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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The 'Consul Smith Palladio' at Virginia Commonwealth University and the American Renaissance

Barrett, Anne Rachelle 01 January 2006 (has links)
Among the finest books in the James Branch Cabell Library Special Collections is a recent acquisition (Fall 2005), the 1768 version of Palladia's Quattro Libri dell' architettura , published by Consul Joseph Smith in Venice. On the basis of present work, one can reconstruct Consul Smith's remarkable role in the history of international architecture. More than a century later, at least three major American Renaissance architectural firms owned no fewer than a total of four copies of the volume.This copy came from James Otis Post (1871-1951), son of the eminent George B. Post, who bought a copy of the Smith Palladio in Venice in 1896. Among other firms that owned the volume were Delano and Aldrich and Lawrence Hall Fowler, both important American Renaissance Firms in their own rights.

Římský konzulát / The Roman Consulate

Zemánek, Jan January 2011 (has links)
Účelem této práce bylo popsat úřad konzula za časů antického Říma. V první části práce je krátce popsáno založení Říma, doba královská a následně zavedení konzulátu. Jádro práce tvoří popis úřadu konzula za časů římské republiky, tedy v době, kdy byl tento úřadem nejvyšším úřadem v Římě. Dále jsou popsány pravomoci konzulů, způsob jejich volby a vymezení jejich vztahu k ostatním úředníkům. Třetí část je věnována úřadu konzulů za časů římského císařství, kdy se tento úřad stal pouze symbolem skomírající římské republiky a zůstal bez faktického vlivu, jelikož jeho pravomoci postupně přebírají císaři. Ve druhé části popisuji konzulát v době římské republiky. V kapitole 2.1. popisuji genezi pojmu konzulové, dále uvádím popis magistratur a jejich dělení. V kapitole 2.2. popisuji úřad konzula, kde je zařazen do skupiny nejvyšších magistratur. Další podkapitola 2.1.1. popisuje postavení konzulů ve státě a podkapitola 2.2.2. popisuje volbu konzulů a je zde uvedena zmínka o zákonu Lex Villia annalis. Kapitola 2.3. se věnuje působnosti konzulů. Čtenář zde nalezne výklad klíčového pojmu pro popis konzulské působnosti - pojem imperia (podrobněji se mu věnuje podkapitola 2.3.1.) Následující podkapitola 2.3.2. popisuje pojem kolegiality jako jeden z pojmových znaků konzulského úřadu. Dále popisuje také důsledky...

Le pèlerinage à La Mecque à l'époque coloniale (v. 1866-1940) : France - Grande-Bretagne - Italie / The pilgrimage to Mecca in colonial times (1866-1940) : France - Great-Britain - Italy

Chantre, Luc 19 October 2012 (has links)
Alors qu'elles n'intervenaient jusqu'ici que marginalement dans l'économie du pèlerinage à La Mecque (hajj), la catastrophe humanitaire constituée par l'épidémie de choléra de 1865-66 a conduit certaines puissances coloniales comme la France et la Grande-Bretagne, bientôt rejointes par l'Italie, à se saisir directement de la question de l'organisation des déplacements et du séjour de leurs sujets musulmans dans les Villes Saintes du Hedjaz. Pour la première fois dans l'histoire de l'Islam, le hajj a ainsi été supervisé par des puissances non-musulmanes. Si l'objectif affiché de l'intrusion européenne dans l'économie du hajj reste la protection sanitaire des pèlerins et partant du continent européen, il n'en cache pas moins des préoccupations plus politiques. L'enjeu est alors de rendre le hajj « gouvernable ». A cet égard, la Grande Guerre et l'annexion du Hedjaz par le gouvernement saoudien en 1925 constituent des étapes importantes en donnant aux puissances coloniales les moyens de construire de véritables « politiques du pèlerinage ». La décennie 1930 marque ainsi l'apogée de l'intrusion des puissances coloniales européennes dans l'organisation du pèlerinage à La Mecque qu'elles ont contribué à transformer en un instrument d'influence diplomatique et coloniale / While they intervened until then only marginally in the hajj affairs, the humanitarian disaster constituted by the epidemic of cholera of 1865-66 led colonial powers, such as France and Great Britain, soon joined by Italy, to deal directly with the question of the organization of the travels and the stay of their Moslem subjects in the Holy Cities of the Hijaz. For the first time in the history of Islam, the hajj was so overseen by not Moslem powers. If the official aim of european intervention remained the sanitary protection of the pilgrims - and, to a certain extent, the protection of the European continent - it hides not less more political concerns from it. Here the stake consists in making the hajj « governable ». In this respect, the Great War and the Hijjaz annexation by Saudi government in 1925 constitute important stages providing colonial powers the means to build of real « pilgrimage policies ». For the european colonial powers, the 1930's represent the peak of their intrusion in pilgrimage to Mecca organization they have contributed to turn into an instrument of diplomatic and colonial influence

A Production Study of Gian-Carlo Menotti's "The Consul"

Graham, Janice C. January 1963 (has links)
No description available.

Entre princes et marchands : les agents généraux de France à Madrid dans les interstices de la diplomatie (1702-1793) / Between princes and merchants : general agents of France in Madrid in the interstices of diplomacy (1702-1793)

Lloret, Sylvain 25 June 2018 (has links)
Entre 1702 et 1793, onze hommes occupèrent la fonction d’agent général de la Marine et du Commerce de France à Madrid. Agissant sans statut officiel, ces envoyés du secrétaire d’État de la Marine étaient la pièce maîtresse d’un réseau d’information français en Espagne. Créés après l’avènement du Bourbon Philippe V au trône d’Espagne, ces experts, clé de voûte du réseau consulaire français dans la Péninsule, mirent leur compétence économique au service d’un rapprochement commercial entre les deux monarchies. Par leur action, leur surface sociale, leur connaissance de l’Espagne et leurs discours, ces intermédiaires s’appropriaient une fonction aux contours obscurs. Hommes de l’ombre sous les ordres de l’ambassadeur français, ils acquirent une dimension qui en fit les véritables artisans d’une diplomatie commerciale franco-espagnole au XVIIIe siècle. Ces instances de dialogue interrogent les interactions croissantes entre commerce et diplomatie. L’étude tend à montrer en quoi ces figures hybrides se situaient à l’interface entre plusieurs mondes : la France et l’Espagne d’une part, le négoce et la sphère politique d’autre part. Informateurs, négociateurs et médiateurs, ces agents interrogent le cheminement qui conduisait de l’information à la négociation. Il s’agit de montrer en quoi ces hommes, acteurs de l’interconnexion des deux monarchies, dessinaient les contours d’un espace de dialogue spécifique qui visait à combler les interstices entre les réalités du terrain et la discussion entre gouvernements. / Between 1702 and 1793, eleven men held the position of general agent of the Navy and Trade of France in Madrid. Acting without any official status, these envoys of the Secretary of State of the Navy were the centerpiece of a French informative network in Spain. Created after the advent of the Bourbon Philip V to the Spanish throne, these experts, keystone of the French consular network in the Peninsula, put their economic competence at the service of a commercial alliance between both monarchies. Their action, social surface, knowledge of Spain and discourse, helped these intermediaries seize a function with blurry outlines. Men of the shadow under the orders of the French ambassador, they acquired such a dimension that they became the true artisans of a Franco-Spanish commercial diplomacy in the eighteenth century. These go-between rise the matter of the growing interactions between trade and diplomacy. The study tends to show how these hybrid figures were perfectly in between several worlds : France and Spain on the one hand, trading and the political sphere on the other. Informants, negotiators and mediators, these agents encourage us to question the path that led from information to negotiation. Thus, what is at stake in this study is to show how these men, actors of the interconnection of the two monarchies, drew the frame for a specific dialogue which aimed to fill the interstices between the realities of the field and the more political debate between governments.

Running Multiple Versions of Services With Continuous Delivery

Wik, Lucas January 2017 (has links)
Continuous Delivery is a software development discipline where the software is always kept in a release ready state. It has proven to be a challenge for companies to adopt the practices of Continuous Delivery, but the benefits it brings may well be worth overcoming the challenges the adoption process brings. But the problem with the challenges is that they appear to be unknown, different adoption cases report different problems, some even consider something a solution whilst another case considered the same subject to be a problem. Thus adopting Continuous Delivery is a tricky process. But the tech company IST is interested in adopting Continuous Delivery and are looking to take a soft start by adding new functionality to their service-oriented system, this functionality is to be able to run multiple versions of their services at the same time. This study has implemented this functionality in their system and then researched possible issues or benefits the functionality would have towards Continuous Delivery. Finally, a discussion was made on how the author thinks approaching Continuous Delivery should be done by any company or developer interested.

Secure microservices communication between heterogeneous service meshes

Wajid Butt, Zara January 2022 (has links)
Microservice architecture is an emerging paradigm that has been unceasingly adopted by large organizations to develop flexible, agile, and distributed applications. This architecture involves breaking a large monolithic application into multiple services that can be deployed and scaled autonomously. Moreover, it helps to improve the resiliency and fault tolerance of a large-scale distributed application. However, this architecture is not without challenges. It increases the number of services communicating with each other, leading to an increased surface of attack. To overcome the security vulnerabilities, it is important that the communication between the services must be secured. Service Mesh is increasingly embraced to resolve the security challenges of microservices and facilitate secure and reliable communication. It is a dedicated infrastructure layer on top of microservices responsible for their networking logic. It uses sidecar proxies to ensure secure and encrypted communication between the services. This thesis studies different deployment models of service meshes, identifies the reasons for federating heterogeneous service meshes, investigates the existing problems faced during the federation process, and proposes a solution to achieve a secure federation between heterogeneous service meshes, i.e., Istio and Consul. The security of the proposed solution was evaluated against the basic security requirements, such as Authenticity, Confidentiality, and Integrity. The evaluation results proved the solution to be secure and feasible for implementation. / Microservice är ett framväxande paradigm som oavbrutet har anammats av stora organisationer för att utveckla flexibla, agila och distribuerade applikationer. denna arkitektur innebär att dela upp en stor monolitisk applikation i flera tjänster som kan distribueras och skalas autonomt. Dessutom hjälper det till att förbättra motståndskraften och feltolerans för en storskalig distribuerad applikation. Men denna arkitektur är inte utan utmaningar. Det ökar antalet tjänster som kommunicerar med varandra, vilket leder till en ökad attackyta. För att övervinna säkerhetsproblemet nerabiliteter är det viktigt att kommunikationen mellan tjänsterna måste säkra. Service Mesh anammas alltmer för att lösa säkerhetsutmaningarna med microservice och underlätta säker och pålitlig kommunikation. Det är en dedikerad infrastruktur lager ovanpå mikrotjänster som ansvarar för deras nätverkslogik. Den använder sidovagn fullmakter för att säkerställa säker och krypterad kommunikation mellan tjänsterna. Detta avhandlingen studerar olika utbyggnadsmodeller av servicenät, identifierar orsakerna för att förena heterogena servicenät, undersöker de befintliga problemen som står inför under förbundsprocessen, och föreslår en lösning för att uppnå en säker federation mellan heterogena tjänstemaskor, d. v. s. Istio och Consul. Säkerheten för prolösningen utvärderades mot de grundläggande säkerhetskraven, såsom Autentticitet, konfidentialitet och integritet. Utvärderingsresultaten visade att lösningen var säker och genomförbar för implementering.

Role honorárních konzulů v obchodní diplomacii / The Role of the Honorary Consuls in the Business Diplomacy

Vondroušová, Michala January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with the present functions of the honorary consuls and their importance to the business diplomacy and international trade. The general part is focused on the historical development of the consular representation, the codification of the international law related to the consular relations and business diplomacy. The practical part analyzes the results obtained by questionnaire from the Czech honorary consuls.


張曉威, Chong, Siou Wei Unknown Date (has links)

英國駐上海領事之研究(一八四三~一九二八) / The Study of British Consuls in Shanghai(1843∼1928)

林秀美, Lin, Hsiu Mei Unknown Date (has links)

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