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Optical Cross-Connect Switch Architectures for Hierarchical Optical Path NetworksSATO, Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA, Hiroshi, KAKEHASHI, Shoji 01 October 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Familjestrukturers roll i föräldrastödsinsatser. : En kvalitativ studie om att arbeta med skildafamiljestrukturer inom föräldrastödsinsatsen Connect.Pers, Pontus, Wennberg, Emmelie January 2014 (has links)
I Sverige finns ett brett utbud av föräldrastödsinsatser. Trots att 1,5 miljoner av Sveriges invånare är utrikesfödda riktar sig endast 4 av 60 föräldrastödsinsatser till utrikesfödda föräldrar. Att blanda föräldragrupper med inrikes- och utrikesfödda föräldrar kan bidra till social interaktion mellan människor som inte med självklarhet kommer i kontakt med varandra i vardagslivets olika aktiviteter. Det finns ingenting som säger att en föräldrakurs är givande för en utrikesfödd förälder bara för att en inrikesfödd förälder har utvärderat kursen som positiv. Det finns forskning som visar på att det kan vara svårt att arbeta med föräldrastöd när deltagarna har skilda föreställningar om vad en bra familj och förälder bör vara. Uppsatsens övergripande syfte är att undersöka om det uppstår diskrepans mellan deltagare på föräldrastödskursen Connects familjebegrepp och det familjebegrepp Connectkursens teori grundar sig på. För att undersöka vårt syfte genomfördes kvalitativa intervjuer med kursdeltagarna om deras familjestrukturer innan och efter kursen, skillnader och likheter samt en textanalys av kursens manual. Empirin analyserades utifrån idealtyper av familjer för att tydliggöra skillnader mellan familjebegreppen. De teoretiska begrepp som används för att analysera empirin hämtade vi främst från sociologerna Giddens, Beck och Beck-Gernsheim samt Durkheim. Slutsatserna indikerar att kursdeltagarna uttryckte att de anpassat sin familjestruktur efter den av kursen och samhället förespråkade familjestrukturen. Resultatet visade också att mindre innovationer av Connectmanualen fordrats för att kursdeltagarna skulle kunna ta till sig Connectkursens samtliga information och kunskap. En avgörande variabelför kursens applicerbarhet på gruppen var deltagarnas inställning och motivering tillatt anpassa sig till det svenska samhället.
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A Formal Construction for a new Veterinary HospitalAplin, Carl Dereck 03 August 2009 (has links)
Architecture, as the art of making a building, consists of an assemblage of elements that interact and interlock to create something whole—from an assembly of parts, emerges a unified composition. In this thesis exploration, I strive to take this simple idea, fundamental to all buildings—to the very process of building itself—and utilize it as a driving force.
This proposal was conceived both as a response to the site and program,as well as an effort to control an arrangement of parts in order to create an integrated, functioning whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. The resulting architecture derives its existence and identity from the articulation of these individual elements and the manner in which they interact and connect. Furthermore, this choreography generates a certain sequence of spaces creating moments of pause, compression, and release.
There is a certain level of complexity that results from the formal play of setting elements into motion against the site and each other. Accepting this condition, the designer's will must be exerted in an effort to gain/maintain control of this composition. As such, this architecture explores the possibilities of complexity generated through the formal arrangement of parts. / Master of Architecture
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The Modelling of key Indexes to promot the Regional Headquarters Economy in KaohsiungCheng, Po-jen 03 December 2009 (has links)
When Global Regional Economics came into being one after another, the connection between industry development and specialized division accelerates the establishment of regional operational headquarters by Multinational Corporations. As for cities, the key factors in attracting enterprises for setting up Operation Center are the environment which suit with development. The literatures and data indicated that the city with strong competitiveness may have more significant industry clusters; besides, the how does a city connect with global market will become the crucial element in city development. All the time, the overall development of Taiwan has been influence by the political situation between Taiwan Strait, so as soon as the relationship between Taiwan Strait been improved, the chances of interflowing between Taiwan Strait will grow in number. Under this situation, how Kaohsiung city builds up the mechanism of industries division and corporation become an important issue when it comes to setting up the regional operation center.
From the case study of Hong Kong, Singapore and Shanghai, I sums up with location condition, government policies and human resource as the weaker part for Kaohsiung as an operation center. Also, from the analysis of the related data, geographic superiority, traffic condition, the perfection of infrastruction, the cooperation of supporting industries, government policies and human resource should be put into consideration when a operation center choosing its operation location; among of them, government policies is the most powerful element. According to this founding, the executive managers of six golden industries for Kaohsiung are selected as the interviewees. Taking production factors, requirement conditions, support condition and government policies as the interviewing outline, and with the help of ATLAS.ti, forty-one indicators of advancing regional operation headquarter for Kaohsiung are resulted.
According to the data, interviewees believe that Kaohsiung city should work harder to advance the regional operation headquarter, including the insufficient of human resource, irrelevancy of enactment and lack of related industries etc.. Kaohsiung city now is in the phase of transforming and her out value is led by manufacturing industry. However, with the advantage of manufacturing and two ports, the interviewees still believed on the Kaohsiung city once city government can combine these advantages with government policies and human resource. Most importantly, the leading sections should jump out of the box of bureaucracy and fully use the resources of industry, scholar and government; furthermore, they should improve the government efficiency by horizontal integration and develop the module of partnership, with these improvement and development, Kaohsiung will get closer to the regional operation headquarter.
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Optical Technologies that Enable Green NetworksSato, Ken-ichi January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Electronic Identification Based on OpenID Connect : A Design Proposal / E-legitimation baserad på OpenID Connect : Ett designförslagJohansson, Tom January 2017 (has links)
Electronic identification is used by an individual to prove who he or she is by electronic means and is normally used for logging in to various services. In Sweden there are a number of different solutions that are developed and provided by different parties. In order to promote and coordinate electronic identification for public services, the Swedish E-identification Board was founded in 2011. The Board has developed a technical framework for integration between the Relying Party and the Identity Provider based on the Security Assertion Markup Language V2.0 (SAML) standard. SAML is a quite old standard that has some limitations complicating an electronic identification solution based on it. A newer competing standard is OpenID Connect, which could be a possible candidate as an alternative to SAML. The objective of this thesis is to determine to what extent it is possible to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and accountability in an electronic identification based on OpenID Connect. To achieve this, a number of requirements for electronic identifications were identified and a design proposal based on OpenID Connect was developed together with a proof-of-concept implementation. The design proposal was evaluated against the requirements, with the final result that an electronic identification based on OpenID Connect could meet the requirements. / E-legitimation används av en individ för visa vem han eller hon är på elektronisk väg och används vanligtvis för att logga in på olika tjänster. I Sverige finns ett antal olika lösningar som utvecklas och tillhandahålls av olika parter. För att främja och samordna elektronisk identifiering för offentliga tjänster grundades E-legitimationsnämnden 2011. Nämnden har tagit fram ett tekniskt ramverk för integrationen mellan Förlitande Part och Legitimeringstjänst baserad på Security Assertion Markup Language V2.0 (SAML) standarden. SAML är en relativt gammal standard med vissa begränsningar som komplicerar en e-legitimationslösning baserad på den. En nyare konkurrerande standard är OpenID Connect, vilket kan vara en möjlig kandidat som ett alternativ till SAML. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning det är möjligt att säkerställa sekretess, integritet och ansvarsskyldighet för en e-legitimation baserad på OpenID Connect. För att uppnå detta, identifierades ett antal krav för e-legitimationer och ett designförslag baserat på OpenID Connect utvecklades tillsammans med en proof-of-concept implementation. Designförslaget utvärderades mot kraven, med det slutliga resultatet att en e-legitimation baserad på OpenID Connect kan uppfylla kraven.
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Single Sign On med Azure AD Connect / Single Sign On with Azure AD ConnectBohman, Dan January 2016 (has links)
Den här rapporten handlar om Azure AD Connect och Single/Simplified Sign On. Användare och kunder idag ställer större krav för enklare inloggning och en mer sömlös upplevelse för åtkomst till alla IT-tjänster. Microsoft har nyligen släppt verktyget Azure AD Connect för synkronisering av lösenord mellan Active Directory och molntjänsterna Office365, Azure och 1000-tal SaaS ”Software as a service” applikationer. TeamNorr IT-partner är ett IT företag som riktar in sig på att leverera Microsofts produkter till sina kunder och vill därför veta mer kring Azure AD Connect, vad som krävs och hur det konfigureras. Single Sign On har betydelsen att bara behöver logga in en gång för att sen slippa skriva in användare och lösenord för att komma åt de applikationer som har stöd för Single Sign On. Federerad domän är det som ger bäst och säkrast upplevelse med Single Sign On. Simplified Sign On gör att samma användarnamn och lösenord används för inloggning, ingen automatisk inloggning sker. Azure AD Connect är verktyget som installerar de roller som behövs för att köra Single Sign On eller Simplified Sign On. Som standard installeras en synkroniseringsmotor som ska hålla koll på att informationen om användarna/grupperna och lösenorden stämmer mellan det lokala Active Directory och Azure Active Directory eller den federerade domänen. Det synkroniseringsmotorn tar med när den synkroniserar bestäms av de regler som satts upp. Används lösningen med Password Sync så tillkommer inga extra roller. Väljs istället en Federerad domän så installeras 2 extra roller som heter Federation(AD FS) och Web Application Proxy(WAP). Rollerna sköter autentisering av användarna istället för Microsofts autentisering. På servrarna som hostar rollerna krävs en viss grundprestanda beroende på storlek av Active Directory och antal användare anslutna för att det ska fungera tillfredsställande. / This report covers Azure AD Connect and Single/Simplified Sign On. Users and customers today places greater demand for easier login method and seamless experience for reaching all services. Microsoft has recently released Azure AD Connect tool to help synchronize passwords between Active Directory and the cloud services Office 365/Azure and 1000s of Software as a service applications. Team Norr IT-partner is an IT company that focuses on delivering Microsoft products to thier customers and therefore wanted to know more about Azure AD Connect. How to configure the solution and what the set requirements are. Single Sign On means that you only need to sign in with password and login once and automatically get access the applications that support the technology without any more credentials. By using a Federated domain users get the best and safest experience with Single Sign On. Simplified Sign On lets users use the same username and password to login with to all applications with support, but no automatic login. Azure AD Connect tool installs the roles that are needed to run a Single Sign On or Simplified Sign On. By default the synchronization engine will keep track of information about the users and groups. Passwords are also synchronized between on-premises Active Directory and Azure Active Directory or federation server. What the Synchronization engine takes is determined by the rules defined. Password Sync does not install any extra server roles. With the Federation path there will be extra roles installed called Federation (AD FS) and Web Application Proxy (WAP). They handle the authentication of users instead of the normal Microsoft authentication. There is some set requirement for the servers that host the roles depending on the size of Active Directory and numbers of users. The servers need a certain base performance for it to work properly.
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Comparing a Behavioral and a Non-Behavioral Parenting Program for Children With Externalizing Behavior ProblemsCronberg, Emma, Peters, Magdalena January 2011 (has links)
In this study we compared two theoretically different parenting programs for children with externalizing behavior problems, one behavioral, Comet, and one non-behavioral, Connect. Participants were 209 parents with children ages 8-12 who were randomized to the two programs. Parents experienced markedly less child externalizing behavior problems, both conduct problems and ADHD symptoms, as well as increased competence, improved family climate, and decreased emotional dyscontrol and levels of stress after both programs. The differences in effects between the programs were small and only measures of use of specific behavioral techniques had medium effects in favor of Comet. Thus, both Comet and Connect appear to be effective interventions but more research is needed, especially concerning long-term evaluations.
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Citizen Connect : shopfront for government servicesDias, Gabriella Emilia Ferrara 01 December 2011 (has links)
Citizen Connect : a shopfront for government services with the greatest public interface, is a civic centre for the users of Pretoria City Centre and serves as the headquarters for Citizen Connect branches to be implemented throughout the country. Batho Pele principles: a better life for all South Africans by putting people first, have been put in place to address the service delivery challenges facing a democratic South Africa. Batho Pele, a Sotho translation for people first, and slogan being: Together beating the drum for service delivery, put forward principles such as increasing access, openness and transparency, value for money and providing information to name a few. Citizen Connect brings together National, Provincial and Local government departments, which have traditionally been provided in dissipate locations, in a single location. By providing services that the citizen most frequently uses, the centre offers time saving opportunities but also aims to strengthen the ideals of citizenship when the user is in or around the centre. Citizen Connect is located in the Sammy Marks precinct, a catchment node of movement, public space, business and government, to the east of Church Square, and placed in the Sammy Marks development. The Sammy Marks development occupies an entire block and is in an existing joint public and private development and a convenient location for the citizen. The development has an existing culture of inter-block movement and cross bridge connection. The intervention takes place on the south and eastern portion taking into consideration the proposed hotel and the Lewis and Marks building, with its heritage significance. The intervention spreads into the public domain, creating and strengthening the public sphere by implementing urban quality criteria as space for people. The aims of the intervention are to indicate a new direction for civic architecture, create an architecturally positive environment by exploring interface architecture. Copyright / Dissertation (MArch(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Architecture / unrestricted
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Guía de acceso para Journal of Education Advancement & MarketingDirección de Gestión del Conocimiento 07 April 2021 (has links)
Proporciona los pasos y procedimientos para acceder al recurso Journal of Education Advancement & Marketing.
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