored. Participants in this study (N = 72) were counselor trainees enrolled in three different universities within the New Orleans metropolitan area. Participants completed the Tennessee Self-Concept Scale: Second Edition (TSCS: 2; Fitts & Warren, 1996) at least three weeks before taking part in a microlab discussion of interpersonal competencies or corrective feedback or not taking part in any discussion. Upon completion of the microlab discussion, participants in the treatment conditions completed the TSCS: 2 for the second time. Participants in the control condition simply met and completed the second administration of the TSCS: 2. Analyses of covariance were conducted on the posttest scores using the pretest as a covariate. Also, interaction effects were explored between demographic characteristics and treatment condition on posttest scores as well as responses to a group evaluation. Results did not support any of the hypotheses associated with participants who engaged in microlab discussion would have a lower defensiveness score as compared to a control group. Promising findings resulted from reactions to both microlabs by participants regarding their beliefs about their abilities to communicate more clearly, receive corrective feedback with less difficulty, and act on corrective feedback received more easily in the future. Also, a pattern associated with the number of courses completed was indicated due to a significant correlation with change in defensiveness course and interaction effects with treatment condition on responses to question 1 and 3 of the group evaluation. Counselor education programs, counselors who work with groups, and counselor trainees may benefit from exploring the possible benefits associated with microlab discussions as a form of pregroup training. Future research may provide more insight into the development of an instrument to more effectively measure defensiveness within the context of receiving corrective feedback. Also, the development of multi-session pregroup training may prove to be more effective in reducing defensiveness levels.
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Educators’ perceptions of operational competencies required in public schoolsChalmers, Janet 07 1900 (has links)
An educator is more than a person who just transmits knowledge. An educator plays many different roles in the lives of learners, colleagues and their immediate community. Educators have the opportunity to influence the community, develop learners holistically, create lifelong learners and reflective thinkers. For an educator to demonstrate such competence across a range of teaching roles and contexts, a vast range of operational competencies are required.
The purpose of this study was to examine secondary school educators‟ perceptions of the operational competencies required to function in public schools. The literature study explored the roles of the educator and the operational competencies needed to function in a secondary school. A quantitative survey in the form of a questionnaire was used in the study to analyse the level of agreement that educators attached to certain operational competencies. The level of agreement indicated by the educators is likely to indicate the level of importance that they attach to the operational competency. A probability sampling technique in the form of simple random sampling was used in this study. Random samples were drawn from educators in secondary public schools in the Fezile Dabi and Sedibeng districts. A sample size of 280 educators was used. Of the 280 questionnaires that were administered, 49 were not returned and 20 were incomplete, resulting in 211 usable questionnaires.
The results of the survey indicated that the competency factors that educators perceived to be of importance were: communication and behaviour management, interpersonal relationships, planning and assessment, leadership skills and perseverance and organisational commitment. The level of correlation of these identified factors with teaching satisfaction was also assessed- indicating that interpersonal relationships had the highest correlation with teaching satisfaction and factors like planning and assessment, organisational commitment and communication and behaviour management had a moderate influence on teaching satisfaction.
Leadership skills and perseverance do not have a great influence on teaching satisfaction.
The value of the research is that it makes a useful contribution for planners in the Department of Education of South Africa by making them aware of the operational competencies required by educators in public schools. The results of the research could be used to develop the operational competencies that are not perceived by educators to be of importance and to enhance the teaching satisfaction of educators.
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Competências do contador: um estudo empírico / Accountants\' competencies: an empirical study in BrazilCardoso, Ricardo Lopes 28 August 2006 (has links)
A identificação das competências do contador pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento da profissão. O objetivo principal desse estudo é verificar a existência de uma estrutura de interdependência subjacente às competências do contador, explicando-as melhor. A fundamentação teórica sobre competências está relacionada ao estudo McClelland (1973,1998), Boyatzis (1982) e Spencer e Spencer (1993). No campo profissional as referências são Hardern (1995) e Sakagami, Yoshimi e Okano (1999). Os estudos relacionados as competências do contador não estão baseados em fundamentos da psicologia ou estruturas genéricas de competências, o que é o objetivo desse trabalho. Está pesquisa está baseada no estudo de 18 competências coletadas em 24 artigos sobre as habilidades do contador que foram submetidos a 159 contadores no Brasil. O instrumento de coleta dos dados apresentou um alfa de cronbach de 0,834. A partir da análise fatorial foram formados 4 fatores: competências específicas, competências de conduta e administração, competências de gerenciamento da informação e competências de comunicação. A validação dos dados de pesquisas seguiu os passos descritos por Cone e Foster (1997). O resultado apresentou uma estrutura genérica de competências. As principais limitações desse estudo estão relacionadas as características da amostra e a falta da validação com uso de estudos comparativos e longitudinais. Os pontos para futuras pesquisas são destacar a validação dos resultados em outras amostras de contadores e a aplicação da estrutura genérica em outras corporações. / Identifying accountants\' competencies and skills may contribute for professional growth and development. The major purpose of the present study is to evaluate the possibility of utilizing, defining and creating a construct to explain the relationship between the competencies identified in field research and a possible underlying competencies and skills structure: the generic competencies and skills model for that specific professional. Theoretical background for competencies is based on McClelland (1973, 1998), Boyatzis (1982) and Spencer & Spencer (1993). Professionally, references are Hardern (1995) and Sakagami, Yoshimi and Okano (1999). Studies that focus accountants have not identified psychology models or the search for a generic model, as this study proposes to do. The present research was carried out based on the study of 18 competencies collected from 24 articles on accountants\' behavioral studies, which were then submitted to the assessment of 159 certified public accountants in Brazil. Data collecting tool showed a 0.834 Cronbach\'s alpha. Construct formation took place through factorial analysis that resulted in 4 factors: specific competency, behavioral and administrative competencies, communication and the ability to manage information. Research validation followed the steps as in Cone & Foster (1997). Research result was a generic model to explain competencies. Study limitations are associated to sampling itself, and to the lack of validation through longitudinal studies. Future research will be able to count on model validation from other samples as well as the application of the model in corporations.
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O processo de internacionalização de uma multinacional brasileira / The internationalization process of a Brazilian multinationalUrban, Tatiana Proença 18 October 2006 (has links)
O crescimento mundial e na taxa de investimento direto no exterior no ano de 2004 foram impulsionados pelas economias emergentes. Até 2050, o grupo de países BRIC (Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China) poderá superar o atual G6. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo contribuir para o avanço do conhecimento sobre internacionalização de empresas do Brasil com foco na criação de subsidiárias de produção no exterior. A partir de um estudo de caso, procura-se descrever o processo de internacionalização de uma multinacional brasileira, identificar o valor explicativo do modelo clássico de internacionalização, bem como promover a discussão sobre competências da organização e cultura relacionadas com esse processo. Ainda há poucas pesquisas sobre criação de subsidiárias de produção por empresas brasileiras e suas competências, por isso, este trabalho é exploratório e se destina a gerar subsídios para estudos subseqüentes. / The growth in the world economy and foreign direct investment in 2004 resulted from the growth in emerging economies. By 2050 the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) may surpass the current G6. In this context, this study has been developed to support the progress of the knowledge available on internationalization of Brazilian enterprises with focus on the establishment of production subsidiaries abroad. By developing a case study, the process of internationalization of a Brazilian multinational firm with subsidiary in a foreign country has been described, as well as driven a debate on organizational competencies and culture in this process. Research on the process of creating plants abroad by Brazilian enterprises and their competencies are still very limited so this is a exploratory study that provides materials for future studies.
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Instrumento para avaliar as competências no trabalho de tutoria na modalidade EAD / Instrument to assess competence in the work of tutoring in distance educationSpressola, Nilvânia Aparecida 03 December 2010 (has links)
Com a evolução da tecnologia a modalidade de Educação a Distância ganhou forças e provocou a necessidade de que o professor que trabalhe com esta modalidade, tenha competências diversificadas para atender diferentes estratégias. Este estudo tem como principal objetivo desenvolver um instrumento flexível, valido e confiável para avaliar as competências do tutor em Educação a Distância. Alguns autores propuseram modelos e instrumentos para avaliação das competências, porém ligado a uma só instituição ou focado em um só contexto. Em etapas, esta pesquisa se propõe a realizar uma revisão bibliográfica e investigar as competências citadas na literatura relacionadas à função docente de Tutoria e por meio de especialistas em EAD, elencarem as competências essenciais para sua realização e dividir em dimensões. A coleta de dados foi realizada nos cursos de Bacharelado em Administração e Logística e Licenciaturas de Computação, Geografia, História, Letras dos pólos de Batatais e Gestão em Tecnologia da Informação, Licenciatura em Geografia e Ciências Contábeis do Centro Universitário Claretiano de Batatais. O método \"Alfa de Cronbach\" foi indicado para análise da fidelidade das informações adquiridas. A análise dos dados mostrou que o instrumento pode ser flexível e evidencia informações precisas para apoiar a gestão do conhecimento no que se refere a formação e treinamento de tutores. / With technological developments and new demands from the information society, distance education has been increasing and intensifying the need for professors to work with this type of education and acquire diversified skills to work in this new scenario. This research has as main objective is to develop a flexible, reliable and valid instrument for evaluating the skills of the Tutor in Distance Education. There are a number of models and instruments for assessing these skills, but always focused on only a single institution or context. ln its different stages, this research will conduct a review of the literature of distance education experts about the skills needed to function in different dimensions of the Tutor. Data collection will take place in distance education courses in Graduate of Business Administration and Accounting, Logistics Management and Information Technology, Computer Science, Geography, History and Language offered by the Centro Universitário Claretiano de Batatais. Data analysis showed that the instrument can be flexible and accurate evidence to support the management of knowledge regarding the fonnation and training of tutors.
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Le transfert inter-organisationnel de compétences entre joint-venture euro-algériennes et entreprises mères européennes / Inter-organizational transfer of skills between Euro-Algerian joint ventures and European parent companies.Rouane, Rafik 16 May 2014 (has links)
La recherche menée dans le cadre de cette thèse aborde la thématique des transferts de compétences. Plus précisément, notre recherche vise à étudier les transferts de compétences dans le cadre de relations inter-organisationnelles spécifiques, celles qu’entretiennent les joint-ventures euro-algériennes avec leurs entreprises mères européennes.La phase empirique de cette recherche a été menée dans un cadre international, en Algérie.Les résultats que nous avons présenté ont été obtenus à différents niveaux : construits théoriques à partir de la revue de littérature, modification ou validation des construits théoriques et élaboration de nouveaux construits sur la base des résultats empiriques de l’étude qualitative. Afin de mener l’ensemble des analyses à chacun de ces niveaux, nous avons structuré l’étude des transferts de compétences suivant plusieurs dimensions : les compétences en tant qu’objet du transfert, les outils du transfert de compétences, l’organisation de la méthode de transfert, les difficultés du transfert et l’efficacité du transfert.L’apport théorique de la thèse est représenté à travers la synthèse des différents concepts mobilisés, mais également via l’identification d’une typologie des différentes méthodes de transfert, l’analyse et la classification des outils de transfert et la détermination des principaux éléments exerçant une influence sur le processus de transfert. Parallèlement, nos contribution managériales se situent, non seulement au niveau des partenaires, mais également au niveau du gouvernement local (ici : le gouvernement algérien) qui a besoin d’informations fiables lui permettant de mieux réglementer sa politique d’investissement. Mieux connaitre les difficultés du transfert de compétences, ses avantages stratégiques, les méthodes et les outils qui les accompagnent peut conduire à avoir recours à ce mode de management. Cela permet également de mieux organiser le transfert de sorte à tirer le meilleur parti de son potentiel stratégique. / The research conducted as part of this thesis addresses the topic of competencies transfer. More specifically, our research aims to study the transfer of competencies through specific inter-organizational relationships, those between Euro-Algerian joint ventures and their European parent companies. The empirical phase of this research was conducted in an international context, Algeria.The results we presented were obtained at different levels : theoretical constructed from the literature review, modification or validation of theoretical constructs and development of new constructed on the basis of the empirical results of the qualitative study. In order to carry out all the analyzes on each level, we have structured the study of transfer of competencies along several dimensions: competencies as an object of transfer, tools competencies transfer, organization of the transfer method, the difficulties of transfer and transfer efficiency.The theoretical contribution of the thesis is illustrated through the synthesis of different concepts used, but also by identifying a typology of different transfer methods, analysis and classification tools transfer and identifying the main elements influencing the transfer process.Meanwhile, our managerial contributions are not only at the partner, but also the local government level (here: the Algerian government) who need reliable information enabling it to better regulate its investment policy. Better understand the difficulties of transferring competencies, strategic advantages, methods and tools that accompany them can lead to resort to this method of management. It also helps to organize the transfer so as to maximize its strategic potential.
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A comunicação enquanto competência essencial : um olhar para o protagonismo comunicacional nas organizações /Calonego, Renata. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Roseane Andrelo / Banca: Raquel Cabral / Banca: Ivone de Loudes Oliveira / Resumo: Enquadrado no âmbito da perspectiva relacional, elege-se como tema o estudo da comunicação enquanto competência essencial, que perpassa pelo entendimento do protagonismo comunicacional nas organizações. Compreende-se esse vínculo e o grau de prática desse olhar, a partir da percepção de quatro comunicólogos que atuam em multinacionais do segmento de ferramenta, alimentício, telecomunicações e bebida. Identifica-se e descreve os saberes que estruturam a comunicação enquanto competência essencial e as dimensões que permeiam o entendimento do protagonismo comunicacional nas organizações. Analisa-se comparativamente esses objetos de estudo frente às associações do saber dialogar, saber criar senso coletivo, saber reconhecer o protagonismo dos públicos, saber dinamizar discursos e saber gerar benefícios mútuos com as noções de interdependência, comunicação enquanto relação, contexto em movimento e cultura. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo multicaso, cuja coleta de dados é feita por meio de entrevistas com roteiro de perguntas semiestruturado, tendo os dados tratados mediante análise de conteúdo. Evidencia-se que a percepção dos comunicólogos entrevistados sobre o grau da prática da comunicação enquanto competência essencial se difere em cada organização investigada. No entanto, todas as quatro contemplaram fatores que indicaram um direcionamento para praticar os saberes considerados neste trabalho. As organizações do ramo de telecomunicações e de bebida foram as que menos apresen... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Within the context of relational perspective, the study of communication as an essential competence is chosen as the theme, which permeates the understanding of communicational protagonism in organizations. The link and degree of practice of this look are understood based on the perception of four communicologists who work in multinational companies in tool, food, telecommunications and beverage segments. The knowledge that structures communication as an essential competence, as well as the dimensions that permeate the understanding of communicational protagonism in organizations, are identified and described. These objects of study are analysed comparatively to dialogue, creation of collective, recognition of audiences protagonism, dynamism of discourses and generation of mutual benefits with the ideas of interdependence, communication as a relation, context in movement and culture knowledge associations. It relates to a qualitative multicase study, whose data collection is made through interviews with semi-structured questionnaire, with the data processed through content analysis. It is evident that the perception of communicologists interviewed about the degree of communication practice as an essential competency differs in each investigated organization. However, all four considered factors that indicated a direction to practice the knowledge considered in this work. The organizations of telecommunications and beverage sectors were the ones that less presented to have a d... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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A valorização de competências na formação e na atuação de engenheiros de produção : a visão de estudantes, professores e egressos de duas universidades /Souza, Ana Paula Arezo. January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Maurício César Delamaro / Coorientador: Andreia Maria Pedro Salgado / Banca: Messias Borges Silva / Banca: Henrique Martins Rocha / Resumo : A aprovação das diretrizes curriculares nacionais para os cursos de Engenharia já completou mais de dez anos. Uma de suas novidades foi propor o direcionamento dos esforços na formação dos futuros engenheiros não apenas nos conhecimentos previstos nas grades curriculares. A formação, segundo as diretrizes, deve privilegiar o desenvolvimento de habilidades, competências e atitudes, as quais são tão ou mais importantes que os conteúdos ministrados para a ulterior atuação do profissional na sociedade. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a percepção de alunos, de egressos e de docentes quanto à maior ou menor valorização das competências propostas nas diretrizes curriculares para formação dos engenheiros de produção. Para atingir este objetivo geral foram realizados diversos levantamentos tipo survey. O primeiro teve como respondentes alunos formandos de cursos de uma universidade pública e de uma universidade privada, que avaliaram a valorização das diversas competências no ambiente universitário e no ambiente profissional. No segundo, o público alvo foram os docentes dos mesmos dois cursos que avaliaram o quanto são valorizadas as competências propostas nas diretrizes na realidade concreta das universidades e num quadro em que os respondentes considerariam ideal de ser atingido. No terceiro levantamento, com egressos do curso da universidade pública, os respondentes fizeram avaliação de quanto cada uma das competências foi valorizada e desenvolvida em sua formação universitária e o quanto elas têm sido importantes na sua atuação profissional. Como resultado tem-se um mosaico de percepções, em grande parte bastante divergentes, que aponta que a formação acadêmica continua privilegiando os conteúdos e não o desenvolvimento mais integral de competências e habilidades / Abstract: The adoption of national curriculum guidelines for courses in Engineering has completed more than ten years. One of his innovations was to propose the targeting of efforts in training future engineers not only on the information covered in the curricula. The training, according to the guidelines, should focus on developing skills, competencies and attitudes, which are equally or more important than the content taught to further the professional practice in society. The aim of this study was to investigate the perception of students, graduates and teachers of as the greater or lesser use of skills in the proposed curriculum guidelines for training of production engineers. To achieve this overall objective type survey several surveys were conducted. The first respondent had the senior students of courses at a public university and a private university that assessed valuation of the various skills in the university environment and professional environment. In the second, the audience were teachers of the same two courses that assessed how skills are valued in the guidelines proposed in the concrete reality of universities and a framework in which respondents would consider ideal to be achieved. In the third survey, with students who graduated from public universities, respondents did review how each of the competencies was developed and valued in their university education and how they have been important in their professional practice. As a result, there is a mosaic of perceptions, mostly quite divergent, pointing that education continues focusing on the content and not the full development of skills and abilities / Mestre
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