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Nástroj pro hodnocení konektivity krajiny v různých prostorových jednotkách a disperzních vzdálenostech / Tool to assess the landscape connectivity in different area units and dispersal distancesChrumko, Adam January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis is to introduce a basic summary of landscape connectivity calculations mainly focusing on the Conefor program and the effect of input parameters on output landscape connectivity indices. One of the main goals is to create an ArcMap Toolbox to simplify the calculation of landscape connectivity indices for many areas of interest. Basic squares that cover the whole Czech Republic were chosen as main areas of interest. These units are used for example for mapping the abundance of flora and fauna. The same indices were calculated for NUTS3 and LAU1 areas in order to compare effect of size of input areas. This thesis provides a simple solution in the form of a Python Toolbox for Esri ArcMap to calculate overall indices of landscape connectivity through a Conefor command line application for a large number of input areas. Forest connectivity for different dispersal distances and input areas of interest was calculated with this Toolbox. As an input vector layer of forests, CORINE land cover data from mapping period 1990, 2000, 2006 and 2012 were used. Input dispersal distances were chosen in the range from 50 to 50.000 meters in order to comprehensively describe their effects on indices. Resultant forest and connectivity changes are represented by cartograms; the effect of input data on output indices is shown in graphs.
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Les formes des villes européennes vues du ciel une contribution de l'image CORINE land cover à la comparaison morphologique des grandes villes d'Europe occidentale /Guérois, Marianne Pumain, Denise January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Thèse doctorat : Géographie : Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris) : 2003. / Bibliogr. p. 287-299. Index.
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Κατάτμηση γεωμορφολογικών αντικειμένων από ψηφιακά μοντέλα εδάφους στο νομό Αχαΐας και συσχέτιση της γεωμορφολογίας τους με τις καλύψεις γης CORINEΦλαμπούτογλου, Σοφοκλής 26 March 2013 (has links)
Στόχος αυτής της διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι ο εντοπισμός των
υδρογραφικών λεκανών από ΨΥΜΕ με διάσταση 75 μ. στο νομό Αχαΐας. Η
παραμετρική αναπαράσταση των υδρογραφικών λεκανών με βάση τη γεωμορφολογία
τους και η συσχέτιση και ερμηνεία της παραμετρικής αναπαράστασης με τις καλύψεις
γης CORINE. Σε πρώτη φάση θα περιγράψουμε αναλυτικά τα δεδομένα (ΨΥΜΕ, καλύψεις γης
CORINE) που θα χρησιμοποιήσουμε. Μετά θα εντοπίσουμε τις υδρογραφικές
λεκάνες από το ΨΥΜΕ και θα περιγράψουμε κάθε λεκάνη με μια σειρά από
γεωμορφολογικές παραμέτρους, όπως η κλίση, το μέσο υψόμετρο κ.α. Μετά θα
περιγράψουμε κάθε λεκάνη με βάση τις καλύψεις γης που εμπεριέχονται σ’ αυτή από
το χάρτη καλύψεων γης. Στο τέλος θα συγκρίνουμε στατιστικά τις δύο παραμετρικές
αναπαραστάσεις και θα ερμηνεύσουμε τα αποτελέσματα. / -
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Využitelnost indexů konektivity krajiny jako prediktorů výskytu druhů / Usability of connectivity metrics as predictors of species distributionKučera, Michal January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate whether connectivity indices are usable for bird prediction.
The study area contains of the whole country but is divided into separate squares with area of
133 km 2 each, where the presence or absence of the bird species is known. The dependence is
tested on landscape connectivity indices presented by prof. S. Saura. The land cover contains
of Corine land cover 2012 data. The results will be evaluated with logistic regression approach
on sample data including 4 different dispersal distances (500 m, 1 000 m, 2 000 m and 3 000
m) and 10 specific bird species typical for given land cover. The corelation between land cover
area presence of the bird is also tested.
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Carbon dioxide in agricultural streams : Magnitude and patterns of an understudied atmospheric carbon sourceOsterman, My January 2018 (has links)
The role of streams in the global carbon budget was for a long time neglected, since they were considered passive transporters of carbon from land to sea. However, studies have shown that streams are often supersaturated in carbon dioxide (CO2), making them sources of carbon to the atmosphere. The main sources of stream CO2 are in-stream mineralization of organic matter and transport of carbon from the catchment. The catchment derived CO2 could both be of biogenic (respiration) or geogenic (weathering) origin. Most studies regarding the topic rely on measurements carried out in forest-dominated catchments, while agricultural streams are under-represented. The objective of this study was to examine partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) in streams in catchments dominated by agriculture. This was done to increase the knowledge about agricultural influence on stream pCO2, and to provide a basis for planning mitigation strategies for reducing CO2 emissions from the agriculture sector. Sampling was performed in ten streams draining agriculture-dominated catchments around Uppsala, Sweden, from June to November 2017. Measurements of pCO2 were carried out with floating chambers, equipped with CO2 sensors. Nutrients, organic carbon, discharge and different chemical variables were also measured. For correlation tests, the method Kendall’s Tau was used. Catchments were delineated in a geographic information system (GIS) and the CORINE Land Cover dataset was used to examine land use. Stream specific median pCO2 varied from 3000 to 10 000 μatm. In some streams, pCO2 exceeded 10 000 μatm, which was outside of the sensor’s measurement range. Values of pCO2 were high compared to similar studies in forested catchments, which could indicate that occurrence of agriculture in the catchment increases stream CO2. Correlation was found between pCO2 and discharge, with negative correlation in five streams and positive correlation in two. Negative correlation was found between pCO2 and pH and percentage of dissolved oxygen, respectively. No significant correlation was found between pCO2 and fraction of agricultural land use, nutrients or organic carbon. Further studies are needed to examine the sources of CO2, since it is possible that a large part of the CO2 has a geogenic origin. The floating chamber method should be revised to reduce the sensor’s sensitivity to condensation and cold temperatures, and to increase the measuring range.
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Hodnocení změn pokryvu Země pomocí objektových detekcí / Evaluation of Land Cover Changes Using the Object DetectionsSkokanová, Eliška January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the project is to perform object based change detection of land cover in specific areas of Czech republic. Landsat 2000 and Spot 2006 satellite images are used as input data. The method used for evaluation of changes is Multivariate Alteration Detection unsupervised method which is based on statistical procedures and is available from e-Cognition software. The results of detection are compared with Corine Land Cover changes database to evaluate degree of parity on detected areas. Different mapping unit is used to be able to detect smaller changes than Corine database. First part of the work is review of literature sources aimed on processing of satellite images, description of the spectral behavior of landscape objects, origins of Corine Land Cover database and principle of change detection using MAD. Second part deals with data adjustment, change detection process and comparison of reached results with Corine. Keywords: object based change detection, satellite images, Corine Land Cover, mapping unit of changes, Multivariate Alteration Detection, e-Cognition
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Analyse multispektraler Fernerkundungsdaten im Hinblick auf deren Eignung zur Einschätzung des Biomassepotenzials großer Landschaftsräume am Beispiel des Naturparks TERRA.vitaKopka, André 29 January 2008 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht die Einsatzmöglichkeiten von multispektralen Fernerkundungsdaten in der Kohlenstoffbilanzierung in großen Landschaftsräumen, wie z.B. des Naturparks TERRA.vita. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, neue Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen, welche Modelle und Parameter in der modellbasierten Kohlenstoffbilanzierung sicher aus Fernerkundungsdaten gewonnen werden können. Die Dissertation soll aber auch deutlich machen, wo etwaige Schwachstellen der Fernerkundungsdaten liegen, die möglicherweise durch terrestrische Messungen verifiziert werden müssen. Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich dabei mit dem Forschungsgebiet der Kohlenstoffbilanzierung und den aktuellen rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen sowie klimapolitischen Hintergründen. Die für die Untersuchung ausgewählten Fernerkundungssensoren MODIS, ASTER und LANDSAT TM werden im Hinblick auf ihre speziellen qualitativen Eigenschaften (wie räumliche und zeitliche Auflösung sowie radiometrischen Besonderheiten) miteinander verglichen und beurteilt. Die drei Sensoren werden darüber hinaus mit CORINE Land Cover 2000 Daten verglichen. CORINE, dargestellt in thematischen Karten, ist aus dem Programm Coordination of Information on the Environment aus dem Jahre 1997 entnommen und beschreibt eine einheitliche Kartierung der Landnutzungen und Bodenbedeckungen in Europa. Ein besonderer Fokus der Arbeit liegt auf der Erfassung der Biomasse (speziell in Waldbeständen) sowie der Beschreibung der Methodik der derzeitigen Verfahren zur Determinierung und Bilanzierung von Kohlenstoffvorräten in komplexen Waldökosystemen und den Einsatzmöglichkeiten mittels multispektraler Fernerkundungsdaten.
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The multi-criteria assessment of ecosystem services at a landscape level to support decision-making in regional and landscape planning / Die multikriterielle Erfassung von Ökosystemdienstleistungen auf Landschaftsebene zur Unterstützung der Entscheidungsfindung in der Regional- und LandschaftsplanungKoschke, Lars 25 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The growing pressure on natural resources and biodiversity has led to a widespread acknowledgement of the services nature provides for humans. The appropriate representation of the benefits of sustainable land use in decision-making is still a challenge and tools that facilitate land use planning processes are needed.
The dissertation presents a multicriteria assessment approach for a qualitative estimation of regional potentials to provide ecosystem services. This approach has been applied in several case studies in Saxony, Eastern Germany and Brasil. The ecosystem services concept builts the methodological framework for the assessment as it offers a universal approach to evaluate the impact of Land use/ Land cover change (LULCC) on human well-being. Since standardized methodical approaches for ecosystem services assessment at the landscape level are lacking, a particular requirement was to conceive a method that is easily transferable to other case study areas. Further the method should enable the use of existing and easily available environmental data, and it should be transparent for stakeholders and decision makers.
The results of our study show that the combination of selected ecosystem services and land cover data such as CORINE Land Cover (CLC) can contribute to regional planning by communicating the effect of LULCC on ecosystem services, especially when applied as an evaluation basis in the tool GISCAME. The approach supports also the assessment of the performance of a region to provide ecosystem services and the comparison of regions towards this aspect. In the discussion section, the limitations of the developed approach are discussed. Main sources of uncertainty are related to coarse land cover data, lacking knowledge on the provision of ecosystem services at a landscape scale, and the difficulty to make relevant the ecosystem services concept in regional planning processes.
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Les formes des villes européennes vues du ciel. Une contribution de l'image CORINE Land cover à la comparaison morphologique des grandes villes d'Europe occidentale.Guérois, Marianne 16 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
La question de la forme urbaine s'est affirmée depuis une dizaine d'années comme une priorité des réflexions sur le devenir des villes européennes. Soulevée en réaction au processus d'étalement urbain, cette question est de plus portée par l'émergence de la notion de développement urbain durable et par les débats qu'elle anime quant aux bien-fondés d'un modèle de ville compacte et dense. Ces discussions ne sont cependant que rarement étayées par des mesures comparables car les bases de données sur les villes européennes sont toujours en cours de constitution. <br /><br />La cartographie des espaces bâtis restituée par l'image CORINE Land cover vers 1990 est une source inédite qui, croisée avec les données de population, nous a permis d'établir un ensemble de repères pour comparer les formes des villes considérées à l'échelle de la tache urbaine. Malgré la complexité des processus en jeu et par-delà la spécificité des situations locales, nous avons ainsi interrogé le rôle de logiques générales relatives à la taille des villes, à leur appartenance nationale ou à différents contextes de peuplement régionaux, pour rendre compte de la diversité des formes observées en Europe occidentale.<br /><br />Dans le cadre des agglomérations, deux dimensions de la compacité, l'une relative à l'emprise physique des villes (étendue et densité), l'autre à leur configuration spatiale (forme des taches urbaines), ont été croisées pour vérifier et nuancer l'importance d'un gradient nord-sud de la compacité urbaine en Europe. Dans le cadre élargi d'aires urbanisées, le modèle du champ urbain ressort encore comme un principe fort d'organisation des espaces bâtis, selon un double gradient linéaire, très contrasté dans les limites de l'agglomération, plus diffus dans les espaces périurbains. Pour quelques grandes régions urbaines, l'application de méthodes de lissage a permis, en généralisant l'image des surfaces bâties à plusieurs échelles, de restituer différentes structures hiérarchiques du peuplement, plutôt monocentriques ou polycentriques. Ces premières explorations ont établi des résultats qui seront confrontés à la prochaine version de CORINE, disponible en 2004.
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The multi-criteria assessment of ecosystem services at a landscape level to support decision-making in regional and landscape planningKoschke, Lars 24 April 2015 (has links)
The growing pressure on natural resources and biodiversity has led to a widespread acknowledgement of the services nature provides for humans. The appropriate representation of the benefits of sustainable land use in decision-making is still a challenge and tools that facilitate land use planning processes are needed.
The dissertation presents a multicriteria assessment approach for a qualitative estimation of regional potentials to provide ecosystem services. This approach has been applied in several case studies in Saxony, Eastern Germany and Brasil. The ecosystem services concept builts the methodological framework for the assessment as it offers a universal approach to evaluate the impact of Land use/ Land cover change (LULCC) on human well-being. Since standardized methodical approaches for ecosystem services assessment at the landscape level are lacking, a particular requirement was to conceive a method that is easily transferable to other case study areas. Further the method should enable the use of existing and easily available environmental data, and it should be transparent for stakeholders and decision makers.
The results of our study show that the combination of selected ecosystem services and land cover data such as CORINE Land Cover (CLC) can contribute to regional planning by communicating the effect of LULCC on ecosystem services, especially when applied as an evaluation basis in the tool GISCAME. The approach supports also the assessment of the performance of a region to provide ecosystem services and the comparison of regions towards this aspect. In the discussion section, the limitations of the developed approach are discussed. Main sources of uncertainty are related to coarse land cover data, lacking knowledge on the provision of ecosystem services at a landscape scale, and the difficulty to make relevant the ecosystem services concept in regional planning processes.
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