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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cosmopolitanism in a Mediatized World : The Social Stratification of Global Orientations

Lindell, Johan January 2014 (has links)
The contemporary media landscape invites us to experience a belonging to various distant places, mourn the victims of faraway disasters, expose ourselves to foreign cultures and engage in political issues in places far from our local context of living. In other words, we are invited to become citizens of the world – cosmopolitans. But are we? And if so, how is such cosmopolitanism expressed in a given society, under what social conditions, and in relation to what media practices? Contemporary social theory depicts a global or cosmopolitan mode of orienting in the world as paradigmatic of social life in global modernity. To date, little is known about the structural realities of such orientations. Against this backdrop, the aim of the present study is to understand the potentially “cosmopolitan” character of peoples’ outlooks and practices, and the societal conditions in which they can be identified. On the one hand, the aim of the study is to contribute to the largely theoretical accounts of the “cosmopolitan” character of social life in present times, andon the other, to understand the specific role of various media practices in the process generally described as “cosmopolitanization”. Results yielded by a national survey deployed in Sweden (n = 1 025) show that the distribution of various cosmopolitan dispositions abides by logics of social stratification. In tandem with previous research, cosmopolitanism – when studied “from below” – has a tendency to emerge in more privileged spheres of society. Being “connected” and simply living in a potentially global media landscape does not nullify this pattern. Contrary to significant parts of popular and scholarly conviction, the media is no uniform, all-encompassing environment operating as a force of cosmopolitanization across all social strata. The results of this study point towards a “mediatized cosmopolitanism” that is impossible to disentangle from social context and the power dynamics pertaining to that context. / Det samtida medielandskapet tillåter oss att känna tillhörigheter till en mängd olika platser, sörja offer för katastrofer i fjärran länder, exponera oss för främmande kulturella uttryck och engagera oss i politiska frågor rörande platser långt bortom vårt lokala sammanhang. Vi tycks med andra ord bli inbjuda att bli världsmedborgare – kosmopoliter. Men är vi det? Hur uttrycks i sådana fall kosmopolitismen i ett givet samhälle - under vilka förhållanden och i relation till vilka mediepraktiker? Samtida samhällsvetenskaplig teori framställer ett globalt-, eller kosmopolitiskt förhållningsssätt som paradigmatiskt för det sociala livet i den globala moderniteten. Dock finns inte tillräckligt underlag för att förstå den strukturella verkligheten kring sådana förhållningssätt. Mot den bakgrunden är syftet med föreliggande studie att förstå den potentiellt sett ”kosmopolitiska” karaktären på människors förhållningssätt och praktiker och de förhållanden i vilka sådana orienteringar kommer till uttryck. Således är syftet å ena sidan att bidra empiriskt till teoretiska beskrivningar av vår kosmopolitiska samtid. Å andra sidan söker studien också förstå den specifika rollen av olika mediepraktiker i relation till den process som beskrivits som ”kosmopolitaniseringen”. Resultat från en nationell enkätundersökning i Sverige (n = 1 025) visar på en social stratifiering av kosmopolitiska orienteringar. I linje med tidigare forskning påvisar föreliggande studie att kosmopolitism studerad “underifrån” har en tendens att framförallt komma till uttryck i mer priviligierade samhällssfärer. Att vara “sammanlänkad” och helt enkelt leva i ett potentiellt sett globalt medielandskap motverkar inte den tendensen. I motsats till både populära och akademiska utsagor utgör inte medierna en unison och allomfattande miljö som sätter igång en process av kosmopolitanisering i alla samhällets skikt. Studiens resultat pekar istället mot en ”medialiserad kosmopolitism” som är omöjlig att förstå utan att ta hänsyn till sitt sociala sammanhang och de maktförhållanden som råder i det sammanhanget.

Swedish People’s Experiences of Following the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar : A Globality, Cosmopolitanism, and Cosmopolitanization Perspective

Svärd, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates Swedish people’s experiences following the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar from a globality, cosmopolitanism, and cosmopolitanization perspective. The 2022 World Cup was controversial due to allegations of human rights violations in preparations for the Cup in Qatar as well as allegations of corruption within the FIFA organization. As a result, this thesis investigates how Swedish people's experiences may have been affected. This research seeks a link between a potential global mindset originating from globalization and the experiences of Swedish people following the Cup. Theories of globality, cosmopolitanism, and cosmopolitanization are all used to explore this. This thesis uses data from semi-structured interviews. Based on the data, this thesis concludes that awareness of human rights does affect Swedish people following the World Cup and that the media plays the most significant role in raising consciousness. Also, this thesis concludes that globality, cosmopolitanism, and cosmopolitanization may all be related to respondents' experiences or future visions of the Cup.

Princípio da jurisdição universal: a deslocalização judiciária entre o dever ser cosmopolita e a realidade da cosmopolitização / Principle of universal jurisdiction: the judicial dislocation of duty being cosmopolitan and the reality of cosmopolitization

Mello, Rafaela da Cruz 14 March 2017 (has links)
The process of internationalization of human rights was one of those responsible for making individuals subject to international law and for motivating the development of the principle of humanity. In this context, cosmopolitan ideals, inspired by the philosophical reflections of Immanuel Kant, from the middle of the last century, began to emerge with the intention of providing bases for the interpretation of certain phenomena. In the legal field, observation based on precepts of cosmopolitanism provides important elements for understanding human rights and the need to combat impunity for those who commit global violations of such rights through genocide, war crimes and crimes Against humanity. In relation to these criminal types, internationalization fostered the so-called principle of universal jurisdiction. According to this principle, any State is capable of prosecuting crimes against human rights, even if there is no territorial connection of the facts to its territory or nationality link between victims and / or defendants and the state of judgment. We are faced with the so-called judicial relocation, in which elements such as territoriality and nationality are put in check because of the need to protect human rights. The use of this principle, by generating ruptures with elements of modern understanding of law, jurisdiction and process, raises practical questions in the field of the so-called cosmopolitanization of justice. In view of this scenario, the research problems that guide this work are: To what extent does the process of internationalization of human rights establish a duty of States to exercise universal jurisdiction? When looking at the limits of the real, what are the obstacles to an effective exercise of universal jurisdiction in its absolute form? The general objective of the research was to observe the principle of universal jurisdiction over the dichotomous view of being cosmopolitan, of inspiration in Kantian philosophical reflections and of authors who use Kant as their theoretical basis and of the being of cosmopolitanization, a concept developed in the plane of Sociology by Ulrich Beck and which demonstrates that reality departs from the perceptions of a philosophical cosmopolitanism and approaches the idea that society has become cosmopolitan because of the transnationalization of global risks. The method of dialectical approach and the methods of comparative and typological procedure were used. It has been concluded that philosophically anchored on the premises of cosmopolitanism and, legally in the norms of jus cogens, universal jurisdiction, in its absolute form, is seen as a duty to be able to break with impunity and repair human rights violations. However, the reality of being shies away from universalist pretensions and approaches the particularism of practices, so that the presence of legal and political obstacles to the exercise of universal jurisdiction drastically reduces its spectrum of application. From the duty of punishment, through the application of absolute universal jurisdiction, States have only been able to punish if there are certain conditions, generally stipulated by their respective domestic laws. / O processo de internacionalização dos direitos humanos foi um dos responsáveis por tornar os indivíduos em sujeitos de direito internacional e por motivar o desenvolvimento do princípio da humanidade. Nesse contexto, ideais cosmopolitas, inspirados nas reflexões filosóficas de Immanuel Kant, a partir de meados do século passado, passaram a despontar com o intuito de fornecer bases para a interpretação de determinados fenômenos. No campo jurídico, a observação a partir de preceitos do cosmopolitismo acaba por fornecer importantes elementos para a compreensão dos direitos humanos e da necessidade de combate à impunidade em relação àqueles que cometem violações globais a tais direitos por meio de genocídios, crimes de guerra e crimes contra a humanidade. Em relação a esses tipos penais, a internacionalização fomentou o chamado princípio da jurisdição universal. Segundo tal princípio, qualquer Estado é capaz de julgar crimes ocorridos contra os direitos humanos, mesmo que não haja vinculação territorial dos fatos ao seu território ou vínculo de nacionalidade entre vítimas e/ou réus e o Estado julgador. Está-se diante da denominada deslocalização judiciária, em que elementos como territorialidade e nacionalidade são colocados em xeque por força da necessidade de proteção aos direitos humanos. A utilização desse princípio, por gerar rupturas com elementos da compreensão moderna de direito, de jurisdição e de processo, gera questionamentos de ordem prática, no campo da chamada cosmopolitização da justiça. Diante desse cenário, os problemas de pesquisa que norteiam este trabalho são: Em que medida o processo de internacionalização dos direitos humanos estabelece um dever de exercício de jurisdição universal por parte dos Estados? Ao observar os limites do real, quais são os entraves para um efetivo exercício da jurisdição universal em sua forma absoluta? O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi o de observar o princípio da jurisdição universal sobre a ótica dicotômica do dever ser cosmopolita, de inspiração nas reflexões filosóficas kantianas e de autores que utilizam Kant como sua base teórica e do ser da cosmopolitização, conceito desenvolvido no plano da sociologia por Ulrich Beck e que demonstra que a realidade se afasta das percepções de um cosmopolitismo filosófico e se aproxima da ideia de que a sociedade se tornou cosmopolita em razão da transnacionalização de riscos globais. Utilizou-se o método de abordagem dialético e os métodos de procedimento comparativo e tipológico. Concluiu-se que ancorada filosoficamente em premissas do cosmopolitismo e, juridicamente nas normas do jus cogens, a jurisdição universal, em sua forma absoluta, é vista como um dever ser capaz de romper com a impunidade e reparar violações de direitos humanos. No entanto, a realidade do ser afasta-se das pretensões universalistas e se aproxima do particularismo das práticas, de modo que a presença de entraves jurídicos e políticos ao exercício da jurisdição universal reduzem de modo drástico o seu espectro de aplicação. De dever de punir, por meio da aplicação da jurisdição universal absoluta, os Estados passaram a somente poder punir se houver a assunção de algumas condições, em geral estipuladas pelas respectivas legislações internas.

Sustainable Living in Taipei and Beijing: From Risk to Ecological Conviviality

Ng, Felix Sai Kit 22 July 2024 (has links)
Basierend auf der Grundlage der Theorie der Kosmopolitisierung als Forschungsrahmen von Ulrich Beck untersucht diese Doktorarbeit, wie das globale Risiko die Weltanschauung und die Alltagspraktiken verändert hat, um ein nachhaltiges Leben in Peking und Taipeh zu sichern. Zur Analyse der von Umweltschützern und ihren grünen Gruppen in diesen beiden großchinesischen Gemeinden propagierten Praktiken eines nachhaltigen Lebensstils, schlage ich den Begriff der ökologischen Konvivialität vor, der sich auf ein friedliches Leben und symbiotische Beziehungen zwischen Mensch und Natur als Mittel zur Bekämpfung des unbegrenzten Wachstums der industriellen Produktivität und des Massenkonsums bezieht. Die Studie knüpft an die jüngste Diskussion über die reale Existenz des Lebens-mit-Unterschied an, indem sie die Konvivialität im Rahmen nachhaltiger Lebensbeziehungen weiter verortet. Die Forschungsergebnisse betonen die ökologische Konvivialität des nachhaltigen Lebens als Alternative zu den dominierenden, aber konfliktreichen Diskursen, indem sie das nachhaltige Leben als ein Instrument der neoliberalen Gouvernementalität oder als Aktion der Lebensstilbewegung betrachten. Der zweite Teil der Dissertation zeigt nicht nur, wie sich die Teilnehmer der Umweltbewegung von der Antizipation globaler Katastrophen in ökologische Konvivialität verwandelt haben, sondern erläutert auch drei Formen konvivialer Prekarität, die in den friedlichen Beziehungen zwischen Mensch und Natur verankert sind. Insbesondere wird herausgearbeitet, wie unterschiedliche soziale Klassenpositionen einen nachhaltigen Lebenshabitus ermöglichen oder einschränken, welche regionalen kulturellen Elemente für und gegen ökologische Konvivialität hilfreich sind und wie genau unterschiedliche politische Felder die konviviale Small-P-Politik über die Taiwanstraße prägen. / This doctoral study draws upon Ulrich Beck’s theory of cosmopolitanization as a research framework to securitize sustainable living in Beijing and Taipei and examine how global risk has metamorphosed the worldview and daily practices. I propose the notion of ecological conviviality as a lens through which to analyze the sustainable lifestyle practices promoted by environmentalists and their green groups in these two Greater Chinese communities. Ecological conviviality refers to peaceful living and symbiotic relationships between humans and nature as a way to combat the unlimited growth of industrial productivity and mass consumption. This study echoes recent discussion on the real existence of living-with-difference by situating conviviality further within sustainable living relationships, which include social relationships between peoples, nature, and the future. The research findings cast light on the conviviality of sustainable living as an alternative to dominating but conflicting discourses by seeing sustainable living as a tool of neoliberal governmentality or the action of lifestyle movement. In addition to revealing how environmentalist participants have metamorphosed from the anticipation of global catastrophe into ecological conviviality, the latter part of this dissertation explicates three forms of convivial precariousness that are ingrained in peaceful relationships between humans and nature. Specifically, it unravels how social class position(-ing) either enables or limits eco-habitus, how regional cultural elements impact ecological conviviality, and how different political fields shape convivial small-p politics across the Taiwan Strait. This study suggests that the sustainable living movement could nurture ecological conviviality. However, ecological conviviality is subject to the three precarious factors that are essential to examining the prospects and limitations of sustainable living for Greater Chinese communities and beyond.

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