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Processus d'intégration des informations visuelles et gravito-inertielles pour l'orientation spatiale et le contrôle sensorimoteur / Integration process of visual and gravitoinertial cues for spatial orientation and sensorimotor controlScotto di cesare, Cecile 26 September 2013 (has links)
Ce travail doctoral questionne le processus d’intégration des informations visuelles et gravito-inertielles à l’origine de comportements perceptivo-moteurs. Pour cela, nous avons manipulé l’orientation dans le plan sagittal d’une scène visuelle, du corps ou du vecteur gravito-inertiel, grâce à la rotation de cette scène ou du corps et par centrifugation. Nous avons mesuré les conséquences de ces modifications sur la capacité à localiser le corps ou une cible par le biais d’un mouvement de pointage manuel. Au cours de 3 expérimentations, nous avons manipulé un ensemble de facteurs associés au contexte de présentation des stimulations visuelles et gravito-inertielles (e.g., dynamique de rotation : rapide vs. lente), à la combinaison de ces stimulations (i.e., congruence vs. incongruence spatiale), au mode de réponse spatiale (i.e., tâche de détection de l’inclinaison, pointage discret ou continu) et aux caractéristiques individuelles (i.e., style perceptif). De façon générale, les études réalisées montrent que les règles de pondération sensorielle dépendent de l’interaction entre ces différents facteurs. Nous avons pu ainsi déterminer 2 grands types d’effets sur la pondération sensorielle : i) La non congruence spatiale entre les stimulations entraine une dominance relative des informations gravito-inertielles quelles que soient la tâche ou les caractéristiques de la scène visuelle ; ii) Par contraste, lorsque ces stimulations sont congruentes, les règles de pondération sensorielle dépendent de la tâche (i.e., perceptive vs. sensorimotrice). / This dissertation investigates the integration process of visual and gravitoinertial cues at the origin of perceptual-motor skills. To that aim, we manipulated sagittal orientation of a visual scene, the body and the gravitoinertial vector by means of scene and body rotations, as well as centrifugation. Self-orientation perception and target localization were analyzed during these modifications. In 3 experiments we modulated several factors associated with i) the presentation of visual and gravitoinertial stimulations (e.g., rotation dynamics: fast vs. slow), ii) the combination of these stimulations (i.e., spatial congruence vs. non-congruence), iii) the task (i.e., self-tilt detection, continuous and discrete arm pointing movements), iv) individual characteristics (i.e., perceptive style). Overall, we show that sensory integration rules depend on these interacting factors. Two global effects were revealed on sensory weighting: i) spatial non-congruence between stimulations induces relative gravitoinertial dominance, whatever the task or visual scene properties; ii) by contrast, spatial congruence between stimulations could be associated to sensory weighting rules which are task dependent (i.e., perceptive vs. sensorimotor).
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Symetrický a asymetrický kontext slovních úloh a jeho vliv na úspěšnost žáků a jejich chyby / Symmetric and asymmetric context of word problems and its influence on the success of pupils' and on the types of their mistakesMatějková, Klára January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the connection between the way the mathematical word problems are formulated and their being understood correctly by the pupils. The main focus is on the semantic cues present in the assignment of the word problem. The thesis can be divided into two parts. The first part, which provides the theoretical framework for the whole thesis, contains the definition of a word problem. The phases of word problems solving and the possible classification of word problems are mentioned. More attention is paid to the problems with translation cues; new concepts of asymmetric context and symmetric context, called semantic cues, are introduced. An overview of several related research studies from abroad follows. The core of the thesis lies in its second part, containing a study that examines whether the pupils would be more successful in solving problems with asymmetric contexts than in solving problems with symmetric contexts. The influence had been examined on two types of problems and four age categories of pupils and students. The research was carried out through the short tests and it was attended by the total of 503 pupils of selected elementary schools and grammar schools in Prague and students of the Faculty of Education of Charles University. A higher success rate for the asymmetric...
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L'humour dans les interactions sociales homme-robot / Humor in social human-robot interactionsBéchade, Lucile 23 March 2018 (has links)
Les travaux de recherche de cette thèse portent sur l'amélioration des capacités sociales d'un système conversationnel en interaction avec un humain. Lorsque le système n'est pas dédié à une tâche particulière, il doit tenir compte de difficultés relevant de l'interaction sociale elle-même. L'humour est un mécanisme naturel dans les interactions sociales. Nous considérons un humour-machine comme une simulation de comportements simplifiés des capacités humoristiques humaines: dérision, blagues, jeux de mots. Les travaux de cette thèse s'appuient sur des théories issues de domaines variés en sociologie, psychologie, neurosciences et linguistique pour l'intégration de cet humour-machine dans un système robotique. Implémentées dans certains systèmes de dialogue, ces capacités humoristiques sont cependant rarement utilisées pour pouvoir choisir les comportements à générer du robot. Dans nos travaux, la mise en œuvre des comportements humoristiques du système en conversation est réalisée en utilisant la théorie des rites d'interaction. L'estimation de la face de l'interlocuteur permet de diriger le comportement du robot dans la conversation casuelle humoristique. Les facteurs expressifs d'une perte ou d'une valorisation de la face sont liés à des états mentaux exprimés dans une situation donnée. Pour réaliser cette estimation de la face, nous étudions, à partir de corpus créés à cet effet, les réactions comportementales, affectives et expressives des participants à différents types d'humour réalisés par le robot et ayant des impacts variables sur celle-ci (l'humour prenant pour cible le robot, le participant ou un autre sujet). Les réactions des participants à l'humour sont établies sur une représentation multi-niveaux d'indices émotionnels, comportementaux et linguistiques, extraits à partir de l'audio.Des règles sont ainsi construites à partir de l'apprentissage automatique de ces indices issus des corpus, concernant l'appréciation de la réaction des participants à l'humour et la mise à jour de l'estimation de la face présentée du participant. Leur implémentation dans un système automatique nous permet de les évaluer. De nombreuses expérimentations ont été menées avec des publics variés : personnes âgées, adultes, adolescents. Enfin, l'utilisation des préférences du participant à l'humour dans la conversation fait émerger des questions éthiques, notamment face au pouvoir persuasif et manipulateur de l'humour. / This doctoral dissertation is about the improvement of social capacities of a conversationnal system to interact with humans. When the system is not dedicated to one particular task, it must take into account the inherent difficulties of social interaction it-self. Humor is a natural mechanism present in social interactions. We consider humour in a robotic system as a simulation of simplified behaviors from human humor : derision, jokes, puns. This work is based on theories issued from various research domains as sociology, psychology, neurosciences and linguistics to enable integration of humor in a robotic system. Implemented in some dialog systems, humorous capacities are however rarely used when programming the robot’s behavior. In our study, the humourous behavior is implemented in the system by using the ritual theory of face-work. The face analysis of the interlocutor can be used to direct the robot’s reactions during a casual humorous talk. In order to evaluate the faces of participants in interaction, we study, using data collections created for this purpose, the participant’s behavior, emotionnal and expressive responses to different types of humor (humorous act targeting the robot, the participant or a neutral subject). Participant's reaction to humor are made upon a multi-level processing of emotionnal, linguistic and behavioral cues.Machine learning is used to extract rules defining appreciation or not and update the participant's face evaluation in regards of the humorous act produced by the robot. An implementation of these rules in an automatic dialog system allows us to evaluate their accuracy. Numerous experiments were carried out on various populations : elderly persons, adults, teenagers. Finally, the use of the participant’s preferences in the conversation raises ethical questions, in particular against the persuasive and manipulative power of humor.
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Cosmetics gone green : A quantitative experimental study on green promotional cues and consumers’ purchase intentionGenovese, Therese, Green, Charlotte January 2021 (has links)
In the context of the world's increasing environmental challenges and the rise of green consumerism, promoting sustainable consumer behavior is more important than ever. This study aims at extending the understanding of consumers' purchase intention of environmentally friendly cosmetic products. With a theoretical starting point in theories of green promotion and the theory of planned behavior, a total of ten hypotheses and sub-hypotheses were formulated to answer the research question how green promotional cues can be used to affect consumers' beliefs and increase purchase intention. Central concepts in the study’s constructed conceptual framework are intrinsic cues which represent concrete characteristics of a product such as ingredients and formula, and extrinsic cues which are attributes not present within the product itself such as packaging and brand. A quantitative approach using an online survey in an experimental vignette designed questionnaire generated responses from a sample of 325 participants in three treatment groups, and the data was subsequently examined through statistical analysis. The study’s main findings show that intrinsic cues have a stronger influence on purchase intention than extrinsic cues but that extrinsic cues seem to have a stronger influence on consumers’ subjective beliefs. The study provides implications on how cosmetic companies can use the insights generated by the study when developing promotional strategies for green cosmetics.
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The role of peripheral visual cues in planning and controlling movement :|ban investigation of which cues provided by different parts of the visual field influence the execution of movement and how they work to control upper and lower limb motion.Graci, Valentina January 2010 (has links)
Visual cues have previously been classified as visual exproprioceptive, when defining the relative position of the body within the environment and are continuously updated while moving (online), and visual exteroceptive when describing static features of the environment which are typically elaborated offline (feedforward). However peripheral visual cues involved in the control of movement have not previously been clearly defined
using this classification. Hence the role played by peripheral visual cues in the planning and/or online control of movement remains unclear.
The aim of this thesis was to provide a systematic understanding of the importance of peripheral visual cues in several types of movement, namely overground locomotion, adaptive gait, postural stability and reaching and grasping.
3D motion capture techniques were used to collect limb and whole body kinematics during such movements. Visual peripheral cues were manipulated by visual field occlusion conditions or by the employment of point-lights in a dark room.
Results showed that the visual cues provided by different parts of the peripheral visual field are mainly used for online fine tuning of limb trajectory towards a target (either a floor-based obstacle or an object to grasp). The absence of peripheral visual cues while moving disrupted the spatio-temporal dynamic relationship between subject and target and resulted in increased margins of safety between body and target and increased time and variability of several dependent measures. These findings argue in favour of the classification of peripheral visual cues as visual exproprioceptive.
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Time-of-Day Associative Learning to Spatial or Feature Information in Homing Pigeons (Columba livia)Sizemore, Brittany A. 19 November 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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When Messages Matter More: The moderating effect of avatar presence on message cue processing in cross-cutting political discussionKiefer, Elizabeth Feldman 27 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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The power of politics: selective exposure and social identity cuesRizzuti, Noel T. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Journalism and Mass Communication / Curtis Matthews / The objective of this study is to shed light on the interaction between the theory of selective exposure and social identity theory. Both of these theories describe aspects regarding how individuals expose themselves to information. However, the driving question of the study was to investigate the behavior of individuals whom experience cognitive dissonance from an inconsistent political message, but are receiving that message from a member of their perceived in-group. The expectation was that moderating variables, such as strength of identification with an ideology as well as the level of knowledge would impact who would engage in selective exposure and choose to disregard in-group cues, or choose inconsistent messages to stay true to in-group pressures. In a Qualtrics experiment, participants (n=189) were divided into different groups, attitude consistent and attitude inconsistent and were exposed to a series of tweets. Each tweet was politically charged, with the attitude-consistent group presenting consistent messages paired with in-group cues, and in the attitude-inconsistent group presenting a dissonant message was paired with the in-group cue, and visa versa. Two factors revealed themselves to impact results and message choice — knowledge and strength of identification. Results revealed that individuals who had a high level of knowledge chose the consistent message more often than those with low knowledge. The strength of ideology variable influenced differences in both the speed in which they made decisions on which tweet to select, as well as how quickly they identified with an ideology level. This result revealed that those who are strongly identified with an ideology make decisions regarding political messages and ideology faster than those who are weakly identified.
The current study contributes to the plethora of literature regarding these two theories and the political science area of study by supporting knowledge as a moderating variable between cognitive dissonance and social identity pressures. It also provides insight into the trends and patterns that can arise when time/speed are utilized as a variable to shed light on group identification differences. The insights with the variables of time, strength of ideology, level of knowledge, could lead to numerous future studies.
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A study of non-linguistic utterances for social human-robot interactionRead, Robin January 2014 (has links)
The world of animation has painted an inspiring image of what the robots of the future could be. Taking the robots R2D2 and C3PO from the Star Wars films as representative examples, these robots are portrayed as being more than just machines, rather, they are presented as intelligent and capable social peers, exhibiting many of the traits that people have also. These robots have the ability to interact with people, understand us, and even relate to us in very personal ways through a wide repertoire of social cues. As robotic technologies continue to make their way into society at large, there is a growing trend toward making social robots. The field of Human-Robot Interaction concerns itself with studying, developing and realising these socially capable machines, equipping them with a very rich variety of capabilities that allow them to interact with people in natural and intuitive ways, ranging from the use of natural language, body language and facial gestures, to more unique ways such as expression through colours and abstract sounds. This thesis studies the use of abstract, expressive sounds, like those used iconically by the robot R2D2. These are termed Non-Linguistic Utterances (NLUs) and are a means of communication which has a rich history in film and animation. However, very little is understood about how such expressive sounds may be utilised by social robots, and how people respond to these. This work presents a series of experiments aimed at understanding how NLUs can be utilised by a social robot in order to convey affective meaning to people both young and old, and what factors impact on the production and perception of NLUs. Firstly, it is shown that not all robots should use NLUs. The morphology of the robot matters. People perceive NLUs differently across different robots, and not always in a desired manner. Next it is shown that people readily project affective meaning onto NLUs though not in a coherent manner. Furthermore, people's affective inferences are not subtle, rather they are drawn to well established, basic affect prototypes. Moreover, it is shown that the valence of the situation in which an NLU is made, overrides the initial valence of the NLU itself: situational context biases how people perceive utterances made by a robot, and through this, coherence between people in their affective inferences is found to increase. Finally, it is uncovered that NLUs are best not used as a replacement to natural language (as they are by R2D2), rather, people show a preference for them being used alongside natural language where they can play a supportive role by providing essential social cues.
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Online Atmospherics in Mass CustomizationSakellariou, Ioann January 2016 (has links)
Online retailing has grown rapidly and nowadays consumers’ needs become more and more demanding. Mass customization satisfies the need of customers for individuality. However, in order for retailers to offer a satisfying shopping experience, they need to take into account their retail environment. In online retailing, atmospherics play a significant role in consumers’ attitudes towards the store. The present study aims to analyze the role of high task-relevant atmospheric cues, thus those atmospherics that are strongly connected with the shopping goal, such as verbal content, display methods and navigation aids. Furthermore, the author will analyze the effect of the above atmospherics on consumers’ response towards the online mass customization environment. In order for the purpose to be fulfilled, semi-structured interviews were conducted in a purposive sample of ten participants. The results were analyzed based on the Stimulus-Organism-Response model. Finally, high task-relevant atmospheric cues are strongly related to the consumers’ final response by provoking either positive or negative emotions. More specifically, verbal content and display methods have a crucial effect on consumers’ end response. On the other hand, navigation aids contribute to a pleasant online experience but they do not affect final consumers; response significantly. Conclusively, the present study aims to be considered as a useful tool for marketing purposes as it can provide knowledge on how consumers behave in a mass customization online environment in the fashion industry. Such knowledge may appear crucial for professionals who want to meet their customers’ needs directly and effectively.
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