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Vyhodnocování, zvládání a snižování stresu / Stress Evaluation, Coping and ReductionHanáčková, Eva January 2010 (has links)
The master´s thesis on the theme "Stress evaluation, coping and reduction" focuses on the analysis of stress load on students, future managers, entrepreneurs and other professionals. The work explains what stress is, which are the causes of its emergence, how increased stress load can influence us and how to manage stress. In the practical part I will compare the scale of stress load between different groups of students and on the basis of this analysis I will specify the most frequent factors that stress students the most. In conclusion, I will formulate specific recommendations, how stress can be reduced.
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Strategie zvládání stresových situací v populaci jedinců s poruchami chování / Coping Strategies with Stressful Situations in Population of Individuals with Behavioral DisordersBidmonová, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
4 Abstract The topic of this thesis is the strategy of coping with stressful situations in a population of individuals with behavioral disorders. The starting point of the thesis lies in the assumption that adolescents with behavioral disorders show greater difficulties in coping with stressful situations and react differently from their peers that have no behavioral disorders. The target group of respondents is represented by clients of juvenile correctional institutions, specifically boys between 15 and 19 years of age. Their answers are compared with a comparison group of students from secondary schools that have no behavioral disorders. The strategies of coping with stress are examined through the use of two methods, a questionnaire "Strategie zvládání stresu SVF 78" and the semiprojective Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Test. The results indicate that the group of adolescent boys placed in juvenile correctional institutions, shows the tendency to resign more frequently and the effort to gain control over stressful situations less often. Contrary to expectations, the predicted search for alternative activities to escape from stressful situations was not confirmed. Furthemore, neither the tendency for a behavior-oriented self defence nor ones` aggresive actions directed at the surroundings occured....
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Policininkų trauminė patirtis ir jos psichologiniai padariniai / Traumatic experience and psichological effects in policeKuodienė, Vilma 23 June 2014 (has links)
Policininkai, kaip specifinė profesinė grupė, tarnyboje susiduria su trauminiais įvykiais, darbe patirtą stresą dažniausiai įveikia neigiamomis strategijomis. Šio tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti policininkų patirtų traumų padarinių ir veiksnių, susijusių su traumine patirtimi, ypatumus. Tyrimo uždaviniai buvo įvertinti subjektyvų pareigūnų trauminį patyrimą, potrauminio streso simptomatikos intensyvumą, nevilties išgyvenimo intensyvumą, patiriamą potrauminį augimą, gaunamą socialinę paramą. Tyrime dalyvavo 81 policijos pareigūnas, per pastaruosius 3 metus tarnyboje patyręs trauminį įvykį. Tyrime taikytos šios metodikos: Įvykio poveikio skalė – revizuota (IES-R) (Weiss, 2004; liet. k. Kazlauskas ir kt., 2006), Subjektyvaus trauminio patyrimo skalė (STP) (Kazlauskas, Gailienė, Šimėnaitė, 2007), Potrauminio augimo skalė (PTA) (Tedeschi, Calhoun, 1996; liet. k. Gailienė, Kazlauskas, 2005), Becko nevilties skalė (BHS) (Beck, Steer, 1988) ir parengtas specialus Policininko sukrečiančio įvykio ir potrauminio patyrimo klausimynas (sudarė darbo autorė). Tyrimas atskleidė, kad apie 60 proc. policijos pareigūnų profesinėje veikloje patiria trauminius įvykius. Dažniausiai traumines situacijas policininkai patiria tada, kai yra sunkiai sužalota arba nužudyta auka. Nepaisant trauminės patirties, neigiamų policininkų traumos psichologinių padarinių nenustatyta: silpna neviltis, maži potrauminio streso sutrikimo požymių rodikliai. Taip pat žemas potrauminio augimo lygis. Rezultatai rodo, kad... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Policemen, as a specific professional group, often encounter traumatic events at service and usually handle the stress experienced at work with the help of negative strategies. The purpose of this research is to determine the peculiarities of consequences of traumas and factors related to traumatic experience. The goals of the research were to assess the subjective experience of officers, symptomatics of post-traumatic stress disorder, intensiveness of the feeling of hopelessness, post-traumatic growth and social assistance received. 81 police officer who has experienced a traumatic event at service during the 3 recent years, participated in the research. The methods applied in the research are as follows: The Impact of Event Scale – revised (IES-R) (Weiss, 2004; Lith.: Kazlauskas et al., 2006), The Subjective Traumatic Experience Scale (STE) (Kazlauskas, Gailienė, Šimėnaitė, 2007), The Post-traumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) (Tedeschi, Calhoun, 1996; Lith. Gailienė, Kazlauskas, 2005), Beck’s Hopelessness Scale (BHS) (Beck, Steer, 1998) and specially compiled questionnaires for policemen on a shocking event and post-traumatic experience (created by the author of this study). The research has revealed that about 60 percent of police officers experience traumatic events in their professional activities. Most frequently experienced traumatic situations by policemen are those, where there is a heavily injured, or killed victim. Regardless of traumatic experience, negative... [to full text]
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GESTIRE LO STRESS CON LE NUOVE TECNOLOGIE: REGOLAZIONE ED INDUZIONE EMOTIVA NEL CONTESTO UNIVERSITARIO E LAVORATIVO / Coping with stress by using new technologies: emotion regulation and induction in academic and working settingsGRASSI, ALESSANDRA 08 March 2010 (has links)
La tesi ha analizzato il complesso rapporto tra il processo di induzione emotiva e le nuove tecnologie.
Nello specifico la tesi ha indagato l’efficacia, nel processo di induzione e gestione delle emozioni, di contenuti audio/video implementati su diversi media: telefoni cellulari UMTS, dvd, lettori Mp3, cd audio e pc desktop + Head Mounted Display.
Il contributo pratico dell’elaborato si articola in tre studi, una ricerca di base e due applicate, all’interno dei quali ai nuovi media viene attribuito un ruolo fondamentale per la gestione di emozioni negative e l’incremento di stati di benessere in diversi contesti quotidiani: la gestione dell’ansia da esame universitario e la gestione dello stress da lavoro in un campione di insegnanti.
I risultati ottenuti a seguito delle ricerche effettuate suggeriscono che le nuove tecnologie di comunicazione possono essere utilizzate come efficaci strumenti di induzione e gestione degli stati emotivi. I nuovi media, telefoni cellulari o lettori Mp3, di forte uso comune e caratterizzati da un’elevata portabilità, vengono investiti di un nuovo ruolo nel panorama di ricerca della Psicologia Positiva. La possibilità di utilizzare le nuove tecnologie per incrementare il proprio stato di benessere e migliorare la qualità della vita, indica l’emergere di una nuova area di ricerca: la “Tecnologia Positiva”. / This thesis analyzed the complex relation between the emotion induction process and the new technologies. Specifically the work investigated the effectiveness of audio and video content in the emotion induction process by using different media (mobile phone, dvd, mp3 player, audio cd and pc desktop + Head Mounted Display).
The practical contribution is divided in three studies, one basic and two apply investigations, considering the new media as tools able to manage negative emotions and to induce a deep sense of wellness in two different settings: university exam anxiety and work related stress in a teachers sample.
Results suggest the effectiveness of the new communication technologies to induce and manage different emotional states. New media, Mobile phone and Mp3 player, characterized by high portability, gained a new role in the field of Positive Psychology research. The possibility of using new technologies to improve wellness and the quality of life of users suggests the emergence of a new area: Positive Technology.
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Stres a hodnocení / Stress and school assessmentŠTĚPÁNKOVÁ, Dana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis "Stress and school evaluation" has theoretical and empirical character. The aim of the thesis is to compare the occurrence of stress for students in upper primary schools when different forms of evaluation are used. In the theoretical section, the concept of "stress", different types of stress, and definitions of the terms are given. The manifestations and causes of stress, as well as coping mechanisms, are also described and elaborated. One part of this section deals with the developmental stages of adolescents, and a second part is dedicated to the explanation of different school evaluation forms (assessment and verbal evaluation). The particular functions of evaluations are not neglected. Survey results from questionnaires completed by students from two different schools were used in the empirical section of the thesis. The primary hypotheses and assumptions were defined and elaboration of the results was presented, including well-arranged tables and graphs. In the summary of this research, the stress levels and their relations to different types of evaluation methods are reported.
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Sociální práce, životní zkušenost / Social work, life experienceJirkovcová, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
The topic of my diploma thesis is - a social worker, life experience. In the text of the thesis I focused mainly on a social worker, on the social worker who does this work for the Child Social and Legal Protection Authority. In my diploma thesis, I elaborated five chapters on the basis of academic literature. The sixth chapter of my work deals with methodological research. In the first chapter I dealt with the history of social work. This chapter is included in my work due to the experience acquired from my practice. What social work looks like today is thanks to the history and the lessons taken from it. It is the basis for the further development of new experience for new social workers. In the second chapter, I focused on the aspects that are needed in order to become a social worker. What should be the prerequisites to be able to do this work, and what ethical rules should the worker follow. In the third chapter, I focus on a particular OSPOD worker, and on his most common job content. There I describe the job, which is the most demanding for the worker. The first contact with the child, social investigation and individual planning. The fourth and fifth chapters follow each other. In the fourth chapter I describe what complications can arise while carrying out the job as a social worker. In...
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Afrontamiento de problemas éticos por enfermeras en emergencia y unidad de vigilancia intensiva con pacientes en estado crítico, Chiclayo, 2021Barsallo Fernandez, Fiorella January 2023 (has links)
Los profesionales de enfermería perciben problemas de carácter ético, ante las responsabilidades con el cuidado de las personas, ingresadas en las áreas de emergencia y de la unidad de vigilancia intensiva, ya que brindan cuidados a personas en estado de salud crítico, lo que conlleva a generarles diversos problemas de ámbito legales y éticos. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivos describir y analizar el afrontamiento de problemas éticos que realizan las enfermeras de emergencia y unidad de vigilancia intensiva con el paciente en estado crítico, Chiclayo, 2021. La investigación fue cualitativa, descriptiva-interpretativa. Participaron 15 enfermeras de las áreas de emergencia y unidad de vigilancia intensiva del Hospital Regional Policial de Chiclayo. La muestra se obtuvo por criterios de saturación y redundancia, y el muestreo fue por bola de nieve. Para la recogida de datos se utilizó la entrevista semiestructurada a profundidad, validada por expertos y estudio piloto. En modalidad virtual usando plataforma Zoom y/o WhatsApp. Para el proceso de los datos se utilizó el análisis de contenido. Avalado por principios éticos y de rigor científico. Se obtuvieron tres categorías: Deliberando la presencia de problemas éticos por las enfermeras de emergencia y unidades críticas, II. Problemas éticos con los pacientes hospitalizados, familiares, personal de salud y recursos y III. Decisiones de afrontamiento en problemas éticos desafiantes. Concluyendo que con los pacientes existe información incompleta sobre su diagnóstico, vulnerabilidad en el predominio de la autonomía, así como abandono familiar, encontrando / Nursing professionals perceive problems of an ethical nature, given the responsibilities with the care of people admitted to the emergency areas and the intensive surveillance unit, since they provide care to people in a critical state of health, which leads to generate various legal and ethical problems. The objectives of this research were to describe and analyze how emergency nurses and intensive care unit nurses deal with ethical problems with patients in critical condition, Chiclayo, 2021. The research was qualitative, descriptive-interpretive. 15 nurses from the emergency areas and intensive surveillance unit of the Regional Police Hospital of Chiclayo participated. The sample was obtained by saturation and redundancy criteria, and sampling was by snowball. An in-depth semi-structured interview, validated by experts, and a pilot study were used to collect data. In virtual mode using the Zoom and/or WhatsApp platform. Content analysis was used to process the data. Backed by ethical principles and scientific rigor. Three categories were obtained: Deliberating the presence of ethical problems by emergency nurses and critical units, II. Ethical problems with hospitalized patients, family members, health personnel and resources and III. Coping decisions in challenging ethical problems. Concluding that with patients there is incomplete information about their diagnosis, vulnerability in the predominance of autonomy, as well as family abandonment, finding resolutions to these problems in their code of ethics and adhered principles.
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Estilos de afrontamiento de estrés y satisfacción laboral en colaboradores de una organización sin fines de lucro, Perú 2022Salas Silva, Renyel Jesus January 2023 (has links)
El afrontamiento al estrés es importante cuando se quiere entender el comportamiento organizacional de los colaboradores, ya que, a partir de esto, será de mayor facilidad para las empresas poder establecer planes guiados a mejorar estos recursos de afronte. A su vez, tener en cuenta que la satisfacción laboral está relacionada de manera directa con la forma en que los colaboradores perciben ciertas situaciones de tipo estresantes. Por ello se planteó esta investigación no experimental de tipo descriptivo correlacional, donde el objetivo general fue determinar la relación entre los estilos de afrontamiento de estrés y la satisfacción laboral, y de manera específica, identificar el estilo de afrontamiento de estrés predominante, el nivel de satisfacción laboral, la relación entre los estilos de afrontamiento de estrés y las dimensiones de satisfacción laboral, y el nivel de los estilos de afrontamiento de estrés y los de satisfacción laboral según edad, sexo, puesto y sede en 503 colaboradores de una Organización sin fines de lucro; a través del Cuestionario de afrontamiento al estrés (COPE), con una confiabilidad de 0.79, y la Escala de Satisfacción Laboral SL-SPC con una confiabilidad de 0.76. Donde se encontró que, los estilos de afrontamiento de estrés adicionales, son los predominantes, y el nivel predominante de satisfacción laboral es el promedio, los cuales se presentaron de la misma manera según las variables sociodemográficas. Concluyendo en que no existe correlación estadísticamente significativa entre ambas variables. / Coping with stress is important when you want to understand the organizational behavior of employees, since from this it will be easier for companies to establish guided plans to improve these coping resources. In turn, keep in mind that job satisfaction is directly related to the way employees perceive certain stressful situations. For this reason, this non-experimental investigation of a descriptive correlational type was planned, where the general objective was to determine the relationship between stress coping styles and job satisfaction, and specifically, to identify the predominant stress coping style, the level of job satisfaction, the relationship between stress coping styles and job satisfaction dimensions, and the level of stress coping styles and job satisfaction according to age, sex, position and location in 503 employees of a non-profit organization profit; through the Coping with Stress Questionnaire (COPE), with a reliability of 0.79, and the Job Satisfaction Scale SL-SPC with a reliability of 0.76. Where it was found that additional stress coping styles are predominant, and the predominant level of job satisfaction is average, wich were in the same way in the sociodemographic variables. Concluding that there is no statistically significant correlation between both variables.
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This study was conducted in San Bernardino County, California. Participants completed a questionnaire regarding conflicts that arise between co-parents, levels of stress from conflicts, how parts negotiate, cooperate, collaborate and communicate and the types of coping skills that participants use when stressed. The purpose of this study was to examine conflicts between parents and caregivers who share the custody of their children with another parent or caregiver. This study also assessed coping skills and co-parenting resources that are available in San Bernardino County. Twenty-two participants completed the study, 19 were female and 3 were male. Most of the participants were Latino. Over 77% of participants reported having conflicts with the other parent or caregiver. Nearly 73% of participants reported high levels of stress when having conflicts with the other parent or caregiver. However, participants reported being able to negotiate, cooperate, collaborate and communicate appropriately with the other parent or caregiver. Participants reported that they used a variety of primitive, less primitive and mature coping mechanism when dealing with conflicts with the other parent or giver. The results also showed that few participants had engaged in co-parenting interventions that were provided in San Bernardino County.
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Estilos de afrontamiento al estrés y bienestar psicológico en adolescentes de un colegio público de Lima Metropolitana / Coping styles and psychological well-being in adolescents from a public school in Metropolitan LimaRebora Cavalieri D'Oro, Daniela 02 July 2021 (has links)
Objetivo general: determinar la relación entre los estilos de afrontamiento y el bienestar psicológico en adolescentes de un colegio estatal de Lima Metropolitana. Objetivo específico: comparar ambas variables según sexo. Método: la muestra estuvo conformada por 286 adolescentes entre 14 y 17 años de edad (M=15.50; DE = 0. 987), de los cuales el 48.3% son mujeres y el 51.7% son varones. Se aplicó el inventario Escalas de Afrontamiento para Adolescentes (ACS Lima; Canessa, 2002), original de Frydenberg y Lewis, y el Cuestionario de Bienestar Psicológico para jóvenes BIEPS-J (Cortez, 2016), original de Casullo y Castro-Solano. Se observó adecuada validez y confiabilidad para los puntajes de ambos instrumentos. Resultados: se estableció relación directa, moderada, con tamaño del efecto moderado entre el afrontamiento centrado a la emoción y a los otros y el bienestar psicológico. También se encontró una relación directa, débil y con tamaño del efecto mínimo entre el Afrontamiento centrado en el problema y el bienestar psicológico. Finalmente, se encontró una relación inversa, débil y con tamaño del efecto mínimo entre el afrontamiento poco funcional y el bienestar psicológico. Además, existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en afrontamiento y bienestar psicológico según sexo, siendo los hombres quienes puntúan más alto en afrontamiento centrado a la emoción y a los otros, y bienestar psicológico, mientras que las mujeres puntúan más alto en afrontamiento poco funcional. / Main objective: to determine the relationship between coping styles and psychological well-being in adolescents from a public school in Metropolitan Lima. Specific objective: to compare both variables according to sex. Method: the sample consisted of 286 adolescents between 14 and 17 years of age (M = 15.50; SD = 0. 987), of which 48.3% are women and 51.7% are men. The inventory Coping Scales for Adolescents (ACS Lima; Canessa, 2002), original by Frydenberg and Lewis, and the Psychological Well-being Questionnaire for young people BIEPS-J (Cortez, 2016), original by Casullo and Castro-Solano. Adequate validity and reliability were observed for the scores of both instruments. Results: a direct, moderate relationship with a moderate effect size was established between emotion and others-centered coping and psychological well-being. A direct, weak, and minimal effect size relationship was also found between problem-focused coping and psychological well-being. Finally, a weak, inverse relationship with minimal effect size was found between poorly functional coping and psychological well-being. In addition, there are statistically significant differences in coping and psychological well-being according to sex, with men scoring higher in coping focused on emotion and others, and psychological well-being, while women score higher in non-functional coping. / Tesis
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