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Avaliação in vitro da capacidade de vedamento bacteriano da interface implante e componente protético em sistema cone Morse em função de alterações estruturais e uso de selantes industriais / In vitro evaluation of the sealing ability of bacterial interface implant and prosthetic component in Morse taper system due to structural changes and the use of industrial sealantsAntonio da Silva Ramos Neto 13 November 2013 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar, in vitro, os sistemas de implante cone Morse, frente ao vedamento contra a penetração bacteriana entre o implante e o componente protético, em função de alterações estruturais e uso de selantes industriais. Foram utilizados 126 implantes Titamax CM EX distribuídos em três tipos de componentes protéticos: Munhão Universal CM, Munhão Universal CM com Parafuso Passante e Munhão Universal CM Exact, todos da empresa Neodent (Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil). Estes implantes foram divididos em 3 grupos de 42 implantes componentes protéticos, sendo os grupos devidamente denominados: Grupo 1 (G1) - Controle, Grupo 2 (G2) - Jateamento e Grupo 3 (G3) - Adesivo. Estes implantes, devidamente distribuídos entre os componentes protéticos e seus grupos, foram avaliados quanto à contaminação bacteriana em um período de 28 dias após o término da experimentação inicial em que foi realizado o efeito de ciclagem sobre as amostras (sem e com carga). Os implantes foram perfurados em sua porção apical com uma fresa de 1mm de diâmetro, até o encontro de sua câmara interna. Foram instalados os componentes protéticos de titânio em cada grupo com torque recomendado pelo fabricante (32 e 15 N.cm). Antes os componentes dos grupos G2 e G3 passaram por alterações estruturais (jateamento e adesivo Dermabond® respectivamente). As peças foram anexadas a tampas de tubo de ensaio, com a porção do componente voltada para o interior do tubo. Os tubos de ensaio foram preenchidos com meio de cultura líquido LB, utilizando-se seringa estéril. Todos os conjuntos receberam esterilização por radiação Gama (Embrarad, Campinas, Brasil). Após a confirmação da efetividade da esterilização por meio de amostras controle, os orifícios apicais foram cuidadosamente desobstruídos e inoculados com cultura de E. coli. O controle de turvamento das amostras foi realizado diariamente, os resultados apontaram que três das amostras do G1, sete do G2 e duas do G3, que não foram submetidas a ciclagem, sofreram contaminação num período de até 28 dias, e que três amostras do G1, dez do G2 e nenhuma do G3, quando submetidas ao efeito da ciclagem, foram contaminaram. Todos os grupos apresentaram infiltração bacteriana, independentemente do componente protético e da ciclagem. Ficou evidenciado que o grupo jateamento apresentou os piores resultados e que o adesivo apenas reduziu, mas não impediu a infiltração bacteriana para o interior dos implantes cone Morse. / The aim of this study was to compare, in vitro, Morse taper implant systems sealing against bacterial penetration between implant and prosthetic component after modifying the abutment structure or using industrial strength sealants. 126 Titamax CM EX implants and three different types of prosthetic components were used: Universal Post CM, CM Universal Post with passing screw and Universal Post CM Exact (Neodent implants, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil). These samples were divided into three groups: Group 1 Control group (G1); Group 2 Sandblasting (G2); and Group 3 Adhesive (G3). The implant / prosthetic component bacterial leakage from each group was evaluated after 28 days with or without cyclic loading. A hole at the apical portion of the implant was done with a 1 mm bur to access the implant internal threads. The abutments were inserted and torqued according to the manufacturer recommendation (15 or 32 N.cm). G2 abutments were sandblasted before insertion. G3 abutments were sealed with Dermabond® adhesive. The samples were sterilized by Gamma irradiation (Embrarad, Campinas, Brazil) and attached to the test tube lid and placed in the test tube filled with bacterial growth media (LB). Control samples from each group were used to assess bacterial contamination before starting the experiment. The access holes at the apical part of the implants were accessed and an E. coli culture was inoculated inside the implant internal threads and then sealed again. Changes in the media color (turbidity), indicative of bacterial leakage from inside the implant to the media were evaluated daily. Three samples from G1, seven from G2 and two from G3 without cyclic loading showed bacterial leakage after 28 days. Three samples from G1, ten from G2 and none of the samples from G3 showed bacterial leakage in the cyclic loading condition. All groups demonstrated bacterial leakage disregard of the type of abutment and loading conditions. It was demonstrated that G2 (sandblasted surface) had the worst results. Use of industrial sealant reduced but did not completely prevented bacterial leakage in Morse taper implants.
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Uma abordagem do problema de contaminação de sistemas de transmissão por fluidos e o controle através da técnica de contagem de partículas / Increase the power transmission systems fluids reliability through contamination control by particle countingAmarildo José Zampaulo 23 September 2005 (has links)
O avanço tecnológico tem proporcionado à indústria em geral desenvolver e fabricar produtos mais sofisticados em todos os campos da ciência. Não distante dessa realidade, a indústria da mobilidade também vem incorporando, através de projetos arrojados, as novas tecnologias em seus produtos, respondendo, assim, às necessidades e expectativas de seus clientes, que exigem produtos com maior produtividade e disponibilidade para trabalho. Essas tecnologias estão relacionadas com os sistemas de transmissão de força por fluidos, através da introdução de válvulas eletro-hidráulicas e também pela redução da tolerância entre partes deslizantes e rotativas desses sistemas. A partir da introdução dessa nova tecnologia, a ênfase desse trabalho foi mostrar a importância do controle de contaminação nas fases do processo de concepção, fabricação e montagem do produto, incluindo a quebra de paradigmas relacionada ao fator humano e, em especial, o controle de contaminação do fluido de transmissão de força utilizando a tecnologia de contagem de partículas. Assim, foi evidenciado que através da determinação de limites aceitáveis de contaminação para cada tipo de sistema de transmissão de força, em função do tipo de tecnologia agregada, é possível reduzir drasticamente as falhas nos sistemas de transmissão de força por fluido durante a operação do produto no campo, mesmo sendo essa contaminação considerada um inimigo invisível. / The technological advance has proportionated to the industry in general to develop and to manufacture more sophisticated products in all the fields of science. Not distant of this reality, the industry of mobility also comes incorporating through bold projects the new technologies in its products, thus answering to the needs and expectations of its customers, who ask for products with high productivity and availability to work. These technologies are related with the power transmission systems by fluids through the introduction of electrohydraulic valves, and also by the reduction of tolerance between smooth and rotary parts of the system. From the introduction of this new technology, the emphases of this dissertation was show the importance of the contamination control in the process phases of conception, manufacturing and assembly of the product, including brake the paradigm related with human factors, and specially the fluid contamination control of the power transmission using the particle counting technology. To show that through the determination of acceptable limits of contamination for each type of power transmission system, as a function of the type of added technology, it is possible to drastically reduce the failures in the power transmission systems by fluids during the operation of the product in the field, even being this contamination considered an invisible enemy.
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Transporte e retenção de \'K POT.+\', \'CU POT.2+\' e \'CL POT.-\' em uma mistura compactada de solos lateríticos para uso em barreiras selantes: procedimentos de homogeneização da mistura e adaptações em equipamento de percolação em colunas / Transport and retention of \'K POT.+\', \'CU POT.2+\' e \'CL POT.-\' through compacted mixture of lateritic soils for use in liners: homogeneity procedures and columns test equipment adaptationsJuliana Broggio Basso 09 January 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta os parâmetros de transporte e atenuação dos íons \'K POT.+\', \'CU POT.2+\' e \'CL POT.-\' obtidos em ensaios de coluna, para uma mistura compactada e saturada de solos lateríticos da Formação Botucatu e Serra Geral. As soluções contaminantes percoladas foram cloretos de potássio e de cobre em três diferentes concentrações. Os resultados obtidos estão apresentados na forma de curva de chegada e os parâmetros de transporte e atenuação foram estimados através do ajuste de curvas teóricas aos dados experimentais das colunas. A mistura compactada mostrou-se satisfatória para o uso em barreiras selantes (liner) uma vez que os resultados de condutividade hidráulica e de sorção dos íons estudados são razoáveis. / This paper presents transport and attenuation parameters of \'K POT.+\', \'CU POT.2+\' e \'CL POT.-\', obtained in columns test using a compacted and saturated mixture of two lateritic soils from Botucatu and Serra Geral formation. The contaminant leaching solution was composed of KCl and \'CU\'CL IND.2\'.2\'H IND.2\'O\' with concentrations three different. The results obtained are presented in the form of breakthrough curves and the transport and attenuation parameters estimated through fitting procedures of the theorical curves related to the real column data. The compacted mixture showed to be satisfactory for liner usage since the results of the hydraulic conductivity and the ions sorption in these soils are reasonable.
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Estudos laboratoriais da contaminação do solo por gasolina com o uso de detetor de fotoionização. / Laboratory Studies of the Contamination of Soil by Gasoline through the Measure of Vapor Concentration by Photoionization Detector.Giovanni Chaves Penner 05 September 2000 (has links)
A presente pesquisa trata de calibrar, a ferir e utiliza em laboratório um detetor de fotoionização (método de campo) proveitoso na caracterização de áreas contaminadas por vazamentos de gasolina; comparar as informações do detetor com os resultados obtidos com balança analítica; comparar os resultados de fluxo de massa medido com o previsto pelo modelo JURY contido no software APIDSS 2.0 O detetor mostrou-se útil como primeira ferramenta na caracterização de áreas contaminadas recentemente (até 100 dias). Para áreas onde a contaminação esteja em uma fase mais avançada o aparelho mostrou-se útil na detecção de alterações; os modelos desenvolvidos com base nos resultados obtido com balança e com o detetor de fotoinização apresentaram resultados satisfatórios para o período de ensaio; as comparações realizadas com o software APIDSS 2.0 serviram para a confirmação dos resultados obtidos. / The present research aims at gauging, checking and using a photoionization detector (field method) in laboratory advantageous to the characterization of areas polluted by leaks of gasoline; to compare the information of the detector with the results obtained in the analytic scale; to compare the results of the measured mass flow with those foreseen by the model JURY of the software APIDSS 2.0. The detector showed to be useful as a first tool in the characterization of areas recently contaminated (up to 100 days). To areas where the contamination is in a more advanced phase, the apparel showed to be useful in the detection of alterations; the development of models based on the results obtained with a scale and with the photoionization detector presented satisfactory results for the rehearsal period; the comparisons accomplished by the software APIDSS 2.0 confirmed the obtained results.
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Partição multi-elementar tempo-espacial na interface água intersticial-sedimento em estuário tropical impactado e procedimentos químico-analíticos para análise de metais em águas salinas / Multi-elemental partition temporal and spatial in interface pore water ¿ sediment in impacted estuary tropical and analytical procedures for the analysis of metals in saline waterNizoli, Erico Casare, 1983 22 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Wanilson Luiz Silva / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociências / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T15:39:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Nizoli_EricoCasare_D.pdf: 3439410 bytes, checksum: 6e05f3840a6ddac0203d12e536c08876 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: Durante as últimas décadas, efluentes industriais têm sido lançados no sistema estuarino de Santos-Cubatão, onde os rios Cubatão e Morrão são os principais receptores das descargas industriais. Diversos estudos foram realizados nos sedimentos do rio Morrão, já sendo bem conhecida a geoquímica da concentração total dos elementos neste ambiente. Os elevados níveis de ferro e fósforo de origem antrópica nestes sedimentos colocam este ambiente em um patamar científico cujos processos físico-químicos dominantes ainda são desconhecidos. No presente estudo, buscou-se identificar os processos que ocorrem na partição água intersticial-sedimentos em ambientes estuarinos impactados e o papel que a alta concentração de ferro e fósforo desempenha na variabilidade geoquímica tempo-espacial desta partição. Para tanto, foram investigados a dinâmica multi-elementar nos sedimentos, nas águas intersticiais, características fisico-químicas, matéria orgânica, sulfetos volatilizados por acidificação (AVS) e metais simultaneamente extraídos (SEM), granulometria e mineralogia mensalmente durante o período de onze meses, em dois ambientes do rio Morrão, sistema estuarino de Santos-Cubatão. Adicionalmente, foi desenvolvido um dispositivo para amostragem temporal de água intersticial por equilíbrio difusivo com sistema de coleta de amostra/recarga e uma proposta de mini-coluna para extração em fase sólida para a determinação de metais por ICP-MS em águas salinas. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que o amostrador de água intersticial por equilíbrio difusivo proposto neste estudo é adequado para o emprego em trabalhos onde se pretende coletar temporalmente água intersticial sem perturbar os sedimentos e onde há a necessidade de um maior volume de amostra, o que não pode ser conseguido empregando amostradores apresentados pela literatura com funcionamento semelhante. Os dados do estudo sobre extração em fase sólida para determinação de metais em águas salinas por ICP-MS demonstraram que a mini-coluna com resina quelante proposta neste trabalho é eficaz em remover a matriz salina, apresentando precisão e exatidão adequadas aos níveis de analito presentes nas amostras. Já os resultados obtidos no estudo sobre a partição água intersticial-sedimentos em ambientes estuarinos impactados mostraram a existência de variações geoquímicas espaço-temporais para elementos maiores, menores e traços nos sedimentos. Assinaturas geoquímicas discriminantes foram observadas entre as populações de amostras VG (sedimentos expostos durante menor maré - borda do canal) e CN (sedimentos permanentemente submersos). Foi observado ainda que os elementos estudados se agrupam (análise de componente principal - PCA) de acordo com três fontes distintas (natural, indústrias siderúrgica e de fertilizantes). Variação espacial e temporal também foi identificada para a água intersticial, indicando que a autigênese de vivianita e magnetita estão entre os principais fatores controladores dos metais na água intersticial nos diferentes ambientes. Fases secundárias sulfetos (AVS) também exercem ação controladora dos metais na interface sedimento-água intersticial. Contudo, magnetita e vivianita apresentam-se como importantes retentores de metais na fase sólida, cuja cristalização autigênica é decorrente de introdução antrópica de Fe e P em grande escala no ambiente sedimentar do estuário do rio Morrão / Abstract: During the last decades, industrial effluents have been discharged into the estuary of Santos-Cubatão, where Cubatão and Morrão rivers are the main receivers of industrial discharges. Several studies were made in sediments of Morrão River, being already well known the geochemistry of the total concentration of the elements in this environment. The high levels of iron and phosphorus of anthropogenic origin in sediments, putting the environment on a scientific level in which dominant physical and chemical processes are still unknown. In the present study, we sought to identify the processes that occur in the pore water-sediment partition in estuaries impacted and the role that the high concentration of iron and phosphorus plays in the time and spatial geochemical variability. Therefore, we investigated the multi-elemental dynamics in sediments, interstitial waters, physico-chemical, organic matter, AVS and SEM, particle size and mineralogy, monthly, during the period of eleven months, in two places of Morrão river, Santos-Cubatão estuarine system. Additionally, we developed a device for temporal sampling of interstitial water by diffusive equilibrium system with sampling/recharging and a proposal for a mini-column for solid phase extraction for the determination of metals by ICP-MS in saline waters. The results showed that the pore water sampler for diffusive equilibrium proposed in this study is suitable for employment in investigations where it is necessary to collect temporally pore water without disturbing sediment and when there is a need for a larger sample volume, which cannot be achieved by employing samplers presented in the literature that operate similarly. Data from the study of solid phase extraction for the determination of metals in saline waters by ICP-MS showed that the mini-chelating resin column proposed in this study is effective in removing the salt matrix, with adequate accuracy and precision levels of analyte present the samples. Since the results obtained in the study of the pore water-sediment partition in estuaries impacted showed the existence of spatial and temporal geochemical variations for major, minor and trace elements in sediments. Discriminant geochemical signatures were also observed among the sample populations VG (sediments exposed during low tide - canal edge) and CN (permanently submerged sediments). It was also observed that the studied elements are grouped (Principal component analysis - PCA) according to three separate sources (natural, steel and fertilizer industries). Spatial and temporal variation was also identified for the interstitial water, indicating that the authigenesis of vivianite and magnetite are the main controlling factors of metals in the pore water in different environments. Secondary sulfide phases (AVS) also exert controlling metals in the interface sediment-pore water. However, magnetite and vivianite present themselves as important scavengers of metals, which authigenic crystallization is due to anthropogenic introduction of Fe and P large-scale sedimentary environment in the Morrão estuary / Doutorado / Geologia e Recursos Naturais / Doutor em Ciências
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Qualidade do solo em locais de disposição de vinhaça - Assentamento Sepé Tiaraju - Serrana SP / Soil quality in places of Vinasse - Settlement of Landless Agricultural Laborers Sepé Tiarajú, Serrana - SPArcaro, Nathália Pozzi, 1983- 22 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Sueli Yoshinaga Pereira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociências / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T00:31:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Arcaro_NathaliaPozzi_M.pdf: 2439576 bytes, checksum: 7988db46a010845295ed8c71b1cbb79c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: A vinhaça constitui um efluente proveniente da indústria sucro-alcooleira, utilizado principalmente na fertirrigação de lavouras de cana-de-açúcar, por. Contudo, diversos trabalhos indicam que a aplicação e disposição de vinhaça em solo ocasionam a contaminação destes meios por sais e metais, além de proporcionar a alteração de características físico-químicas e biológicas do solo. O objetivo do presente estudo visou avaliar a qualidade do solo em um tanque/lagoa de disposição de vinhaça, sem impermeabilização, e que foi utilizada por 20 anos e há 8 anos se encontra inativo. Foram realizadas 2 sondagens dispostas no interior do tanque de vinhaça e em uma área de background com profundidades de 24 e 32 metros. As amostras de solo foram coletadas em intervalos de 1 metro até o nível d'água. As análises de solo foram realizadas por fluorescência de raios x para determinação das frações em massa de óxidos e elementos traços, além de ensaios de perda ao fogo e análise microbiológica de solo para fungos e leveduras. Também foram realizados ensaios de lixiviação com água deionizada e ácida nítrico, analisada por cromatografia e ICP-MS. Os resultados das amostras de solo e dos ensaios de lixiviação indicam que as amostras de solo coletadas no interior do tanque de vinhaça apresentaram indícios de salinização em comparação com as amostras de solo de controle. Os resultados das análises microbiológicas indicaram a diferença entre o número de isolamentos de unidades formadoras de colônia entre as amostras coletadas no interior do tanque de vinhaça e as amostras de controle. Concluiu-se que o solo do antigo tanque/lagoa avaliado ainda apresenta os efeitos da disposição inadequada de vinhaça, que interfere nas propriedades químicas e microbiológicas do solo / Abstract: The vinasse is an effluent from the ethanol industry, mainly used in fertirrigation of crops of sugar cane. However, several studies indicate that the application and disposal of vinasse on soil cause the contamination by salts and metals, in addition to providing the change of physical, chemical and biological soil properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of the soil in a vinasse dam without impermeabilization, that was used for 20 years and it's inactive for 8 years. Two boreholes were drilled in the vinasse dam and in a background area at depths of 24 and 32 meters. Soil samples were collected at one meter interval until the depth of the water level. Soil analyses were performed using XRF method to determine the mass fractions of oxides and trace elements, as well as loss on ignition test and microbiological analysis of soil for fungi and yeasts. Also leaching tests were performed with deionized water and nitric acid, and the leachates were analyzed by chromatography and ICP-MS. The results of the soil samples and leach tests indicated that the leaching of soil samples collected inside the vinasse dam showed evidence of salinization compared to control soil samples. The results of the microbiological analyses indicated a difference between the number of isolated colony forming units among samples collected in the vinasse dam and control samples. It was concluded that the soil of the old vinasse dam still shows the effects of improper disposal of vinasse, which interferes with chemical and microbiological properties of the soil / Mestrado / Geologia e Recursos Naturais / Mestra em Geociências
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Avaliação das condições higiênico-sanitárias de indústria de pescado no estado do Rio de Janeiro e aspectos relativos à capacidade de formação de biofilmes bacterianosJosé, Kelly Fernanda Campos 07 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca da Faculdade de Farmácia (bff@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-04-07T17:48:18Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
José, Kelly Fernanda Campos [Dissertação, 2014].pdf: 955086 bytes, checksum: 84564fe3de6240b8248fb1dbad2cf5ec (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-07T17:48:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
José, Kelly Fernanda Campos [Dissertação, 2014].pdf: 955086 bytes, checksum: 84564fe3de6240b8248fb1dbad2cf5ec (MD5) / O pescado é um alimento de excelente valor nutritivo devido às suas vitaminas,
proteínas e ácidos graxos insaturados, no entanto, pode veicular uma variedade de
microrganismos patogênicos ao homem, aumentando a preocupação com a
qualidade sanitária. Nesse contexto, a formação de biofilme na indústria de
alimentos representa uma preocupação por sua potencialidade em resistir a
tratamentos sanitizantes, além da possibilidade de perda da qualidade por
deterioração e/ou veiculação de patógenos, justificando assim, a importância de uma
correta higienização na indústria. Neste estudo objetivou-se identificar
microrganismos presentes nas superfícies de processamento de pescado, assim
como avaliar a capacidade de formação de biofilmes bacterianos em equipamentos
e sinalizar maneiras de evitar sua formação. Para tal, foi realizada a avaliação de
superfícies através do método “swab”, com coleta de amostras das superfícies do
tanque de lavagem, esteira de evisceração e descabeçamento e tanque de
armazenamento de molho de cobertura, em uma indústria de pescado do Estado do
Rio de Janeiro, através de três visitas aleatórias realizadas em diferentes meses do
ano. As referidas amostras foram encaminhadas sob refrigeração para o Laboratório
de Higiene e Microbiologia de Alimentos da Faculdade de Farmácia – UFF, onde
foram processadas conforme métodos e recomendações oficiais. Em relação aos
resultados foram constatadas não conformidades na lista de verificação, com
situação mais crítica observada no item manipuladores. Na análise bacteriológica
evidenciou-se elevadas contagens de bactérias heterotróficas aeróbias mesófilas,
presença de Salmonela spp., Listeria spp., Bacillus spp., coliformes totais e
Escherichia coli. Demonstrou-se capacidade de formação de biofilme por cepas de
E. coli isoladas nas três visitas realizadas. Na avaliação da eficácia de sanitizantes
de uso industrial, foram observados melhores resultados na exposição à biguanida
polimérica e taxas elevadas de resistência ao quaternário de amônio. Diante dos
resultados, constatou-se ausência de condições higiênico-sanitárias adequadas e
circunstâncias propícias para formação de biofilmes bacterianos / Fish is a food of great nutricional value due to their vitamins, proteins and unsaturated fatty acids, however, can convey a variety of pathogenic microorganism
to man increasing the concern about ensuring health standards. In this context, the
formation of biofilms in the food industry represent a preoccupation because of its
potencial to resist sanitizing treatments, besides the possibility of causing quality loss
due to deterioration and/or transmission of pathogens, justifying the importance of
proper hygiene in industry. This study aimed to identify microorganisms present on
the surfaces of fish processing and assess the ability of formation of microbial
biofilms on equipament and to signal ways to avoid their formation. In this sense, the
evaluation of surfaces contact was performed from samples collected on the surfaces
of the washing tank, gutting and beheading mat and of storing tank coverage sauce,
at seafood industry in a state of Rio de Janeiro, through three randomized visits in
different months of the year. These samples were sent under refrigeration to the
Laboratory of Food Microbiology and Hygiene, Faculty of Pharmacy – UFF, which
were processed by methods and official recommendations. Regarding the results,
non-conformities were found by checklist, with more critical situation in the item
handlers. Bacteriological analysis revealed a high count of aerobic mesophilic,
presence of Salmonella spp., Listeria spp., Bacillus spp., total coliforms and
Escherichia coli. It was demonstrated ability of biofilm formation by strains of E.coli
isolated in three visits. In evaluating the effectiveness of sanitizers industrial use was
observed better results in exposure to polymeric biguanide and high rates resistance
to quaternary ammonium. Considering the results, it has been found a lack of
adequate sanitary conditions and circumstances conducive to the formation of
bacterial biofilms
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Dechlorination of PCB77 using Fe/Pd bimetallic nanoparticles immobilized on microfiltration membranesNdlwana, Lwazi 01 July 2014 (has links)
M.Sc. (Nanoscience) / Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) and are harmful to humans and the environment. These PCBs are grouped under chlorinated organic compounds (COCs). The PCBs find their way to the environment through human activity such as industrialization and farming. Such activity produces wastes and runoffs that eventually end up in the water we use for drinking, farming and sanitation. It has then become necessary for researchers to find viable methods to remove these compounds from the environment. This is because current water treatment methods are not effective in the removal of the PCBs from water. The stages in the conventional treatment methods may include sand filtration, advanced oxidative processes and coagulation among others. These methods need to be energetically eco-friendly to drive the PCB dechlorination processes. Researchers have used a variety of metallic nanoparticles including bimetallic nanoparticles for the removal of COCs from water. However, nanoparticles tend to agglomerate when not supported - leading to a decrease in their activity. Hence it has become necessary to stabilize or immobilize these nanoparticles on suitable support materials, such as, polymer solutions or solid substrates. Solid substrates including metal oxides, carbon and membranes, are currently being explored. Poly(vinylidene difluoride) microfiltration membranes are especially suitable for this function given the high porosity, chemical inertness and other outstanding physical properties. In this work, the objective was to modify commercially hydrophilized poly(vinylidine)difluoride (PVDF) membranes with poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG). PEG is a bidentate polymer with two –OH groups found on either side of the molecule. The -OH groups allows PEG binding to the PVDF polymer backbone and hence high ability to capture or chelate the metal ions followed by their reduction. Nano-zerovalent metal nanoparticles were formed from these metal ions and chelated into the PEG grafted PVDF membrane to give the composite PVDF-PEG-Fe0. Post addition of the secondary metal was then followed by the introduction of the precomposite to a Pd solution to give the final catalytic membrane (PVDF-PEG-Fe0/Pd0). The use of PEG in this system allows for an even dispersion of the nanoparticles in the composite. The resulting nanocomposite membrane was used for the dechlorination of a polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB 77). Attenuated total reflection- Fourier transform infra red spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) showed that PEG was successfully grafted onto the PVDF backbone. Optical contact angle measurements (OCA) were taken to determine the change in hydrophilicity of the membrane upon modification. X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD) proved that the Pd and Fe nanoparticles immobilized on the system were indeed zerovalent. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images and contact angle measurements suggested a less porous membrane and slightly decreased hydrophilicity after modification. On the SEM micrographs the nanoparticles were observed to be quite evenly distributed in the membrane. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed that the nanoparticles were in the range 20-30 nm in diameter, confirming the particle size values as determined by SEM. For the preliminary dechlorination studies done under ambient conditions, two dimensional column gas chromatography- time of flight- mass spectrometry (GCxGC-TOF-MS) results showed a complete dechlorination of PCB 77. A comparative study of the bare PVDF and catalytic membranes showed a slight difference in adsorption of the total PCB 77 concentrations. The catalytic membrane maintained its activity towards the dechlorination of PCB 77 after multiple regeneration cycles.
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Determination of groundwater-surface water interaction, upper Berg River catchment, South AfricaMadlala, Tebogo Eugene January 2015 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / The present study investigated the application of a multi-method approach to determine groundwater-surface water (GW-SW) interactions to quantify and characterize the quality of water resources in a fractured rock aquifer system in upper catchment of the Berg River (G10A). Demonstrating methods for improved understanding of groundwater and surface water interactions is important for informing development of strategies that ensure effective utilization and management of water resources. Applying a single method to inform innovative strategies for water resources has proved futile. The current study shows how the use of several methods can provide the basis for devising practical strategies for water resource utilization and management. The three methods were applied as follows: First, the base flow separation was used whereby the Chapman and Lynne & Hollick digital filter algorithms were applied to time-series streamflow data from four stream gauging stations in the catchment. The computation from algorithms on three sites (gauging stations) showed that the mean Base Flow Index (BFI) value ranged between 7%-8% for the 2012-2014 periods. This means that discharges from subsurface water storages dominate stream flows throughout the study period. Secondly, the quality of groundwater and surface water was sampled using standard methods. Piper Diagrams generated on Aquachem™ software and radial charts were used to identify the predominant hydrochemical facies. Results showed that Na-Cl was the predominant GW and SW water-type. This means that both GW and SW are mainly influenced by recharging surface water as well as interaction occurring between the rock matrices and infiltrating water. Multivariate statistical analyses were used to evaluate the factors controlling GW and SW chemistry in the upper Berg River catchment and the results showed that GW and SW are influenced by natural processes. Two main factors (a. & b.) were extracted which explained 71.8% of the variation in both GW and SW physicochemical parameters. These factors include water-rock interactions and the recharge of surface water. Cluster Analysis extracted four major clusters that grouped sites with similar physicochemical characteristics together. Finally, differential stream gauging was applied to a 600m reach above the Berg River Dam. Three 200m sub-reaches were used to compute differences in flows between sub-reaches. Stream flow at each sub-reach was estimated using mass balance equations with electrical conductivity measurements during instant salt tracer injection tests. Results indicated that during both the wet season (high flow) dry season (low flow), the river continuously lost water to the subsurface. This was demonstrated by the 0.91m³/s and 2.24m³/s decrease in stream flow along the 600m reach. Dry season flow decreases were less than wet season flow decreases, indicated by markedly lower flow loss in respect to the wet season. This confirms results of the analysis of base flow separation, which indicated that discharges from subsurface storages dominate stream flows during low flow periods. The differential stream gauging approach did not provide distinct points along the selected stream reach where GW-SW interaction occurred; rather it provided a holistic representation of seasonal flow variations along the selected reach. This study showed that upper Berg River catchment is dependent on discharges from subsurface water storages to maintain dry season flows. Furthermore, this study showed that infiltration of surface water and discharge of subsurface water transfers the respective chemical signature of the contributor, meaning that the transfer of water of suitable quality will reduce contamination in the receiving water body (i.e. surface water). Transfer of water between subsurface and surface water contributed an average of 8% of the gauged flows in the catchment between 2012 and 2014, suggesting that the groundwater recharge process dominates this catchment.
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Investigations of the relationship between airborne fungal diversity and IgE sensitization, inflammatory responses and asthmaVincent, Muriel 28 April 2017 (has links)
Fungal exposure had been repeatedly associated with a wide range of harmful health effects. The first association between mould exposure and asthma exacerbations was reported almost 300 years ago and since then, they are numerous data on the link between mould sensitization and asthma severity. Most of the data on fungi and asthma concern A. alternata, C. herbarum and A. fumigatus. However, some mould species are known for their more pronounced indoor tropism and since people tend to increase their time spent indoors, the impact of exposure to these “indoor” species cannot be neglected. In the first part of this work, we developed and validated a dot-blot assay for the detection of mould sensitizations against a panel of species. We worked with the classical A. alternata, C. herbarum and A. fumigatus but in addition, we included indoor-related species such as P. chrysogenum, P. brevicompactum, C. sphaerospermum, C. cladosporioides, A. versicolor and more ubiquitous A. niger, and A. flavus. The development of such an assay allowed us to detect sensitizations against species that are not routinely investigated or not available for testing with classical methods such as skin prick tests or CAP tests. In addition, to cope with cross-reactions, a well-described phenomenon with regard to response against moulds, we developed and validated the concept of “major sensitization”, defined as the antigenic response with the highest difference as compared to the variation of response of the negative control. As there are few data on mould sensitization in healthy individuals, the dot-blot assay was used in a large cohort of healthy subjects. The most frequent sensitizations were observed against A. alternata, A. flavus and A. niger and the commonest “major sensitizers” were A. niger and A. alternata. Of note, in this cohort, no “major sensitization” against A. fumigatus was detected while “major sensitization” against a group of species more specifically linked to the indoor environment (Penicillium spp, A. versicolor, C. cladosporioides) reached more than 25.1% of all sensitizations.These findings were quite surprising and since our laboratory had previous expertise with mouse-model of A. alternata-induced asthma, we investigated the inflammatory and allergenic properties of several fungal species to determine if they display different inner inflammatory potential. Six species were included in the panel A. alternata, A. fumigatus, C. cladosporioides, C. sphaerospermum, A. versicolor and P. chrysogenum. Results showed real differences between moulds and while the classification is not clear-cut, A. fumigatus or P. chrysogenum triggered a typical pro-Th2 response, A. alternata and C. sphaerospermum rather induced a neutrophilic inflammation and A. versicolor and C. cladosporioides induced a mixed Th2/Th17 response. In parallel, the sensitization rates and profile were also investigated in a group of mould-sensitized asthmatics and they both differed notably with the healthy cohort. Indeed, in asthmatic patients, the two most frequent major sensitizations were against A. fumigatus (32%) and A. alternata (28%). The last part of the work consisted in a case-control study to evaluate and compare asthma severity markers and indoor mould exposure between the group of mould-sensitized asthmatics (cases) and a group of asthmatics without mould sensitization (controls). Some interesting findings emerged from this study. First, the overall mould contamination (airborne, in settled dust or through visible mould marks) was very high and more than 90% of the visited dwellings were contaminated by at least one mould species/genus (Penicillium spp, A. versicolor, A. fumigatus and C. sphaerospermum) in at least one type of sample (air, dust and visible mould imprints). Of note, overall “indoor mould exposure” was not associated with markers of asthma severity. Second, exposure and sensitization but also sensitization alone to A. fumigatus in asthmatics were associated with asthma severity markers compared to the absence of mould sensitization which confirmed its noxious potential. This contrasted with the absence of significant severity markers associated with other sensitizations. Lastly, we observed a positive link between overall indoor exposure to Penicillium spp and a reduced lung function in asthmatics even in the absence of sensitization. / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques (Médecine) / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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