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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uma arquitetura para promover o uso de dispositivos com limitações computacionais na interação com mídias sintetizadas remotamente

Godoy, Arthur Pedro de 22 May 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:06:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 6118.pdf: 3001954 bytes, checksum: 5643531722be67da01c9dfa9c79f4ecb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-05-22 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Computer graphics and virtual reality technologies allow audiovisual experiences with high level of realism, as the ones achieved in video games and movies. The synthetization of media with high degree of audiovisual realism demands specialized systems with high performance computing capacity. The profusion in the last decade of personal computing consumer electronics such as mobile and portable devices, encourages the interest in making possible, also in these devices, applications with high level of visual realism. However, due to the intrinsic limitations of the computing capability of mobile and portable devices, regarding to the physical characteristics of these devices, such as dimensions, electrical consume and heat dissipation, it s not possible directly process media with the same level of visual realism that is found in specialized systems. This research suggests the exploration of a traditional solution: the remote interaction with these applications. Challenges resulting from this approach are identified and studied. Solutions are proposed, analyzed and formalized in a architecture for reference. As a proof of concept the architecture is used in the development of applications on two scenarios: one in a local network with a media characterized by its low tolerance in delay of interaction response and another with a high tolerance media through the Internet. Also is showed the flexibility of the proposed architecture by integrating one of the applications developed with a multimedia context. / As tecnologias de computação gráfica e realidade virtual permitem experiências visuais e auditivas com alto nível de realismo sensorial, como alcançado em jogos eletrônicos e no cinema. A sintetização de mídia com alto grau de realismo visual e auditivo demanda sistemas especializados com capacidade computacional de alto desempenho. A profusão na última década de eletrônicos de consumo computacionais pessoais, como dispositivos móveis e portáteis, desperta o interesse em tornar possível, também nesses dispositivos, aplicações visuais com alto nível de realismo. Devido às limitações da capacidade computacional intrínsecas dos dispositivos móveis, decorrentes de suas características físicas, como dimensões, restrições de consumo e dissipação térmica, não é possível a execução direta de mídia interativa com o mesmo grau de realismo encontrado em sistemas especializados. Este trabalho sugere a exploração de uma solução tradicional: o processamento e a interação remota com esse tipo de mídia. Desafios decorrentes dessa solução são identificados e estudados. Soluções são propostas, analisadas e formalizadas em uma arquitetura de referência. Como prova de conceito da arquitetura explorou-se o desenvolvimento de aplicações em dois cenários: um em rede local com mídia de baixa tolerância a atrasos no tempo de resposta às interações e outra através da Internet com mídia de maior tolerância a atrasos. Mostrouse também a flexibilidade da arquitetura desenvolvida com a integração do componente cliente a um sistema com múltiplas mídias, em que a mídia remota relaciona-se integralmente com o contexto multimídia.

Модел бежичних акустичких сензора за командовање гласом у паметним кућама / Model bežičnih akustičkih senzora za komandovanje glasom u pametnim kućama / Model of wireless acoustic sensors for voice commands in smart homes

Četić Nenad 05 June 2020 (has links)
<p>Основни циљ истраживања у дисертацији је испитивање примене дистрибуираних акустичких сензора на проблем аутоматског препознавања говора. Услед реверберације говора у затвореном простору долази до проблема да снимљени сигнал садржи више одјека и шума него директног звука. Овај проблем се решава применом различитих алгоритама базираних на обради сигнала помоћу микрофонских низова и решетки. На основу аналитичког модела простора са реверберацијом реализован је систем дистрибуираних акустичких сензора за подршку говорне комуникације у паметним кућама. Добијени резултати указују да<br />је једноставним дистрибуираним сензорима могуће остварити тачност препознавања говора попут тачности код комерцијалних система.</p> / <p>Osnovni cilj istraživanja u disertaciji je ispitivanje primene distribuiranih akustičkih senzora na problem automatskog prepoznavanja govora. Usled reverberacije govora u zatvorenom prostoru dolazi do problema da snimljeni signal sadrži više odjeka i šuma nego direktnog zvuka. Ovaj problem se rešava primenom različitih algoritama baziranih na obradi signala pomoću mikrofonskih nizova i rešetki. Na osnovu analitičkog modela prostora sa reverberacijom realizovan je sistem distribuiranih akustičkih senzora za podršku govorne komunikacije u pametnim kućama. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da<br />je jednostavnim distribuiranim senzorima moguće ostvariti tačnost prepoznavanja govora poput tačnosti kod komercijalnih sistema.</p> / <p>The main goal of the dissertation is to examine the application of distributed acoustic sensors to the problem of automatic speech recognition. Due to the reverberation of indoor speech, there is a problem that the recorded signal contains more echoes and noise than direct sound. This problem is solved by applying different algorithms based on signal from microphone arrays and microphone grids. Based on the analytical model of the reverberated space, a system of distributed acoustic sensors was realized to support voice communication in smart home environment. Results show that simple<br />distributed sensors can achieve recognition performance similar to those found in state&ndash;of-the-art systems available on the market.</p>

Covid-19 pandemins påverkan på kundupplevelsehantering : En studie inom svensk hemelektronik

Berkowicz, David, Lindgren, Filip January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie är en undersökning om hur Covid-19 pandemin har förändrat kundupplevelsehantering för svensk hemelektronikhandel. Vidare undersöks hur svenska hemelektronikföretag och konsumenter svarat och agerat på dessa förändringar. Forskningen har använt triangulerande datainsamlingsmetoder. Kvantitativ data har samlats in genom enkätundersökningar med konsumenter. Kvalitativ data har samlats in från intervjuer med representanter på svenska hemelektronikföretag. Studien ägde rum under Covid-19 pandemin och utfördes därmed på distans med hjälp av digitala verktyg. Studiens resultat tyder på att Covid-19 pandemin lett till ett hopp på tre år i utvecklingen av handeln inom hemelektronik och därmed bidragit med en övergång från interaktion via fysiska butiker till digitala kanaler. Företag inom hemelektronik har även fokuserat mindre på hur konkurrenter agerat och mer på vad konsumenter efterfrågar. Detta har lett till utveckling av nya kanaler och helt nya sätt att interagera med kunder. De nya kanalerna integrerar mänsklig natur i dess interaktion genom video samt direkt kommunikation mellan kund och anställd. Kunder är mer nöjda med deras upplevelser hos företagen under pandemin än innan pandemin och företagen förutspås fortsätta i den utveckling pandemin bidragit till. / This study investigates how the Covid-19 pandemic has changed customer experience management for the Swedish consumer electronics trade. It also examines how Swedish consumer electronics companies and consumers have responded and acted on these changes. The research has used triangulating data collection methods. Quantitative data have been collected through surveys with consumers. Qualitative data have been collected from interviews with representatives of Swedish consumer electronics companies. The study took place during the COVID-19 pandemic and was thus carried out remotely using digital tools. The results of the study indicate that the Covid-19 pandemic has led to a three-year jump in the development of trade in consumer electronics and thus contributed to a transition from interaction via physical stores to digital touchpoints. Home electronics companies have also focused less on how competitors have acted and more on what consumers demand. This has led to the development of new touchpoints and completely new ways of interacting with customers. The new touchpoints integrate human nature in its interaction through video and direct communication between customer and employee. Customers are more satisfied with their experiences with companies during the pandemic than before the pandemic and the companies are predicted to continue in the development the pandemic has contributed to.

Factors influencing customer's consumer behaviour towards online shopping for consumer electronics in Gauteng, South Africa

Nhapulo, Arzia 06 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English and Venda / Online shopping gained importance with the increase in Internet adoption. The development in the e-commerce industry, with opportunities created for retailers, demanded research on factors influencing online shopping behaviour. The purpose of the study is to determine factors influencing consumers’ behaviour towards online shopping for consumer electronics in Gauteng, South Africa. The study employs a descriptive research methodology involving a quantitative research design. The study adopts a convenience sampling method for collecting data by intercepting individuals in Cresta Mall in Johannesburg and Sunnypark Shopping Centre in Pretoria. Self-administered, printed questionnaires were distributed, and data were collected from 207 respondents. This research followed the correct protocol for administering surveys, questionnaire design, measures to ensure data integrity and appropriate analysis strategy, providing reliable and valid research. The data were subjected to factor analysis and the descriptive statistics were also conducted. The parametric, independent sample T-test and Analysis of variance tests were employed for hypothesis testing. The study results suggested that demographic, utilitarian and hedonic factors affect consumers’ online shopping behaviour. This study concludes that demographic factors affect online shopping consumer behaviour traits of electronic goods. It also found statistical differences amongst demographic factors, against hedonic and utilitarian factors. The study also tested whether utilitarian values influence consumer behaviour towards online buying of electronic goods, concluding the existence of a significant relationship between utilitarian values towards online shopping behaviour. Lastly, the study determined if hedonic factors influence consumer behaviour when shopping online. It is concluded that hedonic factors influence consumer behaviour when shopping online. Findings of this study provide a positive contribution to e-commerce research in South Africa by assessing practices of online consumers and factors influencing online shopping adoption. The study recommends further longitudinal research concerning customer behaviour towards online shopping while supporting further studies to focus on the identified factors influencing online shopping. / Ku xava eka inthanete ku vile ka nkoka ku ya hi engetelo wa inthanete. Nhluvukiso eka swa indhasitiri yo xava hi inthanete, ni ku tumbuluxiwa ka miintirho ka vaxavisi, ndzavisiso wa swilo swo kucetela mahanyelo yo xava hi xielekitironiki. Nkongomelo wa dyondzo leyi i ku kumisisa swilo leswi kucetelaka mahanyelo ya vatirhisi loko va xava eka inthanete switirisi swa xielekitironiki eGautengi, Afirika-Dzonga. Dyondzo yi tirhisa endlelo ya ndzavisiso wo hlamusela hi ku hlawulekisa ku katsa na dizayini ya ndzavisiso wa nhlayonhlayo. Dyondzo yi tirhisa endlelo ra kahle ro sampula ku hlengeleta data hi ku vutisisa vanhu emolweni wa le Joni wa Cresta na Senthara ya Sunnypark yo Xava ePitori. Swivutiso leswi u swi lawulaka, no swi kandziyisa swi hangalasiwile, na swona data yi hlengeletiwile ku sukela ka 207 wa vavutisiwa. Ndzavisiso wu landzelerile maendlelo yo hetiseka ku lawula milavisisontsongo, tidizayini ta swivutiso, swipimelo ku endlela leswaku data yi va hi xiyimo xa kahle na xitirateji analysis lexinene, lexi nyikaka ndzavisiso lowu kamberiweke no khorwisa. Data a yi fanele ku analayiziwa na nhlayonhlayo wo hlamusela hi ku hlawulekisa wu endliwile. Mimbuyelo ya ndzavisiso yi nyikile miehleketo ya leswaku nhlayonhlayo ya vanhu na swilo swa utilitarian na hedonic swi khumbaka mahanyelo ya vatirhisi yo xava emolweni hi xielekitironiki. Dyondzo leyi yi gimeta leswaku swilo swa nhlayo ya vanhu hinkwavo swi khumbanaka mahanyelo yo xava tinhundzu Ku kumeka na ku hambana ka nhlayonhlayo exikarhi ka nhlayo ya vanhu hinkwawo mayelano na timhaka ta hedonic no tirhiseka. Dyondzo yi kamberile loko mikoka ya swithirisiwa yi kucetela mahanyelo ya vanhu eku xaveni ka tinhundzu hi xielekitironiki, no gimeta vukona bya nkoka wa vuxaka exikarhi ka mikoka yo tirhiseka ka mahanyelo yo xava hi xielekitironiki. Xo hetelela, dzondzo yi kumisisa loko timhaka ta hedonic ti kucetela mahanyelo ya vatirhisi loko va ri ku xaveni hi xielekitironiki. Ku gimetiwile leswaku timhaka ta hedoniki ti kucetela mahanyelo ya vatirhisi loko vax ava hio xielekitironiki. Leswi swi nga kumeka ka dyondzo swi na xiave xa kahle ka ndzavisiso wa e-commerce eAfirika-Dzonga hi ku xopaxopa mintolovelo ya vatirhisi ya xielekitironiki na timhaka to kucetela ku tirhisa ku xava ka xielekitironiki. Dyondzo yi bumabumela ku yisa emahlweni na ndzavisiso wa longitudinal mayelana mahanyelo ya vashavi eka ku xava hi xielekitironiki na ku seketela ku yisa emahlweni tidyondzo to kongomisa ka timhaka to kucetela ku xava eka inthanete. / Business Management / M. Com (Business Management)

インド家電市場における多国籍企業の競争戦略 : LG電子インド法人の現地化とグローバル統合化戦略の実証研究 / インド カデン シジョウ ニオケル タコクセキ キギョウ ノ キョウソウ センリャク : LG デンシ インド ホウジン ノ ゲンチカ ト グローバル トウゴウカ センリャク ノ ジッショウ ケンキュウ

洪 性奉, Seongbong Hong 21 March 2015 (has links)
本論文では、急成長を遂げているインド家電市場を取り上げ、同市場に進出した多国籍企業の競争戦略について多国籍企業論の視点から理論的かつ実証的に考察を行った。主にLG電子インド法人が行った市場参入戦略はじめ、各戦略行動について明らかにした。多国籍企業の現地化とグローバル統合化戦略は多次元的な要素を持っており、現地国の環境要素、産業の特性及び、企業の状況に合わせて現地化のレベルを決定する必要があるという含意が得られた。 / In this paper I have taken up the India consumer electronics market, which has achieved rapid growth, and theoretically and empirically examined the competitive strategies of multinational corporations, which have advanced into said market from the point of view of multinational corporation theory. I have expounded upon various strategic activities centrally including the market entry strategy conducted by LG Electronics India Pvt. Ltd. The localization and global integration strategies of multinational corporations include many multidimensional factors, and I have established the implication that it is necessary to establish the level of localization to fit the environmental factors of the country in question as well as the features of the industry and state of the company. / 博士(商学) / Doctor of Commerce / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

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