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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Drivers of student satisfaction and student loyalty in an Australian university setting

Brown, Robert Maxwell January 2007 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] The Australian higher education sector has changed markedly in the last two decades. The size of the sector has swelled in size as new universities have been created from former Colleges of Advanced Education and Institutes of Technology, and succeeding governments have introduced policies that have embedded increasingly corporate and commercial practices into university administration. This has caused the creation of what are becoming known as ‘enterprise universities’. This thesis examines hypotheses arising from two fundamental questions. (i) Given the increasingly market-oriented higher education environment in Australia, will a model developed from the study of services marketing (which has developed since the 1970s as a distinct sub-branch of the Marketing discipline) show itself to be applicable to universities operating in the Australian sector? (ii) If so, are there demonstrable differences in the way in which ‘student customers’ respond in terms of the antecedents of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty within different types of university? . . . The study found that the model tested was highly appropriate for indicating the major antecedents of satisfaction and loyalty in this setting. It showed that the institutional image was a relatively stronger antecedent of perceived value and customer satisfaction than were elements of service quality, and that the model was effective in accounting for a large proportion of the variance found in students’ loyalty to their institution. It also found that there was relatively little difference between students attending different types of university in these matters. It argues that there is an important imperative for Australian universities to take a strategic image management approach to their marketing initiatives, and also issues related to the nature of higher education as a positional and public good.

Kundlojalitet på sociala nätverk : En netnografisk fallstudie av två företag på Facebook

Casserlöv, Sandra, Gåveby, Therése January 2015 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att skapa en förståelse för hur ett företags kommunikation på Facebook påverkar mottagarens kognitiva, affektiva och konativa lojalitet till företaget. Metod: En kvalitativ metod var lämplig för att få en djupare förståelse vid besvarandet av studiens syfte. För att kunna studera företagens kommunikation på Facebook genomfördes en netnografisk analys av två klädföretags Facebooksidor. Därefter genomfördes semi-strukturerade intervjuer med personer som följde de två företagen på Facebook för att få en förståelse hur deras lojalitet påverkas av Facebooksidorna. Det empiriska materialet har analyserats mot teorin genom en tematisk analys. Resultat & slutsats: Denna studie visar att det är viktigt för företag att arbeta med alla typer av lojalitet mot följarna på Facebook. För att åstadkomma kundlojalitet på Facebook visar resultatet att företag bör eftersträva att publicera inlägg med erbjudanden samt inspirerande bilder till följarna. Resultatet visade även att följarna hos Lindex inte upplevde lika hög lojalitet till Facebooksidan som följarna hos Nelly.com. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Då vårt resultat visat tre nya empiriska teman skulle vidare forskning kunna undersöka dessa på en djupare nivå för att se om dessa empiriska teman är unik för vår studie eller kan tillämpas hos flera företags Facebooksidor. Vidare forskning skulle därmed kunna vara att undersöka de empiriska teman vi funnit som är viktiga för lojalitet på sociala nätverk för att se om dessa kan tillämpas på företag inom andra branscher. Uppsatsens bidrag: Denna studie sammankopplar tidigare forskning om kundlojalitet samt nyare forskning om kundlojalitet på sociala nätverk. Studiens teoretiska bidrag ger en ökad förståelse för vad som är av vikt vid kommunikation på ett företags Facebooksida och hur detta påverkar mottagarnas lojalitet till företaget. / Aim: The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of how a company's communication on Facebook affects the recipient's cognitive, affective and conative loyalty towards the company. Method: A qualitative method was suitable to get a deeper understanding of responding to the study's purpose. In order to study the companies’ communication on Facebook, there was a netnographic analysis of two clothing companies Facebook pages. This was followed by semi- structured interviews with people who followed the two companies on Facebook to get an understanding of how their loyalty is affected by the Facebook pages. The empirical data is analyzed against theory through a thematic analysis. Result & Conclusions: This study shows that it is important for companies to work with all kinds of loyalty to the followers on Facebook. To achieve customer loyalty on Facebook the result shows that companies should strive to publish posts with special offers and inspirational pictures to the followers. The results also showed that the followers of Lindex not experienced equally high loyalty to the Facebook page as the followers of Nelly.com. Suggestions for future research: As our results showed three new empirical themes, further research would be to examine these on a deeper level to see if these empirical themes are unique to our study or can be applied at several corporate Facebook pages. Further research would therefore be to examine the empirical themes we found that are important for the loyalty of the social networks to see if these could be applied to companies in other industries. Contribution of the thesis: This study connects previous research of customer loyalty as well as recent research of customer loyalty on social networks. The study's theoretical contributions provide a better understanding of what is important in the communication on a corporate Facebook page, and how this affects the recipients’ loyalty to the company.

Relationship marketing and customer retention in Bangladesh's food retailing sector

Datta, Palto Ranjan January 2017 (has links)
The context of this study is Bangladesh`s food retailing sector. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM) and customer retention. Since Independence in 1971, Bangladesh has made solid progress and made substantial improvements in its economy, with GDP growth of 5-6% consistently over the past decade. With the real economic growth coupled with rapid urbanisation, the country has witnessed a new form of organised retailing that started to emerge in early 2000. This organised retail format is undergoing a period of unprecedented expansion, something that is driving additional demand and as well as creating opportunities for further enterprise. There are clear signs of substantial and potential growth in future. The economic growth coupled with the growth of urbanisation, changes in demographic factors, increases in employment and income levels has had a profound influence on consumers shopping behaviour and hence, Customer Relationship Marketing. The core aim of Relationship Marketing is to build a long lasting mutually bonded relationships with customers and various other important stakeholders. The concept has attracted considerable attention among scholars in recent decades and has appeared in service marketing literature as a new marketing paradigm. The concept is considered to be critical to the success of any organisation as it has been an accepted phenomenon that maintains that existing customers are far easier to retain than is the process of acquiring new customers. In order to stay in business and cope with the challenging business dynamism, organisations are continuously searching for reliable and serviceable strategies to be employed in order to increase customer retention. However, there is a lack of an accepted level of consensus among researchers on the core antecedents of relationship marketing that can be used to achieve the above aims, especially while the concept is new in the context of organised retailing sectors in Bangladesh. In response, this thesis developed a conceptual framework of customer retention strategy to conduct an empirical investigation in one holistic model: (i) the relationships between relationship quality and customer retention; (ii) how bonds influences the relationship quality? As well as (iii) the effect of CRM on customer loyalty and retention. The model incorporates bonds, service quality and components of relational quality (Trust, commitment and satisfaction) into one relationship model to show the relationship between these five constructs and customer loyalty and finally the independent variable of customer retention. The model establishes eleven hypotheses to understand the relationships between various constructs. Furthermore, in order to understand the intensity of grocery food consumers loyalty, Oliver`s Four Stages loyalty model was used. A sample of 202 grocery food retail customers were selected in a random sample from four selected superstores located in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Data were collected via mail questionnaires. The questionnaires content validity was tested by conducting a pre-test of 50 households before conducting the final survey. The results support hypothesized relationships built on the model. Correlation analysis indicates that all the coefficient correlate significantly except commitment that shows the least strengths of the correlation coefficient. Nevertheless, correlations were statistically significant. Therefore, all eleven hypotheses are confirmed to some degree. The findings indicate that service quality, trust, bond and customer satisfactions are vital for creating positive customer loyalty which in turn creates customer retention. In regards to the intensity of four types of loyalty (cognitive, affective, co-native and action) results indicate that the intensity of cognitive loyalty was higher than affective loyalty, co-native and action loyalty. Co-native loyalty is also higher than action loyalty. This thesis provides evidence for the first time in Bangladesh of various linkages between bonds, service quality, relationship quality, loyalty and retention and hence, contributes to both theoretical and practical knowledge. The findings suggest that by employing adequate service quality provisions and bonds it is possible to enhance and build quality relationships between parties.

Multikanalförsäljning: fysisk försäljningskanal och e-handelskanal : En fröjd eller totalt missnöjd? / Multichannel retailing: traditional and online retailing : No attraction or total satisfaction?

Lekeborn, Amanda, Lindqvist, Måns January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund I takt med en ökad digitalisering sker handel idag inte endast i fysiska butiker. Fler och fler klädföretag använder idag e-handel som försäljningskanal för att sälja sina produkter, samtidigt som efterfrågan från konsumenter är i ständig förändring. Trycket på att tillgodose kundernas behov och skapa kundnöjdhet sätter press på företagsledningar att använda flera kanaler, känt som multikanalförsäljning. Som följd har begreppet multichannel customer management vuxit fram som lyfter vikten av att utvärdera sina kanaler för att i sin tur kunna allokera resurser till respektive kanal. Syfte Syftet med studien är att inom klädbranschen undersöka hur ett antal nyckelfaktorer påverkar kundnöjdheten inom fysiska försäljningskanaler respektive e-handelskanaler. Vidare ämnar studien förklara vilka av nyckelfaktorerna företag för respektive försäljningskanal bör fokusera på i syfte att uppnå kundnöjdhet och i sin tur kundlojalitet. Genomförande Med ett realistiskt perspektiv, en deduktiv ansats och en kvantitativ metod har 8 hypoteser tagits fram utifrån befintlig forskning. Den empiriska undersökningen bestod av en enkät som delades ut på Linköpings universitet och besvarades av 224 studenter inom Generation Y. Vidare användes programmet SPSS för att genomföra en statistisk analys av insamlad primärdata. Slutsats För att uppnå kundnöjdhet och i sin tur kundlojalitet visar studiens resultat att företag, för sin fysiska försäljningskanal, bör fokusera på faktorerna service, tillgänglighet, tid och säkerhet. Studiens resultat visar även att företag för sin e-handelskanal bör fokusera på produktgaranti, tid och säkerhet för att uppnå kundnöjdhet och kundlojalitet. / Background: Companies today are, due to an increased digitization, forced to use more than traditional stores to reach out to their customers. More and more retailers are now using online stores to meet an even broader market and to attain customer satisfaction. Using more than one channel has become known as multichannel retailing, from which a concept known as multichannel customer management has started to grow. The concept says that as the number of channels used increase, companies need to evaluate their channels in order to allocate resources to each one. Purpose: The purpose with the study is to examine how a couple of key factors, in the apparel industry, affect customer satisfaction in traditional and online channels. The study aims to explain which one of these factors each channel should focus on to achieve customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Completion: With a realistic perspective, deductive approach and quantitative method 8 hypothesis have been tested. The empirical study was conducted by handing out a survey on Linköping University and in total 224 respondents within Generation Y answered. To analyze the collected data, the statistical software SPSS was used. Conclusion: In order to accomplish customer satisfaction and customer loyalty the study shows that companies, for their traditional stores, should focus on service, accessibility, time and safety. The results of the study shows that companies, for their online stores, should focus on product guarantee, time and safety.

Nova regulamentação sobre arranjos de pagamento: análise da diferenciação de preços na utilização de cartões

Franco, Marianna Nacouzi de Mello 15 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Marianna Nacouzi Nacouzi de Mello Franco (ma.nacouzi@gmail.com) on 2018-04-05T22:56:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação MPA Marianna Nacouzi de Mello Franco Versão Final.pdf: 2141421 bytes, checksum: 3c0ff43e666fed444034804bb9e3a46c (MD5) / Rejected by Mayara Costa de Sousa (mayara.sousa@fgv.br), reason: Marianna, boa tarde Alguns itens devem ser ajustados de acordo com as normas: 1. O texto "Campo de Conhecimento: Tecnologia da informação, Meios de pagamento, Fidelização" na contra capa e folha de aprovação deve ficar à esquerda da página. 2. As palavras-chave devem ser separadas por ponto e vírgula Qualquer dúvida estou à disposição. Mayara 3799/3438 on 2018-04-06T19:22:35Z (GMT) / Submitted by Marianna Nacouzi Nacouzi de Mello Franco (ma.nacouzi@gmail.com) on 2018-04-06T19:53:53Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação MPA Marianna Nacouzi de Mello Franco Versão Final.pdf: 2141421 bytes, checksum: 3c0ff43e666fed444034804bb9e3a46c (MD5) Dissertação MPA Marianna Nacouzi de Mello Franco Versão Final.pdf: 2141200 bytes, checksum: c57122f53b13f3b288d91cb869377089 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Mayara Costa de Sousa (mayara.sousa@fgv.br) on 2018-04-11T16:39:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação MPA Marianna Nacouzi de Mello Franco Versão Final.pdf: 2141421 bytes, checksum: 3c0ff43e666fed444034804bb9e3a46c (MD5) Dissertação MPA Marianna Nacouzi de Mello Franco Versão Final.pdf: 2141200 bytes, checksum: c57122f53b13f3b288d91cb869377089 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzane Guimarães (suzane.guimaraes@fgv.br) on 2018-04-11T17:09:33Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação MPA Marianna Nacouzi de Mello Franco Versão Final.pdf: 2141421 bytes, checksum: 3c0ff43e666fed444034804bb9e3a46c (MD5) Dissertação MPA Marianna Nacouzi de Mello Franco Versão Final.pdf: 2141200 bytes, checksum: c57122f53b13f3b288d91cb869377089 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-11T17:09:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação MPA Marianna Nacouzi de Mello Franco Versão Final.pdf: 2141421 bytes, checksum: 3c0ff43e666fed444034804bb9e3a46c (MD5) Dissertação MPA Marianna Nacouzi de Mello Franco Versão Final.pdf: 2141200 bytes, checksum: c57122f53b13f3b288d91cb869377089 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-15 / Sabe-se que os emissores de cartões arcam com altos custos de manutenção das plataformas, o que demanda uma infraestrutura cada vez mais potente, com uso intensivo de tecnologia para redução de custos operacionais e busca por inovações que diferenciem os participantes nesse mercado. Em consequência disso, eles acabam sendo repassados aos lojistas, que se veem obrigados a aceitar o cartão de crédito como meio de pagamento para garantir o seu faturamento (market share) e acompanhar os concorrentes. Com o intuito de mitigar a assimetria de informações e reduzir os custos de transação com o cartão de crédito, o Banco Central do Brasil, por meio do novo arranjo de pagamentos, promoveu a diferenciação de preços de bens e serviços oferecidos ao público em função do prazo ou do instrumento de pagamento utilizado pelo consumidor, convertida na Lei n. 13.455/2017, em junho do ano passado. Essa nova regra poderá trazer os seguintes benefícios aos agentes envolvidos: (1) o consumidor poderá pagar menos à vista, aumentando seu poder decisório em relação ao meio de pagamento que utilizará, colocando em xeque o seu real afeto e lealdade pela marca ou produto; (2) estímulo à competição entre os instituidores de pagamento (emissores e credenciadores), reduzindo os custos envolvidos com o cartão de crédito para lojistas e consumidores; e (3) regularização de uma ação já existente no comércio, formalizando algo que era velado e permitindo que o lojista exerça um protagonismo maior na dinâmica de precificação desse mercado. O presente trabalho propôs-se a explorar esses fatores por meio da aplicação de uma survey a uma amostra de varejistas. O estudo identificou que, para a maioria deles, a lei já é conhecida e adotada, sendo que a média de desconto concedida reflete o mesmo percentual cobrado pelos credenciadores para as transações com cartão de crédito. Nesse sentido, o principal motivador apontado pelos lojistas é acompanhar a concorrência por meio de preços competitivos, garantindo o incremento das vendas. Fatores como engajamento e tipo de produto foram mencionados com uma relevância menor pelos entrevistados, o que pode futuramente reforçar a necessidade de uma abordagem de relacionamento mais estratégica pelos emissores diante de seus associados, garantindo que o cartão de crédito continue sendo uma importante fonte de faturamento ao negócio e que seus benefícios sejam conhecidos para que a sua função de fidelização seja eficaz. / It is well known that credit cards issuers face huge costs to maintain their platforms, which demand a powerful infra-structure based on the use of intensive technology to achieve lower operational costs and also implement innovations that will differentiate the players in this market. Therefore, the retailers absorb these costs, once they are obliged to accept credit cards as a payment method in their stores to guarantee their profitability (market share) as well as to be competitive to their rivals pricing strategies. In order to mitigate the information asymmetry and reduce credit cards costs transactions, the Brazilian Central Bank by promoting the new payments arrangement, enabled the surcharge rule related to the payment instrument, established in the law 13.455/2017. This new rule will bring the following advantages to the agents involved: (1) the customer will be offered a discount to pay with another format, enhancing its power decision on whether the good will be bought on credit/debit card or money, revealing his real loyalty and affection to the brand or product, (2) this will also stimulate competition among payments institutions(issuers and acquires), reducing the discount taxes for the retailers and for the customers as well and, finally, (3) regulate a practice already existed in the offline market, enabling the retailer to play a relevant role in this issue by practicing price differentiation. This present work proposed to explore these factors by applying a survey with some retail businesses. The study identified that for the majority of them the law is known and the discounts are already offered to customers, on average the same percentage of the tax deducted from the credit card transactions. In this way, the major motives pointed out to apply the new rule officially, were to keep track of the competitors, that are already giving lowers prices to avoid losing clients and maintain profitability. Variables such as engagement and product type although mentioned, weren´t considered so relevant for the sellers, which can bring in the future the urge of a more strategic relationship between the credit card issuers and their associates, assuring that the product will continue to be a great source of revenues to the business and its benefits be known, so that its loyalty function continues to be efficient.

A loyalty segmentation model for the South African men's retail credit fashion industry

Metelo-Liquito, Antonio Daniel 09 1900 (has links)
This study proposes a loyalty segmentation model for the South African men's retail credit fashion industry. Retailers operate in a highly competitive market where competitors strive for share-of-wallet of the same customer. The likely victor in this battle is the retailer who best understands customer needs, purchase behaviour and utilises this information to influence customer's spending patterns. The research method comprised a postal survey to randomly selected customers. The process included the construct of the loyalty model which comprised four input models, namely the Competitiveness, Brand experience, Referral and Credit appeal models as well as a number of customer demographics. The Desert scenario, where extreme conditions exist, is used as the analogy for the Segmentation model, with four macro segments (Desert, Oasis, Sand Storm, Rain clouds) being used to categorise respondents along two criteria, namely that of value and relative risk. Segment characteristics are used to segment the retailer's database. / Business Management / MCom (Business Management)

Factors Influencing the Net Promoter Score (NPS) : A Case of Funnel

Gadkari, Devesh January 2018 (has links)
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is considered to be an important metric for measuring customer loyalty. The concept is widely popular and adopted in several established and emerging industries. This master’s thesis work is aimed to spot the factors influencing the NPS of a company and the score rated by an individual. The study is conducted at a SaaS company, Funnel. Starting with the exploration of NPS in Funnel, the thesis work goes on to deep-dive in the journey of Funnel’s customers who responded to NPS. Each customer journey is presented as an individual case study. There are five such case-studies that represent five customers belonging to three distinct behavioural groups marked by NPS (Promoter, detractors and passives). The cases are analysed together with formulation of a revised framework of customer loyalty. The framework demonstrates factors that affect the customer loyalty, individual NPS response, and consequently the customer behaviour. It is noticed that customer satisfaction plays an important role in the individual response to NPS survey along with multiple other factors that influence the customer attitude and behaviour in different ways. It is also observed that the customer behaviour in the cases differs from the expected behaviour of promoters, detractors and passives proposed by NPS.   The findings show that the loyalty behaviour could be manifested due to multiple industry-specific factors which are irrespective of company’s internal performance and satisfaction. Hence, the phenomenon of loyalty and satisfaction is addressed on an industry level. The analysis unfolds a theory that is demonstrated with a matrix to understand the impact of industry dynamic on satisfaction-loyalty relationship. This varying satisfaction-loyalty relationship calls for alterations in NPS practices as per the industry characteristics.

CRM jako prvek optimalizace obchodních a marketingových aktivit / CRM as a system of business and marketing activities optimisation

VANĚČEK, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis maps the theoretical starting points of the issue of customer relationship management. The practical part analyzes the current state of customer relationship management, marketing and business activities of the selected company. The analysis also focuses on the market for CRM systems, which then selects the most appropriate system for the company. It proposes its implementation, including a quantifying of benefits and costs.

All you need is... customer relationships : En studie om hur modebranschen kan skapa konkurrensfördelar mot e-handeln / All you need is... customer relationships : A study about how the fashion industry can create competitive advantage against e-commerce

Gladowska, Monica, Kennethsson, Linda, Liang, Dandan January 2018 (has links)
Problemformulering: E-handeln har vuxit sig allt starkare på den svenska marknaden, vilket lägger ett större fokus på den fysiska detaljhandeln inom modebranschen. Vi undersöker ur ett företagsperspektiv hur den fysiska modebranschen hanterar denna förändring. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka verktyg fysiska handeln inom modebranschen kan nyttja för att skapa konkurrensfördelar mot e-handeln. Forskningsfrågor: 1. Hur skapar fysiska butiker inom modebranschen kundrelationer?2. Hur kan fysiska butiker inom modebranschen skapa lojala kunder av befintliga kundrelationer?3. Hur använder fysiska butiker omnikanaler för att skapa kundrelationer inom modebranschen?4. Hur kan fysiska butiker inom modebranschen arbeta med varumärke och image för att skapa kundrelationer? Metod: Studien är baserad på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en induktiv ansats. Vidare vid insamling av det empiriska materialet har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med elva respondenter som har en ledande befattning, av den orsak att individerna anses besitta relevant information för den här undersökningen. Slutsats: Studien resulterade i att det inte finns en tydlig mall för hur kundrelationer skapas i den fysiska handeln inom modebranschen. Vidare visade resultatet att företagen tillämpar olika tillvägagångssätt inom ramen för nyckelbegreppen för att slutligen skapa kundrelationer. Avslutningsvis framför undersökningen att kundrelationer är en viktig beståndsdel som detaljhandeln inom modebranschen anser utgöra konkurrensfördelar mot e-handeln. Nyckelord: Kundrelationer, lojala kunder, omnikanaler, varumärke och image, modebranschen, konkurrensfördelar. / Problem definition: The presence of E-commerce on the Swedish market has evolved, which sheds a larger focus on the physical retail trade within the fashion industry. We study how the fashion industry handles this shift from a business perspective. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine which tools physical commerce within the fashion industry can utilize in order to create competitive advantage against e-commerce. Research questions: 1. How can physical stores within the fashion industry create customer relationships?2. How can physical stores within the fashion industry create loyal customers out of existing customer relationships?3. How does physical stores utilize omnichannels as a means to create customer relationships within the fashion industry?4. How can physical stores within the fashion industry labor branding and image as a means to create customer relationships? Method: The study is based on a qualitative method with an inductive research approach. Furthermore, the gathering of empirical data consisted of eleven semi-structured interviews with respondents within a leading business position. Conclusion: The result of this study indicated that there is no clear template on how customer relationships are created in physical commerce within the fashion industry. Furthermore, the results revealed that the interviewees practice different approaches within the frame of the mentioned keywords to create customer relationships. Lastly, the study argues that customer relationships are an essential element as a means for the retail trade within the fashion industry to establish competitive advantages against e-commerce. Keywords: Customer relationship, customer loyalty, omnichannel, branding and image, fashion industry, competitive advantage.

Strävan efter kundlojalitet : Utformning av lojalitetsprogram och avgiftsbaserade medlemskap i textilbranschen / The pursuit of customer loyalty : Loyalty program design and fee based memberships in the textile industry

Forsberg, Matilda, Larsson, Olivia January 2018 (has links)
Utmaningarna med att befinna sig i en ständigt föränderlig bransch som mode- och textilindustrin har visat sig vara stora. Konkurrensen företag emellan ökar och kunder har därmed blivit allt mindre lojala till enskilda varumärken. För att bibehålla företagets konkurrensfördelar har strategier utvecklats för upprätthålla kundens lojalitet gentemot varumärket, bland annat i form av lojalitetsprogram. Tidigare forskning visar emellertid på inkonsekventa bevis kring hur effektiva dessa program faktiskt är och huruvida de leder till ökad kundlojalitet. Problemet har sin grund i att det finns en utbredd kunskapsbrist bland företag gällande hur man utformar ett väl fungerande lojalitetsprogram. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur detaljhandelsföretag som säljer textila produkter på den svenska marknaden kan utforma sina lojalitetsprogram för att främja kundlojalitet. Fokus ligger på medelstora till stora företag och hur de arbetar med öppna respektive stängda lojalitetsprogram samt hur de kan använda sig utav monetära och icke-monetära förmåner inom programmet. Vidare avser uppsatsen att få en inblick i de möjligheter och begränsningar dessa företag ser med avgiftsbaserade lojalitetsprogram. För att besvara frågeställningarna tillämpas en kombination av kvalitativ och kvantitativ forskning i form av en innehållsanalys och semistrukturerade intervjuer.   Resultatet visar att en öppen struktur kan vara lätt att implementera vid uppstarten av ett lojalitetsprogram. Men för att främja kundlojalitet och långsiktigt bygga relationer skulle ett stängt lojalitetsprogram kunna uppfattas som ett bättre alternativ. När det kommer till förmåner är icke-monetära förmåner bättre i avseendet att skapa en närmare relation till kunden och monetära förmåner positivt i den bemärkelsen att de resulterar i ett köp. En balans mellan dessa skulle därmed kunna resultera i en sann lojalitet gentemot varumärket. Företag ser flertalet möjligheter och begränsningar med att implementera en medlemsavgift. Till exempel tror de att avgifter skulle generera färre medlemmar. Men samtidigt finns det en tro bland företagen om att dessa medlemmar skulle bli mer lojala om de betalat för sitt medlemskap. / The challenges of operating within a constantly changing sector as the fashion and textile industry have proven to be extensive. Competitiveness between companies are increasing and customers have thus become less loyal to individual brands. In order to maintain the company’s competitive advantage strategies have been developed to keep customers loyal to the specific brand, often in the form of loyalty programs. However, previous research shows inconsistent evidence about the effectiveness of these programs and whether they actually lead to increased customer loyalty. The problem is based on the fact that there is a widespread lack of knowledge among companies regarding how to design a well-functioning loyalty program. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate how retailers selling textile products on the Swedish market can design their loyalty programs to increase customer loyalty. Focus will be on medium to large companies and how they can work with open and closed loyalty programs as well as how they can make use of monetary and non- monetary rewards within the program. Furthermore, the study wishes to gain insight into the opportunities and limitations these companies recognize with fee-based loyalty programs. In order to answer the research questions, a combination of qualitative and quantitative research has been conducted in terms of a content analysis and semi structured interviews.   The study implies that an open structure can be easy to implement when launching a loyalty program. But in order to increase customer loyalty and build long-term relationships, a closed loyalty program could be perceived as a better option. When it comes to rewards, nonmonetary rewards are better in the sense of creating a closer relationship with the customer whilst monetary rewards often results in a completed purchase. A balance between these types of rewards could thus lead to true loyalty towards a brand. The companies acknowledge both possibilities and limitations in terms of implementing a membership fee. For example, they believe that incorporating fees would generate fewer members within the loyalty program. But at the same time there is a belief amongst the companies that the customers would become more loyal if they pay for their membership.

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