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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reproductive isolation in some sympatric species of fishes

Liley, N. R. January 1963 (has links)
No description available.

An analysis of the competitive performance of the Namibian date industry - 2001 to 2013

Angala, Aleksandera 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)—Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The second step in the study was to empirically measure the competitive performance of the date industry based on this trade orientation, using the relative trade advantage (RTA) method. Trade data from FAOSTAT and Trademap were used. Since 2001, the Namibian date industry has consistently recorded positive trends with RTA values ranging between 0.40 and 4.0. When compared to other international competitors, the results indicate that Tunisia is by far the most competitive country, with RTA values ranging between 278 and 391. Namibia’s date industry leads competitors such as South Africa, the USA, Kenya, Australia and India. In step 3, an industry-wide survey was conducted among executive-level industry role players, which identified 72 factors influencing competitive performance. The 72 factors were rated and analysed through chi-square and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) in terms of their current impact as enhancing or constraining and also in terms of their relevance to the industry. The results revealed that all factors were rated highly relevant (i.e. important) to the industry’s competitive performance levels, with 47 percent playing an enhancing role, while 43 percent were constraining competitive performance in the Namibian date industry. Differences between views on the current impact and long-term relevance of factors provided a ‘performance gap’ that the industry had to attend to strategically in order to improve competitive performance. The top three most enhancing factors are the substantial size of the international date market, the availability of unskilled labour, and the suitability of Namibian date production (project) locations. The highest rated constraining factors were identified as: the lack of privately funded scientific research capacity, the slow growth and small size of local markets, and insufficient industry expenditure on research and development (R&D). The fourth step applied Porter’s theory of competitiveness (1990; 1998) to derive the industry determinants of competitive performance. The 72 factors were grouped into the six Porter diamond determinants. Principal component analysis (PCA) was undertaken to identify variations and consensus in the views of respondents with respect to the relevance and impact of factors identified for each determinant. The results revealed that there were variations in opinions with regard to 52 factors and consensus on 20 factors, influencing the industry’s competitive performance. In analysing opinions on the impacts and long-term relevance of the identified factors, two value chain clusters were identified, viz. those opinions or respondents directly involved in the production processes of dates (cluster 1); and those providing supporting functions to the production process (cluster 2). The results indicate that although there are similarities in the opinions within the date industry value chain, important differences do exist and must be noted in strategic planning process by the industry. Differences were recorded with regard to access to quality technology, obtaining long-term credit, diversification in the international market, cost of specialised technology services, the effect of legal and political factors on the industry’s strategic position, the country’s black economic empowerment (BEE) policy and health cost implications. In step 5, the most important findings from steps 3 and 4, together with views gathered from a date industry information session (the DIS) and personal interviews, were included in a strategic decision matrix aimed to develop industry-level proposals to improve competitive performance. This matrix listed constraining factors for which a large degree of industry-level consensus was recorded, together with those actions that could improve performance immediately. Proposals highlighted were: focusing on human resources and skills development; cost-sharing activities; public-private partnerships in the development of project-level socio-economic investment packages, investing in long-term research and development (R&D); upgrading export facilities; local market development and improved collaboration with national retailers; reduction of marketing costs; export-market diversification; developing representative industry-level institutions and an industry-level strategic plan; and mobilising government-level support more effectively in order to create a conducive environment for the industry to compete successfully. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het die mededingende prestasie van die Namibiese dadelbedryf vanaf 2001 tot 2013 ondersoek. In die studie is die konvensionele raamwerk vir die mededingendheidsanalise van agribesigheid (verwys na Ismea, 1999; Esterhuizen, 2006; Van Rooyen et al., 2011; Boonzaaier, 2014; Jafta, 2014) verfyn om die geldigheid van die vrae wat die respondente geantwoord het en die verskille in hulle response teenoor huidige impakte en langtermyn relevansie te oorweeg. Opinies vanuit die waardeketting van die dadelbedryf is ook ingesluit in die ontledings. Die konsep van mededingendheid is eerstens gedefinieer, gebaseer op die belangrikheid van internasionale handel vir die Namibiese dadelbedryf, as die vermoë van die dadelbedryf om sy produkte op ’n volhoubare basis in beide binnelandse en internasionale markte te verhandel en, as sulks, te kan voortgaan om skaars hulpbronne soos grond, arbeid, tegnologie, bestuurstalente en kapitaal te lok en terselfdertyd ten minste die geleentheidskoste van opbrengste op hulpbronne verbruik, te verdien (aangepas uit die werk van Freebairn, 1986; Esterhuizen, 2006; Van Rooyen et al., 2011). Die tweede stap in die studie was om die mededingende prestasie van die dadelbedryf empiries te meet op grond van hierdie handelsoriëntasie deur gebruik te maak van die relatiewe handelsvoordeel (relative trade advantage (RTA)) metode. Handelsdata afkomstig van FAOSTAT en Trademap is gebruik. Sedert 2001 het die Namibiese dadelbedryf konsekwent positiewe tendense vertoon, met RTA-waardes wat gewissel het tussen 0.40 en 4.0. In vergelyking met ander internasionale mededingers toon die resultate dat Tunisië verreweg die mees mededingende land is, met RTA-waardes van tussen 278 en 391. Namibië se dadelbedryf loop egter voor teen mededingers soos Suid-Afrika, die VSA, Kenia, Australië en Indië. In stap 3 is ’n bedryfswye opname onder bestuursvlak- rolspelers onderneem. Hierin is 72 faktore geïdentifiseer wat mededingende prestasie beïnvloed. Die 72 faktore is geëvalueer en deur middel van chi-kwadraat en eenrigting analise van variansie (ANOVA) geanaliseer in terme van hulle huidige impak as óf versterkend óf stremmend, en ook in terme van hulle relevansie vir die bedryf. Die resultate het getoon dat al die faktore as hoogs relevant (m.a.w. belangrik) vir die bedryf se mededingende prestasievlakke geëvalueer is, met 47% wat ’n versterkende rol gespeel het, terwyl 43% mededingende prestasie in die Namibiese dadelbedryf gestrem het. Verskille tussen die sienings oor die huidige impak en die langtermyn relevansie van die faktore het ’n ‘prestasiegaping’ voorsien wat die bedryf strategies aan aandag moet skenk om die mededingende prestasie te verbeter. Die drie top versterkende faktore was die grootte van die internasionale dadelmark, die beskikbaarheid van ongeskoolde arbeid en die gepastheid van die dadelproduksie (projek)-gebiede. Die stremmende faktore wat die belangrikste geag is, is geïdentifiseer as die gebrek aan privaatbefondsde wetenskaplike navorsing, die baie stadige tempo van groei in plaaslike markte en onvoldoende bedryfsbesteding op navorsing en ontwikkeling (R&D). In die vierde stap is Porter se mededingendheidsteorie (1990; 1998) toegepas om bedryfsdeterminante van mededingende prestasie af te lei. Die faktore vanaf stap 3 is in die ses Porter-diamant determinante gegroepeer. Hoofkomponent-ontleding (principal component analysis (PCA)) is onderneem om verskille en konsensus in die sienings van die respondente met betrekking tot die relevansie en impak van die faktore wat vir elke determinant geïdentifiseer is, te identifiseer. Die resultate het getoon dat daar groot verskille in opinies was met betrekking tot 52 faktore en konsensus oor 20 faktore wat die bedryf se mededingende prestasie beïnvloed. Deur die opinies oor die impakte en langtermyn relevansie van die geïdentifiseerde faktore te analiseer, is twee waardeketting bondels geïdentifiseer, naamlik daardie opinies of respondente wat direk in die produksieprosesse van dadels betrokke is (bondel 1); en dié wat ondersteuningsfunksies verskaf (bondel 2). Die resultate dui aan dat hoewel daar ooreenkomste in opinies binne die waardeketting van die dadelbedryf is, is daar belangrike verskille wat bestaan en aangeteken is. Verskille, waarvan kennis geneem moet word in strategiese bedryfsbeplanning, is aangeteken met betrekking tot toegang tot hoë kwaliteit tegnologie, die verkryging van langtermyn krediet, diversifikasie in die internasionale mark, die koste van gespesialiseerde tegnologiese dienste, die effek van wetlike en politiese faktore op die bedryf se strategiese posisie, die land se beleid van swart ekonomiese bemagtiging (SEB), en gesondheidskoste-implikasies. In stap 5 is die belangrikste bevindings in stappe 3 en 4, tesame met die sienings wat tydens ’n dadelbedryfinligtingsessie bekom is, in ’n strategiese besluitnemingsmatriks ingesluit. Klem is gele op faktore waaroor die bedryf grootliks saamstem. Die doel was om bedryfsvlakvoorstelle te ontwikkel om die mededingende prestasie van die bedryf te verhoog. Hierdie matriks het gefokus op die stremmende faktore waaroor ’n groot mate van bedryfsvlak-konsensus opgeteken is, tesame met daardie aksies wat die prestasie onmiddellik sou kon verbeter. Die voorstelle wat vooruitstaan is: ’n fokus op die ontwikkeling van menslike hulpbronne en vaardighede; koste-delende aktiwiteite; openbare-private vennootskappe in die ontwikkeling van projekvlak sosio-ekonomiese beleggingspakkette, met ’n belegging in langtermyn navorsing en ontwikkeling (R&D); opgradering van uitvoerfasiliteite; plaaslike markontwikkeling en verbeterde samewerking met nasionale handelaars; vermindering van bemarkingskostes; diversifikasie van uitvoermarkte; ontwikkeling van verteenwoordigende bedryfsvlak- instellings en ’n bedryfsvlak- strategiese plan; en die meer doeltreffende mobilisering van regeringsvlak-ondersteuning om ’n omgewing te ontwikkel wat bevorderlik is vir die bedryf om suksesvol te kan kompeteer.

HongKong advantage as an international telecom hub

Lai, Lap-tak., 賴立德. January 1998 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Business Administration / Master / Master of Business Administration

Hong Kong competitiveness: government policy for economic synergy between Hong Kong & Mainland China after 1997

Lau, Ming-tak, Terence., 劉銘德. January 1997 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Business Administration / Master / Master of Business Administration

The impact of China's accession to the World Trade Organization on itstextile trade

Chong, Wing-yi, Elena., 莊詠怡. January 2002 (has links)
published_or_final_version / China Area Studies / Master / Master of Arts

Predictors of eating disorders in college-aged women : the role of competition and relational aggression

Scaringi, Vanessa 16 November 2010 (has links)
Due to the seriousness and prevalence of eating disorders, exploring the etiology of these disorders and identifying specific at-risk populations is crucial. One promising risk factor that has been linked to the development of eating disorders is competitiveness (Burckle, Ryckman, Gold, Thornton, & Audesse, 1999; Striegel-Moore, Silberstein, Grunberg, & Rodin, 1990). Additionally, specific populations of women have been shown to experience higher rates of eating disorders. Women in sororities are one such group identified with higher rates of disordered eating than their non-sorority counterparts (Basow, Foran, Bookwala, 2007; Crandall,1988; Schulken, Pinciaro, Sawyer, Jensen, & Hoban, 1997). Therefore this study will seek to understand more about how competitiveness may differentially impact this population of women and contribute to higher rates of eating disorder symptomatology. This project has several objectives. First, the prevalence of eating disorders, competition among women, and relational aggression among women in sororities will be addressed. In order to assess whether women in sororities differ from women who are not in sororities on measures of eating disorders symptomatology, a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) will be conducted. The constructs of competitiveness and relational aggression will be compared amongwomen in sororities and their non-sorority counterparts. A one-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) will be conducted to determine whether there are mean differences between women in sororities and those not on four constructs of competitiveness (hypercompetitiveness, personal development competitiveness, female competition for status competitiveness, and female competition for mates competitiveness). Finally, an ANOVA will be conducted to determine if there are mean differences between women in sororities and women not in sororities on a measure of relational aggression. The second focus of this project is to examine if different forms of competitiveness are better at predicting eating disorders. The constructs of competitiveness that have been individually demonstrated to predict eating disorder behavior will be included. Multiple regression will be used to examine how well knowing a participant’s type of competitive attitude will help explain eating disorder symptomatology. Lastly, because the literature has not yet explored how relational aggression relates to the development of eating disorders, the final purpose of this study will be to understand this relationship. In attempting to understand this relationship, a mediation model will be performed. Participants for this study will include 270 undergraduate women from the Educational Psychology subject pool. / text

Essays on corporate finance and product market competition

Lee, Bomi 19 September 2014 (has links)
This dissertation contains two essays on the aggressive behavior of corporations in product market competition. In the first essay, I investigate how market structure can impact a firm's risk of facing predation by rivals, and hence, its financial policy decisions. Using a simple model, I demonstrate that a firm faces a greater predation threat when it meets the same competitor in many markets, as this competitor is able to internalize more of the benefit, degrading the firm's ability to compete in the future through aggressive actions today. I then test the predictions of the model using 2003-2011 panel data on store location across retail store chains in the US. I find that firms tend to expand more aggressively in markets shared with a competitor experiencing a substantial increase in leverage, or a decline in a credit rating, when they face that competitor in more of the other markets. The expansion relationship was found to be stronger in data from the 2008-2009 financial crisis, a period when difficulty in rolling over or obtaining new debt made it especially hard for weak firms to absorb losses. I also show that a firm facing the same competitors in many markets choose lower levels of leverage and that it decreases that leverage when a merger in the industry increases the amount of competitive overlap it has with other firms. These results suggest that firms are aware of the predation risk due to a competitive overlap and select financial policies to minimize this risk. In the second essay, I study the impact of internally generated funds on product market competition. More specifically, I investigate the idea that firms compete aggressively when their competitors face cash flow shortfalls. Testing this idea is challenging because competitor's cash flow changes are potentially endogenous with respect to firm's behavior. I address this problem in three ways. First, I investigate firm's reaction in a given market when its competitors face cash flow shortfalls outside of that market; this analysis is conducted using store location data on retail store chains. Second, I focus on the 2008-2009 financial crisis period in which retail store chains were hit by a negative demand shock which was hardly expected ex ante. Finally, I use a shock to local economic conditions which varies across markets and the different distributions of store locations across firms as instruments for the changes in competitors' cash flows. I find that a firm expands more in a given market in which it competes with rivals which face a more negative cash flow shortfall in the other markets. This relation is stronger when the competitors were highly leveraged before the crisis. Finally, I illustrate evidence that a firm responds more aggressively to competitor's cash flow shortfalls if it competes with that competitor in many of the same markets; this result is consistent with the prediction of the model in Chapter 1. These essays contribute to the literature by adding new evidence on the predatory behavior of corporations in product market competition. / text

Nutrition knowledge and competitiveness : interrelationships in high school wrestlers and their coaches

Fahlstrom-Nopp, Patricia A. 13 September 1995 (has links)
The purpose of the present investigation was to determine the level of nutrition knowledge and degree of competitiveness in high school wrestlers and their coaches and to look at the differences between groups. Twelve schools participated in the study and a total of 180 wrestlers and 29 coaches (12 head and 17 assistant) completed the nutrition knowledge and Sports Orientation (competitiveness) questionnaires. The results indicate that nutrition knowledge increases significantly with increasing age or grade level in the athletes (p=.0001), but significant increases were not seen for each year. The mean score for nutrition knowledge was 53.9% for the athletes and 67% for the coaches, both very low scores overall when compared with previous research, indicating a strong need for improved nutrition education in both populations. The coaches' mean nutrition knowledge levels were found to increase significantly with increasing years of coaching (p=.0001), suggesting that some knowledge is gained through experience. Team nutrition scores varied significantly, with a range of 50 to 63%, suggesting that some schools may have higher quality nutrition education programs than others. Results of the nutrition knowledge scores also demonstrate that a significant similarity exists between the head coaches' nutrition score and the teams' mean score (p=.0001), suggesting the possibility that the head coaches can have a greater impact on their teams' level of nutrition information than can other possible sources. Competitiveness scores were very high for this population as compared to previous studies completed with high school students, with the mean scores being 58.5 out of a possible 65 points for the wrestlers, and 59.4 for the coaches. Average competitiveness scores previously seen in the high school athletic population are approximately 20% lower than the scores found in these wrestlers, with a mean of 47. Competitiveness was found to significantly increase with increasing years of participation in wrestling (p=.02), but no other significant interrelationships were found to exist with regard to competitiveness levels in this population. There are many factors that were unable to be researched in this study due to inconsistent weight records that were to be kept by each team. Not 1 of the 12 schools kept consistent nor complete weight records throughout the season, making much of the planned research impossible. In conclusion, there exists much speculation regarding the possible consequences of weight cutting during adolescence, especially when the perceived benefits of the practice are not scientifically based. Research has suggested that there are many changes that need to be considered within the sport of wrestling such as minimal weight standards along with strict enforcement of those standards. As demonstrated with the results of this study, nutrition knowledge is low in the wrestling population, wrestlers and coaches alike, and therefore, additional education regarding nutrition and unsafe weight loss practices in high-risk populations such as the high school wrestler is needed. / Graduation date: 1996

Essays in the electricity industry in England and Wales

Green, Richard John January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

Food Tips for Training and Competition

Maurer, Jaclyn, Houtkooper, Linda 02 1900 (has links)
2 pp. / discontinued 3/4/11 / Food intake tips for training and competition.

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