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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The cognitive structure of cocitation clusters associated with scientific specialties

Steed, Judith L. 14 November 2012 (has links)
This study examines one empirical manifestation of social order of two elite scientific communities. This project examines the cognitive order or structure of the cocitation cluster of papers representative of each group. The method reported in this paper retrieves the cognitive structures of cocitation clusters associated with scientific specialties. This method uses socially reinforced regularities in scientific writing styles, technical content and communicating techniques displayed in published scientific papers. A cognitive structure denotes a developmental outline of a scientific specialty's central ideas. This structure comprises of a series of principal statements and the linkages associating them. A principal statement is a single sentence extracted from a paper which exemplifies the paper as a whole. The linkages represent associations between sentences such as refinement of previously stated ideas, confirmation of previous findings, even contradiction of previous conclusions, and others. I apply this method to two independent clusters of papers each representing a biology group: Australia Antigen and Lâ Dopa specialties, respectively. The resultant cognitive structures are compare to accounts of specialty cognitive development created by a previous study of the same specialty groups performed by Mullins et al. (1977) and (1980). / Master of Science

A genre analysis of South African female celebrities in isiXhosa texts

Jali, Nomfundo 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research work has put into practice the theoretical framework of text construction advanced by Grabe and Kaplan (1996) for the analysis of South African female celebrities' texts in Xhosa. Theoretical elements employed in this study includes linguistic elements and the elements that are applicable to the structure of narrative texts. This framework can be included in teaching methods and approaches for the development of the learners' analytic skills in analyzing the discourse structure of written texts. These skills are to be acquired by learners, are part of the Curriculum 2005 and are meant specifically for the teaching and learning of languages. This study has employed a range of textlinguistic strategies for analyzing written genre texts on issues relating to female music artists and actresses. It is imperatively recommended that language teachers with the incorporation of Curriculum 2005 methodology can use these strategies in order to produce learners that are able to analyze texts successfully and who have an awareness about how language is used in text construction as a reflection of social activities. For the purpose of analysis in this thesis, texts from the Xhosa Bona magazine with contents ranging from acting careers and music artists has been collected. This study demonstrates that text analysis involves to a larger extent, an investigation of generic factors such as the communicative purpose, the culture and the community, and as well as the traumatic and exciting human experiences encountered by people in the society in which the text is produced. A broad definition of a narrative and a text will be established in the discussion of the generic features of texts. The text-linguistic construction, the analysis of linguistic structures, and the elements of the overall structure of narratives will be demonstrated in the analysis of Xhosa texts with emphasis on the discussion of the parameters of the ethnography of writing as proposed by Grabe and Kaplan (1996). The following questions are addressed by these parameters of the ethnography of writing: "Who writes what to whom. for what purpose. why. when and how?" In addition to these parameters the study addresses the elements of narratives based from the overall structure of narrative texts as proposed by Labov (1972). In Labov's framework the following elements are addressed: "the orientation section. the complication. the evaluation. the resolution and the coda". In addition to these elements examined the move structures will be explored as a way of summarising the facts and the message carried by the content of each Xhosa text written for the purpose of analysis. This study explores the implications and rationale for the incorporation of text analysis in language teaching and learning, as well as to explore the relationship between the theoretical underpinning of this study with the learning outcomes of Curriculum 2005 which have to be applied in language pedagogy. Finally, this study has proved that the theoretical framework of Grabe and Kaplan (1996) and the elements of the overall structure of narrative texts of Labov (1972) as employed in the written text construction, will introduce language teachers and learners into an effective language learning and teaching. This implies that the strategies acquired in this study can be employed in any analysis of written text in any language study as it has been explored in the analysis of Xhosa genre texts of South African female celebrities from a Xhosa Bona magazine. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing doen 'n praktiese toepassing van die teoretiese raamwerk van tekskontruksie soos voorgestaan deur Grabe en Kaplan (1996) in die analise van Xhosa tekste oor vroulike bekendes. Teoretiese elemente wat aangewend word in die navorsing sluit in tekslinguistiese elemente en die elemente wat toepaslik is tot die struktuur van narratiewe tekste. Hierdie raamwerk kan gebruik word in taalonderrigmetodes en benaderings gerig op die ontwikkeling van leerders se analitiese vaardighede in die analise van die diskoersstruktuur van skriftelike tekste. Hierdie vaardighede wat verwerf moet word deur leerders, is gespesifiseer in Kurrikulum 2005 vir die leerarea tale. Die studie wend 'n verskeidenheid tekslinguistiese strategieë aan in die analise van geskrewe genre-tekste oor vraagstukke rakende vroulike musiekkunstenaars en aktrises. Daar word aanbeveel in die studie dat taalonderwysers, deur die toepaslike metodologie in Kurrikulum 2005, hierdie strategieë aanwend ten einde leerders te lewer wat in staat is om tekste suksesvol te analiseer, en wat 'n bewussyn het van hoe taal gebruik word in tekskonstruksie as 'n refleksie van sosiale en kommunikatiewe doelstelling. Vir die doel van die analises in hierdie studie, is 'n verskeidenheid Xhsoa tekste oor bekende vroulike musici en aktrises gekies uit die BONA tydskrif. Hierdie studie demonstreer dat teksanalise 'n ondersoek behels na die teks-generiese faktore, die kommunikatiewe doelstelling, en die sosiale en kulturele konteks en die traumatiese en opwindende ervarings ervaar deur mense in die gemeenskap waarin die teks geproduseer word. 'n Breë definisie van narratief en teks sal gegee word in die bespreking van die generiese kenmerke van tekste. Die tekslinguistiese konstruksie, die analise van linguistiese strukture, en die elemente van die geheelstruktuur van narratiewe, sal gedemonstreer word in die analise van die Xhosa-tekste met klem op die parameters in die etnografie van skryf soos voorgestel deur Grabe en Kaplan (1996): Wie skryf wat aan wie vir watter doel, waarom, wanneer. Bykomend tot hierdie parameters, ondersoek hierdie studie die globale elemente van narratiewe gebaseer op Labov (1972), die orientasie, die komplikasie, die evaluasie, die resolusie, en die koda. Bykomend sal die kognitiewe of retoriese skuifstrukture ook ondersoek word.

A genre analysis of texts in Xitsonga

Mdumela, Tsakani Amos 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The recent introduction of the outcomes-based curriculum for the learning field language, literacy and communication has revealed a number of essential areas of research in African languages that urgently need to be addressed if this curriculum for African Languages is to be successfully implemented with the necessary theoretical basis as support. This dissertation addresses one such research issue, the genre-based approach to Xitsonga texts within the broad field of language and literacy. This study wil] first explore different models of writing approaches that relate to the analytic approach to genre literacy, including the traditional progressivist approach, the Bereiter and Scardamalia approach, and Grabe and Kaplan's (1996) model. It will be argued that Grabe and Kaplan's model is suitable as a framework for teaching writing, because it incorporates the ethnography of writing which entails that a detailed analysis of texts should address the following questions: who writes what to whom, for what purpose, why, when and how? The use of the ethnography of writing in the analysis of texts according to Grabe and Kaplan's model also explores factors such as the communicative purpose, the culture and the community in which the text is produced. This is investigated through the text-linguistic analysis of the nine Xitsonga written speeches where the speech genre has an identifiable format including an introduction, middle and ending. This study also explores the relationship between the ethnography of writing, the Grabe and Kaplan's theory of text construction, the learning outcomes 4 and 5 of grades 7, 8 and 9 and their related assessment standards. Attention is given to prescribed texts and the taxonomy of academic writing skills, knowledge bases and processes, using some of the nine Xitsonga written speeches for illustrative purposes. This study explores questions of how Grabe and Kaplan's model can be effectively employed in the analysis of texts within the framework of Curriculum 2005 in the teaching of language. This study further focuses on the teaching of Xitsonga as a language subject within a multilingual education system. It is argued that in order to develop Xitsonga terminology for teaching content subjects, resources must be put in place, both materially and financially. It will be argued that Xitsonga should be taught as a language subject and . used as a medium of instruction in content subjects in conjunction with English across the curriculum within a bilingual education policy in order to enhance teaching and learning. Learners who have Xitsonga as first language will be able to apply the writing skills acquired in the teaching of writing of Xitsonga as a language subject in their learning across the curriculum. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die resente invoer van die uitkoms-gebaseerde kurrikulum vir die leerarea tale, geletterdheid en kommunikasie het 'n aantal areas van noodsaaklike navorsing in die Afrikatale aan die lig gebring wat dringend aangespreek moet word om hierdie kurrikulum suksesvol te implementeer vir die Afrikatale. Hierdie proefskrif ondersoek een van hierdie navorsingsvraagstukke, naamlik die genre-gebaseerde benadering tot die analise van Xitsonga tekste binne die bree veld van taal en geletterdheid. Die studie sal eers 'n ondersoek doen van verskillende modelle van skryfbenaderings wat verband hou met die analitiese benaderings tot genre geletterdheid, insluitende die tradisionele progressivistiese benadering, Die Bereiter en Scardamalia benadering, en Grabe en Kaplan (1996) se model. Daar sal aangevoer word dat Grabe en Kaplan se benadering 'n toepaslike raamwerk vir skryfonderrig is, aangesien dit die etnografie van skryf inkorporeer, wat meebring dat 'n gedetailleerde analise van tekste die volgende vrae moet aanspreek: Wie skryf wat aan wie vir watter doel, waarom, wanneer en hoe? Die gebruik van die etnografie van skryf in die analise van Xitsonga tekste volgens Grabe en Kaplan se model ondersoek ook faktore soos die kommunikatiewe doelstelling, kultuur en die gemeenskap waarin die teks geproduseer word. Hierdie vrae word ondersoek deur die analise van nege geskrewe toesprake in Xitsonga, waar die toespraak genre 'n identifiseerbare formaat het, insluitende 'n inleiding, 'n middel en 'n slot. Die studie ondersoek ook die verband tussen die etnografie van skryf, die Grabe en Kaplan teorie van tekskonstruksie, die leeruitkomste 4 en 5 van Graad 7, 8 en 9, en hulle verwante assesseringsstandaarde. Aandag word gegee aan voorgeskrewe tekste en die taksonomie van skryfvaardighede, kennis basisse en prosesse, met verwysing na die nege geskrewe tekste in Xitsonga. Die studie ondersoek vrae oor hoe Grabe en Kaplan se model effektief ingespan kan word in die analise van tekste binne die raamwerk van kurrikulum 2005 in die onderrig van taal. Die studie fokus voorts op die onderrig van Xitsonga as 'n taalvak binne 'n meertalige opvoedkundige stelsel. Daar word aangevoer dat ten einde Xitsonga terminologie te ontwikkel vir die onderrig van inhoudsvakke, moet die nodige hulpbronne daarvoor voorsien word. Daar word ook aangevoer dat Xitsonga as 'n taalvak in die onderrig van inhoudsvakke, in samehang met Engels vir laasgenoemde, oor die kurrikulum ten einde leer en onderrig te bevorder. Leerders wat Xitsonga as 'n eerste taal het, sal in staat wees om die skryfvaardighede wat hulle verwerf her in die onderrig van skryf in Xitsonga as 'n taalvak in hulle leer oar die kurrikulum.

Sociological Applications of Topic Extraction Techniques: Two Case Studies

Zougris, Konstantinos 08 1900 (has links)
Limited research has been conducted with regards to the applicability of topic extraction techniques in Sociology. Addressing the modern methodological opportunities, and responding to the skepticism with regards to the absence of theoretical foundations supporting the use of text analytics, I argue that Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), complemented by other text analysis techniques and multivariate techniques, can constitute a unique hybrid method that can facilitate the sociological interpretations of web-based textual data. To illustrate the applicability of the hybrid technique, I developed two case studies. My first case study is associated with the Sociology of media. It focuses on the topic extraction and sentiment polarization among partisan texts posted on two major news sites. I find evidence of highly polarized opinions on comments posted on the Huffington Post and the Daily Caller. The highest polarizing topic was associated with a commentator’s reference on Hoodies in the context of the Trayvon Martin’s incident. My findings support contemporary research suggesting that media pundits frequently use tactics of outrage to provoke polarization of public opinion. My second case study contributes to the research domain of the Sociology of knowledge. The hybrid method revealed evidence of topical divides and topical “bridges” in the intellectual landscape of the British and the American sociological journals. My findings confirm the theoretical assertions describing Sociology as a fractured field, and partially support the existence of more globalized topics in the discipline.

Newspaper Construction of Homelessness in Western United States Cities

Sheese, Charlie Allan 25 July 2017 (has links)
The paths to homelessness are complex and attributable to a combination of structural issues associated with poverty that can magnify personal vulnerabilities. However, as homelessness became more prominent in news media during the 1980s, media discourse increasingly focused on personal characteristics within the homeless population which cast people as personally responsible for their plight. Simultaneously, media explanations for homelessness that called attention to structural conditions that contribute to homelessness decreased during the decade. Scholars explain this shift by situating it within the social and political climate of the time. This study extends the line of research on homelessness in news media in order to understand how coverage of homelessness has changed between the 1980s and the 2010s. A quantitative content analysis examines newspaper articles in two cities in the western United States -- Portland, Oregon, and San Diego, California -- where homelessness is a prominent and enduring social and political issue. News articles are examined for changes between two time periods (1988-1990 and 2014-2016) in mentions of personal and structural factors as well as changes in the discussion of solutions for homelessness. Results show an increase over time in portrayals of structural factors that contribute to homelessness as well as an increase in talk about permanent housing solutions. However, mentions of personal problems and behaviors, such as mental illness and substance abuse, have also increased. This suggests that, while news discourse may be moving toward more nuanced portrayals that acknowledge societal factors, news media still tend to focus on characteristics of homelessness that can cast people as personally culpable.

A content analysis of Time, U.S. news and world report, and Newsweek's coverage of the 1992 presidential campaign

Keas, Laura C. January 1994 (has links)
This study analyzed the coverage of Time, TT.S. News and World Report, and Newsweek's coverage of the 1992 presidential campaign. The four research questions posed concerned the newsmagazines' overall direction of coverage concerning the campaign; the individual and collective direction of newsmagazine coverage concerning the candidates and the election, the percentage of attribution given to the newsmagazines, or other sources; and the issues that were covered.The time period of this study spanned the traditional Labor Day kick off of the campaign to Election Day. A total of 29 lead presidential campaign stories were used for this investigation. The sentence was the unit of analysis; the method employed was a directional content analysis. A coder judged each sentence for source, subject, content, and evaluation. In addition, the coder evaluated each sentence as either positive, negative, or neutral.After the raw scores were converted into percentages, the researcher used a chi square to test the level of significance.Findings showed overall the newsmagazines were neutral in their coverage of the 1992 presidential campaign. Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News all contained more negative than positive sentences about the candidates, issues, campaigns, and party.In respect to candidate coverage, George Bush received more than 70% negative coverage in all three magazines. Bill Clinton received more negative coverage in U.S. News than positive or neutral. Time, printed more positive than negative sentences about Clinton, and Newsweek printed more neutral statements about Clinton than either U.S. News, orTime.Consistent with past research, the bulk of statements contained in the lead articles were judged to come from the writers. Finally, coverage during the 1992 campaign overwhelmingly centered around the "horserace" aspects of the campaign instead of the substantive issues. / Department of Journalism

Coverage of George Bush in three newsmagazines : a content analysis

Stuckert, Donna January 1992 (has links)
This thesis examined all references to George Bush in Time, U.S. News and World Report and Newsweek in the time periods before and after the 1988 Republican National Convention in order to determine if there was a difference in how these newsmagazines portrayed Bush in these time periods. The hypothesis of this study: George Bush was portrayed more positively in the total coverage of these newsmagazines after the convention than he was portrayed prior to the convention.In order to determine this, a coder chose news stories from before and after the convention from the newsmagazines if they dealt primarily with the man George Bush or the campaign in general.All references to Bush were highlighted in the articles along with all statements made by Bush. Then, sources of these sentences with these references were determined and placed into one of three categories: newsmagazine, Bush or "Other." Coders were asked to evaluate the references to Bush as to whether the references placed Bush in a positive light, negative light or did not reflect him positively or negatively, neutral.The findings of this study show there was no apparent difference in the coverage of Bush between the time periods. The hypothesis was not supported. Additionally, the overall coverage of Bush was neutral and the newsmagazines were the source of the largest amount of references. / Department of Journalism

A content analysis of black female athletes and white female athletes in sports magazines /

Wade, Amanda N. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Rochester Institute of Technology, 2008. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 69-71).

ESTRATÉGIAS COMUNICACIONAIS E SIMBÓLICAS DOS RÓTULOS DE VINHOS / Communication and Symbolic strategies of Wine Labels.

ASNIS, Marcelo Cymerman 27 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Noeme Timbo (noeme.timbo@metodista.br) on 2016-09-12T19:42:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcelo Cymerman Asnis.pdf: 11279552 bytes, checksum: ca2d23af5390225c0a8a1992fe5497db (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-12T19:42:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcelo Cymerman Asnis.pdf: 11279552 bytes, checksum: ca2d23af5390225c0a8a1992fe5497db (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This thesis analyses the understanding of the communication and symbolic strategies adopted in the design of wine labels with a focus on their display at the point of sale. Basic concepts about the wine world and its psyche have been followed. Since wine bottles are very similar, the main differentiation factor is the label and its function is to convince the consumer at the point of sale. The label is the "seller", the "last chance" to motivate consumers to take the wine bottle in their trolley. The way this component and its content are developed under graphic and symbolic points of view has been the focus of this qualitative study, applying as methodology in the first two sections bibliographical and documentary references. In the third chapter, an analysis of the labels’ graphic and symbolic content from an intentional sampling has been developed. Finally, an empirical experimental research of some wines together with tasters has been conducted to evaluate if the labels’ perception and identification could generate different ratings after a first blind tasting / Compreender as estratégias comunicacionais e simbólicas adotadas no desenvolvimento de rótulos das embalagens de vinho com foco em sua exposição no ponto de venda foi o objetivo geral deste trabalho. Foram abordados conceitos básicos sobre o universo do vinho e o imaginário a ele relacionado. O rótulo é o principal elemento de diferenciação neste produto, já que as garrafas de vinho são muito similares, sendo ele o responsável em persuadir o consumidor quando o produto está no ponto de venda. O rótulo é o componente “vendedor”, a “última chance” para motivar o consumidor a colocar o vinho em sua cesta de compras. A forma como este componente e seus conteúdos são desenvolvidos sob o ponto de vista gráfico e simbólico foi o objeto desta pesquisa qualitativa que utilizou como metodologia, referências bibliográficas e documentais nos dois primeiros capítulos. No terceiro capítulo, foi realizada uma análise de conteúdo gráfico e simbólico dos rótulos de uma amostragem intencional de vinhos. A seguir, foi aplicada uma pesquisa experimental empírica de alguns vinhos junto a degustadores para avaliar se a percepção e identificação dos rótulos podem gerar avaliações diferentes após uma primeira degustação "às cegas

Mulheres da realidade: gênero e jornalismo na mídia impressa brasileira (1966-1976)

Carvalho, Felipe Araújo de 03 July 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta uma abordagem interdisciplinar sobre questões de gênero na imprensa brasileira durante as décadas de 60 e 70 do século passado. O escopo são edições da revista Realidade, principal veículo da editora Abril no período, que contava com os jornalistas mais bem pagos da época. O foco são as representações de feminino nestas revistas, um trabalho desenvolvido em dois momentos, sendo o primeiro as análises das capas e, em seguida, análise de conteúdo de uma edição tida como paradigmática dentro de nosso escopo. Como objetivo geral, visa a compreensão das representações de mulher na Realidade em consonância com o movimento histórico, cultural, político e social do período abordado. Como objetivos específicos, realiza uma análise de imagens das capas; discute a dominação masculina e a sociedade patriarcal; apresenta os principais aspectos do movimento feminista nas décadas citadas; e investiga a história do país e de sua indústria cultural, com maior ênfase na imprensa escrita. A investigação concentra esforços em todas as 120 edições da revista lançadas entre 1966 e 1976, escolhendo para análise de imagens todas as capas que apresentavam mulheres, adotando o gênero como categoria de análise. Esta metodologia também aplicou-se a análise das reportagens, colocando em relação as representações de mulheres da edição de número dez, dedicada exclusivamente à tematizações da condição feminina, relacionando com aspectos do movimento feminista no Brasil entre 1960 e 1970. / This research presents an interdisciplinary approach on issues related to gender and language in the Brazilian press during the 60‘s and 70‘s of last century. The scopes are issues of the magazine Realidade, the main vehicle of Abril publishing house in the period, which had the highest-paid journalists of this related time. The focus is the representation of women in these magazines, a work in two stages, the first analyzes of the covers and then content analysis of an issue seen as paradigmatic within our scope. As a general objective we aim at understanding the representations of women in Realidade consistent with the historical, cultural, political and social period approached. As specific objectives, we have an image analysis through the covers; discuss the male domination and patriarchal society; present the main aspects of the feminist movement in the decades mentioned, and investigate the history of the country and its cultural industry, with more interest in print press. We focus on all more than 120 editions of the magazine released between 1966 and 1976, choosing to image analysis covers all indices containing women, adopting gender like a category of analysis. This methodology was also applied to the analysis of reports, putting about representations of women's issue number 10, dedicated exclusively to thematizations of womanhood, relating with aspects of the feminist movement in Brazil between 1960 and 1970. / 5000

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