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Reações de solvólise em fase gasosa do cátion +SiCl3: experimento e teoria / Solvolysis reactions of cation +SiCl3: Experiment and TheoryFirmino, Thiago Diamond Reis 21 June 2010 (has links)
Íons polihalogenados de Si, X3Si+ (X = F, Cl), são fragmentos facilmente gerados em espectrometria de massas por ionização eletrônica de compostos de silício polihalogenados. Estes cátions possuem um elevado caráter eletrofílico e desempenham um papel importante como intermediários em processos de corrosão auxiliados por plasma utilizados na fabricação de dispositivos em microeletrônica. Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo sobre a reatividade dos íons +SiCl3, em fase gasosa, perante uma série de substratos neutros simples como água, alcoóis, amônia, aminas e algumas bases doadoras de elétrons π. As reações íon-molécula em fase gasosa foram caracterizadas do ponto de vista experimental por espectrometria de massas de ressonância ciclotrônica de íons por transformada de Fourier (FTICR) a pressões da ordem de 10-8 Torr. As reações foram acompanhadas em função do tempo de reação na cela do espectrômetro, o que permitiu a elucidação de uma série de reações sequenciais. O perfil de energia das reações e as estruturas dos íons silicênios formados nestas reações foram também caracterizados por métodos de química computacional, usando métodos ab initio e métodos baseados na teoria do funcional da densidade, a fim de elucidar o mecanismo das reações. Observou-se que o cátion +SiCl3 reage rapidamente em fase gasosa com os diversos substratos neutros através de processos semelhantes a reações de solvólise que resultam na adição do neutro seguida de eliminação de HCl. Em vários dos casos, foi possível observar a solvólise total do cátion com substituição dos três átomos de cloro. Os cálculos revelam que estas reações se processam inicialmente pela adição do eletrófilo aos centros ricos em densidade eletrônica dos substratos neutros e que estes adutos são mais estáveis que os reagentes isolados. O estado de transição destas reações envolve uma migração 1,3 de um hidrogênio e a energia calculada para o estado de transição é consideravelmente menor que a energia dos reagentes, fato este comum para reações rápidas íon/molécula em fase gasosa. Os cálculos para a espécie correspondente +CCl3 revelam que este tipo de reação não é favorável para os cátions metílicos substituídos e experimentalmente reações semelhantes não são observadas para +CCl3. No caso dos íons ClnSi(OH)3-n+ (n=1, 2 e 3), oriundos das reações de hidrólise do íon +SiCl3, observou-se reações secundárias de condensação com SiCl4 que levam a formação de espécies iônicas com ligações tipo siloxanas (-Si-O-Si-). Os cálculos teóricos sugerem que estas reações se processam inicialmente através de um intermediário tipo clorônio, R1-Cl+-R2 seguida de uma transferência formal de um átomo de Cl e rearranjo para uma estrutura tipo siloxana. / Polyhalogenated silicenium ions, X3Si+ (X = F, Cl), are common fragment ions in the mass spectra of polyhalogenated silanes obtained by electron ionization. These ions are powerful electrophiles and are believed to play a role in plasma enhanced corrosion processes and plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition processes. In this dissertation, we present some new results on the gas-phase reactivity of the +SiCl3 ion with a number of simple n electron donor bases such as water, alcohols, ammonia, amines and some π electron donor bases. Ion-molecule reactions were characterized experimentally by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR) at pressures in the 10-8 Torr range. Reactions were followed as a function of trapping time of the ions in the cell of the spectrometer and this allowed for the identification of subsequent reactions of the primary product ions. The energy diagram and structure of the different silicenium ions were also characterized by computational chemistry using both ab initio and density functional theory methods in order to understand the mechanism of these reactions. +SiCl3 reacts rapidly in gas phase with various neutral substrates through processes similar to solvolysis in which the neutral substrate adds onto the silicenium ion followed by elimination of HCl. In some cases, complete solvolysis is observed with substitution of all three chlorine atoms. The calculations show that reactions proceed by initial addition of the electrophile onto the electron center of the neutral substrates giving rise to stable adducts. The transition state for these reactions involve a 1,3 hydrogen migration and the calculated energy for these transition states is less than the energy of the isolated reactants, a fact that is common to fast gas-phase ion-molecule reactions. Similar calculations for +CCl3 reveal similar solvolysis reactions to be energetically unfavourable, and in fact these reactions are not observed experimentally. Secondary reactions have been observed for the product ions ClnSi(OH)3-n+ (n = 1, 2 and 3), obtained from successive hydrolysis of +SiCl3, with the parent SiCl4 neutral. These secondary condensation reactions yield ionic species containing a siloxane type linkage (-Si-O-Si-). The theoretical calculations suggest that is that these secondary condensation reactions initially proceed via chloronium ion intermediate, R1-Cl+-R2 , followed by formal Cl transfer and rearrangement to a siloxane type structure.
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Reações de solvólise em fase gasosa do cátion +SiCl3: experimento e teoria / Solvolysis reactions of cation +SiCl3: Experiment and TheoryThiago Diamond Reis Firmino 21 June 2010 (has links)
Íons polihalogenados de Si, X3Si+ (X = F, Cl), são fragmentos facilmente gerados em espectrometria de massas por ionização eletrônica de compostos de silício polihalogenados. Estes cátions possuem um elevado caráter eletrofílico e desempenham um papel importante como intermediários em processos de corrosão auxiliados por plasma utilizados na fabricação de dispositivos em microeletrônica. Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo sobre a reatividade dos íons +SiCl3, em fase gasosa, perante uma série de substratos neutros simples como água, alcoóis, amônia, aminas e algumas bases doadoras de elétrons π. As reações íon-molécula em fase gasosa foram caracterizadas do ponto de vista experimental por espectrometria de massas de ressonância ciclotrônica de íons por transformada de Fourier (FTICR) a pressões da ordem de 10-8 Torr. As reações foram acompanhadas em função do tempo de reação na cela do espectrômetro, o que permitiu a elucidação de uma série de reações sequenciais. O perfil de energia das reações e as estruturas dos íons silicênios formados nestas reações foram também caracterizados por métodos de química computacional, usando métodos ab initio e métodos baseados na teoria do funcional da densidade, a fim de elucidar o mecanismo das reações. Observou-se que o cátion +SiCl3 reage rapidamente em fase gasosa com os diversos substratos neutros através de processos semelhantes a reações de solvólise que resultam na adição do neutro seguida de eliminação de HCl. Em vários dos casos, foi possível observar a solvólise total do cátion com substituição dos três átomos de cloro. Os cálculos revelam que estas reações se processam inicialmente pela adição do eletrófilo aos centros ricos em densidade eletrônica dos substratos neutros e que estes adutos são mais estáveis que os reagentes isolados. O estado de transição destas reações envolve uma migração 1,3 de um hidrogênio e a energia calculada para o estado de transição é consideravelmente menor que a energia dos reagentes, fato este comum para reações rápidas íon/molécula em fase gasosa. Os cálculos para a espécie correspondente +CCl3 revelam que este tipo de reação não é favorável para os cátions metílicos substituídos e experimentalmente reações semelhantes não são observadas para +CCl3. No caso dos íons ClnSi(OH)3-n+ (n=1, 2 e 3), oriundos das reações de hidrólise do íon +SiCl3, observou-se reações secundárias de condensação com SiCl4 que levam a formação de espécies iônicas com ligações tipo siloxanas (-Si-O-Si-). Os cálculos teóricos sugerem que estas reações se processam inicialmente através de um intermediário tipo clorônio, R1-Cl+-R2 seguida de uma transferência formal de um átomo de Cl e rearranjo para uma estrutura tipo siloxana. / Polyhalogenated silicenium ions, X3Si+ (X = F, Cl), are common fragment ions in the mass spectra of polyhalogenated silanes obtained by electron ionization. These ions are powerful electrophiles and are believed to play a role in plasma enhanced corrosion processes and plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition processes. In this dissertation, we present some new results on the gas-phase reactivity of the +SiCl3 ion with a number of simple n electron donor bases such as water, alcohols, ammonia, amines and some π electron donor bases. Ion-molecule reactions were characterized experimentally by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR) at pressures in the 10-8 Torr range. Reactions were followed as a function of trapping time of the ions in the cell of the spectrometer and this allowed for the identification of subsequent reactions of the primary product ions. The energy diagram and structure of the different silicenium ions were also characterized by computational chemistry using both ab initio and density functional theory methods in order to understand the mechanism of these reactions. +SiCl3 reacts rapidly in gas phase with various neutral substrates through processes similar to solvolysis in which the neutral substrate adds onto the silicenium ion followed by elimination of HCl. In some cases, complete solvolysis is observed with substitution of all three chlorine atoms. The calculations show that reactions proceed by initial addition of the electrophile onto the electron center of the neutral substrates giving rise to stable adducts. The transition state for these reactions involve a 1,3 hydrogen migration and the calculated energy for these transition states is less than the energy of the isolated reactants, a fact that is common to fast gas-phase ion-molecule reactions. Similar calculations for +CCl3 reveal similar solvolysis reactions to be energetically unfavourable, and in fact these reactions are not observed experimentally. Secondary reactions have been observed for the product ions ClnSi(OH)3-n+ (n = 1, 2 and 3), obtained from successive hydrolysis of +SiCl3, with the parent SiCl4 neutral. These secondary condensation reactions yield ionic species containing a siloxane type linkage (-Si-O-Si-). The theoretical calculations suggest that is that these secondary condensation reactions initially proceed via chloronium ion intermediate, R1-Cl+-R2 , followed by formal Cl transfer and rearrangement to a siloxane type structure.
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Magnetopolarons em heteroestruturas semicondutoras de baixa dimensionalidade. / Magnetopolaron in low dimensional semiconductors heterostructures.Osorio, Francisco Aparecido Pinto 22 December 1992 (has links)
Nós calculamos o efeito da interação elétron-fonons longitudinais óticos (LO) sobre a energia de transição ls → 2p+ entre os níveis de uma impureza doadora, localizada em um poço quântico de GaAs-AlxGa1-xAs. Nossos resultados para a energia de transição em função do campo magnético aplicado mostram claramente, que a saturação da energia de transição (efeito pinning) ocorre na energia dos fônons LO, em boa concordância com recentes dados experimentais. Obtemos também a massa de cíclotron de polarons confinados em fios quânticos quase-unidimensionais, com potencial de confinamento parabólico. Observamos que o comportamento da massa é diferente daquele para sistemas bi-dimensionais e que esta diferença é maior quanto maior o potencial de confinamento. Para a heterojunção de GaAs-AlGaAs e GaAs-GaSb, investigamos a importância da interação elétron-fonons interfaciais sobre a massa de cíclotron. Verificamos que a contribuição dos fonons interfaciais é fundamental nas regiões próximas às resonâncias, onde domina o espectro. Finalmente, calculamos a energia de ligação de uma impureza hidrogenóide, localizada no centro de um ponto quântico circular de GaAs-AlGaAs. Na ausência de campo magnético aplicado, obtivemos uma expressão analítica para a função de onda do elétron ligado. Notamos, que a influência do campo magnético sobre a energia de ligação é fraca nas regiões de pequenos raios, devido ao forte potencial de confinamento. / We calculate the effects of the electron-longitudinal optical (LO) phonons interaction on the intra donor ls → 2p+ transition energy in GaAs-AlGaAs quantum wells structures. Our results to the transition energy as a function of the magnetic Field strength, show that the pinning effect occur in the phonon LO energy in good agreement with recent experimental data. The cyclotron mass of polarons confined in quasi.one.dimensional quantum-well wires with parabolic confinement potential, is also obtained. The behavior of electrons effective mass with magnetic field is different, of the two-dimensional systems, and the difference increase when the confinement potential increase. To heterojunctions of GaAs-AlAs and GaAs-GaSb, we investigate the electroninterfacials optical (IO) phonons interactions on the effective cyclotron mass. We find that the electron-IO-phonons interaction is fundamental near the resonances, where they dominate the spectra. Finally, the ground state binding energy of donor impurity, placed in the center of a circular quantum dot is calculated. Without magnetic field, we obtained the analytic expression to the bound electron wave function. The influence of the magnetic field on the donor binding energy is weaker, when the radius of the quantum dot became smaller.
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High precision tests of QED : measurement of the alpha-particle and helion rms charge radius and the transition energies in highly-charged ions / Essais de haute précision du QED : mesures de la particule alpha et de la racine moyenne des rayons de charge de l'hélium et les énergies de transition en ions fortement chargésMachado, Jorge Felizardo Dias Cunha 26 February 2018 (has links)
Ce travail vise à contribuer à l’amélioration de notre connaissance de l’électrodynamique quantique des états liés, par des mesures de haute précision dans des états exotiques de la matière. Bien que notre connaissance de l’électrodynamique quantique des états liés et du problème relativiste à plusieurs corps aient fait des progrès importants ces dernières années, il reste des questions fondamentales dont la résolution nécessite d’augmenter le nombre et la précision des tests expérimentaux. La première partie de ce travail a été réalisée dans le cadre de l’expérience récente sur les ions muoniques d’hélium (μ4He+ et μ3He+) conduite par la collaboration CREMA. Cette expérience vise à fournir de nouvelles valeurs précises pour les rayons de charge moyens des noyaux des isotopes stables de l’hélium. Ces valeurs sont extraites de la mesure du déplacement de Lamb, c’est-à-dire, de la mesure de la différence d’énergie entre les États 2S − 2P. Une mesure des énergies de transition d’une précision d’au moins 50 ppm, permet de déterminer les rayons de charge des noyaux des isotopes d’hélium avec une incertitude de 0,03%, dix fois plus précise que les résultats précédents obtenus à partir de la diffusion d’électrons. La deuxième partie de ce travail a été de réaliser des mesures de haute précision de transitions de rayons X dans des ions fortement chargés, à l’aide d’un spectromètre à double cristal plan. Ces ions étaient produits dans le plasma d’une source d’ions de type ECRIS (electron-cyclotron resonance ion source). Le spectromètre utilisé est non seulement capable de fournir des mesures de haute précision, mais aussi des mesures sans référence à des énergies de transition théorique ou expérimentales. Quatre énergies de transition de n = 2 → n = 1 ont été mesurées pour des ions d’argon de trois états de charge différents, héliumoïde, lithiumoïde et berylliumoïde, avec une précision meilleure que 3 ppm. La largeur naturelle de chaque raie a également été obtenue expérimentalement. Les résultats trouvés sont en excellent accord avec les calculs théoriques les plus récents. / This work aims to provide insight on Bound-State Quantum-Electrodynamics (BSQED) by experimental fundamentals high-precision tests in exotic states of matter. Although BSQED and the relativistic many-body problem have been undergoing important progress, there are still some issues that require the increase of the number and accuracy of experimental fundamental tests. The first part of this work was done within the framework of the recent experiment in muonic helium ions (μ4He+ and μ3He+) by the CREMA collaboration. This experiment, aims to provide new accurate values for the root-mean-square (rms) charge radii of the helium isotopes nuclei that are extracted from the measurement of the Lamb Shift, i.e., the measurement of the energy difference between the 2S − 2P states. With the goal of measuring the transition energies with an accuracy of at least 50 ppm, the rms charge radii of the helium isotopes will be determined with an uncertainty of 0.03%, a factor of ten more precise than previous results obtained from electron scattering. The second part of this work aims the high-precision measurement of x-ray transitions in Highly-Charged Ions (HCI) using a Double-Crystal Spectrometer (DCS). These ions were produced in the plasma of an Electron-Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS). This kind of spectrometer is able not only to provide high-precision measurements but also reference-free measurements, without reference to any theoretical or experimental energy. Four transitions energies from n = 2 → n = 1 have been measured in an argon plasma in three different charge states, He-, Be- and Li-like, with an accuracy of better than 3 ppm. Besides the energies, the natural width of each transition has also been experimentally obtained. The obtained results are in excellent agreement with the most recent theoretical calculations.
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Nonlinear Dust Particle Dynamics and Collective Effects in Complex PlasmasSorasio, Gianfranco January 2003 (has links)
<p>Theoretical studies of dusty plasmas have been performed by focusing attention principally on collective phenomena and on grain motion. This thesis consists of a collection of seven published papers that explore both the collective behavior of a complex plasma system as well as the dynamics of grains in plasmas. In paper 1, a mechanism that explains the energy gain which leads to the self excited grain oscillations is theoretically formulated. The newly developed mechanism explains the observed self excited oscillations through the coupling of plasma sheath fluctuations with the electrostatic force, which holds the dust grain. In paper 2, theoretical and simulation studies have been conducted to study the vertical oscillations of dust grains that are levitated in plasma sheaths, under low pressure conditions. The oscillations were driven either by an external force or by a plasma number density modulation. The proposed model gives a full picture of the dust grains dynamics and is capable of successfully explaining the experimental observations. Paper 3 explores both theoretically and numerically the origin of the nonlinearities that lead to the observed oscillation resonances. The feature of the confining potential well which traps the grain, the influence of an electrode voltage modulation on the trapping well, and hence on the grain dynamics, and the resulting nonlinear resonances are analyzed in detail. The numerical simulations presented successfully reproduce a broad range of dynamical phenomena, including the self excited oscillations, for a range of different parameters. Paper 4 is dedicated to the analysis of the propagation of Dust Acoustic Waves (DAW) in a medium with an equilibrium dust density distribution. It has been theoretically shown that only some harmonics of the dust density distribution will influence the propagation of the DAW, thus modifying its frequency. Paper 5 presents a theoretical and numerical analysis of the excitation of higher harmonics of electrostatic dust cyclotron waves. The instability is driven by the ion and electron currents flowing along the magnetic field. The dispersion relation and the wave instability conditions have been derived, and a detailed numerical analysis has been performed. In Paper 6, we explore theoretically some cross field instabilities of low frequency, long wavelength electrostatic modes in fully and weakly ionized plasmas. It is shown that in a magnetoplasma with a transverse equilibrium dc electric field, the energy associated with the cross field motion of the plasma particles can be coupled to low frequency electrostatic waves. Paper 7 explores the properties and instabilities of low frequency electrostatic waves propagating in a current carrying magnetoplasma with equilibrium density and field aligned ion flow with a transverse gradient. The paper contains previous results as limiting cases, together with additional instabilities related to the equilibrium plasma density distribution. </p>
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Method Development in Quantitative and Structural Proteomics using Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass SpectrometryHagman, Charlotte January 2005 (has links)
<p>In this thesis, methods for studying different aspects of proteomics were developed with Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance, (FTICR), mass spectrometry. The FTICR technique provides ultra-high mass resolving power, mass accuracy at sub ppm level and sensitivity in the attomole region.</p><p>Methods for quantifying biomarkers in body fluids such as cerebrospinal fluid, (CSF), and plasma were developed. Two sets of global markers with different properties were used for quantitative analysis; S-Methyl Thioacetimidate, (SMTA), and S-Methyl Thiopropionimidate, (SMTP), and [H<sub>4</sub>]- and [D<sub>4</sub>]-1-Nicotinoyloxy succinimide ester. Reduced ion suppression and higher sensitivity was obtained by coupling a High Performance Liquid Chromatography, (HPLC), system to the FTICR mass spectrometer.</p><p>In body fluids, proteins and peptides are present in a broad dynamic concentration range. Therefore, depleting abundant proteins prior to analysis results in decreased ion suppression and increased sensitivity. Two commercial depletion kits were evaluated with the SMTA- and SMTP-markers.</p><p>For both types of global markers, the experimental error for quantitative analysis of abundant proteins was less than 30%. This provides a lower limit for the protein up- and down regulations in complex solutions that can be monitored with HPLC-FTICR mass spectrometry.</p><p>Together with the identity and quantity of selected proteins the structure, dynamics and interactions with other molecules are of great importance. The later can be elucidated with Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange, (HDX), mass spectrometry. Structural information at high resolution can be obtained with Collision-Induced Dissociation, (CID), HDX mass spectrometry. In this thesis, exchange rates of amide hydrogens in peptides were in excellent agreement with NMR results.</p><p>In some cases, the CID-fragments have different gas-phase exchange properties and as a consequence the solution phase exchange process can not be monitored. By applying Electron Capture Dissociation, (ECD), at ultra-high vacuum, the exchange process at a specific residue could be monitored.</p>
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Analysis of Complex Biological Samples using Liquid Chromatography-Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass SpectrometryRamström, Margareta January 2005 (has links)
<p>Studies of protein and peptide expression are vital in order to understand complex biological systems. As demonstrated in this thesis, on-line packed capillary liquid chromatography-Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (LC-FTICR MS) is a useful analytical tool for such studies.</p><p>A proteomics method, based on global tryptic digestion and subsequent separation and detection of the peptides by LC-FTICR MS, was developed for qualitative analysis of body fluids. Initial experiments on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) provided results that were comparable or superior to those achieved by more time- and sample-consuming techniques. The method was also successfully applied on plasma and amniotic fluid. One of the major challenges in proteomics is the broad dynamic range of proteins in biological matrices. The advantages of removing high-abundant components from CSF and plasma prior to MS were demonstrated.</p><p>In order to search for potential biomarkers, mass chromatograms of CSF from patients suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and controls were compared using an in-house constructed pattern recognition program. ALS-specific patterns were observed, and four out of five unknown samples were correctly assigned. Alternative strategies to quantitatively compare two pools of samples rely on differential chemical labeling. The performance of one such method, quantification-using-enhanced-signal-tags, was investigated in complex sample analysis. The experimental intensity ratios were proven to be consistent with the prepared concentration ratios of abundant proteins in CSF.</p><p>Finally, the thesis reports on the first experiments where electron capture dissociation (ECD) was successfully incorporated in on-line LC-MS experiments. ECD and nozzle-skimmer fragmentation were applied to a sample of endocrine peptides extracted from mouse pancreatic islets. The two fragmentation methods provided complementary information. However, the method needs further optimization before it can be applied in the analysis of more complex samples, such as body fluids.</p>
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Nonlinear Dust Particle Dynamics and Collective Effects in Complex PlasmasSorasio, Gianfranco January 2003 (has links)
Theoretical studies of dusty plasmas have been performed by focusing attention principally on collective phenomena and on grain motion. This thesis consists of a collection of seven published papers that explore both the collective behavior of a complex plasma system as well as the dynamics of grains in plasmas. In paper 1, a mechanism that explains the energy gain which leads to the self excited grain oscillations is theoretically formulated. The newly developed mechanism explains the observed self excited oscillations through the coupling of plasma sheath fluctuations with the electrostatic force, which holds the dust grain. In paper 2, theoretical and simulation studies have been conducted to study the vertical oscillations of dust grains that are levitated in plasma sheaths, under low pressure conditions. The oscillations were driven either by an external force or by a plasma number density modulation. The proposed model gives a full picture of the dust grains dynamics and is capable of successfully explaining the experimental observations. Paper 3 explores both theoretically and numerically the origin of the nonlinearities that lead to the observed oscillation resonances. The feature of the confining potential well which traps the grain, the influence of an electrode voltage modulation on the trapping well, and hence on the grain dynamics, and the resulting nonlinear resonances are analyzed in detail. The numerical simulations presented successfully reproduce a broad range of dynamical phenomena, including the self excited oscillations, for a range of different parameters. Paper 4 is dedicated to the analysis of the propagation of Dust Acoustic Waves (DAW) in a medium with an equilibrium dust density distribution. It has been theoretically shown that only some harmonics of the dust density distribution will influence the propagation of the DAW, thus modifying its frequency. Paper 5 presents a theoretical and numerical analysis of the excitation of higher harmonics of electrostatic dust cyclotron waves. The instability is driven by the ion and electron currents flowing along the magnetic field. The dispersion relation and the wave instability conditions have been derived, and a detailed numerical analysis has been performed. In Paper 6, we explore theoretically some cross field instabilities of low frequency, long wavelength electrostatic modes in fully and weakly ionized plasmas. It is shown that in a magnetoplasma with a transverse equilibrium dc electric field, the energy associated with the cross field motion of the plasma particles can be coupled to low frequency electrostatic waves. Paper 7 explores the properties and instabilities of low frequency electrostatic waves propagating in a current carrying magnetoplasma with equilibrium density and field aligned ion flow with a transverse gradient. The paper contains previous results as limiting cases, together with additional instabilities related to the equilibrium plasma density distribution.
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Method Development in Quantitative and Structural Proteomics using Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass SpectrometryHagman, Charlotte January 2005 (has links)
In this thesis, methods for studying different aspects of proteomics were developed with Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance, (FTICR), mass spectrometry. The FTICR technique provides ultra-high mass resolving power, mass accuracy at sub ppm level and sensitivity in the attomole region. Methods for quantifying biomarkers in body fluids such as cerebrospinal fluid, (CSF), and plasma were developed. Two sets of global markers with different properties were used for quantitative analysis; S-Methyl Thioacetimidate, (SMTA), and S-Methyl Thiopropionimidate, (SMTP), and [H4]- and [D4]-1-Nicotinoyloxy succinimide ester. Reduced ion suppression and higher sensitivity was obtained by coupling a High Performance Liquid Chromatography, (HPLC), system to the FTICR mass spectrometer. In body fluids, proteins and peptides are present in a broad dynamic concentration range. Therefore, depleting abundant proteins prior to analysis results in decreased ion suppression and increased sensitivity. Two commercial depletion kits were evaluated with the SMTA- and SMTP-markers. For both types of global markers, the experimental error for quantitative analysis of abundant proteins was less than 30%. This provides a lower limit for the protein up- and down regulations in complex solutions that can be monitored with HPLC-FTICR mass spectrometry. Together with the identity and quantity of selected proteins the structure, dynamics and interactions with other molecules are of great importance. The later can be elucidated with Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange, (HDX), mass spectrometry. Structural information at high resolution can be obtained with Collision-Induced Dissociation, (CID), HDX mass spectrometry. In this thesis, exchange rates of amide hydrogens in peptides were in excellent agreement with NMR results. In some cases, the CID-fragments have different gas-phase exchange properties and as a consequence the solution phase exchange process can not be monitored. By applying Electron Capture Dissociation, (ECD), at ultra-high vacuum, the exchange process at a specific residue could be monitored.
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Search for Biomarkers in ALS and Parkinson's Disease : Positron Emission Tomography and Cerebrospinal Fluid StudiesJohansson, Anders January 2009 (has links)
New biomarkers are needed to improve knowledge about pathophysiology, in order to provide earlier correct diagnosis and to follow disease progression of the neurodegenerative diseases amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Parkinson's disease (PD). The aim of this thesis was to find new biomarkers for these diseases. First, increased serum levels and unchanged levels in postmortal spinal cord of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) were demonstrated. VEGF was not detected in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in ALS. Second, increased levels of fibroblast growth factor 2 were found in the CSF and serum of ALS patients. Both studies used enzyme-linked immunoassays. Third, a proteomics method for CSF analysis was explored, based on tryptic digestion and subsequent separation and detection of the peptides by on-line liquid chromatography-Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. ALS-specific patterns were observed. Four out of five samples were correctly assigned, but no single protein biomarker could be identified. Fourth, [11C](L)-deprenyl-D2 (DED) positron emission tomography (PET) demonstrated increased retention in the pons and white matter in ALS. DED binds to monoamino oxidase B, which in the brain is primarily located in astrocytes. Thus evidence was provided that astrocytosis may be detected in vivo in ALS. Fifth, normal [11C]-PIB binding in five nondemented patients with PD was reported, in contrast to previous findings of increased retention in Alzheimer's disease reflecting amyloid aggregation. Finally, the combined use of fluorodeoxyglucose and L-[β 11C]-DOPA PET for the differential diagnosis of parkinsonian syndromes was evaluated. PET provided support for the clinical diagnosis in 62 out of 75 patients, and served to exclude suspected diagnoses in another five patients.
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