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Slovinská hudba v Praze. Recepce slovinských skladatelů, dirigentů a interpretů mezi lety 1900 - 1939. / Slovenian music in Prague. Reception of Slovenian composers, conductors and interpreters between 1900 - 1939.Soustružník, Leoš January 2015 (has links)
(in English): The goal of the master's thesis is to monitor the reception of compositions composed by Slovenian composers, by Slovenian students studying music and by Slovenian performers in Czech musical environment during the years 1848 - 1918 and 1919 - 1939. The thesis is divided into eight parts. The two main parts (Period 1848 - 1919 and Period 1919 - 1939) consist of subchapters and ends with the final summarizing of results. In additional part you can find a Dictionary of Slovenian and Yugoslav musicians and music ensembles referred in the thesis. The final part consists of poster copies and concert programs.
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Um modelo para condutores múltiplos considerando a distribuição da corrente nos subcondutores /Costa, Eduardo Coelho Marques da. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Sérgio Kurokawa / Banca: Afonso José do Prado / Banca: Lourenço Matias / Resumo: O presente trabalho descreve detalhadamente uma metodologia alternativa para o cálculo dos parâmetros longitudinais e transversais de um condutor múltiplo genérico, com base na configuração de um condutor equivalente. A metodologia proposta considera precisamente o acoplamento mútuo entre os subcondutores que compões o feixe, a natureza distribuída dos parâmetros e a distribuição da corrente, uniforme ou desigual, através dos subcondutores. São calculados e analisados os parâmetros utilizando a metodologia alternativa proposta e o procedimento clássico baseado na obtenção de um condutor equivalente aplicando o conceito do Raio Médio Geométrico (RMG), para diversos condutores múltiplos, sendo eles simétricos ou não simétricos, convencionais ou não-convencionais. Posteriormente, são comparados os resultados obtidos por ambos os métodos e a partir desses é possível comprovar a eficácia da metodologia proposta e eventuais situações em que a metodologia clássica, envolvendo o conceito do RMG, apresenta algumas imprecisões derivadas da distribuição não uniforme da corrente em condutores múltiplos assimétricos ou pouco convencionais / Abstract: The present work describes an alternative methodology to evaluate the longitudinal and transversal parameters of a generic bundled conductor, based on the configuration of an equivalent conductor. The proposed methodology considers precisely the mutual coupling among subconductors of the bundle, the distributed nature of parameters and the current distribution through subconductors. The parameters are calculated and analyzed using the proposed alternative methodology and the classic procedure, based on equivalent conductor applying the concept of Geometric Mean Radius (GMR), for several bundled conductors, symmetric or nonsymmetric, conventional or non-conventional. Subsequently, the obtained results are compared to both methods and then it is possible to verify the efficacy of the proposed methodology and eventual situations where the classic methodology, based on RMG concept, presents inaccuracies due to the non-uniform distribution of the current in non-symmetric or non-conventional bundled conductors / Mestre
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Tailoring superconductor and SOFC structures for power applicationsMitchell-Williams, Thomas Benjamin January 2017 (has links)
High temperature superconductors (HTS) and solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) both offer the possibility for dramatic improvements in efficiency in power applications such as generation, transmission and use of electrical energy. However, production costs and energy losses prohibit widespread adoption of these technologies. This thesis investigates low-cost methods to tailor the structures of HTS wires and SOFCs to reduce these energy losses. Section I focusses on methods to produce filamentary HTS coated conductors that show reduced AC losses. This includes spark-discharge striation to pattern existing HTS tapes and inkjet printing of different filamentary architectures. The printed structures are directly deposited filaments and ‘inverse’ printed tracks where an initially deposited barrier material separates superconducting regions. Furthermore, the concept and first stages of a more complex ‘Rutherford’ cable architecture are presented. Additionally, Section I investigates how waste material produced during the manufacture of an alternative low-AC loss cable design, the Roebel cable, can be used to make trapped field magnets that produce a uniform magnetic field profile over a large area. This trapped field magnet work is extended to study self-supporting soldered stacks of HTS tape that demonstrate unprecedented magnetic field uniformity. Section II looks at how nanostructuring porous SOFC electrodes via solution infiltration of precursors can improve long-term stability and low temperature performance. Inkjet printing is utilised as a scalable, low-cost technique to infiltrate lab-scale and commercial samples. Anode infiltration via inkjet printing is demonstrated and methods to increase nanoparticle loading beyond ~1 wt% are presented. Symmetric cells with infiltrated cathodes are shown to have improved performance and stability during high temperature aging. Additionally, the sequence of solution infiltration is found to be important for samples dual-infiltrated with two different nanoparticle precursors.
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Características dos parâmetros do condutor equivalente a um feixe de subcondutores de linhas de transmissão : análise inicial /Carvalho, Carolina Goulart de. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Sérgio Kurokawa / Banca: Mariângela de Carvalho Bovolato / Banca: Humberto Mendes Mazzini / Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver uma metodologia para definir um condutor equivalente para um condutor múltiplo. O método baseia-se no fato de que os parâmetros dos subcondutores estão distribuídos ao longo do comprimento dos mesmos e, deste modo, cada subcondutor deve ser tratado como uma linha de transmissão. Inicialmente são obtidas as relações entre as correntes e tensões nos dois terminais de cada subcondutor. Em seguida, considera-se que a corrente no condutor múltiplo deve ser igual à corrente no condutor equivalente. Uma vez que as tensões e correntes nos terminais do condutor equivalente são conhecidas, é possível obter a impedância longitudinal e a admitância transversal deste condutor. O método desenvolvido foi aplicado em um condutor múltiplo hipotético constituído de dois subcondutores. Os resultados obtidos com este método são comparados com o método clássico de obtenção do condutor equivalente, que se baseia no raio médio geométrico dos subcondutores do condutor múltiplo. Para isto foi mostrado que quando o raio médio geométrico é usado para definir um condutor equivalente de um condutor múltiplo, os parâmetros longitudinais e transversais do condutor equivalente são afetados. / Abstract: The objective of this work is to improve a methodology to define an equivalent conductor for a bundled conductor. The proposed methodology takes into account that the longitudinal and transversal parameters are distributed along the subconductors. This way, each subconductor of a bundled conductor needs to be considered as being a transmission line. Initially the relationships among currents and voltages at sending and receiving end of each subcondutor are obtained. Then, it is considered that total currents and voltages at sending and receiving end of the bundled conductor is equal to currents and voltages at sending and receiving end of the equivalent conductor. Taking into account that parameters of the equivalent conductor are distributed parameters, it is possible to obtain them from currents and voltages at sending and receiving end. The proposed methodology was applied in a hypothetical bundled conductor constituted by two subconductors. The results were compared with results obtained by using geometric mean radius. It was shown that when geometric mean radius is used to define an equivalent conductor of a bundled conductor, the longitudinal and transversal parameters of the equivalent conductor are severely affected. / Mestre
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Desenvolvimento e caracterização de condutores iônicos de classe ABO3Rodrigues, Thiago January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. José Fernando Queiruga Rey / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nanociências e Materiais Avançados, 2014. / O aumento da demanda energética nas ultimas décadas e a inevitável diminuição dos combustíveis não renováveis fez a sociedade iniciar uma busca por novas formas de obtenção de energia. Entre as novas tecnologias propostas tem-se as células a combustível, estes dispositivos convertem energia química em elétrica e térmica, dentre os diversos desafios tecnológicos para a inserção desta tecnologia no mercado, pode-se citar a obtenção de um eletrólito solido com boa condutividade iônica e instável em ambientes que contenham CO2 e H2O. Dentre os condutores iônicos pode-se citar as perovskitas, condutores iônicos cerâmicos utilizados como eletrólitos em células a combustível e em diversas outras aplicações tecnológicas, esta classe de material se destaca por sua alta tolerância a formação de vacâncias e sua capacidade de incorporar íons em sua estrutura. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram produzir, caracterizar e estudar condutores iônicos do tipo perovskita (BaCe(1-x)MxO3), onde M representa os substituintes iônicos do tipo Gd, Zr, Er e x=(0,03; 0,05; 0,07; 0,1) representa as concentrações do dopantes nas amostras. Os compostos foram caracterizados estruturalmente por difração de raios X, refinados pelo método Rietveld e caracterizados eletricamente pela espectroscopia de impedância. Os resultados da difração de raios X indicam que não houve grandes variações na estrutura cristalina do cerato de bário (BaCeO3), quando dopado com gadolínio nas proporções de . Observou-se uma diminuição na mobilidade iônica das amostras cerato de bário dopadas com gadolínio e zircônio em função do aumento da porcentagem dos substituintes iônicos. / The increasing energy demand and the inevitable reduction of non-renewable fuels in the last decades did society start a search for new ways of obtaining energy. Among the new technologies we proposed fuel cells, these devices convert chemical energy to electrical and thermal, among many technological integration of this technology to the market challenges, we can mention to obtain a solid electrolyte with excellent ionic conductivity and unstable in environments which containing CO2 and H2O. Among the ionic conductors may cite the perovskites, ceramic ionic conductors used as electrolytes in fuel cells and several other technological applications, this class of material stands out for its high tolerance for vacancy formation and its ability to incorporate ions in their structure. The ceramic ionic conductors are used as electrolytes in fuel cells and several other technological applications. The objectives of this study were to produce and, characterize perovskite-type materials (BaCe (1-x) MxO3), where M are the ionic substituents Gd, Zr, Er and x (x = 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1) represents the concentration of dopants in the samples. The compounds were characterized by X-ray diffraction, analyzed by the method rietveld and impedance spectroscopy. The results of X-ray diffraction suggest that there were no major changes in the crystal structure of the barium cerate (BaCeO3) doped with gadolinium in proportions between 0.3 . x . 0.1. There was a decrease in ion mobility, barium cerate with increasing the percentage of ionic substituents gadolinium and zirconium in the structure of barium cerate.
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Contrôle des propriétés quantiques de fluorescence des nanocristaux semi-conducteursSpinicelli, Piernicola 10 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a porté principalement sur la caractérisation de nanocristaux dont la structure permet de réduire de façon drastique leur scintillement. La caractéristique essentielle de ces nanocristaux de CdSe est qu'ils sont entourés d'une coquille épitaxiée très épaisse de CdS qui les préserve d'interactions trop importantes avec l'extérieur. La réalisation d'une coquille très épaisse permet de supprimer les longues périodes d'extinction. De plus, on a pu vérifier que si le trou reste localisé dans le coeur du nanocristal, l'électron est délocalisé dans l'ensemble de la structure. Cet effet de délocalisation provoque une réduction de l'efficacité des processus Auger. À bas taux de pompage, cette propriété implique que les nanocristaux ne présentent plus d'états réellement éteints. Ce résultat, associé aux mesures des durées de vie correspondant aux périodes d'extinction et d'émission, nous a permis de calculer les taux de recombinaisons des différents processus en jeu dans un nanocristal faiblement excité, qu'il soit neutre ou ionisé. A plus fort taux de pompage, nous montrons la possibilité d'observer des cascades radiatives consécutives à des recombinaisons d'états multiexcitoniques. La dernière partie a été consacrée à des premiers résultats concernant le contrôle de l'émission de nanocristaux par leur insertion dans des cavités photoniques à miroirs de Bragg. Nous observons l'émission de photons uniques et nous démontrons l'effet de la cavité sur la durée de vie radiative des nanocristaux.
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Méthode de Perturbation pour la Modélisation par Éléments Finis des Systèmes Électrostatiques en Mouvement - Application aux MEMS ÉlectrostatiquesBoutaayamou, Mohamed 05 March 2009 (has links)
La modélisation par éléments finis des conducteurs en mouvement nécessite généralement des calculs successifs et le remalliage de certaines régions. Une modélisation 3D de géométries complexes par les techniques classiques nécessite dès lors de gros efforts en terme
de temps de calcul.
Dans cette thèse, une méthode originale basée sur une approche par sous-problèmes, appelée méthode de perturbation, a été développée. Utilisant la méthode des éléments finis, cette technique consiste à subdiviser un problème entier en sous-problèmes. La complexité du problème initial est par conséquent diminuée en ne se concentrant que sur les zones les plus pertinentes. Appliquée aux systèmes en mouvement, la méthode de perturbation permet d'exploiter les résolutions antérieures au lieu d'effectuer un nouveau calcul pour chaque position.
L'analyse par la méthode de perturbation des microsystèmes
électromécaniques (MEMS) électrostatiques comprenant des parties en déplacement ou en déformation est en outre considérée dans ce travail. Il est notamment question de démontrer l'implication naturelle de cette approche pour des simulations plus efficaces et plus précises des MEMS électrostatiques.
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Materials selection and evaluation of Cu-W particulate composites for extreme electrical contactsWatkins, Bobby Gene, II 21 January 2011 (has links)
Materials for extreme electrical contacts need to have high electrical conductivity coupled with good structural properties. Potential applications include motor contacts, high power switches, and the components of electromagnetic launch (EML) systems. In particular, the lack of durability of these materials in rail components limits practical EML implementation. These rails experience significant amounts of Joule heating, due to extreme current densities, and subsequent thermally-assisted wear. New more durable materials solutions are needed for these components. A systematic materials selection study was executed to identify and compare candidate materials solutions. Several possible candidate non-dominated materials as well as hybrid materials that could potential fill the "white spaces" on the Ashby charts were identified. A couple potential candidate materials were obtained and evaluated. These included copper-tungsten W-Cu, "self-lubricating" graphite-impregnated Cu, and Gr-W-Cu composites with different volume fractions of the constituents. The structure-property relations were determined through mechanical and electrical resistivity testing. A unique test protocol for exposing mechanical test specimens to extreme current densities up to 1.2 GA/m2 was developed and used to evaluate these candidate materials. The systematic design of multi-functional materials for these extreme electrical contacts requires more than an empirical approach. Without a good understanding of both the tribological and structural performance, the optimization of the microstructure will not be quickly realized. By using micromechanics modeling and other materials design modeling tools coupled with systematic mechanical and tribological experiments, the design of materials for these applications can potentially be accelerated. In addition, using these tools, more complex functionally-graded materials tailored to the application can be systematically designed. In this study, physics- and micromechanics-based models were used to correlate properties to the volume fraction of the constituents of the evaluated candidate materials. Properties correlated included density, elastic modulus, hardness, strength, and electrical resistivity of the W-Cu materials.
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Lightning Protection System To Indian Satellite Launch Pads : Stroke Classification And Evaluation Of Current In The Intercepted StrokesHegde, Vishwanath 11 1900 (has links)
Satellites have become absolute necessity in the growing modern space technology. At present, launch pads are the only means for launching of satellites or any other space vehicles. Due to the large magnitude of current and the associated rate of rise, a lightning strike to launch pads can be quite disastrous.
Satellite launch complex forms typically the tallest object in that region. This makes them the more vulnerable to cloud-to-ground lightning. In addition, most of the launch pads are situated near the coastal area, where the isokeraunic levels are quite high. In view of these, almost all the satellite launch pads are provided with suitable Lightning Protection Systems (LPS). The LPS is basically intended for protecting against a direct lightning hit. The present work is related with the LPS to Indian satellite launch pads, Pad-I and Pad-II.
The protection system for Pad-I consists of three 120 m tall towers placed approximately at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of 180 m. The same for Pad-II consist of 120 m tall towers placed at vertices of rectangle of size 90 m x 105 m. Towers are interconnected by 6 shield wires at the top. A mast of 10m length forms the top of the tower.
Significant work on the analysis of interception efficacy of these protection systems has been reported in the literature. The lightning surge response of these systems have also been analysed and reported.
The interception efficacy of these LPS in field can be ascertained by pertinent measurements. Measuring the lightning current on LPS seems to be one of the most suitable choices for this purpose. It would also greatly facilitate collection of local lightning current statistics, data on which is almost absent. Several considerations suggest that the tower bases form ideal place for such measurement.
However, such lightning current records would involve mainly the current resulting from stroke interception, as well as, induced current due to strokes nearby. Literature on categorisation of measured currents to the type of stroke and correlation of measured currents to the incident stroke currents is rather limited. This is especially true for interconnected protection system of the type dealt in the present work.
Considering these the present work is taken up and its scope is defined as:
(i) Evolve a suitable model for study of current distribution in LPS due to
Lightning and using the same deduce the current due to stroke interception and that due to stroke nearby.
(ii) For the purpose of categorization identify the salient characteristics of current due to the intercepted strokes and that due to bypass/nearby strokes
(iii) For the intercepted strokes, develop a processor for estimating the injected stroke current from the measured tower base currents.
Lightning event, apart from other associated physical phenomena, is strongly governed by electromagnetic fields. Any method employed for the analysis, either theoretical or experimental, should satisfy the governing electromagnetic equations. As experimentation on actual system, as well as, their laboratory simulation is nearly impossible, theoretical modelling approach is selected. Modelling involves modelling of the channel along with its excitation, modelling of the LPS and modelling of the ground. Channel, following the literature, is represented as a loaded conductor with a lumped current source at the junction point. Such models have quite successfully predicted the electromagnetic fields and current in other places on the down conductor.
For the LPS, some simplifications on the geometry are very essential. Tower lattice elements of dimensions much smaller than the wavelength of highest dominant frequency component of lightning current spectrum are neglected. Suitable modification is made for the tower top involving a plate and interconnection of several short members.
For the close range within 200 – 400 m, even for the induced currents, the influence of ground in the literature has been reported to be small. Also, there is an extensive grounding network in these systems. In view of the same, a perfectly conducting ground along with suitable ground termination impedance is considered.
Only the numerical solution of the problem is feasible and for the same, following the literature, NEC-2 is employed. All the guidelines of NEC are respected in the discretisation. Geometric mean radius is employed for modelling the complex tower elements. Fourier Transform Techniques are employed for time domain conversion of the computed frequency domain quantities. Occasionally, numerical inversion error of magnitude less than 5% is encountered. For the validation of the numerical modelling for both direct stroke and that nearby, time domain experimentation on electromagnetically reduced scale models (35:1) is employed.
As the channel electrical and geometrical parameters are stochastic in nature, it is necessary to ensure that the deduction made using the model is practically relevant. For this, some parametric studies are conducted. The influence of channel length and inclination, stroke current velocity etc. has been shown to be insignificant for the case of intercepted strokes. Simulations are carried out for the stroke intercepted (i.e. direct strikes) by the LPS. The characteristics of the tower base currents are investigated. The base currents indicate a dispersive propagation along the towers and further a frequency dependent current division at the tower-shield wire junctions. Base currents contain superimposed oscillations, which basically originate from various junctions of the system. The magnitude of the oscillations is obviously dependent on the rise time of the incident currents. The tower base currents settle within about 10 -15 µs, which is shorter than that for isolated tower. Further, the full-frequency model could be limited to this time period. The corresponding current transfer functions are deduced.
For the stroke interception by shield wires, based on the earlier work, only stroke to midspan is found to be relevant and hence it is considered. The nature of tower base currents for a stroke to midspan of the shield wires seem to be similar. However there are some distinct features, which are helpful in identifying the stroke location on the LPS. From the time correlated tower base currents, a suitable methodology for identifying the stroke interception location on LPS is developed.
Next, simulations for induced current due to a bypass stroke, as well as, stroke to ground outside the LPS, however, within 1 km radius are taken up. In fact, it is estimated that latter is nearly 5 – 13 times higher than the strokes collected by LPS, indicating it as the most probable event. The objective here is characterization, rather than correlation. In this study, the influence of charge induced on the LPS by the descending leader is neglected and the upward leader activity is approximately considered. To the best of author’s knowledge, studies on such induced currents in down conductors are very scarce. Considering this and noting that the number of parameters is quite large, first the basic study is taken up on simple cylindrical down conductors. Many important and interesting deductions are made.
The nature of the induced current is highly dependent on the rate of rise as well as the velocity of propagation of the stroke current. The magnitude and to some extent, the wave shape of the induced current is found to depend on the average as well as maximum di/dt of the stroke current. For a given wave shape, the magnitude of the induced current increases with rate of rise of the wave front; however, saturating trend will onset after some point. The height of the down conductor mainly governs the frequency of the oscillatory component of the induced current. The dependency of the induced current on the radius of the down conductor seems to be logarithmic (which is in accordance with the antenna theory). Based on these results, the parameters for the corresponding study on LPS under consideration, is chosen.
The results of the investigation on the induced currents in LPS show that they have quite distinct waveform. They are basically bipolar and oscillatory in nature, with relatively short duration. These unique features facilitate clear distinction of the induced currents from that due to stroke interception. Basic characteristics are reasonably insensitive to the separation distance of the protection system and the channel, current propagation velocity along the channel, channel inclination and shape of the current front. The salient features of the induced current due to a bypass stroke are also enumerated.
• The noise, if any, in the measured current can be addressed only after acquiring sufficient data. Based on the above, the following procedure is suggested for the stroke classification and estimation.
• By employing the distinct features of the resulting tower base currents, analyze the measured tower base currents and classify the strokes into the intercepted stroke or stroke to ground.
• For the latter case, using the salient features of the bypass strokes, further classify the strokes to bypass strokes and stroke to ground outside the protected volume.
• For the intercepted strokes, using the relative strengths and wave shapes, identify the interception point to either tower top or the midspan of the shield wires.
• Then by using the corresponding transfer functions and Fourier Transform techniques, compute the injected stroke current.
• Using the above, other tower base currents are computed and compared with the measured currents. This gives quantification for the accuracy of the method.
In summary the present work has made some original contribution to the classification and estimation of stroke currents measured on the interconnected LPS.
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Strombegrenzende Mechanismen YBa2Cu3O7-[delta]-Dünnschichten und -QuasimultilagenHänisch, Jens 01 October 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In this work, electrical transport properties and the maximum current carrying capability of YBa2Cu3O7-[delta] thin films and so called quasi-multilayers are investigated. These samples are prepared with pulsed laser deposition on single-crystalline substrates (SrTiO3) as well as on biaxially textured Ni tapes. The critical current density of coated conductors is limited by small-angle grain boundaries in low magnetic fields, but by the intra-grain pinning properties in higher magnetic fields. Accordingly, these investigations are divided into two parts: In the first part, the limitation of the critical current density by grain-boundaries and grain boundary networks is investigated with the main focus on the influence of geometrical factors such as the conductor width or the grain aspect ratio. In the second part, a possible enhancement of the critical current density due to different doping types (atomar doping using Zn and precipitate doping using BaMO3 where M is a transition metal) will be discussed. Here, not only the irreversibility field but also the pinning behaviour in very low magnetic fields is of interest to better understand the pinning mechanism of thin films. / In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden elektrische Transporteigenschaften und die maximale Stromtragfähigkeit von YBa2Cu3O7-[delta]-Dünnschichten und -Schichtsystemen, die mit Hilfe der gepulsten Laserdeposition sowohl auf einkristallinem Substrat, SrTiO3, als auch auf biaxial texturierten Ni-Bändern deponiert wurden, untersucht. Da in kleinen Magnetfeldern Kleinwinkelkorngrenzen die kritische Stromdichte in Bandleitern begrenzen, in höheren jedoch die Pinningeigenschaften der Körner, gliedern sich diese Untersuchungen in zwei Teile: Im ersten wird die Limitierung der kritischen Stromdichte jc durch Korngrenzen und Korngrenzennetzwerke näher untersucht, wobei besonders Geometrieeinflüsse, wie die Leiterbahnbreite oder das Aspektverhältnis der Körner, interessieren. Im zweiten wird eine mögliche Erhöhung der kritischen Stromdichte durch verschiedene Dotierungen (atomare Dotierung: Zn, Ausscheidungsdotierung: BaMO3, M Metall) erörtert. Dabei ist nicht nur das Irreversibilitätsfeld interessant, sondern auch das Pinningverhalten in sehr kleinen Magnetfeldern, da so die Pinningmechanismen in Dünnschichten besser verstanden werden können.
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