Spelling suggestions: "subject:"computergraphik"" "subject:"computertomografie""
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3D-Modellierung des Tertiärs in der Lausitz: Tektonische und geomorphologische 3D-Modellierung der tertiären Einheiten der sächsischen LausitzStanek, Klaus, Domínguez-Gonzalez, Leomaris, Andreani, Louis, Bräutigam, Bernd 17 March 2017 (has links)
In der Broschüre werden die Ergebnisse einer 3D-Modellierung tertiärer Einheiten der Nieder- und Oberlausitz zusammen mit einer geomorphologischen Analyse der Landoberfläche auf der Grundlage digitaler Höhenmodelle vorgestellt. Über diese Methoden konnten tertiäre und jüngere tektonische Bewegungen in der Lausitz indiziert werden.
Die Broschüre richtet sich vor allem an Fachleute, die ein spezielles Interesse an 3D-Modellierungen geologischer Einheiten verbunden mit tektonischen Fragestellungen haben. Die geomorphologische Analyse zeigt anschaulich und nachvollziehbar auch interessierten Bürgern, welche modernen Methoden die tektonische Beurteilung einer Region ermöglichen.
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Proceedings of the 19th Bilateral Student Workshop CTU Prague: Dresden (Germany) 2015Böhme, Hans-Joachim, Hellbach, Sven, Míkovec, Zdeněk, Slavík, Pavel, Wacker, Markus 21 July 2017 (has links)
This technical report publishes the proceedings of the 19th Prague Workshop, which was held from 27th to 28. November 2015. The workshop offers a possibility for young scientists to present their current research work in the fields of computer graphics, human-computer-interaction, robotics and usability.
The works is meant as a platform to bring together researchers from both the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) and the University of Applied Sciences Dresden (HTW). The German Academic Exchange Service offers its financial support to allow student participants the bilateral exchange between Prague and Dresden.
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Proceedings of the 20th Bilateral Student Workshop CTU Prague: Dresden (Germany) 2016Böhme, Hans-Joachim, Hellbach, Sven, Míkovec, Zdeněk, Slavík, Pavel, Wacker, Markus 21 July 2017 (has links)
This technical report publishes the proceedings of the 20th Prague Workshop, which was held from 25th to 26th November 2016 The workshop offers a possibility for young scientists to present their current research work in the fields of computer graphics, human-computer-interaction, robotics and usability.
The works is meant as a platform to bring together researchers from both the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) and the University of Applied Sciences Dresden (HTW). The German Academic Exchange Service offers its financial support to allow student participants the bilateral exchange between Prague and Dresden.
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Proceedings of the 21th Bilateral Student Workshop CTU Prague: Dresden (Germany) 2017Böhme, Hans-Joachim, Hellbach, Sven, Míkovec, Zdeněk, Slavík, Pavel, Wacker, Markus January 2018 (has links)
This technical report publishes the proceedings of the 21th Prague Workshop, which was held from 25th to 26th December 2017. The workshop offers a possibility for young scientists to present their current research work in the fields of computer graphics, human-computer-interaction, robotics and usability.
The works is meant as a platform to bring together researchers from both the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) and the University of Applied Sciences Dresden (HTW). The German Academic Exchange Service offers its financial support to allow student participants the bilateral exchange between Prague and Dresden.
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Proceedings of the 23th Bilateral Student Workshop CTU Prague: Dresden (Germany) 2019Böhme, Hans Joachim, Bahrmann, Frank, Macík, Miroslav, Balata, Jan 09 June 2020 (has links)
This technical report publishes the proceedings of the 23th Prague Workshop, which was held from 29th to 30th November 2019. The workshop offers a possibility for young scientists to present their current research work in the fields of computer graphics, human-computer-interaction, robotics and usability. The works is meant as a platform to bring together researchers from both the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) and the University of Applied Sciences Dresden (HTW). The German Academic Exchange Service offers its financial support to allow student participants the bilateral exchange between Prague and Dresden.:1) Incremental Pose Estimation of multiple LiDAR Scanners
using their Pointclouds, S.3
2) Soft- and Hardware Developments for Immersive Learning, S.6
3) Qualitative comparison of methods for example-based
style transfer, S.13
4) External Labeling With Utilization of Containment
Information, S.16
5) Real Time Viewing Direction Analysis to Store Recognized
Faces, S.20
6) Raising living standards of older adults - User research, S.29
7) Raising living standards of older adults - Concept, S.33
8) Towards the RoNiSCo Mobile Application, S.36
9) Development of a Fallen People Detector, S.41
10) Interactive tactile map for visually impaired older adults, S.47
11) Physical 3D LED display, S.51
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24th Bilateral Student Workshop CTU Prague and HTW Dresden - User Interfaces & VisualizationBöhme, Hans-Joachim, Bahrmann, Frank, Slavík, Pavel, Macík, Miroslav, Erzgräber, Robert, Brose, Jan 16 May 2022 (has links)
This technical report publishes the proceedings of the 24th Bilateral Student Workshop CTU Prague and HTW Dresden -User Interfaces & Visualization-, which was held on the 26th November 2021. The workshop offers a possibility for young scientists to present their current research work in the fields of computer graphics, human-computer-interaction, robotics and usability. The works is meant as a platform to bring together researchers from both the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) and the University of Applied Sciences Dresden (HTW). The German Academic Exchange Service offers its financial support to allow student participants the bilateral exchange between Prague and Dresden.:1) Robot assisted reminiscence therapy for people with dementia, p.4
2) VENT-CONECT: System for remote monitoring of instruments used in intensive care, p.12
3) Conversational assistant for smart home, p.17
4) Perspectives and challenges of the research project ”SYNC ID” , p.23
5) Music-based emotional biofeedback: the state of the art and challenges, p.26
6) Ambient Assisted Living Lab - Smart Systems and CoCreation, p.30
7) Board Game Playing and Consuming Beverages in VR, p.36
8) An approach to measure and increase the level of participation of people with dementia in cognitive games, p.41
9) Forced perspective illusions and scaling users in VR - state of the art., p.47
10) Training Deep Learning Models for Punctuation Prediction, p.51
11) Towards an Evaluation of Ambiguity in Point-Feature Labelling, p.56
12) The ReZA method goes digital, p.60
13) Haptic interface for spatial audio web player, p.66
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Proceedings of the 22th Bilateral Student Workshop CTU Prague: Dresden (Germany) 2018Böhme, Hans Joachim, Wacker, Markus, Slavík, Pavel, Míkovec, Zdeněk 13 November 2019 (has links)
This technical report publishes the proceedings of the 22th Prague Workshop, which was held from 30th November to 1st December 2018. The workshop offers a possibility for young scientists to present their current research work in the fields of computer graphics, human-computer-interaction, robotics and usability. The works is meant as a platform to bring together researchers from both the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) and the University of Applied Sciences Dresden (HTW). The German Academic Exchange Service offers its financial support to allow student participants the bilateral exchange between Prague and Dresden.:1) An approach to a self-organizing production in com-
parison to a centrally planned production 4
2) Tactile symbols for visually impaired older adults 9
3) Design of Olfactory Cues for Approximate Spatial Self-
Localization 11
4) Shape To Muscle: A Model for estimating Muscle
Activation from Skin Deformation 13
5) Model of a Conversational System for Controlling Sec-
ondary Tasks while Driving 19
6) Tools for Art and Architectural Research with His-
toric Media Repositories 22
7) Direct Labels: Real-time External Labeling Without
Leader Lines 25
8) Seamless Cloning with Poisson Image Editing 29
9) Multimodal user interaction for human behavior mod-
eling in adaptation and personalization 32
10) Objective Feature Selection using GMLVQ with Di-
rectly Incorporated L1-Regularization 35
11) How to Call a Robot in an Emergency Situation 37
12) Development of a Collaborative Computer Game for
Elderly with Dementia 39
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Proceedings of the 25th Bilateral Student Workshop CTU Prague and HTW Dresden - User Interfaces & VisualizationBöhme, Hans-Joachim, Macík, Miroslav, Slavík, Pavel, Kammer, Dietrich, Brose, Jan 04 May 2023 (has links)
This technical report publishes the proceedings of the 25th Bilateral Student Workshop CTU Prague and HTW Dresden - User Interfaces & Visualization -, which was held on the 25th and 26th November 2021. The workshop offers a possibility for young scientists to present their current research work in the fields of computer graphics, human-computer-interaction, robotics and usability. The works is meant as a platform to bring together researchers from both the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) and the University of Applied Sciences Dresden (HTW). The German Academic Exchange Service offers its financial support to allow student participants the bilateral exchange between Prague and Dresden.:1) Multiprojection of Langweil´s model, p.4
2) Design of an assistant for persons interested in study at CTU FEE, p.8
3) Sonification of a juggling performance, p.12
4) Investigating the Role of Usability User Experience and Aesthetics for Industrial Human–Machine Interfaces, p.16
5) Using optically illusive architecture to navigate users in Virtual Reality, p.23
6) Speed and Required Precision of Grabbing Physical Spheres in VR, p.27
7) ReFlex - A Framework for Research on Elastic Displays, p.32
8) Digital Reading Stand (DRS), p.38
9) IDOVIR – Infrastructure for Documentation of Virtual Reconstructions, p.45
10) Tracking multiple VR users in a shared physical space, p.50
11) Towards Aesthetics of Subjectivity in InfoVis, p.53
12) VentConnect: live to life and the octopus in the hospital server room, p.60
13) Nice noise: background noise enhancement with generated musical content, p.66
14) Parametric Curve Labeling, p.70
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Texturierung und Visualisierung virtueller 3D-Stadtmodelle / Texturing and Visualization of Virtual 3D City ModelsLorenz, Haik January 2011 (has links)
Im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit stehen virtuelle 3D-Stadtmodelle, die Objekte, Phänomene und Prozesse in urbanen Räumen in digitaler Form repräsentieren. Sie haben sich zu einem Kernthema von Geoinformationssystemen entwickelt und bilden einen zentralen Bestandteil geovirtueller 3D-Welten. Virtuelle 3D-Stadtmodelle finden nicht nur Verwendung als Mittel für Experten in Bereichen wie Stadtplanung, Funknetzplanung, oder Lärmanalyse, sondern auch für allgemeine Nutzer, die realitätsnah dargestellte virtuelle Städte in Bereichen wie Bürgerbeteiligung, Tourismus oder Unterhaltung nutzen und z. B. in Anwendungen wie GoogleEarth eine räumliche Umgebung intuitiv erkunden und durch eigene 3D-Modelle oder zusätzliche Informationen erweitern.
Die Erzeugung und Darstellung virtueller 3D-Stadtmodelle besteht aus einer Vielzahl von Prozessschritten, von denen in der vorliegenden Arbeit zwei näher betrachtet werden: Texturierung und Visualisierung. Im Bereich der Texturierung werden Konzepte und Verfahren zur automatischen Ableitung von Fototexturen aus georeferenzierten Schrägluftbildern sowie zur Speicherung oberflächengebundener Daten in virtuellen 3D-Stadtmodellen entwickelt. Im Bereich der Visualisierung werden Konzepte und Verfahren für die multiperspektivische Darstellung sowie für die hochqualitative Darstellung nichtlinearer Projektionen virtueller 3D-Stadtmodelle in interaktiven Systemen vorgestellt.
Die automatische Ableitung von Fototexturen aus georeferenzierten Schrägluftbildern ermöglicht die Veredelung vorliegender virtueller 3D-Stadtmodelle. Schrägluftbilder bieten sich zur Texturierung an, da sie einen Großteil der Oberflächen einer Stadt, insbesondere Gebäudefassaden, mit hoher Redundanz erfassen. Das Verfahren extrahiert aus dem verfügbaren Bildmaterial alle Ansichten einer Oberfläche und fügt diese pixelpräzise zu einer Textur zusammen. Durch Anwendung auf alle Oberflächen wird das virtuelle 3D-Stadtmodell flächendeckend texturiert. Der beschriebene Ansatz wurde am Beispiel des offiziellen Berliner 3D-Stadtmodells sowie der in GoogleEarth integrierten Innenstadt von München erprobt.
Die Speicherung oberflächengebundener Daten, zu denen auch Texturen zählen, wurde im Kontext von CityGML, einem international standardisierten Datenmodell und Austauschformat für virtuelle 3D-Stadtmodelle, untersucht. Es wird ein Datenmodell auf Basis computergrafischer Konzepte entworfen und in den CityGML-Standard integriert. Dieses Datenmodell richtet sich dabei an praktischen Anwendungsfällen aus und lässt sich domänenübergreifend verwenden.
Die interaktive multiperspektivische Darstellung virtueller 3D-Stadtmodelle ergänzt die gewohnte perspektivische Darstellung nahtlos um eine zweite Perspektive mit dem Ziel, den Informationsgehalt der Darstellung zu erhöhen. Diese Art der Darstellung ist durch die Panoramakarten von H. C. Berann inspiriert; Hauptproblem ist die Übertragung des multiperspektivischen Prinzips auf ein interaktives System. Die Arbeit stellt eine technische Umsetzung dieser Darstellung für 3D-Grafikhardware vor und demonstriert die Erweiterung von Vogel- und Fußgängerperspektive.
Die hochqualitative Darstellung nichtlinearer Projektionen beschreibt deren Umsetzung auf 3D-Grafikhardware, wobei neben der Bildwiederholrate die Bildqualität das wesentliche Entwicklungskriterium ist. Insbesondere erlauben die beiden vorgestellten Verfahren, dynamische Geometrieverfeinerung und stückweise perspektivische Projektionen, die uneingeschränkte Nutzung aller hardwareseitig verfügbaren, qualitätssteigernden Funktionen wie z.~B. Bildraumgradienten oder anisotroper Texturfilterung. Beide Verfahren sind generisch und unterstützen verschiedene Projektionstypen. Sie ermöglichen die anpassungsfreie Verwendung gängiger computergrafischer Effekte wie Stilisierungsverfahren oder prozeduraler Texturen für nichtlineare Projektionen bei optimaler Bildqualität.
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt wesentliche Technologien für die Verarbeitung virtueller 3D-Stadtmodelle: Zum einen lassen sich mit den Ergebnissen der Arbeit Texturen für virtuelle 3D-Stadtmodelle automatisiert herstellen und als eigenständige Attribute in das virtuelle 3D-Stadtmodell einfügen. Somit trägt diese Arbeit dazu bei, die Herstellung und Fortführung texturierter virtueller 3D-Stadtmodelle zu verbessern. Zum anderen zeigt die Arbeit Varianten und technische Lösungen für neuartige Projektionstypen für virtueller 3D-Stadtmodelle in interaktiven Visualisierungen. Solche nichtlinearen Projektionen stellen Schlüsselbausteine dar, um neuartige Benutzungsschnittstellen für und Interaktionsformen mit virtuellen 3D-Stadtmodellen zu ermöglichen, insbesondere für mobile Geräte und immersive Umgebungen. / This thesis concentrates on virtual 3D city models that digitally encode objects, phenomena, and processes in urban environments. Such models have become core elements of geographic information systems and constitute a major component of geovirtual 3D worlds. Expert users make use of virtual 3D city models in various application domains, such as urban planning, radio-network planning, and noise immision simulation. Regular users utilize virtual 3D city models in domains, such as tourism, and entertainment. They intuitively explore photorealistic virtual 3D city models through mainstream applications such as GoogleEarth, which additionally enable users to extend virtual 3D city models by custom 3D models and supplemental information.
Creation and rendering of virtual 3D city models comprise a large number of processes, from which texturing and visualization are in the focus of this thesis. In the area of texturing, this thesis presents concepts and techniques for automatic derivation of photo textures from georeferenced oblique aerial imagery and a concept for the integration of surface-bound data into virtual 3D city model datasets. In the area of visualization, this thesis presents concepts and techniques for multiperspective views and for high-quality rendering of nonlinearly projected virtual 3D city models in interactive systems.
The automatic derivation of photo textures from georeferenced oblique aerial imagery is a refinement process for a given virtual 3D city model. Our approach uses oblique aerial imagery, since it provides a citywide highly redundant coverage of surfaces, particularly building facades. From this imagery, our approach extracts all views of a given surface and creates a photo texture by selecting the best view on a pixel level. By processing all surfaces, the virtual 3D city model becomes completely textured. This approach has been tested for the official 3D city model of Berlin and the model of the inner city of Munich accessible in GoogleEarth.
The integration of surface-bound data, which include textures, into virtual 3D city model datasets has been performed in the context of CityGML, an international standard for the exchange and storage of virtual 3D city models. We derive a data model from a set of use cases and integrate it into the CityGML standard. The data model uses well-known concepts from computer graphics for data representation.
Interactive multiperspective views of virtual 3D city models seamlessly supplement a regular perspective view with a second perspective. Such a construction is inspired by panorama maps by H. C. Berann and aims at increasing the amount of information in the image. Key aspect is the construction's use in an interactive system. This thesis presents an approach to create multiperspective views on 3D graphics hardware and exemplifies the extension of bird's eye and pedestrian views.
High-quality rendering of nonlinearly projected virtual 3D city models focuses on the implementation of nonlinear projections on 3D graphics hardware. The developed concepts and techniques focus on high image quality. This thesis presents two such concepts, namely dynamic mesh refinement and piecewise perspective projections, which both enable the use of all graphics hardware features, such as screen space gradients and anisotropic texture filtering under nonlinear projections. Both concepts are generic and customizable towards specific projections. They enable the use of common computer graphics effects, such as stylization effects or procedural textures, for nonlinear projections at optimal image quality and interactive frame rates.
This thesis comprises essential techniques for virtual 3D city model processing. First, the results of this thesis enable automated creation of textures for and their integration as individual attributes into virtual 3D city models. Hence, this thesis contributes to an improved creation and continuation of textured virtual 3D city models. Furthermore, the results provide novel approaches to and technical solutions for projecting virtual 3D city models in interactive visualizations. Such nonlinear projections are key components of novel user interfaces and interaction techniques for virtual 3D city models, particularly on mobile devices and in immersive environments.
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Advanced visualization and modeling of tetrahedral meshesFrank, Tobias 17 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Tetrahedral meshes are becoming more and more important for geo-modeling applications. The presented work introduces new algorithms for efficient visualization and modeling of tetrahedral meshes. Visualization consists of a generic framework that includes the extraction of geological information like stratigraphic columns, fault block boundaries, simultaneous co-rendering of different attributes and boolean operations of Constructive Solid Geometry with constant complexity. Modeling can be classified into geometric and implicit modeling. Geometric modeling addresses local mesh refinement to increase the numerical resolution of a given mesh. Implicit modeling covers the definition and manipulation of implicitly defined models. A new surface reconstruction method was developed to reconstruct complex, multi-valued surfaces from noisy and sparse data sets as they occur in geological applications. The surface can be bounded and may have discontinuities. Further, this work proposes a new and innovative algorithm for rapid editing of implicitly defined shapes like horizons based on the GeoChron parametrization. The editing is performed interactively on the 3d-volumetric model and geological constraints are respected automatically.
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