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Linear and Nonlinear Dimensionality-Reduction-Based Surrogate Models for Real-Time Design Space Exploration of Structural ResponsesBird, Gregory David 03 August 2020 (has links)
Design space exploration (DSE) is a tool used to evaluate and compare designs as part of the design selection process. While evaluating every possible design in a design space is infeasible, understanding design behavior and response throughout the design space may be accomplished by evaluating a subset of designs and interpolating between them using surrogate models. Surrogate modeling is a technique that uses low-cost calculations to approximate the outcome of more computationally expensive calculations or analyses, such as finite element analysis (FEA). While surrogates make quick predictions, accuracy is not guaranteed and must be considered. This research addressed the need to improve the accuracy of surrogate predictions in order to improve DSE of structural responses. This was accomplished by performing comparative analyses of linear and nonlinear dimensionality-reduction-based radial basis function (RBF) surrogate models for emulating various FEA nodal results. A total of four dimensionality reduction methods were investigated, namely principal component analysis (PCA), kernel principal component analysis (KPCA), isometric feature mapping (ISOMAP), and locally linear embedding (LLE). These methods were used in conjunction with surrogate modeling to predict nodal stresses and coordinates of a compressor blade. The research showed that using an ISOMAP-based dual-RBF surrogate model for predicting nodal stresses decreased the estimated mean error of the surrogate by 35.7% compared to PCA. Using nonlinear dimensionality-reduction-based surrogates did not reduce surrogate error for predicting nodal coordinates. A new metric, the manifold distance ratio (MDR), was introduced to measure the nonlinearity of the data manifolds. When applied to the stress and coordinate data, the stress space was found to be more nonlinear than the coordinate space for this application. The upfront training cost of the nonlinear dimensionality-reduction-based surrogates was larger than that of their linear counterparts but small enough to remain feasible. After training, all the dual-RBF surrogates were capable of making real-time predictions. This same process was repeated for a separate application involving the nodal displacements of mode shapes obtained from a FEA modal analysis. The modal assurance criterion (MAC) calculation was used to compare the predicted mode shapes, as well as their corresponding true mode shapes obtained from FEA, to a set of reference modes. The research showed that two nonlinear techniques, namely LLE and KPCA, resulted in lower surrogate error in the more complex design spaces. Using a RBF kernel, KPCA achieved the largest average reduction in error of 13.57%. The results also showed that surrogate error was greatly affected by mode shape reversal. Four different approaches of identifying reversed mode shapes were explored, all of which resulted in varying amounts of surrogate error. Together, the methods explored in this research were shown to decrease surrogate error when performing DSE of a turbomachine compressor blade. As surrogate accuracy increases, so does the ability to correctly make engineering decisions and judgements throughout the design process. Ultimately, this will help engineers design better turbomachines.
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Planification et analyse de données spatio-temporelles / Design and analysis of spatio-temporal dataFaye, Papa Abdoulaye 08 December 2015 (has links)
La Modélisation spatio-temporelle permet la prédiction d’une variable régionalisée à des sites non observés du domaine d’étude, basée sur l’observation de cette variable en quelques sites du domaine à différents temps t donnés. Dans cette thèse, l’approche que nous avons proposé consiste à coupler des modèles numériques et statistiques. En effet en privilégiant l’approche bayésienne nous avons combiné les différentes sources d’information : l’information spatiale apportée par les observations, l’information temporelle apportée par la boîte noire ainsi que l’information a priori connue du phénomène. Ce qui permet une meilleure prédiction et une bonne quantification de l’incertitude sur la prédiction. Nous avons aussi proposé un nouveau critère d’optimalité de plans d’expérience incorporant d’une part le contrôle de l’incertitude en chaque point du domaine et d’autre part la valeur espérée du phénomène. / Spatio-temporal modeling allows to make the prediction of a regionalized variable at unobserved points of a given field, based on the observations of this variable at some points of field at different times. In this thesis, we proposed a approach which combine numerical and statistical models. Indeed by using the Bayesian methods we combined the different sources of information : spatial information provided by the observations, temporal information provided by the black-box and the prior information on the phenomenon of interest. This approach allowed us to have a good prediction of the variable of interest and a good quantification of incertitude on this prediction. We also proposed a new method to construct experimental design by establishing a optimality criterion based on the uncertainty and the expected value of the phenomenon.
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Stabilité et commande des systèmes linéaires variant dans le temps aux paramètres incertains / Stability and control of uncertain time-varying linear systemsAgulhari, Cristiano Marcos 16 April 2013 (has links)
Les principales contributions de cette thèse concernent le développement de méthodes pour la synthèse de contrôleurs et pour l'analyse de la stabilité des systèmes linéaires, soit variant ou invariant dans le temps. Concernant les systèmes invariant dans le temps, le but est la synthèse de contrôleurs robustes d'ordre réduit pour les systèmes en temps continu qui présentent des paramètres incertains. La méthode présentée pour la synthèse est basée sur une technique en deux étapes, où un gain de retour d'état est construit dans la première étape, et appliqué à la deuxième, fournissant le contrôleur robuste souhaité. Chaque étape consiste à la résolution de conditions sous la forme d'inégalités matricielles linéaires.Dans le cas des systèmes variant dans le temps, en général, en fonction des informations disponibles, deux modèles mathématiques peuvent être utilisés. D'un côté, pour des systèmes dont les éléments variant dans le temps sont bornés mais pas complètement connus, on peut utiliser des modèles dépendant de paramètres variants, ce qui donne une représentation polytopique. Dans ce cas là, la technique de stabilisation proposée est basée sur la méthode en deux étapes, pour générer des contrôleurs dépendants des paramètres. On suppose que les paramètres sont mesurables en ligne, et les contrôleurs sont synthétisés pour qu'ils soient robustes à des bruits de mesures. De l'autre côté, si les dynamiques variantes dans le temps sont connues, on peut traiter directement le système sans utiliser aucune paramétrisation. Deux techniques de synthèse sont proposées pour ce cas: la construction des gains stabilisants en utilisant directement la matrice de transition d'état, et une technique de synthèse conçue à partir d'un nouveau critère de vérification de la stabilité du système. La validité des méthodes proposées est illustrée par plusieurs exemples numériques, qui montrent la qualité des résultats qui peuvent être obtenus / The main contributions of this thesis concern the development of methods for the stability analysis and the synthesis of controllers for linear systems, either time-varying or time-invariant. Concerning time-invariant systems, the objective is the synthesis of reduced-order robust controllers for continuous-time systems presenting uncertain parameters. The method presented for the synthesis is based on a two-stages technique, in which a stabilizing state-feedback gain is constructed in the first stage and then applied on the second stage to search for the desired controller. Each stage consists in the resolution of conditions based on linear matrix inequalities. In the case of time-varying systems, depending on the amount of available information, twomathematical models may be used. On one hand, if the time-varying elements of the system are not entirely known, one can model the system as function of time-varying parameters, resulting on a polytopic representation. In this case, the stabilization method proposed is based on the two-stages technique, which yields parameter-dependent controllers. The parameters are supposed to be real-time measurable, and the controllers are robust with respect to noises and uncertainties on the measures. On the other hand, if the time-varying dynamics are known, the system may be directly handled without using any parameterization. Two synthesis techniques are proposed in this case: the construction of stabilizing gains by using the state transition matrix, and a synthesis technique derived from a new stability criterion for time-varying systems. The validity of the proposed methods is illustrated through numerical examples, that show the efficiency of the results that can be obtained
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Systémy realizace protichybového kódování / Systems Design of Correction CodingKřivánek, Vítězslav January 2009 (has links)
Due to growing transmission speed burst-forming errors tend to occur still more frequently not exclusively in data transmission. The presented paper concentrates on the search for alternative burst error correction solutions complementing the existing methods in use. Its objective is an elaboration of a detailed analysis of the issue of convolution codes for error burst correction which can be used in individual anti-error systems and thus an achievement of better results than those attained by mass application of the existing solutions. First the methods implemented to remove or suppress burst errors are briefly characterized. This part is followed by a detailed description of the individual systematic convolution codes by means of mathematical tools which extend the set of possible evaluative criteria of anti-error systems which can be applied while assessing proposals for individual solutions. The acquired code properties are compared with convolution codes as well as with other versions of proposals for message protection against an error burst. The processed convolution codes are subject to testing by means of Matlab mathematical programme simulation in order to validate the correctness of the derived mathematical tools. This is because simulation represents the principal method applied to verify and present an already proposed security process and enables the acquisition of a better overview of the issue at hand. The feasibility of the individual anti-error systems is then confirmed by way of creating a circuit behaviour description in the VHDL language. Its high portability presents a big advantage when drafting individual systems of the actual implementation.
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Hochleistungsleichtbeton unter mehraxialer Druckbeanspruchung: Eine experimentelle AnalyseScheerer, Silke 27 November 2009 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird das Tragverhalten von Leichtbeton unter mehraxialer Druckbeanspruchung behandelt. Zu diesem Zweck wurden zahlreiche Versuche mit verschiedenen Hochleistungsleichtbetonen in einer Triaxial-Prüfmaschine durchgeführt. Als Leichtzuschlag wurde Blähton verwendet. Die hergestellten Betone können in Festigkeitsklassen zwischen LC 35/38 und LC 80/88 eingeordnet werden. Bei den Hauptversuchen wurden vor allem die Bruchbilder, die Bruchfestigkeiten und die Prüfkörperverformungen registriert und analysiert. Im Rahmen der Auswertung der Versuche werden die Einflüsse von Matrix und Art des Leichtzuschlages auf die Bruchwerte und auf das Ver-formungsverhalten der Leichtbetone herausgearbeitet. Parallelen und Unterschiede zu bekannten Forschungsergebnissen an Leichtbetonen und zu Beton mit Normalzuschlägen werden aufgezeigt. Für die mathematische Beschreibung der Bruchwerte werden Näherungsfunktionen für zweiaxiale und für dreiaxiale Druckspannungskombinationen vorgeschlagen. / In this research the behaviour of lightweight concrete under multiaxial compression was investigated. Therefore more than 500 single tests were performed in a triaxial testing machine. The high performance lightweight aggregate concretes can be classified in Strength classes between LC 35/38 and LC 80/88. The main focuses in the evaluation of the experiments were the crack pattern, the fracture strength and the deformations. Especially the influences of type of matrix and type of lightweight aggregate on the fracture values and on the deformation behaviour of lightweight were identified. Parallels and differences to known research on lightweight concretes and concrete with normal aggregates were identified. For the mathematical description of the ultimate loads approximations were proposed for biaxial and triaxial compressive stress combinations.
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Der Einfluss von Querzug auf den Verbund zwischen Beton und BetonstahlRitter, Laura 28 November 2013 (has links)
Der Verbundwerkstoff Stahlbeton zeichnet sich durch das effektive Zusammenwirken seiner beiden Einzelkomponenten Stahl und Beton aus. Dieses wiederum kann nur durch ausreichend gute Verbundbedingungen zwischen beiden Baustoffen gewährleistet werden. Die Verbundeigenschaften werden von zahlreichen Faktoren beeinflusst, zu denen u.a. die Oberflächenprofilierung des Stahls, die Betonfestigkeit und die Umschnürungswirkung durch den umgebenden Beton oder eine Querbewehrung zählen. Auch eine quer zum Stab angreifende Belastung kann einen erheblichen Einfluss auf den Verbundmechanismus und die Verbundversagensart haben. Bei Stahlbetonbauteilen unter einer zweiaxialen Zugbelastung, wie sie z.B. in Behälterwänden oder zweiachsig gespannten Platten auftritt, unterliegt die Bewehrung sowohl einer Längszug- als auch einer Querzugbeanspruchung.
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Einfluss einer Querzugbelastung auf das Verbundverhalten zwischen Rippenstählen und Normalbeton mit Hilfe von würfelförmigen Ausziehkörpern mit einer kurzen Verbundlänge untersucht. Dabei lag das Querzugniveau stets unterhalb der Risslast des Betons, so dass keine Risse entlang des einbetonierten Stabes auftraten. Neben der Höhe der Querzugbelastung wurden im Versuchsprogramm die Betonfestigkeit, der Stabdurchmesser und die Betondeckung variiert.
Anhand der Versuchsergebnisse konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich auch unter einer Querzugbelastung der Verlauf der Verbundspannungs-Schlupf-Beziehung nicht ändert. Die Art des Verbundversagens wird jedoch maßgeblich durch den Querzug beeinflusst, welcher ein Spaltbruchversagen in jedem Fall begünstigt. Mit steigendem Querzug tritt auch bei großen Betondeckungen statt eines Ausziehversagens ein Spaltbruchversagen ein. Mittels des vorgeschlagenen Berechnungsmodells können in Abhängigkeit des Querzugniveaus und der Größe der Betondeckung Grenzlinien für den Wechsel im Verbundversagensmodus bestimmt werden. Hierbei wurde ebenfalls der Einfluss der Probekörpergeometrie auf die Versuchsergebnisse in die Berechnung einbezogen, so dass die angegebenen Grenzlinien auch für reale Einbettungslängen der Bewehrung gelten.
Weiterhin wurde anhand der Versuchsdaten sowie eines Datensatzes aus der Literatur ein Verbundmodell für kurze Verbundlängen entwickelt, das den Einfluss der bezogenen Rippenfläche der Bewehrung und der Betonfestigkeit sowohl auf die Verbundspannungen als auch auf die zugehörigen Schlupfwerte berücksichtigt. Über einen zusätzlichen Datensatz zum Einfluss der Verbundlänge im Ausziehversuch konnte ebenfalls die Abhängigkeit zwischen den mittleren Verbundspannungen, den zugehörigen Schlupfwerten und der Verbundlänge spezifiziert werden. Somit ist eine Übertragbarkeit der Ergebnisse von Ausziehversuchen mit kurzen Verbundlängen auf eine reale Einbettungslänge im Bauteil möglich.
Für die Bemessung von Stahlbetonkonstruktionen in den Grenzzuständen der Tragfähigkeit und der Gebrauchstauglichkeit erfolgt die Ableitung geeigneter Verformungskriterien für die Relativverschiebung zwischen Betonstahl und Beton und deren Verifizierung an Versuchsdaten aus der Literatur. Die aufgestellten Verformungskriterien in Abhängigkeit der Stahlspannung erlauben eine direkte Ermittlung bemessungsrelevanter Verbundspannungen anhand experimenteller Ausziehversuche. Die Berücksichtigung einer Querzugbelastung ist dabei in allen vorgestellten Berechnungsansätzen ebenfalls möglich. / Reinforced concrete as composite material is characterised by an effective interaction of its individual components reinforcing steel and concrete. This only can be assured by adequate bond conditions between these two materials. The bond quality is influenced by a wide range of parameters, amongst others including the rib geometry of the bar, the concrete strength and the confining action by the surrounding concrete or transverse reinforcement. Moreover loads, which act transverse to the reinforcing bar, can influence the bond mechanism and the bond failure mode significantly. Reinforced concrete structures, such as containment walls or two-way slabs, are often exposed to multiaxial loading conditions. In case of biaxial tensile stresses, reinforcement and surrounding concrete are loaded in tension in longitudinal as well as in transverse direction.
An extensive experimental program was carried out in order to investigate the bond behaviour between reinforcing steel and normal strength concrete due to transverse tension. Cubic-shaped pullout specimens with a short bond length were used. The transverse tension level remained always below the cracking stress of concrete, meaning that no crack occurred along the pullout bar. The test program contained the variation of the transverse tension level, the concrete strength, the bar diameter and the concrete cover.
From the test results no systematic influence of the transverse tension level on the shape of the bond stress-slip-relationship can be detected. The bond failure mode is significantly influenced by transverse tension, which promotes splitting failure. The higher the transverse tension level, even for high concrete covers, splitting failure occurs instead of pulling out the bar. From the test results, a failure criterion depending on the concrete cover and the transverse tension level could be determined, which indicates the failure mode and corresponding bond stress. For this purpose, the influence of the specimen geometry on the test results was considered, which results in a failure criterion that is also valid for real embedment lengths of the reinforcement.
Furthermore, a bond model for short bond lengths has been developed, based on the test results and a dataset from literature. The model considers the influence of the related rib area of the reinforcing bar and the concrete strength on the bond stresses as well as on the corresponding slip values. By an additional dataset concerning the influence of bond length in pullout tests, the bond stresses and corresponding slip values could be specified as a function of the bond length. Therefore, the test results of pullout test with short bond lengths are transferable to real embedment lengths in structural elements.
For the structural design of reinforced concrete elements in the ultimate and serviceability limit states, appli\\-cable deformation criterions concerning the relative displacement between reinforcing steel and concrete has been derived and verified by test data from literature. By means of the developed deformations criterions dependent on the steel stress, design bond stresses can be determined directly from experimental pullout tests. The consideration of transverse tensile loads is also possible for all presented design formulas.
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Verformungsverhalten und Grenzflächen von Ultrahochleistungsbeton unter mehraxialer BeanspruchungRitter, Robert 20 December 2013 (has links)
Treten im Beton mehraxiale Spannungszustände auf, führen diese gegenüber einer einaxialen Beanspruchung zu einer signifikanten Änderung des Materialverhaltens. Neben einer festigkeitssteigernden bzw. -abmindernden Wirkung ergeben sich ebenfalls große Unterschiede im Spannungs-Dehnungs-Verhalten. Zur effizienten Konzipierung von Betonstrukturen unter komplexen Beanspruchungszuständen ist daher die Kenntnis des veränderten Materialverhaltens notwendig.
Zur experimentellen Bestimmung des Spannungs-Dehnungs-Verhaltens eines Ultrahochleistungsbetons mit einer einaxialen Druckfestigkeit von über 170 N/mm² wurden mehraxiale Belastungsversuche an würfelförmigen Probekörpern durchgeführt. Die Untersuchung umfasste insgesamt 35 zwei- und dreiaxiale Spannungsverhältnisse unter proportionaler Laststeigerung mit vorrangiger Betrachtung von Zug-Druck-Druck-Beanspruchungen. Für die Einleitung der Zugbeanspruchungen in die Prüfkörper wurde eine neue Methode entwickelt, bei der mittels einbetonierter Schrauben die Belastung auf den Beton übertragen wird. Die Bestimmung des Verformungsverhaltens erfolgte im Inneren der Probekörper mit sechs tetraederförmig angeordneten Faser-Bragg-Gittern. Die somit direkt gemessenen Dehnungen ermöglichen die nachträgliche Berechnung der Komponenten des Dehnungstensors des Bezugskoordinatensystems.
Für den untersuchten Ultrahochleitsungsbeton fallen die auf die einaxiale Druckfestigkeit bezogenen mehraxialen Festigkeitswerte mit zunehmendem hydrostatischen Druckspannungsanteil der Beanspruchung geringer aus als bei Normalbetonen. Weiterhin weist das Verformungsverhalten eine größere Sprödigkeit gegenüber Normalbetonen auf, so dass auch unter dreiaxialen Druckspannungszuständen die Probekörper schlagartig versagen.
Aus den gemessenen Spannungs-Dehnungs-Linien werden neben den maximalen Festigkeiten die Festigkeitswerte an der Elastizitätsgrenze, der Affinitätsgrenze sowie beim Volumenminimum der Probekörper bestimmt. Zur Approximation dieser charakteristischen Werte wurde eine Grenzflächenbeschreibung entwickelt und an den Versuchsergebnissen kalibriert.
Des Weiteren erfolgte die Zusammenstellung einer Datenbank mit in der Literatur verfügbaren mehraxialen maximalen Festigkeitswerten von Betonen mit einaxialen Druckfestigkeiten von 10 N/mm² bis 180 N/mm² und die Kalibrierung des entwickelten Modells zur Grenzflächenbeschreibung in Abhängigkeit der einaxialen Druckfestigkeit. Die bei der Kalibrierung der Grenzfläche für einzelne Betonfestigkeitsklassen bestimmten Freiwerte hängen dabei stark von den vorliegenden Versuchsdaten und speziell vom Wertebereich der hydrostatischen Spannungsanteile der maximalen Beanspruchungen ab.
Die Approximation des Spannungs-Dehnungs-Verhaltens der mehraxial beanspruchten Probekörper erfolgt mittels eines schädigungsbasierten Materialgesetzes. Hierbei wird für den anfänglich isotropen Beton zum einen eine lastinduzierte isotrope Schädigung und zum anderen eine lastinduzierte orthotrope Schädigung angenommen, die von den auftretenden Hauptdehnungen abhängig ist. Mit dem entwickelten Materialgesetz werden sehr gute Übereinstimmungen mit den gemessenen Spannungs-Dehnungs-Linien erreicht, so dass sich ebenfalls eine gute Vorhersage der maximalen Festigkeitswerte ergibt. / Concrete under multiaxial stress states shows significant changes of the material behaviour compared to uniaxial loading. Besides strength increasing and decreasing effects, also great differences in the stress-strain behaviour occur. In order to design concrete structures efficiently concerning complex stress states, the knowledge about the modified material behaviour is necessary.
To determine experimentally the stress-strain behaviour of an ultra high performance concrete with a uniaxial compressive strength of about 170 N/mm², multiaxial loading tests on cubic-shaped specimens were carried out. Altogether, the investigation contained 35 biaxial and triaxial stress ratios under proportionally increasing load with primarily tension-compression-compression loadings. Applying the tensile load on the specimen, a new method was developed, which uses screws embedded in the concrete to transfer the loading. The deformations were measured by using six tetrahedron-shaped arranged Fibre Bragg Gratings inside the concrete specimen. Subsequently, with the directly measured strains the components of the strain tensor of the reference coordinate system could be determined.
For the investigated ultra high performance concrete the increase of the multiaxial strength, referring to the uniaxial compressive strength, decreases compared to normal strength concrete with the increasing hydrostatic stress component of the load. Moreover, the deformation behaviour shows an increased brittleness compared to normal strength concrete, so that even under triaxial compressive stress states the specimens fail abruptly.
Besides the ultimate strength, from the measured stress-strain curves the strength at the proportional limit, at the limit of affinity as well as at the minimum volume of the specimen is determined. To approximate these characteristic values, a description of a hypersurface is developed and calibrated with the test results.
Furthermore, a database with multiaxial ultimate strength values of concretes with uniaxial compressive strengths between 10 N/mm² to 180 N/mm² available from literature was compiled and a calibration of the developed hypersurface model depending on the uniaxial compressive strength was carried out. Thereby, the obtained values of arbitrary parameters of individual concrete strength classes depend severely on the available test results, especially on the range of values of the hydrostatic stress component of the ultimate strength.
The approximation of the stress-strain behaviour of the multiaxial loaded specimens is carried out by means of a damage-based material law. For this purpose, concerning the initially isotropic concrete, a load-induced isotropic and orthotropic damage depending on the principle strains is assumed. With the developed material law, very good accordance with the measured stress-strain curves could be achieved, so that also results in a good approximation of the ultimate concrete strength.
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Predicting Performance on Criterion-Referenced Reading Tests with Benchmark AssessmentsDyson, Kaitlyn Nicole 17 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The current research study investigates the predictive value of two frequently-used benchmark reading assessments: Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) and the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS). With an increasing emphasis on high-stakes testing to measure reading proficiency, benchmark assessments may assist in predicting end-of-year performance on high-stakes testing. Utah's high-stakes measurement of end-of-year reading achievement is the English Language Arts Criterion-Referenced Test (ELA-CRT). A Utah urban school district provided data for students who completed the DRA, DIBELS, and ELA-CRT in the 2005-2006 school year. The primary purpose of the study was to determine the accuracy to which the Fall administrations of the DRA and the DIBELS predicted performance on the ELA-CRT. Supplementary analysis also included cross-sectional data for the DIBELS. Results indicated that both Fall administrations of the DRA and the DIBELS were statistically significant in predicting performance on the ELA-CRT. Students who were high risk on the benchmark assessments were less likely to score proficiently on the ELA-CRT. Also, demographic factors did not appear to affect individual performance on the ELA-CRT. Important implications include the utility of data collected from benchmark assessments to address immediate interventions for students at risk of failing end-of-year, high-stakes testing.
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[pt] É uma prática usual em reologia medir o tensão limite de escoamento.
Nessas medidas, a tensão limite de escoamento é definida como o máximo
valor absoluto de tensão ao qual abaixo não ocorrem escoamentos irreversíveis.
Sendo assim, tensão limite de escoamento aparente estimada é usada
em conjunto com o critério de von Mises em qualquer escoamento complexo.
Este critério compara esta medida a intensidade do segundo invariante do
tensor deviatórico das tensões. Acontece que, para escoamento simples de
cisalhamento, o mesmo é composto por tensões cisalhantes e diferenças de
tensão normais, mas a contribuição do último nunca foi considerada na
determinação experimental da tensão limite de escoamento. Em vista de
avaliar a importância da contribuição das diferenças de tensões normais na
tensão limite de escoamento aparente, foram realizadas uma sequência de
testes de creep para cada material, estimando a tensão crítica que representa
o valor médio obtido entre os valores das curvas de tensão nas quais o material
escoa e não escoa com uma tolerância considerável. Depois disso, foram
propostos testes para avaliar os valores de N1 − N2 e apenas N1 no nível
de tensão crítica. E em seguida avaliando-se adequadamente a tensão limite
de escoamento. Observou-se que, para alguns materiais, a contribuição das
diferenças de tensões normais é muito maior do que a contribuiçõ da tensão
cisalhante. Por fim, a validade do critério de von Mises para materiais
elasto-viscoplásticos foi avaliada. Para este fim, com o intuito de generalizar
o estudo, ensaios de compressão a volume constante e de tração foram
realizados avaliando-se as correspondentes tensões limites de escoamento.
Como conclusão mais importante, o critério de von Mises não foi considerado
adequado como critério de falha para os materiais elasto-viscoplásticos
analisados. / [en] It is usual practice in rheology to measure the yield stress in a
simple shear flow. In these measurements, the yield stress is identified as
the maximum value of the shear stress below which no irreversible flow
occurs. Then, the thus determined yield stress is used in conjunction with
the von Mises criterion in any complex flow. The latter compares it with
the intensity of the deviatoric stress tensor. It happens that for simple
shear flow the intensity of the deviatoric stress is composed of both the
shear stress and the normal stress differences, but the contribution of
the latter is never considered in the experimental determination of the
yield stress. In view of assess the importance of the contribution of the
normal stresses to the yield stress, a sequence o standard constant shear
stress tests were performed for each material, estimating the critical stress
which represents the mean value obtained between the stress values of the
curves in which the material flows and does not flow with an accurate
tolerance. After that, proposed tests were performed in order to obtain
the values of N1 − N2 and solely N1 at the critical stresses. Following
the appropriate yield stress evaluation. It was observed that for some
materials the normal stress contribution is much larger than the shear stress
contribution. Furthermore, the validity of the von Mises yielding criterion
for elasto-viscoplastic materials was evaluated. For this purpose, in order to
generalize the study for different flow conditions, constant volume squeeze
flow and traction tests were performed evaluating the corresponding yield
stresses. As the most important conclusion, the von Mises yielding criterion
was considered not to be accurate representing yielding for the elastoviscoplastic
materials analyzed.
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Развитие малого предпринимательства как основа экономической безопасности Российской Федерации : магистерская диссертация / Development of small business as the basis of the economic security of the Russian FederationКетов, М. К., Ketov, M. K. January 2020 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена направлениям совершенствования механизмов государственного стимулирования развития малого предпринимательства в экономике региона. Выпускная квалификационная работа состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, списка использованных источников и приложений. В первой главе определена роль малого предпринимательства в экономическом развитии и рассмотрены особенности системы государственного регулирования и поддержки малого предпринимательства. Во второй главе произведен анализ функционирования малого предпринимательства в РФ и Свердловской области, определено место малого предпринимательства в экономике Свердловской области, выявлены проблемы малых предприятий в регионе. Третья глава исследованы механизмы государственного регулирования и поддержки малого предпринимательства в региональной экономике, сформулированы основные положения, выносимые на защиту, дан ряд методических рекомендаций по совершенствованию системы государственного регулирования и поддержки малого бизнеса, предложен интегральный критерий эффективности государственной поддержки малого предпринимательства, обоснована научная новизна и практическая значимость. / The master's thesis is devoted to the directions of improving the mechanisms of state stimulation of the development of small business in the regional economy. The final qualifying work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources and applications. The first chapter defines the role of small business in economic development and examines the features of the system of state regulation and support of small business. The second chapter analyzes the functioning of small business in the Russian Federation and the Sverdlovsk region, defines the place of small business in the economy of the Sverdlovsk region, identifies the problems of small businesses in the region. The third chapter explores the mechanisms of state regulation and support of small business in the regional economy, formulates the main provisions for the defense, gives a number of methodological recommendations for improving the system of state regulation and support of small business, proposes an integral criterion for the effectiveness of state support for small business, substantiates scientific novelty and practical significance.
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