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Stabilizing techniques for curved steel I-girders during constructionPetruzzi, Brian James 02 November 2010 (has links)
There are many issues and challenges to deal with when designing a curved I-girder bridge. These challenges primarily deal with the many performance stages that curved I-girder bridges have such as the erection, construction, and in-service stages. When design engineers assess the stability of a bridge system, they typically evaluate the system in its final configuration with all cross frames attached and the hardened concrete deck placed. The evaluation of girder stability during erection and early stages of construction stages is difficult because of the limited presence of bracing in the system. Due to a lack of readily available analytical tools, many contractors do not conduct detailed analytical evaluations of the bridge behavior during early stages of the construction when stability is often critical. Instead, many contractors use rules of thumb and experience to ensure stability during erection. Erection and construction practices typically vary among contractors and consistent erection methods are a rarity. Although some rules of thumb may be quite conservative, others are much less so. Therefore, coming up with design guidelines based on parametric studies rather than rules of thumb are desirable to help allow the contractor and the designer to work together to prevent issues that may occur due to the lack of communication between the two professions.
Lastly, many challenges arise due to the complex geometry of curved I-girders. To prevent excessive rotation in erected girders, three points of vertical support are often provided. Two of these points usually consist of permanent supports in the form of bridge piers or abutments. The third point of support may consist of a temporary support in the form of a shore tower or holding crane. Cases where a holding crane may be satisfactory over a shore tower are also not well understood.
To improve the understanding of lifting practices and temporary support requirements, parametric studies were conducted using the finite element program ANSYS. Field data consisting of displacement, stress, and girder rotations gathered from two tests were used to validate both the linear and geometric non-linear three-dimensional FEA models. Upon validation, the finite element model was used to conduct linear and geometric non-linear analyses to determine critical factors in curved I-girder bridges during construction. Specifically, serviceability limit states were studied for the lifting of curved girders. For partially constructed states, parametric studies were conducted to determine optimal locations to place temporary supports as well as to investigate stability differences between using a shore tower and a holding crane. Recommendations are presented to provide guidance for the lifting of curved I-girders as well as to maximize stability of partially constructed bridges. / text
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Ölandskrukor : Romersk vardag - lyx på Gotland? / Ölandpots : Roman everyday items become luxury in Gotland?Dalsbro, Åsa January 2017 (has links)
Two ceramic vessels of the Öland and Gotland type were in the summer of 2016 discovered at an archaeological excavation at the island of Gotland in the Baltic sea. They were produced with two different techniques of firing, resulting in two different colors of the surface of the pot. Ceramic vessels of the Öland and Gotland type dating from the Roman Iron Age are supposed to have been produced at these islands, but thin-section analysis of pottery found in Mälardalen in the mainland of Sweden show that at least some vessels are made of clay from Mälardalen. The type is distinct and differs both in form and composition of the clay from other ceramic vessels of more ordinary character. This type of ceramic vessel is supposed to be inspired of bronze vessels from the Roman Empire and ceramic vessels from both the Roman Empire and the Celtic area. In this thesis, the aim is to shed some light on the characters of this type of vessel with comparative and empirical studies of pots from Öland and Gotland. This is done by comparing vessels and described graves on the two islands. And for references a few pots from mainland Sweden is also studied. Is it possible to understand why the high-status pottery on Öland and Gotland differ from the rest of the Swedish mainland? Clearly, the wealth of the population on the islands was over average if we measure it in objects of foreign origin, compared with the Swedish mainland. Objects from the Roman Empire such as drinking equipment made of bronze and gold and silver coins made its way to the islands in bigger quantities than to rest of Scandinavia with exceptions from some local areas on the Swedish mainland. / • Vad exakt är en ölandskruka? • Varför finns en det en klar urskiljbar skillnad mellan den keramik vi kallar ölandskrukor/gotlandskrukor jämfört med andra kärl från samma period? • Vad kan dekor och utformning ha inspirerats av? • Är det klara skillnader mellan Öland och Gotland när det gäller ölandskrukorna, eller ser de lika ut på de båda öarna?Den kärltyp av keramik från romersk järnålder som vanligen kallas ölandskruka eller gotlandskruka i rapporter, litteratur eller andra arkeologiska sammanhang är vanlig i det öländska och gotländska materialet. Den hittas företrädesvis i gravar men även andra kontexter förekommer. Kärlen förekommer även sparsamt på det svenska fastlandet och hittas även där i gravar. Det är i de gravar som är rikast på föremål som den oftast påträffas och det pekar på att den är knuten till de personer i samhället som har högst social rang. Andra föremål som hittas tillsammans med ölandskrukor varierar en del mellan Öland och Gotland. Ett exempel på det är bronsskållor som mest är en gotländsk företeelse och endast förekommer sparsamt i det öländska materialet. Dryckeshorn i gravar är vanligast på Gotland och de förekommer ofta i gravar med sländtrissor. På Öland är det i kvinnogravarna vanligt att det förekommer krumknivar i samma grav som ölandskrukor medan mansgravarna ofta är så kallade vapengravar. Vapengravarna på Öland innehåller som regel ett svärd, minst en lansspets och en spjutspets men även fler förekommer, en sköld och en kniv. Kärltypen som kallas ölandskruka är av tunt gods som glättats på ytan och oftast dekorerats med punktlinjer på den övre delen av skuldran. De är brända i en reducerad atmosfär som ger en svart yta på kärlet. I denna uppsats förekommer även en annan kärltyp med fyra stycken öron på skuldran, dessa kärl förefaller vara brända i en oxiderad atmosfär vilket istället resulterar i en brun eller rödbrun färg på ytan. Förutom dessa två kärltyper förekommer också kannor, de har en hank att hålla i när man häller och är i stort sett alltid dekorerade. Denna dekoration består ofta av olika fält på övre delen av kannan indelade i romber av linjer. I fälten finns olika stämpelmönster, till exempel cirklar, kryss, blomformade och trisklar. Kärlen är så kallad finkeramik som sannolikt inte användes till vardagligt bruk utan som serveringskärl vid till exempel gästabud och som gravgåvor i form av ett uppdukat bord till den avlidne. I en del fall även som benbehållare efter kremering. De kärl som betecknas som finkeramik förefaller ha använts till dryckesritualer och som serviser under gästabud. Även seden att ge den begravde ett dukat bord pekar på att kärlens betydelse var välkänd i det samtida samhället (Eriksson 2009:176ff). Ölandskrukorna introduceras i Mälardalsregionen under äldre romersk järnålder, men företrädesvis i elitmiljöer. Att det även på Öland och Gotland handlar om elitens föremål syns i gravmaterialet, då det är de gravar som är rikast på föremål som även har ölandskrukor, gotlandskrukor eller kannor (se bilaga 1 & 2). Inspirationen till kärlen kan vara bronssitulor som importeras till Skandinavien under denna period (Eriksson 2009:176ff). Den polerade ytan på keramik som förekommer under bronsåldern i Mälardalen försvinner under förromersk järnålder och den tidigaste återkomsten av polerad keramik i området dateras till tiden efter Kristi födelse (Eriksson 2009:127). Dessa kärl har en svartglänsande yta som mycket väl kan tänkas föreställa eller efterlikna metall. Liknande former på kärl har bland annat hittas i tidigare nämnda Gödåker där ett kärl har en dekor som är klart inspirerad av samtida metallkonst. Det kan även finnas kopplingar till dryckesglas eftersom en del kärl har imitation av slipade glasfacetter. Mellan Öland och Gotland finns en del skillnader i utformningen på kärlen. På Öland är foten på ölandskrukorna mindre eller saknas. Eftersom tillverkningsort för ölandskrukorna inte har kunnat fastställas i nuläget är det svårt att peka på om det beror på att ölänningarna har en annan utformning på sina kärl än gotlänningarna eller om det förekommer variationer i båda regionerna som sedan distribuerats olika.
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Miroirs acylindriques et asphériques à échelle microscopique : principes, technologie et applications aux bancs optiques miniatures / Acylindrical and aspherical microscale mirrors : principles, technology and applications to miniature optical benchesSabry Gad Aboelmagd, Yasser Mohammed 24 October 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif ultime d'améliorer notre compréhension de la réflexion de la lumière sur des surfaces micro-courbes, en particulier lorsque les dimensions physiques des surfaces (rayons de courbure de l'ordre de 50-300 μm) sont comparables aux paramètres dimensionnels d'un faisceau optique Gaussien, typique des faisceaux issus d'une fibre optique ou d'un microlaser. A cet effet, une étude théorique et des simulations numériques ont été menées ; elles ont été confrontées à une étude expérimentale. Pour ce faire, la réalisation des micro-miroirs à concavité contrôlée n'étant pas chose aisée, un premier jalon de cette thèse a consisté à atteindre les avancées technologiques nécessaires à la réalisation de tels micro-miroirs(par procédé de gravure plasma de type DRIE) en vue de leur caractérisation expérimentale. Une motivation importante du choix de ce sujet est son potentiel applicatif à la réalisation de micro-bancs optiques sur puce silicium, de sorte à augmenter les capacités de couplage et de manipulation de lumière de façon intégrée dans un espace ultra-compact. A titre d'illustration des possibilités de la nouvelle micro-instrumentation optique que nous proposons, nous avons conçu et réalisé un microsystème de balayage spatial à grand angle (110°) d'un faisceau laser dont le spot optique ne se déforme pas tout au long de l'opération de balayage, ce qui en fait, entre autres, la pièce maîtresse de systèmes portables d'imagerie médicale par tomographie à cohérence optique / The ultimate objective of this thesis is to improve our understanding of light reflection on micro-curved surfaces, especially when the physical dimensions of the surfaces (radii of curvature in the order of 50-300 microns) are comparable to typical dimensional parameters of a Gaussian optical beam, such as those coming from an optical fiber or from a micro-laser. To this end, a theoretical study and numerical simulations were conducted; they were confronted with an experimental study. To do this, the realization of micro-mirrors controlled concavity being not easy, a first step of this thesis was to achieve the technological advances necessary for the realization of such micro-mirrors (by plasma etching method of DRIE type) for their subsequent experimental characterization. An important motivation for choosing this topic is its potential application in the production of micro-optical benches on a silicon chip, so as to increase the coupling efficiencies and capabilities of manipulation of light, in an integrated way and in an ultra compact space. As an illustration of the new micro-optical instrumentation which is attainable, we have designed and implemented a micro-device able of wide-angle (110 °) spatial scanning of a laser beam, the optical spot being not deformed during the scanning operation, which makes this device, the centerpiece of portable medical imaging systems by optical coherence tomography, among others
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A contribution to photonic MEMS : study of optical resonators and interferometers based on all-silicon Bragg reflectors / A contribution to photonic MEMS Contribution aux MEMS photoniques : étude de résonateurs et interféromètres optiques basés sur des réflecteurs de Bragg tout siliciumMalak Karam, Maurine 17 November 2011 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche a été mené afin d'introduire une nouvelle classe de résonateurs Fabry-Pérot (FP) : les cavités FP incurvées basées sur des miroirs de Bragg sans revêtement, de forme cylindrique sont obtenues par micro-usinage du silicium. Une autre spécificité est la longueur de la cavité relativement grande (L> 200 µm) combinée à un haut facteur de qualité Q (jusqu'à 10^4 ), pour répondre aux applications de type spectroscopie d'absorption améliorée par résonance optique, dans lesquelles le produit Q.L est une figure de mérite. Dans ce contexte, l'architecture de base a été modélisée analytiquement pour déterminer les modes transverses d'ordre élevé supportés par de telles cavités. Par conséquent, les conditions expérimentales qui conduisent à une excitation préférentielle (ou rejet) de ces modes ont été testées menant à la validation de notre modèle théorique et à une meilleure compréhension du comportement de la cavité. Une seconde architecture,basée sur la cavité FP incurvée avec une lentille cylindrique a été développée dans le but de fournir une architecture plus stable. Cette dernière a été également modélisée, fabriquée et caractérisée, menant à l'amélioration attendue en termes de performances. D'un autre côté, un point surlignant l'une des applications potentielles que nous avons identifiées pour les cavités incurvées est présentée en insérant la cavité dans un système électromécanique. Ceci consiste à exciter et mesurer les vibrations d'amplitude nanométrique par couplage opto-mécanique dans un résonateur mécanique MEMS intégrant une cavité optique FP. Enfin, comme complément à notre étude sur les résonateurs, nous avons commencé à explorer les applications des interféromètres optiques à base de miroirs de Bragg en silicium. À cette fin, un microsystème de mesure optique a été conçu, fabriqué et caractérisé, il consiste en une sonde optique pour la profilométrie de surface dans des milieux confinés, basé sur un interféromètre de Michelson monolithique en silicium / This research work has been conducted to introduce a novel class of Fabry-Perot (FP) resonators : curved FP cavity based on coating-free Bragg mirrors of cylindrical shape, obtained by silicon micromachining. Another specificity is the rather large cavity lengths (L>200 µm) combined with high quality factor Q (up to 104), for the purpose of applications requiring cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy, in which the product Q.L is a figure of merit. In this contest, the basic architecture has been modeled analytically to know the high order transverse modes supported by such cavities. Hence, the experimental conditions which lead to preferential excitation (or rejection) of these modes have been tested experimentally leading to the validation of our theoretical model and to a better understanding of the cavity behaviour. A second architecture, based on the curved FP together with a fiber rod lens has been developed for the purpose of providing stable designs. It was also modeled, fabricated and characterized leading to the expected performance improvements. On another side, a highlight on one of the potential applications that we identified for the curved cavities is presented by inserting the cavity into an electro-mechanical system. It consists of exciting and measuring tiny vibration through opto-mechanical coupling in a MEMS mechanical resonator embedding an FP cavity.Finally, as a complement to our study on resonators, we started exploring applications of optical interferometers based on similar micromachined silicon Bragg mirrors. For this purpose, an optical measurement microsystem was designed, fabricated and characterized ; it consists of an optical probe for surface profilometry in confined environments, based on an all-silicon Michelson interferometer
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Black holes as a gateway to the quantum : classical and semi-classical explorations / Les trous noirs comme porte d'entrée vers le quantique : explorations classique et semi-classiqueDe Lorenzo, Tommaso 18 September 2018 (has links)
Depuis 1916, l'étude des Trous Noirs a soulevé des questions intrigantes. Seulement certaines ont été résolues. En effet, nous faisons face à des régimes où s’entremêlent la théorie quantique et l'espace-temps. Les TN comme porte d'entrée pour comprendre la nature quantique de la gravité. Ma thèse a été entièrement dédiée à ce domaine central de la physique théorique, avec pour but la compréhension la plus large possible des débats autour de ces questions. C'est ainsi qu'ont été produits des résultats originaux qui constituent le cœur de ce manuscrit. 1-Les surfaces de volume maximal des TN sont étudiées. Un TN astrophysique terminera sa vie avec une aire planckienne de $10^{-70} m^2$ dissimulant $10^5$ fois le volume de l'univers observable. Ceci peut avoir des conséquences sur la viabilité du "remnant scenario" comme solution au paradoxe de l'information. 2-Le scénario "trou-noir-trou-blanc" est fortement instable. Une modification minimale est proposée pour résoudre ce problème. 3-Une généralisation des quatre lois de la thermodynamique des TN est démontrée pour des cônes de lumière s'intersectant dans un espace de Minkowski. 4-On étudie des espaces conformellement plats où de telles lois acquièrent une interprétation thermodynamique standard. Le plus simple est l'espace-temps de Bertotti-Robinson, connu pour encoder la géométrie proche de l'horizon d'un TN chargé. 5-Pour peu que le bon tenseur énergie-impulsion soit identifié, les équations du champ Einstein-Cartan peuvent être retrouvées comme l'équation d'état d'un équilibre thermodynamique, comme dans le cas original de la RG. Ces résultats contribuent au débat intense sur les questions cruciales posées ci-dessus. / Since 1916 intriguing questions have arisen from the study of Black Holes (BH). Only some of them have been resolved. Indeed, we are faced with regimes where the yet unknown interplay between quantum theory and spacetime unveils. BH physics is a gateway to the quantum nature of gravity. My thesis has been completely devoted to this central domain of theoretical physics, with the guiding aim of understanding in the widest possible manner the debate around those questions. The process has produced original results that constitute the main core of the manuscript. 1- The maximal volume surfaces of evaporating BHs are studied. An astrophysical BH will end its life with an external planckian area $10^{-70} m^2$ hiding $10^5$ times the volume of our observable Universe. This can have consequences on the viability of the “remnant scenario” as solution to the BH information paradox. 2- The “black-hole-to-white-hole scenario” is analyzed. The model is shown to be strongly unstable, and a minimal resolutive modification is proposed. 3- A generalisation of the four laws of BH thermodynamics is proven for intersecting light cones in Minkowski spacetime. 4- Conformally flat spaces where such laws acquire the standard thermodynamical interpretation are studied. The simplest one is the Bertotti-Robinson spacetime, known to encode the near-horizon geometry of a charged BH. 5- It is shown that, if the correct energy-momentum tensor is identified, the Eintein-Cartan’s field equations can be recovered as a thermodynamical equilibrium equation of state just like in the GR original case. Such results contribute to the intense debate on the opening crucial questions.
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Vínculos observacionais em modelos de energia escura interagente / Observational Constraints in Interacting Dark Energy ModelsMicheletti, Sandro Marcio Rodrigues 02 September 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi investigada a possibilidade de haver uma interação entre a energia e a matéria escuras. Adotamos um espaço-tempo de Friedmann-Robertson-Walker plano e dois modelos de energia escura interagente. No primeiro, o termo de interação, presente nas equações de conservação da energia e da matéria escuras, foi obtido a partir de argumentos fenomenológicos. No segundo, esse foi derivado de primeiros princípios. Ambos os modelos foram comparados com dados observacionais recentes e, em ambos os casos, obtivemos uma estimativa da constante de acoplamento diferente de zero com um desvio padrão de confiança. Além disso, em ambos os casos o sinal da constante de acoplamento é compatível com a energia escura se convertendo em matéria escura, fornecendo um alívio para o problema da coincidência. / In the present work the possibility of a dark energy interacting with dark matter has been investigated. We considered a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker space-time with two alternative interacting dark energy models. In the first, the interaction term, appearing in the energy conservation equations was introduced by purely phenomenological reasons. In the second, it has been obtained from a given Lagrangian density. In both cases we compared the results with recent observational data and obtained an estimate of the coupling constant, which is nonvanishing by one standard deviation. Moreover, in both cases the sign of the coupling constant is compatible with dark energy decaying into dark matter, providing an alleviation to the coincidence problem.
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Damage and progressive failure analysis for aeronautic composite structures with curvature / Modelos de falha e dano para estruturas aeronáuticas com curvatura e fabricadas em material compósitoRibeiro, Marcelo Leite 03 April 2013 (has links)
Recent improvements in manufacturing processes and materials properties associated with excellent mechanical characteristics and low weight have became composite materials very attractive for application on civil aircraft structures. However, even new designs are still very conservative, because the composite structure failure phenomena are very complex. Several failure criteria and theories have been developed to describe the damage process and how it evolves, but the solution of the problem is still open. Moreover, modern manufacturing processes, e.g. filament winding, have been used to produce a wide variety of structural shapes. Therefore, this work presents the development of a damage model and its application to simulate the progressive failure of flat composite laminates as well as for composite cylinders made by filament winding process. The proposed damage model has been implemented as a UMAT (User Material Subroutine) and VUMAT (User Material Subroutine for explicit simulations), which were linked to ABAQUSTM Finite Element (FE) commercial package. Progressive failure analyses have been carried out using FE Method in order to simulate the failure of filament wound composite structures under different quasi-static and impact loading conditions. In addition, experiments have been performed not only to identify parameters related to the material model but also to evaluate both the potentialities and the limitations of the proposed model. / As recentes melhorias nos processos de fabricação e nas propriedades dos materiais associadas a excelentes características mecânicas e baixo peso tornam os materiais compósitos muito atrativos para aplicação em estruturas aeronáuticas. No entanto, mesmo novos projetos, ainda são muito conservadores, pois os fenômenos de falha dos compósitos são muito complexos. Vários critérios e teorias de falha têm sido desenvolvidos para descrever o processo de dano e sua evolução, mas a solução do problema ainda está em aberto. Além disso, técnicas modernas de fabricação, como o enrolamento filamentar (filament winding) vêm sendo utilizadas para produzir uma ampla variedade de formas estruturais. Assim, este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um modelo de dano e a sua aplicação para simular a falha progressiva de estruturas planas e cilíndricas fabricadas em material compósito através do processo de filament winding. O modelo de dano proposto foi implementado como sub-rotinas em linguagem FORTRAN (UMAT-User Material Subroutine e, VUMAT-User Material Subroutine para simulações explícitas), que foram compiladas junto ao programa comercial de Elementos Finitos ABAQUSTM. Várias análises numéricas foram realizadas via elementos finitos, a fim de prever a falha dessas estruturas de material compósito sob diferentes condições de carregamentos quase-estáticos e de impacto. Além disso, vários ensaios experimentais foram realizados, a fim de identificar os parâmetros relacionados com o modelo de material, bem como avaliar as potencialidades e as limitações do modelo proposto.
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Effektivität von reziprok und rotierend arbeitenden Nickel-Titan-Instrumenten zur Revisionsbehandlung an gekrümmten Molaren - Eine Mikro-Computertomografie-Studie - / Efficacy of reciprocating and rotary NiTi instruments for retreatment of curved root canals assessed by micro-CTReicherts, Pamela 05 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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A matriz S em teoria quântica de campos em espaços curvos / The S-Matrix for Quantum Field Theory in Curved Space-timesVillaverde-Custódio, Felipe Augusto 13 April 2012 (has links)
O objeto de estudo desta dissertação é o efeito de criação de partículas pela curvatura sob o escopo de uma teoria de espalhamento, discutindo quando que a interpretação a partir de uma matriz S é tangível e obtendo sua expressão nesses casos. O capítulo de introdução aborda superficialmente conceitos de relatividade geral e de teoria quântica de campos em espaços planos e curvos, necessários para a construção da matriz S. O conteúdo deste capítulo segue as apresentações feitas por Wald, Parker e Birrell em geral, tendo como guia as obras de Bar, Wald e Hawking no que se trata especificamente de relatividade geral, e de Penrose e Rindler no que se trata da estrutura espinorial. A construção da matriz S se dá no capítulo 2, tendo como guia o trabalho de Wald. O capítulo 3 apresenta exemplos que permitem a contextualização da criação de partículas em casos específicos de espaços-tempos em expansão. Este estudo nos permite verificar que as condições que precisam ser satisfeitas em um espaço-tempo globalmente hiperbólico e assintoticamente estacionário para que a formulação da matriz S possa ser feita são que as teorias no passado e futuro distantes devem ser unitariamente equivalentes, que a relação entre as regiões se dá através de transformações de Bogolyubov dadas por operadores limitados definidos em toda a parte e que tais operadores satisfaçam a condição de Hilbert-Schmidt. Nestes casos obtemos uma expressão para a matriz $S$ que descreve a criação de partículas pela curvatura do espaço-tempo para o campo de Klein-Gordon e de Dirac, além de outras relações úteis, como número médio de partículas criadas e probabilidade de se encontrar partículas em determinado modo, o que permite uma analogia com a radiação de corpo negro, passo fundamental para se entender fenômenos de grande interesse na física, como a radiação de Hawking e a criação de partículas no período inflacionário. / This master\'s thesis deals with the effect of particle creation by the curvature of space-time according to the point of view of scattering theory, discussing when such interpretation is possible by means of an S-matrix and obtaining its expression in those cases. The first chapter treats, superficially, some concepts of general relativity and quantum field theory in plane and curved space-times that are imperative to understand the construction of the S-matrix. The subject of this chapter is covered in the work of Wald, Parker, and Birrell, and follows closely the work of Bar, Wald and Hawking, when treats concepts specifically from general relativity, and from Penrose and Rindler, when talking about the spinor structure of space-time. The construction of the S-matrix is made in the second chapter, along the lines of the work of Wald. The third chapter presents some examples that bring some light on the creation of particles in specific cases of expanding space-times. This study let us verify that an S-matrix formulation is tenable, on globally hyperbolic asymptotic stationary curved space-times, if both quantum theories in the distant past and distant future are unitary equivalent, the relation of both regions is made by Bogolyubov transformations by means of everywhere defined bounded operators and that those operators satisfy the Hilbert-Schmidt condition. In those cases we derive the expression of the S-matrix for the Klein-Gordon and Dirac fields. Also we obtain the number of particles created and the probability of find particles in a particular mode, with let one make an analogy with the black body radiation, which is a fundamental step in the direction of understanding interesting phenomena in quantum field theory in curved space-times, like the Hawking radiation and particle creation in the early universe.
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Effizienz von ProTaper-Universal-Retreatment-Instrumenten für die Entfernung thermoplastischer Guttapercha aus gekrümmten Wurzelkanälen - Eine Mikro-CT-Studie / Efficacy of the ProTaper retreatment system in removing Thermafil, GuttaCore or vertically compacted gutta-percha from curved root canals assessed by micro-CTWagner, Johanna 12 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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