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Etude de l'amorçage en fatigue plastique d'un acier inoxydable austénitique / Study of crack initiation in low-cycle fatigue of an austenitic stainless steelMu, Pengfei 29 March 2011 (has links)
Bien que l’amorçage de fissure joue un rôle important en fatigue, ses mécanismes ne sont pas encore pleinement compris. Des critères d'amorçage basés sur des mécanismes physiques de déformation plastique ont été proposés mais ne sont pas faciles à utiliser et à valider, car ils nécessitent des variables locales à l'échelle du grain. L'étude présente vise à établir un critère d'amorçage en fatigue oligocyclique, utilisable sous chargement d'amplitude variable.Le comportement mécanique de l'acier inoxydable AISI 316L étudié a été caractérisé en fatigue oligocyclique. Il a été modélisé par un schéma autocohérent utilisant une loi de plasticité cristalline basée sur l'évolution des densités de dislocations. L'endommagement de surface a été suivi pendant un essai de fatigue à l'aide d'un dispositif de microscopie optique in situ. Les fissures présentes après 2000 cycles ont été analysées et leurs caractéristiques cristallographiques calculées.Comme les grains de surface montrent une déformation plus importante à cause d'un moindre confinement par les grains voisins, il est nécessaire de définir une loi de localisation spécifique aux grains de surface. La forme proposée fait intervenir une variable d'accommodation intergranulaire, sur le modèle de la loi de localisation de Cailletaud-Pilvin. Elle a été identifiée à partir de simulations par éléments finis. L'état des contraintes et des déformations dans les grains de surface a alors été simulé. Des indicateurs d'amorçage potentiels ont ensuite été comparés sur une même base expérimentale. Deux indicateurs pertinents de l'endommagement en fatigue ont pu être obtenus. / Although crack initiation is proved to play an important role in fatigue, its mechanisms have not been fully understood. Some crack initiation criteria based on physical mechanisms of plastic deformation have been defined. However, these criteria are not easy to use and valid, as they need local variables at the grain scale. The present study aims at establishing a crack initiation criterion in low-cycle fatigue, which should be usable under variable amplitude loading conditions.Tension-compression fatigue tests were first carried out to characterize the mechanical behavior of the stainless steel AISI 316L studied. The mechanical behavior was simulated using a self-consistent model using a crystalline plastic law based on dislocation densities. The evolution of surface damage was observed during a fatigue test using an in situ optical microscopic device. Cracks were analyzed after 2000 cycles and their crystallographic characteristics calculated. As surface grains exhibit larger strain because they are less constraint by neighbor grains, a specific numerical frame is necessary to determine stress state in surface grains. A localization law specific to surface grains under cyclic loading was identified from finite element simulations. The proposed form needs an intergranular accommodation variable, on the pattern of the localization law of Cailletaud-Pilvin. Stress-strain state in surface grains was simulated. Potential indicators for crack initiation were then compared on a same experimental data base. Indicators based on the equivalent plastic strain were found to be suitable indicators of fatigue damage.
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The relationship between learning potential and job performanceGilmore, Nelise 31 March 2008 (has links)
In South Africa, legislation dictates that employees must be developed resulting in the need to identify candidate's development capability. As such, it is essential to be able to measure the learning potential of candidates. In practice, cognitive ability has been linked to the complex process of job performance.
This study aimed to determine whether learning potential can be used as a predictor of job performance. The Learning Potential Computerised Adaptive Test (LPCAT) was utilised to measure learning potential and job performance was measured through a promotion ratio (taking job knowledge and tenure into account). The moderator variables were investigated. A sample of 135 technical employees was drawn. The data was statistical manipulated reporting various significant relationships confirming the internal reliability of the LPCAT and indicating a strong significant relationship between learning potential and job performance. Variables such as learning potential, job grade and tenure are significant when predicting job performance. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / MA (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Influence de l'endommagement plan sur le comportement hors-plan des composites stratifiés et des assemblages collés / Influence of in-plane damage on out-of-plane behavior of laminated composites and bonded assembliesUguen, Alexandre 16 January 2017 (has links)
Les matériaux composites sont utilisés dans le domaine maritime depuis des dizaines d’années que ce soit par exemple pour les éoliennes offshore ou encore les navires militaires étant donné leurs propriétés intrinsèques avantageuses pour de telles applications (faible masse, faible signature magnétique ...). Jusqu’ici les composites employés sont surtout composés de fibres de verre et de matrice polyester. Cependant, les demandes croissantes de navires toujours plus légers et rapides conduisent peu à peu les industriels à se tourner vers les composites à haute performance composés de fibres de carbone et de matrice époxyde. L’utilisation de cette nouvelle génération de matériau nécessite de connaître l’influence de l’endommagement plan, qui peut être d’origine hydrique ou mécanique, sur leur tenue hors-plan. Cette étude a montré une diminution importante de l’enveloppe de rupture du matériau étudié lorsqu’il a séjourné en eau de mer jusqu’à saturation. La résistance en traction hors-plan du composite n’est quant à elle que très peu affectée par la présence de fissures transverses dans le matériau, quel que soit son état de vieillissement. Des travaux ont également été menés sur des assemblages composites collés et mis en avant à la fois la chute de la tenue de l’assemblage due à la présence d’eau de mer dans la matrice époxyde, mais également la nécessité de la prise en compte du couplage endommagement plan/endommagement hors-plan pour la prédiction de la tenue hors-plan de tels assemblages. Enfin, différentes méthodes de prédiction ont été utilisées pour valider les résultats expérimentaux confirmant ainsi l’importance de la prise en compte de l’endommagement plan sur la tenue hors-plan des composites et des assemblages composites collés. / Composite materials have been used in marine applications for decades for offshore windmills or even battleships because of its intrinsic properties which are assets for such applications (low weight, low magnetic signature...). Until now the composites used are almost made of glass fibers and polyester matrix. However the increasing demand for faster and lighter ships gradually leads manufacturers to turn to high performance composites made of carbon fibers and epoxy matrix. Using this new generation of material requires knowing the influence of the in-plane damage which can be due to water or mechanical damage on its out-of-plane strength. This study has shown a significant reduction of the out-of-plane failure envelope of the studied material after an extended stay in seawater until the saturation point.The out-of-plane tensile strength of the composite is very little affected by transverse cracking in the material whatever the aging state. Work has also been carried out on composite bonded assemblies and pointed out, on the one hand, the drop of the assembly strength because of the water aging and, on the other hand, the necessity to take into account the coupling between in-plane and out-of-plane damage for the prediction of the out-of-plane strength of such assemblies. Finally, different methods of prediction have been used to validate the experimental results confirming the importance to take into account the in-plane damage to predict the out-of-plane strength of composites and composite bonded assemblies.
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The aim of the thesis is to examine all aspects relating to the e-learning and information apply to the possibility of lifelong education in the field of accounting has just through e-learning. This is mainly on the evaluation of the effectiveness of e-learning in the teaching of accounting and the identification of the problematic circuits.
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The difference between psychology and engineering students on emotional intelligence : a study into the construct validity of emotional intelligenceVan Staden, Jakobus 11 1900 (has links)
The criterion groups validity of emotional intelligence according to Mayer & Salovey (1997), ability model of emotional intelligence was investigated. Specifically, psychology (n+207) and engineering (n=195) students were compared on the Mayer, Salovey and Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test version 2 (MSCEIT). The primary factor structure of the MSCEIT was found to be valid with some revisions needed in terms of the reliability and content of the MSCEIT. The second-order factor structure of the MSCEIT was partially confirmed. In terms of the criterion groups validity of emotional intelligence, psychology students were found to exhibit higher levels of the ability to manage emotions in relationships, the ability to understand emotion as well as the ability to facilitate emotions. Engineering and Psychology students exhibited the same level of general emotional management and the ability to accurately identify emotion. Therefore the construct validity of emotional intelligence was partially confirmed. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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La démocratisation de l'état par la coercition militaire : le cas de l'Irak / The democratization of the state by the military coercion : the case of IraqCheniguer, Rachid 10 January 2014 (has links)
La question de l'intervention armée pour établir la démocratie avait été étudiée par les libéraux au XIXème siècle. Certains d'entre eux l'avaient combattue au nom du principe selon lequel la liberté devait être uniquement l'apanage des peuples qui la conquièrent eux-mêmes et non par le bon vouloir de nations étrangères. On a souvent parlé d'ingérence humanitaire pour défendre l'idée que l'assistance humanitaire imposait une intervention dans un État en dépit du fait que celui-ci ne l'avait ni sollicité, ni acceptée. Dans le même sens, d'aucuns ont fait référence à l'hypothèse de l'ingérence démocratique et donc à là démocratisation de l'État par la coercition militaire quand une assistance extérieure se prétend légitime pour renverser un régime puis instaurer une démocratie. La promotion de la démocratie a été invoquée à plusieurs reprises lors de la création de missions internationales de maintien de la paix et a pu justifier des opérations d'assistance et de vérifications des élections. Si la démocratie demeure un objectif légitime, pour autant, le droit international ne la consacre pas comme un droit objectif. À la veille de l'opération américaine « Liberté en Irak » du 20 mars 2003, il n'est pas démontré une opinio juris en faveur d'une nouvelle exception à la règle d'interdiction du recours à la force posée par la Charte des Nations Unies. À l'héritage brutal du régime baasiste d'antan a succédé tout aussi brutalement un héritage américain qui rythme désormais le quotidien irakien devenu otage des effets aléatoires d'une « greffe démocratique ». / The question of the armed intervention in order to establish democracy had been studied by the liberals in the XIXth Century. Some of them had fought it in the name of the principle according to which the freedom had to be only the privilege of peoples who conquer it themselves and not by the goodwill of foreign nations. We often spoke about humanitarian intervention to defend the idea that assistance imposed an intervention in a State in spite of the fact that this one did not have it either requested or accepted. In the same direction, some people made reference to the hypothesis of the democratic intervention and thus to the democratization of the state by the military coercion when an outside assistance claims itself justifiable to overthrow a regime then establish a democracy. The promotion on democracy it has been put forward several times during the creation of international missions of preservation of the peace and was able to justify operations of assistance and checks of elections. If democracy remains a legitimate objective, however, the international law does not dedicate it as an objective right. On the eve of the American operation "Iraqi Freedom" of march 20th 2003, it is not demonstrated that an opinio juris in favor of a new exception in the rule of ban on the resort to force laid down by the Charter of the United Nations. The rough inheritance of the baath regime of former days has been followed brutally by an American inheritance which gives rhythm from now on to the Iraqi everyday life which has become a hostage of the random effects of a "democratic transplant".
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Análise de transição entre cabos coaxiais constituída por corrugações e desníveis angulares. / Analysis of transition between the coaxial cable constitute by corrugations and desnible angle.Leonardo Issa Nicolau 01 July 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta um formalismo baseado no Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF), adequado a análise de descontinuidades coaxiais com simetria axial, entre
duas linhas coaxiais quaisquer, incluindo corrugações nos tubos internos e externos. Pelo método de Galerkin-Budnov deduz-se um operador integral bilinear, aplicado ao campo
magnético, expandido em todo o domínio da estrutura, coaxial-descontinuidade-coaxial. As portas de entrada e saída da estrutura são posicionadas distantes da descontinuidade, de forma que nelas só haja o modo Transversal Eletromagnético (TEM). O campo magnético procurado e obtido pelo MEF. Os resultados encontrados; perdas de retorno, comportamento do campo magnético e as equi-fases nas portas de entrada e saída da estrutura,
foram calculados e confrontados com as do Método de Casamento de Modos (MCM), com um alto grau de concordância. / This paper presents a formalism based on the Finite Element Method (FEM), suitable for analysis of discontinuities with axial symmetry, between any two coaxial lines, including corrugations. The method of Galerkin-Budnov follows a bi-linear integral operator, applied to the magnetic held, expanded in the whole area of the structure, coaxial-discontinuity-coaxial. The input and output ports of the structure are far from of the discontinuity, so that therein there is only the TEM mode. The magnetic held sought is obtained by MEF. The values for the return loss, and the magnetic helds at both ports
were calculated and compared with those yielded by Modes Matching Technique, showing good agreement.
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Caractérisation du rayonnement acoustique d'un rail à l'aide d'un réseau de microphones / Spatial characterization of the wheel/rail contact noise by a multi-sensors methodFaure, Baldrik 22 September 2011 (has links)
Le secteur des transports ferroviaires en France est marqué par un dynamisme lié notamment à l'essor du réseau à grande vitesse et à la réimplantation du tramway dans de nombreuses agglomérations. Dans ce contexte, la réduction des nuisances sonores apparaît comme un enjeu majeur pour son développement. Afin d'agir efficacement à la source, il est indispensable d'identifier et d'étudier précisément les sources responsables de ces nuisances au passage des véhicules. Parmi les approches possibles, les antennes microphoniques et les traitements associés sont particulièrement adaptés à la caractérisation des sources ponctuelles mobiles, omnidirectionnelles et décorrélées.Pour les vitesses inférieures à 300 km/h, le bruit de roulement constitue la source principale du bruit ferroviaire ; il résulte du rayonnement acoustique des éléments tels que les roues, le rail et les traverses. Le rail, dont la contribution au bruit de roulement est prépondérante aux moyennes fréquences (entre 500 He et 1000 Hz environ), est une source étendue et cohérente pour laquelle les principes classiques de traitement d'antenne ne sont pas adaptés.La méthode de caractérisation proposée dans cette thèse est une méthode inverse d'optimisation paramétrique utilisant les signaux acoustiques issus d'une antenne microphonique. Les paramètres inconnus d'un modèle vibro-acoustique sont estimés par minimisation d'un critère des moindres carrés sur les matrices spectrales mesurée et modélisée au niveau de l'antenne. Dans le modèle vibro-acoustique, le rail est assimilé à un monopôle cylindrique dont la distribution longitudinale d'amplitude est liée à celle des vitesses vibratoires. Pour le calcul de ces vitesses, les différents modèles proposés mettent en évidence des ondes vibratoires se propageant dans le rail de part et d'autre de chaque excitation. Chacune de ces ondes est caractérisée par une amplitude au niveau de l'excitation, un nombre d'onde structural réel et une atténuation. Ces paramètres sont estimés par minimisation du critère, puis utilisés pour reconstruire le champ acoustique.Dans un premier temps, des simulations sont réalisées pour juger des performances de la méthode proposée, dans le cas d'excitations ponctuelles verticales. En particulier, sa robustesse est testée en présence de bruit ou d'incertitudes sur les paramètres supposés connus du modèle. Les effets de l'utilisation de modèles dégradés sont également étudiés. Concernant l'estimation des amplitudes, les résultats ont montré que la méthode est particulièrement robuste et efficace pour les excitations les plus proches de l'antenne. En revanche, pour l'estimation des autres paramètres, les performances sont supérieures pour les positions d'antenne excentrées. De manière générale, le nombre d'onde est correctement estimé sur l'ensemble des fréquences étudiées. Dans les cas à faible atténuation, un traitement classique par formation de voies en ondes planes suffit. En ce qui concerne l'estimation de l'atténuation, la faible sensibilité du critère limite l'efficacité de la méthode proposée.Enfin, certains résultats obtenus à partir des simulations ont été vérifiés lors de mesures in situ. L'excitation d'un rail expérimental par un marteau de chocs a tout d'abord permis de valider le modèle vibratoire pour la flexion verticale. Pour tester la méthode d'optimisation paramétrique, le rail a également été excité verticalement à l'aide d'un pot vibrant. Les principaux résultats des simulations ont été retrouvés, et des comportements particuliers relatifs à la présence de plusieurs ondes dans le rail ont été observés, ouvrant des perspectives de généralisation du modèle vibratoire utilisé. / In France, railway transport has been boosted by the expansion of the high-speed rail service and the resurgent implantation of tram networks in many city centers. In this context, the reduction of noise pollution becomes a crucial issue for its development. In order to directly act on the source area, it is necessary to precisely identify and study the sources responsible for this nuisance at train pass-by. Among all the potential approaches, microphone arrays and related signal processing techniques are particularly adapted to the characterization of omnidirectional and uncorrelated moving point sources. For speeds up to 300 km/h, rolling noise is the main railway noise source. It arises from the acoustic radiation of various elements such as wheels, rail or sleepers. The rail, which mainly contributes to rolling noise at mid-frequencies (from 500 Hz to 1000 Hz approximately), is an extended coherent source for which classical array processing methods are inappropriate. The characterization method proposed in this thesis is an inverse parametric optimization method that uses the acoustical signals measured by a microphone array. The unknown parameters of a vibro-acoustical model are estimated through the minimization of a least square criterion applied to the entries of the measured and modelled spectral matrices. In this vibro-acoustical model, the rail is considered as a cylindrical monopole whose lengthwise amplitude distribution is obtained from the vibratory velocity one. The different models proposed to obtain this velocity highlight the propagation of vibration waves towards both sides of every forcing point. Each wave is characterized by an amplitude at the forcing point, a real structural wavenumber and a decay rate. These parameters are estimated by the minimization of the least square criterion, and are then used in the vibro-acoustical model to rebuild the acoustical field radiated by the rail. First, simulations are performed in order to appraise the performances of the proposed method, in the case of vertical point excitations. In particular, its robustness to additive noise and to uncertainties in the model parameters that are supposed to be known is tested. The effect of using simplified models is also investigated. Results show that the method is efficient and robust for the amplitude estimation of the nearest contacts to the array. On the other hand, the estimation of the other parameters is improved when the array is shifted away from the contact points. The wavenumber is generally well estimated over the entire frequency range, and when the decay rate is low, a single beamforming technique may be sufficient. Concerning the decay rate estimation, the efficiency of the method is limited by the low sensitivity of the criterion. At last, measurements are performed in order to verify some results obtained from the simulations. The vibratory model is first validated for the vertical flexural waves trough the use of an impact hammer. Then, the parametric optimization method is tested by the vertical excitation of the rail with a modal shaker. The main simulation results are found, and some particular behavior due to other waves existing in the rail can be observed, opening the perspective of a generalized method including more complex vibratory modelings.
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Estudo da conformabilidade de chapas de aço IF da indústria automobilística / Study of formability of IF steel sheet of automobilistic industryUnfer, Ricardo Kirchhof 28 August 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-08-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The new contributions of present thesis are an alternative experimental waviness method and a new theoretical model for evaluation of limit strains of sheet metal forming in the automotive industry, employing the analysis of roughness and waviness parameters evolution with the equivalent plastic strain and a new ductile rupture criterion as function of stress triaxiality. For validation of proposed experimental waviness method and rupture criterion, specimens of IF steel sheet of thickness 0.72mm, 0.82mm and 0.85mm were tested under tensile test and Nakazima sheet forming test with Marciniak flat punch. The specimens were deformed in incremental steps in different strain path such as: balanced biaxial stretching, plane strain, uniaxial tension and pure shear. Present proposed method consider that roughness and waviness parameters are important surface quality index and useful as indicator of onset of visible local necking and should be monitored in sheet metal forming. Thus, a Waviness Limit Curve, WLC, is proposed to be plotted in Map of Principal Limit Strains (MDLC) of sheet metal as an alternative to the forming limit strain curve, FLC. Various parameters of roughness and waviness such as arithmetic average roughness (Ra), maximum peak-valley roughness (Rt), arithmetic average waviness (Wa), total heigth peak-valley waviness (Wt), maximum peak height waviness (Pp) and maximum valley depth waviness (Pv) were measured during the uniaxial and biaxial testing. Tensile test of IF steel specimens at 0º, 45º and 90º to the rolling direction, RD, and Nakazima type of IF steel specimens at 0º RD only, in which a mesh of 2.5mm circles were printed, were employed. During the uniaxial and biaxial testing, the following plastic deformations were calculated in each straining step from the printed circles in the sheet surface: major true strain (1) and minor true strain (2). Parameters of roughness and waviness versus equivalent plastic strain curves were plotted to obtain a phenomenological equation of 4th and 3rd degree polynomials, using the Hill 1979 yield stress criterion. Furthermore, the growth rate of parameters Wa and Wt with equivalent plastic strain were calculated. From the growth rate, it was possible to conclude that the sheet 12 thickness imperfections, measured by Wa and Wt, evolve during material deformation, being possible to predict with accuracy the influence of equivalent plastic strain in the onset of local necking. From the experimental analysis, it was concluded that the maximum peak-valley waviness parameter (Wt) was the best option to chacaracterized the beginning of local necking in IF steel sheet forming. Thus, from the analysis of waviness growth rate parameters, Wa and Wt, during plastic strains, it was possible to propose a criterion of local necking inception. This allowed to obtain and plot an experimental Waviness Limit Curve (WLC) in the map MDLC: the beginning of local necking was established when the normalized parameter Wt* (=Wt/Wto) attained a critical value Wt*= 2.5, but with distinct values of equivalent strains. A second mathematical model was proposed for local necking criterion to obtain the FLC of IF steel sheets, employing stress triaxiality analysis and the Hill 1979 yield stress criterion. 2nd degree polynomials were obtained from plotted and adjusted phenomenological curves in graphs of equivalent strain at rupture versus stress triaxiality, considering the different plastic strain path in the formability testing. The IF steel specimens showed ductile rupture, according to scanning electronic microscope examinations, which showed that rupture occurred due to formation, growth and coalescence of large quantity of pores in many specimens of balanced biaxial (BB) and plane strain (DP). Also, mixed rupture of ductile type due to shear mechanisms in certain regions of tensile test (TS) and Nakazima uniaxial tension (UTN) specimens were shown. / As propostas de ineditismo da presente tese foram mostrar um método experimental alternativo de rugosidades e um modelo teórico de ruptura novo para se avaliar as deformações limites de conformação de chapas metálicas da indústria automobilística, empregando-se uma análise da evolução dos parâmetros de ondulação da rugosidade com a deformação plástica equivalente e um critério de ruptura dúctil em função da triaxialidade das tensões. Para validação do método experimental de rugosidades e do critério de ruptura propostos, utilizou-se corpos de prova de chapas de aço IF de 0,72mm, 0,82mm e 0,85mm de espessura, que foram submetidas aos ensaios de tração simples e ensaio de estampagem tipo Nakazima com punção plano de Marciniak. As amostras foram sujeitas a deformação incremental em diferentes trajetórias de deformação, tais como: estiramento biaxial balanceado, deformação plana, estiramento uniaxial e cisalhamento puro. O presente método proposto considera que parâmetros de rugosidade e ondulação são índices importantes de qualidade da superfície e servem como indicador preciso do início da estricção local visível e devem ser monitorados na conformação de chapas metálicas. Portanto, propõe-se traçar uma Curva Limite de Ondulação da Rugosidade, CLOR, no Mapa das Deformações Principais Limite de Conformação (MDLC) das chapas metálicas como alternativa da curva limite de conformação, CLC. Vários parâmetros do perfil de rugosidade e da ondulação da rugosidade tais como a rugosidade média aritmética (Ra), altura máxima pico-vale (Rt), ondulação média aritmética (Wa), a altura máxima da ondulação pico-vale (Wt), altura máxima de pico da ondulação (Pp) e profundidade máxima de vale (Pv) foram medidos durante os ensaios uniaxiais e biaxiais. Foram utilizados corpos de prova de aço IF em tração simples a 0º, 45º e 90º da direção de laminação, DL, e corpos de prova tipo ensaio Nakazima de aço IF somente a 0º DL nos quais foram impressos uma malha de círculos de 2,5 mm de diâmetro. Durante os ensaios uniaxiais e 10 biaxiais, as seguintes deformações plásticas foram calculadas em cada etapa a partir da malha de circulos impressos na superficie da chapa: a deformação verdadeira longitudinal maior (1) e a deformação verdadeira transversal menor (2). Curvas dos parâmetros de rugosidade e ondulações versus deformação plástica equivalente, empregando-se o critério de escoamento plástico de Hill (1979), foram traçados para se obter equações fenomenológicas do tipo polinomial de 4° e 3° graus. Além disso, foram calculadas as taxas de crescimento dos parâmetros Wa e Wt com a deformação plástica equivalente. A partir das curvas de taxas crescimento, foi possível concluir que as imperfeições na espessura da chapa, medidas por meio de Wa e Wt, evoluem durante a deformação do material, sendo possível prever com precisão a influência da deformação plástica equivalente no início do surgimento da estricção local. Concluiu-se então que o parâmetro da altura máxima total pico-vale das ondulações (Wt) é a melhor opção para caracterizar o início da estricção local em chapas de aço IF. Portanto, a partir da análise das taxas de crescimento dos parâmetros de ondulação, Wa e Wt, durante as deformações plásticas, foi possível propor um critério para o surgimento da estricção local. Isto permitiu obter e traçar a curva experimental de Limite de Ondulação da Rugosidade, (CLOR), no Mapa MDLC: o início da estricção local foi quando o parâmetro normalizado Wt* (=Wt/Wto) atingiu o valor crítico Wt*=2,5, mas com valores distintos da deformação equivalente. Um segundo modelo matemático foi proposto como critério de estricção local para obtenção da CLC de chapas de aço IF, empregando-se análise da triaxialidade de tensões e o critério de escoamento plástico de Hill (1979). Foram obtidos polinômios de 2º grau por meio de curvas fenomenológicas ajustadas e traçadas nos gráficos de triaxialidade de tensões versus deformação equivalente de ruptura, considerando-se as diferentes trajetórias da deformação plástica dos ensaios de conformabilidade. As amostras de chapa de aço IF mostraram ruptura dúctil conforme exame no microscópio eletrônico de varredura, o qual mostra que a fratura ocorreu devido a formação, crescimento e coalescência de uma grande quantidade de espaços vazios ou poros na maioria dos corpos de prova tipo Biaxial Balanceado (BB) e Deformação Plana (DP). Também, as amostras apresentaram fraturas mistas do tipo dúcteis e com mecanismos de cisalhamento em determinadas regiões das amostras fraturadas em Tração Simples (TS) e Tração Uniaxial de Nakazima (UTN).
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Modelagem de sistemas dinamicos não lineares utilizando sistemas fuzzy, algoritmos geneticos e funções de base ortonormal / Modeling of nonlinear dynamics systems using fuzzy systems, genetic algorithms and orthonormal basis functionsMedeiros, Anderson Vinicius de 23 January 2006 (has links)
Orientadores: Wagner Caradori do Amaral, Ricardo Jose Gabrielli Barreto Campello / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T08:36:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Esta dissertação apresenta uma metodologia para a geração e otimização de modelos fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno (TS) com Funções de Base Ortonormal (FBO) para sistemas dinâmicos não lineares utilizando um algoritmo genético. Funções de base ortonormal têm sido utilizadas por proporcionarem aos modelos propriedades como ausência de recursão da saída e possibilidade de se alcançar uma razoável capacidade de representação com poucos parâmetros. Modelos fuzzy TS agregam a essas propriedades as características de interpretabilidade e facilidade de representação do conhecimento. Enfim, os algoritmos genéticos se apresentam como um método bem estabelecido na literatura na tarefa de sintonia de parâmetros de modelos fuzzy TS. Diante disso, desenvolveu-se um algoritmo genético para a otimização de duas arquiteturas, o modelo fuzzy TS FBO e sua extensão, o modelo fuzzy TS FBO Generalizado. Foram analisados modelos locais lineares e não lineares nos conseqüentes das regras fuzzy, assim como a diferença entre a estimação local e a global (utilizando o estimador de mínimos quadrados) dos parâmetros desses modelos locais. No algoritmo genético, cada arquitetura contou com uma representação cromossômica específica. Elaborou-se para ambas uma função de fitness baseada no critério de Akaike. Em relação aos operadores de reprodução, no operador de crossover aritmético foi introduzida uma alteração para a manutenção da diversidade da população e no operador de mutação gaussiana adotou-se uma distribuição variável ao longo das gerações e diferenciada para cada gene. Introduziu-se ainda um método de simplificação de soluções através de medidas de similaridade para a primeira arquitetura citada. A metodologia foi avaliada na tarefa de modelagem de dois sistemas dinâmicos não lineares: um processo de polimerização e um levitador magnético / Abstract: This work introduces a methodology for the generation and optimization of Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy models with Orthonormal Basis Functions (OBF) for nonlinear dynamic systems based on a genetic algorithm. Orthonormal basis functions have been used because they provide models with properties like absence of output feedback and the possibility to reach a reasonable approximation capability with just a few parameters. TS fuzzy models aggregate to these properties the characteristics of interpretability and easiness to knowledge representation in a linguistic manner. Genetic algorithms appear as a well-established method for tuning parameters of TS fuzzy models. In this context, it was developed a genetic algorithm for the optimization of two architectures, the OBF TS fuzzy model and its extension, the Generalized OBF TS fuzzy model. Local linear and nonlinear models in the consequent of the fuzzy rules were analyzed, as well as the difference between local and global estimation (using least squares estimation) of the parameters of these local models. Each architecture had a specific chromosome representation in the genetic algorithm. It was developed a fitness function based on the Akaike information criterion. With respect to the genetic operators, the arithmetic crossover was modified in order to maintain the population diversity and the Gaussian mutation had its distribution varied along the generations and differentiated for each gene. Besides, it was used, in the first architecture presented, a method for simplifying the solutions by using similarity measures. The whole methodology was evaluated in modeling two nonlinear dynamic systems, a polymerization process and a magnetic levitator / Mestrado / Automação / Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica
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