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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emotional intentionality as a conative state

Hwang, Woo-Young 27 February 2012 (has links)
When we consider the active involvement of a subject of an emotional state, we have to say that intentionality of emotional states is conative rather than cognitive. Emotion is much closer to desire or a conative state than a belief or perception. Since a conative state is successful when it is carried out, a conative intentional state is more related to action toward others and events rather than passive perception. So it is important to examine the relation between emotion and action to see emotion as an active response. In the first, second and third chapter of my thesis, I will argue that since perception is too passive to be emotions, it is wrong to insist that emotions are a kind of perception. In the fourth chapter, I will show that it is impossible to have emotions without self-involvement. In the fifth chapter, I will discuss the relation between emotions and action through the cases of brain damaged patients and the Confucianist theory of emotion. / text

A consistent approach to assessing mens rea in the criminal law of England and Wales

Furey, Jason Richard January 2010 (has links)
The current criminal law of England and Wales does not assess mens rea in a consistent manner. The law applies two distinct methods of assessing mens rea – subjectivism and objectivism – which are based on conflicting principles of criminal liability. A subjective test depends upon what the defendant himself foresaw, believed or intended whereas an objective test will label the defendant culpable for what a hypothetical ‘reasonable person’ would have foreseen or how he would have reacted. This thesis will show that, if the law is ever to take a consistent approach to assessing mens rea, both subjectivism and objectivism must be cast aside. As they place undue importance on foresight of the consequences, neither of these doctrines are capable of providing an accurate reflection of an individual’s moral culpability. Subjectivism is too narrow because it ignores any other states of mind that, although inconsistent with subjective foresight, may be considered to display a high degree of moral culpability. Objectivism is too broad because, by labelling all who fall below the reasonable standard as culpable, it takes no account of those individuals who lack the capacity to foresee what the reasonable person would have foreseen. It will be shown that an approach based on the defendant’s attitudes and reasons for acting will allow for a much more accurate inference of an individual’s moral culpability than is achieved by either subjectivism or objectivism. Accordingly, this new approach is one that could be applied across the scope of the criminal law without the need for any special exceptions or illogical deviations from the norm. As a result, the way in which the English and Welsh criminal law assesses mens rea would achieve a consistency that it currently lacks.

Impact de la personnalité de l’enseignant sur le ressenti des élèves : l’assertivité socio-conative comme déterminant de la relation éducative / Impact of the teacher's personality on students : socio-conative assertiveness as a determinant of the educational relationship

Meyre, Jean-Michel 15 December 2018 (has links)
Freud définit l’acte d’enseigner comme un métier impossible (à l’instar de gouverner et soigner) car pour lui, « on peut d’emblée être sûr d’un succès insuffisant ». Quel point commun entre ces trois spécialités si ce n’est l’importance du rapport à l’autre ? Or, un examen du système scolaire et des préoccupations qui animent le milieu de l’éducation atteste d’une forte prédominance des aspects disciplinaires, didactiques. Pourtant, les souvenirs laissés par les enseignants auprès des élèves sont davantage conditionnés par la relation communicationnelle qu’ils ont établie ensemble. L’étude de ce point de vue et la recherche d’éléments signifiants venant accréditer sa fonctionnalité a été réalisée au moyen d’une méthodologie croisée, quantitative et qualitative, convoquant des questionnaires à destination des élèves, des tests d’empathie et des tests d’assertivité auprès des professeurs, des films en situation d’enseignement analysés tant d’un point de vue thématique que quantitatif, ainsi que des entretiens semi-directifs avec les acteurs. Au final, ce travail atteste que la trace mnésique laissée aux élèves est conditionnée par un « curriculum d’assertivité socio-conative » dont la dynamique propre est à même de contribuer à la formation initiale et continue des enseignants. / Freud defines the act of teaching as an impossible profession (like governing and caring) because for him, " we can be sure of an unsuccessful success ". What is the common point between these three specialties, if not the importance of the relationship to the other one? However, an examination of the school system and the concerns that animate the education community attest to a strong ascendancy of disciplinary and didactical aspects. Nevertheless, the memories left by the teachers to the students are more conditioned by the communicative relationship they have established together. The study of this point of view and the search for significant elements to accredit its functionality was carried out using a cross-methodology, quantitative and qualitative, summoning questionnaires for students, tests of empathy and tests. Assertiveness to teachers, films in teaching situations analyzed from both a thematic and quantitative point of view, as well as semi-structured interviews with the actors. In the end, this work shows that the memory trace left to the students is conditioned by a "socio-conative assertiveness curriculum" whose own dynamics are able to contribute to the initial and continuous training of teachers.

The Relationship of Certain Conative Factors of Intellectually Gifted Children to Academic Success

Stanley, William H., 1921- 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to ascertain the relationship of certain conative factors of intellectually gifted students to academic success» It involved & comparative analysis of the relationship of those conative factors of intellectually gifted students who were nominated for a program of advanced study in the seventh grade of Junior high school and of intellectually gifted students who were not nominated, this study further involved a comparative analysis of those conative factors as they related to students who were successful in an advanced study program in the seventh grade of junior high school and those students who were less successful.

Relations between quality of trademarks and cognitive and conative variables of consumers / Relations entre la qualité des marques et les variables cognitives et conatives des consommateurs

Naumovski, Goce 19 September 2018 (has links)
But de la recherche : déterminer la dépendance des caractéristiques des marques (perceptibilité visuelle, représentation graphique, le caractère distinctif, non-généricité etc.), sur les types généraux spécifiques de capacités intellectuelles et sur les caractéristiques conatives des consommateurs de la population générale, par application de nombreux tests. La recherche a été réalisée sur un échantillon de 206 sujets-consommateurs. Ils ont évalué la qualité des marques de commerce (déposées et refusées) pour différents types de produits et services (TM-1 test). Les sujets ont été testés avec 3 tests cognitifs et 6 tests conatifs. Méthodes quantitatives appliquées : paramètres élémentaires de la statistique descriptive ; corrélation ; analyse factorielle ; analyse de régression multivariée, analyse canonique des corrélations. Les résultats ont indiqué que les variables cognitives et conatives ont des relations statistiquement significatives avec les résultats de TM test (qualité des marques). / Aim of the research: to determine the dependence of trademarks’ characteristics (visual perceptibility, graphical representation, distinctiveness, non-genericeness etc.), on general and specific types of cognitive abilities and conative characteristics of consumers from the general population, by application of numerous tests. The research was realized on a sample of 206 subjects. They have evaluated the quality of registered and refused trademarks for products and services (TM-1 test). The subjects were also tested by 3 cognitive and 6 conative tests. Applied quantitative methods : basic descriptive statistical parameters (Mean, Standard Deviation, Coefficient of Variability); Correlation (Pearson Product-Moment Correlation and Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient); Factor Analysis; Multivariate Regression Analysis in manifest and latent space; and Canonical Correlation Analysis in latent space. The results have indicated that the cognitive and conative variables have statistically significant relation with the results of the TM test (trademark quality).

Event construal and its linguistic encoding: Towards an Extended Semantic Map model

Kim, Yongtaek, 1968- 09 1900 (has links)
xvi, 185 p. : ill. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / This dissertation investigates constructional alternation among the English verb- at , verb- away-at , and verb- away constructions. The primary purpose is to lay a fundamental conceptual framework on the interrelation between how we perceive a situation in an external world and how we construe it as an event structure in a conceptualized world to encode it linguistically. This study suggests an Extended Semantic Map (hereafter ESM) model. It presents an in-depth analysis of the three constructions, derived from the BNC (British National Corpus), and resultative constructions in Korean and Japanese. I argue that language has conceptual bases rooted in perception and cognitive construal. Construal allows one to view the same situation in a number of alternative ways. Construal is closely related to distribution of attention, which has two main patterns: focus of attention and windowing of attention. Focus of attention is mainly based on perceptual prominence. It is placed on participants and is typically encoded in the selection and arrangement of nominals. Windowing of attention operates on cognitive prominence. It is a cognitive process to segment some relation(s) out of an event structure. It is typically encoded in predicate or adverbial expressions. I further argue that any mismatch between perceptual and cognitive prominence requires overt marking. For example, the English passive construction requires the overt marking of ' be/get + past participle,' which directs an addressee's primary focus of attention to a perceptually secondary but cognitively primary patient. It also places windowing of attention on the perceptually secondary but cognitively primary Change. Windowing and focus of attention will be used to define the X- and Y-axes of the ESM. The X-axis consists of five causal relations -- Volition, Activity, Force Transfer, Change, and State, on which attention is windowed. The Y-axis is composed of four types of configuration for the semantic roles of the participants -- Agent, Agent-Location, Agent-Theme, and Theme. The ESM visually maps relations among constructions within and across languages. It illustrates how event structures can be categorized typically as either [Activity]-windowing or [Change]-windowing. Finally, it also allows us to represent cross-linguistic differences in the available constructions for construing event structures. / Committee in charge: Eric Pederson, Chairperson, Linguistics; Scott DeLancey, Member, Linguistics; Doris Payne, Member, Linguistics; Kaori Idemaru, Outside Member, East Asian Languages & Literatures

A tri-modal theory of agency

Ghalamchi, Parastoo January 2016 (has links)
This study aims to determine the relationship between agency and freedom and it has developed a Tri-Modal Theory of Agency that explains an agent’s decisions with a focus on freedom. Here, based on Berlin’s (1958) ideas we have conceptualised positive and negative sides of freedom with a focus on agency. Meanwhile, agency is defined and measured in three following modes: (A) the conative mode is developed based on Sen’s (2007) capability approach, (B) the cognitive mode is conceptualised based on Weber’s (1993) rationality types and Bakhtin’s (1935) dialogism, and (C) the affective mode is developed based on Weiner’s (2010) attribution theory of emotion. A Tri-Modal Theory of Agency is tested and developed in five empirical studies that include 21 in-depth interviews, two surveys on career choice of 1063 employees and a university major selection of 4086 students in Iran, and finally the theory is applied to one case study that explains an entrepreneur’s agency-freedom relationship after a business failure. In summary, the Tri-Modal Theory of Agency establishes that freedom matters but having agency to give up freedom in pursuit of one’s values ought to be the primary aspiration. This study can be exploited in the field of social psychology, appraisal psychology and organisational behaviour to understand an agent’s decisions in a social context with a focus on her freedom.

Les injonctions en polonais / The injunctions in Polish

Krupa, Renata 27 November 2010 (has links)
L’analyse des injonctions en polonais est placée dans une perspective pragmatico-énonciative. L’injonction est définie comme un acte illocutoire directif qui vise l’accomplissement ou le non accomplissement de l’action par l’allocutaire. L’auteur de ce travail part du constat qu’il n’existe pas de forme d’énoncé qui véhicule en soi la valeur injonctive. Seule l’actualisation d’un énoncé dans un contexte donné permet de définir la valeur injonctive qui se présente comme un continuum allant de l’injonction douce à l’injonction catégorique. Cela suppose une interaction entre la situation d’énonciation, divers marqueurs sémantico-syntaxiques, métainformatifs, expressifs ainsi que la prise en compte des facteurs extralinguistiques. Le concept de l’injonction permet de constater la suprématie du critère fonctionnel (le but de l’injonction) par rapport au critère purement formel (la structure de l’injonction). La notion d’honorification offre un cadre de description capable de rendre compte des différences qui existent entre le domaine non distant et le domaine distant ce qui conduit à établir une hiérarchie entre divers emplois injonctifs. / The analysis of the injunctions in Polish is carried out within the pragmatic and enunciation theoretical framework. The injunction is defined as an illocutionary directive act which aims at the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the action by the hearer. The author starts by presupposing that there is no shape of statement which conveys in itself the injunctive value. Only the actualizing of a statement in a given context allows to define the injunctive value which appears as a continuum going from soft injunction to categorical injunction. The actualizing in question asks for combination and interaction between the situation of speaking, the various semantic, syntactic, meta-informative and expressive markers, and the taking into account of the extra-linguistic factors. The concept of injunction allows to notice the supremacy of the functional criterion (the purpose of the injunction) over the purely formal criterion (the structure of the injunction). The notion of honorification offers a frame of description allowing to acknowledge the differences between the not-distant domain and the distant domain, which leads to establishing a hierarchy between diverse injunctive uses.

Převod konativní funkce v simultánním tlumočení na příkladu českých a anglických projevů v Evropském parlamentu / The transfer of conative function in simultaneous interpreting using the example of Czech and English speeches at the European Parliament

Chmelařová, Jitka January 2018 (has links)
The present theoretical-empirical diploma thesis in the field of interpreting studies analyses the transfer of conative function in bidirectional simultaneous interpreting between Czech and English. The theoretical part of the thesis presents an overview of the present knowledge in relation to the conative or persuasive function of language and its transfer in interpreting. The methodological framework and initial hypothesis underlying the empirical part of the thesis are then defined. The research material used for the quantitative-qualitative research consists of a corpus of recordings of original and interpreted speeches from the European Parliament. The aim of the present thesis is to explore to what degree the conative function, being the dominant language function in political discourse, is preserved in the interpreted versions of the speeches, on the basis of which debates in this multilingual institution take place. The empirical research follows from a contrastive analysis of the transfer of individual categories of the means of the conative function in simultaneous interpreting for the given language pair. Results of the research are interpreted in terms of the characteristics of the original speech, type of interpreting and directionality.

Target your customer's contextually : Explaining contextual targeting’s effect within the banking market

Berlin, Alex, Johnsson, Anton January 2021 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this explanatory study was to explain how contextual targeting affects customer attitudes, privacy concerns, trust, and loyalty.  Literature Review: The reviewed literature included concepts that are important within the banking market. Such as attitude (cognitive, affective, and conative), privacy concerns, trust, and loyalty. Based on the literature review the authors proposed six hypotheses that together formed the research model.  Methodology: A positivistic and deductive research approach was adopted in the form of a quantitative research design. Primary data was collected through an online questionnaire created in Google Forms which generated a total of 132 responses. Descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s alpha, and Pearson's correlation stood as a basis to analyze and interpret the data. Lastly, regression analysis was conducted in order to address the authors' proposed hypotheses stemming from the literature review.  Findings: The study found that contextual targeting had a significant positive effect on the three components of attitudes, cognitive, affective, and conative. Contextual targeting did not have a significant positive effect on privacy concerns, rather a negative effect in this study. Trust and loyalty were significantly positively affected by contextual targeting. The findings implied that contextual targeting positively affected visibility, awareness, preferences among customers of banks as well as their final purchase decision. Also, that contextual targeting affected trust and loyalty towards banks positively implying the positive aspects of utilizing the marketing strategy.  Keywords - Contextual targeting, Attitudes, Cognitive, Affective, Conative, Privacy concerns, Trust, Loyalty

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