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Koll på kunden : Ökad kundorientering i kollektivtrafikplaneringen med service design och co-productionSandevärn, Johan January 2016 (has links)
Att fånga kundens behov och förväntningar är nyckeln till stärkt konkurrensförmåga och ökad lönsamhet. Trots detta är offentliga verksamheter dåliga på att ta till vara på kunden och dennes erfarenheter och kunskap som en resurs i kvalitetsförbättringsarbetet. I januari 2012 trädde den nya kollektivtrafiklagen i kraft i Sverige. En tydlig målsättning med den nya kollektivtrafiklagen är att resenärsperspektivet i större utsträckning ska vara en del av kollektivtrafikplaneringen. Syftet med denna uppsats är att utveckla kunskap om hur offentliga verksamheter med ansvar för kollektivtrafik kan uppnå ökad kundorientering med hjälp av co-production, co-design och service design. Undersökningsdesignen innebär en fallstudie av Uddevalla kommun och bytespunkten Uddevalla C. I undersökningen tillämpades service design-metoderna direktobservationer, servicesafari, kundresor genom samtalsintervjuer, mobiletnografi, persona och storyboards för att undersöka och visualisera arbetspendlares upplevelse av Uddevalla C som bytespunkt. Resultatet visar att tillämpning av service design-metoder kan användas i kollektivtrafikplaneringen för att skaffa värdefull kunskap om kundernas behov och förväntningar. Uppsatsen och dess resultat bidrar till att visa hur offentliga verksamheter med ansvar för kollektivtrafik kan uppnå ökad kundorientering genom tillämpning av service design där co-production och co-design spelar en avgörande roll. / Capturing the needs and expectations of the customers is key to an enhanced competitiveness and increased profitability. Despite this, the public activities of the poor to take advantage of the customer and his experience and knowledge as a resource in quality improvement efforts. In January 2012, a new Public Transport Act came in to force in Sweden. A clear goal of the new law was to enhance the travelers’ perspective as an important part of the public transport planning process. The purpose of this paper is to develop knowledge on how public agencies responsible for public transport planning can achieve greater customer orientation with the use of co-production, co-design and service design. A case study of the Uddevalla Municipality and Uddevalla Central Station as transfer node was conducted. The service design methods direct observations, service safaris, customer journey mapping through in-depth interviews, mobile ethnographies, persona and story boards were applied to examine and visualize commuters’ experience of Uddevalla Central Station as the transfer node. The result show that the application of service design methods can be used in public transport planning in order to gain valuable information about customers' needs and expectations. The thesis and its results will help to demonstrate how public organizations responsible for public transport planning can achieve greater customer orientation through the use of service design where the co-production and co-design play a crucial role.
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Un cadre de conception pour les PSS basé sur l'ingénierie simultanée tridimensionnelle / A design framework for customer-oriented PSS based on three dimensional concurrent engineering approachGuan, Hao 14 October 2019 (has links)
Au cours des deux dernières décennies, l'économie industrielle a fait un pas dans l'économiedes services. De nombreuses illustrations témoignent de cette évolution comme le montrent lesnouveaux modèles d’affaires mis en oeuvre par les industriels. Ceux ci sont de plus en plusnombreux à passer de la logique traditionnelle axée sur la vente de s produits à la lo gique« servicielle » qui se focalise sur les effets utiles et la performance d’usage de la solution par lesparties prenantes . Dans ce contexte, les systèmes produits services (PSS) sont considérés commel’ une des mises en oeuvre possibles de la servitisat ion des entreprises manufacturières qui, desurcroît, s’annonce comme une possibilité prometteuse au plan du développement durable. Les PSSattire nt en conséquence l'attention de nombreux praticiens et chercheurs en raison de leur potentiel àsatisfaire le s exigences des clients par des solutions plus économiques, plus personnalisé e s et plusdurables. Cependant, dans le marché actuel, la plupart des solutions PSS sont poussées par lesfournisseurs en fonction de leurs propres capacités et de leur potentiel interne d'innovation sanstenir compte, la plupart du temps d es utilisations et d es valeurs réelles que représentent les offresproposées aux bénéficiaires. Il en résulte que les fonctionnalités des offres, souvent modulaires(différents scénarios de combinaisons de produits et de services ), sont parfois inutiles, parfoisredondantes et qu’ une grande quantité de déchets est produite lors de la production et de la mise enoeuvre de ce type de solution s ; ce qui est antinomique avec l’effet recherchéCet te thèse associe un concept complémentaire au concept de PSS existant pour obtenir unPSS orienté client (COPSS) qui se concentre sur les exigences des clients et leur satisfaction, sur laperformance économique de la solution, sur les autres exigences des fournisseurs de la solution,ainsi que sur la performance de la solution en terme de développement durable. A fin de concevoirdes solutions COPSS répondant véri table ment à ce cahier des charges , un cadre de conceptionintégré basé sur une approche tridime nsionnelle d'ingénierie simultanée est proposé. Selon ce cadre,la solution est construite en considérant simultanément la conception de la solution (offre COPSS),la conception des processus et d u réseau support à cette offre. C e cadre adopte plus précisé ment lapersonnalisation de masse comme méthodologie de conception de base pour concevoir l es offres etles processus supports et l’ architecture multi agent AGORA pour concevoir le réseau support. Afind’être éprouvé, le cadre proposé est mis en oeuvre sur un cas d’application / The world industrial economy has been witnessing to step into service economyduring last two decades. Evidence can be easily found to prove it, such as the shift ofmore and more manufacturers from traditional product centric logic intoservice oriented logic, sharing economy’s growth in popularity over the last severalyears, changing their business model and renting the usage of the p roduct theymanufacture, etc. Product Service Systems (PSS), under this context, are seen as onesolution to help companies to address the servitization process. PSS captures a lot ofpractitioners and researchers’ attention because of its potential to sat isfy customers’requirements of more economical, more c ustomized and more sustainable services inthe modern service economy context. However, in the current marketplace, most PSSsolutions are pushed by providers based on their own capabilities and their internalpotential for innovations and unfortunately, they most of the time ignore real usagesand values for beneficiaries. In this context, functions of offerings (different scenariosof combinations of products and services) are sometimes useless and ov erlapped and alarge amount of waste is being produced when producing and implementing this kindof solution....
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Investigating the relationship between Entrepreneurial and Market Orientations within French SMEs and linking it to PerformanceCouppey, Matthieu, Roux, Ysaline January 2007 (has links)
<p>This study empirically investigates the levels of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and market orientation (MO), and their links to performance within the context of French Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs).</p><p>SMEs represent today the heart of the European strategy and account fro 99% of the total companies in France. The current study argues that SMEs and especially French ones deserve a particular attention.</p><p>Besides, even though many studies have been conducted in the fields of entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation, when combining both, only a few included performance in their empirical analyses. Moreover, most relied on large established companies or MNE. Little concern has been put in SME and none have been done on the case of French SMEs. The current study propose a cross-sectional analysis to investigate the combination of EO and MO and its impact on performance through a quantitative research method.</p><p>Based on existing theories and previous studies, three hypotheses have been formulated :</p><p>H1 : Companies that are entrepreneurial oriented outperform companies that are not.</p><p>H2 : Companies that are market oriented outperform companies that are not.</p><p>H3 : Companies that are both entrepreneurial and market oriented outperform companies that are either one or none.</p><p>In order to test those hypotheses, a online 24 questions survey has been administrated to a sample of 338 French SMEs. All questions were based on the works of Covin and Slevin (1989), Narver and Slater (1990), Lumpkin and Dess (1996), and Blois and Carson (2000).</p><p>The results show that all hypothesis are verified. However, if no correlation was found between EO and MO, the combination of both enables SMEs to achieve higher performance.</p>
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Styrning i en kundinriktad organisation : en studie av en elitidrottsförening / Management in a customer orientated organization : a study of a competitive sports clubSävenhed, Robert, Öberg, Henrik January 2006 (has links)
<p>Background: There has been a movement of power towards customers in most markets which puts higher demands upon the customer orientation of organizations to survive competition. In general the opinion is that satisfied customers also are profitable for the organization. Even though a consciousness exists about this connections importance for the organization there exists no prominent economical theory showing how a organization should work with customer adaptation and how management should be shaped for success in this area. In the field of competitive sports clubs a similar trend is discernible since the field is increasingly commercialized.</p><p>Purpose: The purpose of this study is to adapt The Balanced Scorecard as a model to the demands on management that customer orientation causes and to use the knowledge created during the study to show how customer orientation in a competitive sports club could look.</p><p>Realization: The study first takes the form of a literature study which emerges into a theoretic development. Above that a case study of Linköpings Hockey Club has been accomplished so that knowledge created from the literature study could be used on competitive sports clubs. Information to the case study has been gathered through interviews.</p><p>Results: A development of the Balanced Scorecard takes place so that the model is better adapted for customer orientated organizations and for practical use of the model. The development is based on the demands on management caused by the customer adaptation process the authors find necessary for a customer orientated organization. Thanks to usage of the developed Balanced Scorecard competitive sports clubs may improve their prerequisites for customer orientation.</p> / <p>Bakgrund: En förskjutning av makten på marknaden har skett till kundernas fördel vilket ställer högre krav på organisationer att vara kundinriktade för att överleva. Generellt är synen att kunder som är tillfredsställda också är lönsamma för organisationen vanlig. Trots medvetenhet om detta sambands betydelse finns egentligen ingen framstående ekonomisk teori som visar hur organisationen ska arbeta med kundanpassning och hur organisationen ska styras för att nå dit. En liknande trend går att urskilja även inom den allt mer kommersialiserade idrottsrörelsen, framförallt på elitnivå.</p><p>Syfte: Syftet med studien är att anpassa det balanserade styrkortet som modell till de krav på ett styrsystem som en kundinriktad verksamhet medför samt att använda den i studien genererade kunskapen till att visa hur kundinriktningen i en elitidrottsförening kan se ut.</p><p>Genomförande: Studien bygger på en litteraturstudie som mynnar ut i en teoriutveckling. Därutöver har en fallstudie av Linköpings Hockey Club genomförts för att kunna tillämpa kunskap från litteraturstudien på elitidrottsföreningar. Information till fallstudien har samlats in genom intervjuer.</p><p>Resultat: En utveckling av det balanserade styrkortet har utförts för att modellen ska vara bättre anpassad till kundinriktade organisationer och för att förenkla ett praktiskt användande av modellen. Utvecklingen grundas på de krav som uppstår genom den kundanpassningsprocess vi anser vara nödvändig för en kundinriktad organisation. Elitidrottsföreningar kan genom tillämpning av utvecklingen av det balanserade styrkortet få bättre förutsättningar att agera kundinriktat.</p>
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Investigating the relationship between Entrepreneurial and Market Orientations within French SMEs and linking it to PerformanceCouppey, Matthieu, Roux, Ysaline January 2007 (has links)
This study empirically investigates the levels of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and market orientation (MO), and their links to performance within the context of French Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs). SMEs represent today the heart of the European strategy and account fro 99% of the total companies in France. The current study argues that SMEs and especially French ones deserve a particular attention. Besides, even though many studies have been conducted in the fields of entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation, when combining both, only a few included performance in their empirical analyses. Moreover, most relied on large established companies or MNE. Little concern has been put in SME and none have been done on the case of French SMEs. The current study propose a cross-sectional analysis to investigate the combination of EO and MO and its impact on performance through a quantitative research method. Based on existing theories and previous studies, three hypotheses have been formulated : H1 : Companies that are entrepreneurial oriented outperform companies that are not. H2 : Companies that are market oriented outperform companies that are not. H3 : Companies that are both entrepreneurial and market oriented outperform companies that are either one or none. In order to test those hypotheses, a online 24 questions survey has been administrated to a sample of 338 French SMEs. All questions were based on the works of Covin and Slevin (1989), Narver and Slater (1990), Lumpkin and Dess (1996), and Blois and Carson (2000). The results show that all hypothesis are verified. However, if no correlation was found between EO and MO, the combination of both enables SMEs to achieve higher performance.
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Vad betyder kundfokus? : En studie av närhet, kompetens och teknikIvarsson, Lars January 2005 (has links)
This is a dissertation about customer focus. Customer focus is a concept that can be understood in terms of giving the customer what the customer wants. It has been argued that the industrial society has transformed into a service society with the obvious consequence that services nowadays play a leading part, not at least in regard to customer focus. The customer of today is claimed to have lost interest in mass consumption and is much attracted to personalized and unique solutions, something that results in the fact that businesses must create or develop customer focus, i.e. listen to the customer’s wishes, needs, and demands. According to most researchers in this field, “service excellence” is the primary aspect one firm can use in order to successfully compete with other similar firms. According to Service Management, customer focus is much about developing a personal relationship between the service provider (employee) and the customer. In order to that, the service provider needs to adjust his or hers behaviour in accordance with the customer. This circumstance has a tendency to lead to a “master-and-servant” relation, in which the service provider must obey the various wishes, needs, and demands any customer may have. Most studies on customer focus have been undertaken in the context of low skill service work, but the results have often (implicitly) been generalized to comprise all service work in the whole service sector. As a consequence of this situation, my survey takes on high skill service work (banking and health care). The main purpose of the survey is to examine if the results and analyses, presented from service management apply when the services are not low skill. The results from this survey shows that Service Managements heavily emphasis of the personal relationship between employee and customer – in which the service provider in some meaning need to undertake the role of a servant – can be questioned. The results also show that there is a discrepancy between (bank customers’ and patients’) opinion on an abstract comprehensive level and a specific level where various situations and errands are defined. Further, the dissertation shows that the various factors that can be included in the conception of customer focus, need to be examine more carefully. Some factors integrate in a way that makes it difficult to separate them, and one specific factor can in fact hold a variety of essences.
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Styrning i en kundinriktad organisation : en studie av en elitidrottsförening / Management in a customer orientated organization : a study of a competitive sports clubSävenhed, Robert, Öberg, Henrik January 2006 (has links)
Background: There has been a movement of power towards customers in most markets which puts higher demands upon the customer orientation of organizations to survive competition. In general the opinion is that satisfied customers also are profitable for the organization. Even though a consciousness exists about this connections importance for the organization there exists no prominent economical theory showing how a organization should work with customer adaptation and how management should be shaped for success in this area. In the field of competitive sports clubs a similar trend is discernible since the field is increasingly commercialized. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to adapt The Balanced Scorecard as a model to the demands on management that customer orientation causes and to use the knowledge created during the study to show how customer orientation in a competitive sports club could look. Realization: The study first takes the form of a literature study which emerges into a theoretic development. Above that a case study of Linköpings Hockey Club has been accomplished so that knowledge created from the literature study could be used on competitive sports clubs. Information to the case study has been gathered through interviews. Results: A development of the Balanced Scorecard takes place so that the model is better adapted for customer orientated organizations and for practical use of the model. The development is based on the demands on management caused by the customer adaptation process the authors find necessary for a customer orientated organization. Thanks to usage of the developed Balanced Scorecard competitive sports clubs may improve their prerequisites for customer orientation. / Bakgrund: En förskjutning av makten på marknaden har skett till kundernas fördel vilket ställer högre krav på organisationer att vara kundinriktade för att överleva. Generellt är synen att kunder som är tillfredsställda också är lönsamma för organisationen vanlig. Trots medvetenhet om detta sambands betydelse finns egentligen ingen framstående ekonomisk teori som visar hur organisationen ska arbeta med kundanpassning och hur organisationen ska styras för att nå dit. En liknande trend går att urskilja även inom den allt mer kommersialiserade idrottsrörelsen, framförallt på elitnivå. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att anpassa det balanserade styrkortet som modell till de krav på ett styrsystem som en kundinriktad verksamhet medför samt att använda den i studien genererade kunskapen till att visa hur kundinriktningen i en elitidrottsförening kan se ut. Genomförande: Studien bygger på en litteraturstudie som mynnar ut i en teoriutveckling. Därutöver har en fallstudie av Linköpings Hockey Club genomförts för att kunna tillämpa kunskap från litteraturstudien på elitidrottsföreningar. Information till fallstudien har samlats in genom intervjuer. Resultat: En utveckling av det balanserade styrkortet har utförts för att modellen ska vara bättre anpassad till kundinriktade organisationer och för att förenkla ett praktiskt användande av modellen. Utvecklingen grundas på de krav som uppstår genom den kundanpassningsprocess vi anser vara nödvändig för en kundinriktad organisation. Elitidrottsföreningar kan genom tillämpning av utvecklingen av det balanserade styrkortet få bättre förutsättningar att agera kundinriktat.
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Kundorientering : Ledarens roll och provisionens inverkanFlat, Emelie, Nisan, Pascal January 2014 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att studera hur ledare jobbar för att åstadkomma ett kundorienterat klimat på en arbetsplats med ett provisionsbaserat lönesystem. Metod: En kvalitativ metod har använts i den här studien. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer gav oss det empiriska underlaget som analyserades med hjälp av den systematiska, strukturerade och abduktiva metoden Well-grounded theory. Resultatet presenteras i empirin med hjälp av mönster som upptäckts. Resultat & slutsats: Vi har överlag kommit fram till att praktiken i stora drag stämmer överens med teorin. De intervjuade ledarna har en överensstämmande uppfattning om kundorienteringens innebörd, men har vissa skiljaktigheter i bland annat deras syn på provisionens inverkan. Ledarens roll ansågs även i praktiken vara avgörande för att de anställda ska vara kundorienterade. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Studien har utförts med inriktning på enbart fastighetsmäklarbranschen. Vi skulle gärna se en fortsatt forskning kring provisionens inverkan på kundorienteringen i branscher med förhållandevis mindre försäljningar, för att se om det skiljer sig åt. Vidare skulle en studie som liknar vår kunna göras på de anställda för att se om uppfattningen mellan ledare och anställd är annorlunda. Det vore också intressant att få in kundernas uppfattning och undersöka om den överensstämmer med ledarnas och de anställdas uppfattning. / Aim: The aim of this study is to study how leaders are working to achieve a customer-oriented climate in a workplace with a commission -based salary system. Method: A qualitative approach was used in this study. Semi - structured interviews gave us the empirical data that were analyzed using the systematic, structured and abductive method Well- grounded theory. The results are presented in the empirical data using patterns that were located. Result & Conclusions: We have generally concluded that the practice is closely matching what prevails in the theory. The interviewed managers and scientists have a consistent view of customer orientation significance but have some differences as well, in particular their views on the impact of commission. The role of the leadership was also considered essential for employees to be customer-oriented. Suggestions for future research: The study was conducted focusing only on the real estate business. We would like to see further research on the commission impact on customer orientation in industries with relatively minor sales, to see if it differs. Moreover, a study similar to ours could be made on the employees to see if the perception between managers and employees is different. It would also be interesting to add the customers’ opinions and compare these with the managers and the employees’ opinions.
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Market orientation and the performance of Sri Lankan apparel manufacturers in the post MFA environmentGodahewa, Nalaka January 2007 (has links)
This thesis studies the impact of market orientation on the business performance of the Sri Lankan apparel manufacturing organizations in the post MFA environment. An attempt is made to enhance the existing market orientation theory by addressing a research gap and highlighting the importance of the relationship perspective in business to business marketing. A four dimensional market orientation construct is developed to overcome the limitations identified in the extant market orientation theories. The study also identifies resource availability as an antecedent of market orientation along with six other antecedents which are commonly discussed in literature. It further investigates whether the market orientation-business performance relationship is moderated by the prevailing business environment. The proposed modifications to the theory are empirically tested within the context of the apparel industry.
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Det man inte vet - Googlar man : Marknadsorienteringens effekter genom Google AdWords - En studie av kundorientering i SME:s / What you don’t know - you Google : The Effects of Market Orientation Through Google AdWords - A study of customer orientation through SME:sIvis, Luka, Lindroth, Petter January 2018 (has links)
Aim: The purpose of the study is to understand how SME companies uses market orientation to target customers through Google AdWords. Method: This study uses a qualitative method approach as the purpose of the study is to increase understanding. Furthermore, the empirical data used has been collected through eight semi-structured interviews. These interviews were conducted at eight SME companies in Stockholm, Gävle and Uppsala. The keywords identified in the analysis were created by setting theory and empirical elements against each other and thus creating a pattern. Result and Conclusion: The result shows that all companies use market orientation and Google AdWords to gather and disseminate information. However, the work of market orientation and Google AdWords varies in relation to the theory. All companies in the study find Google AdWords to be a profitable marketing tool. Suggestions for future research: Future studies can use the empirical model found in the study to see how companies work with market orientation and Google AdWords in a specific market where competing companies are investigated to try to find the best approach. Inter-functional coordination is also a topic that should be further studied since this study did not find a clear work on the design. Future research should have the new Data Protection Act (GDPR) in mind as the law changes a lot about how personal information can be saved and spread by companies, especially by Google. As well as a change of a Swedish game license that will be introduced. Contribution of the thesis: The study has contributed in an increased understanding of how SMEs work with SEM tools, such as Google AdWords, to be market oriented from a practical and theoretical perspective. The contribution of the study has found that all companies use some form of market orientation when using Google AdWords. / Syfte: Syftet med studien är att förstå hur SME:s marknadsorienterar sig mot kunder genom Google AdWords. Metod: Studien använder en kvalitativ metod. Syftet med studien är att öka förståelse för fenomenet Google AdWords. Vidare har den empiriska data som används samlats in via åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer, dessa intervjuer utfördes på åtta SME:s i Stockholm, Gävle och Uppsala. De nyckelord som identifierats i analysen har skapats genom att teori och empiridel ställts mot varandra och skapat nyckelord för de iakttagelser som gjorts. Resultat och slutsats: Resultatet visar att samtliga företag använder sig av marknadsorientering och Google AdWords. Dock varierar arbetet med marknadsorientering och Google AdWords i förhållande till teorin. Samtliga företag i studien finner Google AdWords att vara ett upplevt lönsamt marknadsföringsverktyg. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Framtida studier kan använda den empiriska modell som finns i studien för att se hur företag arbetar med marknadsorientering och Google AdWords inom en specifik marknad. Interfunktionell koordinering är också ett tema som bör studeras vidare eftersom studien inte fann ett uttalat arbete med konstruktionen. Framtida forskning bör ha nya personuppgiftslagen GDPR i åtanke eftersom lagen förändrar hur personuppgifter får sparas och spridas av företag. Samt att en förändring av svensk spellicens som kommer att införas. Uppsatsens bidrag: Studien har bidragit med en ökad förståelse för hur SME:s arbetar med SEM-verktyget Google AdWords för att marknadsorientera sig ur ett praktiskt och teoretiskt perspektiv. Bidraget studien har kommit fram till är att samtliga företag använder någon form av marknadsorientering när de använder Google AdWords.
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