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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A interpretação de conferências no Brasil: história de sua prática profissional e a formação de intérpretes brasileiros / Conference interpreting in Brazil: a history of its professional practice and the training of Brazilian interpreters

Reynaldo José Pagura 03 December 2010 (has links)
Embora o ato de traduzir a interação oral entre duas ou mais pessoas seja algo infinitamente antigo, a interpretação de conferências, como profissão, remonta ao início do Século XX, com as Conferências de Paz realizadas em Paris, ao final da Primeira Guerra Mundial. A profissão se consolida com a criação da Liga das Nações e, posteriormente, da Organização das Nações Unidas e com o aumento do número de congressos e reuniões científicas internacionais, além da criação de diversos organismos internacionais após a Segunda Guerra Mundial. No Brasil, a interpretação desponta como profissão na segunda metade da década de 40 do século passado e vai-se consolidando aos poucos, ao longo das décadas seguintes. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo narrar e analisar criticamente a história da profissão no Brasil, a partir de depoimentos de seus diversos participantes, a saber intérpretes de conferência e formadores de intérpretes. O arsenal teórico que subsidia a coleta e análise das entrevistas parte de pressupostos da História Oral, sem, contudo, se limitar a tal abordagem teórica, inserindo-se na grade área de Estudos da Tradução, utilizando a visão do pesquisador insider proposta por Koskinen (2008). O ecletismo da metodologia abrange, ainda, a análise crítica de elementos da mídia, de correspondências por correio eletrônico e de informações de websites de alguns cursos de formação. A pesquisa inclui os primeiros eventos importantes e a criação da Associação Profissional de Intérpretes de Conferência (APIC), em 1971, em relato de sua idealizadora e primeira presidente, Ulla Schneider e das demais fundadoras vivas. O trabalho, tentando suprir uma lacuna nos Estudos da Interpretação no Brasil e em língua portuguesa como um todo, inclui ainda outras questões contemporâneas pertinentes à profissão, tais como o relacionamento entre intérpretes e desses com agenciadores e organizadores de eventos, além de apresentar uma visão de como a mídia brasileira vê os intérpretes. Inclui também uma panorâmica de grandes eventos internacionais realizados no Brasil, na voz de uma das principais coordenadoras de intérpretes, Simone Troula. Todo um capítulo é dedicado à formação de intérpretes no Brasil, não só em seu aspecto histórico, mas também no que tange à formação hoje em dia, comparando e contrastando os programas existentes no Brasil a seus congêneres internacionais. O trabalho finaliza com uma breve visão de possíveis cenários da profissão, a partir de novos elementos como a interpretação remota, a realização de eventos monolíngues, sobretudo em inglês, e a atuação cada vez maior de agenciadores de intérpretes. Conclui-se o estudo com algumas sugestões para pesquisas futuras em relação à área de estudo abordada. / Although oral translation between people interacting in different languages has existed since times immemorial, conference interpreting as a profession appears in the beginning of the 20th century, with the Paris Peace Conferences, at the end of the First World War. The profession develops at the League of Nations and, later, at the United Nation Organization. It is also fostered by the multiplication of international conferences and technical meetings, as well as the creation of a myriad international organizations, after the Second World War. In Brazil, conference interpreting appears as a profession in the 1940s and slowly grows in the following decades. This research aims at critically narrating the history of this profession in Brazil, from interviews given by its participants, namely conference interpreters and interpreter trainers. Interviews were carried out and analyzed under the light of Oral History methods. This work, however, does not confine itself to the Oral History methodology but rather fits into the field of Translation Studies, relying also on Koskinens (2008) view of the insider researcher. The several sources of data for this study also include samples from the press, e-mail correspondence and information gathered from websites of training institutions. This dissertation deals with the first interpreted events in Brazil and the creation of the Professional Association of Conference Interpreters (APIC), in 1971, from interviews by its main creator and first president, Ulla Schneider, and the other living founders. Trying to bridge a gap in Interpreting Studies in Brazil and in the Portuguese language in general, this work includes other present issues relating to the profession, such as relationships between interpreters and between them and translation agencies and event organizers, as well as a brief analysis of how the Brazilian press sees interpreters. It also includes an overview of some important international conferences held in Brazil through the voice of one of the most important chief interpreters in these events, Simone Troula. A whole chapter is dedicated to interpreter training in Brazil, covering not only its history but other issues pertaining interpreting training these days, comparing and contrasting Brazilian programs with their international counterparts. The work concludes with a brief view of possible future scenarios for the profession, focusing on new elements such as remote interpreting, monolingual conferences, held mostly in English, and the ever-growing role played by translation agencies and professional conference organizers. It closes with some suggestions for further research in interpreting as a field of study.

L'enseignement de l'interprétation consécutive : une étude de cas turc-français / Teaching consecutive interpreting, the case of Turkish and French

Ersoz-Demirdag, Hande 03 April 2013 (has links)
La présente recherche se propose de décrire, d’analyser et de comprendre les problèmes des étudiants en phase d’apprentissage de l’interprétation consécutive avec le turc et le français comme paire de langues de travail et d’étudier leur évolution. Il porte sur la possibilité ou non d’enseigner les principes et les techniques de base de l’interprétation consécutive à des étudiants qui ne sont qu’en licence et qui n’ont pas nécessairement une maîtrise de la langue étrangère suffisante pour être admis à un programme de formation d’interprètes de haut niveau. Le corpus, constitué de transcriptions des prestations des étudiants, de notes prises en consécutive et de témoignages rétrospectifs, a été exploité dans le cadre conceptuel des Modèles d’Efforts de Daniel Gile, de manière à essayer de remonter à l’origine des faiblesses des étudiants. Les résultats présentés font apparaitre une nette progression chez les étudiants entre deux étapes dans la formation, qui s’observe sur des éléments décrits dans la littérature comme faisant partie du savoir-faire de l’interprète professionnel. Ils suggèrent que les étudiants ont effectivement appris les principes et les techniques de base de l’interprétation bien qu’ils ne soient pas dans une école spécialisée en interprétation, ni dans un programme de Master, ce qui constitue une réponse positive à la question de recherche. En outre, la présente recherche discute de la spécificité linguistique de la paire de langues concernée, et de l’intérêt méthodologique de démarche triangulaire adoptée. Des pistes de recherche sont enfin proposées. / This research aims to describe, analyze and understand problems that students encounter while learning consecutive interpreting in Turkish and French as a working language pair, and students' progress in coping with the problems. It focuses on the question whether it is possible to teach the basic principles and techniques of consecutive interpretingto undergraduate students who do not necessarily master their foreign working language well enough to be admitted to a high level interpreter training program.The corpus consists of transcriptions of the students' consecutive interpreting performances, notes taken in consecutive interpreting class and retrospective interviews with students. The analysis seeks to trace back the origin of the students’ observed weaknesses within the framework of Gile's Effort Models.Findings show clear progress in the students' consecutive interpreting performance over the two semesters under consideration. It is also observed that students' progress is mainly found in elements which are described as part of the know-how of a professional interpreter in the literature on interpreting. The findings also show that students have learned basic principles and techniques of consecutive interpreting, although they are not enrolled in a Master's program or in a program specialized in interpreting. They therefore suggest apositive answer to the research question.The linguistic specificity of the language pair involved and the methodological benefits of the triangular approach implemented in the study are discussed, and potential avenues for future research are suggested.

Vývoj a současný stav tlumočení v Keni / The Past and Present of Interpreting in Kenya

Rada, Michael January 2021 (has links)
East Africa has seen a dynamic growth in the last decades. This fact is, among other factors, manifested by the ever increasing role of intercultural communication, especially interpreting. Kenya, formerly known as the British East Africa, receives a substantial volume of international investments and resources for development projects. The country's economic and social development rank among the highest in the region. This entails an increasing demand for interpreting services. This Master's thesis examines the role of interpreting for communication in Kenya and local education opportunities for interpreters. It describes main areas demanding interpreting and analyses the interpreting market in Kenya or else in the region of East Africa. The thesis also focuses on community interpreting, interpreters' roles and specific phenomena affecting this kind of communication within East Africa's conditions. The research is based on papers published on the subject up till now, local written sources and interviews with Kenyan academics, professional interpreters and other subjects that participate in the local market.

Les difficultés linguistico-culturelles chez les praticiens et les étudiants en interprétation de conférence (français/anglais-arabe) / Cultural and Linguistic Difficulties among Interpreters and Students in Conference Interpreting (French/English-Arabic)

Alhalaki, Mohannad 11 January 2019 (has links)
La présente thèse tente d’identifier les difficultés et les spécificités linguistico-culturelles marquantes qui relèvent de l’environnement de l’interprétation (français/anglais-arabe) aussi bien en pratique qu’en formation. L’interprète arabophone utilise le dialecte au quotidien mais doit s’exprimer en arabe littéraire moderne dans les conférences internationales. Il fait alors face à une variété d’arabe non acquise depuis la naissance qui est sensiblement différente des dialectes locaux, notamment sur le plan morphosyntaxique. Ainsi, l’interprète arabophone peut être amené à déployer plus d’efforts que l’interprète francophone ou anglophone dans la production de son discours (traduisant quant à eux vers leur langue maternelle) et à travailler à proximité de la saturation cognitive (Gile, 2009). Nous avons collecté des données par trois moyens : a) un questionnaire rempli par 35 praticiens et enseignants de l’interprétation de conférence, b) deux types d’enquêtes par entretien, l’une auprès de 12 interprètes professionnels, et l’autre auprès de 14 étudiants et 8 enseignants-praticiens appartenant à 4 établissements et c) par l’analyse d’un corpus d’enregistrements de l’interprétation de 2 discours. Les explorations empiriques réalisées ont permis d’identifier un certain nombre de difficultés linguistiques que rencontrent les praticiens en activité ainsi que les enseignants et les étudiants participant à une formation d’interprètes. Nous y retrouvons notamment ce qui concerne la redondance dans le discours arabe et les difficultés qui découlent de la spécificité de l’arabe. L’ALM, notamment en phase de production orale, ne serait pas considéré comme une langue « A » au sens de l’AIIC. Il s’apparenterait plutôt à une langue « B ». Tous les participants ont mis l’accent sur la difficulté de la maîtrise de leur langue « A », l’ALM. L’analyse de corpus a notamment soulevé un grand nombre de fautes et de maladresses linguistiques dans le produit oral des interprètes professionnels. De ces constats, il résulte qu’il est important d’améliorer la maîtrise active de l’ALM chez les interprètes et les étudiants. Le perfectionnement linguistique dont il est question ne peut se faire par une simple immersion linguistique dans un pays arabophone. Il faudra en effet des efforts ciblés. / This thesis attempts to identify the key linguistic-cultural difficulties and specificities that are relevant to the interpretation environment (French/English-Arabic) in both practice and training. The Arabic interpreter uses the dialect in daily life, but has to speak modern literary Arabic in international conferences. He/she then faces a variety of Arabic which is not acquired since birth. It is significantly different from local dialects, in particular on the morphosyntactic level. Thus, the interpreter may have to make more efforts than the French or English interpreter in producing his speech (translating to their mother tongue) and working close to cognitive saturation (Gile, 2009). To carry out this study, we collected data in three ways: a) a questionnaire completed by 35 practitioners and teachers of conference interpreting, b) two types of interview surveys, one with 12 professional interpreters, and the other with 14 students and 8 teacher-practitioners from 4 institutions and c) by analyzing a the interpretations of 2 discourses. Empirical explorations led us to identify a number of language difficulties faced by practitioners as well as teachers and students participating in an interpreting training. We find in particular what concerns redundancy in the Arab discourse and the difficulties that arise from the specificity of Arabic. MLA, especially in the oral production phase, cannot be considered as an “A” language within the meaning of the AIIC, and is more like a “B” language. All participants emphasized the difficulty of mastering their “A” language, MLA. In particular, our corpus analysis revealed a large number of mistakes and linguistic blunders in the oral product of professional interpreters. From these findings, it is important to improve the active control of MLA among interpreters and students. The linguistic improvement in question cannot be done by a simple linguistic immersion in an Arabic-speaking country. It will indeed require targeted efforts.

Vývoj tlumočení ve Finsku / Interpreting in Finland: a Historical and Educational Perspective

Mendelová, Ivona January 2020 (has links)
This thesis examines the development of conference interpreting in Finland, using conference interpreting in the European Union as an example. The thesis is of a theoretical and descriptive nature. Its primary aim is to outline the changes in interpreting in Finland that emerged in 1995 upon the country's accession to the EU. Moreover, this thesis describes the current situation and the potential future of Finnish within the EU. Finally, this research explores training on conference interpreting at the university level, as well as the current status of the Finnish interpreting market. This thesis also describes the current status of the Czech interpreting market in relation to Finnish. The first chapter introduces distinguished individuals involved in interpreting in Finland. The following chapter deals with the development of interpreting in Finland, with emphasis on conference interpreting and training for conference interpreters. One subsection of this chapter is devoted to discussing a special course on conference interpreting offered at the University of Turku. The next chapter describes how Finland's membership in the EU changed interpreting services in the European Parliament, European Commissions, and Court of Justice of the EU. This chapter explores interpreting from and into Finnish in...

Případová studie: Srovnání tlumočení na Norimberských procesech (1945-1946) a na Mezinárodním trestním tribunálu pro bývalou Jugoslávii (1993-2017) / Case Study: Comparison of Interpreting at Nuremberg Trials (1945-1946) and at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (1993-2017)

Novotná, Dominika January 2020 (has links)
The thesis deals with the comparison of interpreting at international criminal tribunals in the past and present. This is a comparison outlined by the Nuremberg Trials and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague. First, the case study focuses on the characteristics of conference interpreting in the Nuremberg trials, followed by the characteristics of interpreting in the case of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. The thesis provides a historical overview, characteristics of interpreting, defines the role and position of an interpreter in the past and now and focuses on possible changes in interpreting supported by the development of the society. Not only the existing documents and published sources are used, but a questionnaire survey is conducted with professional interpreters, who worked at the tribunal in The Hague.

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