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Fartygsanslutningar till landströmsnätet I Umeå hamn / Prerequisites for the grid in Umeå port to connect ships at dock to the shore grid : Cold ironing i Umeå harbourÖrnberg, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Fartygstransport drivs av marina bränslen som avger avgasutsläpp. När fartygen står i hamn förbränner de sitt eget bränsle för elgenerering ombord, förbränningen orsakarluftföroreningar och buller i hamnområdet. Genom de luftföroreningar som sker från koldioxid, koloxid, svaveloxid, kväveoxid och partiklar fås negativa effekter på människa, miljö och ger samhället höga kostnader. För att minska utsläppen kan man ansluta fartygen till elnät på land. Syftet med arbetet var att undersöka elnätets potential till fartygsanslutningar i hela Umeå Hamn. Bakgrunden var att Kvarken Ports (ägare av Umeå Hamn och färjan) planerar en ny färja som skall sjösättas år 2020 och trafikera sjöleden mellan Umeå och Vasa. De vill utreda möjligheterna att landansluta fartyget till elnätet och elnätsägaren Umeå energi måste undersöka förutsättningarna.Arbetet är utfört med bakgrund av totalt sex fartyg fördelade på tre hamnplatser, färjeterminalen, inre hamnen och Gustavs udde med ett effektkrav på totalt 3,755 MVA. Vid dimensionering undersöktes två lösningar för inkoppling av landström, den ena genom inkoppling på genomgående vindkraftkabel och andra vid närmaste uttagspunkt för befintligt nät.För att undersöka landströmmens fördelar undersöktes miljöpåverkan och kostnadsvinster. Vindkraften som produceras vid Umeå hamn består av tre verk som under år 2014 producerade 13,9 GWh medan den beräknade energiåtgången för fartygen är beräknat till 3,95 GWh/år. Producerande enhet i form av vindkraft är inte kontinuerligt och andra energikällor behövs. Kablarna som går genom Umeå hamn är inkopplade till Holmsunds fördelningsstation som kan försörja fartygsanslutningarna vid låg vindkraftsproduktion. Arbetet visade på starkt elnät oberoende val av lösning. Fartygsanslutningar i hamnen krävde utbyggnad av elnätet med en investering mellan 800 tkr upp till 1,7 Mkr beroende på val av lösning. Vid inkoppling till landström blir elpriset för fartygen billigare eftersom de kan köpa landel till lägre pris än kostnaden för dem att själva producera ombord. Utsläppen vid inkoppling av landström reduceras till över 98 % jämfört med bränslegenererad el. Utsläppsminskningenger ekonomisk besparingen genom lägre samhällskostnader till följd av en bättre hälsa för människa, miljö och natur. Det här bevisar att landström kan bidra till att starkt reducera utsläppen i områden runt hamnen och minska kostnader. / When ships are at dock they burn their fuel to generate electricity onboard, causing air and noise pollution in the port area. The pollution obtains negative effects on people, the environment and gives the community high costs. One solution to reduce these pollutions is to connect the ships to the on land electrical grid; this method is called cold ironing. To see if this is a solution the grid owner Umeå Energi has to investigate the condition of the grid for ship connection.The thesis is done with a background of six ships on three wharves with a power requirement of 3,755 MVA. The report suggests two potential solutions for engaging the shore, one with the wind power cable and the other with the nearest grid for the ports. The investigation showed a strong grid and an expansion of the grid for the cold ironing would need an investment for 800 thousand up to 1,7 million Swedish kronor, depending on the choice of solution. To find out the benefits for cold ironing in the area for environmental and social cost reduction. There is three wind power plants near Umeå harbor and they produced year 2014 13, 9 GWh, while the estimated energy consumption for the vessels is at 3, 95 GWh. Wind energy production is not continuous and other energy sources is needed. The cables in the harbor are connected to Holmsund distribution station which can supply the vessels at low wind power production. When connected to shore power the price of electricity for ships is less expensive when cold ironing instead of on board generation.Emissions at the shore could reduce to over 98% compared with fuel generated electricity. The reduction in emissions provides economic savings through lower social costs due to better health for people, the environment and nature. This proves that cold ironing can help to greatly reduce emissions in areas around the port and reduce costs.
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"From below and to the left" : re-imagining the Chicano movement through the circulation of Third World struggles, 1970-1979Gómez, Alan Eladio 16 April 2014 (has links)
Activists, artists, journalists, and intellectuals in the United States, from the 1950s to the present, have supported national liberation movements in Latin America, Africa, and Asia, arguing that anti-colonial struggles abroad were related to human and civil rights struggles in the United States. This dissertation builds on these foundations by tracing multi-racial and transnational connections among people and organizations in the United States, and between the United States and Latin America during the 1970s. Uncovering these connections that linked the Third World “within” to the Third World “without” across the Américas reconfigures the narrative of what happened to social movements in the 1970s, and helps us re-imagine the Chicano movement through the lens of an anti-colonial politics. This project bridges the local, national, and international terrains of political struggle by tracing the lives of activists and organizations in the United States and Latin America who defined their politics in relation to the Third World. It interrogates four inter-related themes: the prison rebellions in the United States, third world political activity in major U.S. urban centers, guerrilla theatre on both sides of the U.S-Mexican (and by extension Latin American) international border, and social movement connections between Texas and Mexico. My primary focus is on localized strategies for grassroots mobilizations rooted in working class cultural practices, multi-ethnic solidarities, and transnational political formations that were comprised of Chicano, Black, Asian, Puerto Rican, Mexican, American Indian, and white activists and artists. I also emphasize the local elements involved in the political alliances, coalitions, and solidarity efforts across geopolitical borders and different political perspectives. Overall, this project explores connections across, underneath, and outside the political, economic, and cultural construction of the nation state, and the hemispheric construction of the Americas with the United States as the primary political, economic and cultural power. These intertwined perspectives simultaneously step back to interrogate the larger international connections while focusing in on local manifestations of national issues refracted through a hemispheric lens. It is in the 1970s - a decade characterized by a shift in the policies of the crisis-ridden political economy of the Keynesian welfare state in response to these very struggles - that we should locate the early elements of what is currently referred to the anti-globalization movements. / text
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Structural performance of rounded dovetail connectionsTannert, Thomas 05 1900 (has links)
The structural performance of Rounded Dovetail Connections (RDC) has been studied experimentally and numerically to provide information needed for connection structural design.
RDC are mainly used to transfer vertical shear forces, but test results show that they can carry considerable load in tension and bending. Geometric parameters, such as dovetail flange angle and dovetail height are shown to significantly effect affect the structural performance of RDC. Results show that it is impractical to determine a set of empirical equations to describe the structural performance of RDC based on basic wood material properties. RDC manufactured and tested with low and constant moisture content outperformed those evaluated under other climatic conditions, and test results demonstrate that RDC should be produced at low machine speed and with minimal a gap between the connecting members. RDC in laminated strand lumber have higher capacity and fail under larger deformations compared to RDC in western hemlock.
A three-dimensional finite element method model is presented and validated with experimental tests. Good agreement is achieved between the load deformation response predicted by the model and the experimentally observed load deformation response. Therefore the model is deemed suitable for estimating the stresses needed to develop failure criteria. A failure criterion for the analysis of RDC is presented taking into account size effect in the strength of wood. Based on the experimental and numerical studies, a design equation for RDC is presented that provides the engineering community with a new design tool. Finally, self tapping screws as reinforcement have been studied and are shown to significantly improve the structural performance of RDC under vertical shear loading.
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The Development of High-Performance Post-Tensioned Rocking Systems for the Seismic Design of StructuresMarriott, Dion James January 2009 (has links)
It is not economical, nor practical, to design structures to remain elastic following a major earthquake event. Therefore, traditional seismic design methodologies require structures to respond inelastically by detailing members to accommodate significant plasticity (“plastic hinge zones”). It can be appreciated that, while life-safety of the occupants is ensured, structures conforming to this traditional design philosophy will be subjected to excessive physical damage following an earthquake. Thus, the direct costs associated with repair and the indirect costs associated with business interruption are expected to be great. Adding to this, structures located within a near-field region, close to a surface rupture, can be subjected to large velocity pulses due to a ground motion characteristic known as forward directivity in which a majority of the earthquake’s energy arrives within a very short period of time. Conventionally constructed systems are, in general, unable to efficiently deal with this ground motion.
In the last two decades, advanced solutions have been developed to mitigate structural damage utilising unbonded post-tensioning within jointed, ductile connections, typically combined with hysteretic damping. While there is a growing interest amongst the engineering fraternity towards more advanced systems, their implementation into mainstream practice is slow due to the lack of understanding of unfamiliar technology and the perceived large construction cost. However, even considering such emerging construction technology, these systems are still susceptible to excessive displacement and acceleration demands following a major velocity-pulse earthquake event.
In this research, the behaviour of advanced post-tensioned, dissipating lateral-resisting systems is experimentally and analytically investigated. The information learned is used to develop a robust post-tensioned system for the seismic protection of structures located in zones of high seismicity within near-field or far-field regions.
A series of uniaxial and biaxial cyclic tests are performed on 1/3 scale, post-tensioned rocking bridge piers, followed by high-speed cyclic and dynamic testing of five 1/3 scale, post-tensioned rocking walls with viscous and hysteretic dampers. The experimental testing is carried out to develop and test feasible connection typologies for post-tensioned rocking systems and to improve the understanding of their behaviour under cyclic and dynamic loading.
Insights gained from the experimental testing are use to extensively refine existing analytical modelling techniques. In particular, an existing section analysis for post-tensioned rocking connections is extended to assess the response of post-tensioned viscous systems and post-tensioned connections under biaxial loading. The accuracy of existing macro-models is further improved and a damping model is included to account for contact damping during dynamic loading.
A Direct-Displacement Based Design (DDBD) framework is developed for post-tensioned viscous-hysteretic systems located in near-field and far-field seismic regions. The single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) procedure is generic and has applications in new design and retrofit, while the multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) procedure is developed specifically for continuous bridge systems. Detailed design guidelines and flow-charts are illustrated to encourage the knowledge transfer from this report and to promote the use of emerging technology.
Combining the information gathered from experimental testing, modelling and design, a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis is performed on three post-tensioned viscous-hysteretic bridge systems. In all cases, the post-tensioned bridge systems are shown to be more feasible than a traditional monolithic ductile bridge. Furthermore, while a post-tensioned hysteretic bridge is shown to be the most economic solution, the viscous-hysteretic system becomes more advantageous as the cost of fluid-viscous-dampers reduces.
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Analysis of the Timber-concrete Composite Systems with Ductile ConnectionZhang, Chao 17 July 2013 (has links)
In timber-concrete composite systems, timber and concrete are inherently brittle materials that behave linearly elastic in both tension and bending. However, the shear connection between the members can exhibit significant ductility. It is therefore possible to develop timber-concrete composite systems with ductile connection that behave in a ductile fashion. This study illustrates the use of an elastic-perfectly plastic analytical approach to this problem. In addition, the study proposes an incremental method for predicting the nonlinear load-deflection response of the composite system. The accuracy of the analytical model is confirmed with a computer model, and numerical solutions of the analytical model are compared to experimental results from the bending tests conducted by previous researchers. Reasonable agreement is found from the comparisons, which validates the capacity of the analytical model in predicting the structural behaviour of the timber-concrete composite systems in both elastic and post-elastic stages.
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Information System Providers and Business Relationships : A Study on the Impact of ConnectionsErixon, Cecilia January 2012 (has links)
Information systems are integrated in the daily business of companies, to support the exchanges with its counterparts. To manage these information systems, companies often turn to third parties: information system providers (IS-providers). IS-providers have competences that the companies become dependent on and they are therefore important for maintaining the company’s business performance. The companies develop dependencies on their information systems and thereby also on their IS-providers. This thesis studies the connection between a company’s relationships with IS-providers and its other business relationships. A single case study of how a focal company’s IS-providers impact the company’s customer relationships is conducted. The applied analytical framework combines an information system’s perspective and a business relationship perspective. The analytical level is guided by the concept of connection, which has its origin in the business relationship perspective. The information system’s perspective illustrates the characteristics of the information systems that the IS-providers manage. The business relationship perspective studies each business relationship as unique, originating in different exchanges and behaviour. The single case study involves five customer relationships and four IS-provider relationships, creating twenty within-cases. The results show that IS-providers impact differently on the business relationships of companies. The impact on companies is contingent on the information exchanges with the IS-providers, which integrate the information systems in their customer business relationships. The impact is explained by the strength of the connection and the degree of continuity of the connection. The strength of the connection depends on how the information system is used and which of the IS-providers are connected. The impact from one IS-provider can be described as a homogenous impact on all the connected business relationships. However, different IS-providers have different types of impacts, meaning that when a company has several IS-providers, the impact is heterogeneous. The study shows that the impact is most commonly positive. The thesis is of interest for researchers who wish to understand the interconnectedness between business relationships, and of value for business professionals, who wish to increase their understanding of the complex situation of using IS-providers for management of their information systems and the impact they have on their other business relationships.
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Analysis of the Timber-concrete Composite Systems with Ductile ConnectionZhang, Chao 17 July 2013 (has links)
In timber-concrete composite systems, timber and concrete are inherently brittle materials that behave linearly elastic in both tension and bending. However, the shear connection between the members can exhibit significant ductility. It is therefore possible to develop timber-concrete composite systems with ductile connection that behave in a ductile fashion. This study illustrates the use of an elastic-perfectly plastic analytical approach to this problem. In addition, the study proposes an incremental method for predicting the nonlinear load-deflection response of the composite system. The accuracy of the analytical model is confirmed with a computer model, and numerical solutions of the analytical model are compared to experimental results from the bending tests conducted by previous researchers. Reasonable agreement is found from the comparisons, which validates the capacity of the analytical model in predicting the structural behaviour of the timber-concrete composite systems in both elastic and post-elastic stages.
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Structural performance of rounded dovetail connectionsTannert, Thomas 05 1900 (has links)
The structural performance of Rounded Dovetail Connections (RDC) has been studied experimentally and numerically to provide information needed for connection structural design.
RDC are mainly used to transfer vertical shear forces, but test results show that they can carry considerable load in tension and bending. Geometric parameters, such as dovetail flange angle and dovetail height are shown to significantly effect affect the structural performance of RDC. Results show that it is impractical to determine a set of empirical equations to describe the structural performance of RDC based on basic wood material properties. RDC manufactured and tested with low and constant moisture content outperformed those evaluated under other climatic conditions, and test results demonstrate that RDC should be produced at low machine speed and with minimal a gap between the connecting members. RDC in laminated strand lumber have higher capacity and fail under larger deformations compared to RDC in western hemlock.
A three-dimensional finite element method model is presented and validated with experimental tests. Good agreement is achieved between the load deformation response predicted by the model and the experimentally observed load deformation response. Therefore the model is deemed suitable for estimating the stresses needed to develop failure criteria. A failure criterion for the analysis of RDC is presented taking into account size effect in the strength of wood. Based on the experimental and numerical studies, a design equation for RDC is presented that provides the engineering community with a new design tool. Finally, self tapping screws as reinforcement have been studied and are shown to significantly improve the structural performance of RDC under vertical shear loading.
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Generalized edge connectivity in graphsHennayake, Kamal P. January 1998 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--West Virginia University, 1998. / Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains v, 87 p. : ill. Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 64-72).
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Seismic design criteria have been heavily improved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) after the Northridge CA earthquake in 1994. Most of the damage observed was caused by brittle failure of moment frame connections. This failure was induced by the formation of the plastic hinge at undesirable locations in the beam and the column near the connection. Using welded flange plate (WFP) connections will force the formation of the plastic hinge away from the face of the column while preventing the brittle failure of the moment connection. FEMA-350 design criteria recommendations for WFP connections suggest that the plastic hinge will form away from the face of the column directly under the cover plate. The purpose of this research is to prove that the plastic hinge will form away from the face of the column, at a distance of approximately half the depth of the beam away from the cover plate. The further away the plastic hinge is from the face of the column the higher the connection demands. Therefore, underestimating the location of the plastic hinge could lead to under designed connections. The modeling and analysis of WFP connections was performed using finite element analysis software. A total of eight models with half beam half column configuration were considered in this study. Each selected section of beam and column was first designed, modeled and analyzed using WFP connections design recommendations from FEMA-350, with calculations modifications to account for the proposed plastic hinge location. Results were computed and comparisons were made in terms of plastic hinge location from the cover plates. Strength obtained for each model using finite element analysis software was also compared with hand calculations. This research also proves that increasing the thickness of the cover plates will generate an increase in the connection capacity and strength.
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