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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Indo à raiz da questão: repensando o papel de plantas cultivadas no passado Amazônico através da Etnoarqueologia entre os Assurini do Rio Xingu / Getthing to the Root of the Question: Rethinking the role of cultivated plant use in the Amazonian past through Ethnoarchaeology amongst the Asurini of the Xingu River

Cascon, Leandro Matthews 27 June 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho constitui um esforço em entender de que formas as plantas cultivadas e perdidas dos Asurini do Rio Xingu (Amazônia) exercem papéis sociais, simbólicos e identitários para este povo, e como estas plantas são incorporadas pelos Asurini em narrativas sobre o seu passado recente. Através de trabalho de campo nas aldeias Itaaka e Kwatinemu Novo, a pesquisa se utilizou das seguintes abordagens: o levantamento bibliográfico sobre a agricultura Asurini; a observação de práticas agrícolas em roças atuais e a visita a roças antigas; a realização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com mulheres e homens Asurini; a análise de microvestígios botânicos (grãos de amido e fitólitos) de etapas do processamento de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) observadas em campo, especialmente da produção de farinha. Os dados obtidos por estes diferentes métodos são discutidos tendo em vista o papel social que as plantas atualmente cultivadas e as plantas perdidas na história recente exercem entre os Asurini na atualidade. É também discutido de que forma o estudo da agricultura e o consumo de plantas cultivadas entre os Asurini no passado possa ser uma abordagem frutífera para se pensar o presente e o futuro deste povo. / The present work constitutes an effort in understanding in what ways do the cultivated and lost plants of the Asurini of the Xingu River (Amazon) play important social, symbolic and identitary roles for this people, and how these plants are incorporated by the Asurini in narratives regarding their recent past. Through fieldwork in the villages of Itaaka and Kwatinemu Novo, the research utilized the following approaches: a bibliographical survey regarding Asurini agriculture; the observation of agricultural practices in current cultivating fields and the visiting of old fields; the conducting of semi-structured interviews with Asurini women and men; the analysis of botanical microvestiges (starch grains and phyoliths) from manihot (Manihot esculenta Crantz) processing stages observed in the field, especially of flour production. The data obtained by these different methods are discussed regarding the social role that currently cultivated plants and plants lost in recent history exert on the Asurini in modern days. It is also discussed in what way can the study of agriculture and cultivated plant use amongst the Asurini in the past be a fructiferous approach for reflecting on the present and future of this people.

Environmental stress effects on the phytochemistry and bioactivity responses of a South African medicinal bulbous plant, Tulbaghia violacea Harvey (Alliaceae)

Ncise, Wanga January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Horticulture))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2018. / Deteriorating living and environmental conditions have contributed to the increasing prevalence of diseases in plants and animals. In humans, accumulation of abnormally high levels of free radicals in the tissues has been implicated in many non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, arthritis, ischemia, gastritis, obesity and asthma. Worldwide, there is recognition of need to improve plant and animal health. Tulbaghia violacea (Alliaceae) is a medicinal plant that is extensively harvested by traditional healers in the wild for its medicinal uses and if this practice continues, it may result in an unsolicited decline of the species in situ. Therefore, there is a need for cultivation of this species. Plant cultivation in a controlled environment for conservation purposes as well as the enhancement of yield and quality is gaining favour among farmers and consumers. The main aim of this study was to investigate the effects of altering the growing conditions by applying environmental stresses on the plant growth, antifungal and antioxidant activities of T. violacea, with the view of enhancing the future cultivation of this species for pharmaceutical companies, traditional healers and the horticulture industry. This study was divided into two parts, and the first part, which was further sub-divided into two separate preliminary experiments, is presented in chapter three. Simultaneous assessments of the effects of i) varied pH levels (pH 4, pH 6, pH 8) and ii) light intensity on plant growth, antioxidant-content and -capacity of extracts of T. violacea were carried out. The second part of the thesis consisted of a more detailed assessment of the above-mentioned independent variables and interactions thereof on plant growth, and antifungal activity of extracts of T. violacea. Results obtained from the first part of the study, showed that plants exposed to pH 6 showed a marked increase in plant height (from 25-37 cm) after 2 months of treatment although, generally, the variations of the different growth parameters among the pH treatments were not significant (p > 0.05). Antioxidant-contents and -capacity were not significantly different (p > 0.05) when pH treatments were compared. However, a high polyphenol content value (of 3 mg/g) occurred in leaves of plants exposed to pH 8. Overall, comparatively, there was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in antioxidant-content and -capacity when pH treatments. In the light experiment, decreasing light intensity led to the elongation of plant height. A higher mean shoot length of 34.6 cm was obtained under low light compared to normal light (26.5 cm) two months post-treatment. The results obtained in this study indicated that light had a significant affect (p < 0.05) on the vegetative growth of this species. In contrast, normal light intensity yielded higher antioxidant-content and -capacity. The polyphenol and flavanol content were fluctuating between the averages of 5.8 mg/g to 8.5 mg/g. Overall, there was a significant difference (p < 0.05) in the antioxidant-content and -capacity when low and normal light intensity treatments compared. In conclusion, both normal light intensity and at pH 8 induced better antioxidant results. In the second part of the study, chapter four, one-month old T. violacea plantlets were grown under two light intensities (low light and normal light) in a greenhouse and concurrently exposed to varying pH levels: pH 4, pH 6 and pH 8. Plants exposed to normal light received natural sunlight through the roof of the greenhouse, while low light intensity (40% reduction) was achieved using shade nets. Plants were drip irrigated with Nutrifeed fertilizer. Plant growth parameters such as height and fresh and dry weights were determined. Leaf samples were analysed for macro-and micro-nutrients contents. Antifungal tests were carried out on the plant extracts from the various treatments in an antifungal bioassay (minimum inhibitory concentration [MIC]). The experimental data collected were analysed using one and two-way analyses of variance (ANOVA), and Tukey HSD was used to separate the means at p < 0.05 level of significance. Varied effects of different pH levels (4, 6 and 8) and light intensities (low and normal) on plant height, and fresh and dry weights were recorded in the current study. A significant interactive (df, 2; F = 0.001; p < 0.001) effect between pH and light on fresh weight was observed. The results revealed that there was a significant difference (df, 2, 57; F = 12.63; p < 0.001) in dry weights with plants under normal light intensity and pH 4 treatment (8.285 ± 0.802 g) producing the highest dry weight. There was a significant interaction (df, 2; F = 6.4; p < 0.001) between pH and light intensity on plant dry weight. Extracts from plants grown under normal light intensity showed stronger antifungal activity at pH level 4, and MIC values ranged from 0.18 ± 0 to 0.375 ± 0.04 mg/ml at 6h and 1.5 ± 0 to 0.97 ± 0.18 mg/ml at 18h. In conclusion, this study demonstrated the interactive effects of pH and light intensity on the growth of T. violacea. These findings also confirmed that it is possible to enhance the cultivation of T. violacea under greenhouse conditions. Chapter 5 focused on the interactive effects of pH and watering regime on plant growth, nutrient uptake and antifungal activity of T. violacea plant extracts, grown hydroponically. The results showed that there were significant differences (p < 0.05) on plant growth parameters amongst the different watering regimes under normal light intensity. Broadly, two trends occurred in the results: firstly, more macro-nutrients were taken up by plants in the higher frequency watering intervals as opposed to higher tissue micronutrient nutrient values for plants grown under the lower light intensity conditions. The levels of N, P, K, Mg nutrient uptake differed significantly in plants (p < 0.001) among watering interval periods. On the other hand, plants simultaneously exposed to extended watering intervals of 21-day and low light intensity showed more bioactivity of the crude extracts against F. oxysporum in the MIC bioassay. Based on the current results, a combination of shorter watering interval and normal light intensity favoured plant growth and development, while plants grown under low light intensity with longer watering interval showed good bioactivity. Broadly, these results demonstrated that varying pH, light intensity, and watering regime can influence plant growth, secondary metabolite contents and antifungal activity of crude extracts of T. violacea. These findings will contribute to the current body of knowledge around cultivation of indigenous medicinal plants. The study will further benefit the conservation of medicinal plant initiatives, increased income of small-scale farmers and potentially promote indigenous knowledge by increasing the availability of South African medicinal plants.

Classificações em cena: algumas formas de classificação das plantas cultivadas pelos Wajãpi do Amapari (AP) / Folk taxonomies in scene: the systems that the Wajãpi Indians from Amapari (AP -Brazil) utilize to classify the plants that they cultivate

Oliveira, Joana Cabral de 23 October 2006 (has links)
Essa pesquisa tem como foco da investigação as classificações dos índios Wajãpi do Amapari (AP) sobre as plantas cultivadas, denominadas na língua nativa de temitãgwerã. A descrição e análise das formas de classificação das temitãgwerã são feitas a partir de dois grandes arcabouços teóricos: de um lado os estudos sobre taxonomias nativas, empreendidos pelo viés da antropologia cognitiva; de outro as proposições sobre um pensamento ameríndio, empreendidas pela etnologia propriamente. Essas duas linhas teóricas são convocadas a dialogar uma vez que se objetiva demonstrar que as classificações não são elaborações isoladas do pensamento, nem são elementos exclusivamente abstratos e intelectuais, mas fazem parte da experiência cotidianamente vivenciada. Assim, busca-se evidenciar as relações entre alguns sistemas de classificação wajãpi e aspectos cosmológicos, aspectos sociais, formas de transmissão de conhecimentos e formas de manejo agrícola. / The focal point of this research is the study of the systems that the Wajãpi Indians from Amapari (AP -Brazil) utilize to classify the plants that they cultivate, which are known as temitãgwerã in their language. The descriptions and analyses of these folk taxonomies are made with the support of two theoretical frameworks: from one hand the studies of folk taxonomies from a cognitive anthropology perspective and, from the other hand, taking into account the propositions about the Amerindian thought derived from the ethnology itself. In fact, these two theoretical lines should complement each other once it is intended to demonstrate that taxonomies are not isolated from others aspects of thought, neither are exclusively abstract or intellectual elements, but part of the experiences of the daily life. Therefore the major goal of this investigation is to show that folk taxonomies keep relations with cosmology aspects, sociology aspects, manners of knowledge transmission and agricultural management.

Importância de Pratylenchus brachyurus na cultura do caupi e estudos morfológicos e morfométricos sobre populações de P.brachyurus do Brasil / Importance of Pratylenchus brachyurus on cowpea culture and morphological and morphometric studies on P. brachyurus populations from Brazil

Siqueira, Kércya Maria Simões de 29 March 2007 (has links)
A interação Pratylenchus brachyurus x caupi (Vigna unguiculata) merece atualmente atenção especial no Brasil, pela escassez de informações contraposta à sua elevada ocorrência na cultura. O objetivo primário deste trabalho foi aprimorar o conhecimento sobre a importância potencial do nematóide na cultura do caupi no Brasil, por meio de experimentos em condições controladas, que demonstraram que P. brachyurus é patogênico para o caupi, por sua capacidade de interferir no crescimento das plantas. Como conseqüência e primeiro passo para o desenvolvimento de técnicas de manejo para P. brachyurus na cultura do caupi, foram conduzidos experimentos com o objetivo de avaliar a resistência de cultivares de caupi ao nematóide. Concluiu-se que o grau de resistência em caupi é baixo, provavelmente em função da grande similaridade genética dos materiais comerciais dessa planta. Portanto, o uso da resistência genética para o manejo de P. brachyurus em caupi dependerá da disponibilidade de cultivares com base genética mais ampla que a atual. Verificou-se ainda a existência de variação interpopulacional em relação à agressividade de P. brachyurus ao caupi, o que motivou a realização de estudos sobre a diversidade morfológica do nematóide. Análises multivariadas (PCA) de seis variáveis morfométricas (L, St, a, b, c e V%), obteve-se a efetiva separação de 11 populações de P. brachyurus em cinco grupos distintos; é possível que essa análise seja útil na identificação de populações do nematóide com diferentes agressividades ao caupi. Em outro estudo, sobre condições de campo, foi demonstrado que sistemas intensivos de cultivos, com dois ou mais ciclos anuais (usualmente na seqüência algodão, milho, soja e caupi), propiciam a manutenção de elevadas densidades de nematóides polífagos, como P. brachyurus em áreas infestadas, e, além disso, forneceu indícios de que M. incognita e P. brachyurus causam perdas de produção ao caupi em áreas irrigadas. / Pratylenchus brachyurus x cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) relationships are worthy of special concern in Brazil, due to scarcity of pertinent information and because the nematode is widespread in local plantations. The primary aim of this research - to improve the knowledge about the potential importance of P. brachyurus on cowpea in Brazil &#150; was achieved though experiments developed under controlled conditions, which demonstrated that P. brachyurus actually is pathogenic and affected significantly the growth of cowpea plant. Furthermore, as a first step to the development of P. brachyurus management strategies in cowpea, greenhouse experiments were carried out in order to evaluate the resistance of cowpea cultivars to the nematode. It was concluded that the level of resistance to P. brachyurus in cowpea is low, probably due to the high genetic similarity among the current commercial cultivars. Thus, the use of genetic resistance for management of P. brachyurus in cowpea will depend on the future availability of cultivars characterized by a broader genetic base. Moreover, inter-population variation on nematode aggressiveness was detected and, accordingly, studies concerning the morphological diversity of the nematode were done subsequently. Multivariate analyses (PCA) of six morphometric variables (L, St, a, b, c, and V%) allowed 11 P. brachyurus populations to be separated for five distinct groups, a condition that can eventually be useful to identify populations with different degrees of aggressiveness to cowpea. In another study, under field conditions, it was demonstrated that intensive cropping systems, with two or more crops per year (usually in the sequence cotton, maize, soybean, cowpea), may be relevant for the maintenance of high population densities of polyphagous nematodes, as P. brachyurus, in the infested areas, and provided support to the idea that P. brachyurus and M. incognita can cause yield losses in irrigated areas.

Manutenção de dois sistemas radiculares em aspectos bioquímicos e fisiológicos durante o desenvolvimento de plantas e desempenho agronômico de Passiflora edulis Sims enxertadas /

Takata, William Hiroshi Suekane, 1987. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Elizabeth Orika Ono / Banca: João Domingos Rodrigues / Banca: Valdir Zucareli / Banca: Nobuyo Narita / Banca: José Carlos Cavichioli / Resumo: Ao longo desse trabalho foram desenvolvidos três experimentos, onde objetivou-se estudar a atividade de enzimas antioxidantes e as trocas gasosas ao longo do processo de cicatrização em dois métodos de enxertia em mudas de maracujazeiro. Após esse período foi estudado o desenvolvimento e crescimento dessas mudas, assim como o comportamento do aparato fotossintético. Quando as mudas estavam adultas foi avaliado a campo o desempenho agronômico, assim como a qualidade dos frutos e o seu potencial antioxidante, assim como o desempenho do aparato fotossintético. Os tratamentos foram: plantas não enxertada de Passiflora edulis Sims, plantas enxertadas convencionalmente e plantas enxertadas com manutenção de dois sistemas radiculares, sendo o porta-enxerto utilizado a Passiflora gibertii. Com base nos resultados obtidos concluiu-se que a utilização de plantas enxertadas e com manutenção de dois sistemas radiculares proporcionou produtividade e qualidade de frutos semelhante ao das plantas não enxertadas. Essas plantas ao longo do processo de cicatrização apresentaram menor atividade de enzimas antioxidantes, assim como menor tempo para recuperação do aparato fotossintético, após o processo da enxertia. Após a cicatrização, todos os tratamentos apresentaram o mesmo comportamento fotossintético. / Abstract: Throughout this study, it was developed three experiments, which aimed to study the activity of antioxidant enzymes and gas exchange during the healing process in two grafting methods in passion fruit seedlings. After this period has been studied the development and growth of these seedlings, as well as the behavior of the photosynthetic apparatus. When the seedlings were grown, was rated the field agronomic performance, as well as fruit quality and their antioxidant potential, as well as the performance of the photosynthetic apparatus. The treatments were not grafted plants of Passiflora edulis Sims, conventionally grafted plants and grafted plants with maintaining two root systems, and the rootstock used to Passiflora gibertii. Based on the results obtained it was concluded that the use of grafted plants and maintaining two root systems provided yield and fruit quality equal to that of ungrafted plants. These plants throughout the healing process showed lower activity of antioxidant enzymes as well as shorter time for recovery of the photosynthetic apparatus. After healing, all treatments showed the same photosynthetic behavior. / Doutor

Rokiškio rajone apleistose sodybvietėse išlikę kultūriniai augalai / Cultivated Plants in Abandoned Farmsteads in Rokiškis District

Širvinskas, Tomas 04 August 2011 (has links)
XX a. labai išpopuliarėjo svetimžemių rūšių augalus veisti ne tik parkuose, miškuose, tikintis ekonominės naudos, bet ir auginti darželiuose dėl dekoratyvių savybių. Svetimžemių augalų skverbimasis yra globalus reiškinys, sukeliantis nemažai ekologinių problemų ir pridarantis ekonominių nuostolių. Lietuvoje dabar užregistruota 548 svetimžemių augalų rūšys. Iš jų 281 rūšis yra introdukuota, auginta ir sulaukėjusi. Introdukuoti augalai, auginami įvairiuose želdynuose, neretai sulaukėja ir išplinta į natūralias buveines. Svarbiausiais sulaukėjusių augalų židiniais laikomi sodų bendrijos, parkai, kapinės, sąvartynai, sodybvietės. Šio bakalauro tikslas – nustatyti Rokiškio rajono apleistose sodybvietėse išlikusių kultūrinių augalų rūšių įvairovę ir paplitimą. Darbo tikslui pasiekti iškelti šie darbo uždaviniai: nustatyti Rokiškio rajone apleistose sodybvietėse aptinkamų rūšių įvairovę; įvertinti išlikusių dekoratyvinių augalų gausumą; nustatyti sodybvietėse išlikusių dekoratyvinių rūšių įvairovę lemiančius veiksnius. Darbo objektu pasirinktos Rokiškio rajono kaimuose esančios apleistos sodybvietės, ir jose išlikę kultūriniai augalai. Tyrimai buvo atliekami 2010 metų liepos ir rugpjūčio mėnesiais. Viso buvo ištirtos 35 sodybvietės, esančios 15 Rokiškio rajono kaimų. Buvo tiriamos tik apleistos sodybvietės. Buvo nustatomas apytikslis sodybvietės plotas, aprašoma sodybvietės aplinka. Taip pat fiksuota, ar yra išlikusių pastatų pėdsakų, ar išlikęs vaismedžių sodas, ar matoma darželio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the 20th century it became very popular to breed the non-native species plants not only in the parks and forests in order to get an economic profit but also to grow in the gardens for their ornamental properties. The non-native plants penetration is a global phenomenon which causes quite a lot of economic problems or economic loss. Nowadays in Lithuania it is registered 548 non-native plant species. 281 species of all are introduced, cultivated and finally got wild. The most important source on alien plants are considered to be the community gardens, parks, cemeteries, dumps and homesteads. The aim of this research is to revieal the variety and spread of survived cultivated plants in abandoned homesteads of Rokiškis district. In order to reach the aim of the research it was set these objectives, as follows: to set the variety of species in Rokiškis district abandoned homesteads; to evaluate the abundance of survived ornamental plants; to set the variety of survived ornamental species causing factors in homesteads. The chosen object of the research is the abandoned homesteads in the countryside of Rokiškis district and the cultivated plants survived in there. The research was being done in July and August 2010. In total 35 homesteads were being investigated. They are in the countryside of Rokiškis district. It was investigated only the abandoned homesteads. It was set the approximate area of the homesteads and it was described the environment of the homestead. It was also... [to full text]

Arylhydrazine carcinogenesis and the synthesis of C8-arylpurine oligonucleotides a study of DNA adduct affects on DNA conformation and stability /

Daft, Jonathan R., January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--West Virginia University, 2005. / Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains xi, 323 p. : ill. (some col.). Vita. Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 191-211).

Investigating learning interactions influencing farmers' choices of cultivated food plants /

Pesanayi, Tichaona Victor. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed. (Education)) - Rhodes University, 2008. / A half thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Education: Environmental Education.

Dissimilaridade ambiental em variedades de milho cultivadas em diferentes densidades populacionais

Charnai, Kauê [UNESP] 15 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-03T11:52:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2014-07-15Bitstream added on 2015-03-03T12:06:20Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000811912.pdf: 279642 bytes, checksum: 002dece3f58931a2115a006cef8e2b72 (MD5) / O milho é a terceira cultura mais cultivada no mundo e ocupa o primeiro lugar em produção e produtividade entre as principais culturas produtoras de grãos. Sua importância agronômica e econômica estimula diversos estudos, entre eles a densidade populacional, em decorrência das alterações no espaçamento entre e dentro de linhas. Esse estudo remete a uma série de implicações, por exemplo, o desenvolvimento de cultivares adaptadas a diferentes condições, considerando sua arquitetura, assim como o estudo dos fatores abióticos e, fundamentalmente, a interação genótipo x ambiente. Baseado nisso, o presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a dissimilaridade ambiental em variedades de milho submetidas ao cultivo em diferentes densidades populacionais. Os experimentos foram instalados com quatro densidades populacionais em diferentes ambientes no delineamento de blocos casualizados, avaliando-se os caracteres relacionados ao ciclo, altura e produtividade. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância conjunta, seguida das análises de dissimilaridade ambiental e de correlação. Observou-se que existe uma tendência de, com o aumento da densidade, os genótipos interagirem mais com o ambiente, principalmente para os caracteres relacionados à produtividade, apresentando interação genótipo x ambiente. Portanto, não se faz possível a recomendação precisa e uniforme de densidade populacional para os genótipos nas distintas épocas de cultivo / Maize is the third most grown crop in the world and ranks first in production and productivity of the main grain crops. Their agronomic and economic importance stimulates several studies, including population density, due to the changes in spacing. This study refers a series of implications, for example, the development of cultivars adapted to different conditions, considering architecture as well as the study of abiotic factors and, crucially, the genotype x environment interaction. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the environmental dissimilarity in maize varieties subjected to cultivation in different population densities. The experiments were conducted with four population densities in different environments in a randomized block design, evaluating traits related to cycle, height and productivity. The data were submitted to analysis of variance followed by environmental dissimilarity and correlation analysis. It was observed there is a tendency of genotypes interact more with the environment with increasing density, especially for traits related to yield. Therefore, the populations density can`t be recommended in a precise and uniform way for genotypes in different growing seasons

Espécies hortícolas alimentares da população caiçara do sertão de ubatumirim, litoral norte de são paulo: manejo e paisagem /

Macedo, Gabriela Silva Santa Rosa, 1985. January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Lin Chau Ming / Banca: Natalia Hanazaki / Banca: Fatims Chechetto / Resumo: Neste trabalho pretende-se diagnosticar e analisar o manejo dos recursos vegetais hortícolas alimentares da agricultura tradicional da comunidade caiçara residente no interior e entorno do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar (PESM)- Núcleo Picinguaba- situado no estado de São Paulo relacionando-os com a orientação e interferência na paisagem. Para tanto, busca-se, à luz da Etnoecologia Abrangente, por meio de ferramentas da Etnobotânica e da Antropologia, subsídio para a análise do modo de vida das populações considerando o uso e ocupação do solo assim como a inserção e importância de espécies alimentares, cultivadas e não-cultivadas, no dia-a-dia das pessoas. Foram obtidos dados em campo por meio da observação participante e com o uso de questionários e entrevistas estruturadas e semi-estruturadas. Utilizou-se o geopreocessamento a fim de se obter um mapa a partir de unidades de paisagem reconhecidas pelos agricultores correlacionando critérios êmicos de distinção da paisagem com aspectos fitossociológicos e de diversidade. Concluiu-se que o sistema de conhecimentos, crenças e sentimentos influenciam o manejo das espécies alimentares e das paisagens afetando diretamente a conservação e variabilidade de espécies de plantas e paisagens, ainda que haja pressão para substituições e impedimentos legais. A partir da argumentação de que é possível co-existir conservação de recursos naturais em locais onde habitam comunidades tradicionais tendo em vista seu modo de vida conservacionista, espera-se que este trabalho possa trazer contribuições para programas e políticas públicas de proteção às populações que têm sua cultura comprometida por restrições da legislação de uma UC e para conservação das espécies alimentares alvo do estudo / Abstract: This paper aims to diagnose and analyze the management of food plants resources of traditional agriculture of caiçara community resident in and around the Serra do Mar State Park (PESM) - Picinguaba situated in the state of São Paulo relating them to management and interference in the landscape . To do that, we seek the light of Comprehensive Ethnoecology, through tools of ethnobotany and anthropology, allowing the analysis of the way of life of the people considering the use and occupation as well as the inclusion and importance of food species, cultivated and non-cultivated, day-to-day lives. Field data were obtained through participant observation and the use of questionnaires and structured and semi-structured interviews. We used the geoprocessing in order to obtain a map from landscape units recognized by farmers correlating emic criterion for distinguishing the landscape with phytosociological and diversity aspects. We can conclude that the system of knowledge, beliefs and feelings influence the management of food plants species and landscapes directly affecting the conservation and variability of plant species and landscapes, although there is pressure to substitutions and legal impediments. From the argument that it is possible to co -exist conservation of natural resources in places with traditional communities considering their conservationist way of life, it is expected that this work will bring contributions to public programs and policies to protect the people who have their culture compromised by restrictions in the laws of a Conservation Unit (UC) and to the conservation of targeted food plants of this study / Mestre

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