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Dual-axis fluidic thrust vectoring of high-aspect ratio supersonic jetsJegede, Olaseinde January 2016 (has links)
A dual-axis fluidic thrust vectoring (FTV) system is proposed where the supersonic propulsive jet of an aircraft is exhausted over a scarfed (swept), curved surface to produce flight control moments in both the pitch and yaw axes. This work contributes towards practical dual-axis FTV through expansion of fundamental curved-wall jet (CWJ) understanding, development of the novel Superimposed Characteristics technique for supersonic nozzle design, and performance evaluation of an experimental scarfed curved wall FTV configuration. Previous work has suggested that the use of a sheared exhaust velocity profile improves the attachment of supersonic jets to curved surfaces; however, evidence to support this is limited. To address this, an inviscid numerical CWJ model was developed using the two-dimensional method of characteristics. A major outcome is improved understanding of the effect of exhaust velocity profile on CWJ wave structure and subsequent jet attachment. A sheared velocity exhaust is shown to generate a wave structure that diminishes adverse streamwise pressure gradients within a supersonic curved-wall jet. This reduces the likelihood of boundary layer separation and as a result, a sheared exhaust velocity CWJ is expected to be less readily separated compared to other exhaust velocity profiles. A novel method termed Superimposed Characteristics was developed for the low-order design of supersonic nozzles with rectangular exits. The technique is capable of generating 3D nozzle geometries based on independent exit plane orientation and exhaust velocity distribution requirements. The Superimposed Characteristics method was used to design scarfed rectangular exit nozzles with sheared velocity exhaust profiles. These nozzles were then evaluated using finite volume computational methods and experimental methods. From the analysis, the Superimposed Characteristics method is shown to be valid for preliminary nozzle design. Experimental methods were used to study the on- and off-design attachment qualities of uniform and sheared velocity exhaust jets for a FTV configuration with an external curved wall termination angle of 90 degrees and scarf angle of 30 degrees. Experiments at the on-design nozzle pressure ratio (NPR) of 3.3 demonstrated pitch and yaw jet deflection angles of 78 degrees and 23 degrees respectively for the uniform exhaust velocity CWJ. The sheared exhaust velocity CWJ achieved lower pitch and yaw deflection angles of 34 degrees and 14 degrees respectively at the same on-design NPR. The lower jet deflection angles observed for sheared exhaust velocity jets is inconsistent with the CWJ model prediction of reduced adverse streamwise pressure gradients; however, there was insufficient experimental instrumentation to identify the cause. In the off-design experiments, the uniform exhaust velocity CWJ was observed to detach at an NPR of 3.6, whilst the sheared exhaust velocity CWJ remained attached at NPRs in excess of 4. The capability of sheared exhaust velocity CWJs to remain attached at higher NPRs is consistent with the analytical theory and the CWJ model predictions. An actuation study was carried out to achieve controlled jet detachment using secondary blowing injected normal to the curved wall. Full separation of the wall jets was achieved downstream of the injection point. This provided vectoring angles of more than 20 degrees in pitch and 10 degrees in yaw, exceeding expected vectoring requirements for practical aircraft control. At the on-design NPR, the uniform and sheared exhaust velocity jets required secondary blowing mass flow rates of 2.1% and 3.8% of the primary mass flow respectively to achieve full separation.
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Modely hmoty v obecné relativitě s klesajícím počtem symetrií / Matter Models in General Relativity with a Decreasing Number of SymmetriesGürlebeck, Norman January 2011 (has links)
Title: Matter Models in General Relativity with a Decreasing Number of Sym- metries Author: Norman Gürlebeck Institute: Institute of theoretical physics Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Jiří Bičák, DrSc., dr.h.c. Abstract: We investigate matter models with different symmetries in general relativity. Among these are thin (massive and massless) shells endowed with charge or dipole densities, dust distributions and rotating perfect fluid solutions. The electromagnetic sources we study are gravitating spherical symmetric condensers (including the implications of the energy conditions) and arbitrary gravitating shells endowed with a general test dipole distribution. For the latter the Israel formalism is extended to cover also general discontinuous tangential components of the electromagnetic test field, i.e., surface dipole densities. The formalism is applied to two examples and used to prove some general properties of dipole distributions. This is followed by a discussion of axially symmetric, stationary rigidly rotating dust with non-vanishing proper volume. The metric in the interior of such a configuration can be determined completely in terms of the mass density along the axis of rotation. The last matter models we consider are non-axially symmetric, stationary and rotating perfect fluid solutions. This is done with a...
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Rétines courbes : une approche bio-inspirée de simplification et miniaturisation des systèmes infrarouge / Curved retina : a bio-inspired approach to simplify and miniaturize infrared systemsDumas, Delphine 08 December 2011 (has links)
Si dans les caméras actuelles, les matrices de photodétection sont planes, dans la nature, aucune surface focale n'est plane : la rétine est soit concave (œil humain), soit convexe (œil d'insecte). Ces architectures offrent deux solutions de miniaturisation et de simplification des systèmes de détection, qui ont fait l'objet des travaux de cette thèse. La courbure concave du détecteur permet de supprimer l'aberration de courbure de champ qui est particulièrement présente dans les instruments grand champ. L'étude théorique de cette solution, étayée par des applications concrètes, a permis de démontrer la simplification des architectures accessibles par cette approche, ainsi que les améliorations en termes de performances optiques. La courbure convexe permet quant à elle de miniaturiser les systèmes grand champ, en s'inspirant de l'œil composé des petits invertébrés. Cette architecture, constituée de groupes de pixels reliés par une métallisation souple, a été réalisée sur une matrice de détecteurs infrarouge en CdHgTe. Les composants obtenus sont fonctionnels et comparables en termes de performances aux valeurs standard. Ils ouvrent à la voie à des architectures grand champ extrêmement compactes. L'originalité du travail a porté sur la mise en forme sphérique de composants monolithiques, dont la couche active n'est pas modifiée, permettant ainsi de produire des systèmes avec un taux de remplissage de 100%. Après une étude de la souplesse d'échantillons de silicium aminci, le procédé de courbure a été transféré sur des composants fonctionnels: circuit de lecture Si-CMOS et matrice de micro-bolomètres infrarouge. La courbure concave des matrices de détection infrarouge de type micro-bolomètres, a mené à la réalisation de deux caméras. La première, constituée de deux lentilles du commerce, a permis de comparer les systèmes composés des détecteurs plan et courbe. Le gain lié à la courbure sphérique de la rétine sur l'uniformité de la réponse impulsionnelle a été prouvé grâce aux mesures de la fonction de transfert de contrastes (FTC). Enfin, à l'image d'un œil humain, un œil infrarouge composé d'une seule lentille et d'une matrice de micro-bolomètres courbée en concave a été réalisée. La qualité des images obtenues, ainsi que la FTC mesurée, ont mis en évidence le potentiel des plans focaux courbés pour des systèmes ultra-compacts, inenvisageables jusqu'à ce jour. / In natural world, plane retina, on which are based our cameras does not exist. The focal plane is either concave for human beings or convex in insects' eyes. Both curvatures offer novel solution to miniaturize and simplify the optical design, and both of them have been studied in this work.The concave curving of the focal plane suppresses one aberration, the field curvature, on which depends the image quality of large field of view instruments. Advantages in image quality and optical design have been studied by theoretical analysis and by real cases of instruments. The convex curvature results in a miniaturization achieved by reproducing the compound eye of small invertebrates. This design, which is composed of several groups of pixels interconnected by metallic lines, has been realized with cooled infrared detecting device. The performed detectors are still electrically functional with a comparable behaviour than conventional sensors. The originality of this work is the spherical curvature of monocrystalline and monolithic components; the active layer is not modified for this purpose. The process of curvature has been developed on thinned square silicon bare dies and then transferred to thinned functional devices: Si-CMOS and micro-bolometers. The concave curvature of bolometers leads to the realization of two cameras. The first one, composed of two commercial lenses, was dedicated to the comparison between a planar traditional camera and a curved detector system. Optical advantages, and especially the response uniformity, have been proved thanks to measures of the contrast modulation function (CMF). Finally, I have realized an infrared eye composed of a unique lens and a curved concave bolometer. Both the image quality obtained and CMF experiments proved the interest of the curved focal plane in miniaturized optical systems.
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Propriétés génériques des mesures invariantes en courbure négative / Generic properties of invariant measures in negative curvatureBelarif, Kamel 29 August 2017 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, nous étudions les propriétés génériques satisfaites par des mesures invariantes par l’action du flot géodésique {∅t}t∈R sur des variétés M non compactes de courbure sectionnelle négative pincée. Nous nous intéressons dans un premier temps au cas des variétés hyperboliques. L’existence d’une représentation symbolique du flot géodésique pour les variétés hyperboliques convexes cocompactes ainsi que la propriété de mélange topologique du flot géodésique nous permet de démontrer que l’ensemble des mesures de probabilité ∅t−invariantes, faiblement mélangeantes est résiduel dans l’ensemble M1 des mesures de probabilité invariantes par l’action du flot géodésique. Si nous supposons que la courbure de M est variable, nous ignorons si le flot géodésique est topologiquement mélangeant. Ainsi les méthodes utilisées précédemment ne peuvent plus s’adapter à notre situation. Afin de généraliser le résultat précédent, nous faisons appel à des outils issus du formalisme thermodynamique développés récemment par F.Paulin, M.Pollicott et B.Schapira. Plus précisément, la démonstration de notre résultat repose sur la possibilité de construire, pour toute orbite périodique Op une suite de mesures de Gibbs mélangeantes, finies, convergeant faiblement vers la mesure de Dirac supportée sur Op. Nous montrons que ce fait est possible lorsque M est géométriquement finie. Dans le cas contraire, il n’existe pas d’exemple de variétés géométriquement infinies possédant une mesure de Gibbs finie. Cependant, nous conjecturons que ce fait est possible pour toute variété M. Afin de supporter cette affirmation, nous démontrons dans la dernière partie de ce manuscrit un critère de finitude pour les mesures de Gibbs. / In this work, we study the properties satisfied by the probability measures invariant by the geodesic flow {∅t}t∈R on non compact manifolds M with pinched negative sectional curvature. First, we restrict our study to hyperbolic manifolds. In this case, ∅t is topologically mixing in restriction to its non-wandering set. Moreover, if M is convex cocompact, there exists a symbolic representation of the geodesic flow which allows us to prove that the set of ∅t-invariant, weakly-mixing probability measures is a dense Gδ−set in the set M1 of probability measures invariant by the geodesic flow. The question of the topological mixing of the geodesic flow is still open when the curvature of M is non constant. So the methods used on hyperbolic manifolds do not apply on manifolds with variable curvature. To generalize the previous result, we use thermodynamics tools developed recently by F.Paulin, M.Pollicott et B.Schapira. More precisely, the proof of our result relies on our capacity of constructing, for all periodic orbits Op a sequence of mixing and finite Gibbs measures converging to the Dirac measure supported on Op. We will show that such a construction is possible when M is geometrically finite. If it is not, there are no examples of geometrically infinite manifolds with a finite Gibbs measure. We conjecture that it is always possible to construct a finite Gibbs measure on a pinched negatively curved manifold. To support this conjecture, we prove a finiteness criterion for Gibbs measures.
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The enigma of imaging in the Maxwell fisheye mediumSahebdivan, Sahar January 2016 (has links)
The resolution of optical instruments is normally limited by the wave nature of light. Circumventing this limit, known as the diffraction limit of imaging, is of tremendous practical importance for modern science and technology. One method, super-resolved fluorescence microscopy was distinguished with the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2014, but there is plenty of room for alternatives and complementary methods such as the pioneering work of Prof. J. Pendry on the perfect lens based on negative refraction that started the entire research area of metamaterials. In this thesis, we have used analytical techniques to solve several important challenges that have risen in the discussion of the microwave experimental demonstration of absolute optical instruments and the controversy surrounding perfect imaging. Attempts to overcome or circumvent Abbe's diffraction limit of optical imaging, have traditionally been greeted with controversy. In this thesis, we have investigated the role of interacting sources and detectors in perfect imaging. We have established limitations and prospects that arise from interactions and resonances inside the lens. The crucial role of detection becomes clear in Feynman's argument against the diffraction limit: “as Maxwell's electromagnetism is invariant upon time reversal, the electromagnetic wave emitted from a point source may be reversed and focused into a point with point-like precision, not limited by diffraction.” However, for this, the entire emission process must be reversed, including the source: A point drain must sit at the focal position, in place of the point source, otherwise, without getting absorbed at the detector, the focused wave will rebound and the superposition of the focusing and the rebounding wave will produce a diffraction-limited spot. The time-reversed source, the drain, is the detector which taking the image of the source. In 2011-2012, experiments with microwaves have confirmed the role of detection in perfect focusing. The emitted radiation was actively time-reversed and focused back at the point of emission, where, the time-reversed of the source sits. Absorption in the drain localizes the radiation with a precision much better than the diffraction limit. Absolute optical instruments may perform the time reversal of the field with perfectly passive materials and send the reversed wave to a different spatial position than the source. Perfect imaging with absolute optical instruments is defected by a restriction: so far it has only worked for a single–source single–drain configuration and near the resonance frequencies of the device. In chapters 6 and 7 of the thesis, we have investigated the imaging properties of mutually interacting detectors. We found that an array of detectors can image a point source with arbitrary precision. However, for this, the radiation has to be at resonance. Our analysis has become possible thanks to a theoretical model for mutually interacting sources and drains we developed after considerable work and several failed attempts. Modelling such sources and drains analytically had been a major unsolved problem, full numerical simulations have been difficult due to the large difference in the scales involved (the field localization near the sources and drains versus the wave propagation in the device). In our opinion, nobody was able to reproduce reliably the experiments, because of the numerical complexity involved. Our analytic theory draws from a simple, 1–dimensional model we developed in collaboration with Tomas Tyc (Masaryk University) and Alex Kogan (Weizmann Institute). This model was the first to explain the data of experiment, characteristic dips of the transmission of displaced drains, which establishes the grounds for the realistic super-resolution of absolute optical instruments. As the next step in Chapter 7 we developed a Lagrangian theory that agrees with the simple and successful model in 1–dimension. Inspired by the Lagrangian of the electromagnetic field interacting with a current, we have constructed a Lagrangian that has the advantage of being extendable to higher dimensions in our case two where imaging takes place. Our Lagrangian theory represents a device-independent, idealized model independent of numerical simulations. To conclude, Feynman objected to Abbe's diffraction limit, arguing that as Maxwell's electromagnetism is time-reversal invariant, the radiation from a point source may very well become focused in a point drain. Absolute optical instruments such as the Maxwell Fisheye can perform the time reversal and may image with a perfect resolution. However, the sources and drains in previous experiments were interacting with each other as if Feynman's drain would act back to the source in the past. Different ways of detection might circumvent this feature. The mutual interaction of sources and drains does ruin some of the promising features of perfect imaging. Arrays of sources are not necessarily resolved with arrays of detectors, but it also opens interesting new prospects in scanning near-fields from far–field distances. To summarise the novel idea of the thesis: • We have discovered and understood the problems with the initial experimental demonstration of the Maxwell Fisheye. • We have solved a long-standing challenge of modelling the theory for mutually interacting sources and drains. • We understand the imaging properties of the Maxwell Fisheye in the wave regime. Let us add one final thought. It has taken the scientific community a long time of investigation and discussion to understand the different ingredients of the diffraction limit. Abbe's limit was initially attributed to the optical device only. But, rather all three processes of imaging, namely illumination, transfer and detection, make an equal contribution to the total diffraction limit. Therefore, we think that for violating the diffraction limit one needs to consider all three factors together. Of course, one might circumvent the limit and achieve a better resolution by focusing on one factor, but that does not necessary imply the violation of a fundamental limit. One example is STED microscopy that focuses on the illumination, another near–field scanning microscopy that circumvents the diffraction limit by focusing on detection. Other methods and strategies in sub-wavelength imaging –negative refraction, time reversal imaging and on the case and absolute optical instruments –are concentrating on the faithful transfer of the optical information. In our opinion, the most significant, and naturally the most controversial, part of our findings in the course of this study was elucidating the role of detection. Maxwell's Fisheye transmits the optical information faithfully, but this is not enough. To have a faithful image, it is also necessary to extract the information at the destination. In our last two papers, we report our new findings of the contribution of detection. We find out in the absolute optical instruments, such as the Maxwell Fisheye, embedded sources and detectors are not independent. They are mutually interacting, and this interaction influences the imaging property of the system.
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Aspectos geométricos da molécula de fulereno em referenciais não-inerciaisCavalcante, Everton 26 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Vasti Diniz (vastijpa@hotmail.com) on 2017-09-18T14:40:44Z
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arquivototal.pdf: 5994670 bytes, checksum: 2dd7a3577c0cc6ee44dd8eb7435dfaaf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-18T14:40:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In this thesis we study the dynamics of charge carriers, and the electronic properties, of the
C60 fullerene molecule. Characterizing it by a geometric bias. In inertial reference systems
and when we have your material under rotation content. Initially we discussed the scientific
advent of carbon allotropes, and the importance of modelling its derivates at low energies. We
show that at low energies, the graphene - the two-dimensional carbon allotrope form - can be
described for a non-massive theory of free fermions. At a second moment, we extended the nonmassive
free fermions theory for the C60 molecule. Assuming the hexagonal graphene network
can be entered in fullerene when we introduce topological defects. A brief study of topological
defects in condensed matter was done. And soon after, we made a description these defects via
a non-Euclidean geometry. Showing how the charge carriers in the network see the defects like
gauge fields. Then we began to expose the results of this thesis. First we assume the fullerene
by a two-dimensional spherical metric with defects, containing a fictitious t’Hooft-Polyakov
monopole in its center. TheC60 is still subjected to the action of an Aharonov-Bohm flux arising
of a magnetic wire running through its poles. So we get the spectrum, and the prediction of a
persistent current in the molecule. Finally we return to the analysis of the molecule, now with
your content of matter under rotation. For this, we studied a metric Gödel-type with spherical
symmetry. We discussed the problem of causality and obtain the spectrum and the persistent
current in terms of the vorticity (W) of spacetime. / Nesta tese estudamos a dinâmica de portadores de carga, e as propriedades eletrônicas, na molécula
de fulerenoC60. Caracterizando-a por um viés geométrico. Tanto em sistemas de referência
inercial, como quando temos seu conteúdo de matéria sob rotação. Inicialmente abordamos o
advento científico das formas alotrópicas do carbono e a importância da modelagem a baixas
energias dos seus derivados. Onde mostramos que no limite de baixas energias, o grafeno -
que trata-se da forma alótropica bidimensional do carbono - pode ser descrito por uma teoria de
férmions livres sem massa. Num segundo momento estendemos a teoria de férmions não massivos
para a molécula de C60. Assumindo que a rede hexagonal do grafeno pode inscrever o C60
ao introduzirmos alguns defeitos topológicos. Um breve estudo sobre os defeitos topológicos
na matéria condensada foi feito. Onde, logo em seguida, partimos para uma descrição de tais
defeitos via uma geometria não-euclidiana. Mostrando como os portadores de carga no meio
enxergam os defeitos como campos de gauge. Em seguida começamos a expor os resultados
desta tese. Primeiramente assumimos tratar o fulereno por uma métrica de uma esfera bidimensional
com defeitos, e contendo um monopolo de t’Hooft-Polyakov fictício em seu centro. O
C60 é ainda submetido a ação de um fluxo de Aharonov-Bohm advindo de uma corda magnética
quiral transpassando seus polos. Obtemos assim o espectro e a predição de uma corrente
persistente na molécula. Por fim retomamos a análise da molécula, agora com seu conteúdo
de matéria sob rotação. Para isso assumimos tratar o fulereno por uma métrica do tipo Gödel
com simetria esférica. Discutimos o problema da causalidade e obtemos espectro e corrente
persistente em termos da vorticidade (W) do espaço-tempo.
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Information loss in black holes and the unitarity of quantum mechanics / Perda de informação em buracos negros e a unitariedade da mecânica quânticaCozzella, Gabriel [UNESP] 26 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Gabriel Cozzella (cozzella@ift.unesp.br) on 2016-08-21T00:22:31Z
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MSc Dissertation.pdf: 773902 bytes, checksum: a2d2f3173a5f3ec0ab24f201d71929da (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-08-24T16:43:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-07-26 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / A teoria quântica de campos em espaços-tempos curvos é o arcabouço teórico mais sólido
que temos para estudar a interação entre gravitação e mecânica quântica na ausência de
uma teoria completa de gravitação quântica. Neste contexto, um problema que atraiu muita
atenção dos físicos teóricos nas últimas décadas é o chamado “paradoxo da perda de informação em buracos negros”, onde a evolução de um estado quântico puro inicial para um estado quântico misto final caracterizaria uma violação das leis da mecânica quântica. Nesta dissertação nós argumentamos que a perda de informação em si não viola as leis da mecânica quântica e é consequência direta da teoria semi-clássica utilizada. Finalmente, argumentamos que a questão da recuperação da informação deve ser tratada utilizando-se uma teoria de gravitação quântica ainda desconhecida. / The quantum theory of fields in curved space-times is the most solid framework for studying the interplay between gravity and quantum mechanics in the absence of a complete theory of quantum gravity. In this scenario, one problem that has drawn much attention from the theoretical physics community in the last decades is the so-called “black hole information loss paradox”, where the evolution from an initial pure quantum state to a final mixed quantum state would constitute a violation of the laws of quantum mechanics. In this dissertation we argue that information loss does not violate quantum mechanics, being simply a consequence of the semi-classical framework adopted and that the question of information recovery needs to be addressed by a yet unknown theory of quantum gravity. / FAPESP: 2014/08684-9
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A matriz S em teoria quântica de campos em espaços curvos / The S-Matrix for Quantum Field Theory in Curved Space-timesFelipe Augusto Villaverde-Custódio 13 April 2012 (has links)
O objeto de estudo desta dissertação é o efeito de criação de partículas pela curvatura sob o escopo de uma teoria de espalhamento, discutindo quando que a interpretação a partir de uma matriz S é tangível e obtendo sua expressão nesses casos. O capítulo de introdução aborda superficialmente conceitos de relatividade geral e de teoria quântica de campos em espaços planos e curvos, necessários para a construção da matriz S. O conteúdo deste capítulo segue as apresentações feitas por Wald, Parker e Birrell em geral, tendo como guia as obras de Bar, Wald e Hawking no que se trata especificamente de relatividade geral, e de Penrose e Rindler no que se trata da estrutura espinorial. A construção da matriz S se dá no capítulo 2, tendo como guia o trabalho de Wald. O capítulo 3 apresenta exemplos que permitem a contextualização da criação de partículas em casos específicos de espaços-tempos em expansão. Este estudo nos permite verificar que as condições que precisam ser satisfeitas em um espaço-tempo globalmente hiperbólico e assintoticamente estacionário para que a formulação da matriz S possa ser feita são que as teorias no passado e futuro distantes devem ser unitariamente equivalentes, que a relação entre as regiões se dá através de transformações de Bogolyubov dadas por operadores limitados definidos em toda a parte e que tais operadores satisfaçam a condição de Hilbert-Schmidt. Nestes casos obtemos uma expressão para a matriz $S$ que descreve a criação de partículas pela curvatura do espaço-tempo para o campo de Klein-Gordon e de Dirac, além de outras relações úteis, como número médio de partículas criadas e probabilidade de se encontrar partículas em determinado modo, o que permite uma analogia com a radiação de corpo negro, passo fundamental para se entender fenômenos de grande interesse na física, como a radiação de Hawking e a criação de partículas no período inflacionário. / This master\'s thesis deals with the effect of particle creation by the curvature of space-time according to the point of view of scattering theory, discussing when such interpretation is possible by means of an S-matrix and obtaining its expression in those cases. The first chapter treats, superficially, some concepts of general relativity and quantum field theory in plane and curved space-times that are imperative to understand the construction of the S-matrix. The subject of this chapter is covered in the work of Wald, Parker, and Birrell, and follows closely the work of Bar, Wald and Hawking, when treats concepts specifically from general relativity, and from Penrose and Rindler, when talking about the spinor structure of space-time. The construction of the S-matrix is made in the second chapter, along the lines of the work of Wald. The third chapter presents some examples that bring some light on the creation of particles in specific cases of expanding space-times. This study let us verify that an S-matrix formulation is tenable, on globally hyperbolic asymptotic stationary curved space-times, if both quantum theories in the distant past and distant future are unitary equivalent, the relation of both regions is made by Bogolyubov transformations by means of everywhere defined bounded operators and that those operators satisfy the Hilbert-Schmidt condition. In those cases we derive the expression of the S-matrix for the Klein-Gordon and Dirac fields. Also we obtain the number of particles created and the probability of find particles in a particular mode, with let one make an analogy with the black body radiation, which is a fundamental step in the direction of understanding interesting phenomena in quantum field theory in curved space-times, like the Hawking radiation and particle creation in the early universe.
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Vínculos observacionais em modelos de energia escura interagente / Observational Constraints in Interacting Dark Energy ModelsSandro Marcio Rodrigues Micheletti 02 September 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi investigada a possibilidade de haver uma interação entre a energia e a matéria escuras. Adotamos um espaço-tempo de Friedmann-Robertson-Walker plano e dois modelos de energia escura interagente. No primeiro, o termo de interação, presente nas equações de conservação da energia e da matéria escuras, foi obtido a partir de argumentos fenomenológicos. No segundo, esse foi derivado de primeiros princípios. Ambos os modelos foram comparados com dados observacionais recentes e, em ambos os casos, obtivemos uma estimativa da constante de acoplamento diferente de zero com um desvio padrão de confiança. Além disso, em ambos os casos o sinal da constante de acoplamento é compatível com a energia escura se convertendo em matéria escura, fornecendo um alívio para o problema da coincidência. / In the present work the possibility of a dark energy interacting with dark matter has been investigated. We considered a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker space-time with two alternative interacting dark energy models. In the first, the interaction term, appearing in the energy conservation equations was introduced by purely phenomenological reasons. In the second, it has been obtained from a given Lagrangian density. In both cases we compared the results with recent observational data and obtained an estimate of the coupling constant, which is nonvanishing by one standard deviation. Moreover, in both cases the sign of the coupling constant is compatible with dark energy decaying into dark matter, providing an alleviation to the coincidence problem.
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Damage and progressive failure analysis for aeronautic composite structures with curvature / Modelos de falha e dano para estruturas aeronáuticas com curvatura e fabricadas em material compósitoMarcelo Leite Ribeiro 03 April 2013 (has links)
Recent improvements in manufacturing processes and materials properties associated with excellent mechanical characteristics and low weight have became composite materials very attractive for application on civil aircraft structures. However, even new designs are still very conservative, because the composite structure failure phenomena are very complex. Several failure criteria and theories have been developed to describe the damage process and how it evolves, but the solution of the problem is still open. Moreover, modern manufacturing processes, e.g. filament winding, have been used to produce a wide variety of structural shapes. Therefore, this work presents the development of a damage model and its application to simulate the progressive failure of flat composite laminates as well as for composite cylinders made by filament winding process. The proposed damage model has been implemented as a UMAT (User Material Subroutine) and VUMAT (User Material Subroutine for explicit simulations), which were linked to ABAQUSTM Finite Element (FE) commercial package. Progressive failure analyses have been carried out using FE Method in order to simulate the failure of filament wound composite structures under different quasi-static and impact loading conditions. In addition, experiments have been performed not only to identify parameters related to the material model but also to evaluate both the potentialities and the limitations of the proposed model. / As recentes melhorias nos processos de fabricação e nas propriedades dos materiais associadas a excelentes características mecânicas e baixo peso tornam os materiais compósitos muito atrativos para aplicação em estruturas aeronáuticas. No entanto, mesmo novos projetos, ainda são muito conservadores, pois os fenômenos de falha dos compósitos são muito complexos. Vários critérios e teorias de falha têm sido desenvolvidos para descrever o processo de dano e sua evolução, mas a solução do problema ainda está em aberto. Além disso, técnicas modernas de fabricação, como o enrolamento filamentar (filament winding) vêm sendo utilizadas para produzir uma ampla variedade de formas estruturais. Assim, este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um modelo de dano e a sua aplicação para simular a falha progressiva de estruturas planas e cilíndricas fabricadas em material compósito através do processo de filament winding. O modelo de dano proposto foi implementado como sub-rotinas em linguagem FORTRAN (UMAT-User Material Subroutine e, VUMAT-User Material Subroutine para simulações explícitas), que foram compiladas junto ao programa comercial de Elementos Finitos ABAQUSTM. Várias análises numéricas foram realizadas via elementos finitos, a fim de prever a falha dessas estruturas de material compósito sob diferentes condições de carregamentos quase-estáticos e de impacto. Além disso, vários ensaios experimentais foram realizados, a fim de identificar os parâmetros relacionados com o modelo de material, bem como avaliar as potencialidades e as limitações do modelo proposto.
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