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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterization of microbial communities in Technosols constructed for industrial wastelands restoration

Hafeez, Farhan 06 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Increasing soil degradation and its consequences on overall ecosystem services urge for restoration strategies. Construction of Technosols through assemblage of treated soil and industrial wastes is an innovative technology for the restoration of polluted land and re-use of industrial by-products. Recent studies have evidenced that Technosols could support ecosystemic services such as primary production but the knowledge about other soil functions, such as biogeochemical cycling, is limited. Due to the significant contribution of microbial communities to soil functioning, this PhD work was carried out to study the effect of the type of Technosol on microbial communities with a focus on functional guilds involved in N cycling. For this purpose, the abundance and diversity of the total bacterial community and the abundance of crenarchaeal community together with the abundance and activities of the nitrifying and denitrifying communities were investigated in two types of Technosols. Results demonstrated that diversity and composition of the bacterial community were similar to 'natural soils' and were not significantly different between the two Technosols with Proteobacteria being the dominant phylum (50-80%). The bacterial ammonia oxidizers were greater in number than crenarchaeal ammonia oxidizers but also correlated to the potential nitrification activity suggesting that bacteria are the dominant ammonia oxidizers in Technosols. The abundance of both the ammonia oxidizers and the denitrifiers were in the same range than that observed in other soil systems. Analyses of the vertical distribution of the activity and abundance of N-cycling communities in the Technosols showed a significant depth-effect, which was more important than the Technosol type-effect. Technosols physicochemical properties and the abundance of the bacterial ammonia oxidizers were the main drivers of the nitrification activity whereas the denitrification activity was controlled mainly by the Technosols physicochemical properties and, to a minor extent, by the abundances of the nirS denitrifiers. The estimation of the functional stability of the denitrification process against the heat-drought stresses revealed that Technosol exhibited the high resistance and resilience in comparison to the thermally treated soil. This work highlighted the potential of constructed Technosols to ensure the N cycling ecosystem services, along with a high capacity to resist and recover from environmental stresses, suggesting that construction of Technosols is a promising technology and a solution for the restoration of industrial wastelands and waste recycling

Metal release and mobility in an arctic lake due to artificial drainage : Effects of mining and sulfide oxidation

Svahn, Joacim January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this report was to investigate the potential effects of sulfide oxidation in sediments of an arctic lake, N Luossajärvi, induced by lowered water level. Lake water, potentially contaminated by metals, was pumped into a mine tailings impoundment. The water quality in the receiving water was evaluated to see if the drainage have had an effect on the water quality. Six sediment profiles were sampled. Each profile were divided into 5 cm sections and analyzed for major elements and trace metals. Water chemistry were analyzed at six sites. As, Ni and Cu had high concentrations within undrained sediments, where As levels were classified as highly contaminated (> 27 mg kg-1 dw). Trace metals had strong statistical correlation to each other indicating a common source. The PCA analyzes performed suggests that trace metals are controlled by a common factor and drained sediments showed two additional factors controlling the variance of metals. Water chemistry had overall good status, but As, Cd, Ni and Cu exceeded natural background values. Historical data on the other hand showed no statistical difference from measured values. No effects on water quality could therefore be seen after draining of the lake, proposing high precipitation of metals within the tailing or that metals is still prevailing in the drained sediments. Metal mobility were seen within the drained sediments, where only As and Cd were presumed connected to chemical weathering and where erosion and soil properties seems to be responsible for most metal mobility.

Utvärdering av osäkerhet och variabilitet vid beräkning av riktvärden för förorenad mark / Evaluation of Uncertainty and Variability in Calculations of Soil Guideline Values

Larsson, Emelie January 2014 (has links)
I Sverige finns cirka 80 000 identifierade förorenade områden som i vissa fall behöver efterbehandling för att hantera föroreningssituationen. Naturvårdsverket publicerade 2009 ett reviderat vägledningsmaterial för riskbedömningar av förorenade områden tillsammans med en beräkningsmodell för att ta fram riktvärden. Riktvärdesmodellen är deterministisk och genererar enskilda riktvärden för ämnen under givna förutsättningar. Modellen tar inte explicit hänsyn till osäkerhet och variabilitet utan hanterar istället det implicit med säkerhets­faktorer och genom att användaren alltid utgår från ett rimligt värsta scenario vid val av parametervärden. En metod för att hantera osäkerhet och variabilitet i riskbedömningar är att göra en så kallad probabilistisk riskbedömning med Monte Carlo-simuleringar. Fördelen med detta är att ingångsparametrar kan definieras med sannolikhetsfördelningar och på så vis hantera inverkan av osäkerhet och variabilitet. I examensarbetet genomfördes en probabilistisk riskbedömning genom en vidare egen implementering av Naturvårdsverkets metodik varefter probabilistiska riktvärden beräknades för ett antal ämnen. Modellen tillämpades med två parameter­uppsättningar vars värden hade förankrats i litteraturen respektive Naturvårdsverkets metodik. Uppsättningarna genererade kumulativa fördelningsfunktioner av riktvärden som överensstämde olika mycket med de deterministiska riktvärden som Naturvårdsverket definierat. Generellt överensstämde deterministiska riktvärden för markanvändningsscenariot känslig mark­användning (KM) mer med den probabilistiska riskbedömningen än för scenariot mindre känslig markanvändning (MKM). Enligt resultatet i examensarbetet skulle dioxin och PCB-7 behöva en sänkning av riktvärden för att fullständigt skydda människor och miljö för MKM. En fallstudie över ett uppdrag som Geosigma AB utfört under hösten 2013 genomfördes också. Det var generellt en överensstämmelse mellan de platsspecifika riktvärden (PRV) som beräknats i undersökningsrapporten och den probabilistiska risk­bedömningen. Undantaget var ämnet koppar som enligt studien skulle behöva halverade riktvärden för att skydda människor och miljö. I den probabilistiska riskbedömningen kvantifierades hur olika skyddsobjekt respektive exponeringsvägar blev styrande för olika ämnens riktvärden mellan simuleringar. För några ämnen skedde avvikelser jämfört med de deterministiska motsvarigheterna i mellan 70-90 % av fallen. Exponeringsvägarnas bidrag till det ojusterade hälsoriskbaserade riktvärdet kvantifierades också i en probabilistisk hälsoriskbaserad riskbedömning. Riktvärden med likvärdiga numeriska värden erhölls för riktvärden med skild sammansättning. Detta motiverade att riktvärdenas sammansättning och styrande exponeringsvägar alltid bör kvantifieras vid en probabilistisk riskbedömning. / In Sweden, approximately 80,000 contaminated areas have been identified. Some of these areas are in need of remediation to cope with the effects that the contaminants have on both humans and the environment. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has published a methodology on how to perform risk assessments for contaminated soils together with a complex model for calculating soil guideline values. The guideline value model is deterministic and calculates single guideline values for contaminants. The model does not account explicitly for uncertainty and variability in parameters but rather handles it implicitly by using safety-factors and reasonable worst-case assumptions for different parameters. One method to account explicitly for uncertainty and variability in a risk assessment is to perform a probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) through Monte Carlo-simulations. A benefit with this is that the parameters can be defined with probability density functions (PDFs) that account for the uncertainty and variability of the parameters. In this Master's Thesis a PRA was conducted and followed by calculations of probabilistic guideline values for selected contaminants. The model was run for two sets of PDFs for the parameters: one was collected from extensive research in published articles and another one included the deterministic values set by the Swedish EPA for all parameters. The sets generated cumulative probability distributions (CPDs) of guideline values that, depending on the contaminant, corresponded in different levels to the deterministic guideline values that the Swedish EPA had calculated. In general, there was a stronger correlation between the deterministic guideline values and the CPDs for the sensitive land-use scenario compared to the less sensitive one. For contaminants, such as dioxin and PCB-7, a lowering of the guideline values would be required to fully protect humans and the environment based on the results in this thesis. Based on a recent soil investigation that Geosigma AB has performed, a case study was also conducted. In general there was a correlation between the deterministic site specific guideline values and the CPDs in the case study. In addition to this, a health oriented risk assessment was performed in the thesis where unexpected exposure pathways were found to be governing for the guideline values. For some contaminants the exposure pathway governing the guideline values in the PRA differed from the deterministic ones in 70-90 % of the simulations. Also, the contributing part of the exposure pathways to the unadjusted health guideline values differed from the deterministic ones. This indicated the need of always quantifying the composition of guideline values in probabilistic risk assessments.

Monitoramento do agrotóxico mancozeb no solo em diferentes sistemas de plantios de tomate / Monitoring of mancozeb pesticide on the ground in different systems of tomato seeding

Maria Elena Arcanjo 13 November 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo monitorar o agrotóxico Mancozeb no solo em diferentes sistemas de plantios de tomate utilizando a metodologia de decomposição dos ditiocarbamatos (DTCs) com geração de dissulfeto de carbono (CS2). Este método é amplamente utilizado na determinação dos resíduos de DTCs em alimentos, tendo sido adaptado para trabalhar com amostras de solo artificiais e reais. O método foi avaliado utilizando amostras contaminadas artificialmente a partir de uma amostra de solo controle, proveniente da Amazônia. A contaminação foi realizada com uma solução de campo (2 g.L-1 em água) do agrotóxico Manzate 800 (Mancozeb). A partir do momento em que foram determinadas as condições ideais de operação do método de decomposição dos DTCs, analisou-se o teor de Mancozeb em amostras reais, provenientes de uma área cultivada com tomate, no Município de São José de Ubá (RJ), sob sistemas de Plantios Convencional, Mínimo e Direto. Foi possível constatar a presença de teores de Mancozeb nas amostras reais de solo em estudo, coletadas nas profundidades 0 - 5 cm; 5 - 10 cm; 10 - 20 cm e 20 - 40 cm. Os resultados mostraram que os solos provenientes dos sistemas convencional e mínimo apresentaram, na camada superficial, um teor de Mancozeb de (7,44 mg.kg-1 e 5,70 mg.kg-1) superior ao obtido no sistema direto, que apresentou teores de (1,14 mg.kg-1 e 1,95 mg.kg-1) de Mancozeb / The present work aims to evaluate Mancozeb pesticide monitoring on the ground in different systems of tomato seeding using the methodology of decomposition of dithiocarbamates (DTCs) with carbon disulfide (CS2) generation. This method is widely used to determinate DTCs residues in foods and it was adapted to work with artificial and real soil samples. The method was evaluated using artificially contaminated samples from a control soil sample proceeding from Amazônia. The contamination was carried out with a field solution (2 g.L-1 in water) of Manzate 800 (Mancozeb). From the moment the operational conditions of decomposition method of the DTCs were determined, the content of Mancozeb was analyzed in real samples proceeding from an area cultivated with tomato, in São Jose de Ubá city (Rio de Janeiro), under Conventional, Minimum and Direct systems of seeding. It was possible to evidence Mancozeb content in the real samples collected in 0 - 5 cm; 5 -10 cm; 10 - 20 cm and 20 - 40 cm depths. The results showed the soil samples proceeding from conventional and minimum systems (7.44 mg.kg-1 e 5.70 mg.kg-1) seeding presented Mancozeb content on the ground surface in higher level than the one obtained in direct system (1.14 mg.kg-1 e 1.95 mg.kg-1)

Bioremediation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on contaminated soils : a case study of Rietvlei Farm Borehole No. 11, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Sengani, David January 2015 (has links)
MENVM / Department of Ecology and Resource Management / Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are worldwide environmental pollutants which contaminate the environment through careless disposal practices and accidental spills or leakages from electrical transformers. These organic compounds are lipophilic chemicals soluble in fats, slightly soluble in water and readily bioaccumulated in the fatty tissues of fish, birds, animals and humans. The main objective of this study was to isolate and identify PCB degrading bacteria from PCB contaminated soils and test them for their degradation ability of PCBs in natural habitat conditions. Three bacteria species which comprise of Gram negative and Gram positive microorganisms were isolated and identified through biochemical tests, catalase tests, oxidase tests and morphological study and included Burkholderia cepacia, Pasteurella pneumotropica and Enterococcus faecalis. The results indicated that, there was an overall decrease of PCB concentration level and the readings ranged between -1.51 and -1.79 respectively for all the microorganisms. Enterococcus faecalis remove as much as 32% of PCBs in the contaminated soil samples. Whereas Pasteurella pneumotropica could remove 24% of PCBs, Burkholderia cepacia 21% of PCBs and the mixed culture removed 23%. Data showed that the 3 bacterial strains could tolerate high concentration of PCBs. The results provided the evidence that naturally occurring bacteria in soil contaminated with PCBs have the potential to degrade PCBs. Statistical analysis showed that there was a significant positive correlation between bacteria growth and treatment with a coefficient of (r) =0.1459 and p value <0.001.

Modifying Effect of Soil Properties on Bioaccessibility of As and Pb from Human Ingestion of Contaminated Soil

Lake, Loryssa January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Fytoextraktion : Är Senapskål en lämplig kandidat vid sanering av förorenade områden? / Phytoextraction : Is Arugula a suitable candidate for decontamination of contaminated soils?

Bunde, Lasse, Svärd Nilsson, Lowe January 2022 (has links)
Tungmetallsförorenade marker är ett växande problem över hela världen. En del av lösningenär att sanera de kontaminerade områden. Konventionella saneringsmetoder har visat sig varaohållbara för miljön då de leder till en omfattande förstöring av den befintligamarkstrukturen, ett mer hållbart saneringsalternativ är fytoextraktion. Den här studienundersöker hur effektivt senapskål (Eruca sativa) renar förorenad jord från kadmium, arsenikoch bly. Dessutom undersöks hur biomassatillväxten av senapskål påverkas avtungmetallerna. Att studera växtartens toleransnivå gentemot kadmium, arsenik och bly ikombination med växtartens förmåga att ackumulera tungmetallerna är av intresse för attavgöra ifall växtarten lämpar sig för fytoextraktion eller ej. Undersökningen byggde på ettodlingsperiment där senapskål planterades i jord förorenad med 1318 mg/kg kadmium-, 1103mg/kg arsenik- och 2307 mg/kg bly som härstammade från Alsterfors glasbruk i sydöstraSverige. För att genomföra studiens analys och statistiska test planterades senapskål ireferensjord som jämförelsegrupp. Resultatet visade en signifikant skillnad mellansenapskålens biomassatillväxt i de olika jordarna, medelvärdet av plantornas biomassa i denförorenade jorden var 0,33 g och 1,28 g i referensjorden. Dessutom visade resultatet attsenapskål ackumulerade låga halter av alla tre metaller. Utifrån resultatet kan slutsatsen drasatt senapskål inte lämpar sig för fytoextraktion med avseende på biomassatillväxt och upptagav kadmium, arsenik och bly. / Heavy metal contaminated soils are a growing problem worldwide. Part of the solution is todecontaminate the contaminated areas. Conventional decontamination methods have provedto be unsustainable for the environment because of extensive disruption of existing soilstructures. A suitable decontamination alternative is phytoextraction. This study examines theextraction of cadmium, arsenic and lead from contaminated soil using arugula (Eruca sativa).In addition, it is investigated how the biomass growth of arugula is affected by the heavymetals. Studying arugulas’ tolerance level towards cadmium, arsenic and lead in combinationwith its ability to accumulate the heavy metals is of interest in determining whether arugula issuitable for phytoextraction or not. This study was based on a cultivation experiment wherearugulas were planted in soil contaminated with 1318 mg/kg cadmium, 1103 mg/kg arsenicand 2307 mg/kg lead that originated from Alsterfors glassworks in southeastern Sweden. Toperform statistical analysis tests arugulas were planted in reference soil as a comparisongroup. The result showed a significant difference between the biomass growth of the arugulain the different soils, the average biomass value of arugulas in the contaminated soil was0.33g and 1.28g in the reference soil. In addition, the results showed that arugulaaccumulated low levels of all three metals. Based on the results, it can be concluded thatarugulas are not suitable for phytoextraction regarding biomass growth and uptake ofcadmium, arsenic and lead.

Impact de l'occupation des sols agricoles contaminés sur la disponibilité des éléments trace : Mise en évidence du role des matières organiques dans le cas de cultures annuelles et cultures pérennes à vocation énergétique / * : *

Iqbal, Muhammad 16 March 2012 (has links)
Le changement d’occupation des sols contaminés est susceptible de modifier la nature et la quantité des matières organiques du sol (MOS). Les matières organiques sont connues pour avoir un rôle de source trophique pour les organismes des sols et un rôle de ligand vis-à-vis des éléments traces métalliques (ETM) dans les sols contaminés. Des changements de matières organiques dus aux changements d’occupation des sols contaminés peuvent modifier la spéciation des ETM et leur disponibilité. Mais dans ce cas, le rôle de la matière organique dans le déterminisme de la disponibilité des ETM est peu documenté. L’objectif du travail présenté dans cette thèse était de mettre en évidence le rôle des matières organiques dans la disponibilité des ETM, dans le cas de sols agricoles contaminés après un changement de cultures annuelles vers des cultures pérennes à vocation non-alimentaire. Le travail a concerné l’étude de la disponibilité du Cu, Pb, Zn et Cd dans les sols de deux sites différents en texture et en origine de pollution i.e. le site de Metaleurop (Nord de la France) avec des sols limoneux contaminés par des retombées atmosphériques et le site de Pierrelaye (Région Parisienne) avec des sols sableux contaminés par les apports d’eaux usées brutes de la ville de Paris. Le rôle de la matière organique a été étudié en travaillant 1) sur des échantillons de sols sous deux cultures différentes i.e. sous culture annuelle et culture pérenne à vocation énergétique miscanthus depuis trois ans, 2) sur les échantillons de sol avant et après incubation in vitro afin d’accélérer la minéralisation de la matière organique, et 3) sur des échantillons de sol avec et sans matières organiques particulaires (MOP) i.e. les fractions libres des MOS afin de mettre en évidence leur rôle spécifique. Une approche combinée d’évaluation de la disponibilité par des extractions chimiques des ETM et d’étude de la localisation des ETM dans des fractions granulométriques a été utilisée. Les résultats obtenus montrent que l’impact de l’occupation des sols (sous culture annuelle ou pérenne miscanthus) sur la disponibilité des ETM était différent pour les deux sites étudiés. Pour les sols du site de Metaleurop les résultats ont montré que la disponibilité de Cu et Pb diminuait sous miscanthus tandis qu’une augmentation de leur localisation dans les fractions fines était observée. Par contre aucun changement n’a été observé pour Zn ni Cd dans ce site. Au contraire pour les sols sableux riches en matières organiques de Pierrelaye le changement d’occupation a impacté la disponibilité de Zn et Cd tandis que celle de Pb et Cu n’a pas évolué. Les résultats des sols avant et après incubation montrent que l’impact de la minéralisation des MOS sur la disponibilité des ETM était site dépendant pour Pb et Cd alors que l’effet sur Cu et Zn était similaire pour les sols des deux sites. En travaillant sur les sols avec et sans MOP, nous avons pu observer que les MOP en tant que fraction organique libre participaient à la disponibilité des ETM telle qu’étudiée, et que une partie du cuivre lié aux MOP était disponible pour un organisme dans nos conditions. Ces résultats de disponibilités des ETM dans des sols qui varient avec la nature et la quantité des matières organiques sont discutés. / The changes in land use of contaminated agricultural soils are susceptible to modify their trace metal availabilities by changing the quality and quantity of soil organic matter. But the role of soil organic matter in the determinism of trace metal availabilities in contaminated soils is not well known. The objective of the present study was to assess the role of soil organic matter in determinism of trace metal availabilities and their dynamics in contaminated soils varying in their texture and nature of pollution. A strategy of studying Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd availabilities of two sites with different texture and origin of pollution was adopted and the role of organic matter was assessed through; 1) sampling the soils of two parcels at each site with two different land uses i.e. under annual crop and under perennial energy crop miscanthus, 2) changing the soil organic matter of these soils through in vitro soil incubations. A combined approach of chemical metal extractions and metal localization study in different soil size fractions was used. The results of the trace metal availabilities of the soil under miscanthus compared to annual crop soil showed that the influence of changes in organic matter through land use was different at both sites. In the silty clayed soil, the availability of Cu and Pb which are the metals known to be preferentially bound to organic matter was decreased with an increase in their localization in soil finer fractions. In the site with organic matter rich sandy soils the availability of metals which are known to be bound to soil mineral phases i.e. Zn and Cd was changed without a change in their localization. The results of laboratory incubation experiments revealed that the mineralization of soil organic matter affects the trace metal availability in two ways. Cu and Zn availabilities are changed in all soils whatever the texture while Pb and Cd availabilities changed only in sandy soils. This difference of the change of metal availabilities in both cases of organic matter variations i.e. between the soil samples under different land use and in the samples of laboratory incubations can be explained by the fact that the changes in organic matter were not similar in both cases. Our work on the metal enriched particulate organic matter (POM) fractions, the most labile organic matter fractions showed that POM act as source and sink of the metals in our conditions and POM associated copper is bioavailable in liquid medium but its bioavailability is less than the metal added as salt solution. These results, increasing the understanding of the role of soil organic matter in the determinism of trace metal availability in different textured soils, are discussed.

Approche des mécanismes de tolérance du romarin aux éléments traces métalliques et métalloïdes : perspectives pour une phytostabilisation des sols méditerranéens pollués

Affholder, Marie-cecile 12 July 2013 (has links)
Les conséquences des activités industrielles passées, et notamment métallurgiques, persistent encore aujourd'hui. C'est le cas dans l'actuel Parc National des Calanques, qui abrite l'ancienne fonderie de plomb de l'Escalette (sud-est de Marseille). Ainsi, plus de 80 ans après la fermeture de cette usine, une contamination importante et étendue en éléments traces métalliques et métalloïdes (ETMM) est présente. Les objectifs de cette thèse ont été de contribuer à l'évaluation de la contamination diffuse en ETMM des sols des Calanques situés aux alentours du site industriel abandonné de l'Escalette. Dans un but futur de restauration écologique, solution adaptée dans le contexte particulier de la zone de pollution diffuse, située dans le Parc National des Calanques, les capacités d'accumulation et les mécanismes de tolérance d'une espèce autochtone, le romarin (Rosmarinus officinalis) ont été étudiés. Ainsi, cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence quelques mécanismes de tolérance aux ETMM certainement mis en jeu dans le cas du romarin. Les résultats montrent que le romarin pourrait être un candidat intéressant pour la phytostabilisation aux vues de sa capacité d'accumulation des ETMM dans les racines, ainsi que sa résistance à des niveaux de contamination très élevés. / Past industrial activities, particularly metallurgical one, have current environmental consequences. As an example, the former lead smelter from l'Escalette (South-East Marseille, France) in the National Park of Calanques lead to an important environmental pollution of its surroundings. Thus, more than 80 years after its activity ceased, a trace metal and metalloide (TMM) diffuse pollution is still present. This PhD study aimed to contribute to the assessment of the diffuse contamination levels by TMM of the Calanque's soils around the former lead smelting factory. Aiming at identifying an adapted solution of ecological restoration of the areas with diffuse pollution located in the National Park of Calanques. Accumulation abilities and tolerance mechanisms of a native plant species, rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), were studied. In order to achieve this, in situ and ex situ assays were performed. TMM concentrations in rosemary organs (leaves, stems, roots) and some stress phytometabolites were assessed. Moreover, the role of mycorrhizal symbioses in rosemary tolerance was evaluated.

Ecodynamique des éléments traces et caractérisation de l’exposition des sols contaminés : expérimentation et modélisation par les réseaux de neurones artificiels / Ecodynamics of trace elements (ET) and characterization of the exposure of contaminated phytoremediated soils : experimentation and modeling by artificial neural networks

Hattab, Nour 28 June 2013 (has links)
Les sols contaminés par les éléments traces potentiellement toxiques (PTTE) ont souvent des conséquences graves pour les écosystèmes terrestres. Plusieurs options de phytoremediaction ont été développées pour remédier les sols contaminés ; cependantl'efficacité et la capacité de ces techniques à réduire les concentrations excessives des éléments traces ou leur (phyto) disponibilité dans les sols contaminés doivent être évaluées Le présent travail s’est intéressé à étudier l'efficacité de deux options de de phytorémédiation, la phytostabilisation et la phytoextraction assistées par des amendements organiques et minéraux, à remédier les fortes concentrations de PTTE dans un sol naturel et dans un technosol contaminés. Les concentrations totales des éléments traces dissous ont été déterminées dans l'eau interstitielle du sol. L'intensité de l'exposition du sol a été évaluée par des capteurs DGT (gradient de diffusion dans les couches minces). Le phytodisponibilité des PTTE a été caractérisée par des tests de germination avec des haricots nains cultivés sur les sols contaminés pour lesquels les concentrations foliaires en éléments traces ont été déterminées. Ensuite un modèle de réseau de neurones artificiels a été appliqué pour comprendre les facteurs les plus pertinents sur la variabilité de la phytodisponibilité des PTTE. Les deux options ont étécapables de réduire les concentrations ou la phytodisponibilité des PTTE en présence des amendements. Les réseaux de neurones artificiels ont été très efficaces pour prédire les résultats manquants et pour déterminer les paramètres de contrôle de la variabilité de la phytodisponibilité des PTTE à partir des paramètres du sol. / Soils contaminated with potentially toxic trace elements (PTTE) often have serious consequences for terrestrial ecosystems. Several phytoremediaction have been developped to reclaim contaminated soils; however the efficiency and capacity of these techniques to reduce excessive concentrations of trace elements or their (phyto) availability in contaminated soils have to be assessed. The present work is focused on studying the effectiveness of two phyoremediation options such as phytostabilisation and phytoextraction assisted by organic and inorganic amendments to remediatethe high concentrations of PTTE in contaminated natural soils and technosoils. Total PTTE concentrations were determined in soil pore water (SPW) sampled by Rhizon soil moisture samplers. The soil exposure intensity was assessed by DGT (diffusive gradient in thin films) probes. The PTTE phytoavailability was characterized by growing dwarf beans on potted soils and analyzing their foliar PTTE concentrations. Then a model of artificial neural network was applied to understand the factors most relevant for the variability on the phytoavailability of trace elements. Both options were found to be able to reduce the concentrations or phytoavailability of PTTE in the presence of amendments. The artificial neural network has been very effective to predict missing results and to determine the control parameters of the variability of the PTTE phytoavailoability from the soil parameters.

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