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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelling group communication

Hennessy, Phillippa January 1990 (has links)
No description available.

Investigations of learning Z with computer support

Beaumont, Helen Marie January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

Creative knowledge work and interaction design

Candy, Linda January 1998 (has links)
The main aim of the research presented in this thesis is to inform the design of interactive computer systems for supporting creative knowledge work. Research into creativity and knowledge work has been explored and used to develop a criteria modelling approach. The particular contribution of the author's work is the drawing together of that research and applying the findings to interaction design. The publications were selected on the basis of how well they represent the main outcomes of the work. The journey from prescribing system requirements and design goals to framing the system design process in terms of evaluation criteria may be traced through the papers presented. Interest in creativity and the role of computer technology in creative tasks has recently increased. A number of national initiatives have been set in motion in the LJK, beginning in December 1996 with the Initiative for National Action on Creative Technologies, the Creative Media Initiative: Technology Foresight, Department of Trade and Industry, National Endowment for Science and Technology in the Arts (NESTA) and the People and Computers Programme, of the Engineering & Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC). Thus, the author's involvement in creativity research and computer support is proving to be timely. Amongst her recent initiatives is Creativity and Cognition, an international symposium which brings together creative people in the arts with technologists and scientists. The thesis is divided into three parts : themes and outcomes, methodology and case studies. A criteria-based modelling approach is presented which has evolved from earlier models that represent key elements of creativity and knowledge work. A model of creative knowledge work is proposed and categories of criteria identified. Underpinning the main outcomes are the case studies which were carried out in industry/academic collaborative projects. The findings were considered in relation to other studies. The thesis presents an approach to computer systems design and development that directly links the requirements definition to the application of evaluation criteria. These criteria are based upon the characteristics of the cognitive style and working practices of creative knowledge workers.

Design Group Annotation System-Using Unified Modeling Language

Ruan, Wo-Hao 28 April 2003 (has links)

Software Developers Using Signals in Transparent Environments

Tsay, Jason Tye 01 April 2017 (has links)
One of the main challenges that modern software developers face is the coordination of dependent agents such as software projects and other developers. Transparent development environments that make low-level software development activities visible hold much promise for assisting developers in making coordination decisions. However, the wealth of information that transparent environments provide is potentially overwhelming when developers are wading through information from potentially millions of developers and millions of software repositories when making decisions around tasks that require coordination with projects or other developers. Overcoming the risk of overload and better assisting developers in these environments requires a principled understanding of what exactly developers need to know about dependencies to make their decisions. My approach to a principled understanding of how developers use information in transparent environments is to model the process using signaling theory as a theoretical lens. Developers making key coordination decisions often must determine qualities about projects and other developers that are not directly observable. Developers infer these unobservable qualities through interpreting information in their environment as signals and use this judgment about the project or developer to inform their decision. In contrast to current software engineering literature which focuses on technical coordination between modules or within projects such as modularity or task assignment mechanisms, this work aims to understand how developers use signals to information coordination decisions with dependencies such as other projects or developers. Through this understanding of the signaling process, I can create improved signals that more accurately represent desired unobservable qualities. My dissertation work examines the qualities and signals that developers use to inform specific coordination tasks through a series of three empirical studies. The specific key coordination tasks studied are evaluating code contributions, discussing problems around contributions, and evaluating projects. My results suggest that when project managers evaluate code contributions, they prefer social signals over technical signals. When project managers discuss contributions, I found that they attend to political signals regarding influence from stakeholders to prioritize which problems need solutions. I found that developers evaluating projects tend to use signals that are related to how the core team works and the potential utility a project provides. In a fourth study, using signaling theory and findings from the qualities and signals that developers use to evaluate projects, I create and evaluate an improved signal called “supportiveness” for community support in projects. I compare this signal against the current signal that developers use, stars count, and find evidence suggesting that my designed signal is more robust and is a stronger indicator of support. The findings of these studies inform the design of tools and environments that assist developers in coordination tasks through suggestions of what signals to show and potentially improving existing signals. My thesis as a whole also suggests opportunities for exploring useful signals for other coordination tasks or even in different transparent environments.

Using SERVQUAL to Measure Users' Satisfaction of Computer Support in Higher Educational Environments

Yu, Brenda Wai Fong 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to measure users' satisfaction with computer support in the higher education environment. The data for this study were gathered over a 5-week period using an online survey. Subjects (N=180) were members of a college at a major Texas university, which included both faculty and staff. SERVQUAL was the instrument used in this study. Two-ways statistical ANOVA analyses were conducted and revealed three statistically significant differences for Gender, Classification, and Comfort Level.

The Role of Information Technology Support Mechanisms in Coordination Management for Virtual Teams

Yager, Susan Elizabeth 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to examine virtual team members' use and perceptions of information technology (IT) support mechanisms. The study identifies the IT support mechanisms currently in use and focuses on differences between virtual and non-virtual teams in control and coordination, IT acceptance, and IT adoption.

Efikasnost interaktivne nastave biologije uz podršku računara u gimnaziji / The Efficiency of Interactive Teaching of Biology with the Support of Computers in Gymnasium

Pribićević Tijana 26 September 2017 (has links)
<p>U doktorskoj disertaciji&nbsp; je najpre sagledana teorijska osnova primene računara i interaktivne nastave u nastavi biologije.</p><p>Za potrebe eksperimentalnog istraživanja kreirane su prezentacije 10 nastavnih jedinica iz nastavne teme Osnovi molekularne biologije prema programu&nbsp; biologije za IV razred gimnazije prirodno-matematičkog smera u Preziju. U eksperimentu sa paralelnim grupama ova nastavna tema je u eksperimentalnoj grupi realizovana<br />interaktivnom nastavom uz podr&scaron;ku računara radom u parovima, a u kontrolnoj grupi tradicionalnom nastavom.</p><p>Pedago&scaron;ki eksperiment je sproveden na uzorku od 142 učenika (72 učenika u E i 70 učenika u K grupi).</p><p>U istraživanju su primenjeni sledeći instrumenti: inicijalni test, finalni test i retest (sva tri testa su obuhvatala pitanja na tri nivoa znanja: poznavanje činjenica, razumevanje pojmova i analiza i rezonovanje) i anketa za učenike E grupe o primeni interaktivne nastave biologije uz podr&scaron;ku računara.</p><p>Na&nbsp; početku&nbsp; istraživanja E&nbsp; i K&nbsp; grupa su ujednačene&nbsp; na&nbsp; osnovu: op&scaron;teg&nbsp; uspeha&nbsp; učenika, uspeha iz biologije i hemije na&nbsp; polugodi&scaron;tu IV razreda gimnazije&nbsp; i na osnovu rezultata&nbsp;&nbsp; inicijalnog&nbsp; testa&nbsp; znanja iz&nbsp; biologije.&nbsp; Nakon obrade nastavne&nbsp; teme&nbsp; Osnovi molekularne biologije&nbsp; primenom različitih modela&nbsp; nastave u E i K grupi izvr&scaron;eno&nbsp; je&nbsp; finalno test i ranje učenika E i K grupe,&nbsp; a&nbsp; nakon 60 dana ponovno testiranje (retestiranje)&nbsp; učenika&nbsp; obe&nbsp; grupe&nbsp; istim testom. Učenici E grupe su nakon zavr &scaron;enog ist raţivanja po punili anket u u ko jo j s u izneli svoje mi&scaron;ljenje o kvalitetu multimedijalnih prezentacija kreiranih u Preziju i učenju biologije interaktivnom nast avom uz podr&scaron;ku računar a.&nbsp; Rezultati testova znanja učenika E i K grupe i ankete predstavljeni su odgovarajućim statističkim parametarima.</p><p>Učenici&nbsp; E grupe&nbsp; su ostvarili znatno bolji&nbsp; uspeh od učenika&nbsp; K&nbsp; grupe&nbsp; na&nbsp; finalnom&nbsp; test u i retestu u celini&nbsp; i na sva tri nioa znanja: poznavanje činjenica, razumevanje pojmova i analiza i rezonovanje. Ostvarene razlike u postignuću učenika E i K grupe na finalnom testu i retestu u celini i na sva tri nivoa znanja su bile u korist E grupe i statistički su značajne.</p><p>Rezultati ankete su pokazali da učenici eksperimentalne grupe imaju pozitivno mi&scaron;ljenje o kvalitetu prezentacija nastavnih jedinica iz nastavne teme Osnovi molekularne biologije kreiranih u Preziju, kao i o primeni interaktivne nastave biologije uz podr&scaron;ku računara u gimnaziji.</p><p>Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali veću efikasnost interaktivne nastave biologije uz podr&scaron;ku računara u odnosu na tradicionalnu nastavu, a rezultati ankete da učenici prihvataju inovativni pristup nastavi biologije. Oni takođe ukazuju na potrebu veće zastupljenosti&nbsp; savremenih didaktičkih modela u nastavi biologije i drugih prirodnih i<br />dru&scaron;tvenih nauka.</p> / <p>Firstly, doctoral dissertation overviews theoretical aspect of computer application and interactive teaching in biology teaching.</p><p>For the purposes of experimental research, 10 Prezi presentations of teaching units from Basics of molecular biology for the 4 th grade of grammar schools, science major was created. This teaching topic was realized in experimental group by means of interactive teaching with the support of computers and pair work, whereas the teaching method applied for the control group was the traditional one.</p><p>Pedagogical experiment was conducted on the sample of 142 students (72 students in the E group and 70 students in the C group).</p><p>The following instruments were applied during the research: init ial test, final test and&nbsp; retest (all the tests comprised the questions from three different levels of knowledge: knowledge of facts, comprehension of notions and analysis and reasoning) and the questionnaire for the&nbsp; E group students about application of i nteractive biology teaching with computer support.</p><p>At the beginning of the research&nbsp; the&nbsp; E and the&nbsp; C groups were levelled according to: general success at school, grades in biology and chemistry in the first semester of the fourth grade of grammar&nbsp; school a nd initial test results in biology. After the completion of teaching process regarding the topic Basics of molecular biology by applying different models of teaching in the&nbsp; E and the&nbsp; C groups the final testing was conducted for the students of the&nbsp; E and the&nbsp; C groups followed by retesting for both groups in 60 days. After the test the E group students completed a questionnaire giving their opinion on quality of multimedia Prezi presentations and learning biology through interactive teaching method with computer support.&nbsp; The knowledge test results for the students of&nbsp; the&nbsp; E and&nbsp; the&nbsp; C groups were present ed by means of statistical parameters.</p><p>The E group students achieved far better results compared to the C group of students&nbsp; in final test and retest at all three&nbsp; tested&nbsp; levels of knowledge: knowledge of facts, comprehension of notions and analysis and reasoning. The differences in student achievement between the groups E and C in final test and retest at all levels of&nbsp; knowledge were in favour of the E group&nbsp; and also statistically significant.</p><p>The questionnaire results indicated that the students in experimental group have positive opinion on the quality fpresentation of teaching units from the teaching topic Basics on molecular biology that were created in Pre zi application as well as positive opinion of application of interactive teaching and computers in biology teaching for grammar schools.</p><p>The results of the research showed higher efficiency of interactive biology teaching with computer support compared to traditional teaching and the results of the questionnaire showed that the&nbsp; students accept the innovative approach to biology teaching. The results also point out the need for growing presence of modern&nbsp; didactical models not only in biology teaching but also in teaching other natural and&nbsp; social sciences.</p>

Mezipředmětové vztahy na úrovni plánovaného kurikula ve vzdělávacích oblastech Matematika a její aplikace a Člověk a svět práce. / Interdisciplinary relationships at the level of the planned curriculum in the educational areas of Mathematics and its Applications and Man and the World of Work.

BARTOŇ, Petr January 2016 (has links)
The goal of my diploma thesisis to create a set of tasks for education at basic school. This thesis is especially focused on realization of tasks from practice.In theoretical part I deal with complex of inter-subject relations between described branches in this work, computer support, selection of 3D CAD programmes at basic school with regard to price availability and technical designing (drawing). The practical part is focused on working papers. This part allows the construction of product using the calculation of word task. This calculation makes theimage about that product easier and allows creation of model in the CAD programme and the final production. This thesis is checked up by pupils in ninth degree of basic school. The fundamental part of this work forms appendix of working papers, which are prepared for education. I consider the approachof solving the tasks for pupils at second degree of basic school to be innovative.

DATORSTÖD FÖR ARBETE : KONSEKVENSER FÖR VAL AV AFFÄRSSYSTEM En studie av en service- och supportavdelning

Järvliden, Ida, Rydin, Stefan January 2004 (has links)
This report is focusing on problems with introducing standard enterprise resource planning systems (ERP) in businesses. A study has been carried out on a service and support department at a Swedish heat metering company, SVM North Node. The study aims to help the company become a better customer in choice and customization of a new ERP system. We make a description of the department studied and the work carried out there, on the basis of learning, knowledge and cooperation. As a final point we present some ideas on how computer systems could support their work, hoping that this will result in them making adequate demands on a new ERP system. / Den här rapporten fokuserar på problem med införande av affärssystem i företag. En studie har utförts på service- och supportavdelningen på ett svenskt elektronikföretag, SVM North Node. Med arbetet hoppas vi tillföra insikter som gör avdelningen och företaget till en bättre kund i sitt val och anpassande av affärssystem. I rapporten beskriver vi avdelningen och det arbete som utförs där i ljuset av lärande och kunskap. Slutligen presenterar vi några idéer för hur datorsystem skulle kunna stödja deras arbete. Syftet med detta är att de ska kunna ställa adekvata krav på ett nytt affärssystem. / Ida Järvliden, ida_jervliden@hotmail.com Stefan Rydin, rydinstefan@hotmail.com

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