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Metakognice v kurikulu a její podpora ve vyučování / Metacognition in curriculum and its support in school teachingLisner, Luboš January 2011 (has links)
This paper treat of the support of the metacognitive skills in school teaching. Resources for elaboration of this paper are legislation, framework educational programs, specific concepts for development of learning and principles of total quality management. The outcom of this paper is specific model of teacher's self-management.
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Performance Appraisal of Estimation Algorithms and Application of Estimation Algorithms to Target TrackingZhao, Zhanlue 22 May 2006 (has links)
This dissertation consists of two parts. The first part deals with the performance appraisal of estimation algorithms. The second part focuses on the application of estimation algorithms to target tracking. Performance appraisal is crucial for understanding, developing and comparing various estimation algorithms. In particular, with the evolvement of estimation theory and the increase of problem complexity, performance appraisal is getting more and more challenging for engineers to make comprehensive conclusions. However, the existing theoretical results are inadequate for practical reference. The first part of this dissertation is dedicated to performance measures which include local performance measures, global performance measures and model distortion measure. The second part focuses on application of the recursive best linear unbiased estimation (BLUE) or lineae minimum mean square error (LMMSE) estimation to nonlinear measurement problem in target tracking. Kalman filter has been the dominant basis for dynamic state filtering for several decades. Beyond Kalman filter, a more fundamental basis for the recursive best linear unbiased filtering has been thoroughly investigated in a series of papers by Dr. X. Rong Li. Based on the so-called quasirecursive best linear unbiased filtering technique, the constraints of the Kalman filter Linear-Gaussian assumptions can be relaxed such that a general linear filtering technique for nonlinear systems can be achieved. An approximate optimal BLUE filter is implemented for nonlinear measurements in target tracking which outperforms the existing method significantly in terms of accuracy, credibility and robustness.
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Présence du classicisme français dans la critique littéraire roumaine (de la Révolution de 1821 à la fin du communisme) / Presence of French Classicism in Romanian Literary Criticism (from the 1821 Revolution to the End of Communism)Popa, Marius 01 March 2019 (has links)
La présente thèse se propose de répertorier et d’analyser les références au classicisme français et le rôle qu’il a joué dans la critique littéraire roumaine, depuis la Révolution de Tudor Vladimirescu (1821) jusqu’à la chute du régime communiste (1989). Après avoir replacé la réception du modèle dans le cadre de l’histoire de la Roumanie et de ses relations politiques et intellectuelles avec la France (notamment par une étude de la traduction des classiques français en langue roumaine) et après une analyse généalogique et esthétique du concept de « classicisme français », on s’est efforcé de restituer, dans le contexte de chaque grande époque de la modernité roumaine, puis, pour chacune de ces périodes, à travers l’étude plus spécifique de quelques écrivains et critiques choisis comme les plus représentatifs en cette matière, la persistance et le renouvellement de l’image du classicisme français, lui-même fréquemment perçu et analysé comme l’expression nationale d’un classicisme « universel ». Ce cheminement chronologique a permis de dégager les trois usages majeurs que la critique roumaine a faits de la référence à cette notion : celui de modèle pour une création littéraire qui se cherchait, celui de critère pour son évaluation et celui d’enjeu dans le cadre des débats suscités par les courants nouveaux qui auront animé la vie littéraire roumaine depuis son émergence jusqu’à la presque fin du XXe siècle. / The present thesis proposes to catalogue and analyze references to French classicism and the role it has played in the Romanian literary criticism, from the Wallachian Uprising of 1821, led by Tudor Vladimirescu, to the fall of the communist regime (1989). After placing the reception of the model in the context of the history of Romania and its political and intellectual relations with France (including a study of the translation of French classics in Romanian) and after a genealogical and aesthetic analysis of the "French classicism" concept, we tried to reconstruct, in the context of each period of Romanian modernity, and, for each of these periods, through the more specific study of certain writers and critics considered the most representative in this matter, the persistence and renewal of the image of French classicism, itself frequently perceived and analyzed as the national expression of a "universal" classicism. This chronological process made it possible to identify the three manners in which the Romanian criticism used the reference to this notion: that of a model for a literary creation that sought itself, that of criterion for its evaluation and that of subject within the framework of debates aroused by the new currents that have animated the Romanian literary life since its emergence until the end of the twentieth century.
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Nouvelle méthodologie d'identification des propriétés mécaniques locales d'un matériau hétérogène par nanoindentation : application aux matériaux du génie civil / New methodology for identifying local mechanical properties of a heterogeneous material by nanoindentation : application to civil engineering materialsNguyen, Dac Loi 05 December 2017 (has links)
Le présent travail propose et développe une méthodologie complète d’identification des propriétés mécaniques locales d’un matériau hétérogène à l’échelle des phases constitutives. Il s’agit d’une combinaison de compétences très diverses, à la fois en théorique, en simulation numérique et en expérimentation. Plus précisément, la partie théorique concerne la détermination des relations nano-micro pour le module d’indentation homogénéisé par des techniques de changement d’échelle; la partie numérique basée sur la théorie du calcul à la rupture est réalisée en vue de trouver de ces dernières relations applicables pour la dureté; et la dernière partie est effectuée pour récupérer les propriétés homogénéisées par la voie expérimentale à l’aide de la technique de nano-indentation. L’étude expérimentale de la thèse est pour l’objectif de déterminer des propriétés d’indentation de différents échantillons de pâte de ciment. Un programme expérimental complet, est développé, qui permet de caractériser des phases principales à l’échelle micrométrique de ce matériau, parmi lesquelles nous nous intéressons surtout à celles plus importantes correspondantes à des phases de la matrice C-S-H. La modélisation du problème lié à l’enfoncement d’une pointe d’indentation dans un matériau est étudiée. Pour cela, la première voie, basée sur l’approche cinématique du calcul à la rupture, consiste à tenter de construire des mécanismes de ruine analytiquement, puis à les faire évoluer en fonction du changement de la géométrie initiale, afin d’obtenir la charge de ruine correspondante. La seconde voie consiste ensuite à suivre la même approche, mais en construisant numériquement ces mécanismes de ruine. La charge obtenue dépend naturellement des paramètres de critères retenus, que l’on détermine grâce à la combinaison avec les résultats expérimentaux. Les critères de résistance de Von-Mises et de Tresca valables pour des matériaux purement cohérents ainsi que celui de forme elliptique sont examinés dans ce travail / The present work proposes and develops a complete methodology for identifying the local mechanical properties of a heterogeneous material at the scale of the constitutive phases. It is a combination of very diverse skills in theory, in numerical simulation and in experimentation. More precisely, the theoretical part concerns the determination of the nano-micro relations for the indentation module; the numerical part based on the yield design theory is carried out to find the last relations applicable for the hardness; and the last part is performed to obtain homogenized properties by the experimental way using the nano-indentation technique. The experimental study of the thesis is for the purpose of determining indentation properties of different cement paste samples. A complete experimental program, is developed, which allows characterizing the main phases at the micrometric scale of this material, among which we are mainly interested in the C-S-H matrix phases. The modeling of the problem related to the penetration of an indentation point into a material is studied. For this, the first way, based on the kinematic approach of the yield design theory, consists in trying to construct ruin mechanisms analytically, then to make them evolve according to the change of the initial geometry, in order to obtain the corresponding ultimate load. The second way is then to follow the same approach, but by building numerically these ruin mechanisms. The obtained load depends naturally on the retained criteria parameters, which are determined by the combination with the experimental results. The Von-Mises and Tresca strength criteria for purely coherent materials as well as the elliptical one are examined in this work
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Étude de l'endommagement en fatigue d'un composite thermoplastique à fibres courtes : cas du polyamide 6,6 renforcé de fibres de verre courtes / Characterization of fatigue damage mechanisms of short fibre-reinforced thermoplastic composite material : case of short glass-fibre reinforced polyamide 6,6Fabre, Victor 11 March 2015 (has links)
Le travail abordé dans le cadre de cette thèse constitue une contribution à la compréhension des mécanismes d'endommagement et à l'identification d'un critère de durée de vie du polyamide 6,6 renforcé à 30% en masse de fibres de verre courtes (PA66GF30), obtenu par moulage par injection, en prenant en compte les effets de la température, de la teneur en eau et des orientations de fibres induites par le procédé de fabrication. Ainsi, dans un premier temps, une campagne d'essais de caractérisation du comportement mécanique du PA66GF30, pour différentes orientations de fibres, températures, teneurs en eau et vitesses de sollicitation, a été menée. Ceux-ci ont mis en évidence le rôle de la matrice polyamide 6,6 (PA66) dans la dépendance à la température, à la teneur en eau et à la vitesse de sollicitation du comportement du PA66GF30. Dans ce sens, une triple équivalence Temps-Température-Teneur en eau du comportement du PA66 a été démontrée à l'aide de courbes maîtresses obtenues par DMA. Une nouvelle expression de la vitesse équivalente à une température et une teneur en eau de référence en a alors été déduite, dans l'objectif de pouvoir rendre compte de cette triple sensibilité dans un futur modèle de comportement. Ensuite, une campagne d'essais de fatigue dans des conditions environnementales contrôlées, a permis d'étudier les effets de l'orientation des fibres, de la température et de la teneur en eau, sur la tenue en fatigue d'éprouvettes en PA66GF30. L'analyse mécanique de ces essais a abouti à l'identification d'un critère de durée de vie, tenant compte de l'ensemble des facteurs influents. Enfin, la microtomographie des rayons X sous faisceau synchrotron a été utilisée pour étudier les mécanismes d'endommagement en fatigue présents dans le PA66GF30, suite à des analyses post-mortem et des expériences in-situ. Le dépouillement de ces observations a permis de faire la lumière sur les mécanismes d'endommagement, et de proposer un nouveau scénario d'endommagement en fatigue. / The work discussed in this thesis is a contribution to the understanding of damage mechanisms and identifying a fatigue criterion of polyamide 6,6 reinforced with 30 wt% of short glass-fibres (PA66GF30), obtained by injection molding, taking into account the effects of temperature, water content and fiber orientations induced by the process. Thus, in a first step, the characterization of the mechanical behavior of PA66GF30 for different fiber orientations, temperatures, moisture contents and strain rates, was conducted. They have highlighted the role of the polyamide matrix (PA66) in the temperature, water content and strain rate behavior dependence of PA66GF30. In this sense, Time-Temperature-Water content equivalence of mechanical behaviour of PA66 was demonstrated using master curves obtained by DMA. A new expression of the equivalent strain rate at temperature reference and a water content reference was then deduced, and it is now possible to relay the triple sensitivity to strain rate, temperature and water content in only one term. Then, a fatigue test campaign in controlled environmental conditions, allowed to study the effects of fiber orientation, temperature and water content on the fatigue behaviour of PA66GF30 specimens. The mechanical analysis of these tests has led to the identification of a fatigue life criterion, taking into account all the influencing factors. Finally, the X-ray microtomography under synchrotron beam was used to study the mechanisms in fatigue damage present in the PA66GF30, following post-mortem analysis and in-situ experiments. The analysis of these observations has shed light on the mechanisms damage and, it has been proposed a new fatigue damage scenario.
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Modelagem da estampagem profunda de chapas metálicas via o método dos elementos finitos associado ao critério de escoamento não-quadrático de Hill / Modelling of sheet metal deep drawing via finite element method associated with Hill\'s non-quadratic yield criterionMaêda, Daniel Akira 27 April 2009 (has links)
Os processos de conformação de chapas metálicas são largamente usados na fabricação de produtos em diversas áreas, desde partes aeronáuticas a utensílios domésticos, devido a sua alta produtividade, confiabilidade e baixo custo de produção. Para se atingir tais qualidades, o desenvolvimento de um produto conformado deve levar em consideração os fatores metalúrgicos da chapa a ser usada. As chapas são geralmente produzidas por laminação a frio, o que as levam ter propriedades mecânicas distintas em relação à direção de laminação. Para modelar esta anisotropia, vários critérios de escoamento foram propostos. A fim de verificar a influência do critério de escoamento na distribuição de deformação no produto conformado, este trabalho teve como objetivo implementar os critérios de Hill (1979) e de Barlat et al. (1993) em um programa acadêmico que modela o processo de conformação de chapas via o método dos elementos finitos. O critério de Hill (1979) foi implementado e apresentou bons resultados, em acordo com a literatura. O critério de Barlat et al. (1993) foi deduzido em sua formulação para elementos finitos, embora não implementado. Com o critério de Hill (1979) foi possível analisar a distribuição da deformação para várias superfícies de escoamento, alterando-se apenas o valor de um parâmetro da função de escoamento. / The sheet metal forming processes are widely used in the manufacturing of products in several areas, from aviation to household utensils, due to its high productivity, reliability and low cost of production. To achieve these qualities, the design of a product made by sheet metal forming should take into consideration the metallurgical factors of the blank to be used. The blank is usually cold-rolled, which leads to different mechanical properties in the rolled and transverse directions. To take into account this anisotropy, several yield criteria were proposed. To check the influence of the yield criterion in the strain distribution of the final product, this study focused on the implementation of the yield criteria of Hill (1979) and Barlat et al. (1993) in an academic computer program that modeled the sheet metal forming process by the finite element method. The Hill (1979) criterion was implemented and had good results, in accordance with the literature. The Barlat et al. (1993) criterion was formulated for a finite element method analysis, though not implemented. By using Hill\'s non-quadratic yield criterion it was possible to analyze the strain distribution for various yield surfaces, changing only the value of one parameter of the yield function.
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Investigação sobre a instabilidade axissimétrica de tubos de polietileno de alta densidade sujeitos a compressão axial e pressurização interna e um critério de previsão do fenômeno de \'birdcaging\' em tubos flexíveis. / Investigation on the axissimétrica instability of high density polyethylene pipes subjected to axial compression and internal pressurization and a criterion of the birdcaging phenomenon prediction in flexible pipes.Rabelo, Marcos Alves 11 September 2014 (has links)
Tubos flexíveis são estruturas complexas compostas de várias camadas metálicas e poliméricas empregados pela indústria offshore na exploração de hidrocarbonetos. O estudo do comportamento estrutural e das falhas que podem advir do lançamento e uso desses sistemas em campo é uma área vasta e fecunda da mecânica estrutural. Apesar dos progressos alcançados na análise e nos vários estudos conduzidos ao longo dos anos, no sentido de explicar o surgimento do fenômeno conhecido por birdcaging pesquisando o comportamento das camadas conhecidas como armadura de tração, pouca atenção foi direcionada ao comportamento estrutural da capa plástica externa. A presente tese contribui com os estudos do mecanismo deflagrador do birdcaging à luz do comportamento estrutural da capa plástica e apresenta um critério limite para a previsão do fenômeno. Estudos analíticos, numéricos e principalmente experimentais foram realizados em tubos de PEAD simulando a capa plástica com a finalidade de investigar a instabilidade axissimétrica desta quando sujeita a compressão axial e pressurização interna. Utilizando o modelo analítico adaptado, foi criado um diagrama de limite de instabilidade com o uso de força e pressão interna adimensionalizadas. Este diagrama, testado com simulações realizadas em elementos finitos, ensaios experimentais em tubos de PEAD, e com valores de ensaios experimentais em tubos flexíveis, oferece um critério de engenharia para a predição do fenômeno em questão. / Flexible pipes are complex structures composed of several metallic and polymeric layers employed by the offshore industry in oil and gas exploration. The study of the structural behavior and failures that may arise from the laying down operations and use of these systems in the field is a vast and fruitful field of structural mechanics. Despite the progress in the analysis and several studies conducted over the years in order to explain the appearing of the birdcaging phenomenon through the research of the behavior of layers known as tensile armors, not too much attention was directed to the structural behavior of outer plastic layer. This thesis contributes with the studies of the birdcaging mechanism regarding the structural behavior of the plastic cover and presents a simple criterion to triggering the phenomenon. Analytical, numerical and mainly experimental studies were conducted with HDPE pipes simulating the outer plastic cover in order to investigate the axisymmetric instability under compressive loading and internal pressure. Using an adapted analytical model, a limit instability chart was constructed using dimensionless axial compressive load and internal pressure. This chart, tested with finite element simulations, experimental tests on HDPE pipe, and with values of experimental tests on flexible pipes, may offer an engineering criterion to predict the phenomenon in question.
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Observation et commande des procédés de digestion anaérobie pour l'amélioration de la production de biogaz / Observation and Control of Anaerobic Digestion Processes for Improved Biogas ProductionChaib Draa, Khadidja 07 July 2017 (has links)
La digestion anaérobie est un procédé permettant de transformer les déchets organiques en énergie utile, telle que le biogaz. Ce procédé fait intervenir des organismes vivants dont le comportement spécifique est fortement non linéaire. Par ailleurs, il est connu pour être sensible aux perturbations et naturellement instable. Ainsi, le développement de méthodologies efficaces pour sa commande et sa supervision est essentiel afin d’obtenir des résultats satisfaisants. Par conséquent, l’objet de cette thèse porte sur la modélisation de ce système complexe, la synthèse d’observateurs et de lois de commande afin d’améliorer le fonctionnement du procédé dans les stations de biogaz. Une modélisation formelle du procédé est alors proposée où des degrés de liberté additionnels ont été introduits dans la commande de production de biogaz. En effet, deux entrées de commande supplémentaires viennent compléter le modèle standard AM2 (Acidogenèse Methanogenesis, 2 étapes), reflétant l’ajout de substrats stimulants (acides et alcalinité) qui améliorent la qualité et la quantité du biogaz. Par la suite, l’identification des paramètres du modèle non linéaire résultant est traitée, ainsi que l’analyse de la positivité et la bornitude des variables d’état. Sur la base du modèle mathématique dérivé et des résultats de l’analyse, différents observateurs sont alors étudiés afin de surmonter le manque de capteurs fiables, autonomes et bons marché. En effet, deux observateurs sont alors développés, le premier dit invariant et le second non linéaire de la même forme que l’observateur généralisé d’Arcak. En outre, dans le but de rendre la conception d’observateurs plus robuste aux perturbations, le critère H∞ est introduit dans la synthèse. Une extension de la méthodologie est proposée pour les systèmes discrets ainsi qu’aux systèmes non linéaires avec sorties non linéaires. Pour la synthèse des différents observateurs, le théorème des accroissements finis est appliqué, ce qui permet de transformer la dynamique non linéaire de l’erreur d’estimation en un système linéaire à paramètres variants. La condition de Lipschitz est alors conjointement utilisée avec la fonction classique de Lyapunov pour la synthèse des conditions de stabilité sous forme d’Inégalités Matricielles Linéaires (LMIs). Enfin, afin d’améliorer la faisabilité de ces dernières conditions, une reformulation judicieuse de l’inégalité de Young est alors introduite. Concernant la commande du procédé, une commande par retour d’état pour le suivi d’une trajectoire de référence est choisie. Prenant en compte la disponibilité partielle des mesures du vecteur d’état, un observateur exponentiel non linéaire est introduit dans la synthèse de la loi de commande. Ainsi, une commande par retour d’état basée observateur est obtenue. Pour effectuer l’analyse de stabilité du système en boucle fermée composée du procédé, de l’observateur et du contrôleur, le lemme de Barbalat est alors utilisé conjointement avec les techniques déjà mentionnées pour la synthèse d’observateurs. Enfin, deux différentes méthodes pour le calcul des paramètres du contrôleur et de l’observateur sont proposées. Séparément, dans un premier temps. Puis simultanément dans un second temps / In this thesis, we propose a formal modelling framework for the anaerobic digestion process, where we add more degrees of freedom in the control of biogas production. Indeed, we add two additional control inputs to the standardized AM2 (Acidogenesis Methanogenesis, 2 steps) model, reflecting addition of stimulating substrates which enhance the biogas quality and quantity. Then, we describe how the parameters of the resulted nonlinear model can be identified, and we analyse the positiveness and boundedness of its state variables. Based on the derived mathematical model and the analysis results, we design different software sensors to overcome the lack of reliable and cheap sensors. Indeed, we present a general class of systems to which the considered process model belongs. Then, we design an LMI-based invariant like observer as well as an LMI-based nonlinear observer of the same form as the generalized Arcak’s observer. Furthermore, with the aim to render the observer design more robust to disturbances, we include the H∞ criterion in its synthesis. Also, to promote the use of the proposed observers in real applications, we extend the methodology to the discrete time case and to the case of nonlinear systems with nonlinear outputs. For the different observers design, we use the differential mean value theorem which allows the transformation of the nonlinear estimation error to a linear parameter varying system. Then, we use the Lipschitz conditions and the Lyapunov standard function to synthesize the stability conditions in the form of linear matrix inequalities. Finally, we enhance the feasibility of the later conditions by using a judicious reformulation of the Young’s inequality. In the thesis, we also deal with the process control where we propose a control strategy to track an admissible reference trajectory planned by the plant operator. Moreover, to account for the partial availability of the state vector measurements, we include an exponential nonlinear observer in the control synthesis. Thus, we design an observer based tracking control scheme. To perform the stability analysis of the closed loop system, composed of the system, the observer and the controller, we use the Barbalat’s lemma conjointly with the techniques already mentioned for the observers design. Finally, we propose two different methods to compute the controller and the observer parameters. In the first one, we propose to compute them separately. While, in the second one we compute the parameters simultaneously
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Modelagem da estampagem profunda de chapas metálicas via o método dos elementos finitos associado ao critério de escoamento não-quadrático de Hill / Modelling of sheet metal deep drawing via finite element method associated with Hill\'s non-quadratic yield criterionDaniel Akira Maêda 27 April 2009 (has links)
Os processos de conformação de chapas metálicas são largamente usados na fabricação de produtos em diversas áreas, desde partes aeronáuticas a utensílios domésticos, devido a sua alta produtividade, confiabilidade e baixo custo de produção. Para se atingir tais qualidades, o desenvolvimento de um produto conformado deve levar em consideração os fatores metalúrgicos da chapa a ser usada. As chapas são geralmente produzidas por laminação a frio, o que as levam ter propriedades mecânicas distintas em relação à direção de laminação. Para modelar esta anisotropia, vários critérios de escoamento foram propostos. A fim de verificar a influência do critério de escoamento na distribuição de deformação no produto conformado, este trabalho teve como objetivo implementar os critérios de Hill (1979) e de Barlat et al. (1993) em um programa acadêmico que modela o processo de conformação de chapas via o método dos elementos finitos. O critério de Hill (1979) foi implementado e apresentou bons resultados, em acordo com a literatura. O critério de Barlat et al. (1993) foi deduzido em sua formulação para elementos finitos, embora não implementado. Com o critério de Hill (1979) foi possível analisar a distribuição da deformação para várias superfícies de escoamento, alterando-se apenas o valor de um parâmetro da função de escoamento. / The sheet metal forming processes are widely used in the manufacturing of products in several areas, from aviation to household utensils, due to its high productivity, reliability and low cost of production. To achieve these qualities, the design of a product made by sheet metal forming should take into consideration the metallurgical factors of the blank to be used. The blank is usually cold-rolled, which leads to different mechanical properties in the rolled and transverse directions. To take into account this anisotropy, several yield criteria were proposed. To check the influence of the yield criterion in the strain distribution of the final product, this study focused on the implementation of the yield criteria of Hill (1979) and Barlat et al. (1993) in an academic computer program that modeled the sheet metal forming process by the finite element method. The Hill (1979) criterion was implemented and had good results, in accordance with the literature. The Barlat et al. (1993) criterion was formulated for a finite element method analysis, though not implemented. By using Hill\'s non-quadratic yield criterion it was possible to analyze the strain distribution for various yield surfaces, changing only the value of one parameter of the yield function.
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Avaliação dos critérios de dimensionamento para peças comprimidas e flexocomprimidas de madeira / Evaluation of design criteria for timber members in compression and in combined bending and axial compressionMiotto, José Luiz 29 May 2003 (has links)
A recente revisão da NBR 7190/97 culminou em avanços inegáveis no projeto das estruturas de madeira. As excentricidades acidentais, amplificação das excentricidades e efeitos da fluência incidem diferentemente no cálculo das peças curtas, medianamente esbeltas ou esbeltas, estabelecendo descontinuidades nos diagramas de esforços de projeto em função da esbeltez das barras comprimidas ou flexocomprimidas. Associando-se a outras particularidades, como a complexidade de algumas de suas expressões, esse modelo tem sido alvo freqüente de críticas. Neste trabalho são avaliados os critérios propostos para a verificação da estabilidade de peças de madeira serrada, nas solicitações de compressão e flexo-compressão, pelos documentos normativos: alemão, australiano, canadense, europeu e norte-americanos. Essas recomendações são confrontadas com as da norma brasileira, comparando-se a objetividade dos métodos e os resultados alcançados. A proposição da AF&PA/ASCE 16-95/96 para o dimensionamento das peças comprimidas demonstra grande praticidade e continuidade nos diagramas Nd x 'lâmbda', evitando as críticas que se conectam aos critérios da norma brasileira. Por outro lado, as prescrições dessa mesma norma para as peças flexocomprimidas embasadas em argumentos teóricos convincentes evitam as deficiências constatadas nas propostas da norma brasileira, concordando com os propósitos de sugestão para uma necessária reformulação normativa / The recent revision of NBR 7190/97 culminated in undeniable progresses in the project of the timber structures. The accidental eccentricities, amplification of the eccentricities and the creep effects happen differently in calculation of the short members, the middling slenders or the slenders ones, establishing discontinuities in the diagrams of the design forces in function of slenderness of the members in compression and in combined bending and axial compression. Being associated to other particularities, as the complexity of some of its equations, that model has been often criticized. In this work, the proposed criteria for the verification of the stability of sawed timber members in compression and in combined bending and axial compression are appraised for the following normative documents: german, australian, canadian, european and north americans. Those recommendations are confronted with the brazilian code ones, comparing the objectivity of the methods and the gained results. The proposition of AF&PA/ASCE 16-95/96 for the compressed members design demonstrates great practicality and continuity in the diagrams of Nd x 'lâmbda', avoiding the critics that are connected to the criteria of the brazilian code. On the other hand, the prescriptions of that same code for the members in combined bending and axial compression based in convincing theoretical arguments avoid the deficiencies verified in the proposal of the brazilian code, agreeing with the purposes for suggestion in a necessary normative reformation
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