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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Partnering - Kundnytta i fokus / Partnering - Customer value in focus

Abramsson, Marcus, Brygiewicz, Alexander January 2013 (has links)
Då litteraturen och forskningen är begränsad inom ämnet kundnytta i partneringprojekt, väcktes intresset att genomföra en empirisk studie om ämnet. Det har inte visat sig vara lämpligt att genomföra detta mot en specifik fråga eller ett problem då den befintliga informationen behandlar teori och tillämpningar av partnering, inte kundnytta. Med hänsyn till ovanstående problematik syftar denna uppsats till att beskriva hur olika parter, kopplade till partneringverksamhet i Sverige, upplever vilka arbetssätt och faktorer som maximerar kundnyttan i ett partneringprojekt. En kvalitativ metod där sex personer intervjuades, kopplade till partneringverksamhet i Sverige. Intervjuerna är semistrukturerade och anpassade till varje enskilt intervjuobjekt. De viktigaste slutsatserna som besvarar syftet är:  Förstå kundens affär  Välj ersättningsform baserat på grundlagt tillit och projekttyp  Alla parters samlade kunskaper ger rätt förutsättningar för beställaren att fatta rätt beslut  Avsaknad av gemensamma välutvecklade digitala hjälpmedel  Ta beslut i rätt tid  Referensytor och egenslutkontroller istället för besiktningsman / The literature and research is limited in the subject costumer value in partnering projects. This contributed to the interest to perform an empirical study on the topic. It has not been shown to be appropriate to implement this on a specific issue or problem, when the available information deals with the theory and applications of partnering, not customer value. Given the above problem this papers purpose is to describe how the various contractors and clients, associated with partnering activities in Sweden, experiencing the work and factors that maximize customer value in a partnering project. A qualitative method where six people were interviewed, related to partnering activities in Sweden. The interviews are semi-structured and adapted to each interviewee. The most important conclusions that answer the purpose are:  Understand the customers business  Choose a form of compensation based on founded trust and project type  All parties combined knowledge provides the right conditions for the customer to make the right decision  Lack of common well-developed digital tools  Make decisions at the right time  Reference Surfaces and own final checks instead third party inspector

Consumer’s Perceptions and Attitudes on Augmented Reality in Online Retail.

Amaris Baños, Indira January 2020 (has links)
This study discusses Augmented Reality (AR) as a digital marketing tool in online retail, with a special focus on the perceptions and attitudes which consumers hold towards the tool. The project, aims to give insights on how to study AR in online retail settings and also touches upon how different characteristics of augmented reality can impact the consumers attitudes towards products displayed or demonstrated with AR tools. The conceptual framework is based on literature and case studies in the fields of augmented reality, consumer experience and, customer value creation. The data for this research project was obtained through in-depth interviews with participants who have had previous experiences with Augmented Reality. After analysing and categorising their answers, the findings suggest that the participants have an overall positive attitude towards the tool and that they are already keen to engage with the technology. Their answers also suggested that the use of AR tools in online retail could positively affect the consumers attitudes towards the promoted services or products which are displayed with the tool. Moreover, depending on certain factors, the tool could potentially have a positive effect on the purchasing decision. On the negative side, the participants consider the technology is not there yet and needs to be improved to deliver meaningful value for them. Other valuable findings of the project are related to the customer journeys and the value the tool provides to the users. / Denna studie diskuterar Augmented Reality (AR) som ett digitalt marknadsföringsverktyg inom onlinehandeln, med ett särskilt fokus på de uppfattningar och attityder som konsumenterna har gentemot verktyget. Projektet syftar till att ge insikter om hur man studerar AR i online-butiksmiljöer och berör också hur olika egenskaper hos AR kan påverka konsumenternas attityder till produkter som visas eller demonstreras med AR-verktyg. Den konceptuella ramen är baserad på litteratur och fallstudier inom AR, konsumentupplevelse och kundvärdeskapande. Data för detta forskningsprojekt erhölls genom fördjupade intervjuer med deltagare som tidigare haft erfarenheter av AR. Efter att ha analyserat och kategoriserat sina svar föreslår resultatet att deltagarna har en övergripande positiv inställning till verktyget och att de redan är angelägna om att engagera sig i tekniken. Deras svar föreslog också att användningen av AR-verktyg i online-detaljhandeln positivt kunde påverka konsumenternas attityder till de marknadsförda tjänsterna eller produkterna som visas med verktyget. Beroende på vissa faktorer kan verktyget dessutom ha en positiv effekt på inköpsbeslutet. Bland de negativa aspekterna anser deltagarna att tekniken inte Einns där ännu och måste förbättras för att ge ett meningsfullt värde för dem. Andra värdefulla insikter från projektet är relaterade till kundresan och det värde verktyget ger användarna.

The Value-chain of Biochar : Case developement and value validation for providers and customers from an environmental, economic and social perspective

Eriksson, Markus, Engel, Samuel January 2024 (has links)
The growing need for climate mitigation solutions has contributed so thatbiochar has gained significant interest. Primary for its ability as a carbon sinkbut there is also a growing interest due to several other aspects within industriese.g. substitution effects, increased resource efficiency, an enabler forindustrial symbiosis, and its beneficial properties when put in soil that can increasegrowth. Previous studies of biochar have been dominant within the environmentalperspective of biochar, analyzing detailed characteristics of its propertiesand carbon sink potential. Some studies have a holistic perspective reflectingon countries specific energy mix and the different benefits of producingbiochar. However, previous studies are far too few to determine the value-chainof biochar. Hence previous studies have knowledge gaps within the holistic lifecycle approach from a provider or customer perspective of biochar, not reflectingon demand for quality requirements in different utilization areas and markets.The need for validation of the environmental and the economic performanceof biochar has to be established, and the economic perspective of biochar hasmajor knowledge gaps since previous studies are scarce. The study aims to establish the value-chain of biochar by evaluating theenvironmental, economic, and social perspectives through life cycle thinking.The core of the study is to distinguish value, which first has to reflect thebiochar quality requirements from providers and customers, captured throughinterviews and literature research. The quality requirements enable a goal forproducing biochar and determine what processes and biomass are needed fordifferent markets. This is evaluated through a case development which considersthe different quality requirements. Life cycle assessment (LCA) with acradle-to-grave perspective and life cycle costing (LCC) with a cradle-to-gatewere then used to distinguish biochar´s environmental and economic performance. The interviews and researched literature resulted in three cases being developed,biochar application in electric arc furnaces in steel production, agriculturalapplication, and commercial application through biochar-macadam. Thesteel industry has higher quality requirements due to the need to have a similarcomposition as fossil coal, resulting in biochar produced from wood being theonly option. The limitations for agricultural application are more related tothe allowed amount of phosphorus per ha and thus all the researched biocharapplies to different degrees. Biochar application in biochar-macadam is similarto agricultural application, however limited due to the EBC certification notallowing the production of biochar from sludge. The generated results from the LCA show that the climate performance isvastly different depending on what biomass was utilized and the different markets.Biochar produced from park and garden, and wood results in a higher climateperformance due to the higher carbon sequestration compared to biocharproduced from straw and sludge, however depending on how the biocharis utilized, the performance varies. During biochar application in electric arcfurnaces, the majority of the produced carbon sink is destroyed which resultsin worse climate performance, instead the majority of the reduced emissionscomes from the substituted fossil coal. Compared to biochar application inagricultural and biochar-macadam where the carbon sink stays intact, steel applicationstill has worse climate performance even when including substitution.Biochar-macadam production results in more emissions compared to agriculturalapplication due to the need to mix biochar with stones and compost,thus biochar in agriculture is the best option from a climate perspective. The economic aspects are generated through the conducted LCC which resulted inbiochar produced from park and garden, and sludge being more beneficial dueto the absence of acquisition costs. Production of biochar from wood provesto be difficult when considering a larger time frame, with the market for steelproduction not returning the investment. Biochar produced from straw hasa positive return on investment when considering the agriculture market, butnot for the production of biochar-macadam. The results show that the marketof biochar is very uncertain due to being considered immature and a futuremarket. The major uncertainty is connected with the immaturity of the market.The quality requirements are not reflected in the market pricing which isone of the major reasons for biochar utilization in the steel industry not beingeconomically beneficial. The value chain of biochar is a combination of many different economic,environmental, and social values. The conducted LCA shows that there areclimate benefits due to carbon sequestration, and a possibility to replace fossilreferences. Other than biochar there are also by-products such as heat and oilwhich can be utilized, improving the climate performance further. The multipleproducts also have economic benefits due to the potential of creating multipleproducts. The carbon sink can be sold as carbon credits, and the heat can beutilized in district heating. For providers, the creation of biochar is an enablerto reduce environmental impact, utilize products already within the system,and create value from waste. The structure of biochar generates a lot of valuefor customers. The porosity enables water storing capabilities which increasesthe efficiency of watering. This reduced the amount needed for soil applications,while also securing the harvest from drought and flooding. Even though thevalue chain of biochar shows that there is a lot of potential, it is still uncertainhow it will be integrated into society, and how the market will be shaped in theyears to come.

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