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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Actor in the Space: The Influence of Space on the Construction and Creation of the Role of Macbeth

Obney, David M. January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Forced Convection Over Flat and Curved Isothermal Surfaces with Unheated Starting Length

Roland, Jason Howard January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Development of a Design Framework for Compliant Mechanisms using Pseudo-Rigid-Body Models

Kalpathy Venkiteswaran, Venkatasubramanian 23 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Sandwichbauteile mit gefalteten und gekrümmten Betondeckschichten

Stark, Alexander, Hegger, Josef 21 July 2022 (has links)
In der aktuellen Baupraxis werden mit Standard-Tragelementen meist rechteckige Grundrisse erzeugt. Ausgenommen sind weitspannende Konstruktionen, wie Kuppeln von Domen oder Kühltürme von Kraftwerken. Im Gegensatz dazu waren Schalen aus Stahlbeton im Hochbau im vergangenen Jahrhundert weit verbreitet. Dazu wurden in der Regel große Strukturen in situ betoniert. Zusätzlich wurden weit spannende Fertigteile mit relativ geringer Breite hergestellt. Diese Faltwerke oder doppelt gekrümmten Elemente wurden zum Teil mit einer Dicke von weniger als 10 cm realisiert und häuf g im sofortigen Verbund vorgespannt. Bedenken hinsichtlich der Korrosionsbeständigkeit können ein Grund dafür gewesen sein, dass solche Konstruktionen heute üblicherweise nicht mehr gebaut werden. [Aus. Einleitung] / In current building practice, standard load-bearing elements are mostly of rectangular shape. Exceptions are large shell structures, such as cupolas of domes or cooling towers of power plants. In contrast, shells made of reinforced concrete (RC were widely applied for building construction in the last century. For this purpose, large structures were usually cast in situ. Additionally, long-span precast elements with limited width were produced. These folded plate or doubly curved elements were realised with a thickness of less than 10 cm and usually prestressed with steel tendons. Concerns regarding the corrosion resistance might have been a reason that such constructions are not build regularly today. [Off: Introduction]


Müller, Christian, Funke, Henrik, Gelbrich, Sandra, Kroll, Lothar 21 July 2022 (has links)
Ein Carbonbeton-Schalentragwerk, das im Rahmen des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms SPP 1542 „Leicht Bauen mit Beton“ von der TU Chemnitz entwickelt wurde, wurde nach Projektabschluss erfolgreich errichtet. / A carbon reinforced concrete shell structure which wasdeveloped by Chemnitz University of Technology as part of the DFG Priority Programme SPP 1542 “Concrete ligth” was successfully erected after the project was completed.

Sandschalung zur Herstellung von dünnwandigen Sandwiches aus Carbonbeton

Gericke, Oliver, Haase, Walter, Sobek, Werner 21 July 2022 (has links)
aus dem Inhalt: „Die im Teilprojekt Sobek (siehe S. 626 ff .) entwickelte gefrorene Sandschalung zur abfallfreien Herstellung von Betonbauteilen wurde im Rahmen des BMBF-geförderten Konsortiums Carbon Concrete Composite – C3 für die Herstellung dünnwandiger und gekrümmter Sandwichelemente weiterentwickelt. Der vorliegende Kurzbericht fasst die Forschungsergebnisse des Projekts C3Sandwich zusammen. Eine ausführliche Beschreibung der Arbeiten wurde in [1] veröffentlicht....” / from teh content: „Within the framework of the BMBF-funded consortium Carbon Concrete Composite – C3, the research on sand formwork for the waste-free production of concrete components (TP Sobek, p. 626 seq.) was further advanced towards the production of thin-walled and curved sandwich elements. This report summarizes the research results of the project C3Sandwich. A detailed description of the work was published in [1]....”

Performance of reinforced concrete bridges strengthened with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers : Case study: Essinge Bridge over Pampaslänken

Mirzahassanagha, Zeinab, Malo, Eva January 2021 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the performance of existing reinforced concrete bridges strengthened with externally bonded carbon fibre reinforced polymers (CFRP). One of the main aims of this work is to understand the functionality of such an external strengthening method applied to a concave surface in a heavy concrete structure such as a bridge. Another important goal is to investigate the bond behavior of this method. To accomplish the aforementioned aims a case study bridge is chosen to be examined. The Essinge bridge located in the central Stockholm, is the selected bridge in which this report will focus on. Externally strengthening an existing bridge is a method used to both preserve as well as improve the existing structure. Some examples justifying the need to use such a technique are: the degradation of materials or changes in the bearing capacity of the structure which might be the result of increased traffic loads. In the case of Essinge bridge, the structure is strengthened with externally bonded CFRP sheets after the extension of the bridge which led to changes in the statical mode of action of the structure. An additional reason which makes this case interesting to study is the ’’concave’’ surface on which the CFRP sheets are applied to. To study the Essinge bridge in detail, both a numerical analysis and a three-dimensional finite element model is used. All the numerical simulations are performed in the Abaqus software. It is important to mention that for the majority of the simulations a two-axle vehicle load of 300kN (per axle) is applied to the structure. Moreover, a quality assurance of the FE model is carried out to verify the functionality of the model. Some of the results coming from these analyses can be compared with measurements from the monitoring system placed on the bridge. Moreover, other simulation results could be compared with results coming from a test loading performed on the bridge on May 2021. From this comparison, a satisfactory agreement could be found in the peak values of normal strain in concrete and CFRP. Due to time limitations, only linear static analyses are performed. Consequently, in order to capture the non-linearity of the concrete, the Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM) available in Abaqus is used to model a possible crack in the concrete. More specifically, the crack is placed in the concrete part of the deck plate where the maximum value of normal stress is obtained. The bond behavior between the concrete and the CFRP sheets is modelled in two different ways. The first way represents a ’’perfect’’ bond between these two materials meanwhile the second one is based on the so-called Cohesive Zone Method (CZM). The fundamental difference between these two methods is that when using the CZM, a possible failure mode in the bond layer can be captured. Moreover, the input data and parameters defined in the CZM have a detrimental role in the obtained results. It can be noted that the results of the case study bridge cannot be generalized. On the other hand, a better understanding about the external strengthening method implemented on the example of Essinge bridge is obtained. By using the CZM, a vehicle load which could initiate damage in the bond layer could be found. / Detta examensarbete handlar om prestandan för befintliga betongarmerade broar som är externt förstärkta med kolfiberväv. Ett av huvudsyftena med detta arbete är att förstå hur en sådan förstärkningsmetod fungerar när den är applicerad på ett konkavt underlag av en tung betongkonstruktion, såsom en bro. Ett annat viktigt mål är att undersöka beteendet av bindningsskiktet som finns mellan betongen och kolfiberväven. För att uppnå de ovannämnda målen, undersöks en fallstudie bro. Bron över Pampaslänken, som ligger i centrala Stockholm, är den utvalda bron som denna rapport kommer att fokusera på. Att förstärka en befintlig bro externt är en metod som använts för att både bibehålla och förbättra den existerande strukturen. Några exempel som motiverar behovet av att använda en sådan metod är nedbrytning av material eller förändringar i konstruktionens bärförmåga som kan vara ett resultat av ökade trafikbelastningar. När det gäller bron över Pampaslänken, applicerades den externa förstärkningen efter breddningen av bron, vilket ledde till förändringar i strukturens statiska verkningssätt. En ytterligare anledning som gör detta fall intressant att studera är den konkava ytan för vilken förstärkningsmetoden används. För att studera bron över Pampaslänken i detalj, används både en numerisk analys samt en tredimensionell finit elementmodell. Alla numeriska simuleringar är utförda i programvaran Abaqus. Det är viktigt att nämna att för de flesta av simuleringarna appliceras en tvåaxlig fordonslast på 300kN (per axel) på konstruktionen. Dessutom genomförs en kvalitetssäkring av FE-modellen för att verifiera modellens funktionalitet. Några av resultaten från dessa analyser kan jämföras med mätningar från systemet med trådtöjningsgivarna som är placerade på bron. Andra simuleringsresultat kan jämföras med resultat som kommer från en provbelastning som utfördes på bron under maj 2021. Från denna jämförelse kan en överenskommelse hittas i de maximala töjningsvärdena i både betongen och kolfiberväven. På grund av tidsbegränsningar utförs endast linjära elastiska analyser. För att kunna fånga betongens olinjära beteende används den så kallade utvidgade finita elementmetoden (XFEM) som finns i Abaqus, för att modellera in en eventuell spricka i betongen. Mer specifikt placeras sprickan på den delen av farbaneplattan där de maximala normalspänningarna erhålls. Bindningsskiktet som finns mellan betongen och kolfibervävarna modelleras på två olika sätt. I det första sättet skapas ett ’’perfekt’’ band/skikt mellan dessa två material medan i det andra baseras modelleringen på den så kallade Cohesive Zone Method (CZM). Den grundläggande skillnaden mellan dessa två metoder är att när man använder CZM kan ett eventuellt vidhäftningsbrott fångas upp i bindningsskiktet. Dessutom har indata samt olika parametrar som är definierade i CZM, en stor påverkan på de erhållna resultaten. Det kan konstateras att resultaten från fallstudiebron inte kan generaliseras. Däremot har man fått en bättre förståelse för den externa förstärkningsmetoden som implementerats i bron över Pampaslänken. Genom att använda CZM hittas en fordonlast som kan orsaka skador i bindningsskiktet.

Simulation of curved-space quantum field theories with two-component Bose-Einstein condensates: from black-hole physics to cosmology

Berti, Anna 04 April 2024 (has links)
In 1981, Unruh suggested the possibility of simulating the dynamics of quantum fields in curved spacetimes using sound-waves propagating in moving fluids: a supersonic flow would indeed influence the dynamics of sound similarly to what happens to light when it’s dragged by the spacetime geometry in strong gravity environments. This simple yet groundbreaking observation has lead to the beginning of a whole new field of research, nowadays known as Analog Gravity. Due to their superfluid character, intrinsic quantum nature and impressive experimental tunability, Bose-Einstein condensates represent one of the most promising platforms to realize analog spacetimes, including black-hole geometries with horizons and ergoregions, as well as of time-dependent configurations relevant to cosmology. In this Thesis we go beyond the standard single-component BEC and focus on two-component mixtures of atomic condensates, possibly in the presence of a coherent coupling between the two-components: the availability of various branches of elementary excitations with different sound speed and effective mass may in fact lead to advantages in the implementation of interesting geometries and, eventually, to the exploration of a broader spectrum of physical processes. We first consider black-hole related phenomena (Hawking radiation and rotational superradiance) that have already been analysed with single-component systems, generalising the results to mixtures; we then proceed to tackle a problem (the decay from the false vacuum) which instead requires the additional degrees of freedom that only a mixture displays.

Computational Analysis of Elastic Moduli of Covalently Functionalized Carbon Nanomaterials, Infinitesimal Elastostatic Deformations of Doubly Curved Laminated Shells, and Curing of Laminates

Shah, Priyal 05 April 2017 (has links)
We numerically analyze three mechanics problems described below. For each problem, the developed computational model is verified by comparing computed results for example problems with those available in the literature. Effective utilization of single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and single layer graphene sheets (SLGSs) as reinforcements in nanocomposites requires their strong binding with the surrounding matrix. An effective technique to enhance this binding is to functionalize SWCNTs and SLGSs by covalent attachment of appropriate chemical groups. However, this damages their pristine structures that may degrade their mechanical properties. Here, we delineate using molecular mechanics simulations effects of covalent functionalization on elastic moduli of these nanomaterials. It is found that Young's modulus and the shear modulus of an SWCNT (SLGS), respectively, decrease by about 34% (73%) and 43% (42%) when 20% (10%) of carbon atoms are functionalized for each of the four functional groups of different polarities studied. A shell theory that gives results close to the solution of the corresponding 3-dimensional problem depends upon the shell geometry, applied loads, and initial and boundary conditions. Here, by using a third order shear and normal deformable theory and the finite element method (FEM), we delineate for a doubly curved shell deformed statically with general tractions and subjected to different boundary conditions effects of geometric parameters on in-plane and transverse stretching and bending deformations. These results should help designers decide when to consider effects of these deformation modes for doubly curved shells. Composite laminates are usually fabricated by curing resin pre-impregnated fiber layers in an autoclave under prescribed temperature and pressure cycles. A challenge is to reduce residual stresses developed during this process and simultaneously minimize the cure cycle time. Here, we use the FEM and a genetic algorithm to find the optimal cycle parameters. It is found that in comparison to the manufacturer's recommended cycle, for a laminate with the span/thickness of 12.5, one optimal cycle reduces residual stresses by 47% and the total cure time from 5 to 4 hours, and another reduces the total cure time to 2 hours and residual stresses by 8%. / Ph. D. / We analyze using computational techniques three mechanics problems described below. In the last three decades, two carbon nanomaterials (i.e., allotropes of carbon having length-scale of 10<sup>-9</sup> m), namely, single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and single layer graphene sheets (SLGSs) have evolved as revolutionary materials with exceptional properties per unit weight that are superior to conventional engineering materials. A composite (i.e., a material made by combining two or more materials to attain desired properties which cannot be achieved by any of its constituents alone) made by using either of these carbon nanomaterials as reinforcements in a polymer could be a potential candidate for applications requiring high strength and light weight. However, the effective utilization of these composites for an application requires the strong binding between their constituents. An effective technique to enhance this binding is to modify the surface properties of SWCNTs and SLGSs by covalently bonding to them suitable chemical group that is usually called covalent functionalization. However, this damages their pristine structures that may degrade their mechanical properties. Here, it is found that the functionalization reduces elastic moduli of carbon nanomaterials, the reduction increases with an increase in the amount of functionalization and is essentially independent of the functionalizing chemical group. This study should help engineers interested in utilizing these materials to design novel nanocomposites. Composite laminates, made by stacking and binding together layers of fiber-reinforced composites, are widely used in aircraft, aerospace, marine, automobile, power generation, chemical and ballistic applications due to their high strength and stiffness per unit weight compared to that of conventional metallic materials. Shell theories are widely used to analyze deformations of composite laminates which reduces a 3-dimensional (3-D) problem to an equivalent 2-D problem by making certain assumptions related to the deformations of the laminate. This approach requires less computational effort to find a numerical solution (i.e., an approximate solution obtained using a computational technique) of the problem as compared to that needed for solving the full 3-D problem. However, the accuracy of the results predicted by a shell theory depends on the problem being studied, i.e., the shell geometry, applied loads, initial conditions (i.e., the motion of the laminate at the start of application of the load) and boundary conditions (i.e., constraints imposed on the deformations of the edges of the laminate). Here, we analyze effects of geometric parameters of the laminated shells on their deformations for different types of applied loads and various boundary conditions specified on the edges. The results should help designers find an optimal geometry of the composite laminates for a given mechanical application. Fiber-reinforced composite laminates are usually fabricated by curing (which involves heating and cooling in a prescribed manner under application of the pressure) resin preimpregnated fiber layers under prescribed temperature and pressure cycles. However, during this cure process the laminate deforms and the final product is not stress-free. Here, we find optimal parameters of the cure cycle that minimize stresses developed during the cure process as well as the time required to cure the laminate. It is found that for a laminate studied these optimal parameters reduce the stresses by 47% and the cure time from 5 to 4 hours in comparison to the standard cure cycle recommended by the laminate manufacturer. This study will provide manufacturing engineers with an approach to fabricate composite laminates of desired quality.

Complex Equilibrium of Laterally Curved Wakes

Bereketab, Semere 11 March 1999 (has links)
Turbulent wakes generated from an aircraft or submarine vehicles has been of main interest to researchers due to the broad band noise associated with such wakes. One such case is the noise generated by spiral vortices shed of from one blade interacting with another oncoming blade of helicopter rotor. Consequently, researchers have been trying to understand the basic physics and evolution of such wakes. Although there has been numerous studies done on plane wakes, there has been little research being done on laterally curved wakes. Single and two-point velocity measurements were taken on a plane and laterally curved turbulent wakes to understand the evolution and effect of lateral curvature into the far wake region. The analyses provide useful information in modeling curved or spiral wakes such as turbulence field surrounding tip vortices shed from a wing. In order to achieve our objectives, the Virginia Tech 3’ x 2’ subsonic wind tunnel was used to take velocity measurements of toroidal ring model and a straight cylinder as a control case. Velocity measurements were done using four sensor hot-wire anemometers, to obtain all mean velocity, Reynolds stress, triple product components of the turbulence field. Single point, spectra and two-point measurements of the wakes were performed throughout the development into the far wake region. The single point results reveal the universality of the mean axial velocity, however the Reynolds stresses and triple products were not universal illustrating that the turbulence field has its own length and velocity scales different from that of the mean flow. The effect of lateral curvature is mainly evidenced in the early development of the curved ring wake. The turbulent energy budget reveals similar trend for both wakes and plane wake achieves approximate equilibrium. The spectra result reveals for the plane wake that self-preservation is achieved for all scales of motion, while the ring wake does not achieve such a state. While the longitudinal correlations of both wakes are similar in form, in general difference in form and orientation prevailed over all indicating the difference in the turbulent structure of both wakes. Linear stochastic estimation reveals the presence of spanwise and double-roller eddy structures in the plane wake and only spanwise eddies were detected for the ring wake. / Master of Science

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