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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterización mineralógica de los sedimentos cuaternarios de la plataforma continental del Perú central

Girón Cabello, Ivette Zarela January 2009 (has links)
Desde la década de 1960 se vienen realizando en la plataforma continental del Perú, diversas investigaciones en sedimentos superficiales referidas a estudios geoquímicos, biogénicos y sedimentológicos; sin embargo, hasta el momento, no se cuentan con estudios que describan la mineralogía de los mismos, siendo necesario desarrollar el tema en esta oportunidad, para la parte central de la plataforma. Es objeto de este estudio caracterizar mineralógicamente los sedimentos mencionados y evaluar su distribución así como relacionar su presencia con las áreas de aporte. La información batimétrica obtenida, permitió inferir los principales rasgos geomorfológicos condicionantes para su concentración en la zona de estudio así como las estructuras principales que controlan las disposiciones espaciales del fondo. En este sentido y con el propósito de iniciar estas investigaciones, se realizó el presente estudio contando para ello con las muestras de sedimentos del archivo técnico del Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE), proponiéndose la determinación mineralógica de los sedimentos limo arcillosos mediante estudios de difractometría de rayos X en los laboratorios del Instituto Geológico Minero y Metalúrgico (INGEMMET). A todo esto, se añade el análisis sobre la proveniencia de los sedimentos mediante el estudio de los materiales sedimentarios de los principales ríos que desembocan en la región estudiada a fin de determinar las zonas de aportes. Para ello, de un total de 50 muestras estudiadas y mediante el estudio de difractometría de rayos X, se han identificado 58 minerales, 15 de los cuales se encuentran distribuidos en toda la zona de estudio y son: Cuarzo, Albita, Muscovita, Clorita, Augita, Riebeckita, (siendo estos los mas abundantes en toda la plataforma), Rodonita, Cloromagnesita, Rodocrosita, Anortoclasa, Pirita, Yeso, Actinolita, Jarosita y Ortoclasa realizándose la determinación de sus atributos y características. La presencia de estos minerales indican tipos tanto autígenos formados en la misma plataforma como terrígenos, transportados por los ríos. En cuanto a los sedimentos fluviales, se realizaron análisis por difractometría de rayos X, los que arrojaron resultados similares a los sedimentos marinos mientras que los resultados de los análisis de las muestras de continente permitieron determinar una procedencia de arco disectado de acuerdo a los resultados procesados según el Método de Dickinson.

Analýza marketingového mixu a nabídkového portfolia ve společnosti Barum Continental, s.r.o. / Analysis of Marketing Mix Tools in the company Barum Continental, s.r.o.

Anderle, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
This degree work is targeted on the analysis of marketing mix tools in the company Barum Continental. At the end it would be analyse also the the portfolio of the products and their effect on the customers. From this informations the author deduced the conclusion, which could be used by the company Barum Continental to improve their current processes.

An investigation to suggest how methods of assessing work potential or capacity could be applied to meet the needs of the disabled South African Black

Brazier, Joyce Dawn Allelleonor January 1983 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Medicine, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in complete fulfillment of the requirements for the conversion of a Diploma to a Bachelor of Science Degree in Occupational Therapy. / WHSLYP2016

Variation in calcium intake in rural black children

Eyberg, Caroline, Jane January 1983 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Medicine, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg for the Degree of Master of Science. Johannesburg, 1983 / Two investigations are explored in this dissertation: dietary calcium intake in relation to calcium status in a group of rural Black children and the use of the dietary history and 24-hour dietary recall as a research tool. Children with rachitic bone deformities, members of a community in the Eastern Transvaal, have prompted extensive study. This has shown that the population as a whole has lowered serum calcium levels which appear to be the direct result of calcium deficient diets / IT2018

O Complexo metamórfico Bonfim setentrional (Quadrilátero Ferrífero, MG) : litoestratigrafia e evolução geológica de um segmento de crosta continental do arqueano / not available

Carneiro, Maurício Antonio 23 November 1992 (has links)
O Complexo Metamórfico Bonfim é um segmento de crosta continental situado a Oeste da Serra da moeda e a sul da Serra dos Três Irmãos, no Quadrilátero Ferrífero em Minas Gerais. A partir do mapeamento geológico realizado na porção setentrional deste complexo (escala 1:25.000), constatou-se a presença de uma grande variedade de rochas de natureza predominante metamórfica e subordinadamente ígnea. Em continuidade, a realização de estudos petrográficos (241 seções delgadas), geoquímicos em rocha total (67 análises envolvendo elementos maiores, menores, traços e terras raras) e geocronológicos (52 determinações radiométricas em minerais e rochas, pelos métodos U/Pb, Rb/Sr e K/Ar), permitiu agrupar os litotipos mapeados em oito unidades litoestratigráficas. Tais unidades são aqui informalmente designadas de Gnaisses Alberto Flores, Anfíbolitos Paraopeba, Gnaisses Souza Noschese, Tonalitos Samambaia, Anfibolitos Candeias, Granitos Brumadinho, Metadiabásios Conceição de Itaguá e Diabásios Santa Cruz. A evolução geológica deste complexo tem início no Arqueano Médio (3,2 Ga) e foi constatada através da herança isotópica U/PB nos zircões dos Gnaisses Alberto Flores, por meio de uma discórdia envolvendo um núcleo (com 2920 Ma) e o seu sobrecrescimento (com 2772 \'+ OU -\' 6 Ma). Entretanto, esta evolução está particularmente relacionada ao Arqueano Superior, quando foram gerados os Gnaisses Alberto Flores (com idade U/Pb mínima de 2920 Ma) e, principalmente, no decorrer de um grande evento tectôno-termal de fácies anfibolito, de 2,78 Ga atrás, aqui designado informalmente de Rio das Velhas. No decorrer deste evento, a crosta continental preexistente no âmbito do Complexo Metamórfico Bonfim Setentrional (e.g.Gnaisses Alberto Flores, Anfibolitos Paraopeba e Gnaisses Souza Noschese) foi invadida por um magmatismo cálcio alcalino (Tonalitos Samambais) e, provavelmente, por um outro magmatismo de características químicas compatíveis com magmas andesíticos e/ou tholeíticos ( Anfíbolitos Candeias). Nesta mesma época, teve lugar também um vulcanismo ácido, mas que é encontrado particularmente nos domínios do Supergrupo Rio das Velhas. Este cenário geológico é sugestivo de um ambiente tectônico semelhante às margens continentais ativas. Encerrando a evolução geológica do Arqueano Superior tem lugar um outro magmatismo félsico, que foi responsável pela geração dos Granitos Brumadinho há 2703 +24/-20 Ma atrás. Estas rochas truncam a foliação milonítica NS dos Gnaisses Alberto Flores e constituem um importante marco litoestratigráfico da evolução geológica do Complexo Metamórfico Bonfim Setentrional. No decorrer do Proterozóico este complexo foi retomado tectonicamente e invadido por dois novos magmatismos básicos. Esta retomada tectônica ocorreu sob condições de fácies xisto verde essencialmente. Por causa disto, os seus sistemas isotópicos K/Ar e/ou, principalmente, Rb/Sr estão acusando rejuvenescimentos parciais e ou incompletos. Assim sendo, as suas idades aparentes K/Ar e/ou errocrônicas Rb/Sr distribuem-se do Proterozóico Inferior ao Proterozóico Superior. Os dois magmatismos básicos, por sua vez, estão representados pelos Metadiabásios Conceição de Itaguá. Com idades aparentes K/Ar (em hornblenda primária) de 1,0 Ga, e pelos Diabásios Santa Cruz, de idade desconhecida mas correlacionáveis a outros magmatismos do Proterozóico Superior no âmbito do Quadrilátero Ferrífero. De acordo com estes resultados o Complexo Metamórfico Bonfim Setentrional constitue o limite oriental da Província Arqueana Divinópolis com o Cinturão Mineiro, de idade Transamazônica. Nos setores marginais desta província, a exemplo da região estudada, os sistemas isotópicos Rb/Sr e K/Ar foram rejuvenescidos a partir do Arqueano. / The Bonfim Metamorphic Complex (BMC) constitutes a segment of continental crust which is limited eastwards and northwards by the Serra da Moeda and Serra dos Três Irmãos, respectively, in Quadrilátero Ferrífero (QF), state of Minas Gerais, Within the northern portion of the BMC, eight lithostratigraphic units (most of them metamorphosed ones) were identified through by means of geological mapping on 1:25,000 scale. All of the above units were also characterized on the basis of petrographical studies (241 thin sections), whole rock geochemistry (67 major, minor, trace and REE analyses), and U/Pb, Rb/Sr and K/Ar geochronology (52 mineral and whole rock data). These units were informally named: Alberto Flores Gneisses, Paraopeba Amphibolites, Souza Noschese Gneisses, Samambaia Tonalites, Candeias Amphibolites, Brumadinho Granites, Conceição de Itaguá metadiabases and Santa Cruz Diabases. Geological evolution of the northern BMC started at c. 3,28 Ga ago, as suggested from one inherited U/Pb zircon component age encountered in the Alberto Flores Gneiss, of trondhjemitic composition. However, the BMC is mostly related to Late Archean during which the above gneiss originated, at 2.92 Ga ago (evidenced from its U/Pb zircon core age). One overgrowth from this zircon yielded and age of 2,772 \'+ OU -\' 6 M.a. Based on the geological inferences, both the Paraopeba Amphibolites and Souza Noschese Gneiss also developed, during such a period of time (2,92 - 2,77 Ga). Further on, the continental crust was intruded by the calc-alkaline Samambaia Tonalites, as evidenced from U/Pb zircon and titanites ages of 2,780 +3/-2 Ma. Also related to this epoch is the 2,772 \'+ OU -\' 6 Ma acid volcanism which is found in the Rio das Velhas Supergroup, in QF. Contemporaneously, andesitic and/or tholeiitic magmatism took place (Candeias Amphibolites), as suggested by their geological association with Samambaia Tonalites. The overall described evolutionary setting is consistent with the occurrence a major 2,78 Ga tectono-thermal amphibolite facies event in the investigated area, here informally named Rio das Velhas. The above geological evolution of BMC together with the geochemical and radiometric data are consistent with a model of active continental margins, during the Late Archean time. This Archean evolution finished by instrusion of the Brumadinho Granites, at 2703 +24/-20 Ma ago (U/Pb zircon age). These granites are here considered as a key-marker for the Late Archean geological evolution of the area, because they truncate the NS shear foliation which is recorded in the Alberto Flores Gneisses. During the Proterozoic, the northern BMC was intruded by two distinct basic magmatism. The basic rocks are represented by Conceição de Itaguá Metadiabases ( K/Ar hornblende ages around 1,0 Ga), and the Santa Cruz Diabases. The latter (not dated) are here tentatively correlated with basic dikes of Late Proterozoic age (c. 0,6 Ga; U/PB age), in QF region. The investigated area was also reactivated, during the Proterozoic, under greenschist metamorphic conditions. Because of this metamorphic overprinting both the isotopic K/Ar and /or RB/Sr rock-systems of the northern BMC yielded uncomplete resenting. Consequently, the investigated rocks exhibited scatteres apparent K/Ar mineral ages and/or Rb/Sr ages, in the range 2,1 - 1,0 Ga. Finally, on paleogeographical basis, the geochronological scenario of the northern BMC may correspond to the eastern sector of the Divinópolis Archean Province in relation to the adjacent Transamazônico Mineiro Belt eastwards, at southern São Francisco Craton. As prior mentioned specially within this marginal sector of the Divinópolis province (i.e. northern BMC) the isotopic Rb/Sr rocks-systems and K/Ar minerals have been resetted due to low-grade metamorphism, since the Late Archean.

Thermal evolution of the southeastern Brazilian continental margin

Neri Gezatt, Julia January 2018 (has links)
The southeastern Brazilian continental margin has a debated evolution regarding postrift events and formation of topography. Apatite fission track (AFT) and apatite U-Th/He (AHe) analysis ages for the N-S transect between Rio de Janeiro and Três Rios range between 98.5±11.9 and 54.1±4.2 Ma. Ages are younger towards the coast and increase progressively inland. Highest samples (around 1500 m above sea level) have older AFT ages. A wide range of ages was not found in the area, contrasting with the large AFT age span found by other studies in adjacent portions of the Brazilian continental margin, where age ranges of up to ~200 Ma from the coast to the innermost sample in the continent have been reported. The cooling ages and the thermal history models produced with software QTQt corroborate a uniform and continuous cooling process for the rifted margin, with total depths of denudation between 2.5 and 4.4 km, attesting to the absence of post-Cretaceous rift reburial in the area. Towards the continental interior, at the back of the Serra do Mar escarpment, thermal history models point to a change in cooling rate in the Upper Cretaceous, compatible with reported reactivation of the regional Neoproterozoic structures which led to the formation of the Cenozoic Rift System of Southeastern Brazil. Collision episodes in the western margin of W Gondwana have important role on platewide stress distribution, inducing regional structure reactivation and creation throughout the South American Platform. The plate-wide deformation arising from the western plate margin collisions is possibly responsible for the formation of the many Paleozoic grabens, which were the precursors of the cratonic basins of the South American continent. Among those, evidence from zircon U-Pb detrital provenance indicates that the Ordovician Piranhas Graben in central Brazil is in fact an early manifestation of the Paraná Basin, since its progressive increase in catchment area matches the sediment sources of the Silurian Vila Maria and Devonian Ponta Grossa formations of the Paraná Basin. The present-day landscape is mainly a result of isostatic rebound due to erosional unloading, although combined with post-rift magmatism and regional structure reactivation. The post-rift continuous uplift of the southeastern Brazilian margin supplied vast volumes of clastic sediments to the Santos and Campos basins during the late Cretaceous and Cenozoic, generating high quality reservoirs for hydrocarbons.

Resolving the timing of major erosion events along the West Greenland-Baffin-Bylot continental margins

Jess, Scott January 2018 (has links)
Continental passive margins exhibit high elevation topography in many localities across the globe. The source and age of much of this topography remains a subject of great debate within the wider community, with numerous theories being presented, including significant post-rift uplift and isostatically preserved rift anks. Establishing the mechanisms that generate topography and the onshore evolution across passive margins is vital in understanding regional geological histories and their wider development. The passive margins of the NW Atlantic realm exhibit high elevation topography topped with low relief summits. The origin of this topography is debated, with both 3 km of uplift in the post-rift stage and the isostatic preservation of Cretaceous rift anks being suggested within the literature. The work of this thesis aims to resolve this debate by establishing the timing and source of uplift across the region and determining the onshore evolution prior to, during and after rifting with the application of apatite low temperature thermochronology. Contemporary analytical and modelling techniques are utilised to generate thermal histories from across both central West Greenland and SE Baffin Island, helping to de ne how the modern landscape has formed. Results from this work outline an onshore history dominated by uplift in the Cretaceous and exhumation throughout the Cenozoic. Basement samples from SW Greenland exhibit protracted cooling throughout the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, implying low rates of exhumation have been apparent throughout. Within the Nuussuaq Basin, centralWest Greenland, thermal histories display reheating i through the Late Cretaceous/Palaeogene and cooling to present, consistent with events outlined in the basin's stratigraphy and implying uplift of the topography is likely the result of extrusive volcanism and an isostatic response to the unroo ng of the lithosphere. Spatial trends in data and thermal histories across SE Ba n Island imply much of the landscape is shaped by rift ank uplift along its SE coastline, driving exhumation of the region throughout the Cenozoic. Collectively these results suggest the elevated topography of the NW Atlantic realm is the result of rift related uplift in the Cretaceous, magmatism and widespread exhumation throughout the Cenozoic, preserved by isostatic exure. This interpretation of the region's onshore history contributes greatly to our understanding of the NW Atlantic's geological evolution. The results highlight the role of extensional tectonism, exhumation and isostasy in shaping both margin's landscapes and helps to determine the principal characteristics of the wider extensional system and the evolution of the o shore domain. Moreover, these conclusions have a wider relevance to the evolution of passive margins across the North Atlantic, improving our understanding of how topography across other margins, such as of East Greenland, Norway and the UK, has formed.

Ações e implicações das expansões das zonas econômicas marítimas no Atlântico Sul : os casos de Argentina, Brasil e Uruguai

Milindre Gonzalez, Rodrigo January 2016 (has links)
Com o advento das tecnologias e o anseio por energia e minerais, tornou-se necessário buscar no mar novas descobertas com o intuito de suprir esta demanda, neste sentido, as recentes descobertas apresentaram que existe um potencial de riquezas além das 200 milhas marítimas, positivadas na Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre o Direito do Mar (CNUDM), neste aspecto, busca-se apresentar as ações que estão sendo realizadas por parte da Argentina, Brasil e Uruguai para estender a suas respectivas soberanias sob a Plataforma Continental até 350 milhas marítimas em consonância com a CNUDM. Nesta perspectiva, observa-se que as áreas pleiteadas apresentam-se como estratégicas para estes países, neste quesito, as ambições em matéria de potencial destas áreas, impulsionaram a vontade política em ampliar o domínio soberano de acordo com o artigo 76° da presente convenção. No contexto de desafios, amplia-se para a questão da aprovação do pleito e na capacidade de preservação destes espaços. / Con el progreso de las tecnologías y la necesidad por energía y minerales, fue necesario buscar en el mar nuevos yacimientos con el fin de suplir esta demanda, en este sentido, las recientes descubiertas presentan que existe un potencial de riquezas mas allá de las 200 millas marítimas, positivadas en la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Derecho del Mar (CNUDM), en este aspecto, se busca presentar las acciones que se están siendo realizadas por parte de Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay para extender sus respectivas soberanías sobre la Plataforma Continental hasta 350 millas marítimas en consonancia con la CNUDM. En este sentido, se observa que las áreas demandadas se presentan como estratégicas para estos países, por lo tanto, las ambiciones sobre el potencial de sus áreas en el mar, la impulsión de la voluntad política en ampliar el dominio soberano de acuerdo con el artículo 76° de la convención. Sobre los desafíos, el enfoque se basa en la aprobación de las demandas nacionales y en la capacidad de protección de estos.

Estudo de viabilidade técnica aplicado ao desenvolvimento do conceito de plataforma ULFPSO com utilização de riser rígido em catenária livre. / Technical feasibility study applied to the ULFPSO platform concept with steel catenary riser.

Vilameá, Eduardo Marçal 14 June 2017 (has links)
A exploração de bacias petrolíferas do pré-sal, principalmente campos gigantes como o campo de Libra, na bacia de Santos, traz consigo demandas por sistemas capazes de operar com poços de alta capacidade de produção e em grandes profundidades. Nesse cenário, linhas de produção ou injeção (risers) rígidas em catenária livre apresentam a forma mais simples de solução para essas demandas. A utilização de risers rígidos em catenária livre, como já sabido, permite uma maior produtividade por linha devido a possibilidade de utilização de dutos de maiores diâmetros, ao mesmo tempo em que resistem a maiores pressões, possibilitando a exploração de forma mais eficiente de poços em grandes profundidades. No entanto, este tipo de solução, devido a sua natureza de maior rigidez quando comparado com dutos flexíveis, é submetida a esforços dinâmicos elevados impostos no topo do riser pela grande movimentação da embarcação, principalmente em operações em águas profundas, inviabilizando sua aplicação em unidades do tipo FPSOs convencionais, construídos a partir da conversão de um navio petroleiro. Este problema dinâmico é agravado pelas condições ambientais da região, que são mais severas do que as observadas na Bacia de Campos, tornando difícil a aplicação das tecnologias existentes. A alta produtividade dos poços do pré-sal da Bacia de Santos também estimula a utilização de plantas de processo de alta capacidade de processamento de óleo, maiores do que as utilizadas até hoje no offshore brasileiro. Estimativas iniciais mostram que estas plantas gigantes demandam uma área de convés muito maior do que as plataformas convencionais, e, mais do que isso, de uma maior largura (boca) da embarcação. Para atender requisitos tão conflitantes, foi desenvolvido o conceito ULFPSO (Unidade Flutuante de Produção, Armazenamento e Alívio Ultra-Larga), que se caracteriza por sua proa e popa circulares e pela presença do moonpool, de forma a viabilizar a conexão dos risers mais próximos ao centro de gravidade da plataforma, reduzindo assim o esforço dinâmico. Adicionalmente a forma do casco é otimizada para redução do nível de movimentos verticais, reduzindo os esforços dinâmicos nos risers. Nesta dissertação de mestrado serão apresentados os estudos relativos à comprovação de viabilidade do conceito, dividido em três etapas: A primeira com foco no entendimento do problema e dimensionamento preliminar da unidade; A segunda focada na avaliação experimental do conceito; E finalmente, a terceira, com objetivo de avaliar o modelo de síntese para otimização do projeto do casco, com base nos resultados obtidos nas fases anteriores. / The offshore exploitation of oil fields in the pre-salt, especially giant fields such as Libra, in the Santos basin, brings with it demands for systems capable of operating with high capacity production wells and at ultra-deep waters. In this scenario production or injection steel catenary risers present the simplest solution for these demands. As known in industry, the use of steel catenary risers in free-hanging configuration allows greater productivity per line due to the possibility of using pipes of larger diameters, at the same time withstand higher pressures, allowing for more efficient wells operation at great depths. However, due to its nature more rigid compared to flexible pipe, this kind of solution is subjected to high dynamic forces imposed on the top of the riser by the large movement of the vessel, especially in deepwater operations, impeding their application in FPSO conventional units, constructed from the conversion of an oil tanker. This dynamic problem is compounded by environmental conditions of the region, which are harsher than those observed in the Campos Basin, making it difficult to apply other extant technologies. The high productivity of the pre-salt of Santos Basin wells stimulate the use of plants to high-capacity oil processing process, larger than those used today in the Brazilian offshore. Initial estimates show that these plants require a much larger deck area than conventional platforms and, more than that, a greatest width (breadth) of the vessel. To satisfy such conflicting requirements, the ULFPSO (Ultra Large Floating Production, Storage and Offloading) concept was developed, which is characterized by its circular bow and stern and the presence of the moonpool, to enable the connection of the risers closest to the platform\'s center of gravity, thereby reducing the dynamic tension. Additionally, the hull shape is optimized to reduce vertical movements, reducing dynamic stresses on the riser. In this master\'s thesis will be presented studies on the proof of concept viability, divided into three stages: The first focused on understanding the problem and preliminary sizing of the unit; The second focused on the experimental evaluation of the concept; And finally, the third, to evaluate the synthesis model for optimizing hull design, based on the results obtained in the previous phases.

Mécanismes de l'extension continentale au Mésozoïque en Asie de l'Est / Mechanisms of Mesozoic continental extension in East Asia

Charles, Nicolas 01 December 2010 (has links)
La lithosphère continentale peut s’étirer selon trois modes (rift large, rift étroit et Core Complex). En Asie de l’Est, une extension continentale a eu lieu de la fin du Mésozoïque au Cénozoïque et ne semble correspondre à aucun des trois modes actuellement définis. Cette période est caractérisée par un amincissement lithosphérique exceptionnel (>100 km), la présence de MCC, de bassins sédimentaires et une importante activité magmatique. Basé sur une approche multi-échelles, ce travail vise à mieux comprendre les mécanismes à l’origine de cette déformation lithosphérique (jamais abordés) ainsi que du moteur de l’extension (encore vivement discuté). Pluridisciplinaire, cette étude apporte de nouvelles contraintes à partir de l’analyse de la déformation finie (ductile ou fragile), du magnétisme des roches (ASM, paléomagnétisme), de la géochronologie (U/Pb sur zircon et 40Ar/39Ar sur monograins) et de la gravimétrie. Différents objets reconnus, révélant des quantités d’extension différentes (MCC vs. pluton cisaillé), montrent que la croûte continentale se déforme de manière très localisée, par la mise en place de larges dômes extensifs séparant des domaines de « radeaux » ou « boudins » présentant une déformation faible à nulle. Par comparaison des données crustales et mantelliques (tomographie sismique, géochimie) disponibles, cette étude met en évidence que l’amincissement lithosphérique reconnu pour le Mésozoïque est principalement lié à un important flux thermique du manteau, l’extension n’ayant qu’un rôle limité dans cet amincissement (<20%). En outre, eu égard au gradient géothermique exceptionnellement élevé de la région, à la fin du Mésozoïque, il semble très probable que des MCC puissent s’être développés sans épaississement préalable de la croûte. L’analyse comparée des directions d’étirement dans la croûte et dans le manteau met en évidence le rôle majeur de la subduction des panneaux plongeants le long de la marge est-asiatique. Un modèle géodynamique a été proposé montrant le rôle du retrait successif des panneaux plongeants couplé à un phénomène d’érosion thermique de la lithosphère. / Continental lithosphere can be stretched according to three modes (wide rift, narrow rift, Core Complex). In East Asia, a continental extension occurred during the Late Mesozoic to Cenozoic times and seems to do not correspond to any of three modes currently defined. This period is characterised by an exceptional lithospheric thinning (> 100 km) with the presence of MCC, sedimentary basins and a huge magmatic activity. Based on a multi-scale approach, this work aims to better understand the mechanisms of this lithospheric deformation (never addressed) and the engine of the extension (yet highly debated). This study provides new multidisciplinary constraints from the analysis of finite strain (ductile or brittle), rock magnetism (AMS, palaeomagnetism), geochronology (U/Pb on zircon and 40Ar/39Ar on single crystals) and gravity. Different objects have been recognised, revealing different amounts of extension (MCC vs. sheared pluton), and show that the continental crust is locally highly deformed, with emplacements of large MCCs between "rafts" or "boudins" domains which are weakly strained to unstrained. By comparison of available crustal and mantle data (seismic tomography, geochemistry), this study shows that the lithospheric thinning recognised for the Mesozoic is mainly related to a major mantle heat flux, the extension plays a limited role in this thinning (<20%). In addition, given the exceptional high geothermal gradient in the region at the end of the Mesozoic, it seems very likely that MCC may have developed without pre-thickened crust. Comparative analysis of stretching directions within the crust and mantle highlights that the subduction of the (palaeo) Pacific plate along the East Asian margin may play an initial and major role during Late Mesozoic extensional event. A geodynamic model has been proposed to show the role of the successive retreat of subducting slabs coupled to a thermal erosion of the lithosphere.

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