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Monokolokabilní slova v češtině a dalších evropských jazycích / Words with extremely restricted colocability in Czech and other European languagesŠíková Hrejsemnová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents an insight into the phenomenon of cranberry collocations. In opposition to their prevailing conception as a marginal part of phraseology, it shows, on the basis of corpus data, that their nature is very diverse and deserves a broader view. It suggests statistical tools which can be used to search for cranberry words in corpora. Based on an analysis of the data obtained by this method, it presents a classification and description of the phenomenon in Czech, including some problematic points. These findings are subsequently used for comparison of cranberry collocations in Czech with data obtained in the same way in Slovak, French and English.
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The quest for home the physical and spiritual journey /Trick, Elizabeth Kang. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (M.C.S.)--Regent College, 2000. / Abstract and vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 78-81).
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The quest for home the physical and spiritual journey /Trick, Elizabeth Kang. January 2000 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.C.S.)--Regent College, 2000. / Abstract and vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 78-81).
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The quest for home the physical and spiritual journey /Trick, Elizabeth Kang. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (M.C.S.)--Regent College, 2000. / Abstract and vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 78-81).
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Monokolokabilní slova v němčině. Reflexe / Monocollocable Words in German. A reflection.Veretelnyk, Iegor January 2017 (has links)
The work concerns the study of limited collocational paradigms in modern German. It is based on the corpus cooccurrence analysis and aims at the clearing up of the phenomenon of the so- called monocollocability. After the undertaken analyses and reflections there came a conclusion that corroborated the original point of view, namely, that the so-called monocollocability presents a multiplex phenomenon, where a metaphore of centre and periphery seems to be appropriate. In the analyses there occur semantically neutral word, inherently bound on certain collocated for formal reasons.
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Long-term consequences and prevention of urinary tract infections in childhoodSalo, J. (Jarmo) 21 August 2012 (has links)
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common bacterial infections in childhood and have a tendency to recur. The ability of uropathogens to form biofilm may be important in the pathogenesis of UTI. Although childhood UTIs are thought to increase the risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD), evidence showing this association is scarce. Cranberry juice has been shown to prevent UTIs in women, but evidence of its efficacy in children is lacking. The aim of this work was to evaluate the significance of biofilm formation for the clinical presentation of UTI, the long-term consequences of UTI in childhood and the efficacy, safety and acceptability of cranberry juice in the prevention of UTIs in children.
The formation of biofilm in clinical samples was assessed in vitro with optical density measurements and verified by scanning electron microscopy and confocal scanning laser microscopy. A systematic literature search on the association between childhood UTIs and CKD was conducted, and data on patients with CKD treated or monitored at Oulu University Hospital were reviewed. The efficacy of cranberry juice in preventing recurrences of UTIs in children and its effects on the normal flora were evaluated with two randomized controlled trials.
About one third of the uropathogenic E. coli strains were capable of forming biofilm, and the strains isolated from patients having pyelonephritis formed biofilm better than those from cystitis cases. We did not find any cases among the 1576 reviewed in the literature search or the 366 in our patient series who had structurally normal kidneys in their first kidney imaging and in whom childhood UTIs could have been the cause of subsequent CKD. The aetiological fraction of childhood UTIs as a cause of CKD was at most 0.3%. The administering of cranberry juice did not reduce the number of children who experienced a recurrence of UTI, but it did reduce the number of recurrences per person year at risk by 39% (0.25 vs. 0.41 episodes, 95% CI for difference -0.31 to -0.01) and the number of days on antimicrobials per patient year by 34% (11.6 vs. 17.6 days, 95% CI for difference -7 to -5). Cranberry juice was well accepted and tolerated by the children and did not cause harmful changes in the normal flora.
The ability of bacteria to persist and grow in a biofilm seems to be one of the significant factors in the pathogenesis of UTIs. A child with normal kidneys is not at risk of developing CKD because of UTIs in childhood, so that imaging procedures after the first UTI can be focused on finding severe urinary tract abnormalities. Taking into account the relatively innocent nature of childhood UTIs, cranberry juice offers an alternative to antimicrobials for preventing UTIs in children. The mechanism of action of cranberry juice may be associated with biofilm formation by uropathogens. / Tiivistelmä
Virtsatieinfektio (VTI) on yksi tavallisimpia lasten bakteeri-infektioita, ja sillä on taipumus uusiutua. Bakteerien biofilminmuodostuskyky voi olla merkittävä tekijä VTI:n synnyssä. Lapsuudessa sairastetun VTI:n ajatellaan lisäävän kroonisen munuaisten vajaatoiminnan riskiä, mikä ei kuitenkaan perustu tieteelliseen näyttöön. Karpalomehu ehkäisee aikuisten naisten VTI:n uusiutumisia, mutta sen tehoa lapsilla ei tiedetä. Tämän väitöskirjatyön tavoitteena oli selvittää bakteerien biofilminmuodostuskyvyn yhteyttä VTI:n kliiniseen kuvaan, lapsuudessa sairastetun VTI:n pitkäaikaisvaikutuksia sekä karpalomehun tehoa, turvallisuutta ja käyttökelpoisuutta lasten VTI:n ehkäisyssä.
Kliinisistä virtsanäytteistä viljeltyjen E. coli –kantojen muodostama biofilmi mitattiin optisen tiheyden perusteella, ja elävien biofilmirakenteiden muodostuminen varmistettiin elektronimikroskooppi- ja konfokaalimikroskooppikuvauksilla. Lapsena sairastetun VTI:n yhteyttä munuaisten vajaatoimintaan tutkittiin systemaattisella kirjallisuuskatsauksella ja selvittämällä OYS:ssa munuaisten vajaatoiminnan vuoksi hoidossa olevien potilaiden munuaissairauden etiologia. Karpalomehun tehoa, turvallisuutta ja käyttökelpoisuutta lasten VTI:n ehkäisyssä selvitettiin kahdella lumekontrolloidulla tutkimuksella.
Kolmasosa E. coli –kannoista muodosti biofilmiä, ja pyelonefriittipotilailta eristetyt kannat olivat parempia biofilminmuodostajia kuin kystiittipotilailta eristetyt. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen 1576:n ja OYS:n 366:n tapauksen joukossa ei ollut potilaita, joilla olisi ollut ensimmäisessä kuvantamistutkimuksessa rakenteeltaan normaalit munuaiset ja lapsuuden VTI:t olisivat johtaneet munuaisten vajaatoimintaan. Lapsuuden VTI:n etiologinen fraktio munuaisten vajaatoiminnan syynä oli teoriassakin korkeintaan 0.3 %. Karpalomehu ei vähentänyt uusintainfektion saaneiden lasten määrää, mutta se vähensi uusintaepisodeja 39 % riskiaikaa kohti (0,25/vuosi vs. 0,41/vuosi) ja antibioottipäiviä 34 % potilasvuotta kohti (11,6 vs. 17,6 päivää). Lapset joivat karpalomehua mielellään, eikä sillä ollut haitallisia vaikutuksia normaaliflooraan.
Aiheuttajabakteerien biofilminmuodostuskyky vaikuttaa olevan merkittävä tekijä VTI:n patogeneesissä. Lapsi, jolla on rakenteellisesti normaalit munuaiset, ei ole lapsuuden VTI:n vuoksi riskissä sairastua munuaisten vajaatoimintaan. Siten ensimmäisen VTI:n jälkeiset kuvantamistutkimukset voidaan suunnata toteamaan vaikeat rakenteelliset poikkeavuudet. Koska lapsuuden VTI on suhteellisen vaaraton sairaus, karpalomehu on hyvä vaihtoehto VTI:n ehkäisyyn myös lapsilla. Biofilminmuodostuksen esto on sen yksi mahdollinen vaikutusmekanismi.
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Desenvolvimento de um novo método in vitro para controle de qualidade de protetores solares e otimização do processo de extração de compostos fenólicos antioxidantes do cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon A.) / New in vitro method for quality control of sunscreens and optimization of the extraction process of phenolic antioxidant compounds from cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon A.)Moraes, Dayane Cristina de 06 March 2018 (has links)
O objetivo, no capítulo I deste trabalho, foi desenvolver e validar um novo método espectrofotométrico in vitro para a avaliação da eficácia de protetores solares, o qual pode ser adotado na rotina industrial como uma maneira de identificar desvios de qualidade e garantir a eficácia de protetores solares a cada novo lote produzido. O método proposto é baseado na absorção espectrofotométrica na região do UV (280-400 nm) de uma camada fina de protetor solar aplicada na face externa de uma cubeta de quartzo preenchida com uma solução padrão (SP) que absorve em toda a região do UV, a fim de obter uma medida de área sob a curva (ASC), empregada como valor de referência para cada FPS testado. Para o desenvolvimento do método, foram utilizados protetores solares da mesma marca, com valores de FPS de 15; 20; 30; 40; 50 e 60, o qual foi aplicado sobre a face externa da cubeta a uma concentração de 0,2 mg/cm2. A SP consistiu de uma solução de quercetina (10 ?g/mL) à qual foram adicionadas 6 gotas de solução de AlCL3 6%. A partir do espectro de absorvância de cada amostra na região de UV foi calculado o valor da ASC. O método demonstrou ser reprodutível, robusto e eficaz para controle de qualidade de protetores solares. Outro importante objetivo desse estudo, descrito no capítulo II, foi determinar as condições ótimas para a extração de compostos fenólicos do cranberry em pó utilizando metodologia de superfície de resposta, empregando quatro variáveis independentes: (i) tempo de extração; (ii) proporção planta:solvente; (iii) temperatura e (iv) velocidade de agitação, segundo desenho experimental do tipo Box-Behnken, com análise de três respostas: teor de polifenois totais (TPT); atividade antioxidante (CI50; DPPH) e teor de sólidos totais (TST). As condições ideais obtidas foram: tempo de extração 5 horas; proporção planta:solvente 1:2; velocidade de agitação 80 RPM e temperatura 45°C, correspondendo aos valores preditos de 433,1 mg/g; 0,100 mg/mL e 19,9% para o TPT; CI50 DPPH e TST, respectivamente. Em seguida, o extrato otimizado de cranberry foi avaliado com relação à sua atividade fotoprotetora/fotoquimioprotetora. Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho demonstraram que o extrato otimizado de cranberry apresenta elevado potencial antioxidante ao inibir a quimioluminescência (CI50 de 0,202 ± 0,32 ?g/mL) e reduzir a peroxidação lipídica (CI50 de 32,6 ± 5,8 ?g/mL). No ensaio de DPPH, obteve-se uma CI50 de 136,7 ±6,8 ?g/mL. Reduziu em 41% a peroxidação lipídica em células L929. Além disso, o extrato incorporado a uma formulação gel-creme, apresentou elevado potencial fotoprotetor in vitro. / The chapter I of this work aims to develop and validate a new in vitro spectrophotometric method for assessing the effectiveness of sunscreens, which can be adopted in industrial routine production as a way to identify quality deviations and ensure the effectiveness of sunscreen product. Briefly, the proposed method is based on the spectrophotometric absortion on the UV region (280-400 nm) of a thin layer of sunscreen sample applied on the outside of a quartz cuvette which is filled with a standard solution (SS). The area under the curve of absorption of SS and sunscreen sample is obtained. For the experiment development, it was used sunscreens products of the same brand with SPF values of 15; 20; 30; 40; 50 and 60 which was applied on the cuvette outside at a concentration of 0,2mg/cm2. The reference standard used consisted of a quercetin solution added of AlCl3 6%. From the absorbance of each sample spectrum in UV region was calculated the value of the area under the curve (AUC). The spectrophotometric method developed was effective for confirm SPF sunscreen products produced batch to batch. In the chapter II, were determined the optimal conditions for phenolic compounds extraction from cranberry powder using the surface response methodology with four independent variables: (i) extraction time (hours); (ii) ratio plant : solvent; (iii) temperature and (iv) speed agitation (RPM) , according to Box-Behnken, with analysis of three answers: total polyphenol content (TPC); antioxidant activity (IC50; DPPH) and total solids content (TSC). The ideal conditions obtained were: extraction time 5 hours; ratio plant:solvent 1:2; agitation speed 80 RPM and temperature 45°C, corresponding to the values predicted of 433.1 mg/g; 0,100 mg/ml and 19.9% for TPC; IC50 DPPH and TSC respectively. Then, the optimized cranberry extract was evaluated with respect to its photoprotective/photochemoprotective activity. Preliminary results presented in this paper demonstrate the ability of optimized cranberry extract to scavenge free radicals, with a high antioxidant potential to inhibit satisfactorily chemiluminescence generated in the system xanthine/XOD/luminol; presenting IC50 0.202 ± 0.32 ?g/ml; lipid peroxidation using yolk egg as lipid substrate, with an IC50 of 32.6 ± 5,8 ?g/ml. In DPPH test, the optimized extract showed an IC50 of 136.7 ± 6.8 mg/mL. The extract was also able to reducing UVB radiation-induced damage at the cellular level in fibroblasts mice of L929 line, with a 41% reduction in lipid peroxidation in cells compared to irradiated control.
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Pollinator Populations in Massachusetts Cranberry, 1990 to 2009: Changes in Diversity and Abundance, Effects of Agricultural Intensification, and a Contribution to the North American Pollinator Survey.Notestine, Molly M 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
It is now widely accepted that over one-third of the global food supply depends upon pollinators. Risking severe ecological and economic implications, the status of the 4000 species of bees native to North America has been poorly understood due to a lack of long-term survey data. In this study, I conducted bee surveys on Massachusetts cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) bogs from 2007-2009 and compared diversity and abundance data to those from historical surveys performed in 1990-1992 on the same bogs. I found that overall bee diversity declined severely in the 19-year survey period, while total bee abundance remained consistent. My data provide supporting evidence for the loss of North American bumble bees (Bombus spp.), but also provide the first evidence for declines in the U.S. in overall wild bee diversity. Maximizing the potential for agricultural landscapes to serve as quality pollinator habitat and identifying appropriate integrated pest management strategies should involve a comprehensive understanding of each species’ life history traits and conservation status.
The loss of biodiversity associated with the intensification of agriculture has been well documented for several wildlife species but remains poorly understood for bees, which provide pollination to many agricultural crops. Most pollinator-dependent crops rely heavily on managed honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) for pollination. Four thousand other species of bees native to North America may provide pollination insurance in the event of honey bee losses, but without a clear understanding of how agricultural intensification affects wild bees, habitat conservation measures aimed at protecting them may be futile. In the second part of this study, I evaluated six metrics of agricultural intensification with respect to native bee diversity and abundance in Massachusetts cranberry bogs, including honey bee competition, bog management type (i.e. organic versus conventional), distance from epicenter of cranberry-growing region, toxicity of insecticide program, susceptibility of reproductive bees to insecticide, and surrounding land use. I found a clear association between reduced native bee diversity and abundance and the effects of increased agricultural intensification of the landscape. Recognition that native bee communities in North America are diminishing as a consequence of agricultural intensification may help to unify a movement toward improved conservation management.
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Genetic Analysis of Marsh Spot Resistance in Cranberry Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)Jia, Bosen 22 August 2022 (has links)
Cranberry common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is planted worldwide and consumed as a critical food source of human protein, fibre, carbohydrates, and minerals. Marsh spot (MS) is a physiogenic disorder which severely impacts seed quality in common beans. Previous studies indicate that MS involves a nutritional disorder caused by Mn deficiency. However, the inheritance and genetic mechanism of MS resistance are still not fully understood.
To investigate the genetics of MS resistance, a population of 138 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was developed from a bi-parental cross between a susceptible cultivar Messina and a resistant cultivar Cran09. The population and its two parents were evaluated for MS resistance during five consecutive years from 2015 to 2019 in both sandy and heavy clay soils in Morden, Manitoba, Canada. The severities of MS were rated and subsequently converted to MS resistance index (MSRI) and MS incidence (MSI). Statistical analyses indicated that MSI and MSRI were highly correlated (r = 0.96-0.99) and had high broad-sense heritability (H²) of 86.5% and 83.2%, respectively. Joint segregation analysis (JSA) of 18 phenotypic datasets from five years and two soil types showed that MS resistance was controlled by four major genes with genetic interactions - one of which may suppress the additive effect of the other three genes.
To identify the quantitative trait loci (QTL) and the candidate genes associated with the MS resistance, the 138 RILs and the two parents were sequenced using genotyping by sequencing approach. A total of 52,676 SNPs were detected. After further filtering with a threshold of minor allele frequency > 0.01 and call rate > 20%, 2,061 SNPs were retained and then imputed for genetic map construction and QTL mapping. A genetic map consisting of 2,058 SNP markers on 11 linkage groups or chromosomes was constructed, which covered 1,004 recombination blocks with a total length of 6,449 cM and an average block of 6.42 cM. Three linkage map-based QTL-mapping models ICIM-ADD, ICIM-EPI, and GCIM and one genome-wide association study (GWAS) model RTM-GWAS for 18 phenotypic datasets from different years and soil types were used for identification of QTL. A total of 36 QTL, including 21 of additive and 15 of epistatic effects, were identified. Functional gene annotation analysis revealed 151 Mn-related candidate genes across the common bean reference genome and 17 of them harbored the six QTL discovered in this study.
In conclusion, MS resistance in common bean is a highly heritable trait and controlled by several major and minor genes. The results of JSA and QTL mapping advance the current understanding of the genetic mechanisms of MS resistance in cranberry common bean, and provide additional resources for application in genomics-assisted breeding and potential isolation and functional characterization of the candidate genes.
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Influence d’un supplément alimentaire sur le développement des colonies d’abeilles domestiques (Apis mellifera, Linnaeus 1758) au QuébecMartin, Georges 03 1900 (has links)
La malnutrition est identifiée comme l’un des facteurs potentiellement responsables des mortalités élevées de colonies d’abeilles des dernières années au Québec. Pour contrer cela, les apiculteurs donnent des suppléments de pollen à leurs colonies, mais les impacts d’une telle pratique à diverses périodes sont méconnus. Les effets de la disponibilité du pollen sur le développement de colonies d’abeilles ont été mesurés pendant 3 différentes périodes : au printemps, durant la pollinisation de la canneberge et à la fin de l’été. À chacune des périodes correspondait une expérience distincte utilisant 40 colonies. Pour chaque expérience, des conditions d’abondance de supplément de pollen et de restriction de pollen naturel étaient créées chez les colonies pendant un mois selon un plan d’expérience factorielle 2x2. L’élevage du couvain et la récolte de miel ont été mesurés jusqu’à la fin de l’été (début de l’été suivant pour l’expérience de fin d’été). Au printemps, les colonies restreintes en pollen naturel ont élevé 18% moins de couvain (p<0.05) pendant la période de restriction et 11% de moins à la fin de l’été alors que l’utilisation du supplément n’a eu aucun effet (p>0.05). Les colonies supplémentées durant la pollinisation des canneberges ont élevé moins de couvain (p<0.05) à la fin de l’été. Pour l’expérience de fin d’été, les colonies supplémentées ont eut une meilleure reprise printanière (p<0.05) de l’élevage du couvain (60% de plus) alors qu’une restriction en pollen naturel avait un effet négatif (p>0.05). Les récoltes de miel ont été augmentées (p<0.05) de 1,3 kg pendant la pollinisation de la canneberge alors qu’elles ont été diminuées (p<0.05)par une restriction en pollen naturel de 4,2 kg à la fin de l’été et de 15 kg au printemps. / The use of pollen supplement is a countermeasure to honey bee malnutrition which is identified as one of the factors causing high colonies losses over the past few years in Quebec. There is little documentation on the results of using pollen supplement during different periods. The effects of pollen availability and supplementation on the development of honey bee colonies were examined during 3 different periods: in spring, during cranberry pollination and in late summer. Each period was a distinct study using 40 different colonies. In each study, pollen supplemented and pollen restricted conditions were created for one month in 10 colonies per treatment group in a 2x2 factorial design experiment. Brood rearing and honey yield were monitored until the end of summer for the spring and the cranberry pollination studies and until the end of the following spring for the late summer study. In the spring study, pollen restricted colonies reared 18% less brood (p<0.05) during the restriction period and 11% less brood (p<0.05) by the end of summer while pollen supplement had no effect (p>0.05). Colonies supplemented during cranberry pollination study reared less brood (p<0.05) by the end of summer. In the late summer study, supplemented colonies had a greater (p<0.05) spring build-up (60% more brood) and pollen restriction negatively influence (p<0.05) brood rearing. Honey yield was decreased (p<0.05) by 15 kg in colonies exposed to a pollen restriction in spring. It was increased by 1.3 kg (p<0.05) in pollen supplemented colonies during the cranberry pollination study and was reduced by 4.2 kg (p<0.05) in pollen restricted colonies in the late summer study. In conclusion, pollen supplement improved colonies population when fed in late summer and not during spring or in cranberry pollination and was without impact on honey yield.
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