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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transmission et plasticité activité-dépendante au niveau des synapses cortico-striatales

Fino, Elodie 27 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Le striatum a pour rôle de sélectionner et d'intégrer les informations provenant du cortex et ainsi construire et transmettre une réponse adaptée aux stimuli environnementaux. Nous avons caractérisé les propriétés électrophysiologiques des différents neurones du striatum (neurones de sortie, NETM, et interneurones) dans des conditions normales, et lors d'une déplétion de dopamine striatale. Grâce à un modèle de tranche de cerveau de rat dans laquelle les afférences cortico-striatales sont conservées intactes, nous avons mis en évidence une plasticité synaptique bidirectionnelle dans les NETM ainsi qu'une homéostasie puissante au niveau des synapses cortico-striatales. Nous avons ensuite observé que, outre les NETM, le cortex contacte également les interneurones striataux, avec une séquence d'activation particulière et qu'il existe une spécificité cellulaire de la " spike-timing dependent plasticity " (STDP) dans le striatum. Enfin, nous avons mis en évidence que, au niveau des NETM, des signaux sous-liminaires, en coïncidence avec une activité corticale, sont capables d'induire des phénomènes de plasticité synaptique à long-terme.

Rôle de la voie Wnt/ßcaténine dans la physiopathologie de la cortico-surrénale / Role of the Wnt/ßcatenin pathway in the pathophysiology of cortico-adrenal disease

Berthon, Annabel 15 October 2012 (has links)
Les tumeurs cortico-surrénaliennes bénignes et malignes sont associées à une morbidité élevée résultant de l’hypersécrétion des hormones cortico-surrénaliennes, retrouvée chez près de 60% des patients. Au delà des perturbations endocrines, les carcinomes cortico-surrénaliens (CCS) sont des tumeurs de mauvais pronostic avec 16 à 38% de survie à 5 ans. Cette agressivité résulte à la fois de la présence de métastases chez de nombreux patients, au moment du diagnostic (30 à 40% des cas) et de l’absence d’approches thérapeutiques, au delà de la résection chirurgicale de la tumeur primaire. Au début de ma thèse, les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans le développement des tumeurs bénignes et malignes de la cortico-surrénale, étaient largement méconnus. L’activation anormale de la voie de signalisation Wnt/ßcaténine dans 48% des tumeurs bénignes et 37% des tumeurs malignes, suggérait que cette voie pouvait, comme dans d’autres tissus, participer au développement tumoral dans la cortico-surrénale. Afin de confirmer cette hypothèse, nous avons développé et caractérisé un modèle de souris transgéniques dans lesquelles la ßcaténine est constitutivement activée, spécifiquement dans le cortex surrénalien (souris ∆Cat). Grâce à ces souris, nous avons démontré pour la première fois que la ßcaténine agit comme un oncogène dans la cortico-surrénale, mais que son activation constitutive ne suffit pas à déclencher systématiquement le développement de tumeurs malignes. Chez plus de 90% des patients, la formation des CCS est associée à la surexpression du facteur de croissance IGF2. Grâce à des modèles de souris transgéniques qui surexpriment Igf2, nous avons pu montrer que cette surexpression n’a que peu d’effet sur l’initiation ou la progression tumorale, suggérant que d’autres altérations sont requises pour favoriser la transition maligne. Des résultats préliminaires encourageants suggèrent que la surexpression de l’histone méthyl-transférase EZH2 et les altérations épigénétiques résultantes, pourraient être la clé du développement des CCS. Parallèlement, nous avons montré que l’activation constitutive de la ßcaténine conduit au développement d’un hyperaldostéronisme primaire chez les souris ∆Cat, suggérant que l’activation de la voie Wnt/ßcaténine pourrait participer à la formation d’adénomes surrénaliens producteurs d’aldostérone (APA) chez les patients. Effectivement, nous avons mis en évidence que l’activation constitutive de la ßcaténine est l’altération moléculaire la plus fréquente dans les APA, avec une prévalence de 68%. Des analyses in vitro m’ont permis de montrer que la ßcaténine stimule la production d’aldostérone en contrôlant directement et indirectement l’expression de deux enzymes clés de la synthèse d’aldostérone – CYP21 et CYP11B2 – et du récepteur à l’angiotensine II (le sécrétagogue naturel de l’aldostérone), AT1R. Nous avons par ailleurs montré que la production excessive d’aldostérone chez les souris ∆Cat, pouvait être maîtrisée par un régime enrichi en quercétine, un inhibiteur naturel de l’activité transcriptionnelle de la ßcaténine. L’ensemble de ces résultats démontre l’importance de la voie Wnt/ßcaténine dans la tumorigenèse surrénalienne et dans l’hypersécrétion d’aldostérone ce qui fait d’elle une nouvelle cible thérapeutique potentielle. / Benign and malignant adrenocortical tumours are associated with a high morbidity caused by the hypersecretion of adrenocortical hormones found in approximately 60% of patients. Moreover, adrenocortical carcinomas (ACC) have poor prognosis with a 5 years survival rate of 16 to 38%. This aggressiveness results from both the presence of metastases at diagnosis in most patients (30 to 40% of cases) and the absence of therapeutic approaches apart from surgical resection of primary tumours. At the start of my thesis, the molecular mechanisms involved in the development of benign and malignant adrenocortical tumours were largely unknown. Abnormal activation of the Wnt/ßcatenin pathway found in 48% of benign tumours and 37% of malignant tumours suggests that as in other tissues, this pathway could participate in tumour development in the adrenal cortex. To confirm this hypothesis, we developed and characterized a transgenic mouse model with constitutive activation of ßcatenin, specifically in the adrenal cortex (∆Cat mice). With this model, we demonstrated for the first time that ßcatenin acted as an adrenocortical oncogene but that this activation was insufficient to systematically induce the development of adrenocortical carcinomas. In almost 90% of patients, CCS formation is associated with the overexpression of the growth factor IGF2. However, the development of a model of Igf2 overexpression in transgenic mice, allowed us to demonstrate that this overexpression could not initiate tumour formation and that it had a mild effect on tumour progression. This suggested that other alterations were necessary for malignant progression. Our encouraging preliminary results suggest that upregulation of the histone methyltransferase EZH2 and the resulting epigenetic defects could be the cause of ACC development. In parallel, we demonstrated that constitutive ßcatenin activation induced primary hyperaldosteronism development in ∆Cat mice suggesting that aberrant activation of the Wnt pathway could be involved in formation of aldosterone-producing adenomas (APA) in patients. Indeed, we showed that constitutive activation of ßcatenin was the most frequent molecular alteration in APA with a prevalence of 68%. In vitro analysis allowed us to demonstrate that ßcatenin stimulates aldosterone production by controlling directly and indirectly the expression of two key enzymes of aldosterone synthesis –CYP21 and CYP11B2- and of the angiotensin II receptor, AT1R. Furthermore, we showed that excessive aldosterone production in ∆Cat mice could be controlled by a diet enriched in quercetin, a natural inhibitor of the transcriptional activity of ßcatenin. Altogether these results demonstrate the essential role of the Wnt/ßcatenin pathway in adrenocortical tumorigenesis and aldosterone secretion. Consequently, this pathway could be a new potential therapeutic target for the treatment of most adrenal tumours.

Doença tálamo-cortical. Análise retrospectiva em cães e trauma experimental em coelhos / Talamocortical disease. Retrospective analysis in dogs and experimental injury in rabbits

Aiello, Graciane 01 March 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The purposes of this study were to perform retrospective studies about epilepsy and idiopathic epilepsy in dogs presented at the Veterinary Neurology Service, University Veterinary Hospital, of Federal University of Santa Maria and use a flexible urethral catheter as an alternative method to measuring intracranial pressure in rabbits with head injury and compare the data with ventriculostomy catheter (conventional method) . In the first paper, 66 records of dogs with presumptive diagnosis of epilepsy were selected. 66.7% of them, were epilepsy idiopatic, 21.2% symptomatic and 12.1% probably symptomatic. The mongrel dogs were the most affected and age-group prevailed was one to 5-year-old. The tonic-clonic seizure was the most observed, the main pre-ictal symptom was to try to catch owner´s attention and compulsive walking in the post-ictal period. In the second paper, 21 dogs with idiopatic epilepsy were included; the median age at onset of seizures was 3.4 years, the median number of seizure before the start of treatment was 25.7 and duration of seizure before treatment was 71 days. The phenobarbital was used as monotherapy with dose from 1.4 to 12 mg kg-1 and the median of serum concentration was 26.41 μg kg-1. There was significant reduction in the frequency of the seizure after start the treatment. 19% of dogs were in remission of seizure. In blood analysis, there was increased serum activities of AP (23,81%) and ALT (14,20%), decreased total protein (42,29%), hypoalbuminemia (9,5%) and it was not increased AST activities. The main secondary lesions were liver disease and hypothyroidism. In the third paper, New Zealand rabbits were randomly distributed into two groups, G1: measuring the ICP with ventriculostomy catheter (n=6) and G2: measuring the ICP with urethral catheter (n=6). Two craniotomy were performed in the right and left parietal region for the implantation of the ventriculostomy catheter and/or flexible urethral catheter and epidural 4F Fogarty arterial embolectomy catheter, respectively. MAP, CPP, HR, RF and RT values were measured before and after craniotomy. The ICP value was mensured after craniotomy, ever five minutes during 40 minutes after the balloon was inflated with 0.3 ml of NaCl 0.9% and more 40 minutes after the balloon was inflated with 0.6 ml. The ICP value increased in both groups, however, the ICP values were lower in the rabbits measured with flexible urethral catheter. The flexible urethral catheter can be used as alternative method to measure ICP values im rabbits with head injury. / Os objetivos deste estudo foram: realizar um estudo retrospectivo sobre epilepsia em cães e outro com epilepsia idiopática atendidos no Serviço de Neurologia Veterinária, do Hospital Veterinário Universitário (HVU) da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria e utilizar a sonda uretral flexível como método alternativo para aferição da pressão intracraniana em coelhos com trauma cranioencefálico induzido pelo cateter de Fogarty 4 Fr (balão epidural) e comparar os dados obtidos com o método convencional de cateter de ventriculostomia. No primeiro artigo, foram selecionados os registros de 66 cães com diagnóstico presuntivo de epilepsia, sendo que 66,7% apresentaram epilepsia primária, 21,2% com sinais clínicos e em 12,1% com prováveis sinais clínicos. Os cães sem raça definida foram os mais acometidos e a faixa etária predominou entre um e cinco anos de idade. A crise epiléptica generalizada tônico-clônica foi a mais observada, a ocorrência maior das crises foram durante a noite; os sinais mais observados foram: a procura pelo tutor no período pré-ictal e o andar compulsivo no período pós-ictal. No segundo artigo, foram incluídos 21 cães com epilepsia idiopática, com média de idade para o início das crises epilépticas de 3,4 anos, apresentando em média 25,7 crises epilépticas antes do início do tratamento e o diagnóstico presuntivo foi determinado em média 71 dias após a primeira crise. Foi utilizada a monoterapia com fenobarbital na maioria dos cães e dose variou entre 1,4 a 12 mg kg-1 e a concentração sérica teve média de 26,41 μg ml-1. Após o início do tratamento houve uma redução significativa das crises epilépticas. 19% dos cães apresentaram remissão das crises epilépticas. Nos exames hematológicos, foi observado aumento da FA em 23,81% e da ALT em 14,29%, diminuição da proteína total em 42,86%, hipoalbuminemia em 9,5% dos cães e não foi observado aumento nos níveis da AST. As principais lesões secundárias observadas foram lesão hepática e hipotireiodismo. No terceiro estudo, coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos, denominados G1: mensuração da PIC com cateter de ventriculostomia (n=6) e G2: mensuração com sonda uretral (n=6). Foram realizadas duas craniotomias nas regiões parietal direita e esquerda para a implantação do cateter de ventriculostomia ou da sonda uretral flexível e o balão epidural, respectivamente. Foram mensuradas a PAM, PPC, FC, FR e a TR antes e após a craniotomia. A PIC foi avaliada após a craniotomia e a cada cinco minutos depois do preenchimento do balonete com 0,3 ml de NaCl 0,9% permanecendo por 40 minutos e, com 0,6 ml pelo mesmo período de tempo. A PIC aumentou em ambos os grupos, sendo menores os valores registrados com a sonda uretral flexível. Embora haja a necessidade de outros estudos, a sonda uretral flexível demonstrou ser um método alternativo de mensuração da PIC em coelhos com trauma cranioencefálico.

Different Mode of Afferents Determines the Frequency Range of High Frequency Activities in the Human Brain: Direct Electrocorticographic Comparison between Peripheral Nerve and Direct Cortical Stimulation / ヒトの大脳皮質の高周波活動の周波数帯域は求心性入力機構の相違により規定される:末梢神経刺激と直接皮質刺激による皮質脳波の比較

Kobayashi, Katsuya 24 September 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第19273号 / 医博第4037号 / 新制||医||1011(附属図書館) / 32275 / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 渡邉 大, 教授 村井 俊哉, 教授 高橋 淳 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Computational modelling of the neural systems involved in schizophrenia

Thurnham, A. J. January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to improve our understanding of the neural systems involved in schizophrenia by suggesting possible avenues for future computational modelling in an attempt to make sense of the vast number of studies relating to the symptoms and cognitive deficits relating to the disorder. This multidisciplinary research has covered three different levels of analysis: abnormalities in the microscopic brain structure, dopamine dysfunction at a neurochemical level, and interactions between cortical and subcortical brain areas, connected by cortico-basal ganglia circuit loops; and has culminated in the production of five models that provide useful clarification in this difficult field. My thesis comprises three major relevant modelling themes. Firstly, in Chapter 3 I looked at an existing neural network model addressing the Neurodevelopmental Hypothesis of Schizophrenia by Hoffman and McGlashan (1997). However, it soon became clear that such models were overly simplistic and brittle when it came to replication. While they focused on hallucinations and connectivity in the frontal lobes they ignored other symptoms and the evidence of reductions in volume of the temporal lobes in schizophrenia. No mention was made of the considerable evidence of dysfunction of the dopamine system and associated areas, such as the basal ganglia. This led to my second line of reasoning: dopamine dysfunction. Initially I helped create a novel model of dopamine neuron firing based on the Computational Substrate for Incentive Salience by McClure, Daw and Montague (2003), incorporating temporal difference (TD) reward prediction errors (Chapter 5). I adapted this model in Chapter 6 to address the ongoing debate as to whether or not dopamine encodes uncertainty in the delay period between presentation of a conditioned stimulus and receipt of a reward, as demonstrated by sustained activation seen in single dopamine neuron recordings (Fiorillo, Tobler & Schultz 2003). An answer to this question could result in a better understanding of the nature of dopamine signaling, with implications for the psychopathology of cognitive disorders, like schizophrenia, for which dopamine is commonly regarded as having a primary role. Computational modelling enabled me to suggest that while sustained activation is common in single trials, there is the possibility that it increases with increasing probability, in which case dopamine may not be encoding uncertainty in this manner. Importantly, these predictions can be tested and verified by experimental data. My third modelling theme arose as a result of the limitations to using TD alone to account for a reinforcement learning account of action control in the brain. In Chapter 8 I introduce a dual weighted artificial neural network, originally designed by Hinton and Plaut (1987) to address the problem of catastrophic forgetting in multilayer artificial neural networks. I suggest an alternative use for a model with fast and slow weights to address the problem of arbitration between two systems of control. This novel approach is capable of combining the benefits of model free and model based learning in one simple model, without need for a homunculus and may have important implications in addressing how both goal directed and stimulus response learning may coexist. Modelling cortical-subcortical loops offers the potential of incorporating both the symptoms and cognitive deficits associated with schizophrenia by taking into account the interactions between midbrain/striatum and cortical areas.

Rôles des altérations des gènes CTNNB1 et de ZNRF3 dans les carsinomes de la corticosurrénale / Roles of CTNNB1 and ZNRF3 genes alterations in the development of adrenocortical carcinoma

Omeiri, Hanin 21 March 2017 (has links)
Les carcinomes de la cortico-surrénale (CCS) sont des tumeurs de mauvais pronostic et les thérapies sont encore limitées. La chirurgie reste à ce jour le seul traitement efficace. La compréhension des mécanismes de la tumorigenèse cortico-surrénalienne et l'identification des gènes et des voies de signalisation impliquées sont nécessaires pour identifier de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques. Ces dernières années, plusieurs études de génomique ont été réalisées sur des cohortes indépendantes de CCS et ont mis en évidence l'existence de deux groupes de CCS ayant des profils d’expression génique particuliers et associés à des pronostics de survie différents. Il a aussi été identifié de fréquentes mutations touchant les gènes TP53 et CTNNB1 (β-caténine). De plus, l'activation aberrante de la voie WNT/β-caténine est associée au groupe des CCS agressifs. Enfin, des analyses des altérations génomiques par puce SNP et le séquençage de l’exome de cohortes de CCS a permis de préciser les fréquences des mutations de TP53 (~18%) et CTNNB1 (~14%) mais a aussi mis en évidence des mutations et des délétions homozygotes au niveau du gène ZNRF3 (Zinc And Ring Finger 3) dans environs 20% des CCS. ZNRF3 a été montré comme jouant un rôle de régulateur négatif de la voie WNT/β-caténine. Par conséquent, la voie de signalisation WNT/β-caténine est la voie la plus fréquemment altérée dans les CCS (~40%). L’objectif de mon projet était d’étudier comment l’activation constitutive de la voie WNT/β-caténine pouvait participer à la tumorigenèse cortico-surrénalienne, puis d'essayer de comprendre plus spécifiquement le rôle des altérations de ZNRF3 dans le développement et/ou l'agressivité des CCS. En combinant des analyses de transcriptomes de modèles cellulaires et de cohortes de CCS, nous avons établi une signature robuste cortico-surrénalienne de l'activation de la voie WNT/β-caténine. Parmi les gènes de cette signature, nous avons montré que AFF3 était une cible transcriptionnelle de la β-caténine et qu'il était capable de transmettre en partie les effets oncogèniques de la voie WNT/β-caténine dans les cellules cortico-surrénaliennes. En effet, son invalidation entraîne l'apoptose et diminue la prolifération des cellules cortico-surrénaliennes à l'image de l'invalidation de la β-caténine. La surexpression d’AFF3 altère l’organisation des speckles nucléaires et la localisation de CDK9/CyclinT1 impliqués respectivement dans l'épissage des ARNm et la transcription des gènes. ZNRF3 est le gène le plus fréquemment altéré dans les CCS alors qu'il l'est très peu dans les autres types de cancers. ZNRF3 est une E3 ubiquitin ligase qui entraîne l'internalisation et la dégradation des récepteurs Frizzleds de la voie WNT. Nous avons montré que ZNRF3 agit bien comme un gène suppresseur de tumeur dans les cellules cortico-surénaliennes humaines H295R. En effet la surexpression de ZNRF3 diminue la prolifération et augmente l’apoptose cellulaire de ces cellules. Nous avons aussi montré qu'à l'image d'autres régulateurs négatifs de la voie WNT comme AXIN2, ZNRF3 est un gène cible de la voie WNT/β-caténine dans la corticosurrénale. De manière intéressante, les altérations du gène ZNRF3 ne sont pas retrouvées dans des tumeurs présentant une forte activation de la voie de signalisation WNT/β-caténine, suggérant l'implication d'autres voies de signalisation. Nous avons identifié des partenaires protéiques de ZNRF3 par des expériences d'immunoprécipitation / spectrométrie de masse. Nous avons montré que ZNRF3 interagit avec la sous unité catalytique de la pompe NA+/K+, ATP1A1. Cette interaction altère le fonctionnement de la pompe NA+/K+ conduisant à des modifications du flux de Ca2+ intracellulaire. L'ensemble de ces travaux a permis de mieux comprendre comment la voie WNT/β-caténine participe à l'agressivité des cancers de la corticosurrénale et de montrer qu'AFF3 est essentiel pour les effets oncogéniques de cette voie. (...) / Adrenocortical carcinomas are rare tumors with poor prognostic and limited therapy. Up to now, surgery remains the only curative therapy. A better understanding of tumor biology and molecular prognostic factors would help to select relevant therapeutic targets and to develop innovative therapeutic strategies. In the last years, different genomic studies on independent cohorts of ACC have identified two subgroups of cancers with two distinguished profiles of genes expression and two different survival rates. Frequents alterations of CTNNB1 and TP53 are identified in ACC. Moreover, aberrant activation of WNT/β-catenin pathway in ACC is associated with lower overall survival. Using a combination of genomic approaches, we and others have recently analyzed independent cohorts of ACC. These works confirmed recurrent alterations in CTNNB1 (~14%) and TP53 (~18%), but also revealed new loci not previously reported to be altered in ACC. Strikingly, ZNRF3 (zinc and ring finger 3) was the most frequently altered gene (~20%). ZNRF3 encodes a protein that acts as a negative regulator of Wnt/β-catenin pathway. The Wnt/β-catenin pathway represents the most frequently altered pathway in ACC (~40%). The aim of my project was to study how the aberrant activation of WNT/β-catenin pathway could participate to adrenal tumorigenesis and then to identify more specifically the role of ZNRF3 alterations in development/aggressiness of ACC. By a combination of transcriptomic analysis on two cohorts of ACC and on H295R adrenocortical cells, we identified a list of genes whose expression is correlated to the WNT/β-catenin activation. Among these genes, we show that AFF3 is essential to mediate the effect of activation the WNT/β-catenin pathway in adrenocortical cancer. Indeed, AFF3 is a direct target gene of β-catenin and its silencing in H295R adrenocortical cells induces a decreased cell proliferation and an increased apoptosis similar to that induced by β-catenin silencing. Moreover, AFF3 overexpression altered the structure of nuclear speckles and the localization of CDK9/CyclinT1, which are respectively involved in mRNA splicing and transcription. ZNRF3 (zinc and ring finger 3) was the most frequently altered gene (20%) in ACC. ZNRF3 had never been frequently associated with other tumour types. ZNRF3 encodes a protein that had been described as cell-surface transmembrane E3 ubiquitin ligases, acting as negative regulators of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, by promoting the degradation of Wnt ligand receptors (Frizzled receptors). We show that ZNRF3 act as a tumor suppressor gene in adrenocortical cell line H295R. Indeed the overexpression of ZNRF3 decreases cell proliferation and increases apoptosis. We demonstrate also that ZNRF3 is a target gene of WNT/β-catenin pathway. ZNRF3 alterations have less effect on expression of WNT/β-catenin target genes than CTNNB1 mutations in ACC. Moreover, our results with ZNRF3 overexpression in H295R adrenocortical cells suggest that ZNRF3 is also involved in βcatenin independant-pathway(s) to mediate its effects on apoptosis. Using mass spectrometry analysis, we identified that ZNRF3 interacts with ATP1A1 (ATPase Na+/K+ Transporting Subunit Alpha 1), affecting the activity of the Na+/K+ ATPase pump in adrenocortical cells. These results provide a better understanding of the biological process of WNT/βcatenin pathway activation in ACC with AFF3 as new target of this pathway. Moreover, our data provide insight into the tumor suppressor role of ZNRF3 in ACC and uncovers an additional role of ZNRF3 on Na+/K+ ATPase pump activity.

Structural and functional brain plasticity for statistical learning

Karlaftis, Vasileios Misak January 2018 (has links)
Extracting structure from initially incomprehensible streams of events is fundamental to a range of human abilities: from navigating in a new environment to learning a language. These skills rely on our ability to extract spatial and temporal regularities, often with minimal explicit feedback, that is known as statistical learning. Despite the importance of statistical learning for making perceptual decisions, we know surprisingly little about the brain circuits and how they change when learning temporal regularities. In my thesis, I combine behavioural measurements, Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) and resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI) to investigate the structural and functional circuits that are involved in statistical learning of temporal structures. In particular, I compare structural connectivity as measured by DTI and functional connectivity as measured by rs-fMRI before vs. after training to investigate learning-dependent changes in human brain pathways. Further, I combine the two imaging modalities using graph theory and regression analyses to identify key predictors of individual learning performance. Using a prediction task in the context of sequence learning without explicit feedback, I demonstrate that individuals adapt to the environment’s statistics as they change over time from simple repetition to probabilistic combinations. Importantly, I show that learning of temporal structures relates to decision strategy that varies among individuals between two prototypical distributions: matching the exact sequence statistics or selecting the most probable outcome in a given context (i.e. maximising). Further, combining DTI and rs-fMRI, I show that learning-dependent plasticity in dissociable cortico-striatal circuits relates to decision strategy. In particular, matching relates to connectivity between visual cortex, hippocampus and caudate, while maximisation relates to connectivity between frontal and motor cortices and striatum. These findings have potential translational applications, as alternate brain routes may be re-trained to support learning ability when specific pathways (e.g. memory-related circuits) are compromised by age or disease.

Dégénérescence des neurones moteurs cortico-spinaux dans un modèle murin de sclérose latérale amyotrophique : dynamique spatio-temporelle et mécanismes moléculaires / Degeneration of corticospinal motor neurons in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis : spatio-temporal dynamics and molecular mechanisms

Marques, Christine 25 September 2017 (has links)
La sclérose latérale amyotrophique (SLA) se définit cliniquement par la dégénérescence combinée des neurones moteurs cortico-spinaux (NMCS) et des motoneurones bulbaires et spinaux (MnB et MnS). Quoique l’idée d’une origine corticale de la SLA soit de plus en plus considérée, la pathologie corticale, la dynamique spatio-temporelle de la dégénérescence des NMCS et les voies moléculaires impliquées restent peu connues. Ce travail de thèse a essentiellement cherché à pallier ce manque. Nous avons montré que chez les souris Sod1G86R, la perte des NMCS, qui semble se produire en l’absence de gliose réactionnelle majeure, se manifeste de manière somatotopique et précède l'apparition des symptômes moteurs et la dégénérescence des MnS. Nous avons purifié, grâce au développement d'un nouveau protocole, les NMCS adultes du cortex cérébral de souris saines ou malades à quatre stades de la maladie. L’analyse RNA-seq a permis d’identifier de nouveaux acteurs moléculaires précoces pouvant fournir une base pour le développement d'approches thérapeutiques fondées sur le maintien de NMCS sains et fonctionnels, et à long terme, à initier des stratégies thérapeutiques alternatives pour la SLA. / Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is clinically defined as the combined degeneration of the corticospinal motor neurons (CSMN) along with the bulbar and spinal motor neurons (BMN and SMN). While a growing body of evidence points to the cerebral cortex as the potential initiation site of ALS, little is known about the cortical pathology, the spatio-temporal dynamics of CSMN degeneration, and the molecular pathways involved. This thesis work aimed at filling this knowledge gap. In Sod1G86R, we showed that CSMN loss seems to take place without major gliosis, occurs in a somatotopic manner and precedes motor symptom appearance and SMN degeneration. We purified, thanks to the development of a novel protocol, adult CSMN from the cerebral cortex of healthy or diseased mice from early presymptomatic ages to the end stage of the disease. The RNA-seq analysis has made it possible to identify new and early molecular players in ALS. This would provide a foundation for the development of therapeutic approaches based on the maintenance of healthy and functional CSMN, and, on the long run, may in turn inform the development of alternative therapeutic strategies for ALS.

Adaptations fonctionnelles et nerveuses à l'entraînement par vibration locale : du sujet sain à la rééducation / FUNCTIONAL AND NEURAL ADAPTATIONS TO LOCAL VIBRATION TRAINING : FROM HEALTHY SUBJECTS TO REHABILITATION

Souron, Robin 08 December 2017 (has links)
La recherche de méthodes permettant de lutter contre le déconditionnement neuromusculaire à la suite par exemple d’une opération chirurgicale ou d’une immobilisation prolongée intéresse la communauté scientifique depuis de nombreuses années. Ce projet visait à proposer la technique de vibration locale (LV) comme une méthode alternative aux méthodes classiquement utilisées (e.g. vibration corps entier, stimulation électrique neuromusculaire) pour lutter contre ce déconditionnement neuromusculaire. Le premier objectif de ce travail de thèse était de déterminer les effets d’une application aigüe de LV sur la fonction neuromusculaire des muscles fléchisseurs dorsaux et extenseurs du genou de sujets sains. Nos résultats montrent une modulation de l’excitabilité du système nerveux central en réponse à l’application aigüe de LV, ce qui nous a permis d’envisager de potentielles adaptations si cette technique était utilisée de façon répétée sur plusieurs semaines. Ainsi, la seconde orientation de ce travail était d’évaluer les effets d’une application chronique (entraînement) de LV sur les propriétés fonctionnelles (force, hauteur de saut) et nerveuses (mesurées par stimulation magnétique transcrânienne) de sujets sains, jeunes et âgés. Nos résultats ont montré qu’un entraînement par LV était efficace pour améliorer les capacités fonctionnelles de ces deux populations, ces gains s’accompagnant d’adaptations nerveuses. Ces travaux nous ont alors conduits à la mise en place d’une dernière étude (en cours) à visée clinique, qui évaluait l’efficacité de LV en rééducation post-ligamentoplastie du ligament croisé antérieur du genou. / There is a need to find new methods to limit neuromuscular deconditioning that occurs after a surgery or prolonged immobilization. This thesis aimed to assess local vibration (LV) training as an alternative to methods classically used (e.g. whole body vibration, neuromuscular electrical stimulation) to fight against neuromuscular deconditioning. The first aim of this project was to determine the effects of a 30-min acute exposure to LV on the neuromuscular function of dorsiflexor and knee extensor muscles in a healthy population. Our results showed that acute LV intervention changed central nervous system excitability, allowing us to consider long-term adaptations to prolonged LV. Thus, the second aim of this thesis was to assess the effects of a chronic application (training) of LV on functional (maximal strength, squat jump performance) and neural (assessed with transcranial magnetic stimulation) properties of healthy young and old subjects. Our results showed that 4 to 8 weeks of LV increase functional capacities that were due to neural adaptations. Based on these results, an on-going study assessing the effectiveness of LV during a rehabilitation program for subjects who suffered from anterior cruciate ligament lesion has been proposed.

Homo- et hétérosynaptique spike-timing-dependent plasticity aux synapses cortico- et thalamo-striatales / Homo- and heterosynaptic plasticity at cortico- and thalamo-striatal synapses

Mendes, Alexandre 28 September 2017 (has links)
D’après le postulat de Hebb, les circuits neuronaux ajustent et modifient durablement leurs poids synaptiques en fonction des patrons de décharges de part et d’autre de la synapse. La « spike-timing-dependent plasticity » (STDP) est une règle d’apprentissage synaptique hebbienne dépendante de la séquence temporelle précise (de l’ordre de la milliseconde) des activités appariées des neurones pré- et post-synaptiques. Le striatum, le principal noyau d’entrée des ganglions de la base, reçoit des afférences excitatrices provenant du cortex cérébral et du thalamus dont les activités peuvent être concomitantes ou décalées dans le temps. Ainsi, l’encodage temporal des informations corticales et thalamiques via la STDP pourrait être crucial pour l’implication du striatum dans l’apprentissage procédural. Nous avons exploré les plasticités synaptiques cortico- et thalamo-striatales puis leurs interactions à travers le paradigme de la STDP. Les principaux résultats sont :1. Les « spike-timing-dependent plasticity » opposées cortico-striatales et thalamo-striatales induisent des plasticités hétérosynaptiques. Si la très grande majorité des études sont consacrées à la plasticité synaptique cortico-striatale, peu ont exploré les règles de plasticité synaptique aux synapses thalamo-striatale et leurs interactions avec la plasticité cortico-striatale. Nous avons étudié la STDP thalamo-striatale et comment les plasticités synaptiques thalamo- et cortico-striatales interagissent… / According to Hebbian postulate, neural circuits tune their synaptic weights depending on patterned firing of action potential on either side of the synapse. Spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) is an experimental implementation of Hebbian plasticity that relies on the precise order and the millisecond timing of the paired activities in pre- and postsynaptic neurons. The striatum, the primary entrance to basal ganglia, integrates excitatory inputs from both cerebral cortex and thalamus whose activities can be concomitant or delayed. Thus, temporal coding of cortical and thalamic information via STDP paradigm may be crucial for the role of the striatum in procedural learning. Here, we explored cortico-striatal and thalamo-striatal synaptic plasticity and their interplay through STDP paradigm. The main results described here are:1. Opposing spike-timing dependent plasticity at cortical and thalamic inputs drive heterosynaptic plasticity in striatumIf the vast majority of the studies focused on cortico-striatal synaptic plasticity, much less is known about thalamo-striatal plasticity rules and their interplay with cortico-striatal plasticity. Here, we explored thalamo-striatal STDP and how thalamo-striatal and cortico-striatal synaptic plasticity interplay. a) While bidirectional and anti-Hebbian STDP was observed at cortico-striatal synapses, thalamo-striatal exhibited bidirectional and hebbian STDP...

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