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La pluridimensionalité de l'efficacité des ligands des récepteurs couplés aux protéines G : les récepteurs B[bêta]₁- et B[bêta]₂-adrénergiques en tant que modèles d'étudeGalandrin, Ségolène January 2007 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Characterization of cyclic-di-GMP signaling with the Lyme spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferiKostick, Jessica 23 September 2011 (has links)
Lyme disease is a tick-borne infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, B. garinii, and B. afzelii. These spirochetes experience environmental fluctuations as they are passed between mammalian and Ixodes tick hosts throughout their enzootic cycle. Recent studies have suggested cyclic diguanylate (c-di-GMP), a ubiquitous secondary messenger, is a key modulator of B. burgdorferi adaptive responses and may play a significant role in cycle progression. In this study, we examined the impact of the sole diguanylate cyclase (Rrp1), c-di-GMP binding proteins (PlzA and PlzB), and HD-GYP-containing phosphodiesterase (PdeB) in disease establishment of both murine and Ixodes tick systems. Strains harboring targeted gene deletions or plasmid-based constitutive gene expression constructs were generated. Rrp1 was required for tick colonization, yet overexpression abolished murine disease, thus implicating the requirement of finely regulated c-di-GMP levels for enzootic cycle progression. Deletion of rrp1 disrupted translational motion and swarming patterns by causing extended cell runs, eliminating stops/flexes, and reducing swarming capabilities. This was attributed to a defect in N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (NAG) metabolism and chemotaxis. NAG is a major source of nutrition for B. burgdorferi within the tick environment; therefore this defect would impede spirochete migration towards feeding ticks, as well as pathogen uptake and survival within the Ixodes vector. In contrast, the downstream c-di-GMP effector, PlzA, was critical for murine disease but nonessential for survival within ticks nor functionally complemented by PlzB. Deletion of plzA altered strain motility and swarming similarly to the rrp1 deletion mutant, yet had a distinct phenotype with significantly slower translational motion and no affect on NAG chemotaxis and metabolism. This indicates B. burgdorferi could possess alternate c-di-GMP effectors or Rrp1 could be directly influencing these cellular processes. Uniquely, PdeB did not abolish murine infection via needle inoculation, but wasrequired for natural transmission from ticks. This defect was linked to the decreased tick colonization efficiency upon pdeB deletion. Together, these analyses indicate that c-di-GMP signaling is an important virulence mechanism of Borrelia burgdorferi and demonstrate the complexity of this signaling pathway in an arthropod-borne pathogen. The data presented here additionally provide significant new insight into the gene regulatory mechanisms of the Lyme disease spirochetes.
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Příprava a charakterizace rekombinantního adenylát cyklázového toxoidu bakterie Bordetella pertussis nesoucího mykobakteriální antigen TB7.7 / Construction and characterization of recombinant adenylate cyclase toxoid of bacterium Bordetella pertussis carrying mycobacterial antigen TB7.7Mikulecký, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
Bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis is an etiological agent of a deadly disease called tuberculosis that presents a global problem. According to The World Health Organization there are more than 2 billions people infected with latent tuberculosis all over the world. There is still need of specific, sensitive, quick and economic available method for identification of infected individuals. Currently in vitro blood tests are considered to be the best way of diagnosis. They are based on restimulation of specific T lymphocytes by mycobacterial antigens derived from virulent strains. There are several different approaches for enhancing of direct antigen delivery into antigen presenting cells and promising one is a genetically detoxified adenylate cyclase toxin (CyaA) of bacteria Bordetella pertussis. The main aim of the thesis includes construction and subsequent characterization of biological properties of CyaA protein carrying specific mycobacterial antigen TB7.7 in translocating domain. Here is shown that fusion protein CyaA-TB7.7 can form cation selective pores in target cell membranes and is able to deliver antigens into the cytosol of APC to be presented on surface with molecules MHC class II. Genetically detoxified CyaA- TB7.7 protein will be used to supplement current approaches such as also in vitro...
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Studium biochemických vlastností PDE8A1: Příprava experimentálního systému v živých buňkách / Assessing biochemical properties of PDE8A1: Design of experimental system in living cells"Galica, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
4 Abstract Phosphodiesterases (PDEs), enzymes that hydrolyze cyclic nucleotides, are important components of signal transduction pathways in eukaryotic cells. Second messenger 3'-5'- cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) is hydrolyzed by specific PDEs. By controlling concentration levels of cAMP in cell, PDEs preserve favorable environment for successful transmission of the cAMP signal. Moreover, PDEs are activated by protein kinase A (PKA) in response to elevated cAMP concentration, which is a feature crucial for signal termination. PDE8A1 is a high-affinity cAMP-specific IBMX insensitive phosphodiesterase, an enzyme important for cAMP signaling. However, mostly due to a lack of specific inhibitor, its role has not been assessed in detail. This thesis reports cloning of PDE8A1, identification of its posttranslational modifications and subcellular localization, as well as an alternative approach to address PDE biology by the use of cyclase toxin from Bordetella pertussis. Keywords: phosphodiesterase, cAMP, posttranslational modification, myristoylation, palmitoylation, adenylate cyclase toxin
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Estudo da sinalização por GMP cíclico em Blastocladiella emersonii / Studies in cyclic GMP signaling pathway in Blastocladiella emersoniiTamaki, Gabriela Mól Avelar 10 December 2014 (has links)
O segundo mensageiro cGMP está envolvido em diversas funções celulares incluindo a visão em mamíferos. Embora trabalhos anteriores mostrassem variações nos níveis de cGMP durante o ciclo de vida de Blastocladiela emersonii e evidências da existência de enzimas específicas envolvidas na sua síntese (guanilato ciclase) e degradação (cGMP fosfodiesterase), nenhum genoma de fungo publicado até o momento mostrou a existência de genes codificando estas enzimas. Este fato é atribuído por evolucionistas à completa perda de motilidade dos fungos em geral, já que cGMP está primordialmente associado a células com cílios. Blastocladiomicetos, como Blastocladiella, apresentam células móveis em pelo menos um estágio do seu ciclo de vida, o que poderia explicar a existência dessa via nesses fungos. Uma investigação no banco de ESTs de B. emersonii revelou a existência de cDNAs codificando parte de prováveis guanilato ciclases (BeGC1, BeGC2 e BeGC3) e uma possível cGMP fosfodiesterase (BePDE). Assim, este trabalho buscou confirmar a existência destas enzimas e caracterizar a sinalização por cGMP em B. emersonii. A proteína recombinante selvagem correspondente ao domínio catalítico de BePDE mostrou atividade de degradação sobre cGMP e a mutação E389A foi capaz de alterar a especificidade por cGMP. Com o sequênciamento do genoma de B. emersonii obteve-se as sequências completas das guanilato ciclases. Em BeGC2 não foi possível identificar o ligante responsável por sua ativação. Em BeGC3, a presença de um domínio Heme-Pas sugeriu sua ativação por óxido nítrico. A presença de um domínio rodopsina em BeGC1 sugeriu sua ativação por luz. Experimentos de microscopia por imunofluorescência localizaram BeGC1 no \"eyespot\", BeGC2 no capacete nuclear e BeGC3 no citoplasma de zoósporos de B. emersonii. Verificamos também que zoósporos realizam fototaxia em direção à luz verde e que a adição de hidroxilamina, inibidor de rodopsina, ou do inibidor de guanilato ciclase LY83583 tem efeito negativo na fototaxia, bem como impede o aumento dos níveis de cGMP observado em zoósporos expostos à luz verde. O bloqueio da síntese de retinal por Norflurazon também inibiu a fototaxia sendo esta restaurada quando adicionamos retinalA1. Estes dados, juntamente com o fato de o domínio rodopsina de BeGC1 ser a única rodopsina presente no genoma, indicam que BeGC1 é responsável pela fototaxia nos zoósporos de B. emersonii. O genoma do fungo apresenta ainda um possível canal de potássio ativado por cGMP (BeCNG1) localizado na membrana plasmática de zoósporos, similar ao canal regulado por cGMP envolvido na visão em humanos. Ensaios de microfluorimetria também evidenciaram a presença de um canal ativado por cGMP relacionado com o influxo de potássio e a motilidade dos zoósporos. Um modelo para a via de sinalização da fototaxia em B.emersonii foi proposto e comparado com a sinalização presente na visão de mamíferos, destacando a existência de cGMP e rodopsina em ambos os processos e sugerindo uma possível origem comum. Portanto, os resultados obtidos suportam a existência da sinalização por cGMP em B. emersonii, além de indicar o papel dessa sinalização na fototaxia dos zoósporos, sendo esta a primeira via de sinalização por cGMP caracterizada em fungos. / The second messenger cyclic GMP is involved in a wide array of cellular processes including vision in mammals. Although previous studies demonstrated changes in cGMP levels during the life cycle of Blastocladiela emersonii and evidences of specific enzymes involved in its synthesis (guanylyl cyclase) and hydrolysis (cGMP-phosphodiesterase), no fungal genome published so far shows the presence of genes encoding these enzymes. Evolutionists attribute the absence of cGMP signaling pathways in higher fungi to the sedentary life style of these organisms, since cGMP is primarily associated with ciliated cells. However, blastocladiomycetes like Blastocladiella, have motile cells in at least one stage of their life cycle, which could explain the existence of this pathway in these primitive fungi. Inspection of B. emersonii EST data bank, revealed cDNAs encoding part of three putative guanylyl cyclases (BeGC1, BeGC2 e BeGC3) and one possible cGMP phosphodiesterase (BePDE). Thus, the purpose of this study was to confirm the existence of these enzymes and characterize the cGMP signaling pathway in this model. The recombinant protein containing the wild type catalytic domain of BePDE presented activity towards hydrolysis of cGMP and the E389A mutation of this domain changed the cGMP specificity of this enzyme. The complete nucleotide sequence of the guanylyl cyclases were obtained by sequencing of B. emersonii genome. In BeGC2 we were unable identify the ligand responsible for its activation, but in BeGC3, the presence of a Heme-Pas domain suggested its activation by nitric oxide. The presence of a rhodopsin domain in BeGC1 suggested its activation by light. Immunofluorescence microscopy localized BeGC1 in the \"eyespot\" structure, BeGC2 in the nuclear cap and BeGC3 in the cytoplasm of zoospores of B. emersonii. We found that Blastocladiella zoospores performed phototaxis toward green light and photobleaching of rhodopsin function using hydroxylamine prevented both phototaxis and the increased cGMP levels observed when zoospores were exposed to green light. The same effect was observed using the guanylyl cyclase inhibitor LY83583. Inhibition of retinal synthesis using Norflurazon prevented the phototaxis response, which could be restored by zoospore complementation with retinalA1. The BeGC1 gene is the only rhodopsin found in the draft assembly of B. emersonii genome, which indicates that BeGC1 is responsible for phototaxis observed in zoospores. We also found in the genome a possible cGMP-activated potassium channel (BeCNG1), localized in the plasma membrane of the zoospores, which is similar to the cGMP-activated channel involved in human vision. In addition, microfluorimetry assays revealed the presence of a cGMP-activated potassium channel involved in potassium influx and zoospore motility. The signaling model of B. emersonii phototaxis was proposed and compared with the mammalian vision system, with cGMP and rhodopsin acting in both signaling pathways, suggesting a common origin. Altogether our data indicate that Blastocladiella emersonii has a cGMP signaling system involved in phototaxis, being the first cGMP signaling pathway characterized in fungi.
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Estudos estruturais e funcionais da única enzima diadenilato ciclase e da única YbbR-like de Staphylococcus aureus: proteínas envolvidas na biossíntese de c-di-AMP / Structural and functional studies of the unique diadenylate cyclase enzyme and the unique YbbR-like protein in Staphylococcus aureus: proteins involved in c-di-AMP biosynthesisMesquita, Nathalya Cristina de Moraes Roso 30 June 2016 (has links)
Recentemente, uma nova molécula de sinalização bacteriana, o AMP dimérico cíclico (c-di-AMP) emergiu como um regulador central dos processos fisiológicos essenciais, tais como a homeostase celular, verificação da integridade do DNA e virulência bacteriana, entre outros. O c-di-AMP é produzido a partir da condensação de duas moléculas de adenosina trifosfato (ATP) por proteínas denominadas diadenilato ciclases, que contém o domínio DisA_N, também denominado DAC. Existem 2842 sequências de proteínas que contém o domínio DAC, provenientes de 2386 organismos encontradas no banco de dados Protein Families Database (Pfam). Essas proteínas são divididas em subfamílias sendo as três subfamílias mais abundantes: DacA (69,1%), proteínas de membrana associadas a sinalização intracelular de alterações decorrentes do meio externo; DisA (24,1%), primeira diadenilato ciclase a ser amplamente estudada, é uma proteína intracelular encontrada na forma de octâmeros ativos em solução, a qual, indiretamente, controla a divisão celular através da verificação da integridade do DNA e DacB (5,5%), proteínas citoplasmáticas expressa, particularmente, durante a formação de esporos bacterianos. Uma característica interessante é que a maioria dos organismos contém uma única e essencial proteína com domínio DAC. Os organismos que contém duas ou mais proteínas-DAC, tais como Clostridium e Bacillus spp., são uma exceção. Em Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), um patógeno humano oportunista e responsável por inúmeras doenças infecciosas, uma única diadenilato ciclase é encontrada pendurada na porção interna da membrana celular (Sau_DacA). A atividade desta proteína é potencialmente regulada através da interação direta com uma proteína YbbR-like, que contém um domínio sensor extracelular. Sau_DacA conserva todos os elementos-chave de uma diadenilato ciclase bacteriana, e por ser a única presente em S. aureus, revela-se um excelente alvo de estudo para o desenvolvimento de novos fins terapêuticos. No entanto, até o presente momento, existem poucas informações em relação a estrutura proteica, ao mecanismo de síntese de c-di-AMP e regulação do mecanismo de síntese de nucleotídeo destas proteínas, sendo, portanto, neste aspectos que o presente trabalho pretendeu contribuir. Através de uma série de ensaios, estruturais, calorimétricos, espectroscópicos e bioquímicos, aliados a mutações sítio-dirigidas, identificou-se a relevância de uma conformação dimérica para a estabilidade conformacional e térmica para a proteína ser funcionalmente ativa, assim como a importância dos motivos conservados DGA (Aspartato-Glicina-Alanina) e RHR (Arginina-Histidina-Arginina) para a atividade da Sau_DacA. O loop L5 localizado entre o sítio ativo e a interface dimérica mostrou-se relevante, uma vez que nele é encontrado o motivo DGA - de ligação ao ATP - e o mesmo encontra-se estabilizado em uma posição favorável para ligação do ATP, apenas na conformação dimérica da proteína. Nossos resultados aliados a dados da literatura possibilitaram a proposição de um mecanismo de síntese de c-di-AMP que deve ocorrer via encontro face-a-face de dois sítios de ligação de ATP presentes em dímeros proteicos distintos, podendo a taxa de síntese de o nucleotídeo sofrer interferência via interação proteína-proteína com a proteína receptora de sinal Sau_YbbR. Desta forma, contribuímos para uma melhor compreensão da estrutura e função da Sau_DacA, possibilitando o uso desta como alvo para o desenvolvimento de novos fármacos, uma vez que é sabido que a biossíntese de c-di-AMP é essencial para a maioria dos patógenos que o sintetizam. / Recently, a new bacterial signaling molecule, the dimeric cyclic AMP (c-di-AMP) has emerged as a central regulator of essential physiological processes, such as cell wall homeostasis, DNA integrity and bacterial virulence, among others. C-di-AMP is synthesized from two molecules of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by proteins containing DisA_N domain, also called diadenilato cyclases (DACs). A survey in the Protein Families Database database (Pfam) found 2842 protein sequences containing the DAC domain, from 2386 different organisms. These proteins are divided into subfamilies and the three most abundant are: DacA (69,1%), a membrane protein associated with intracellular signaling resulting from an external environment change; DisA (24,1%), the first and most widely studied diadenilate cyclase, an intracellular protein found as active octamers in solution which indirectly controls cell division by DNA integrity verification; and DacB (5,5%), a cytoplasmic proteins, particularly expressed during bacterial spores formation. An interesting feature is that most organisms contain just a single and essential DAC-protein. Organisms containing two or more DAC-containing proteins, such as Clostridium and Bacillus spp., are exceptions. In Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), an opportunistic human pathogen responsible for some life-threating diseases, there is a single membrane attached diadenilate cyclase, hanging in the inner portion of the cell membrane (Sau_DacA). The activity of this protein is potentially regulated through direct interaction with YbbR, which contains an extracellular sensor domain. Sau_DacA conserves all key elements of bacterial di-adenylate cyclase, and for being the only di-adenylate cyclase from S. aureus, proves to be an excellent study target for new therapeutic purposes. However, to date, there is a lack of information about structure, c-di-AMP synthesis mechanism and regulation of nucleotide synthesis by Sau_DacA. Therefore, in this context the present work aims to contribute. Through a series of structural, calorimetric, spectroscopic and biochemical assays combined with site-directed mutations, we solved the structure of a soluble construct of Sau_DacA and identified a dimeric interface relevance for the conformational and thermal stability to the protein. This dimer is functionally active and highlights the importance of conserved motifs DGA (Aspartate-Glycine-Alanine) and RHR (Arginine-Histidine-Arginine) for the activity of Sau_DacA. The L5 loop, located between the active site and the dimer interface where is allocated the ATP binding motif (DGA), is stabilized in a favorable position for ATP binding, just in protein dimeric conformation. Our results combined with literary allowed us infer the synthesis of c-di-AMP occurs by face-to-face encounter of two distinct ATP binding site and its rate of synthesis could be regulated through direct protein interaction with. In this way, we contribute to a better understanding of Sau_DacA structure and function, assisting in its use as a target for new drugs development since it is known the biosynthesis of c-di-AMP is essential for most pathogens that synthesize.
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Busca e caracterização de inibidores da enzima DacA de Staphylococcus aureus / Search and characterization of Staphylococcus aureus DacA enzyme inhibitorsMeneghello, Raphael 01 June 2016 (has links)
Recentemente, uma molécula baseada em nucleotídeos, a adenosina monofosfato dimérica cíclica (c-di-AMP), foi identificada em várias bactérias patogênicas, ganhando rapidamente o status de um sinalizador central no controle de diversos processos bacterianos essenciais, tais como transporte iônico e vigilância a danos no DNA. Em Staphylococcus aureus, por exemplo, o c-di-AMP é essencial para homeostase da parede celular e resistência aos estresses ambientais. A biossíntese de c-di-AMP envolve a condensação de duas moléculas de ATP, catalisadas por enzimas que contenham o domínio DAC (diadenilato ciclase). Especialmente em S. aureus, somente uma ciclase (DacA) é responsável pela síntese desse segundo-mensageiro, através da enzima DacA. Recentemente, nosso grupo determinou a estrutura da DacA de S. aureus, demonstrando a importância do seu estado oligomérico para o mecanismo catalítico. Diferentemente da primeira diadenilato caracterizada, a DisA, uma enzima octamérica, a atividade enzimática da DacA ocorre através do encontro de dois dímeros distintos, formando uma interface cataliticamente competente. Dadas essas características, o foco desse trabalho foi a busca de novos inibidores para a DacA, através de triagens em larga escala (HTS), triagem cristalográfica por fragmentos e docagem molecular. Foram encontrados 30 compostos com atividade inibitória nos ensaios de HTS, 15 compostos derivados de fragmentos da triagem cristalográfica e construída uma biblioteca de 480 compostos docados virtualmente no sítio ativo. Os compostos encontrados na triagem cristalográfica foram caracterizados com respeito ao seu valor de IC50 frente à atividade enzimática. O composto AN-584/43409544 se demonstrou bastante promissor, com valor de IC50 de 54 µM. Ainda, um análogo desse composto foi encontrado na interface dimérica da DacA nos estudos cristalográficos, o que mostra um possível sítio alostérico para o desenvolvimento e busca de inibidores. Os resultados gerados nesse projeto podem servir de base para estudos futuros e desenvolvimento de novos antibióticos, que em combinação com os tratamentos atualmente disponíveis pode levar ao controle das infecções até mesmo das formas mais resistentes de S. aureus. / Recently, a nucleotide-based molecule, the cyclic dimeric adenosine monophosphate (c-di-AMP), has been identified in several pathogenic bacteria, rapidly gaining the status of a central signaling controlling several essential bacterial processes, such as ion transport and DNA damage surveillance. In Staphylococcus aureus, for example, c-di-AMP is essential for homeostasis of the cell wall and resistance to environmental stresses. The biosynthesis of c-di-AMP involves the condensation of two molecules of ATP, catalyzed by enzymes that contain the DAC (diadenylate cyclase) domain. Especially in S. aureus, only one cyclase (DacA) is responsible for the synthesis of this second-messenger. Recently, our group determined the structure of the S. aureus diadenylate cyclase, demonstrating the importance of their oligomeric state for the catalytic mechanism. Unlike DisA, a octameric diadenylate cyclase, the enzymatic activity of DacA occurs through the meeting of two dimers forming a catalytically competent interface. Given these characteristics, the focus of this work was the search for new inhibitors through high-throughput screening (HTS), crystallographic screening of fragments and molecular docking. It was found 30 compounds with inhibitory activity in HTS assays, 15 compounds derived from fragments of crystallographic screening and built a 480 compound library virtually docked in the active site. The compounds found in the crystallographic screening were characterized with respect to its IC50 value. The compound AN-584/43409544 has been shown verry promising, with IC50 of 54 µM. Also, an analog of this compound was found in the dimeric interface of DacA in crystallographic assays, which shows a possible allosteric site for inhibitors search and development. The results generated in this project can serve as a basis for future studies and development of new antibiotics, which in combination with the currently available treatments can lead to infection control even of the most resistant strains of S. aureus.
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Efeito do BAY 41-2272 em linfócitos T humanos. / Effect of BAY 41-2272 in human T lymphocytes.Carvalho, Marina Uchôa Wall Barbosa de 23 April 2018 (has links)
No presente trabalho avaliamos o potencial do BAY 41-2272 e sua via, como uma ferramenta para modulação da função dos linfócitos. Para isso, realizamos tratamentos farmacológicos com BAY 41-2272, avaliando a produção de citocinas e observamos que este fármaco, como ativador direto, não induz produção de IFN, IL-4 e IL-10 nos linfócitos. No entanto, o prétratamento por 24 horas com BAY 41-2272, com posterior ativação com PMA, mostrou que esta droga tem efeito inibitório na produção das citocinas. Em vista disto, avaliamos se este fármaco seria capaz de ativar estas células através da expressão de CD69. Vimos que por si só esta droga não foi capaz de aumentar a expressão de CD69, no entanto o pré-tratamento com BAY 41-2272 inibiu a ativação dos linfócitos T CD4. Assim, avaliamos se o fármaco seria capaz de inibir a expressão de fatores de transcrição FOXP3, RORT, Tbet e GATA3. Vimos que o BAY 41-2272 não induziu expressão desses fatores de transcrição e o pré-tratamento com este fármaco não alterou a expressão de FOXP3, RORT e GATA3, mas inibiu a expressão de Tbet quando comparado ao estimulado com PMA e Ionomicina sem o prétratamento. Observamos também que o pré-tratamento com BAY 41-2272 inibiu a linfoproliferação. Estes resultados sugerem que o BAY 41-2272 e sua via, têm um perfil inibitório sobre os linfócitos T CD4, e potencialmente podem ser utilizados como imunomodulador em pacientes com comprometimento do sistema imunológico e síndromes linfoproliferativas. / In this work, we evaluated the potential of BAY 41-2272 and its pathway as a tool for modulating lymphocyte function. For this, we performed pharmacological treatments with BAY 41-2272, evaluating the production of cytokines and observed that this drug, as a direct activator, does not induce production of IFN, IL-4 e IL-10. However, pre-treatment for 24 hours with BAY 41-2272 and subsequente activation with PMA showed that this drug has an inhibitory effect on cytokine production. Thus, we evaluated if this drug would be able to activate these cells through the CD69 expression. We saw that alone, BAY 41-2272 was not able to increase CD69 expression, however, pre-treatment inhibited activation of CD4 T lymphocytes. Then, we evaluated if this chemical compound would be able to inhibite the expression of transcription factors FOXP3, RORT, Tbet and GATA3. We have seen that BAY 41-2272 did not induce expression of these transcription factors and pretreatment with this drug did not alter expression of FOXP3, RORT and GATA3, but inhibited Tbet expression. We also observed that pre-treatment with BAY 41-2272 inhibited lymphoproliferation. These results suggest that BAY 41-2272 and its pathway have an inhibitory profile on CD4 T lymphocytes and can potentially be used as an immunomodulator in patients with impaired imune system and lymphoproliferative syndromes.
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Characterization of calcium regulated adenylyl cyclasesTrevor B. Doyle (5929646) 16 January 2019 (has links)
Adenylyl cyclases are key points for the concurrent integration of diverse signaling pathways. Controlling production of the second messenger cAMP, adenylyl cyclases provide an important mechanism for the regulation of physiological functions by amplifying signaling events to stimulate downstream effectors. While different isoforms of adenylyl cyclase exhibit distinct patterns of expression and regulation, of particular interest are two groups of Ca2+ regulated isoforms that are highly expressed in the central nervous system. Adenylyl cyclase type 5 (AC5) is a Ca2+ inhibited isoform that is highly expressed in the striatum, and whose activity is involved in the regulation of movement, pain, and metabolism. Adenylyl cyclase type 8 (AC8) is stimulated by Ca2+ in a calmodulin dependent manner, and appears to be involved with long-term memory, anxiety, and reward pathways. Studying the signaling characteristics of these adenylyl cyclase isoforms is necessary for improving our scientific understanding of biological pathways, as well identifying therapeutic targets that can be exploited for treatment of disease. In this work, we investigated changes in the protein interaction network of AC5 following prolonged Gi/o-mediated inhibition that results in heterologous sensitization. The diversity of signaling pathways and multitude of protein interactions that have been implicated in the development of the heterologous sensitization response prompted the development of a novel screening strategy to capture and identify AC5-protein interactions which occur following prolonged Gi/o-mediated inhibition. We utilized bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) in conjunction with fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) and Next Generation sequencing to capture, identify, and characterize novel AC5 interacting partners. We further studied the effects of increased AC5 activity by functionally characterizing a series of gain-of-function mutations that have been identified in patients diagnosed with Familial Dyskinesia and Facial Myokymia (FDFM). Our results demonstrate that the AC5 mutants exhibit enhanced activity to Gs-mediated stimulation and reduced inhibition by Gi/o-coupled receptors. We further suggest that this dysregulation of AC5 in striatal medium spiny neurons likely results in an imbalance in the direct and indirect striatal signaling pathways that coordinate the initiation and maintenance of movement. Genetic models of AC8 regulation have implicated its activity in signaling pathways that may regulate comorbid long-term anxiety and ethanol consumption. Therefore, we developed and conducted a high-throughput screen and validation paradigm of small molecules for the discovery of AC8 selective inhibitors. The screening effort identified two lead compounds that demonstrate enhanced efficacy and selectivity over AC1 compared to currently available adenylyl cyclase inhibitors.
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Periodontal disease is a progressive inflammatory condition that is characterized by the reabsorption of alveolar bone, the destruction of connective tissue, and edentulism. It is caused by a dysbiosis in the oral microbiome as a result of a shift from a Gram-positive aerobic bacterial population, to one that becomes more Gram-negative and anaerobic. Treponema denticola is thought to drive this diseased state based on its role as a keystone periopathogen. A major component of T.denticola’s invasiveness is its motility, which allows the spirochete to penetrate and disseminate through tissues. This motility, which has been seen to be crucial to the invasiveness in other spirochetes through deletion studies, is often regulated by the second messenger, c-di-GMP. In this study, biochemical and biophysical assays were utilized to determine that the predicted diguanylate cyclase TDE0125 converts GTP to c-di-GMP. This elucidates further function of the c-di-GMP regulatory network in T. denticola.
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