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Simulation par éléments finis du comportement mécanique de polycristaux chargés en hydrogène / Finite-element simulations of the mecanical behaviour of hydrogen-charged polycristalsPlessier, François 13 December 2010 (has links)
Ces travaux ont pour but d'évaluer l'apport de la modélisation numérique pour étudier la modification de la plasticité des polycristaux métalliques par l'hydrogène absorbé. De précédents travaux ont proposé une quantification expérimentale de cet effet, grâce à des mesures par microscopie à force atomique (AFM) des marches de glissement émergeant à la surface d'agrégats polycristallins (316L), chargés ou non en hydrogène.Après avoir étudié l'impact de la modélisation géométrique sur la précision des résultats numériques, nous proposons une méthode permettant d'analyser les résultats AFM grâce à la modélisation numérique, en prenant en compte le niveau de déformation plastique à l'échelle du grain et le fait que les mesures AFM sont des projections des dimensions "réelles" des marches de glissement: le nombre de marches de glissement émises et l'espacement inter-marche. Ces quantités permettent alors de comparer les comportement plastiques observés expérimentalement sur différents agrégats, et donc de quantifier l'impact de l'hydrogène absorbé sur le développement de la plasticité.Nous étudions ensuite la capacité du modèle numérique pour modéliser une modification de la plasticité à l'échelle intragranulaire: des hétérogénéités sont introduites au sein d'un modèle de grain et l'impact sur la distribution de la déformation plastique résultante est analysée. / The modification of plasticity observed in hydrogen-charged metalic polycristals has been studied using numerical modeling (Finite Element Method). This effect has been quantified by a previous study using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), by measuring the slip steps forming at the surface of (hydrogen-)charged or uncharged 316L polycristals. However the heterogeneity of the strain field in a polycristal makes it difficult to compare precisely the results from different grains and aggregates.After analyzing the impact of the geometrical modelling on the numerical results, this present study porposes a method using numerical simulations (Crystal Plasticity model) to access the local plastic strain field at grain scale, and improve the analysis of the AFM results. The projections of the slip step "real" dimensions into AFM measures (heights and spacings) are taken into consideration in order to convert AFM data into data that are directly linked to plastic activity: the average number of dislocations and slip step spacing. This quantities make it possible to compare the experimental plastic behaviours of the differents agregates in order to quantify the impact of the hydrogen absorption.The capacity of the crystal plasticity model to simulate plasticity modification at intragranulare scale is then studied by implementing material heterogeneities within a grain model, and the resulting modification of the slip developpement within the grain is then analyzed.
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Approche multi-échelles pour une prédiction fiable de la ductilité des matériaux métalliques / A multiscale approach for a reliable prediction of the ductility of metallic materialsAkpama, Holanyo Koffi 28 August 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif principal de développer un outil numérique capable de prédire la ductilité des matériaux polycristallins. Cet outil est basé sur le couplage de l’approche multi-échelles autocohérente à deux critères d’instabilités plastiques : la théorie de bifurcation et l’approche d’imperfection initiale. Le schéma autocohérent est utilisé pour déterminer le comportement d’un agrégat polycristallin (supposé représentatif du matériau étudié) à partir du comportement des monocristaux constitutifs. Le comportement à l’échelle monocristalline est formulé dans le cadre des grandes déformations élastoplastiques. Deux différentes versions du critère de Schmid sont successivement utilisées pour modéliser l’écoulement plastique monocristallin : la version classique et une version régularisée. Pour intégrer numériquement les équations constitutives à l’échelle monocristalline, deux algorithmes ont été développés : un algorithme de type évolutif et un algorithme de type retour radial. Les équations gouvernant le schéma autocohérent ont été revisitées. Pour résoudre ces équations, un nouvel algorithme numérique a été proposé, qui est montré être plus efficace que les algorithmes existants communément basés sur la méthode du point fixe. De plus, une approche numérique robuste a été développée, qui permet de coupler le modèle autocohérent à l’approche d’imperfection initiale. La performance ainsi que la robustesse des différents algorithmes et schémas numériques développés ont été mis en évidence à travers plusieurs résultats de simulation. L’effet de plusieurs paramètres et choix de modélisation sur la prédiction de formabilité des tôles métalliques a été extensivement analysé. / The main objective of this PhD thesis is to develop a numerical tool capable of predicting the ductility of polycrystalline materials. This tool is based on the coupling of the self-consistent multiscale approach with two plastic instability criteria: the bifurcation theory and the initial imperfection approach. The self-consistent scheme is used to derive the mechanical behavior of a polycrystalline aggregate (assumed to be representative of the studied material) from that of its microscopic constituents (the single crystals). The constitutive framework at the single crystal scale follows a finite strain rate-independent formulation. Two different versions of the Schmid law are successively used to model the plastic flow: the classical version and a regularized one. To solve the constitutive equations at the single crystal scale, two numerical algorithms have been developed: one is based on the usual return-mapping scheme and the other on the so-called ultimate scheme. The equations governing the self-consistent approach have been revisited. To solve these equations, a new numerical scheme has been developed, which is shown to be more efficient than the existing schemes commonly based on the fixed point method. Also, a robust numerical approach has been developed to couple the self-consistent model to the initial imperfection approach. The performance and the robustness of the different numerical schemes and algorithms developed have been highlighted through several simulation results. The impact of various parameters and modeling choices on the formability prediction of sheet metals has been extensively analyzed.
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Modélisation multi-échelle du comportement non linéaire et hétérogène en surface de l'acier AISI H11 / Multi-scale modelling of the nonlinear and heterogeneous behaviour of AISI H11 steel surfaceZouaghi, Ahmed 31 March 2015 (has links)
Les outillages de mise en forme en acier martensitique de type AISI H11 sont des pièces critiques dont le comportement en service est étroitement lié à leurs structures internes et à leur évolution. Les conditions des sollicitations lors de la mise en oeuvre du procédé est souvent à l'origine de modifications microstructurales en surface, à savoir la morphologie des lattes de martensite, les orientations cristallographiques, l'état d'écrouissage interne ou encore le profil de surface. Ces aspects peuvent éventuellement altérer les performances mécaniques de l'acier AISI H11. Afin d'appréhender et d'optimiser le comportement mécanique de celui-ci, une approche multi-échelle est mise en oeuvre dans ce travail. Celle-ci s'articule autour d'une investigation expérimentale et d'un traitement numérique. L'étude expérimentale s'attache à reproduire, à l'échelle du laboratoire, des surfaces équivalentes à celles issues lors des procédés de mise en oeuvre des outillages. Des techniques de caractérisation spécifiques, à savoir le MEB, l'EBSD, la nanoindentation ou encore l'altimétrie permettent de mettre en évidence un gradient de la stéréologie du matériau en surface et sous-surface. Les hétérogénéités locales induites concernent la morphologie des lattes de martensite, les orientations cristallographiques, l'état d'écrouissage interne mais également le profil de surface. Des essais mécaniques in-situ associés à la technique de corrélation d'images numériques sont réalisés pour des chargements monotones quasi-statiques et cycliques de type traction-traction. Une investigation des champs mécaniques locaux en surface est ainsi effectuée, elle permet d'analyser les schémas de localisations des déformations non linéaires liés aux artéfacts stéréologiques. Le traitement numérique s'intéresse à une modélisation multi-échelle, et plus particulièrement à des calculs par la méthode des éléments finis sur des microstructures virtuelles générées par tesselations de Voronoï. Celles-ci sont effectuées de manière à reproduire les structures martensitiques et considèrent des relations d'orientations spécifiques (de type Kurdjumov-Sachs) à l'issue du traitement thermique entre les lattes de martensite et le grain austénitique parent. Les équations constitutives du modèle de plasticité cristalline (élasto-viscoplastique) de Méric-Cailletaud sont implantées dans le code de calcul par éléments finis Abaqus dans le cadre de l'hypothèse des petites perturbations (HPP) et de la théorie des transformations finies. La formulation du modèle dans le contexte de la théorie des transformations finies est effectuée dans le cadre d'une description spatiale où la notion de dérivée objective est considérée. Celle-ci consiste en celle d'Oldroyd ou de Truesdell de manière à ce qu'une telle formulation soit équivalente à une description lagrangienne. Le traitement numérique a permis de reproduire de manière qualitative les schémas de localisation en surface mise en évidence lors de l'investigation expérimentale. L'influence des divers paramètres stéréologiques, évoqués ci-dessus, sur les champs mécaniques locaux a été analysée. De par cette approche, il a été possible de mettre en évidence certains mécanismes élémentaires, notamment les effets d'interaction et de surface. Enfin, il a été constaté que la prise en compte des rotations des réseaux cristallins par la théorie des transformations finies permet de relâcher certaines zones de localisation des champs mécaniques autour d'artéfacts stéréologiques. / AISI H11 martensitic tool steels are critical mechanical components that behaviour during service is drastically linked to their internal structures and their possible evolution. Their manufacture processes are often at the origin of microstructural changes at the surface, namely the morphology of martensitic laths, the crystallographic orientations, the internal hardening state and the surface profile These aspects can potentially alter the mechanical performance of AISI H11 martensitic steel. In order to get better insight into and optimize its mechanical behaviour, a multi-scale approach involving an experimental investigation and a numerical treatment is taken in this work.The experimental investigation focuses to reproduce, at the laboratory scale, equivalent surfaces to those resulting from tool steels manufacture processes. Specific characterization techniques, namely SEM, EBSD, nanoindentation and altimetry enable to highlight a stereology gradient of the material in surface and sub-surface. The induced local heterogeneities consist in morphology of martensitic laths and crystallographic orientations, internal hardening state and surface profile. In-situ mechanical tests with digital image correlation technique (DIC) are carried out for monotonous quasi-static and tension-tension cyclic loads. An investigation of the local mechanical fields at the surface is thus performed and allows to analyze the localizations schemes of nonlinear strains which are related to stereological artifacts.The numerical treatment is focused on a multi-scale modelling, and more particularly on finite element calculations on virtual microstructures which are generated by Voronoi tesselations. The latters are carried out such that to reproduce martensitic structures and consider a specific orientation relationship between martensitic laths and parent austenitic grains (i.e. Kurdjumov-Sachs) after the heat treatment. The constitutive equations of the (elasto-viscoplastic) crystal plasticity of Méric-Cailletaud are implemented in the finite element code Abaqus in the context of the small strain assumption and the finite strain theory. The formulation of the model in the context of finite strain theory is is given a spatial description where the notion of objective derivative, namely the so called one of Oldroyd or Truesdell, is used in such a way that such formulation is equivalent to a Lagrangian description.The numerical treatment has allowed to qualitatively reproduce the localization patterns at the surface which have been highlighted in the experimental investigation. The influence of the different stereological parameters mentioned above on the local mechanical fields was analyzed. By this approach, it was possible to highlight some elementary mechanisms including interaction and surface effects. Finally, it was found that the inclusion of lattice rotations via the theory of finite strain allows to release certain areas of mechanical fields localization that are related to stereological artifacts.
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Simulation of large deformation response of polycrystals, deforming by slip and twinning, using the viscoplastic Ø-model / Simulation du comportement mécanique en grandes déformations viscoplastiques des matériaux polycristallins en considérant le glissement et le maclage cristallographiques et en utilisant le modèle-phiWen, Wei 05 May 2013 (has links)
Le calcul de la réponse macroscopique des agrégats polycristallins à partir des propriétés de leurs constituants est un problème important en mécanique des matériaux. Lors de la déformation plastique, les grains du matériau sont réorientés. Une texture cristallographique, responsable de l'anisotropie, peut alors se développer. Donc, la modélisation de l'évolution de la texture est importante afin de prévoir les effets d'anisotropie lors des procédés industriels.La formulation de la plasticité des polycristaux métalliques a fait l'objet de nombreuses études et différentes approches d’homogénéisation ont été proposées. En 2008, Ahzi et M'Guil ont développé un modèle viscoplastique, baptisé le modèle-phi. Ce modèle prend en compte les effets d'interaction entre les grains sans passer par la théorie de l'inclusion d’Eshelby. Dans ce travail, le modèle-phi a été appliqué à différentes structures cristallographiques et sous différentes conditions de chargement. Le mécanisme de maclage a été pris en compte. Pour le laminage des métaux CFC, la transition de texture du type cuivre au type laiton a été étudiée. L’essai de cisaillement des métaux CFC a été également étudié. Nous montrons que le modèle est capable de prédire une transition de texture de cisaillement caractérisant une gamme de métaux CFC ayant une EDE élevée/moyenne à une EDE faible. Dans une étude dédiée aux métaux CC, nous avons comparé nos résultats à ceux prédits par un modèle auto-cohérent. Nous présentons également une comparaison avec des textures expérimentales de laminage à froid issues de la littérature. Le modèle a également été étendu aux métaux HC. Nous avons simulé le comportement de déformation d’un alliage de magnésium pour différentes niveaux d'interaction inter-granulaire. Nous montrons que le modèle prédit des résultats en bon accord avec les résultats expérimentaux. / The computation of the macroscopic response of polycrystalline aggregates from the properties of their single-crystal is a main problem in materials mechanics. During the mechanical deformation processing, all the grains in the polycrystalline material sample are reoriented. A crystallographic texture may thus be developed which is responsible for the material anisotropy. Therefore, the modeling of the texture evolution is important to predict the anisotropy effects present in industrial processes. The formulation of polycrystals plasticity has been the subject of many studies and different approaches have been proposed. Ahzi and M’Guil developed a viscoplastic phi-model. This model takes into account the grains interaction effects without involving the Eshelby inclusion problems.In this thesis, the phi-model was applied to different crystallographic structures and under different loading conditions. The mechanical twinning has been taken into account in the model. The FCC rolling texture transition from copper-type to brass-type texture is studied. The shear tests in FCC metals are also studied. The predicted results are compared with experimental shear textures for a range of metals having a high SFE to low SFE. For BCC metal, we compare our predicted results with those predicted by the VPSC model. We study the slip activities, texture evolutions and the evolution of yield loci. We also present a comparison with experimental textures from literatures for several BCC metals under cold rolling tests. The model has also been extended to HCP metals. We predict the deformation behavior of the magnesium alloy for different interaction strengths. We also compare our predicted results with experimental data from literatures. We show that the results predicted by the phi-model are in good agreement with the experimental ones.
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Étude de la rugosité de surface induite par la déformation plastique de tôles minces en alliage d'aluminium AA6016 / A study of plastic strain-induced surface roughnes in thin AA6016 aluminium sheetsGuillotin, Alban 28 May 2010 (has links)
Dans le cadre d'un programme de recherche visant à l'allègement de la structure des véhicules, l'origine de lignage dans des tôles en aluminium AA6016 a été étudiée. Ce phénomène, qui peut apparaître à la suite d'une déformation plastique, est apparenté à de la rugosité de surface alignée dans la direction de laminage (DL). Sa présence est néfaste à une bonne finition de surface, et son intensité est appréciée visuellement par les fabricants.Une méthode de quantification rationnelle a été développée. La caractérisation de la distribution morphologique des motifs de rugosité a été rendue possible par l'utilisation de fonctions fréquentielles telle la densité de puissance spectrale. La note globale, construite à partir de la quantification individuelle des composantes de lignage pur et de rugosité globulaire, s'est montrée en bon accord avec les estimations visuelles, et notamment avec le niveau de lignage intermédiaire regroupant plusieurs aspects de surface différents.La microstructure des matériaux à l'état T4 a été expérimentalement mesurée couche de grains par couche de grain à l'aide d'un couplage entre polissage contrôle et acquisition par EBSD. Les 4 à 5 premières couches sous la surface (-120μm) semblent jouer un rôle mécanique prépondérant dans la formation du lignage car elles offrent à la fois une grande taille de grains moyenne, une importante ségrégation d'orientations cristallines, et une forte similitude de longueurs d'onde entre la rugosité de surface et les motifs de la microtexture.Des simulations numériques ont permis de vérifier que les couples de texture identifiés (Cube/Goss, Cube/Aléatoire et Cube/CT18DN) possédaient des différences d'amincissements hors-plans suffisantes pour générer l'ondulation d'une couche d'éléments. En revanche, l'influence mécanique de cette même couche décroit très rapidement avec son enfouissement dans la profondeur et devient négligeable sous plus de 4 couches d'éléments. / As part of a project on aluminium alloys for vehicle weight reduction, the origins of roping in AA6016 aluminium sheets have been studied. This strain-induced phenomenon is related to surface roughness but involves narrow alignments along rolling direction (RD). Its lowers the surface quality, and its intensity is visually evaluated by vehicle manufacturers.An original quantification method is proposed. The morphological characterization of roughness features has been measured by using frequency functions such as the areal power spectral density. The overall roping quality mark, determined from quantifications of both the isotropic and unidirectional components, shows good agreement with the visual assessment, especially for the intermediate roping levels which exhibit several different surface appearances.The material microtexture has been experimentally measured through grain to grain layers by using serial sectioning and EBSD scans. The first 4 to 5 layers under the surface (-120μm) seem to play a leading role in the micromechanics of roping developpment since they simultaneously exhibit a high average grain size, significant segregation of crystallographic orientations, and a close similitude between surface roughness and microstructural feature wavelenghts.Numerical simulations verified that the identified texture pairs (Cube/Goss, Cube/Random and Cube/CT18DN) have sufficient out-of-plane strain difference to promote one element thick layer undulations. But, the mechanical influence of this layer decreases gradually with depth, and becomes negligible below 4 other layers.
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Caractérisation et modélisation multi-échelles de l’anisotropie et de l’hétérogénéité de la déformation plastique du α-titane en conditions de traction / Multi-scale characterization and modelling of the anisotropy and heterogeneity of α-titanium plastic deformation in tension conditionsAmouzou, Eva Kékéli 09 December 2015 (has links)
La déformation plastique du alpha-titane est fortement anisotrope. Elle met en jeu des familles de systèmes de glissement aux propriétés diverses et différents types de macles. Dans cette étude, des essais de traction sur des échantillons de alpha-titane de pureté commerciale sont couplés avec des mesures d'émission acoustique et d'extensométrie locale à haute résolution. Ces essais révèlent la présence d'un puits sur la courbe d'évolution du taux d'écrouissage. Un effet inverse de la vitesse de déformation sur la profondeur de ce puits est trouvé selon que les échantillons sont déformés suivant le sens long ou le sens travers de la tôle laminée initiale. Des analyses statistiques des lignes de glissement montrent une prédominance initiale du glissement prismatique, particulièrement prononcée dans les échantillons prélevés suivant le sens long. Une diminution de l'activité relative du glissement prismatique est observée au cours de la déformation des deux types d'éprouvettes. Les fractions volumiques de macles sont plus élevées dans les essais réalisés en sens travers mais restent néanmoins très faibles (< 5 %), en particulier au niveau du puits (< 2 %). Ces résultats fournissent une base physique pour l'élaboration d'un modèle capable d'expliquer ce comportement particulier de l'écrouissage. Le modèle s'appuie sur un schéma auto-cohérent en élastoviscoplasticité, basé sur la méthode des champs translatés et utilisant une linéarisation affine de la relation constitutive viscoplastique. Le modèle considère la plasticité cristalline et traite séparément la densité de dislocations mobiles et la vitesse moyenne des dislocations. Il suppose une plus faible sensibilité à la vitesse de déformation ainsi qu'une multiplication plus rapide des dislocations sur les systèmes prismatiques. A partir de ces différentes hypothèses, les courbes de traction sont correctement reproduites et des estimations raisonnables des coefficients de Lankford, de l'activité relative du glissement prismatique et de l'évolution des textures sont obtenues. Plus important encore, l'effet inverse de la vitesse de déformation sur la profondeur du puits du taux d'écrouissage selon l'orientation de l'axe de traction est retrouvé de manière qualitative, ce qui permet d'avancer une explication aux phénomènes observés. Par ailleurs, les mesures d'émission acoustique et d'extensométrie locale à haute résolution permettent d'analyser le caractère intermittent et ondulatoire du alpha-titane à une échelle mésoscopique. Ces données sont confrontées aux prédictions du modèle actuel et serviront de base pour le développement futur d’un modèle plus complexe / The plasticity of alpha-titanium is strongly anisotropic. It involves slip systems families with various properties and different kinds of twins. In this study, tensile tests on commercially pur alpha-titanium samples are coupled with acoustic emission and high-resolution extensometry measurements. These tests show the presence of a well on the strain dependence of the work hardening. An opposite strain rate effect on the well depth is found whether specimens are elongated along the rolling or the transverse direction of the initially laminated sheet. Slip lines analysis reveals an initial predominance of prismatic slip, particularly pronounced in specimens strained along the rolling direction. The relative activity of prismatic slip is then observed to decrease with the deformation of both kinds of samples. The twin volume fractions are higher in the tests performed in the transverse direction but still remain very low (< 5 %), especially around the well (< 2 %). These results provide grounds for elaboration of a model capable of explaining such peculiar work hardening behavior. The model relies on a self-consistent scheme in elastoviscoplasticity, based on the translated field method and an affine linearization of the viscoplastic flow rule. The model considers crystal plasticity and deals separately with mobile dislocation density and dislocation velocity. It assumes lower strain rate sensitivity as well as higher dislocation multiplication rate for prismatic systems. Based on these assumptions, the model reproduces correctly the stress-strain curves and gives sound estimates of Lankford coefficients, prismatic slip activity and textures evolution. Most importantly, the opposite effect of strain rate on the well depth with regard to the orientation of the tensile axis is qualitatively retrieved, which allows putting forward an explanation of the observed phenomena. Besides, acoustic emission and high-resolution extensometry measurements allow analyzing the intermittent and wave nature of alpha-titanium at a mesoscopic scale. These data are confronted with the predictions of the present model and will be used as grounds for the future development of a more complex model
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Constraint Effects On Stationary Crack Tip Fields In Ductile Single CrystalsPatil, Swapnil D 11 1900 (has links)
In order to understand and predict the fracture behaviour of polycrystalline materials from a fundamental perspective, it is important to first investigate plastic deformation at a crack tip in a ductile single crystal. In this context, it may be noted that when the crack opening displacement is much less than the grain size, the crack tip fields are entirely contained in a single grain. Further, some key structural components are being fabricated in single crystal form. For example, blades in high pressure turbines of jet engines are made of single crystals of Nickel-based superalloys. In view of the above considerations, a combined experimental and computational study of the crack tip stress and strain fields in FCC single crystal is carried out in the present work.
The effect of constraint level, which is characterized by the T-stress under mode I, plane strain small scale yielding conditions, on the near-tip response is first analyzed for a crystal orientation in which the crack plane coincides with (010) and ¯the crack front lies along[101]direction. A family of finite element solutions are generated by employing a boundary layer approach within continuum crystal plasticity framework. The results show that the near-tip deformation field, especially the development of kink and slip shear bands, is sensitive to the constraint level. On imposition of negative T-stress, a significant drop in the hydrostatic stress level is noticed in the region ahead of the tip. This suggests loss of crack tip constraint with negative T-stress, which is akin to isotropic plastic solids. The reason for the loss of crack tip constraint is traced to the occurrence of an elastic sector near the notch tip. The results also show that a two-parameter (such as K-T or J-Q) characterization of near-tip fields is necessary to accommodate different constraint levels in FCC single crystals.
The results of the boundary layer formulation are used to guide the construction of asymptotic solutions near the crack tip corresponding to various constraint levels in elastic-perfectly plastic FCC single crystal. Two families of alternate asymptotic solutions are constructed by introducing an elastic near-tip sector. These families of stress fields are parameterized by the normalized opening stress ahead of the tip, τA22/τo, where τo is the critical resolved shear stress, and a quantity (p) which characterizes the coordinates of the point where elastic unloading commences in stress plane. The results show that the stress distribution corresponding to each member of these families, as well as the trajectories in stress plane as the crack tip is traversed, agree well with finite element results for a certain value of T-stress.
In order to validate the above numerical and analytical solutions, the nature of crack tip deformation in aluminium single crystals is examined experimentally in a high constraint three point bend (TPB) specimen and in a low constraint single edge notch tensile (SENT) geometry. These experiments provide evidence, based on in-situ Electron Back Scattered Diffraction (EBSD) of the existence of kink shear bands (involving lattice rotation) exactly as predicted by Rice [J.R. Rice, Mech. Mater. 6 (1987) 317] and the present finite element analysis. The experimental investigation of a low constraint SENT geometry is also supplemented by 3D finite element computations based on continuum crystal plasticity. These computational results enable assessment of 3D effects near the tip.
Finally, the effects of different lattice orientations (especially ones for which the slip systems are not symmetric with respect to the notch line) on the near-tip fields are studied pertaining to various constraint levels. The results obtained for different orientations show that the near-tip deformation field is sensitive to the constraint level. The stress distribution and the size and shape of plastic zone near the notch tip are also strongly influenced by the level of T-stress. It is clearly established that ductile single crystal fracture geometries, would progressively lose stress triaxiality with increase in negative T-stress irrespective of lattice orientation. Also, the near-tip field is shown to be part of a family which can be characterized by two parameters (such as K – T or J - Q).
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Numerical Simulations Of Void Growth In Ductile Single CrystalsThakare, Amol G 01 1900 (has links)
The failure mechanism in ductile materials involves void nucleation, their growth and subsequent coalescence to form the fracture surface. The voids are generated due to fracture or debonding of second phase particles or at slip band intersections. The triaxial stress field prevailing around a crack tip and in the necking region strongly influences the growth of these voids. In the initial stages of deformation, these microscale voids are often sufficiently small so that they exist entirely within a single grain of a polycrystalline material. Further, single crystals are used in high technology applications like turbine blades. This motivates the need to study void growth in a single crystal while investigating ductile fracture. Thus, the objectives of this work are to analyze the interaction between a notch tip and void as well as the growth and coalescence of a periodic array of voids under different states of stress in ductile FCC single crystals.
First, the growth of a cylindrical void ahead of a notch tip in ductile FCC single crystals is studied. To this end, 2D plane strain finite element simulations are carried out under mode I, small scale yielding conditions, neglecting elastic anisotropy. In most of these computations, the orientation of the FCC single crystal is chosen so that notch lies in the (010) plane, with notch front along the [101] direction and potential crack growth along [101]. This orientation has been frequently observed in experimental studies on fracture of FCC single crystals. Three equivalent slip systems are considered which are deduced by combining three pairs of 3D conjugate slip systems producing only in-plane deformation. Attention is focused on the effects of crystal hardening, ratio of void diameter to spacing from the notch on plastic flow localization in the ligament connecting the notch and the void as well as their growth. The results show strong interaction between slip shear bands emanating from the notch and angular sectors of single slip forming around the void leading to intense plastic strain development in the ligament. However, the ductile fracture processes are retarded by increase in hardening of the single crystal and decrease in ratio of void diameter to spacing from the notch. In order to examine the effect of crystal orientation, computations are performed with an orientation wherein the three effective slip systems are rotated about the normal to the plane of deformation. A strong influence of crystal orientation on near-tip void growth and plastic slip band development is observed. Further, in order to study the synergistic, cooperative growth of multiple voids ahead of the notchtip, an analysis is performed by considering a series of voids located ahead of the tip. It is found that enhanced void growth occurs at higher load levels as compared to the single void model.
Next, the growth and coalescence of a periodic array of cylindrical voids in a FCC single crystal is analyzed under different stress states by employing a 2D plane strain, unit cell approach. The orientation of the crystal studied here considers [101] and [010] crystal directions along the minor and major principal stress directions, respectively. Three equivalent slip systems, similar to those in the notch and void simulations are taken into account. Fringe contours of plastic slip and evolution of macroscopic hydrostatic stress and void volume fraction are examined. A criterion for unstable void growth which leads to onset of void coalescence is established. The effects of various stress triaxialities, initial void volume fraction and hardening on void growth and coalescence is assessed. It is observed that plastic slip activity around the void intensifies with increase in stress triaxiality. The macroscopic hydrostatic stress increases with deformation, reaches a peak value and subsequently decreases rapidly. An increase in stress triaxiality enhances the macroscopic hydrostatic stress sustained by the unit cell and promotes void coalescence. The stress triaxiality also has a profound effect on the shape of the void profile. The values of critical void volume fraction and critical strain, which mark onset of void coalescence, decrease within crease in stress triaxiality. However, the onset of void coalescence is delayed by increase in hardening and decrease initial void volume fraction.
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Simulation of large deformation response of polycrystals, deforming by slip and twinning, using the viscoplastic Ø-modelWen, Wei 05 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The computation of the macroscopic response of polycrystalline aggregates from the properties of their single-crystal is a main problem in materials mechanics. During the mechanical deformation processing, all the grains in the polycrystalline material sample are reoriented. A crystallographic texture may thus be developed which is responsible for the material anisotropy. Therefore, the modeling of the texture evolution is important to predict the anisotropy effects present in industrial processes. The formulation of polycrystals plasticity has been the subject of many studies and different approaches have been proposed. Ahzi and M'Guil developed a viscoplastic phi-model. This model takes into account the grains interaction effects without involving the Eshelby inclusion problems.In this thesis, the phi-model was applied to different crystallographic structures and under different loading conditions. The mechanical twinning has been taken into account in the model. The FCC rolling texture transition from copper-type to brass-type texture is studied. The shear tests in FCC metals are also studied. The predicted results are compared with experimental shear textures for a range of metals having a high SFE to low SFE. For BCC metal, we compare our predicted results with those predicted by the VPSC model. We study the slip activities, texture evolutions and the evolution of yield loci. We also present a comparison with experimental textures from literatures for several BCC metals under cold rolling tests. The model has also been extended to HCP metals. We predict the deformation behavior of the magnesium alloy for different interaction strengths. We also compare our predicted results with experimental data from literatures. We show that the results predicted by the phi-model are in good agreement with the experimental ones.
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Modeling the mechanical behavior and deformed microstructure of irradiated BCC materials using continuum crystal plasticityPatra, Anirban 13 January 2014 (has links)
The mechanical behavior of structural materials used in nuclear applications is significantly degraded as a result of irradiation, typically characterized by an increase in yield stress, localization of inelastic deformation along narrow dislocation channels, and considerably reduced strains to failure. Further, creep rates are accelerated under irradiation. These changes in mechanical properties can be traced back to the irradiated microstructure which shows the formation of a large number of material defects, e.g., point defect clusters, dislocation loops, and complex dislocation networks. Interaction of dislocations with the irradiation-induced defects governs the mechanical behavior of irradiated metals. However, the mechanical properties are seldom systematically correlated to the underlying irradiated microstructure. Further, the current state of modeling of deformation behavior is mostly phenomenological and typically does not incorporate the effects of microstructure or defect densities.
The present research develops a continuum constitutive crystal plasticity framework to model the mechanical behavior and deformed microstructure of bcc ferritic/martensitic steels exposed to irradiation. Physically-based constitutive models for various plasticity-induced dislocation migration processes such as climb and cross-slip are developed. We have also developed models for the interaction of dislocations with the irradiation-induced defects. A rate theory based approach is used to model the evolution of point defects generated due to irradiation, and coupled to the mechanical behavior. A void nucleation and growth based damage framework is also developed to model failure initiation in these irradiated materials. The framework is used to simulate the following major features of inelastic deformation in bcc ferritic/martensitic steels: irradiation hardening, flow localization due to dislocation channel formation, failure initiation at the interfaces of these dislocation channels and grain boundaries, irradiation creep deformation, and temperature-dependent non-Schmid yield behavior. Model results are compared to available experimental data.
This framework represents the state-of-the-art in constitutive modeling of the deformation behavior of irradiated materials.
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