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This study provided an examination of a comparison of the acquisition of skills between two different instructional conditions in teaching reading of vocabulary to high school students with moderate and severe disabilities. A comparison of the acquisition between the use of words with pictures and words alone was completed. An adapted alternating treatment design replicated across 4 participants was used to evaluate the differences in efficiency and effectiveness between the two instructional strategies (words with pictures and words alone). Results indicate both strategies were effective.
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Addressing Multiple Priorities in Academic Core Content InstructionKnight, Victoria, Mims, Pamela J., Root, Jenny 14 December 2017 (has links)
Secondary teachers of students with extensive support needs are tasked with helping their students prepare for successful post-secondary outcomes by setting and making progress toward meaningful goals related to self-determination, social and communication skills, and other individualized needs. Federal law also mandates that teachers provide academic core content instruction that is aligned with grade level standards, and recent federal rulings (e.g., Endrew v. Douglas County) have highlighted the need for instruction to be specially designed based on the unique needs of individual students with disabilities. The impact of standards-based instruction on the adult lives of individuals with extensive support needs is yet to be seen, but increased academic opportunities will provide an increased level of skills over prior generations. One way educators can meet the unique individual needs of their students is to integrate transition skills and goals within academic instruction. This presentation will provide guidance to educators on how to ensure academic core content instruction is personally relevant for secondary students with extensive support needs in the areas of literacy, mathematics, and science.
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Åtgärdsprogram i matematik : Vägen mot kunskapskraven? / Education Plans in Mathematics : The Path to the Knowledge Requirements?Andersson, Oskar January 2015 (has links)
Läsåret 2013/2014 saknar nästan var tionde elev i årskurs 6 godkänt betyg i matematik. Matematik är ett av tre ämnen som en elev behöver godkänt i för att senare under sin skolgång kunna få gymnasiebehörighet. Skolan har ett lagstadgat uppdrag att ge alla elever förutsättningar att nå godtagbara kunskapskrav och om så inte sker ska ett särskilt stöd sättas in och dokumenteras i åtgärdsprogram. Åtgärdsprogram får kontinuerligt utstå en hel del kritik för att de alltför ofta brister i kvalitet. Genom en kvalitativ textanalys granskas 15 åtgärdsprogram med syfte att utveckla kunskapen kring hur arbetet med särskilt stöd i matematik skrivs fram och bearbetas. Studien visar att det finns en koppling mellan åtgärdsprogram och kunskapskrav i 22 av 29 behovsbeskrivningar i 11 av 15 åtgärdsprogram. Det saknas i fyra av 15 åtgärdsprogram helt en beskrivning av elevens behov av särskilt stöd utifrån kursplanen i matematiks centrala innehållsområden och angivna förmågor. Av 38 åtgärder i åtgärdsprogrammen är sex av tydlig karaktär och resterande 32 av diffus karaktär. En klar majoritet av åtgärderna uppfyller inte kriterier om utvärderingsbarhet och konkretion som anges i Skolverkets allmänna råd. Studien visar att 26 av 38 åtgärder har en anknytning till aktuell forskning kring vad som är att betrakta som gynnsamma åtgärder för elever i matematiksvårigheter. Enbart i två av 15 åtgärdsprogram syns ett tydligt samband mellan elevens framskrivna behov och de inskrivna åtgärderna. / Academic year 2013/2014 almost every tenth student in grades 6 lacks passing grade in mathematics. Mathematics is one of the three subjects that a student needs to pass in order to later in their schooling get high school eligibility. The school has a statutory mandate to provide all students with opportunities to achieve acceptable knowledge requirements and if this is not done, a special support should be deployed and documented in an education plan. Education plans must constantly endure a lot of criticism because they do often lack in quality. Through a qualitative text analysis 15 education plans will be reviewed for the purpose of developing knowledge about how the work with special support in math are projected and processed. The study shows that there is a link between education plan and knowledge requirement in 22 of the 29 necessary descriptions in 11 of the 15 education plans. In four of the 15 education plans a description of the student's special needs based on the Mathematical Syllabuses core content and given abilities is missing entirely. Of the 38 measures in the education plans there are six with distinct character and the remaining 32 are of a diffuse character. A clear majority of the measures do not fulfill the criteria of evaluability and concreteness specified in Skolverkets general advice. The study shows that 26 of the 38 measures are related to current research on what is considered to be favorable measures for students in mathematics difficulties. Only two of the 15 education plans shows a clear connection between the students written needs and measures.
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Inquiry-Based Student Learning Activities for Upper Secondary School ChemistryNielsen, Jonathan January 2019 (has links)
Läroplanen för gymnasiets Kemi 1 och Kemi 2 förespråkar elevplanerade laboratorieövningar. Men de nuvarande populära kurslitteratur som används för att undervisa Kemi 1 och Kemi 2 beskriver primärt bara elevlaboratorier med fullständiga instruktioner för eleverna att följa. Denna litteraturstudie listar och beskriver 15 undersökande elevaktiviteter för i Kemi 1 och Kemi 2. Beskrivningen fokuserar på elevaktivitet, förutsättningar och läranderesultat. Varje aktivitet hittades i en publicerad referentgranskad artikel. Dessa 15 elevaktiviteter kan sammanlagt användas till undervisning av 11 av de 19 screenade centrala innehåll från läroplanen för Kemi 1 och Kemi 2. / The state prescribed curriculum for the two chemistry courses Kemi 1 and Kemi 2 for Swedish upper secondary school, advocates student planned laboratory exercises. But the current popular course literature book systems used for teaching Kemi 1 and Kemi 2 primarily describe student laboratory exercises with complete step-by-step instructions for the students to follow. This literature study lists and describes 15 inquiry-based learning activities for students attending Kemi 1 and Kemi 2, the descriptions focus on student activity, preconditions, and learning outcome. Each activity was found in a published peer-reviewed article. Combined these 15 student activities can be used for teaching 11 out of the 19 screened core contents listed in the state prescribed curriculum for Kemi 1 and Kemi 2.
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Comprehension Strategies for Including Students with Significant Support Needs in Core ContentStanger, Carol, Mims, Pamela J. 05 December 2014 (has links)
Four studies demonstrate student gains in Common Core Standards in English Language Arts for middle school students with significant disabilities.
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Poverty, inequality and socio-economic rights: A theoretical framework for the realisation of socio-economic rights in the 2010 Kenyan ConstitutionOrago, Nicholas Wasonga January 2013 (has links)
<p>Poverty and inequality are deeply entrenched in Kenya, with the country being one of the most unequal countries in the world. To eradicate poverty and inequality, enhance the achievement of social justice, fast-track human development, as well as to entrench participatory democracy<br />
and a culture of justification in governance, Kenya has, for the first time, entrenched justiciable socio-economic rights (SERs) in its 2010 Constitution. In this thesis, I undertake a critical analysis of the prospects for the implementation and enforcement of the entrenched SERs as well as the probable challenges that Kenya may face in their realisation. In this endeavour, the thesis develops a theoretical and interpretive approach for the realisation of these entrenched SERs. It entails an expansive analysis of the nature, scope, content and extent of the SERs entrenched in the 2010 Kenyan Constitution, and especially the place of international human rights obligations contained in customs and ratified international human rights treaties due to the provisions of the 2010 Constitution which espouse the direct application of international law in Kenya&rsquo / s domestic legal system. It is submitted in this thesis that in order to improve the socio-economic conditions of the poor, vulnerable and marginalised groups in Kenya, there is a need for their socio-economic as well as political empowerment to enable them to effectively take part in societal decision-making in both the public and private spheres with regard to resource (re)distribution. The theory of dialogical constitutionalism, based on the constitutionally entrenched principle of popular participation in governance and public decision-making, is aimed at the realisation of both political and socio-economic empowerment of these groups. Even though the theory of dialogical constitutionalism underscores the importance of litigation in the achievement of the transformative aspirations of the 2010 Kenyan Constitution contained in the entrenched SERs, it acknowledges that litigation is not the panacea of SER enforcement, and that other political and advocacy strategies play an important role in the emancipation of the socio-economically deprived groups in society. The thesis thus advocates a multi-pronged strategy which espouses the equal participation of all sectors of society in a collaborative and cooperative deliberative effort aimed at the full realisation of the entrenched SERs. To accompany the above theoretical framework for the interpretation and implementation of the entrenched SERs, the thesis further proposes a transformative and integrated approach which combines the progressive aspects of the minimum core approachand the reasonableness approach. This is an approach of purposive interpretion which, in the first instance, envisages the courts undertaking a strict and searching scrutiny of the SER implementation framework developed by the political institutions of the State to ensure that sufficient provision has been made for the basic necessities of the most poor and vulnerable groups in society, basically the espousal of a minimum core content approach. The approach entails the requirement that should the SER implementation framework fail to provide this basic minimum to vulnerable groups, and the political institutions do not provide a substantive justification as to the failure, then the courts should find the relevant SER implementation<br />
framework per se unreasonable and thus invalid. However, should the implementation framework provide sufficiently for the basic essentials for vulnerable groups, the courts should then proceed to review it using the reasonableness standards that have been developed by the<br />
South African Constitutional Court. The rationale for this searching analysis is the acknowledgement that if the needs and interests of the most indigent and marginalised in society are not catered for, the entire corpus of rights in the Bill of Rights becomes redundant. The thesis then undertakes a case study of two rights, the right to food and the right to housing, using the theoretical and interpretive approaches developed in the previous chapters of the thesis. On food security, the thesis finds that Kenya is a food insecure country with a declining food production capacity. This is basically due to a lack of subsidy to farmers, global warming leading to intermittent rainfall, lack of investment in sustainable agriculture as well as a fragmented and contradictory legislative and policy agenda. In response to this situation, the thesis proposes the adoption of a livelihoods approach to food security in Kenya, based on the constitutionally entrenched right to food and other supporting rights. This approach advocates the enhancement of the food entitlements of the different sectors of the Kenyan society to ensure their access to adequate and nutritious food, be it through self-production or through the market. On the right to housing, the thesis finds that housing plays a crucial role in ensuring that people are able to have a holistic, dignified and valuable existence. However, Kenya faces a dire housing situation, with the majority of Kenyans, both in rural and urban areas lacking adequate shelter and sanitary conditions, evidenced by the large informal settlements in urban areas and the squatter phenomenon in rural areas. With the entrenchment of a justiciable right to adequate housing in the 2010 Constitution, the study finds that several legislative and policy reforms are underway to improve the housing situation, with efforts being made to draft theLandlord and Tenant Bill 2007, the Housing Bill 2011, the Evictions and Resettlement Guidelines and the Evictions and Resettlement Procedures Bill, 2012, among others. The thesis proposes that these legal reforms must be undertaken within an environment of cooperative and<br />
collaborative strategic partnership involving all sectors of society so as to ensure that the housing concerns as well as interests of all are catered for.</p>
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Poverty, inequality and socio-economic rights: A theoretical framework for the realisation of socio-economic rights in the 2010 Kenyan ConstitutionOrago, Nicholas Wasonga January 2013 (has links)
<p>Poverty and inequality are deeply entrenched in Kenya, with the country being one of the most unequal countries in the world. To eradicate poverty and inequality, enhance the achievement of social justice, fast-track human development, as well as to entrench participatory democracy<br />
and a culture of justification in governance, Kenya has, for the first time, entrenched justiciable socio-economic rights (SERs) in its 2010 Constitution. In this thesis, I undertake a critical analysis of the prospects for the implementation and enforcement of the entrenched SERs as well as the probable challenges that Kenya may face in their realisation. In this endeavour, the thesis develops a theoretical and interpretive approach for the realisation of these entrenched SERs. It entails an expansive analysis of the nature, scope, content and extent of the SERs entrenched in the 2010 Kenyan Constitution, and especially the place of international human rights obligations contained in customs and ratified international human rights treaties due to the provisions of the 2010 Constitution which espouse the direct application of international law in Kenya&rsquo / s domestic legal system. It is submitted in this thesis that in order to improve the socio-economic conditions of the poor, vulnerable and marginalised groups in Kenya, there is a need for their socio-economic as well as political empowerment to enable them to effectively take part in societal decision-making in both the public and private spheres with regard to resource (re)distribution. The theory of dialogical constitutionalism, based on the constitutionally entrenched principle of popular participation in governance and public decision-making, is aimed at the realisation of both political and socio-economic empowerment of these groups. Even though the theory of dialogical constitutionalism underscores the importance of litigation in the achievement of the transformative aspirations of the 2010 Kenyan Constitution contained in the entrenched SERs, it acknowledges that litigation is not the panacea of SER enforcement, and that other political and advocacy strategies play an important role in the emancipation of the socio-economically deprived groups in society. The thesis thus advocates a multi-pronged strategy which espouses the equal participation of all sectors of society in a collaborative and cooperative deliberative effort aimed at the full realisation of the entrenched SERs. To accompany the above theoretical framework for the interpretation and implementation of the entrenched SERs, the thesis further proposes a transformative and integrated approach which combines the progressive aspects of the minimum core approachand the reasonableness approach. This is an approach of purposive interpretion which, in the first instance, envisages the courts undertaking a strict and searching scrutiny of the SER implementation framework developed by the political institutions of the State to ensure that sufficient provision has been made for the basic necessities of the most poor and vulnerable groups in society, basically the espousal of a minimum core content approach. The approach entails the requirement that should the SER implementation framework fail to provide this basic minimum to vulnerable groups, and the political institutions do not provide a substantive justification as to the failure, then the courts should find the relevant SER implementation<br />
framework per se unreasonable and thus invalid. However, should the implementation framework provide sufficiently for the basic essentials for vulnerable groups, the courts should then proceed to review it using the reasonableness standards that have been developed by the<br />
South African Constitutional Court. The rationale for this searching analysis is the acknowledgement that if the needs and interests of the most indigent and marginalised in society are not catered for, the entire corpus of rights in the Bill of Rights becomes redundant. The thesis then undertakes a case study of two rights, the right to food and the right to housing, using the theoretical and interpretive approaches developed in the previous chapters of the thesis. On food security, the thesis finds that Kenya is a food insecure country with a declining food production capacity. This is basically due to a lack of subsidy to farmers, global warming leading to intermittent rainfall, lack of investment in sustainable agriculture as well as a fragmented and contradictory legislative and policy agenda. In response to this situation, the thesis proposes the adoption of a livelihoods approach to food security in Kenya, based on the constitutionally entrenched right to food and other supporting rights. This approach advocates the enhancement of the food entitlements of the different sectors of the Kenyan society to ensure their access to adequate and nutritious food, be it through self-production or through the market. On the right to housing, the thesis finds that housing plays a crucial role in ensuring that people are able to have a holistic, dignified and valuable existence. However, Kenya faces a dire housing situation, with the majority of Kenyans, both in rural and urban areas lacking adequate shelter and sanitary conditions, evidenced by the large informal settlements in urban areas and the squatter phenomenon in rural areas. With the entrenchment of a justiciable right to adequate housing in the 2010 Constitution, the study finds that several legislative and policy reforms are underway to improve the housing situation, with efforts being made to draft theLandlord and Tenant Bill 2007, the Housing Bill 2011, the Evictions and Resettlement Guidelines and the Evictions and Resettlement Procedures Bill, 2012, among others. The thesis proposes that these legal reforms must be undertaken within an environment of cooperative and<br />
collaborative strategic partnership involving all sectors of society so as to ensure that the housing concerns as well as interests of all are catered for.</p>
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Poverty, inequality and socio-economic rights: a theoretical framework for the realisation of socio-economic rights in the 2010 Kenyan ConstitutionOrago, Nicholas Wasonga January 2013 (has links)
Doctor Legum - LLD / Poverty and inequality are deeply entrenched in Kenya, with the country being one of the mostunequal countries in the world. To eradicate poverty and inequality, enhance the achievement ofsocial justice, fast-track human development, as well as to entrench participatory democracy and a culture of justification in governance, Kenya has, for the first time, entrenched justiciable
socio-economic rights (SERs) in its 2010 Constitution. In this thesis, I undertake a criticalanalysis of the prospects for the implementation and enforcement of the entrenched SERs as well as the probable challenges that Kenya may face in their realisation. In this endeavour, the thesis develops a theoretical and interpretive approach for the realisation of these entrenched
SERs. It entails an expansive analysis of the nature, scope, content and extent of the SERs entrenched in the 2010 Kenyan Constitution, and especially the place of international human rights obligations contained in customs and ratified international human rights treaties due to the provisions of the 2010 Constitution which espouse the direct application of international law in
Kenya’s domestic legal system. It is submitted in this thesis that in order to improve the socio-economic conditions of the poor, vulnerable and marginalised groups in Kenya, there is a need for their socio-economic as well as political empowerment to enable them to effectively take part in societal decision-making in both the public and private spheres with regard to resource (re)distribution. The theory of dialogical constitutionalism, based on the constitutionally entrenched principle of popular participation in governance and public decision-making, is aimed at the realisation of both political and socio-economic empowerment of these groups. Even though the theory of
dialogical constitutionalism underscores the importance of litigation in the achievement of the transformative aspirations of the 2010 Kenyan Constitution contained in the entrenched SERs, it acknowledges that litigation is not the panacea of SER enforcement, and that other political and advocacy strategies play an important role in the emancipation of the socio-economically
deprived groups in society. The thesis thus advocates a multi-pronged strategy which espouses the equal participation of all sectors of society in a collaborative and cooperative deliberative effort aimed at the full realisation of the entrenched SERs. To accompany the above theoretical framework for the interpretation and
implementation of the entrenched SERs, the thesis further proposes a transformative and integrated approach which combines the progressive aspects of the minimum core approach and the reasonableness approach. This is an approach of purposive interpretion which, in the first instance, envisages the courts undertaking a strict and searching scrutiny of the SER
implementation framework developed by the political institutions of the State to ensure that sufficient provision has been made for the basic necessities of the most poor and vulnerable groups in society, basically the espousal of a minimum core content approach. The approach entails the requirement that should the SER implementation framework fail to provide this basic
minimum to vulnerable groups, and the political institutions do not provide a substantive justification as to the failure, then the courts should find the relevant SER implementation framework per se unreasonable and thus invalid. However, should the implementation framework provide sufficiently for the basic essentials for vulnerable groups, the courts should then proceed to review it using the reasonableness standards that have been developed by the
South African Constitutional Court. The rationale for this searching analysis is the
acknowledgement that if the needs and interests of the most indigent and marginalised in society are not catered for, the entire corpus of rights in the Bill of Rights becomes redundant. The thesis then undertakes a case study of two rights, the right to food and the right to housing, using the theoretical and interpretive approaches developed in the previous chapters of the thesis. On food security, the thesis finds that Kenya is a food insecure country with a
declining food production capacity. This is basically due to a lack of subsidy to farmers, global warming leading to intermittent rainfall, lack of investment in sustainable agriculture as well as a fragmented and contradictory legislative and policy agenda. In response to this situation, the thesis proposes the adoption of a livelihoods approach to food security in Kenya, based on the constitutionally entrenched right to food and other supporting rights. This approach advocates
the enhancement of the food entitlements of the different sectors of the Kenyan society to ensure their access to adequate and nutritious food, be it through self-production or through the market. On the right to housing, the thesis finds that housing plays a crucial role in ensuring that people are able to have a holistic, dignified and valuable existence. However, Kenya faces a
dire housing situation, with the majority of Kenyans, both in rural and urban areas lacking adequate shelter and sanitary conditions, evidenced by the large informal settlements in urban areas and the squatter phenomenon in rural areas. With the entrenchment of a justiciable right to adequate housing in the 2010 Constitution, the study finds that several legislative and policy reforms are underway to improve the housing situation, with efforts being made to draft the
Landlord and Tenant Bill 2007, the Housing Bill 2011, the Evictions and resettlement Guidelines and the Evictions and Resettlement Procedures Bill, 2012, among others. The thesis proposes that these legal reforms must be undertaken within an environment of cooperative and collaborative strategic partnership involving all sectors of society so as to ensure that the housing concerns as well as interests of all are catered for.
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Samma kunskapskrav, olika utformningar : En komparativ studie av läromedlen Svenska impulser 3 (2013) och Svenska 3 - Helt enkelt (2015) / Same knowledge requirements, different styles : A comparative study of the teaching aids Svenska impulser 3 and Svenska 3 - Helt enkelt (2015)Forsberg, Jacob January 2017 (has links)
Uppsatsen består av en komparativ studie gjord genom kritisk närläsning av två separata läromedel, Svenska impulser 3 (2013) och Svenska 3 – Helt enkelt (2015). Jämförelsen utgår från hur läromedlen konkretiserar det centrala innehållet och kunskapskraven som berör litteraturundervisning i kursen Svenska 3, och om de samverkar med didaktisk forskning och om de har ett formativt förhållningssätt. Att konkretisera det centrala innehållets roll och kunskapskraven har, sedan den nya kursplanen Gy11 släpptes, varit ett fortsatt dilemma. Det förklaras genom undersökningar från Skolverket. Resultatet visar att Svenska 3:s litteratursegment har konkretiserats på olika vis, trots att de utgått från samma centrala innehåll och kunskapskrav. Förutom konkretiseringen synliggörs också att de aktuella läromedlen förhåller sig till utvalda delar av Skolverkets didaktiska forskning och att läromedlen har ett formativt förhållningssätt. Likheterna och skillnaderna är också många i analysexemplen, något uppsatsen belyser. / The essay consists of a comparative study brought on by a critical close reading of two separate teaching aids, Svenska impulser 3 (2013) and Svenska 3 – Helt enkelt (2015). The comparison emanates from how the two teaching aids define the core content and knowledge requirements about literary studies in the upper secondary school course Swedish 3, and how they conspires with research in didactics and whether they have a formative approach or not. To define the core content’s role and to define the knowledge requirements has, since the new curriculum and syllabus Gy11 was released, been problematic. That is explained through enquiries made by Skolverket. The result shows that Svenska 3’s part about literary studies have been defined differently in the teaching aids, even though they transpire from the same core content and knowledge requirements. The teaching aids also relate to chosen parts of Skolverket’s research in didactics and they have a formative approach according to the analysis. The similarities and differences are plenty in the two examples, which the essay highlights.
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Läromedelsanalys : En studie om läromedel i NO för åk 1-3 / Analysis of teaching materials : A study of science teaching materials for grade 1-3Lind, Ida, Härling, Frida January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to contribute with more knowledge about how different teaching materials in NOS can differ in terms of the connection to the core content and how it is represented in the form of images. The two teaching materials that we have chosen to review are "Puls NO-boken" and "Boken om NO". To examine these, we have produced two analysis tools based on the core content. We have made both a qualitative and a quantitative analysis. The qualitative analysis is done on selected images from the two teaching aids that we have analyzed in more detail. The results show that “Boken om NO” uses simpler and clearer images than “Puls NO-boken” in the production of life cycles. In the quantitative analysis, we compare the two textbooks in general to get an overall picture of how the books differ in relation to the core content. The results show that “Boken om NO” includes all core content, while the “Puls NO-boken” excludes three parts of the core content. A conclusion that can be drawn from the study is that “Boken om NO” is a more favorable book for both students and teachers as it includes all parts of the core content and that the presentation of images is clearer. / Syftet med studien är att bidra med mer kunskap kring hur olika läroböcker i NO kan skilja sig åt vad gäller kopplingen till det centrala innehållet samt hur det representeras i form av bilder. De två läroböcker som vi valt att granska är “Puls NO-boken” samt “Boken om NO”. För att granska dessa har vi framställt två analysverktyg som utgår ifrån det centrala innehållet. Det har gjorts en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ analys. Den kvalitativa analysen är gjord på utvalda bilder från de två läroböckerna som analyserat närmare. Resultatet visar att ”Boken om NO” använder enklare och tydligare bilder än ”Puls NO-boken” i framställningen av livscykler. I den kvantitativa analysen jämförs de två läroböckerna generellt för att få en övergripande bild över hur böckerna skiljer sig åt i förhållande till det centrala innehållet. Resultatet visar att “Boken om NO” behandlar alla centrala innehåll medan “Puls NO-boken” utesluter tre delar av det centrala innehållet. En slutsats som kan dras utifrån studien är att ”Boken om NO” är en mer gynnsam bok både för elever och lärare då den inkluderar alla delar ur det centrala innehållet samt att framställningen av bilder är tydligare.
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