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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chiastic structures in Hebrews : a study of form and function in Biblical discourse

Heath, David Mark 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Ancient Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The compositional strategy, structure, and peak of the book Hebrews are heavily debated. Most scholars analyze Hebrews from only a Western linear approach. Other scholars like Vanhoye, Neeley, G.H. Guthrie, and Gelardini have suggested a chiastic perspective. Despite the insights gained from a chiastic approach, the linguistic analyses of Neeley and G.H. Guthrie posit linguistic peaks that appear incompatible with the chiastic peak of Vanhoye, Neeley, and Gelardini. Neeley, G.H. Guthrie, and Westfall claim to apply linguistic principles to the text, but with quite different conclusions. This study focuses on the form and function of the literary units and the relationship of these units to the overall book-level structure. Initial considerations include defining the individual literary units and determining the significance of lexical and syntactical recurrences within the pericopes. Such recurrences are important features for determining textual boundaries, transitions, and compositional patterns. Subsequently, this study evaluates literary units in relation to each other in light of book-level correspondences (syntactical and semantic) as a means of positing an overall structure and compositional strategy for the book of Hebrews. Unlike the linear study of Westfall, the relationships of non-sequential literary units are considered as well as sequential units (i.e., both linear and concentric patterns). In addition to the analysis of the form and function of chiastic and parallel literary units, this study also considers the rhetorical function and significance of the central placement of OT quotations within those structures. Although the OT quotations often occur in the center of the chiastic structures, imperativals (imperatives, prohibitive subjunctives, and hortatory subjunctives) do not generally occur in the chiastic centers, but in the outer components of the chiastic structures. Such a perspective is helpful for understanding where the author is placing emphasis as well as for clarifying the relationship between the epideictic (doctrinal) and deliberative (hortatory) sections. Contrary to G.H. Guthrie’s and Westfall’s emphases on the deliberative sections, this study contends that Hebrews contains a coherent concentric pattern (involving a central thematic peak, dual hortatory climaxes, and dual apexes) as part of an overall compositional strategy. This is not to suggest that the epideictic sections are more important than the explicit exhortations found in the deliberative sections, but that the hortatory essence of Hebrews is rooted in both the theological truth of Jesus’ role as the great high priest and the function of his everlasting sacrifice in the heavenly tabernacle. The author weaved these texttypes together to deliver an even more powerful call to faithfulness. This study also challenges Nauck’s assertion that Heb 4:14–10:31 is one integral section. One of the key elements of this challenge is the unique interpretation of Heb 5:1-10 as foreshadowing the topic found in Hebrews 7. Understanding the foreshadowing essence of Heb 5:1-10 opens the means of interpreting Heb 4:14-16 and 10:19-22 as hortatory bookends to the central theological sections of Hebrews as opposed to designating Nauck’s lexical parallels as an inclusio. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar word hewig gedebatteer oor die komposisionele strategie, struktuur en piek van die Hebreër-boek. Die meeste geleerdes analiseer Hebreërs slegs vanuit ‘n Westerse liniêre benadering. Ander geleerdes soos Vanhoye, Neeley, G.H. Guthrie en Gelardini het ‘n chiastiese perspektief voorgestel. Ten spyte van die insigte wat ‘n chiastiese benadering opgelewer het, poneer die linguistiese analises van Neeley en G.H. Guthrie linguistiese pieke wat onversoenbaar met die chiastiese piek van Vanhoye, Neeley and Gelardini lyk. Neeley, G.H. Guthrie en Westfall maak daarop aanspraak dat hulle linguistiese beginsels op die teks toepas, maar met uiteenlopende gevolgtrekkings. Hierdie studie fokus op die vorm en funksie van die literêre eenhede in die Hebreërboek en die verhouding van hierdie eenhede tot die oorkoepelende boek-vlak struktuur. Aanvanklike oorwegings sluit die omskrywing van die individuele literêre eenhede en die bepaling van die belang van leksikale en sintaktiese herhalings binne die perikope in. Sulke herhalings is van groot belang om die tekstuele grense, oorgange en komposisionele patrone te bepaal. Daarna word die literêre eenhede in verhouding tot mekaar in die lig van boek-vlak (sintaktiese en semantiese) ooreenkomste gëevalueer in ‘n poging om ‘n oorkoepelende struktuur en komposisionele strategie vir die Hebreërs-boek te poneer. Anders as die liniêre studie van Westfall word die verhoudings tussen nie-opeenvolgende sowel as opeenvolgende eenhede in ag geneem (d.w.s. beide liniêre en konsentriese patrone). Benewens die vorm en funksie van chiastiese en parallele literêre eenhede word die retoriese funksie en belang van die sentrale stelling van OT aanhalings binne hierdie strukture ook in oënskou geneem. Hoewel die OT aanhalings dikwels in die kern van die chiastiese strukture voorkom, word bevelsvorme (imperatiewe, verbodsubjuntiewe en aansporende subjunktiewe) nie normaalweg in die chiastiese kern aangetref nie, maar in die buitenste komponente van ‘n chiastiese struktuur. Hierdie insig help ons verstaan waar die skrywer die nadruk plaas en bied ook klarigheid oor die verhouding tussen die epideiktiese (leerstellige) en deliberatiewe (aansporende) gedeeltes. In teenstelling met G.H. Guthrie en Westfall se nadruk op die deliberatiewe gedeeltes word in hierdie studie aangevoer dat Hebreërs ‘n koherente konsentriese patroon (met ‘n sentrale tematiese piek, tweevoudige aanporende klimakse en tweevoudige kruine) bevat as deel van ‘n oorkoepelende komposisionele strategie. Dit beteken nie dat die epideiktiese gedeeltes belangriker is as die eksplisiete aansporings in die deliberatiewe gedeeltes nie, maar wel dat die aansporende essensie van Hebreërs gewortel is in sowel die teologiese waarheid van Jesus se rol as groot hoëpriester asook in die funksie van sy ewigdurende offerande in die hemelse tabernakel. Die skrywer het die onderskeie tekstipes verweef om ‘n nog sterker oproep tot getrouheid te maak. Hierdie studie betwis ook Nauck se bewering dat Heb 4:14–10:31 een integrale gedeelte vorm. Een van die sleutelelemente van die kritiek is die unieke interpretasie dat Heb 5:1-10 die tema wat in Hebreërs 7 voorkom, voorafskadu. Insig in die voorafskaduende rol van Heb 5:1-10 bied die geleentheid om Heb 4:14-16 en 10:19- 22 as aansporende boekstutte vir die sentrale teologiese gedeeltes van Hebreërs te interpreteer instede daarvan om Nauck se leksikale parallele as inclusio te beskryf.

Allusion as translation problem : Portuguese versions of second Isaiah as test case

Cherney, Kenneth A. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An allusion in the source text poses a serious problem for a translator. A relevance-theoretic approach would define an “allusion” as the re-use of language from a prior text such that, by calling the prior text to mind, an implied reader is aided in his/her attempt to plausibly reconstruct the alluding author’s meaning. For this to happen, the reader’s “context” in the relevance-theoretic sense must include the source of the borrowed language. To explicate the connection for the reader, however, can thwart the pragmatic effects of an allusion, since these often require maintaining some “openness” in the text; hence the translator’s dilemma. Isaiah 40-55 (Deutero-Isaiah or DtI), a richly allusive text, furnishes an ideal test case for a descriptive translation study (DTS) focused on this source-text feature. This investigation of eleven Portuguese versions will attempt to determine whether and how the translators’ decisions with regard to DtI’s allusions might be accounted for. Source-oriented approaches to translating often tend toward lexical concordance; therefore, these approaches—in theory—should tend to preserve instances of vocabulary that is shared between an alluding- and an alluded-to text. Target-oriented approaches (e.g. “functional equivalence”) are more interested in contextual clarity than lexical concordance; these could then be expected to produce target texts that are less allusive. Increased sophistication in translation theory should result in more sophisticated approaches to allusion in translating. Collaborative and coordinated translation projects should produce more allusive target texts than those whose procedures are more piecemeal. The investigation reveals less correlation than expected between general source-orientedness and allusiveness in the target text. Target-oriented approaches—e.g., classical functional equivalence—do tend to produce less allusive target texts. In addition, there is a correlation between a translation project’s organization and the perspicuity of allusion in the target text, but it is mostly negative. That is, projects that do their work piecemeal produce unallusive versions, but more collaborative and coordinated projects still leave many inter-textual resonances inaudible. It appears that translations will preserve this source-text feature in a way that tends toward randomness unless the perspicuity of inter-textual allusions is articulated as a conscious value in translating. Above all, “allusion-friendly” translating will require target cultures that want more allusive Bibles. Translators, as “model readers” themselves, will need to recognize the presence and function of allusions in the source text and make the attempt to represent these in translation a priority. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sinspeling in ’n bronteks kan aansienlike probleem skep vir vertaler. Relevansie-teoretiese benadering definieer “sinspeling” as die hergebruik van taal uit vroeëre teks tot so mate dat veronderstelde leser, deur die vroeëre teks voor die gees te roep, in sy/haar poging om die sinspelende outeur se bedoeling te rekonstrueer, gesteun word. Om dit te bewerkstellig, moet die leser se “konteks,” in die relevansie-teoretiese sin van die woord, die bron van die ontleende taaluiting insluit. Om die verband aan die leser te verklaar kan egter die pragmatiese effekte van sinspeling teenwerk, aangesien sinspeling as sulks dikwels die handhawing van mate van “openheid” in die teks vereis; vandaar die vertaler se dilemma. Jesaja 40-55 (Deutero-Jesaja of DtJ), teks met baie gevalle van sinspeling, bied die ideale geleentheid vir beskrywende vertalingstudie (BVS) wat op hierdie brontekskenmerk fokus. Hierdie ondersoek van elf Portugese vertalings sal poog om te bepaal of en hoe die vertalers se vertaalkeuses met betrekking tot DtJ se sinspelings verklaar kan word. Bron-georiënteerde benaderings tot vertaling neig dikwels tot leksikale konkordansie; daarom behoort hierdie benaderings – in teorie – te neig om die gevalle van woordeskat wat tussen sinspelende en opgesinspeelde teks gedeel word, weer te gee. Teiken-georiënteerde benaderings (bv. “funksioneel-ekwivalente benaderings”) stel meer in die verstaanbaarheid van uitdrukkings in die konteks waarin dit gebruik word as in leksikale konkordansie belang; van hierdie vertalings sou dan verwag kon word om teikentekste op te lewer wat minder sinspelend is. Toenemende sofistikasie in vertalingsteorie behoort tot meer gesofistikeerde benaderings tot sinspeling in vertaling te lei. Gesamentlike en gekoördineerde vertalingsprojekte behoort meer sinspelende teikentekste voort te bring as die waarvan dit nie die geval is nie. Die ondersoek openbaar minder korrelasie as wat verwag is tussen algemene brongeoriënteerdheid en sinspeling in die teikenteks. Teiken-georiënteerde benaderings neig wel om minder sinspelende teikentekste te produseer. Daar is boonop korrelasie tussen vertalingsprojek se organisasie en die duidelikheid van sinspeling in die teikenteks, maar die korrelasie is meestal negatief. Dit wil sê, projekte wat hul werk stuksgewys doen, produseer niesinspelende weergawes, maar meer gesamentlike en gekoördineerde projekte laat steeds baie intertekstuele resonansies nie tot hulle reg kom nie. Dit blyk dat hierdie brontekskenmerk slegs op ‘n lukrake wyse in ’n vertaling tot sy reg sal laat kom, tensy die duidelikheid van intertekstuele sinspelings as bewuste waarde in die vertaling uitgespel word. Bowendien, “sinspelingsvriendelike” vertaling sal teikenkulture vereis wat meer sinspelende Bybels wil hê. Vertalers, as “modellesers” hulself, sal die teenwoordigheid en funksie van sinspelings in die bronteks moet herken en die poging om hierdie in vertaling te verteenwoordig prioriteit maak.

Translating Jonah’s narration and poetry into Sabaot : towards a participatory approach to Bible translation (PABT)

Chemorion, Diphus Chosefu 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Old and New Testament))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Recent developments in the field of translation studies have shown that a single translation of the Bible cannot be used for all the functions for which people may need a translation of the Bible. Unlike the case in the past when new versions of the Bible were viewed with suspicion, it is now increasingly acknowledged that different types of the Bible are necessary for different communicative functions. While many African communities have only a pioneer mother tongue translation of the Bible, Scripture use reports indicate that in some situations, the mother tongue translations have not been used as it was intended. The writer of this dissertation supports the view that some of the Christians in their respective target language communities do not use available mother tongue translations because they find them to be inappropriate for their needs. In the light of functionalist theories of translation, it is held in this dissertation that people who find existing translations to be unsuitable for their needs may need special alternative translations that are precisely designed to address their needs. The challenge, however, is how to identify the specific type of the alternative translation. Although the need for alternative versions of the Bible has been widely acknowledged, very few studies have been carried out on strategies for designing and producing functional and acceptable alternative translations that are also directly based on the biblical source texts. This study represents part of the necessary effort to identify theoretical strategies for designing and producing alternative translations with special functions.

Interaction between scholarly and non-scholarly reading of Genesis 11:1-9 in the South African context

Rathbone, Mark 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Old and New Testament))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / The interaction between scholarly and non-scholarly readings of Genesis 11:1-9 in the South African context refers to the transformation in biblical hermeneutics from the world of the text to the world of the reader and the post-colonial critique of Western essentialist scholarly modes of reading the Bible. This study explored three essentialist modes of scholarly reading from the South African context that perpetuated imperialism and colonialism: Anglocentric -, Afrikaner - and Anti-colonial modes of reading. Non-scholarly readings of Bible Study Groups, African mythology and artworks of Azaria Mbatha view the text as subject. Non-scholarly readings, from the margin of the South African context, informed by a holistic and interconnected cultural discourse, deconstruct essentialism and constructs responsible readings of the Bible. These readings deconstruct centralistic essentialist discourses and construct a liminal space for new creative and responsible readings of the Bible in the South African context that stimulates healing. The ubuntu reading of Genesis 11:1-9 by Desmond Tutu reflects this. His reading incorporates the African connected reading praxis of non-scholarly readings, from the margin of the 'South' African context, and makes use of scholarly discourse. Tutu's mode of reading leans on Western humanism and ecclesiology that does not follow a critical-holistic cultural discourse. The African Independent Church developed as a reaction to Western ecclesial structures. In the African Independent Church the concept, Moya or Spirit functions as a reading matrix that deconstructs the discriminatory and exclusive forces of essentialist disconnection. The study proposes that a Moya reading is an open-critical and inclusive theological-ethical concept. The interpretative thrust is decolonial, deconstructing essentialism and creating a liminal space, for new responsible readings of Genesis 11:1-9. A Moya reading is holistic and connects people to the land, a perspective that is foreign to essentialist scholarly readings of Genesis 11:1-9. This study contributes to the hermeneutical debate in South Africa, Africa and the global context by emphasising the importance of a continued interaction between scholarly and non-scholarly readings of the Bible from the margin.

Wisdom and Ubuntu : a close reading of Proverbs 1-9 in dialogue with African Ubuntu

De Wet, Daniël Paulus 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2005 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this dissertation is to demonstrate that a dialogue can be established between wisdom in Proverbs 1 - 9 and ubuntu. This dialogue becomes evident from a close reading of Proverbs 1 - 9 and from a study of the correspondence between the worldviews found in ancient Israel and Africa respectively. Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu is a Zulu saying that has its equivalent in nearly every sub- Saharan culture. Briefly, it translates to: "A human being is a human being because of (other) human beings." This points to a uniquely African view of human beings. This communal emphasis is also found within the wisdom literature of the Old Testament. The sages of the Old Testament attach great importance to harmony in the community and strongly emphasise obedience to wisdom as a way of accomplishing this harmony. The dialogue between wisdom and ubuntu is especially challenging from an academic point of view. On the one hand, wisdom highlights valuable aspects of African ways of life, principles and ideas that are often overlooked or ignored. On the other hand, ubuntu holds the promise of a nonwestern tradition that has been misread and marginalised in history, but that is reclaiming its place. A close reading is used to interpret the particular words, images and organisation of the scenes or passages in Proverbs 1 - 9. The interaction between the worldviews of ancient Israel and Africa leads us to further conclusions, identifying gaps in our knowledge and pointing to directions that could be followed in hermeneutics of which scholars have been unaware up to now. It also helps to sharpen the focus on wisdom by suggesting new perspectives of interpretation. The dialogue between wisdom and ubuntu leads us to fresh, exciting insights and a deeper understanding of issues that are of central concern in the field of wisdom theology research. In Proverbs 1 - 9, wisdom theology is redefined from an ubuntu perspective. The dialogue between wisdom and ubuntu thus leads us to a new development within wisdom theology. It helps us appreciate the new emphasis on communality. This does not happen in isolation. i1Ji1' m~tl'is identified as the primal source of wisdom. It must be regarded, however, in combination with the emphasis on living in communion with others. The essence of the new understanding - an existential understanding of wisdom - leads us towards appreciating the interrelatedness between human beings. Creation theology can be understood as deed/consequence theology, where the intimate relationship between experiencing divine awe and living in communion with others becomes evident. The dialogue between wisdom and ubuntu redefines the deed/consequence or causality aspect of wisdom theology as the "goal" of the wise. It is not the aim of this dissertation to copy some previously developed theological approach from one context into another, but rather to stimulate creative hermeneutical thinking with regard to African views on Old Testament wisdom literature. In this study we come to the conclusion that Afrocentric hermeneutics has the potential to be more responsive to the context of the Old Testament wisdom literature than Western theological exegesis has been. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die oogmerk van hierdie proefskrif is om aan te dui dat daar 'n dialoog bestaan tussen wysheid in Spreuke I - 9 in die Ou Testament en die Afrikakonsep ubuntu. Hierdie dialoog word duidelik wanneer 'n mens Spreuke 1 - 9 noukeurig lees en wanneer jy die ooreenkomste bestudeer tussen die verskillende wereldbeelde wat in antieke Israel en Afrika aangetrefword. Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu is 'n Zoeloegesegde waarvoor gelyksoortige begrippe in feitlik elke Afrikakultuur suid van die Sahara bestaan. Dit kan vertaal word as: "'n Mens is 'n mens as gevolg van (ander) mense." Dit dui op 'n unieke Afrika-wereldbeeld. Hierdie klem op die lewe in gemeenskap vind ons ook in die wysheidsliteratuur van die Ou Testament. Die Ou-Testamentiese wysheidsleraars heg groot waarde aan harmonie binne die gemeenskap en rig 'n sterk appel tot gehoorsaamheid aan die wysheid om harmonie te bewerkstellig. Die dialoog tussen wysheid en ubuntu bied 'n groot uitdaging veral vanuit 'n akademiese perspektief. Aan die een kant beklemtoon wysheid talle waardevolle aspekte van die Afrikaleefwyse, -beginsels en -idees wat dikwels misgekyk word. Aan die ander kant kry die konsep ubuntu sy regmatige plek binne die verstaan van 'n niewesterse tradisie wat dikwels in die verlede gemarginaliseer is. 'n Noukeurige lees van die teks van Spreuke 1 - 9 word gebruik om sekere begrippe en parafrases beter te verstaan. Die interaksie tussen die wereldbeelde van antieke Israel en Afrika lei daartoe dat nuwe denkrigtings in die hermeneutiek, wat tot op hede nog nie ontgin is nie, geidentifiseer word. Die dialoog tussen wysheid en ubuntu bied dus aan navorsers 'n instrument om Spreuke 1 - 9 vanuit 'n nuwe hermeneutiese perspektief te lees. Die interaksie tussen die verskillende wereldbeelde van antieke Israel en Afrika lei tot verdere konklusies; leemtes in ons verstaan en vertolking word byvoorbeeld uitgewys. Verder bied dit nuwe perspektiewe op die veld van die interpretasie van wysheid. Die dialoog tussen wysheid en ubuntu lei tot nuwe, opwindende insig en 'n beter verstaan van kwessies wat binne die navorsing oor wysheidsteologie van belang is. Die wysheidsteologie in Spreuke I - 9 word geherdefinieer vanuit 'n ubuntu-perspektief. Die dialoog tussen wysheid en ubuntu lei dus tot 'n nuwe ontwikkeling binne die wysheidsteologie. Dit stel ons in staat om die k1em op gemeenskaplikheid beter te verstaan. Hierdie nuwe verstaan vind egter nie in isolasie plaas nie. i1VPn~rl' is steeds die vertrekpunt vir die verstaan van wysheid. Die bogenoemde dialoog kan beter verstaan word deur die klem wat gele word op die lewe in gemeenskap met andere. Die kern van hierdie nuwe verstaan - 'n eksistensiele verstaan van wysheid - bring in ons 'n groter bewuswording van die onderlinge verbondenheid tussen mense. Skeppingsteologie kan verstaan word as oorsaak/gevolg-teologie, waar die noue verhouding tussen ontsag vir God en lewe in verbondenheid met andere duidelik word. Die dialoog tussen wysheid en ubuntu herdefinieer die oorsaaklgevolg- of kousaliteitsaspek van wysheidsteologie as die "doel" van die wysheidsleraar. Die doel van hierdie proefskrif is nie om 'n teologiese benadering vanuit een konteks op 'n ander een van toepassing te maak nie, maar eerder om kreatiewe hermeneutiese denke te stimuleer aangaande Afrikaperspektiewe op Ou-Testamentiese wysheidsliteratuur. Deur hierdie studie kom ons tot die gevolgtrekking dat Afrosentriese hermeneutiek die potensiaal het om 'n beter verstaan tot die konteks van Ou- Testamentiese wysheidsliteratuur te bied as wat Westerse teologiese eksegese kon.

The search for order and the maintenance of mystery in Old Testament wisdom literature

Park, Byeong-Cheol 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Old and New Testament))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the concept of ‘wisdom’ in the Old Testament Wisdom Literature. This dissertation argues that the concept of ‘wisdom’ is both the search for order and the maintenance of mystery. The coexistence of order and mystery is suggested as a coherent theme of Wisdom Literature, and the various relationships between the two themes are explained as the particular voices in Wisdom Literature. Proverbs 16, Job 28, Ecclesiastes 3, and Sirach 24 exhibit the coexistent relationship between the two themes. While Proverbs 16 reveals an order prevailing coexistence, Ecclesiastes 3 exhibits a mystery prevailing coexistence. While Job 28 shows a dialogical coexistence, Sirach 24 illustrates a mysterious integrated coexistence between order and mystery. This coexistence of order and mystery is investigated by means of socio-rhetorical criticism. The voices of various textures such as inner texture, intertexture, social and cultural texture, and ideological and theological texture in Wisdom Literature reveal the coexistence and various types of coexistent relationships between the search for order and the maintenance of mystery. Inner texture analysis the literal and rhetorical nature of each text, revealing the themes such as the potential and the limitation of human beings and the fear of the Lord. Intertexture elaborates the themes as the search for order and the maintenance of mystery. Social and cultural texture explains the social and cultural setting of the theme, depending on the social topics such as the manipulationist and thaumaturgical response and the cultural categories such as dominant culture and contraculture. Based on this social cultural milieu, the sages or the authors of Wisdom Literature formulate a creation theology comprising of the search for order and the maintenance of mystery, criticising various ideologies such as royal ideology and the doctrine of retribution, and dominant cultures such as Hellenism and Judaism in each period. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie dissertasie is om die konsep ‘Wysheid’ in die Ou Testamentiese Wysheidsliteratuur te ondersoek. Hierdie dissertasie voer aan dat die begrip ‘Wysheid’ sowel die soeke is na orde as na die behoud van misterie. Die saambestaan van orde en misterie word voorgehou as ‘n tema wat alle Wysheidsliteratuur saamvat. Die verhoudings tussen die twee temas word verduidelik as die verskillende stemme van elke vorm van Wysheidsliteratuur. Spreuke 16, Job 28, Prediker 3 en Sirach 24 toon die samehangende verhouding tussen die twee temas. Terwyl Spreuke 16 ‘n vervlegtheid toon waarin orde oorheersend is, toon Prediker ‘n saambestaan waarin misterie oorheersend is. Waar Job 28 ‘n samehang van dialoog toon, toon Sirach 24 ‘n misterie-geïntegreerde saambestaan van orde en misterie. Hierdie vervlegtheid van orde en misterie word ondersoek deur middel van sosio-retoriese kritiek. Die stemme van verskillende teksture soos binne-tekstuur, intertekstuur, sosiale en kulturele tekstuur asook ideologiese en teologiese teksture in die Wysheidsliteratuur wys op die saambestaan van verskillende tipes verhoudings tussen die soeke na orde en die behoud van misterie. Binnetekstuur ontleed die letterlike en retoriese aard van elke teks, en toon temas soos die potensiaal en die beperktheid van die mens asook die vrees van God. Intertekstuur brei die temas uit as die soeke na orde en die behoud van misterie. Sosiale en kulturele tekstuur van die tema word toegelig deur die sosiale en kulturele tekstuur, afhangende van die sosiale temas soos die manipulerende en thaumaturgiese response en van die kulturele kategorieë soos dominante- en kontrakulture. Gebaseer op hierdie sosiale en kulturele milieu druk die outeurs van die Wysheidsliteratuur die skeppingsteologie uit as die soeke na orde en behoud van misterie en kritiseer verskeie ideologieë soos die ideologie van konings, die vergeldingsleer, asook Hellenisme en Judaïsme in elke periode.

Unsung heroines of the Hebrew bible : a contextual theological reading from the perspective of woman wisdom

Olojede, Funlola Oluseyi 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH SUMMARY: This study is based primarily on the presupposition that the conventional definition or description of a biblical heroine does not take into account certain ‘hidden’ women in the Old Testament who could be distinguished due to their wisdom. By using the Yoruba woman as a contextual interpretive lens, the study investigates two female characters in the Old Testament each of whom is named in only one verse of Scriptures – “the First Deborah” in Genesis 35:8 and Sheerah in 1 Chronicles 7:24. The investigation takes its point of departure from the figure of Woman Wisdom of the book of Proverbs, which commentators have characterized as a metaphor for the Israelite heroine – a consummate image of the true Israelite female icon. It is indeed remarkable that Woman Wisdom has been associated with various female figures in the Old Testament such as Ruth, Abigail, the Wise Woman of Tekoa and the Wise Woman of Abel, etc. However, this study calls for a broader definition of wisdom based on the investigation of certain women in Old Testament narratives (e.g. Deborah and Sheerah) who have received only fleeting mention and recognition but whose lives reflect a possible connection to wisdom on a deeper level. It is shown that classical (arguably masculine) ways of reading the text tend to sideline or altogether overlook certain female characters, which are regarded as marginal such as Deborah and Sheerah. However, there are narrative gaps in the units where such women are found that could be filled by a reading of the text that is sensitive to details. It is argued that a more careful examination of the minute details in the texts could break down the metanarratives in a way that shows that they have hermeneutical significance. Therefore, attention to the narrative details unveils new dimensions of meaning and implications between the two texts (women) under investigation that have not been related in previous studies. Of significance is the fact that classical readings of the two verses that mention “the First Deborah” and Sheerah (Gen 35:8 and 1 Chron 7:24) regard them as intrusive in their respective contexts. However, a multiplex reading of each of the two verses in this study has shown that, rather than being intrusive, both have been strategically constructed to underscore the importance of the two women, and that the verses actually fit into their present pericope. The references to both Deborah and Sheerah are rooted in strong Old Testament traditions namely Bethel and Ephraimite, respectively, both of which play visible roles within the pericopes. What’s more, both verses are found within significant contexts – one in the middle of a section that closes the Jacob Cycle and introduces the Joseph Cycle, the other in the midst of a theologically driven genealogy that begins with Adam. Again, based on the multifaceted character of Woman Wisdom, in particular, as a teacher, a nourisher and a builder, it is argued that this metaphor of an Israelite heroine is embodied in both “the First Deborah” and Sheerah. Whereas Deborah was a wet nurse who must have nourished and nurtured the offspring of Rebekah, her mistress, Sheerah has been identified as the only female builder throughout Scriptures. The identification of the role of a wet nurse as a nurturer and nourisher as well as the role of a daughter as a builder with Woman Wisdom points to two silent heroines, one in the private domain and the other in the public sphere, who have remained unrecognized and uncelebrated in Old Testament scholarship. Furthermore, the roles of Deborah and Sheerah, respectively as wet nurse and builder, indicate that women participated in various spectrums of societal life especially in the Second Temple period when it is assumed that the texts reached their final forms. Not only did they perform roles that were associated with women, they equally participated in roles that were regarded as traditionally masculine. In this regard, a study of the women in the book of Chronicles offers a fresh glimpse into the roles and positions of women in the Second Temple period as well as into the Chronicler’s purpose and emphasis, in particular, regarding his concept of laer"f.yI-lk'. On a theological level, the achievements of the two women demonstrate God’s penchant for supporting the weak and the marginalized and for affirming those who are regarded as less likely to succeed. The mention of the First Deborah in the Old Testament proves that in God’s script, there are no little people. In the case of Sheerah, the point that there is a lare f" y. -I lk ' that includes outstanding female achievers indicates that, theologically speaking, there is no barrier against what women can do. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die vertrekpunt van hierdie studie is die veronderstelling dat konvensionele beskrywende definisies van Bybelse heldinne sekere 'versteekte' vroue in die Ou Testament, wat uitstaan danksy hulle wysheid, verontagsaam. Met die Yoruba-vrou as kontekstuele interpretatiewe lens word twee vroulike karakters in die Ou Testament bestudeer wat elk in slegs een vers genoem word – “die Eerste Debora” in Genesis 35:8 en Seëra in 1 Kronieke 7:24. Die vertrekpunt is die figuur van Vrou Wysheid uit die boek Spreuke, wat deur kommentators gekenmerk is as 'n metafoor vir die Israelitiese heldin – 'n volkome beeld van die ware Israelitiese vroulike ikoon. Dit is merkwaardig dat Vrou Wysheid met verskeie vroulike figure in die Ou Testament vereenselwig word, soos Rut, Abigail, die Wyse Vrou van Tekoa en die Wyse Vrou van Abel, ens. Hierdie studie betrek egter 'n breër definisie van wysheid, gebaseer op 'n ondersoek na sekere vroue in Ou Testament-narratiewe (byvoorbeeld Debora en Seëra) wat slegs kursoriese erkenning geniet maar wie se lewens dui op 'n moontlike konneksie met wysheid op 'n dieper vlak. Daar word aangedui dat klassieke (aanvegbaar manlike) wyses om die teks te lees, neig om sekere vroulike karakters soos Debora en Seëra, oor die hoof te sien, en hulle sodoende te relegeer tot marginale figure. Die narratiewe gapings in die eenhede waar hierdie vroue figureer, kan oorbrug word deur 'n lees van die teks wat sensitief is ten opsigte van detail. Die argument word gestel dat nader ondersoek na die fyn besonderhede in die tekste die metanarratiewe kan dekonstrueer op 'n wyse wat hulle hermeneutiese betekenis belig. Sulke aandag aan die narratiewe detail ontbloot nuwe dimensies van betekenis en implikasies tussen die twee relevante tekste (vroue) wat nog nie in vorige navorsing weergegee is nie. Dit is betekenisvol dat huidige navorsing van die twee verse wat na “die Eerste Debora” en Seëra verwys (Gen 35:8 en 1 Kron 7:24) beide as toevoegings beskryf in hulle verskeie kontekste. 'n Meerdimensionele lees van elk van die twee verse in hierdie studie toon egter dat veel anders as toevoegings, beide verse die vroue as strategiese konstrukte stel om hulle belangrikheid aan te dui binne die perikope. Die verwysings na beide Debora en Seëra is geanker in vaste Ou-Testamentiese tradisies, naamlik die Bet-El en Efraimitiese tradisies respektiewelik, wat beide figureer binne die perikope. Wat meer is, beide verse word aangetref binne beduidende kontekste – een in die middel van 'n gedeelte wat die Jakob-siklus afsluit en die Josef-siklus inlei, die ander midde in 'n teologies-gedrewe genealogie wat vertrek vanaf Adam. Weer eens, ooreenkomstig die veelsydige karakter van Vrou Wysheid, spesifiek in die rolle van onderrigter, voeder en bouer; word geargumenteer dat hierdie metafoor vir 'n Israelitiese heldin beliggaam word in “die Eerste Debora” en Seëra. Debora was 'n soogmoeder wat die nageslag van haar meesteres, Rebekah, gevoed en opgevoed het; daarenteen word Sheerah geïdentifiseer as die enigste vroulike bouer in die Bybel. Die identifikasie van Vrou Wysheid deur die rol van 'n soogmoeder as voeder en opvoeder, sowel as dié van 'n dogter as 'n bouer, wys op twee stille heldinne, een in die private domein en die ander in die openbare sfeer, wat geen erkenning of verering in Ou- Testamentiese besinning geniet nie. Verder dui die rolle van Debora en Seëra, respektiewelik as soogmoeder en as bouer, daarop dat vroue aktief was in verskeie sektore van die sosiale lewe, veral tydens die Tweede Tempel-periode waartydens aanvaar word die tekste in hul finale weergawes geformuleer is. Vroue was dus aktief nie alleen in rolle wat met hulle geassosieer is nie, maar ook in rolle wat tradisioneel aan mans toegeskryf is. 'n Studie van die vroue in die Kronieke-boek bied vars insae in die rolle en posisies van vroue tydens die Tweede Tempel-periode, asook in die Kronis se doel en beklemtoning, veral betreffende die konsep van laer"f.yI-lk'. Op teologiese vlak illustreer die prestasies van die twee vroue God se voorliefde vir ondersteuning aan die swakkes en gemarginaliseerdes, en vir bemagtiging van dié wat beskou word as minder waarskynlike presteerders. Die verwysing na “die Eerste Debora” in die Ou Testament bewys dat in God se teks, daar geen klein mensies bestaan nie. In die geval van Seëra, bewys die feit dat daar 'n lare f" y. -I lk ' is wat besondere vroue insluit, dat daar teologies-gesproke, nie perke is aan die potensiaal van vroue nie.

A quest for the assumed LXX Vorlage of the explicit quotations in Hebrews

Steyn, Gert J. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DLitt (Ancient Studies. Biblical Languages))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / The Vorlage of the explicit quotations in Hebrews remains an unresolved matter to date – despite the fact that it is an important pre-requisite before one can attempt to investigate the function of the quotations within their NT context. The selection, origin and version of the explicit quotations is a neglected aspect of previous studies. This Quest attempted to address these matters mainly from a tradition historical and a text critical angle. It follows the ground plan of Hebrews‘ own presentation of two sets of quotations in pairs – the first set consisting of hymnic texts and the second a quotation from the Torah, which is alternated between quotations from the Psalms and from the Prophets. The investigation considers each quotation in the light of possible alternative Vorlage(n) to those of the printed versions and interacts with previously proposed hypotheses – such as the ―Testimony Book‖ hypothesis, liturgy-, homily-, and midrash hypotheses. It became clear during the course of the investigation that, although Hebrews might have known a large number of quotations from the early Jewish (DSS; Philo) and early Christian (Paul, Gospels) traditions, he also expanded on some of those and added some other (mainly the longer) quotations. The latter include, for instance, Pss 40(39), 95(94), and Jer 31(38) – often accompanied by the author‘s reworking and own midrash on the passage with ring compositional features. The quotations are almost always introduced with a verb of saying and with a large number of them being presented in combination with a reference to an existing promise of God. Regarding the Dead Sea Scrolls, there are a number of similarities between particularly 4QMidrEschat, the Hodayot and the Pesharim – documents that are representative of a hermeneutic tradition of creatively working with and interpreting OT passages. Almost all of the Torah quotations are brief and (including the quotation from Prov 3) occurred already in the works of Philo of Alexandria, mainly in his Legum allegoriae 3. Their readings agree with each other – both of them often against the LXX and MT versions, which might be an indication of another version (the ―Old Greek?‖) that was used by both. Quotations that show an overlap with the then existing NT literature at the time that Hebrews wrote, are almost exclusively to be found in Romans and 1 Corinthians. The early Christian liturgical formula of the institution of the Eucharist seemed to have played a role in at least the quotation pair Exod 24:8 (―blood‖) and Ps 40:7-9 (―body‖).

The ascension, pleroma and ecclesia concepts in Ephesians

Overfield, P. Derek January 1976 (has links)
The basic aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between a number of christological and ecclesiological themes. The first section of the essay is concerned with the identification of the traditions employed by the author in his presentation of an ascension theology in 1:20-23 and 4:8-10. Having once established these traditions, an attempt is made to trace a Traditiongeschichte for them. The second part of the essay is concerned with the relationship between the ascension theology and the kephale and pleroma motifs which are present in both pericopes. This investigation necessitates an examination of the Pauline theology. At the same time within this section an attempt is made to trace the source of the pleroma terminology as used by the author of the epistle. In the third section of the essay the interest is more general; an attempt is made to discover how the "component parts" of the author's ascension theology are used elsewhere in the epistle. In the fourth and last section of the essay the interest is again with traditions, specifically the use made of the traditions inherent in the ascension pericopes in the epistle in the writings of both the Church Fathers and of authors outside the main stream of Christian thought.

The role of the Jewish feasts in John's Gospel

Wheaton, Gerald January 2010 (has links)
The present work aims to elucidate the role of the Jewish feasts of Passover, Tabernacles and Dedication in the presentation of Jesus in the Fourth Gospel. Specifically, I will seek to gain a clearer understanding of John’s appropriation of the symbolic and traditional backgrounds of these feasts by examining pertinent sources from contemporary Judaism and the manner in which John has made use of the traditions preserved therein. Past studies have achieved consensus on certain points of interpretation but overlooked important evidence at other points. Some scholars have also been too quick to cite John’s treatment of the feasts as evidence of his anti-Jewish posture in the Gospel as a whole. In what follows, therefore, I will give particular attention to those background sources which have not been accorded due attention. I will also attempt to situate my study within the wider question of Judaism in the Fourth Gospel and to suggest how the results achieved in the end may bear upon ongoing debates on this matter.

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