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Propriétés morpho-fonctionnelles des neurones GABAergiques générés tôt dans la région CA1 de l'hippocampe adulte et en développement / Morpho-functional properties of early-born GABAergic neurons in developing and adult CA1 hippocampal circuitsGouny, Claire 31 October 2018 (has links)
Les neurones GABAergiques sont une composante majeure des réseaux neuronaux corticaux. Au cours du développement, les neurones GABAergiques pionniers générés aux stades les plus précoces de l’embryogénèse forment une sous-population de neurones « hubs ». Cependant, leurs propriétés et leurs fonctions à l'âge adulte restent inconnus. En combinant différentes techniques, nous montrons que ces neurones pionniers ont également une fonction « hub » dans la région CA1 en développement in vitro et qu’ils maintiennent une forte connectivité fonctionnelle pendant les périodes de veille calme chez la souris adulte in vivo. Ces neurones, peu actifs de façon spontanée chez l’adulte, sont préférentiellement recrutés pendant les activités calciques synchrones souvent associées aux oscillations de type « SWRs ». Ceci est compatible avec leur faible excitabilité intrinsèque, révélée par des enregistrements en courant-imposé. L’étude des connexions synaptiques afférentes des neurones pionniers de CA1 adulte, par optogénétique, révèle un schéma de connectivité remarquable avec des entrées synaptiques GABAergiques issues du septum et la quasi-absence d’entrées thalamiques. Localement, ces neurones reçoivent moins de courants postsynaptiques GABAergiques, témoignant d’une intégration différentielle dans le réseau GABAergique inhibiteur. Enfin, nous montrons qu’une majorité significative de ces neurones pionniers appartiennent à la famille des neurones à projection longue distance. En conclusion, nous montrons que les neurones GABAergiques pionniers sont prédéterminés à occuper une place remarquable dans l’organisation fonctionnelle et structurale de l’hippocampe tout au long de leur vie. / The remarkable diversity of cortical GABAergic neurons is rooted, at least in part, in their embryonic origins. Adding to the spatial control of interneuron specification is a temporal schedule that has significant impact on their fate. In the CA3 region of the hippocampus, GABAergic cells born the earliest (ebGABA) form a sparse subpopulation acting as ‘hubs’ during development and surviving until adulthood. However, their properties and function in adulthood remain elusive. Using a combination of techniques, we demonstrate that ebGABA neurons also operate as “hubs” in the developing CA1 region in vitro and that they seem to maintain such remarkable functional connectivity into adulthood as observed during quiet rest in vivo. EbGABA display a lower spontaneous activity rate, as expected from their lower intrinsic excitability and are preferentially recruited during the synchronous calcium events previously shown to be associated with SWRs. EbGABA also display a remarkable synaptic connectivity scheme as they receive long-range GABAergic septal inputs but are almost excluded from thalamic afferents. Locally, they receive fewer spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic currents, indicating a particular integration into local GABAergic circuits. Moreover, using combinatorial immunohistochemistry, we have shown that a majority of these ebGABA neurons are long-range projection GABAergic neurons. We conclude that, ebGABA cells are predetermined to become exceptional nodes in the functional and structural organization of the hippocampus, throughout their lifetime.
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Monitoramento ambiental de vinhedos utilizando uma rede de sensores sem fio que coleta dados com um intervalo de amostragem variável. / Environmental monitoring of vineyards using a wireless sensor network that collect data with a variable sampling interval.Congona Benavente, Juan Carlos 24 November 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi realizado um estudo de aspectos relacionados ao uso de uma Rede de Sensores sem Fio, como uma tecnologia de apoio para o monitoramento ambiental em vinhedos. Com o intuito de estender o tempo de duração das baterias dos nos sensores dessa rede, procurou-se evitar coletas desnecessárias de dados. O programa aplicativo dos nos foi redefinido para possibilitar a escolha de um intervalo de amostragem próximo das necessidades, sendo essa escolha feita pelos próprios nos, a partir de condições predefinidas no aplicativo. A área de aplicação escolhida foi a viticultura, devido a grande influencia das condições ambientais no desenvolvimento fisiológico das videiras, influenciando no rendimento e na qualidade das uvas produzidas, justificando a adoção de um sistema de monitoramento. Uma das características dessas redes que motiva a sua aplicação na área agrícola e a possibilidade de coleta de dados com a resolução espaço-temporal adequada, permitindo aplicar eficientemente os conceitos da Agricultura de Precisão. Realizaram-se experimentos em um parreiral cultivado sob cobertura plástica, localizado em Bento Gonçalves, RS. Os aspectos da rede estudados compreenderam: o alcance de conectividade e qualidade do enlace entre os nos e a estação base; o desempenho da rede com os nos posicionados em diferentes alturas; a exatidão dos dados coletados, em comparação com um equipamento de maior precisão; e a avaliação da variabilidade microclimática dentro do parreiral. A validação da proposta envolveu a implementação de um protótipo funcional, testado em laboratório. O modelo proposto permitiu estimar o tempo de vida dos nos, considerando-se parâmetros como o tipo de bateria, o intervalo de amostragem e o tamanho do pacote de dados enviados pelos nos. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram a existência de variabilidade microclimática tanto em diferentes alturas da videira, como espacialmente, dentro do parreiral. A interferência dos vegetais devido a água que contém foi avaliada a partir de dois parâmetros: o indicador de intensidade de sinal recebido e de qualidade de enlace, que indicaram maior interferência na altura do dossel das videiras. A correlação entre esses parâmetros levou a constatação que o melhor desempenho e o maior alcance de conectividade ocorrem com os nos posicionados na altura do cacho das videiras se comparados com as medições realizadas no dossel. A amostragem variável permitiu uma economia no numero de pacotes enviados, com menor consumo de energia, o que foi comprovado com o modelo proposto para tal finalidade. / A study of issues related to using a Wireless Sensor Network was carried out, as an enabling technology for environmental monitoring in vineyards. In order to extend the duration of sensor nodes batteries of the network, collecting unnecessary data was avoided. The nodes application program was redefined to allow the choice of a sampling interval close to the needs, and the choice made by the nodes themselves, based on predefined conditions in their application. The application area chosen was the viticulture because of the large influence of environmental conditions on the physiological development of the vines, influencing the yield and quality of produced grapes, justifying the adoption of a monitoring system. One of the characteristics of such networks that motivates its application in agriculture is the possibility of collecting data with the appropriate spatial and temporal resolution, allowing to efficiently apply the concepts of Precision Agriculture. Experiments were conducted in a vineyard cultivated under plastic overhead cover, situated in Bento Gonçalves, RS. The network aspects studied involved: connectivity range and link quality between nodes and gateway; network performance with nodes positioned at different heights; collected data accuracy, compared with a higher precision equipment; and microclimatic variability evaluation within the vineyard. The proposal validation involved the implementation of a functional prototype, tested in the laboratory. The model allowed estimating the nodes lifetime, considering parameters such as battery type, sampling interval and data packet size sent by sensor nodes. Results showed the existence of microclimatic variability both at different heights of the vine, and spatially within the vineyard. Vegetables interference due to the water contained in them was evaluated from two parameters: Received Signal Strength Indicator and Link Quality Indicator, which indicated greater interference in the height of the vines canopy. The correlation between these parameters led to the conclusion that the best performance and increased connectivity range occur with nodes positioned at the height of the bunch of grapes as compared with measurements made in the canopy. The variable sampling allowed savings in the number of sent packets, with lower power consumption, which agrees with the proposed model for this purpose.
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Probing resting-state functional connectivity in the infant brain: methods and potentialityMongerson, Chandler Rebecca Lee 13 July 2017 (has links)
Early brain development is characterized by rapid growth and perpetual reconfiguration, driven by a dynamic milieu of heterogeneous processes. Moreover, potent postnatal brain plasticity engenders increased vulnerability to environmental stimuli. However, little is known regarding the ontogeny and temporal manifestations of inter- and intra-regional functional connectivity that comprise functional brain networks. Recently, resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) emerged as a promising non-invasive neuroinvestigative tool, measuring spontaneous fluctuations in blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal at rest that reflect baseline neuronal activity. Its application has expanded to infant populations in the past decade, providing unprecedented insight into functional organization of the developing brain, as well as early biomarkers of abnormal/ disease states. However, rapid extension of the resting-state technique to infant populations leaves many methodological issues need to be resolved prior to standardization of the technique.
The purpose of this thesis is to describe a protocol for intrinsic functional connectivity analysis, and extraction of resting-state networks in infants <12 months of age using the data-driven approach independent component analysis (ICA). To begin, we review the evolution of resting-state fMRI application in infant populations, including the biological premise for neural networks. Next, we present a protocol designed such that investigators without previous knowledge in the field can implement the analysis and reliably obtain viable results consistent with previous literature. Presented protocol provides detailed, albeit basic framework for RSN analysis, with interwoven discussion of basic theory behind each technique, as well as the rationale behind selecting parameters. The overarching goal is to catalyze efforts towards development of robust, infant-specific acquisition and preprocessing pipelines, as well as promote greater transparency by researchers regarding methods used. Finally, we review the literature, current methodological challenges and potential future directions for the field of infant resting-state fMRI.
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Ecologia da paisagem para o planejamento da infraestrutura verde da cidade de São Paulo, SP / Landscape ecology for green infrastructure planning in the city of São Paulo, BrazilLocatelli, Marcela Minatel 29 June 2018 (has links)
As cidades impõem o mais severo e complexo conjunto de modificações no meio físico e biótico, constituindo-se em um filtro ambiental com fortes efeitos negativos sobre a biodiversidade. No entanto, quando sua infraestrutura verde é planejada adequadamente, esses efeitos são minimizados. A infraestrutura verde consiste em uma rede interconectada de espaços permeáveis e vegetados, que fornece serviços ecossistêmicos essenciais para a qualidade de vida das pessoas e para a conservação da biodiversidade urbana. Apesar de reconhecida a importância dessa temática, poucos estudos tem sido desenvolvidos nas cidades brasileiras. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo propor uma metodologia para o diagnóstico e planejamento da infraestrutura verde da cidade de São Paulo, SP, com auxílio de métricas da ecologia da paisagem. A área e a forma dos fragmentos de vegetação arbórea-arbustiva foram analisadas por meio de métricas de área (AREA) e forma (SHAPE), enquanto a conectividade entre os fragmentos foi analisada por meio do Índice de Proximidade (PROX). A partir da morfologia dos fragmentos de vegetação foi possível identificar os espaços prioritários para a conservação da biodiversidade, e os espaços com potencial para uso multifuncional. Já a partir do resultado do Índice de Proximidade foram identificados os fragmentos mais isolados no tecido urbano, considerando os aspectos biológicos de aves com diferentes graus de sensibilidade à fragmentação da paisagem. Esses fragmentos encontram-se, predominantemente, na região central de São Paulo. Visando a conexão dos dois fragmentos prioritários para a conservação da biodiversidade identificados na pesquisa, foram simulados corredores verdes, utilizando caminhos de menor custo e considerando aspectos biológicos das aves, como capacidade de deslocamento e adaptabilidade ao meio urbano. Também foram identificados os fragmentos mais importantes para a conectividade da paisagem, e que, portanto, merecem maior atenção. Os corredores verdes obtidos perpassam toda a área de estudo no sentido norte-sul, e além de conectarem os fragmentos de interesse, aumentam a permeabilidade da região central, provendo benefícios, como conforto térmico, redução do escoamento superficial, redução de ruídos e poluentes, dentre outros. Por fim, foram apresentados incentivos e estratégias para a implementação do corredor verde. A abordagem proposta neste trabalho buscou colaborar com melhorias para a cidade de São Paulo e para o avanço do conhecimento científico relacionado à infraestrutura verde, auxiliando na conservação ou recuperação dos processos naturais em áreas urbanas, e melhorando a qualidade de vida da população. / The cities impose the most severe and complex set of modifications in the physical and biotic environment, constituting an environmental filter with strong negative effects on biodiversity. However, when urban green infrastructure is planned properly, these effects are minimized. The green infrastructure consists of an interconnected network of permeable and vegetated spaces that provides essential ecosystem services for urban quality of life and biodiversity conservation. Despite the importance of this theme, few studies have been developed in Brazilian cities. This study aims to propose a methodology to analyze and to improve planning of green infrastructure in the city of São Paulo by using landscape metrics. We analyzed the patches morphology by area (AREA) and shape (SHAPE) metrics, and the patches connectivity by the Proximity Index (PROX). From the patches morphology, we identify the priority areas for the biodiversity conservation and the spaces with potential for multifunctional use. From the Proximity Index result, we identify the most isolated patches in the urban area, considering the biological aspects of birds with different degrees of sensitivity to habitat fragmentation. These patches are found predominantly in the central region of Sao Paulo. We simulated least-cost paths between two priority patches for the biodiversity conservation. For this, we consider biological aspects of birds, such as dispersion capacity and adaptability to the urban environment. We also identify the most important patches for the landscape connectivity that deserve more attention. The green corridor obtained permeates the entire study area in a north-south direction, and in addition to connecting the interest patches, increases the central region permeability, providing benefits such as thermal comfort, reduction of stormwater runoff, reduction of noise and pollution, among others. Finally, we propose incentives and strategies for implementing the green corridor. This study aimed to contribute to improvements in the city of São Paulo and the advancement of scientific knowledge related to the green infrastructure, helping to preserve or restore natural processes in urban areas and improves people\'s life quality.
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Study of human structural brain connectivity in healthy aging based on tracts / Estudo da conectividade estrutural cerebral humana no envelhecimento sadio baseado em tratosPinto, Maíra Siqueira 14 March 2018 (has links)
The human brain changes in a complex and heterogeneous way throughout life, the normal aging process is associated to significant alterations in the axonal connections. In this study, we evaluated the age-related changes in physical parameters associated with the brain white and gray matter integrity in healthy subjects, as well as the possible correlation between them in specific tracts. Structural images (1 mm isotropic) and diffusion weighted images (2 mm isotropic, b = 1000 s /mm2) of 158 healthy individuals aged between 18 and 83 years were retrospectively collected at the Clinics Hospital of Ribeirao Preto, after their acquisition in a 3T MR scanner. From the structural images, the cortical thickness was estimated and the age effect was evaluated in several regions based on the Atlas of Destrieux. The diffusion-weighted images were processed to characterize the intravoxel diffusion using two models: diffusion tensor (DT) and constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD). Fractional anisotropy (FA) and apparent density of fiber (AFD) maps were estimated and used in statistical group analysis between the three groups separated by age. The most relevant brain tracts were segmented by three procedures: manually, automatically with a specific tool and based on automatic segmented cortical regions. Physical parameters of diffusion (anisotropy and diffusivities) were evaluated in the segmented tracts to determine the age-related changes. The connectome analysis based on two cortical parcellations was performed to evaluate the age effect on characteristic structural brain network parameters. The tract-cortical relationship was evaluated considering the anisotropy of each tract and the thickness of the cortical areas at the end of the corresponding tract. Further analysis was performed to evaluate a possible association of structural and functional connectivity in the corpus callosum (CC). There was significant cortical thinning in 88.5% of the regions during life (p <0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons); the frontal region was the most affected in the initial aging (after 40 years), and the occipital and temporal regions in the elderly (after 60 years). Similarly, the group analysis demonstrated a global pattern of reduction of FA and AFD in the white matter, with a higher rate of degradation of integrity from the sixth decade of life. The manual selection of tracts from the DT model proved to be the most reliable methodology in the precise definition of the tracts for our data. Following this methodology, analysis of anisotropy and diffusion parameters also indicated degeneration of white matter in normal aging in all studied brain tracts and corroborated to the antero-posterior gradient of degeneration in the CC. Fornix was the most affected tract bilaterally, with a 3.5% reduction and an increase of 4% per decade in these parameters, respectively; followed by CC. In the evaluation of the age effect on the connectome estimates, regardless of diffusion model and cortical atlas, there was a decrease in global efficiency, number of connections and local efficiency with aging, mainly in the prefrontal, temporal and parietal and its connections. In the tract-cortical analysis, cortical regions connected by tracts demonstrated similar thinning patterns for the majority of tracts, and a significant relation between mean cortical thinning rate and FA/MD alteration rates were found. In all evaluated tracts, age was the main effect controlling diffusion parameters alterations; there were no direct correlations with cortical thickness for the majority of tracts. Only for the fornix, the values of FA and MD showed significant correlation with the cortical thickness of the subcallosal gyrus in both hemispheres during aging (p <0.05 corrected). For the other tracts, CC, Inferior Longitudinal Fasciculus, Uncinated Fasciculus, Inferior Fronto-occipital Fasciculus, Corticospinal Tract, Cingulum and Arcuate Fasciculus, age was the main effect controlling alterations in the parameters, but there were no direct correlations between FA and MD and cortical thickness during the aging process. / O cérebro humano muda de forma complexa e heterogênea ao longo da vida, o processo de envelhecimento normal tem associado significativas alterações nas conexões axonais. Neste estudo, avaliamos as mudanças relacionadas à idade em parâmetros físicos associados à integridade das substâncias branca e cinzenta cerebral em sujeitos saudáveis, assim como a possivel correlação entre eles em tratos específicos. Imagens estruturais (1 mm isotrópica) e imagens ponderadas em difusão (2 mm isotrópica e b=1000 s/mm2) de 158 indivíduos saudáveis entre 18 a 83 anos foram coletadas retrospectivamente no Hospital das Clinícas de Ribeirão Preto, após sua aquisição em aparelho de ressonância magnética de 3 Teslas. A partir das imagens estruturais, a espessura cortical foi estimada e o efeito de idade nela foi avaliado em diversas regiões tomando com base o atlas de Destrieux. As imagens ponderadas em difusão foram processadas para caracterizar a difusão intravoxel utilizando dois modelos: tensor de difusão (DT) e deconvolução esférica restrita (CSD). Mapas de anisotropia fracionada (FA) e densidade aparente da fibra (AFD) foram estimados e usados em analise estatistica de três grupos separados por faixa etária. Os tratos cerebrais mais relevantes foram segmentados por tres procedimentos: manualmente, automaticamente com uma ferramenta especifica e com base em regiões corticais automaticante segmentadas. Parâmetros físicos de difusão (anisotropia e difusibilide) foram avaliados nos tratos segmentados para determinar as alterações relacionadas à idade. A análise de conectoma baseada em dois parcelamentos corticais foi realizada para avaliar também o efeito da idade em parâmetros caracteristicos da rede estrutural cerebral. A relação trato-cortical foi avaliada considerando a anisotropia de cada trato e as espessuras das áreas corticais nas extremidades do trato correspondente. Uma análise adicional foi realizada para avaliar uma possivel associação de onetividades estrutural e funcional no corpo caloso (CC). Houve afinamento cortical significativo em 88,5% das regiões durante a vida (p <0,05, corrigido); a região frontal foi a mais afetada no envelhecimento inicial (após 40 anos), e as regiões occipital e temporal nos idosos (após 60 anos). Similarmente, a análise de grupo demonstrou um padrão global de redução de FA e AFD na substância branca, com uma maior taxa de degradação de integridade a partir da sexta década de vida. A seleção manual de tratos baseada no modelo de DT mostrou-se a metodologia mais confiavél na precisa definição dos tratos nos nossos dados. Seguindo essa metodologia, a análise dos parâmetros de anistropia e difusão também indicou degeneração de substância branca no envelhecimento normal em todos os tratos cerebrais estudados e corroborou o gradiente ântero-posterior de degeneração no CC. O fornix foi o trato mais afetado bilatreamente com redução de 3.5% e aumento de 4% por década nesses parâmetros, respectivamente; seguido do CC. Na avaliação do efeito da idade nas estimativas do conectoma, independentemente do modelo de difusão e do atlas cortical usado, houve uma diminuição da eficiência global com o envelhececimento, do número de conexões e da eficiência local, principalmente nas regiões pré-frontal, temporal e parietal e suas conexões. Nas análises trato-corticais, as regiões corticais conectadas por tratos mostraram padrões de afinamento similares para a maioria dos tratos, e uma correlação significativa entre a taxa média de afinamento cortical e as taxas de alteração de FA e difusibilidade média (MD) foram encontradas. Em todos os tratos avaliados, a idade foi o principal efeito controlando das alterações dos parâmetros de difusão; não houve correlações diretas com espessura cortical para a maioria dos tratos. Somente para o fornix, os valores de FA e MD mostraram correlação com a espessura cortical do giro subcalosal (parcelamento de Destrieux) em ambos os hemisférios durante o envelhecimento (p <0,05 corrigido). Para os outros tratos, CC, fascículo longitudinal inferior, fascículo uncinado, fascículo occipitofrontal inferior, trato cortico-espinal, parte cingulada do cíngulo e fascículo arqueado, a idade foi o principal efeito no controle das alterações dos parâmetros, mas não houve correlações diretas entre FA e MD e espessura cortical durante o processo de envelhecimento
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Brain functional connectivity in regions that exhibit age-related cortical thinning / Estudo da conectividade funcional cerebral em regiões com redução da espessura cortical associadas ao envelhecimento sadioVieira, Bruno Hebling 22 February 2018 (has links)
The brain ages, and with it come alterations in its micro- and macro-structure which reflect in its morphology and functioning. Changes in the brain structure and functional coupling between regions can be assessed with neuroimaging, and, more specifically, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Using MRI data from two stages (Pilot and Enhanced) of the Nathan Kline Institute Rockland Sample (NKI-RS), totalling 613, free of neurodegenerative diseases, and right-handed, participants aged 18 to 85 years old, we measured gray-matter parameters such as cortical volume, cortical thickness, and cortical surface area, and also volume of subcortical structures. We also measured cortico-cortical functional connectivity, defined either as the Pearson correlation coefficient and partial correlation coefficient, bivariate instantaneous Granger causality and Granger causality, and generalized partial directed coherence (GPDC). GPDC was evaluated in five frequencies between the four pairs of regions displaying the strongest evidence for linear thinning, measured by their associated t-statistic, and its alterations alongside aging were assessed using a multivariate approach based on Dirichlet Regression. We also studied spatial associations between patterns of morphometric and connectivity alterations. We reproduced generalized age-related atrophy reported in the literature in cortical volume (90% of the studied structures), surface area (68%) and thickness (90%), and volumetric atrophy of several subocortical structures. We observe a positive association in the joint distribution of the expected cortical thickness at 18 years old and the yearly percentage reduction in cortical thickness. We showed, projecting these two quantitities into their principal axes and analyzing the spatial distribution of the scores, that the first principal component correlates with neocortical granularity while the second principal component represents cortical type admixture. On functional connectivity, we gathered evidence for overall increased Pearson correlation coefficient (6% of the connections in the Pilot NKI-RS and 2% in the Enhanced NKI-RS), with proportionally smaller number of decreases (0.1% in the Pilot NKI-RS and 0.3% in the Enhanced NKI-RS). The Pearson partial correlation coefficient between 12 out of 65 homotopic region pairs shows a pattern of decline with age, suggesting inter-hemispheric disconnection. However, predictive causality, as measured by both Granger causalities, do not share the same degree of changes observed in the correlational metrics. We observe increased GPDC from several regions to themselves in many frequencies (25% out of a total of 40 self-connections), indicating a degree of disconnection to the other regions. Given seed regions, we uncovered spatially distributed significant patterns of association between the standardized effect of age on the connectivity to its targets and on their targets thicknesses. Regions with smaller evidence for age-related thinning, such as several occipital areas, tend to have fewer alterations in functional connectivity than regions with greater evidence for age-related thinning, like many frontal regions. We hypothesize that regions showing a negative association (5% of the seed regions) are part of compensatory systems, being increasingly correlated with regions displaying most atrophy. Regions showing a positive association (5%) do not have compensatory mechanisms available, and therefore are losing connectivity to atrophyc regions. Overall, we found evidence for brainwide alterations in connectivity and cortical and subcortical morphometry throughout the human adult lifespan. We also found a specifc pattern of associations between the atrophic trends and age-related alterations in connectivity in the brain / O cérebro envelhece, e com isso vêm à tona alterações em sua micro e macroestrutura que se refletem em sua morfologia e funcionamento. Mudanças na estrutura cerebral e acoplamento funcional entre suas regiões podem ser averiguadas através da neuroimagem, e, mais especificamente, imagem por ressonância magnética (IRM). Usando dados de IRM das duas etapas (Pilot and Enhanced) do Nathan Kline Institute Rockland Sample (NKI-RS), totalizando 613 participantes destros, livres de doenças neurodegenerativas, com idade entre 18 e 85 anos, medimos parâmetros de substância cinzenta como volume, espessura, e área de superfície corticais, e também volume de estruturas subcorticais. Também medimos conectividade funcional cortico-cortical, definida como o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson, coeficiente de correlação parcial de Pearson, causalidade instântanea de Granger e causalidade de Granger bivariadas, e coerência parcial direcionada generalizada (GPDC). A GPDC foi medida em cinco frequências entre quatro pares de regiões que demonstraram a mais forte evidência para diminuição da espessura cortical linearmente, medido pela estatística-t associada, e suas alterações ao longo do envelhecimento foram estudadas usando uma abordagem multivariada baseada na Regressão de Dirichlet. Também estudamos associações espaciais entre padrões de alterações morfométricas e na conectividade. Reproduzimos a atrofia generalizada devido à idade reportada na literatura no volume cortical (90% das estruturas estudadas), área de superfície (68%) e espessura (90%), e atrofia volumétrica de várias estruturas subcorticais. Observamos uma associação positiva na distribuição conjunta do valor esperado da espessura cortical aos 18 anos de idade e a redução percentual anual na espessura cortical. Mostramos, ao projetar ambos em seus eixos principais e analizar a distribuição espacial desses índices, que a primeira componente principal correlaciona-se com a granularidade neocortical enquanto que a segunda componente principal representa o tipo cortical. Sobre a conectividade funcional, colhemos evidências para um aumento geral no coeficiente de correlação de Pearson (6% das conexões no Pilot NKI-RS e 2% no Enhanced NKI-RS), com menor proporção de decréscimos (0.1% no Pilot NKI-RS e 0.3% no Enhanced NKI-RS). O coeficiente de correlação parcial de Pearson entre 12 de 65 pares de regiões homotópicas demonstra um padrão de declínio com a idade, sugerindo desconexão inter-hemisférica. No entanto, a causalidade preditiva, como medida através de ambas as métricas de causalidade de Granger, não aparenta o mesmo grau de mudanças observado nas medidas correlacionais. Observamos aumentos na GPDC de várias regiões para si próprias em muitas frequências (25% de um total de 40 auto-conexões), que indica um grau de disconexão às outras regiões. Dadas regiões semente, revelamos padrões significativos espacialmente distribuídos de associação entre efeitos padronizados da idade na conectividade para seus alvos e das espessuras dos alvos. Regiões com menor evidência para o desbastamento relacionado com a idade, como várias áreas occipitais, tendem a ter menos alterações em sua conectividade funcional que regiões com maior evidência suportando o desbastamento cortical relacionado à idade, como diversas regiões frontais. Hipotetizamos que regiões cuja associação é negativa (5% das regiões semente) são parte de sistemas compensatórios, estando correlacionadas com regiões que demonstram os maiores graus de atrofia de modo crescente. Regiões cuja associação é positiva (5%) não teriam mecanismos compensatórios à disposição, e portanto perdem conectividade para regiões atróficas. No geral, encontramos evidências para alterações na conectividade e na morfometria cortical e subcortical no cérebro todo ao longo da extensão da vida adulta humana. Também achamos um padrão específico de associações entre tendências atróficas e alterações na conectividade cerebral devido à idade
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A framework for assessing robustness of water networks and computational evaluation of resilienceAl-Ameri, Shehab Ahmed January 2016 (has links)
Arid regions tend to take careful measures to ensure water supplies are secured to consumers, to help provide the basis for further development. The distribution network is the most expensive part of the water supply infrastructure and it must maintain performance during unexpected incidents. Many aspects of performance have previously been discussed separately, including reliability, vulnerability, flexibility and resilience. This study aimed to develop a framework to bring together these aspects as found in the literature and industry practice, and bridge the gap between them. Semi-structured interviews with water industry experts were used to examine the presence and understanding of robustness factors. Thematic analysis was applied to investigate these and inform a conceptual framework including the component and topological levels. Robustness was described by incorporating network reliability and resiliency. The research focused on resiliency as a network-level concept derived from flexibility and vulnerability. To utilise this new framework, the study explored graph theory to formulate metrics for flexibility and vulnerability that combine network topology and hydraulics. The flexibility metric combines hydraulic edge betweenness centrality, representing hydraulic connectivity, and hydraulic edge load, measuring utilised capacity. Vulnerability captures the impact of failures on the ability of the network to supply consumers, and their sensitivity to disruptions, by utilising node characteristics, such as demand, population and alternative supplies. These measures together cover both edge (pipe) centric and node (demand) centric perspectives. The resiliency assessment was applied to several literature benchmark networks prior to using a real case network. The results show the benefits of combining hydraulics with topology in robustness analysis. The assessment helps to identify components or sections of importance for future expansion plans or maintenance purposes. The study provides a novel viewpoint overarching the gap between literature and practice, incorporating different critical factors for robust performance.
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An integrative investigation of larval behavior using a coral reef fishMajoris, John Edwin 14 February 2018 (has links)
A primary goal of marine ecology is to understand the physical and biological mechanisms that drive patterns of larval dispersal and population connectivity. The larvae of many marine organisms develop in the pelagic environment before settling on benthic habitat. Early efforts to predict dispersal patterns assumed that larvae are passive particles dispersed by currents for 10s to 100s of kilometers (km). However, recent studies using parentage analyses to observe dispersal patterns reveal that peak dispersal occurs within 1 – 2 km, and declines exponentially with increasing distance from the natal reef. This gap between predicted and observed dispersal patterns suggests that other factors, such as larval behavior, may play an important role in shaping patterns of dispersal. However, due to challenges associated with obtaining larvae early in development, there is little information on the ontogeny of behavior from hatching through settlement.
In this dissertation, I begin to address these challenges by developing a protocol for rearing the larvae of two species of sponge-dwelling neon gobies, Elacatinus lori and E. colini. Using lab-reared specimens, I provide the first description of larval development for both species. Then, I investigate the ontogeny of swimming ability in larvae of E. lori, E. colini and the model species Amphiprion percula. Remarkably, A. percula were capable of swimming twice as fast and three orders of magnitude longer than E. lori near settlement. Relating swimming speed to published dispersal patterns for E. lori, A. percula and another species Plectropomus leopardus, I show there is a positive association between swimming speed and the median and maximum dispersal distance. This finding suggests that swimming abilities may influence the extent of long distance dispersal. Finally, I investigate the role of habitat preferences and post-settlement persistence in establishing the distribution of E. lori settlers on sponge habitat. I demonstrate that E. lori settlers are more abundant, persist longer, and prefer to settle on large Aplysina fistularis, suggesting that settling E. lori choose sponge habitats that confer the highest relative fitness. This dissertation indicates the importance of larval and settler behaviors in determining the dispersal patterns and distribution of fishes on coral reefs.
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Modelo de Blume-Capel na rede aleatóriaLopes, Amanda de Azevedo January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho estuda o modelo de Blume-Capel na rede aleatória e também analisa a inclusão de um termo de campo cristalino aleatório e de um termo de campo local aleatório. Ao resolver o modelo na rede aleatória, uma técnica de conectividade finita foi utilizada, na qual cada spin é conectado a um número finito de outros spins. Os spins foram conectados de acordo com uma distribuição de Poisson, os termos de campo aleatório seguiram uma distribuição bimodal e as interações entre os spins foram consideradas uniformes. Desse modo, só há desordem nas conexões entre os spins. O foco desse trabalho foi determinar como a natureza da transição de fase é alterada com a conectividade e se há um comportamento reentrante das linhas de transição de fase. A técnica de réplicas é usada para obter equações de ponto de sela para a distribuição de campos locais. Um Ansatz de simetria de réplicas foi utilizado para a função de ordem e esse foi escrito em termos de uma distribuição bidimensional de campos efetivos, onde uma das componentes é associada com um termo linear dos spins e a outra com o termo de campo cristalino. Com isso, equações para as funções de ordem e a energia livre podem ser obtidas. Uma técnica de dinâmica populacional é usada para resolver numericamente a equação auto-consistente para a distribuição de campos locais e outros parâmetros, como a magnetização, a atividade da rede e a energia livre. Os resultados indicam que a natureza da transição ferromagnética-paramagnética, a posição do ponto tricrítico e a existência de reentrância dependem fortemente do valor da conectividade e, nos casos com um termo de campo aleatório, dependem da intensidade dos campos aleatórios. No caso em que o campo cristalino é aleatório, o ponto tricrítico é suprimido para valores acima de um certo valor de aleatoriedade. / The present work studies the Blume-Capel model in a random network and also analyses the inclusion of a random crystal-field term and a random field term. To solve the model in a random network a finite connectivity technique is used, in which each spin is connected to a finite number of other spins. The spins were connected according a Poisson distribution, the random field terms followed a bimodal distribution and the bonds between the spins were considered uniform. Thus, there is only a connection disorder. The focus of this work was on determining how the nature of the phase transition changes with the connectivity and the random fields and if there is a reentrant behavior of the phase boundaries. The replica technique is used to obtain saddle-point equations for the effective local-field distribution. The replica symmetric Ansatz for the order function is written in terms of a two-dimensional effective-field distribution, where one of the components is associated with a linear form in the spins and the other with the crystal-field term. This allows one to derive equations for the order function and for the free-energy. A population dynamics procedure is used to solve numerically a self-consistency equation for the distribution of the local field and with it some physical parameters, like magnetization and free-energy. The results obtained indicate that the nature of the F-P transition, the location of the tricritical point and the presence of a reentrant phase depend strongly on the connectivity. In the cases with a random field term, those are also dependent on the intensity of the fields. For the case with a random crystal-field term, the tricritical point is supressed above a certain value of randomness.
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Parcellisation de la surface corticale basée sur la connectivité : vers une exploration multimodale / Connectivity-based structural parcellation : toward multimodal analysisLefranc, Sandrine 09 September 2015 (has links)
L’IRM de diffusion est une modalité d’imagerie médicale qui suscite un intérêt croissant dans larecherche en neuro-imagerie. Elle permet de caractériser in vivo l’organisation neuronale et apportepar conséquent de nouvelles informations sur les fibres de la matière blanche. En outre, il a étémontré que chaque région corticale a une signature spécifique pouvant être décrite par des mesuresde connectivité. Notre travail de recherche a ainsi porté sur la conception d’une méthode deparcellisation du cortex entier à partir de ces métriques. En se basant sur de précédents travaux dudomaine (thèse de P. Roca 2011), ce travail propose une nouvelle analyse de groupe permettantl’obtention d’une segmentation individuelle ou moyennée sur la population d'étude. Il s’agit d’unproblème difficile en raison de la variabilité interindividuelle présente dans les données. Laméthode a été testée et évaluée sur les 80 sujets de la base ARCHI. Des aspects multimodaux ontété abordés pour comparer nos parcellisations structurelles avec d’autres parcellisations ou descaractéristiques morphologiques calculées à partir des modalités présentes dans la base de données.Une correspondance avec la variabilité de l’anatomie corticale, ainsi qu’avec des parcellisations dedonnées d’IRM fonctionnelle, a pu être montrée, apportant une première validationneuroscientifique. / Résumé anglais :Diffusion MRI is a medical imaging modality of great interest in neuroimaging research. Thismodality enables the characterization in vivo of neuronal organization and thus providinginformation on the white matter fibers. In addition, each cortical region has been shown to have aspecific signature, which can be described by connectivity measures. Our research has focused onthe design of a whole cortex parcellation method driven by these metrics. Based on the previouswork of P. Roca 2011, a new group analysis is proposed to achieve an individual or populationaveraged segmentation. This is a difficult problem due to the interindividual variability present inthe data. The method was tested and evaluated on the 80 subjects of the ARCHI database.Multimodal aspects were investigated to compare the proposed structural parcelliations with otherparcellations or morphological characteristics derived from the modalities present in the database. Aconnection between the variability of cortical anatomy and parcellations of the functional MRI datawas demonstrated, providing a first neuroscientist validation.
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