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Thermal Performance of Various Roof Elements Under Different Weather ConditionsJoshi, Vijesh Vasanth January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Beside the point of whether the country is developed or underdeveloped, energy crisis is a common scene all over the world. In order to balance energy supply and demand, either one has to increase the supply or decrease the demand. The latter seems to be the better choice since we have limited sources of energy. About 20% - 40% of energy produced by a country is being consumed by HVACs in buildings. Hence much e ort is towards energy conservation in buildings.
Around 30% of the building energy consumption in India is due to cooling load. Previous studies have shown that around 60% of the heat due to solar radiation enters through the roof of the building. The present work aims to reduce the heat load entering through the roof by coming up with a better roofing technique for moderate climatic regions. In the present work, enclosures with the side walls and the floor (bottom slab) insulated has been studied both numerically and experimentally. Heat transfer between the ambient and enclosure is only through the roof (top slab).
Six common roofing types have been studied in this thesis.
Reinforced cement concrete (RCC) roof Mangalore tile roof
Thatched roof
GI Sheet roof and
Concrete roof with lawn (green roof)
Concrete roof with a layer of wet sand
The experimental studies have been carried out to understand heat transfer through these roofs. A comparative study of all six types of roofs has been done. Apart from this, the effect of a shade net on room models with bare RCC roof and GI sheet roof is also studied and presented in this thesis. Each enclosure has a height of 0.3m and the sides are 1m in size. Mangalore tile and thatched roofs are inclined to the horizontal.
To understand the heat flow process, the temperature variations of different surfaces and enclosure air, and, air temperatures near the top and bottom slabs were recorded. In addition, weather conditions such as solar radiation, ambient air temperature, and wind speed are recorded. The details of the experimental set up are given in chapter 3.
In chapter 2, a mathematical model to determine the temperature variations in the enclosure is given. All the three modes of heat transfer (conduction, convection and radiation) are present and the system is unsteady. The objective is to find the temperatures of the walls and the enclosure air temperature. Heat flows either from surroundings to the enclosure or from enclosure to the surroundings through the walls of the enclosure. As the solar radiation data is known for a given location, un-steady heat conduction equation is solved for the walls of the enclosure with heat flux boundary conditions to solve for the temperatures. Standard correlations have been used for calculating the convective heat transfer to the ambient and in the enclosure.
Most importantly, the experiments conducted were field experiments. The main objective of the study had been to understand the effect of roof on thermal comfort conditions inside the scaled model rooms under five different weather conditions which are commonly observed in warm tropics: (1)summer, (2)winter, (3)cloudy, (4)unsteady, and, (5)rainy. The details of weather conditions have been discussed in chapter 4.
In the present analysis, various issues were looked upon such as, temperature values, time lag, thermo-physical properties of the roof material, weather conditions, average over a 24 hours cycle etc. For the comparative analysis, bare RCC roof has been assumed to the base case as most of the buildings are built with RCC roof (for example, in India, around 29% of the buildings have RCC roof, as per 2011 census). On one side we have passive cooling techniques (lawn over RCC roof and wet sand over RCC roof), and, on the other side we have breathing roofs (Mangalore tile roof and thatched roof). Apart from these, the GI sheet roof is commonly used for small scale industries and residential houses. It has been observed that the concrete roof with lawn (hereafter called as lawn over RCC roof ) being the best one among the considered six roofs. Having lawn over RCC roof could result reduction in both solar gain and the diurnal variation of enclosure inside temperatures. The range of temperature variation was least disturbed due to change in weather conditions. In the case of wet sand over RCC roof, the diurnal variations of enclosure inside temperatures were relatively higher as compared with those in the lawn over RCC roof case. As far as breathing roofs are concerned, the two were found to be better than bare RCC roof with thermal comfort as point of view. On the other hand, breathing effects are found to be better in case of Mangalore tile roof than in case of thatched roof. GI sheet roof was found to be the worst among considered for thermal comfort. The effect of using shade net over RCC and GI sheet roof proves to have good potential to reduce cooling load with negligible adverse effects during night time. Detailed discussion of results has been done in chapter 4.
Numerical simulations have been carried out for the case of model room with bare RCC roof. A comparative analysis of both experimental and numerical results has been discussed in chapter 5. The important conclusions are discussed in chapter 6.
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Vinařství ŠakWine / Winery ŠakWineFranko, Michal Unknown Date (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to elaborate the project documentation of a new-built winery, in the cadastre area of Šakvice. The building has a basement and one above-ground floor. The building has a combined structural system. On the first floor is a wine-tasting room, a conference hall, a wine shop, a showroom, and an office. The wine production and technical facilities are situated in the basement. The building is based on cast-in-place plain concrete foundation strips. Vertical loadbearing structures on the first floor are design from ceramic blocks and the vertical loadbearing structures on the basement are design from cast-in-place reinforced concrete. Horizontal loadbearing structures are designed from cast-in-place reinforced concrete. The flat roof consists of a flat roof with extensive greenery. There are twenty parking spaces on the site. The designs were developed in the AutoCAD software. All structures comply with the valid standards and regulations.
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En jämförelse mellan gröna-, metall- och gråa tak för ett oisolerat parkeringshus utifrån dess olika temperaturer och dagvattenhanteringAndersson, Emelie, Aziz, Shniar January 2019 (has links)
Since climate change increases and changes constantly, it contributes to higher average temperatures, ice melting and has a great impact on our ecosystem. This will then lead to a warmer climate, which means increased precipitation and milder winters. One of the reasons to climate change is urbanization, meaning people moving to the cities. To succeed in changing the climate, international cooperation and common goals are required. At the northern part of Brynäs, in the municipality of Gävle, work is currently in progress around the area where the factory of Läkerol was once standing. The area continues to be rebuilt and the outcome will eventually be called Godisfabriken. There, amongst other, a car park will be built for the newly built homes. The aim of this study is to compare metal roofs, grey concrete roofs and green roofs within the two aspects of stormwater management and temperature. Then analyse which alternative of these three roofs would be most advantageous for the car park of Godisfabriken. The focused roofs are green, metal and concrete. A green roof is when it's completely or partly covered by a layer of vegetation and metal roofs are different sheet roofs with steel and aluminium-zinc. Grey roofs are made of concrete which works as both floor and ceiling. A building's roof affects which air temperature the surroundings has with its slope, vegetation and surrounding buildings. Another problem with urbanization and a warmer climate is stormwater management, which means rain and melted snow from roofs, parking areas and other hard surfaces. The method includes a literature study and calculations. The literature study gave research on temperature for all roofs as well as stormwater management for green roofs. Calculations were made for stormwater management and temperature with its flow, absorption, reflectance and heat transfer. The literature study and the calculations showed that green roofs have a high SRI value of 80 while the remaining roof is at around 40. The higher SRI, the lower surface temperatures on the material. This is proven in both methods when green roofs according to the literature study received a maximum surface temperature of 38 °C and 48 °C. According to the literature study green roofs can preserve more than 50 % of the rainwater. They also had a water flow rate of 1.97 l/s, which is less than half of what the metal roof got in the calculations. Since green roofs had both low air and surface temperatures, as well as longer drainage times and most absorbed water, green roofs are a more suitable choice than metal and grey concrete. / Eftersom klimatförändringarna förändras och konstant ökar bidrar det till en högre medeltemperatur, att isen smälter och att ekosystemet påverkas. Detta kommer då leda till ett varmare klimat vilket medför ökad nederbörd och mildare vintrar. En av orsakerna är urbanisering vilket betyder att människor flyttar till städer. För att lyckas förändra klimatet krävs internationellt samarbete och gemensamma mål. Vid norra Brynäs i Gävle kommun pågår just nu arbete runt området där Läkerolfabriken en gång stod. Gamla Läkerolområdet kommer slutligen bli Godisfabriken. Där kommer det uppföras ett parkeringshus till det nybyggda bostäderna. Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra metalltak, gråa betongtak och gröna tak inom de två aspekterna dagvattenhantering och temperatur, därefter analysera vilket alternativ av dessa tre tak som skulle vara mest fördelaktigt för Godisfabrikens parkeringshus. De fokuserade taken var grönt-, metall- och betong tak. Ett grönt tak är då taket är helt eller delvis täckt av ett lager vegetation. Metalltak är olika plåttak med stål och aluminium-zink, gråa tak syftar på betongbjälklag som fungerar både som golv och tak. En byggnads tak påverkar vilken lufttemperatur omgivningen har, även takets lutning samt växtlighet och byggnaderna runt om. Ett annat problem med urbanisering och varmare klimat är dagvattenhanteringen, vilket innebär regn- och smältvatten från bland annat tak, parkeringsytor och andra hårdgjorda ytor. Metoden innefattar en litteraturstudie samt beräkningar. Litteraturstudien gav forskning om temperatur för samtliga tak samt dagvattenhantering för gröna tak. Beräkningar genomfördes för dagvattenhantering och temperatur med dess flöde, absorption, reflektans och värmeöverföring. Litteraturstudien och beräkningarna visade att gröna tak har ett högt SRI (Solar Reflectance Index) värde på 80 medan resterande tak låg på runt 40. Ju högre SRI desto lägre yttemperaturer på materialet. Detta bevisas i båda metodvalen då gröna tak enligt litteraturstudie fick en maximal yttemperatur på 38 °C och 48 °C enligt beräkningarna. De hade även ett dagvattenflöde på 1,97 l/s, vilket är mindre än hälften av vad metalltaken på 4,93 l/s fick vid beräkningarna och kan enligt litteraturstudien bevara mer än 50 % av regnvattnet. Då gröna tak hade både låga luft- och yttemperaturer samt längre avrinningstid och mest absorberat vatten visar det att gröna tak är ett mer lämpligt val än metall- och gråa betongtak.
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Jämförelse mellan betong- och tegeltakpannor – En fallstudieMyint, Myant Naing Maya, Karimian, Nicki January 2023 (has links)
Syfte: Gävle kommun har som mål att kraftigt minska sitt verksamhetsutsläpp av koldioxid fram till år 2050. Därför satsar kommunen på att använda sig av så miljövänliga material som möjligt med låga koldioxidutsläpp. Ett av de områden där kommunen fokuserar på är val av material till byggnaderna. Inom detta examarbete är det fokus på takmaterial. Nuvarande takmaterialet på Skräddargårdens förskola är betongpannor. En jämförelse mellan betong och tegelpannor kommer att genomföras. Målet är att besvara frågan: Vilken av dessa takpannor bör Gavlefastigheter AB välja på Skräddargårdens förskola Metod: Examarbetet är baserad på varierande metoder. Som metoder användes tex. intervjuer med olika företag, litteraturstudie, datainsamling, beräkningar av takarea och koldioxidutsläpp. Samt granskning av gamla examensarbeten för att samla inspiration och få en djupare förståelse. En livscykelanalys (LCA) inkluderades, eftersom de flesta av artiklar som studerat är baserade på den. För att få fram en ungefärlig area för taket har Autodesk Revit Educational Version använts och för att få en ännu mer exakt beräkning av arean på taket användes programmet Geo Math - GeoGebra. Resultat: Beroende på vad Gavlefastigheter har för budget så kan tegelpannor rekommenderas som det nya byggnadsmaterialet för Skräddargårdens förskola. Kostnaden vid inköp kan variera eftersom både materialen kan vara nyproducerade eller att de återbrukas. Koldioxidutsläppen för tegeltakpannor är betydligt mindre än betongtakpannor, dock är underhållskostnaden mer eftersom tegelpannor behöver mer skötsel. Slutsatser: Tegelpannor kostar mer än betongpannor men medför mindre utsläpp av koldioxidekvivalenter. Nackdelarna är att företaget måste lägga ner mer pengar. Samt resurser i jämförelse om de ska använda sig av tegelpannor. Alternativet är att använda sig av återbrukande betong- eller tegelpannor. Avgränsning: Studien är begränsad till endast två olika takpannor, betongpannor samt tegelpannor. Studien tar inte hänsyn till en fördjupning på livscykelanalys. Detta projekt kommer även att behandla en-, tvåkupiga plattor, fokus kommer att ligga på val av plattor beroende på Skräddarens förskolas takvinkel. / Purpose: Gavle municipality has the goal of significantly reducing its carbon dioxide emissions by 2050. Therefore, the municipality is focusing on using materials that are as environmentally friendly as possible, with low carbon dioxide emissions. One area where the municipality is focusing is the choice of materials for buildings, and in this thesis, investigated whether the current roof material at Skräddargårdens preschool can be replaced with more sustainable alternatives. Comparation of concrete tiles and clay tiles, and the goal is to answer the question: 'Which of these roof tiles should Gavlefastigheter AB choose at Skräddargårdens preschool? Method: Methods used are interviews with different companies and roofers, literature studies and to read on old degree projects for a better understanding to achieve the goal. A small part of LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) will be included as most articles are based on it. An approximate roof area has been developed through the Autodesk Revit Educational Version. The program Geo Math - GeoGebra used to clarify the roof area that corresponded to good clear numbers. Findings: Depending on what Gavlefastigheter have for budget, clay tiles can be highly recommended as the new building materials for Skräddargårdens preschool. The cost of purchase can variate because both materials can be new or reused in different ways. The carbon dioxide emissions from clay tiles are significantly less than concrete roof tiles, however, the maintenance cost is more because brick tiles need more maintenance. Clay is more sensitive than concrete and may require more frequent maintenance than concrete, therefore it costs more for maintenance intervals with clay. Conclusions: Clay tiles cost is higher than concrete tiles. The disadvantages may be that the company must invest more economically in comparison if they are to use the material concrete. Thus, in the end, it is not large sums. From an environmental perspective, clay tiles are better compared to concrete tiles if properly cared for, because concrete contains cement and cement is bad for the environment and toxic. An alternative is to use reusable concrete and clay tiles. Demarcation: The study is limited to only two different roof types, concrete tiles and clay tiles. This study does not consider in life cycle analysis. This project will also treat one-, two-cup tiles, the focus will be on the choice of tiles depending on the preschool roof angle.
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Polyfunkční dům / Multifuntional houseKučera, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the design of new multifunctional building in Frydek-Mistek. Project and attachments are processed according to the current laws, regulations and standards. Multifunctional House is located on parcels 3364/190 and 3503/1, in the cadastral Místek. The house has four floors and reside in 3 commercial units and in the last two floors 5 residential units. The other two dimensions of the house are 21,15x13,15m. Roofing the house is solved by a flat roof. The building is brick ceramic blocks Porotherm. Ceilings are made up of reinforced concrete panels. The construction is based on flat base structures that form the plain concrete C20 / 25 and the supporting concrete slab thickness of 150 mm is reinforced curry networks 100/100/6.
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Nádraží VRT letiště Brno Tuřany / HST Station at the Airport Brno TuřanyKuchtík, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis was prepared as an architectural study. The subject of the proposal was design of VRT station in Brno-Tuřany, near Brno airport. It was designed station building with platforms and four tracks. Two of them are passable and the other two are stationary. Rails leads below ground level. Above the rails is rail station that connect both areas next the rail corridor. Railway station serves primarily to transfer between rail and air transport.
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Základní škola speciální a Praktická škola při dětském domově Zlín - stavebně technologický projekt / Special basic school and Practical school with orphanage in Zlin - structural technological projectHrdlička, Michal January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals selected parts of a structural technological project for new building Basic school and Practical school with orphanage in Zlín. It contains studies of main technological steps, chronological plan, calculation, project of site equipment, technological prescription for concrete roof, suggestion construction machinery and another selected parts. This new brick building includes 3 floors with basement and is located in a separate educational area. Basic monolithic concrete constructions with steels are realizated as a surface structures.
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Víceúčelový dům / The Multifunctional HousePánek, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The main concern of this thesis is to design a five-storey multifunctional house. The house is divided into the main living area to which it belongs especially residential units accessible by stairs from the ground floor and also basement boxes and room for prams. On the ground floor are also located the individual garage, store room and technology. The house has four floors and a basement, the basement are located mass garages. The house has a sloping wooden roof trusses.
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Střešní deska nad parkovištěm mezi bytovými domy / Roof slab above the car park between residential housesMichna, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the design of roof slab in two options. Internal forces are calculated by software rfem. The thesis also includes design of column, manual calculation and comparision with finite element method and drawings.
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Autosalon se servisem / Car showroom with servicePavlíček, Jiří Unknown Date (has links)
The subject of this master thesis is the elaboration of project documentation for the construction of a car showroom & service. This building is located in Brno, cadastral area of city Brno: Královo Pole. It is a detached building without a basement built on a trapezoid shaped area with a flat terrain. Object is divided into two functional parts: the car showroom and the car service. These two parts are constructionally and operationally connected. The car showroom is designed as a two-storey object, which serves as car exhibition, technical and hygienic facilities and mainly the administrative parts of both objects. The car service is designed as a single-storey object without a basement, which serves as a workspace of the car service and a warehouse. The load-bearing structural system of the car showroom is made of reinforced concrete pillars with ceramic masonry. The load-bearing structural system of the car service is made of reinforced concrete pillars with light sandwich panels. The foundation slab consists of prefabricated stepped foundation pad, prefabricated reinforced concrete grade beam and concrete strip footing. Insulation system of the building is made of insulation boards from basalt wool cladding by ventilated facades with perforated steel panels. Insolation in the car showroom is secured by glass curtain wall in combination with plastic windows and doors. Ceiling structures are designed as prestressed ceiling panels Spiroll. Roofing structure of both objects is supported by prestressed reinforced concrete roof girder in combination with trapezoidal sheet and insulation boards from basalt wool and PIR boards. The roof of the objects is flat with ordinary layer order with waterproof layer from softened PVC.
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