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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Legitimizing gambling businesses’ negative aspects in sustainability reports : A qualitative study of sustainability reports

Skeppstedt, Carl, Karlsson, Anna January 2022 (has links)
Sustainability is a highly relevant and debated topic. More companies disclose sustainability information and in 2017 it became mandatory for larger companies in Sweden to prepare a sustainability report. Some industries are considered more or less socially accepted. One industry that suffers legitimacy problems due to its business’ nature is the gambling industry. The gambling industry is associated with social issues, gambling addiction, corruption, and money laundering, which can be considered problematic from a legitimacy perspective. This study intends to increase the understanding of how Swedish gambling companies communicate negative aspects through sustainability reporting and what role sustainability reporting has in controversial industries, such as the gambling industry.  The study was conducted by a combination of an analysis of sustainability reports from Swedish gambling companies and interviews with audit professionals. The combination of different data sources intends to give a broad perspective and a deeper understanding for how negative aspects are communicated and the role of sustainability reports. The study finds that there is a clear pattern in how different legitimation strategies are used when disclosing certain negative aspects. This study also finds that sustainability reporting is considered as a communication tool even in controversial industries where manipulation is said to occur frequently.

Does CSR create firm value? : A Comparison of moderating effects of country and industry characteristics

Flachsland, Christian Erich Oskar January 2017 (has links)
This study aims to demonstrate how different country and industry-level variables affect the value-creating abilities of CSR initiatives. It contributes to the growing body of literature about CSR as it directly compares the moderating effects of the quality of country-level institutions with the moderating effects of the respective industry sector. The study amongst 3,670 firms in a sample period from 2006-2014 shows that CSR initiatives have a superior value-creating ability in environments with weak capital markets and country governance standards. Firms in controversial industry sectors have a superior ability to create value through CSR because they display a higher potential for reputational gains through CSR due to the nature of their business. The results of the study suggest a supremacy of country-level determinants over industry-level determinants of the CSR-firm value relationship.

CSR som legitimeringsstrategi : En textanalys av kommunikationen kring socialt ansvar hos Swedish Match och Japan Tobacco International

Lindkvist, Henrik, Malm, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
An organisation's survival depends on being considered legitimate through the eyes of society. Through CSR-work, organisations strive to appease stakeholders in order to reach and maintain legitimacy. In controversial industries this work is significantly harder, for such businesses often cause harm to human health, society and/or environment. The purpose of this study is to critically review how companies in the tobacco industry legitimise their businesses through communications of CSR-work. Through analysis of Swedish Match’s and Japan Tobacco International’s webpages and annual reports this study aims to understand how they communicate their social responsibility to stakeholders and society. Since CSR-work and legitimacy within controversial industries is a relatively unexplored subject of research, prior scientific research has formed a significant basis for the study. Prior scientific research states that CSR-communication with high-transparency and preventative strategies have the highest legitimising effect within controversial industries. The theoretical framework has been based on legitimacy- and communication theories, combined with Bacchis’ analytical theory and method WPR. The method used in the study is an ideology critical text analysis. The results show that the companies use high-transparency and remedying CSR-strategies in their communication to strive for legitimacy. Overall, the companies use their platforms to strengthen the legitimacy of their risk-reducing products, environmental initiatives and their work with human rights in their supply-chains. / En organisations överlevnad är beroende av att den uppfattas som legitim av omvärlden. Genom CSR-arbete strävar organisationer efter att blidka intressenter och uppnå legitimitet. I kontroversiella industrier är detta betydligt svårare då sådana verksamheter ofta orsakar skada för hälsa, miljö och/eller samhälle. Syftet med denna studie är att kritiskt granska hur tobaksindustrier legitimerar sin verksamhet genom kommunikation om CSR-arbete. Genom analys av Swedish Matchs och Japan Tobacco Internationals hemsidor och årsrapporter ämnar studien att förstå hur företagen kommunicerar sitt sociala ansvar till allmänheten och intressenter. Eftersom CSR-arbete och legitimitet inom kontroversiella industrier är ett relativt outforskat ämne har tidigare forskning utgjort en betydande grund för denna studie. Tidigare forskning visar att CSR-kommunikation med hög transparens och förebyggande strategier har störst legitimerande effekt inom kontroversiella industrier. Studiens teoretiska ramverk består av legitimitets- och kommunikationsteorier som används tillsammans med Bacchis analytiska teori och metod WPR. Metoden som används är en ideologikritisk kvalitativ textanalys. Resultaten från studien visar att företagen använder sig av hög transparens och avhjälpande CSR-strategier i sin kommunikation för att uppnå legitimitet. Överlag använder företagen sin plattform för att stärka legitimiteten för nya riskreducerande produkter, miljösatsningar och arbetet med mänskliga rättigheter i sin leverantörskedja.

Controversial Industries: does it pay to ignore social norms?

van Nuenen, M.R.T.M. January 2018 (has links)
This paper investigates the impact of social norms on the performance and valuation of “controversial stocks”- publicly traded companies involved in the production of Adult Entertainment, Alcohol, Gambling, Nuclear Energy, Tobacco, Uranium, and Weapons. Their performance and valuation is directly compared with compare non-controversial stocks. The paper consider an international sample of 941 controversial stocks. Employing a multi-factor performance measure, seven countries provide a significant outperformance of controversial stocks across all relevant control factors. The valuation analysis, however, provide mixed results on a country level, but on the global market-to-book ratio provide a significant overvaluation of controversial stocks compared to comparable non-controversial stocks, which contradicts the prediction of an undervaluation.JEL classification:

Lönar det sig för kontroversiella branscher att engagera sig i CSR? : En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan kontroversiella branschers CSR-engagemang och finansiell prestation / Does it pay off for controversial industries to engage in CSR? : A quantitative study of the relationship between controversial industries CSR-commitment and financial performance

Fors, Sara, Olsson, Amanda January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Kontroversiella branscher producerar produkter eller tillhandahåller tjänster vilka kan orsaka stora skador hos enskilda människor men även för samhället i helhet. För företag inom dessa branscher kan det ses som motsägande att engagera sig i CSR-aktiviteter. Det finns studier som undersöker om det finns en möjlighet för företag inom kontroversiella branscher att inte bara ta socialt ansvar utan även kunna öka sin finansiella prestation, men har endast gjort detta för CSR som en helhet. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka vilken eller vilka av CSR-dimensionerna miljö, social och företagsstyrning som har störst effekt på företagets finansiella prestation för företag som agerar inom kontroversiella branscher. Metod: Studien har utifrån en positivistisk forskningsfilosofi antagit en deduktiv ansats för en kvantitativ undersökning. Studien använder enbart sekundärdata och har en longitudinell design där data samlats in för åren 2011-2015. I studiens urval ingår 63 företag inom de kontroversiella branscherna alkohol, spel och tobak utan någon geografisk begränsning. För att mäta olika dimensioner av CSR har måttet ESG använts och för finansiell prestation har måtten Tobin’s Q och ROA använts. Samtlig data för måtten har hämtats från Thomson Reuters Datastream och behandlats i statistikprogrammen SPSS och STATA för att sedan analyseras utifrån multipla regressioner. Resultat & slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att det finns ett positivt samband mellan den sociala dimensionen och finansiell prestation, ett negativt mellan företagsstyrningsdimensionen och finansiell prestation medan vi inte finner något stöd för ett samband mellan miljödimensionen och finansiell prestation. För kontroversiella branscher visar det att ett engagemang i den sociala dimensionen av CSR är det enda som har en positiv effekt på företagens finansiella prestation.  Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien bidrar med en bättre förståelse för hur kontroversiella branscher kan öka sin finansiella prestation genom ett CSR-engagemang. Tidigare resultat har funnit varierande resultat angående sambandet mellan CSR och finansiell prestation och genom att undersöka olika dimensioner av CSR har vi bidragit till att öka förståelsen till de varierande resultaten. Förslag till vidare forskning: I vår studie har vi använt oss av ESG som mått för olika dimensioner av CSR vilket gav oss en population på 112 företag för hela världen. Vidare forskning bör därför fokusera på ett annat mått för CSR för att få en större population vilket bidrar till högre validitet än vad vår studie har. Vi föreslår även att framtida studier analyserar vardera år för sig för att se på hur kontroversiella företags CSR-engagemang utvecklas över åren, för en djupare förståelse om dess samband med finansiell prestation. / Aim: Controversial industries produces products or offer services which can cause great damage not only for separate individuals but also for the society in total. For businesses within these industries it could be contradictive to commit in CSR-activities. There are studies that examines if there is a possibility for businesses to not only take a social responsibility but also increase their financial performance. In earlier studies it has been executed mostly for CSR in whole and the aim of this study is therefore to investigate which of the CSR-dimensions environment, social and corporate governance that has the greatest effect on financial performance for businesses operating within controversial industries. Method: From a positivist research philosophy the study has taken a deductive approach for a quantitative examination. The study only uses secondary data and a longitudinal design where data was collected for the years 2011-2015. The study´s sample consists of 63 businesses within the controversial industries alcohol, gambling and tobacco without any geographical limits. To measure different dimensions of CSR we used the measurement ESG and for financial performance we used Tobin’s Q and ROA. All data for the measurements has been collected from the database Thomson Reuters Datastream and processed in the statistical programs SPSS and STATA to later be analyzed with a multiple regression. Results & Conclusions: The result of the study shows a positive relationship between the social dimension and financial performance, a negative relationship between the corporate governance dimension and financial performance while we couldn’t find any support for a relationship between the environmental dimension and financial performance. For businesses in controversial industries it shows that a commitment in the social dimension of CSR generated the only positive relationship. Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes with a better understanding for how controversial industries can increase their financial performance through a CSR-commitment. Earlier studies have found varying results regarding the relationship between CSR and financial performance within controversial industries. Through our research we have contributed to a greater understanding to the varying results and the possible underlying reason of them. Suggestions for future research: In our study we used ESG as a measurement for different dimensions of CSR which gave us a population of 112 businesses for the whole world. Further studies should therefore focus on another measurement for the dimensions of CSR to get a bigger population, which will create a higher validity then our study has. For the future we suggest analyzations of each year separately to see how businesses within controversial industries develops regarding their CSR-commitment and financial performance over the years for a deeper understanding of the relationship.

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