Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cuprates""
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Ladungsanregungen in niedrigdimensionalen ÜbergangsmetallverbindungenHübsch, Arnd 26 July 2001 (has links)
Charge excitations in different 3d transition metal compounds are studied. In particular, the influence of the lattice geometry on the character of these excitations is investigated. For this purpose, the momentum dependent loss function of electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) as well as the optical conductivity are calculated and compared with the experimental data of NaV$_{2}$O$_{5}$, LiV$_{2}$O$_{5}$, Sr$_{2}$CuO$_{3}$, and CuGeO$_{3}$ . A quarter-filled extended Hubbard model on a system of coupled ladders provides a qualitative explanation for the highly anisotropic charge excitations of NaV$_{2}$O$_{5}$ and LiV$_{2}$O$_{5}$. These ladder compounds do not only differ from the charge ordering pattern but also from the coupling between different ladders: In LiV$_{2}$O$_{5}$ one finds a strong inter-ladder hopping which is very small in NaV$_{2}$O$_{5}$. On the other hand, in NaV$_{2}$O$_{5}$ the ladders are coupled by a strong inter-ladder Coulomb interaction. The charge excitations of quasi one-dimensional cuprates reflect both the properties of the CuO$_{4}$ plaquettes and the character of the coupling between different plaquettes. Independently from the geometry of the cuprat chains, the local excitation of the copper hole onto the adjacent oxygen orbitals is always found. Further transitions with an excitation energy below the local excitation of a single plaquette result from a hole transfer to another plaquette. These excitations with hole delocalization dominate the spectra of the corner-shared Sr$_{2}$CuO$_{3}$. In contrast to this, the hole transfer leads only to a pre-peak in the spectra of the edge-shared CuGeO$_{3}$. Furthermore, it is shown that the hole transfer is determined by the geometry of the edge-shared CO. / Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die theoretische Analyse von Ladungsanregungen in verschiedenen niedrigdimensionalen 3d-Übergangsmetallverbindungen, wobei insbesondere der Einfluß der Gittergeometrie auf die Charakteristik der Anregungen untersucht wurde. Mit Hilfe des Lanczos-Algorithmus' wurden dazu sowohl die impulsabhängige Verlustfunktion der Elektron-Energie-Verlust-Spektroskopie (EELS) als auch die optische Leitfähigkeit für NaV$_{2}$O$_{5}$, LiV$_{2}$O$_{5}$, Sr$_{2}$CuO$_{3}$ und CuGeO$_{3}$ berechnet und mit den experimentellen Ergebnissen verglichen. Unter der Verwendung eines Modells viertelgefüllter Leitern kann man die Ladungsanregungen sowohl für NaV$_{2}$O$_{5}$ als auch LiV$_{2}$O$_{5}$ sehr gut beschreiben. In diesen Materialien findet man nicht nur unterschiedliche Ladungsordnungen sondern vor allem auch verschiedene Kopplungsarten zwischen den Leitern. Während die Leitern im NaV$_{2}$O$_{5}$ durch die Coulomb-Wechselwirkung miteinander gekoppelt sind, existiert im LiV$_{2}$O$_{5}$ ein Austausch aufgrund einer starken Hybridisierung zwischen den Leitern. Die Ladungsanregungen von quasi eindimensionalen Kupratketten spiegeln sowohl die Plaketteneigenschaften als auch die Plakettenkopplung wider. Unabhängig von der Geometrie der Ketten findet man stets die lokale Anregung des Kupferloches auf die umliegenden Sauerstofforbitale. Aus einem möglichen Lochtransfer zu benachbarten Plaketten resultieren außerdem noch Anregungen, die energetisch unterhalb der Plakettenanregung liegen und unmittelbar von der Kettengeometrie abhängen. Während im eckenvernetzten Sr$_{2}$CuO$_{3}$ diese Anregungen die Spektren dominieren, spielt der Lochtransfer im kantenvernetzten CuGeO$_{3}$ nur eine untergeordnete Rolle.
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Strombegrenzende Mechanismen YBa2Cu3O7-[delta]-Dünnschichten und -QuasimultilagenHänisch, Jens 20 October 2005 (has links)
In this work, electrical transport properties and the maximum current carrying capability of YBa2Cu3O7-[delta] thin films and so called quasi-multilayers are investigated. These samples are prepared with pulsed laser deposition on single-crystalline substrates (SrTiO3) as well as on biaxially textured Ni tapes. The critical current density of coated conductors is limited by small-angle grain boundaries in low magnetic fields, but by the intra-grain pinning properties in higher magnetic fields. Accordingly, these investigations are divided into two parts: In the first part, the limitation of the critical current density by grain-boundaries and grain boundary networks is investigated with the main focus on the influence of geometrical factors such as the conductor width or the grain aspect ratio. In the second part, a possible enhancement of the critical current density due to different doping types (atomar doping using Zn and precipitate doping using BaMO3 where M is a transition metal) will be discussed. Here, not only the irreversibility field but also the pinning behaviour in very low magnetic fields is of interest to better understand the pinning mechanism of thin films. / In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden elektrische Transporteigenschaften und die maximale Stromtragfähigkeit von YBa2Cu3O7-[delta]-Dünnschichten und -Schichtsystemen, die mit Hilfe der gepulsten Laserdeposition sowohl auf einkristallinem Substrat, SrTiO3, als auch auf biaxial texturierten Ni-Bändern deponiert wurden, untersucht. Da in kleinen Magnetfeldern Kleinwinkelkorngrenzen die kritische Stromdichte in Bandleitern begrenzen, in höheren jedoch die Pinningeigenschaften der Körner, gliedern sich diese Untersuchungen in zwei Teile: Im ersten wird die Limitierung der kritischen Stromdichte jc durch Korngrenzen und Korngrenzennetzwerke näher untersucht, wobei besonders Geometrieeinflüsse, wie die Leiterbahnbreite oder das Aspektverhältnis der Körner, interessieren. Im zweiten wird eine mögliche Erhöhung der kritischen Stromdichte durch verschiedene Dotierungen (atomare Dotierung: Zn, Ausscheidungsdotierung: BaMO3, M Metall) erörtert. Dabei ist nicht nur das Irreversibilitätsfeld interessant, sondern auch das Pinningverhalten in sehr kleinen Magnetfeldern, da so die Pinningmechanismen in Dünnschichten besser verstanden werden können.
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Analyse der besetzten elektronischen Zustände in Sr2CuO2Cl2 mittels winkelaufgelöster PhotoemissionsspektroskopieDürr, Christian 20 December 2002 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurden Ergebnisse einer Analyse der elektronischen Struktur in Sr2CuO2Cl2 mittels winkelaufgelöster Photoemission dargelegt. Sie betreffen i) Sr2CuO2Cl2 als Untersuchungsgegenstand für die Grundlagenforschung an Hochtemperatursupraleitern (HTSL), ii) winkelaufgelöste Photoemission als Untersuchungsmethode zur Messung der elektronischen Struktur von HTSL und deren Muttersubstanzen, iii) Eigenschaften der elektronische Anregungen in Sr2CuO2Cl2 in unmittelbarer Nähe des chemischen Potenzials, sowie iv) das durch Korrelationen stark beeinflusste Dotierungsverhalten der Kuprate. 1. Sr2CuO2Cl2 eignet sich Dank seiner exakten Stöchiometrie und der strukturell perfekten Kupfer-Sauerstoff Ebenen hervorragend als Untersuchungssubstanz für die isolierende Phase der HTSL. 2. Mittels winkelaufgelöster Photoemission ist es möglich, die k-Raum- und Energieverteilung (Dispersion) von Anregungen nahe des chemischen Potenzials in Sr2CuO2Cl2 auszumessen. Dabei wurde eine starke Abhängigkeit der Intensität des Photoemissionssignales in Abhängigkeit von der Photonenenergie beobachtet. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass sich diese Intensitätsoszillationen mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit durch eine Bragg-Interferenz der Photoelektronenewelle an der Schichtstruktur von Sr2CuO2Cl2 erklären und weiterhin, dass die gemessenen Dispersionskurven, von einer willkürlichen Normierung der Intensität abgesehen, unabhängig von der verwendeten Photoenenenergie sind. 3. Die Photoemissionsspektren von Sr2CuO2Cl2 zeigen die für Ladungstransfer-Isolatoren charakteristische Aufteilung des spektralen Gewichts (der besetzten Elektronenstruktur) in ein unteres Hubbardband, bindende und nichtbindende Sauerstoffbänder und der ZR-Singlet Struktur. Dabei konnte das untere Hubbardband identifiziert werden durch seine durch Resonanz hervorgerufene Intensitätsverstärkung (und dem daraus resultierenden d8-Charakter dieser Struktur), die Sauerstoffbänder und die ZR-Singlet Struktur durch eine Analyse ihres Symmetrieverhaltens unter Berücksichtigung der Polarisationsabhängigkeit des Photoemissionssignales. Das ZR-Singlet besitzt eine a1g-Symmetrie was sowohl die Konstruktion des ZR-Singlets nach Zhang und Rice als auch die Ergebnisse der Diagonalisierung der isolierten, mit zwei Löchern besetzten Plakette bestätigt. 4. Die Dispersion des ZR-Singlets ist parabolisch entlang Gamma-(Pi,Pi) mit einem absoluten Bindungsenergieminimum bei (0.5Pi,0.5Pi) und parabolisch entlang Gamma-(Pi,0) mit einem lokalen Bindungsenergieminimum bei (0.7Pi,0). Die Bandbreite entlang dieser beiden Richtungen beträgt etwa 300 meV beziehungsweise 200 meV, der Abstand der beiden minimalen Bindungsenergien entlang dieser Richtungen ist 72 meV. Das Spektralgewicht des ZR-Singlets ist keilförmig verteilt mit einem Maximum bei (0.5Pi,0.5Pi) und (0.7Pi,0), also jeweils in unmittelbarer Nähe der minimalen Bindungsenergien dieser Struktur. Es verschwindet bei Gamma und (Pi,Pi), hat jedoch einen endlichen Wert bei (Pi,0). Der Vergleich dieser Resultate favorisiert das erweiterte t-J-Modell zur Beschreibung der Dynamik des ZR-Singlets. Insbesondere i) die parabolische Dispersion des ZR-Singlets entlang Gamma-(Pi,Pi), ii) der geringe aber endliche energetische Abstand der Bindungsenergie-Minima entlang Gamma-(Pi,Pi) und Gamma-(Pi,0) und iii) die keilförmige Verteilung des Spektralen Gewichts entlang Gamma-(Pi,0) sind die experimentellen Indizien dafür. / A detailed ARPES study of the low binding-energy occupied electronic structure of Sr2CuO2Cl2 has been done. It corresponds to an investigation of the first electron-removal states of an undoped CuO2-plane: 1. The photoemission signal of the first electron-removal states at both (0.5Pi,0.5Pi) and (0.7Pi,0) exhibits a marked photon-energy dependence. The intensity profile shows strong oscillations with maxima near 16, 25, 35 and 49 eV, corresponding to final state crystal momenta kperp=0.82, 1.63, 2.40 and 3.12 A-1. 2. Along the high-symmetry directions Gamma-(Pi,Pi) and Gamma-(Pi,0) the first electron-removal states shows a strong polarization dependence. This can be linked to the strongly polarization-dependent matrix element, which in turn allows the determination of the symmetry of the first electron-removal state itself. For both high-symmetry directions we observe a polarization dependence in keeping with that expected for a Zhang-Rice singlet state in the framework of either a three-band or one-band model Hamiltonian. 3. Our data show that the dispersion of the first electron-removal states along both high symmetry directions (Gamma-(Pi,Pi) and Gamma-(Pi,0)) is parabolic-like and independent of the excitation energy. This, and the rather large difference in lowest binding energy of the first electron-removal state along these directions, shows the validity of the extended t-J model for describing the disperion relation of a single hole in an antiferromagnetic CuO2 plane. Thus, the inclusion of second (t2) and third (t3) neighbor hopping terms with realistic values of t2=-0.08 and t3=0.15 in units of the next neighbor hopping t=t1 are required. 4. Upon application of a simple fit procedure, we infer the momentum distribution of the spectral weight of the coherent and incoherent part of the first electron-removal state to have its maximum along Gamma-(Pi,Pi) at (0.5Pi,0.5Pi), being symmetrically suppressed away from this point. Along Gamma-(Pi,0) the spectral weights of both parts reach their maximum at (0.7Pi,0) and then drop fast. The ratio between the coherent and incoherent spectral weight is strongly photon-energy dependent, which, at first sight would appear to violate the physics of the spectral function: (i) the necessity for a more sophisticated framework in which to analyse the weight of the coherent and incoherent contributions to the spectral weight (ii) significant (hn-dependent) intensity due to extrinsic processes (iii) intensity in this energy region due to intrinsic electronic states other than the Zhang-Rice singlet.
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Study of epitaxial cuprate and pnictide thin films grown on textured templatesShipulin, Ilya 05 September 2023 (has links)
The discovery of high temperature superconductors led to a tremendous boom in the development of new applications based on this material. Due to the significant anisotropy and the dependence of the critical current density on the misorientation of grains, the so-called coated conductor technology was developed for these materials to realize long wires. These conductors are applied at liquid nitrogen temperature for cables or motors as well as in liquid helium for high-field applications, such as in magnets for particle accelerators or future fusion reactors. One of the main aspects of using superconducting materials in the above-mentioned areas is their high current-carrying capacity, which decreases for a number of reasons. Therefore, studying the superconducting current flow in such conductors remains a priority to understand the main mechanisms and to increase the critical current density in a wide range of temperatures and magnetic fields.
The major goal of this thesis was to study the correlation between the local microstructure and the superconducting properties for Ag-doped YBa2Cu3O7−δ (YBCO), (Nd1/3Eu1/3Gd1/3)Ba2Cu3O7−δ (NEG) and the iron-based superconductor Ba(Fe1−xNix)2As2 (Ba122:Ni). Therefore, epitaxial films were grown of these materials by pulsed laser deposition on single crystals and two different commercial coated conductor templates having a different degree of granularity. Experimental techniques such as electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) and scanning Hall probe microscopy (SHPM) allow to investigate both the local microstructure and local distribution of superconducting current in these films.
Ag-doped YBCO films with different thickness were deposited on single crystalline SrTiO3 substrates as well as on RABiTS and IBAD-MgO-based templates. It is expected, that silver as dopant improves the growth of the films, and has a beneficial influence on the current transport across grain boundaries, which is of considerable interest for metal-based templates due to their granular structure. EBSD studies on the local microstructure revealed only minor changes with silver concentration. Nevertheless, an improvement in transport properties was observed for thicker YBCO:Ag layers on SrTiO3 and thin films on both metal-based templates. SHPM measurements show an improvement of the local current distribution, which is probably due to the improvement of the current transport between the grains.
NEG films were grown with different thicknesses on RABiTS and IBAD-MgO-based templates for the first time. Structural studies revealed an epitaxial growth of all samples on both metal-based templates. Whereas NEG layers on SrTiO3 showed broad superconducting transitions due to film inhomogeneities, a narrow transition at about 89 K was measured for films grown on the metal templates. However, the critical current density is still inferior to YBCO films of similar thickness. This might be improved by further optimization of the growth and oxygen loading conditions.
Finally, the Ba122:Ni films were studied on single crystalline CaF2 substrates and commercial metal-based templates. This material might be interesting for applications due to a low anisotropy, high upper critical fields and critical currents as well as a reduced sensitivity to grain boundaries. Structural studies showed an epitaxial growth on RABiTS templates, whereas no epitaxy was found on IBAD-MgO based tapes. Simultaneously, a broad superconducting transition was observed on the metallic templates, which requires a further optimization of the growth process. Detailed studies of the superconducting and electronic properties for Ba122:Ni films on CaF2 substrates revealed similar properties as for single crystals, which opens the prospects to use such films for different applied and fundamental tasks.
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Quantum Critical Behavior in Deeply Underdoped Cuprate Films and Pairing Symmetry in Iron Pnictide Superconductors Probed by Penetration Depth MeasurementsYong, Jie 22 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Elektronen-Energieverlustspektroskopie von quasi-eindimensionalen Kupraten und VanadatenAtzkern, Stefan 20 January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
This work presents a joint theoretical and experimental investigation of the electronic structure of quasi one-dimensional cuprates and vanadates. Electron energy-loss spectroscopy in transmission was employed to measure the momentum-dependent loss function of Li2CuO2, CuGeO3, V2O5 and NaV2O5. The comparison between the experimental data and the results from bandstructure as well as cluster calculations allows an explanation of the mobility and correlations of the electrons in these systems. The investigation of the electronic structure of the structurally related cuprates Li2CuO2 and CuGeO3 is exemplary for the study of the transition from a quasi zero-dimensional to a quasi one-dimensional system. In contrast to Li2CuO2 where the electron transitions are strongly localized, the excited states in CuGeO3 can be assigned to the electron hopping to the nearest-neighboured CuO4 plaquettes. The shift of spectral weight from the high energy to the low energy region with increasing coupling between the plaquettes, observed in edge-sharing CuO2 chains, is confirmed by the applied cluster modell. The momentum dependent loss functions of NaV2O5 deliver information about the mobility and correlations of electrons in a quarter-filled ladder system which determine the transition from the charge ordered state into the unordered state at 34 K. Thcontributions of the 3d electrons to the EELS spectra of NaV2O5 are filtered by comparing these spectra with the loss functions of the structurally related V2O5 (d0 configuration). For NaV2O5 the picture of linear chains of V-O-V rungs containing a single d electron in a molecular orbital-like state is confirmed. The comparison of the experimentally determined optical conductivities and those derived from the bandstructrure calculations yield a good agreement upon adoption of an on-site Coulomb interaction U = 2-3 eV. In contrast to the strongly anisotropic hopping within the ladder plane the intersite Coulomb interactions V are about the same size. These interactions are the driving force for the transition from an unordered state at room temperature into a zigzag ordered state observed at low temperatures. / In einer Kombination aus experimentellen und theoretischen Methoden wurden in dieser Arbeit die Elektronenstrukturen von quasi-eindimensionalen Kupraten und Vanadaten untersucht. Dazu wurde die impulsabhängige Verlustfunktion mit Hilfe der Elektronen-Energieverlustspektroskopie in Transmission an Einkristallen von Li2CuO2, CuGeO3, V2O5 und NaV2O5 gemessen. Der Vergleich der experimentellen Daten mit Ergebnissen aus Bandstruktur- und Cluster-Rechnungen erlaubte Rückschlüsse auf die Beweglichkeit und Korrelationen der Elektronen in diesen Systemen. Die Untersuchung der elektronischen Anregungen in den strukturell sehr ähnlichen Kupraten Li2CuO2 und CuGeO3 ist beispielhaft für das Studium des Übergangs von einem quasi-nulldimensionalen zu einem quasi-eindimensionalen System. In Li2CuO2 finden die elektronischen Übergänge vorwiegend lokal auf der CuO4-Plakette statt. Dagegen findet man in CuGeO3 angeregte Zustände, die als das Hüpfen der Elektronen auf benachbarte Plaketten interpretiert werden können. Das angewandte Cluster-Modell bestätigt für eine zunehmende Kopplung zwischen den Plaketten die in eckenverbundenen Kupratketten beobachtete Verschiebung des spektralen Gewichts vom hoch- zum niederenergetischen Bereich. Die Verlustfunktionen von NaV2O5 liefern wertvolle Informationen über die Freiheitsgrade und Korrelationen der Elektronen in einem viertelgefüllten Leitersystem, die wesentlich den Phasenübergang zwischen geordneter und ungeordneter Ladung bei 34 K bestimmen. Die Beiträge der 3d-Elektronen von NaV2O5 zu den EELS-Spektren konnten durch eine vergleichende Studie der Verlustfunktionen des strukturell verwandten V2O5, das keine d-Elektronen besitzt, separiert werden. Die Beschreibbarkeit der Elektronenstruktur in NaV2O5 durch ein effektives Modell einfach besetzter, molekülähnlicher V-O-V-Sprossen wird bestätigt. Die Coulomb-Wechselwirkung U kann in diesem Modell auf den Wertebereich zwischen 2 und 3 eV eingeschränkt werden. Im Gegensatz zu den stark anisotropen Hüpfwahrscheinlichkeiten in der Leiterebene sind die Coulomb-Wechselwirkungen V zwischen Elektronen auf benachbarten Vanadiumplätzen nahezu von gleicher Größe. Diese Wechselwirkungen sind die treibende Kraft für den Übergang von einem ungeordneten Zustand bei Raumtemperatur in einen zickzackgeordneten Grundzustand bei tiefen Temperaturen.
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Electronic structure of strongly correlated low-dimensional spin ½ systems: cuprates and vanadates / Die elektronische Struktur stark korrelierter niedrig-dimensionaler Spin ½ Systeme: Kuprate und VanadateTchaplyguine, Igor 06 April 2003 (has links) (PDF)
In the first two chapters we presented the basics of density functional theory and semiempirical LSD+U approximation, which was implemented in the full-potential local-orbital (FPLO) minimal-basis calculation scheme. In the third chapter we tested the implemented version of LSDA+U on 3d transitional metal monoxides. Essential improvement of the spectroscopic properties was obtained. A simple model describing the value and direction of the magnetic moment of a transition metal ion was presented. The model visualizes the interplay of the spin-orbit coupling and crystal field splitting. In the fourth chapter we calculated the electronic spectrum of the single Zn impurity in CuO2 plane considered as a vacancy in Cu 3d states. The analytic solution for the states of different symmetry was obtained. Depending on the strength of perturbation induced by the impurity on the neighboring Cu ions, the states are either resonant or localized. The critical values of the perturbation were computed. In the fifth chapter we presented the calculations for three novel vanadates: MgVO3, Sb2O2VO3 and VOMoO4. The tight-binding parameters and the exchange integrals were computed. The magnesium and antimony vanadates appeared to be spin-½ one-dimensional systems, the latter having much stronger one-dimensional character and being probably the best realization of inorganic spin-Peierls system. The molybdenum vanadate was found to be two-dimensional spin-½ system. The Mo 4d orbitals play an important role in the electronic transfer.
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Electronic structure and exchange integrals of low-dimensional cupratesRosner, Helge 19 September 1999 (has links) (PDF)
The physics of cuprates is strongly influenced by the dimension of the cooper-oxygen network in the considered crystals. Due to the rich manifoldness of different network geometries realized by nature, cuprates are ideal model systems for experimental and theoretical studies of low-dimensional, strongly correlated systems. The dimensionality of the considered model compounds varies between zero and three with a focus on one- and two-dimensional compounds. Starting from LDA band structure calculations, the relevant orbitals for the low-energy physics have been characterized together with a discussion of the chemical bonding in the investigated compounds. By means of a systematic approach for various compounds, the influence of particular structural components on the electronic structure could be concluded. For the undoped cuprate compounds, paramagnetic LDA band structure calculations yield a metallic groundstate instead of the experimentally observed insulating behavoir. The strong correlations were taken into account using Hubbard- or Heisenberg-like models for the investigation of the magnetic couplings in cuprates. The necessary parameters were obtained from tight-binding parameterizations of LDA band structures. Finallly, several ARPES as well as XAS measurements were interpreted. The present work shows, that the combination of experiment, LDA, and model calculations is a powerful tool for the investigation of the electronic structure of strongly correlated systems.
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Evolução da superfície de Fermi do La2-xSrxCuO4: estados locais de Wannier/Hartree-FockVIELZA DE LA CRUZ, Yoandris 30 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Irene Nascimento (irene.kessia@ufpe.br) on 2017-04-17T18:48:07Z
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Dissertação Mestrado.pdf: 3421668 bytes, checksum: 4a6d6f2568841028e0b66b952f2d15ba (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-17T18:48:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Dissertação Mestrado.pdf: 3421668 bytes, checksum: 4a6d6f2568841028e0b66b952f2d15ba (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-08-30 / Este trabalho é uma extensão de uma modelagem tight−binding de estados de Wannier
com interação coulombiana de screening para a descrição de elétrons correlacionados
nas camadas de CuO2 do La2CuO4. Na condição de banda semicheia e temperatura
T = 0 K, esta modelagem é capaz de predizer um estado fundamental antiferromagnético
isolante e um estado excitado paramagnético com pseudo-gap, cuja natureza
ainda é debatido na literatura. Esses estados são obtidos no contexto de uma solução
auto-consistente tipo Hartree-Fock na modelagem de uma banda efetiva de estados de
Wannier, sob condições de quebra de simetria de translações espaciais e efeito de emaranhamento
(entanglement) na estrutura espinorial dos estados eletrônicos. No regime
dopado com buracos, esses estados ficam degenerados num ponto crítico de concentração
de buracos igual a xc = 0.2, resultando em uma transição de fase quântica de segunda
ordem para um estado paramagnético. A modelagem dá assim explicação à existência
detectada experimentalmente desta transição de fase. Em nosso trabalho generalizamos
o termo cinético da modelagem acima mencionada através da inclusão de hopping entre
segundos vizinhos, de acordo com observações experimentais. De fato, a inclusão deste
novo termo cinético resulta em melhor concordância da previsão da modelagem e as
observações experimentais da evolução da superfície de Fermi com dopagem de buracos.
Em particular, enquanto na modelagem restrita a primeiros vizinhos não podemos
conciliar a transição de fase quântica observada a xc = 0.2 com as características experimentais da evolução da superfície de Fermi, isto torna-se possível com a inclusão do hopping de segundos vizinhos com amplitude sugerida pelos resultados experimentais. / This work is an extension of a tight - binding model of states of Wannier with screened
Coulomb interaction to the description of correlated electrons in the layers of CuO2 of
the La2CuO4. In condition of half-filled band and temperature T = 0 K, this model is
able to predict a antiferromagnetic insulating ground state and a paramagnetic excited
state with pseudo-gap, which nature is still debated in the literature. These states are
obtained in the context of a self-consistent solution type Hartree-Fock in the model of
an effective band of the Wannier states under breaking conditions of symmetry of space
translations and entanglement effect in the spinor structure of the electronic states. In
scheme doped with holes, these states are degenerate at critical point of hole concentration
equal to xc = 0.2, resulting in a quantum phase transition of second order to
paramagnetic state. The model thus gives explanation to the existence of this experimentally
detected phase transition. In our work we generalize the kinetic term of above
mentioned model by inclusion of hopping between seconds neighboring, according to experimental
observations. In fact, the inclusion of this new kinetic term results in better
agreement of the forecast of the model and experimental observations of the evolution of
the Fermi surface with holes doping. In particular, while the model is restricted to the
first neighbors can not reconcile quantum phase transition observed at xc = 0.2 with the
experimental characteristics of the evolution of the Fermi surface, this becomes possible
with the inclusion of hopping between second neighboring with ampliude suggested by
experimental results.
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Electronic structure and exchange integrals of low-dimensional cupratesRosner, Helge 12 October 1999 (has links)
The physics of cuprates is strongly influenced by the dimension of the cooper-oxygen network in the considered crystals. Due to the rich manifoldness of different network geometries realized by nature, cuprates are ideal model systems for experimental and theoretical studies of low-dimensional, strongly correlated systems. The dimensionality of the considered model compounds varies between zero and three with a focus on one- and two-dimensional compounds. Starting from LDA band structure calculations, the relevant orbitals for the low-energy physics have been characterized together with a discussion of the chemical bonding in the investigated compounds. By means of a systematic approach for various compounds, the influence of particular structural components on the electronic structure could be concluded. For the undoped cuprate compounds, paramagnetic LDA band structure calculations yield a metallic groundstate instead of the experimentally observed insulating behavoir. The strong correlations were taken into account using Hubbard- or Heisenberg-like models for the investigation of the magnetic couplings in cuprates. The necessary parameters were obtained from tight-binding parameterizations of LDA band structures. Finallly, several ARPES as well as XAS measurements were interpreted. The present work shows, that the combination of experiment, LDA, and model calculations is a powerful tool for the investigation of the electronic structure of strongly correlated systems.
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