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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Porovnání přístupu českých a anglických zákazníků k věrnostním programům / Comparison of attitude to loyalty programmes between Czech and English customers

Müllerová, Patricie January 2014 (has links)
This work deals with customer loyalty and loyalty programmes in areas of buying chemist goods, clothing, footwear and groceries. The main objective of this work is to compare the approach of English and Czech customers to loyalty programmes in these areas. The intention of the analysis is to discover whether the approach to loyalty programmes in these two countries varies and what are the major differences. Does using a loyalty programme really affect customer loyalty? Who are more loyal, Czech or English customers? The aim is also to find out how customers use their loyalty programs, what kind of rewards are the most attractive for them and what personal information are they willing to provide when they sign up for loyalty programmes. The analysis also aims to pose these same questions to multi-brand partnership programmes and also mobile applications. This work can therefore benefit companies operating in both Czech and English markets to adapt their loyalty programs to be most effective.

Návrh zlepšení marketingového mixu / Suggest of Improvements to the Marketing Mix

Čtvrtečková, Petra January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with marketing mix of sportbar Sportbar´s Herna. Thesis is crated in parallel with practice. There are suggested parts of company marketing strategy with emphasis to marketing mix. Market analysis is made primarily by questionnaires and analysis of the target segment of the addresed people.

Řízení zkušenosti zákazníků / Managing Customer Experience

Seifert, Marián January 2014 (has links)
Cieľom diplomovej práce je analýza aktuálnej situácie zákazníckych skúseností vytváraných spoločnosťou a poskytnutie sérií odporúčaní pre ich zlepšenie. Práca kriticky hodnotí praktiky ovplyvňujúce zákaznícku spokojnosť v jednotlivých predajňách spoločnosti, internetovom obchode, servisnom stredisku a zákazníckom centre. Výsledkom sú odporúčané riešenia pre poskytovanie lepších služieb na zvýšenie zákazníckej loajality, ako aj spôsoby eliminácie zistených nedostatkov.

Marketingový plán značky Horsefeathers / Marketing Plan of Horsefeathers Trademark

Šmíd, Michal January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is proposal of marketing plan of Horsefeathers trademark. The theoretical part deals with individual steps of marketing planning, this knowledge are based on specialized literature. In the practical part of thesis is described current situation in company and process analysis. At the end thesis presents proposal for improvements marketing plan based on gained theoretical knowledge.

Elementos de la calidad de servicio, satisfacción y lealtad del cliente dentro de la industria restaurantera en Lima Metropolitana / Elements of the quality of service, satisfaction and customer loyalty within the restaurant industry in Metropolitan Lima

Sanchez Malaga, Lucero Katte, Vilcapoma Laban , Franco Rossini 26 February 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación recae en la búsqueda teórica de diferentes variables aplicadas al rubro restaurantero aterrizado a las cadenas de pollerías del Perú, debido a que el Perú es un país altamente reconocido por su alto nivel gastronómico y variedad de platos bandera que presenta tales como: El Ceviche y el Pollo a la brasa. Por otro lado, se procede a realizar la investigación del servicio brindado en esta cadena de restaurantes que ofrece un plato bandera, bajo las variables de investigación de calidad de servicio y satisfacción y en la cual se buscará conocer los motivadores a generar esta satisfacción. Y posteriormente, la satisfacción generada constantemente produciría tentativamente la lealtad del cliente hacia el servicio ofrecido por la cadena restaurantera. La presente investigación se basa en encontrar el cumplimiento de la relación entre variables, ya que la realidad del país podría orientar la investigación hacia otros resultados diferentes a los determinados por los autores estudiados en la revisión de la literatura. / The present research work falls on the theoretical search of different variables applied to the restaurant business landed in the poultry chains of Peru, because Peru is a country highly recognized for its high gastronomic level and variety of flagship dishes that it presents such as: The Ceviche and the Grilled Chicken. On the other hand, an investigation of the service provided in this restaurant chain that offers a flagship dish is carried out, under the research variables of service quality and satisfaction and in which we will seek to know the motivators to generate this satisfaction. And subsequently, the constantly generated satisfaction would tentatively produce customer loyalty towards the service offered by the restaurant chain. The present research is based on finding the fulfillment of the relationship between variables, since the reality of the country could orient the research towards results other than those determined by the authors studied in the literature review. / Trabajo de investigación

The Extent of Customer Data : A study of creating value from customer data for the finance department.

Limbäck, Ida, Yahya, Semer Said January 2021 (has links)
Among the diverse perspectives of value creation throughout history, recent studies imply that CFOs and finance officials can contribute to a holistic value creation process by integrating different business values. Therefore, this study aims to research whether the current dilemma of intangible assets (customer data) plays an important role in financial activities to lead to business value creation. The literature review highlights three independent variables; customer loyalty, decision-making, and predicting that are tested for an effect on the dependent variable value creation. Additionally, previous studies highlight data as efficiently utilized in cross-functional environments. A moderating variable cross-functional teams is thereby examined if it has a moderating effect. An online questionnaire was sent to 56 companies who were interested in participating, of which eventually 42 companies responded. Given the low response rate, the results revealed that decision-making was significant and valuable for the finance department’s value creation. However, the moderating effect significantly revealed, on the contrary, to strengthen predicting capabilities for the finance department to create value. / Begreppet värdeskapande har historiskt sett studerats utifrån olika perspektiv. Tidigare studier har visat på att finansavdelningen kan, utöver de traditionella uppgifterna, bidra till att skapa värde inom företaget. Med bakgrund i detta är syftet med studien att undersöka huruvida det nuvarande dilemmat med immateriella tillgångar (kunddata) spelar en viktig roll i finansiella aktiviteter för att leda till skapande av affärsvärde. En litteraturöversikt i studien belyser följande värden som kunddata eventuellt leder till: kundlojalitet, beslutsfattande och förutsägelser. Variablerna testas i denna studie för att se om det, ur ett finansiellt perspektiv, har en effekt på värdeskapande. Tidigare studier visar även att data kan användas effektivt i tvärfunktionella miljöer. En modererande variabel tvärfunktionella team undersöks därmed för att se om den har en interaktionseffekt. Ett frågeformulär sändes till 56 företag som var intresserade av att delta, varav 42 företag svarade. Givet bristen på antal respondenter, visar resultatet att beslutfattande är en värdefull faktor för värdeskapande. Resultatet av moderatorn visar att den styrker relationen mellan förutsägelser och värdeskapande för finansavdelningen.

"En av de stora drakarna" : En netnografisk studie om kundlojalitet hos researrangörer på Facebook

Hallberg, Fredrika, Palm, Jacob, Mrridol Waliullah, Shan January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka följares attityder mot Ving, TUI och Apollos inlägg på Facebook och hur de tolkas utifrån kundlojalitet och e-lojalitet. Det undersöks även hur researrangörer uttrycker lojalitet via deras facebooksida. Kundlojalitet baseras på Olivers (1999) teori och e-lojalitet baseras på “8C’s” som har tagits fram av Srinivasan, Anderson & Ponnavolu (2002). Studien grundar sig i en netnografisk analys för att få en översikt och grundläggande kunskaper om researrangörernas kommunikation på Facebook. Analysen visar att de inlägg som publiceras har skillnader och likheter när det gäller den typ av lojalitet som researrangörerna uttrycker. TUI och Apollo fokuserar mest på konativ lojalitet till skillnad från Ving som fokuserar på affektiv lojalitet. Studien baseras även på semistrukturerade intervjuer vilket anses lämpligt för att få djupare förståelse. Teorierna tillämpas genom en mängd frågor som ställs till respondenterna under intervjuerna. Det framkommer att följarnas attityder gentemot Apollo verkar annorlunda till skillnad från attityderna mot Ving och TUI. När det gäller e-lojalitet verkar Ving och TUI uppfylla flera av de "8C" baserat på följarnas attityder. Apollo har inte visat sig lika starka på den fronten. Denna studie visar liknande resultat som tidigare forskning men de överensstämmer inte helt i alla aspekter. / The purpose of this study is to examine the follower's attitudes towards Ving, TUI and Apollos posts on Facebook and how they are interpreted based on the customer loyalty and e-loyalty. It also examines how the tour operators express loyalty through their facebookpage. The customer loyalty are based on Oliver’s (1999) theory and e-loyalty is based on the “8C’s” that have been developed by Srinivasan, Anderson & Ponnavolu (2002). The study is based on a netnographic analysis to get an overview and basic knowledge of the tour operators communication on Facebook. The analysis shows that the posts have differences and similarities in terms of loyalty to the tour operators’ words. TUI and Apollo mostly focus on the conative loyalty, unlike Ving where the focus is on affective loyalty. The study is also based on semistructured interviews which is appropriate in order to gain a deeper understanding. The theories are applied through a variety of questions that have been asked to the respondents during their interviews. It appears that customers' attitudes towards Apollo appear to be different from the attitudes towards Ving and TUI. About e-loyalty, Ving and TUI seem to fulfill several of the "8C’s" based on the customers attitudes. Apollo has not proved that they are as strong as the other two. This study shows a similar result as the previous studies but they don't fully agree in all aspects.

Approaches of Aftermarket Services for Successful Customer Relations : A Study of Volvo Trucks de México S.A. de C.V.

Parmbro, Anders January 2004 (has links)
It has for many businesses, especially on competitive markets, become fundamental to offer augmented services around the core product, with the aim of building lasting and mutually beneficial relationships with the customers. The author of this thesis has investigated such services offered on the Mexican truck aftermarket. The art of creating successful customer relations requires theoretical insight. Research applicable on aftermarket services has therefore been studied, and the reader will go into theories of service management, relationship marketing, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty, to better understand the contexts in which aftermarket activities can be placed. The empirical research has been carried out at Volvo Trucks in Mexico through interviews with employees and dealers of its aftermarket organization, but also through interviewing and surveying its truck customers. The main objective of the project was to identify gaps between the aftermarket services offered and the actual needs of the customers, and to address them. Another objective was to find appropriate ways of monitoring customer satisfaction- and loyalty in the future. The lack of spare parts at the dealers was found to be the most urgent problem for the moment. In addition, spare parts availability was evaluated to be the most important area among the surveyed customers. Financial problems of the dealers were found to provoke the lack of spare parts in many cases. In turn, evidence of poor management was identified as possible causing factors to the financial problems. The main general flaw in this sense would be a questionable dealer business focus. The research identified the following issues as possible areas of improvement, based on the theoretical approach chosen: A financial renovation of the Volvo Trucks dealer net, excepting the dealers that are not fully committed to its role. Those are to be phased out. Initiation of IT-solutions to support automatic replenishment of spare parts at the dealerships. Forcing the usage of a common CRM database. Introduction of corporate key performance indicators based on customer relations’ metrics. Altering dealer business focus towards relationship marketing thinking. Improve dealer management business vision and business knowledge. In addition to these findings of possible areas of improvement, the following future methods of customer satisfaction research and customer loyalty metrics are recommended: Yearly one-to-one interviews with core customers performed by the aftermarket organization, and continuous close follow-up actions performed by the dealers, to monitor customer satisfaction. Customer defection rate metrics to monitor customer loyalty.

Does card loyalty increase customer loyalty? : Evidence from a Swedish context with a regional focus.

Lundberg, Jacob, Svensson, Emil January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: The aim of the study is to investigate if card loyalty increases attitudinal and behavioral loyalty of the customers, with a loyalty program (LP) membership.   Theoretical approach: The thesis is based on previous literature on loyalty programs and customer loyalty. The conceptual model proposed in the study ties card loyalty to the two loyalty dimensions of customer loyalty: attitudinal and behavioral loyalty.    Design/methodology: The study is conducted through a quantitative research design where data is collected through a survey. The self-reported questionnaires are sampled from social media users with active loyalty program membership with Coop. Findings: The empirical data from the 93 qualified questionnaires and the data analysis, indicate a significantly positive influence between both card loyalty and attitudinal respectively behavioral loyalty. Furthermore, the findings indicate that composite loyalty is present in the researched setting, since a strong correlation between attitudinal and behavioral loyalty was found. Although, the two-tailed correlation led to a revisiting of the conceptual model, since behavioral and attitudinal loyalty could also influence card loyalty.   Practical implications: The findings of the study provide academic implications by showcasing LP effectiveness and create a methodology for regional LP research. The results also provide managerial implications for managers who contemplate updating or implementing a LP. Originality/value: The study adds to loyalty program literature by investigating how card loyalty influences customer loyalty, within a sparsely researched nation with a regional focus.


Shaikh, Rehan January 2015 (has links)
Mobile technology has evolved drastically over the years, and so has the customer’s perception of and expectations on mobile services. Mobile phones have become the essential part of customer’s life style and they expect consumer services to be available on mobile phone. In this saturated market, providing better customer experience through the channel preferred by customers is as important as selling the actual product or services. In the quest to retain existing customers as well as attracting new, companies are developing innovative mobile customer relationship management (mCRM) strategies to strike a balance between its investments and fulfilling of customers need to generate maximum profit. However, not all mCRM strategies succeed leaving customers dissatisfied and switching to competitors providing better mobile services. The purpose of this study is to understand the dynamics between the customer acceptance, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the context of mCRM services. Thus, answering the following research questions: a) What are the factors behind customer acceptance? b) Do mCRM services have any effect on customer loyalty? Qualitative research method were utilized to closely study two different mCRM strategies from different industries with costumer in focus. Data for the study was gathered from a costumer survey as well as from interviews with informants within the company. In addition, external data from public domain was used to validate the findings of the study. Furthermore, a research model was developed by identifying the constructs adopted from literature study of technology acceptance model (TAM3) and customer loyalty. The research model was the basis for developing the customer feedback survey. In addition, the constructs helped in identifying the impact on customer acceptance and customer loyalty for the respective mCRM strategy. This study confirms previous findings and contributes to our understanding of technology acceptance as well as customer loyalty. The study reveals that mCRM services are mostly useful to urban customers with busy and on-the-go lifestyle. Furthermore, the study shows that through well practice use behavior customer develops a habit based on the prior evaluation of perceived usefulness and perceived value. In addition, the study indicates that customers build up a new trust towards the mCRM services through the usage of the service. Finally, the results of the study indicate that the mCRM services have an impact on company’s net customer loyalty.

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