Spelling suggestions: "subject:"data"" "subject:"dans""
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Yearning for you, o God the Dana Gohn Prayer Garden /Ross, L. Chris January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M. Div. with Concentration : Christian Care and Counseling)--Emmanuel School of Religion, 2006. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 50-51).
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Organizaciono-ekonomska obeležja zasnivanja i proizvodnje jagode (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.)Galić Dragan 16 April 2015 (has links)
<p>Baštenska jagoda (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.), poznata po svom delikatnom mirisu, ukusu i bogastvu u vitaminima i mineralima, gaji se u svim regionima sveta. Jagode, kao voće sa visokom proizvodnom i upotrebnom vrednošću, zahtevaju visoka ulaganja rada i metrijala po jedinici površine. Imajući ovo u vidu, jagoda zahteva posebnu pažnju u svim etapama proizvodnje (gajenja) tj. od zasnivanja jagodnjaka do berbe i prodaje. Cilj ovog istraživanja je, utvrđivanje investicione vrednosti zasnivanja i ostvarenih ekonomskih efekata koji se postižu u proizvodnji jagode karatkog i neutralnog dana u uslovima jugo-zapadnog Ontarija u Kanadi. Najveća proizvodnja u svetu se ostvaruje u severnoj hemisferi (90,5%). Vodeće zemlje po proizvodnji jagode su: SAD, Španija, Japan i Republika Koreja. Ove četiri zemlje čine 47,2% od ukupne svetske proizvodnje. Najveće povećanje kapaciteta jagode postignuto je u južnoj hemisferi. Za prikupljanje podataka o tehnologiji gajenja i investicionoj vrednosti ulaganja u proizvodnji jagode, korišćena je metoda anketiranja. U anketi je učestvovalo 19. proizvođača jagoda kratkog i 9. neutralnog dana u toku 2011. i 2012. godine. Upitnikom su prikupljeni podaci o tehnologije gajenja jagode po radnim operacijama, upotrebi materijala, mašina i radne snageTakođe, evidentirane su i strane usluge, ostvareni prosečni prinosi, prodajni kanali i procenat učešća u ukupnoj prodaji i postignuta prosečna cena.</p><p>Na osnovu prikupljenih podataka izračunati su troškovi zasnivanja jagodnjaka, redovne nege i brbe u prvoj i drugoj godini i ostvareni profit za obe grupe jagode. Jagode kratkog dana se isključivo gaje u redovima na otvorenom, a jagode neutralnog dana na bankovima obloženim belom polietilenskom folijom i instaliranim kap-po-kap sistemom za navodnjavanje. Najveći procenat (70%) jagode kratkog dana se prodaje direktno kupcima na gazdinstvu ili lokalnim pijacama, a 55% jagode neutralnog dana se prodaje kanalima veleprodaje. U proseku, proizvođači jagode kratkog dana su postigli profit $CAD 22.300/ha (29,10% od ukupnog prihoda), a proizvođači jagode neutralnog dana $CAD 37.962/ha (29,50% od ukupnog prihoda). Znači, proizvodnja obe grupe jagoda je veoma profitabilna, i postoji realna osnova za dalje povećanje profita.</p> / <p>The cultivated strawberries (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.), known for its delicate fragrance, flavour, and rich vitamin and mineral content, can be grown in most arable regions of the globe. Strawberry production, like many high-value crops, is resource and labour-intensive. Therefore, attention to detail is required at all stages of strawberry production, from establishment to harvest and marketing. The objective of this study was to determn the cost of strawberry establishment and achived economic effects of short-day and day-neutral strawberry production in south-western Ontario, Canada. The most of the production is located in the northern hemisphere (90.5%). The leading strawberry producing nations are USA, Spain, Japan and Republic of Korea. These four countries counted for 47.2% of all world’s strawberry production. The largest increase in strawberry production capacity was recorded in the southern hemisphere. For data collection on procedure for growing a crop of strawberries and investment in strawberry production a survey technique was used. In survey participated 19 short-day and 9 day-neutral strawberry growers and was conducted in 2011 and 2012. The survey recorded strawberry production procedures, materials, equipment and labour use. Also, growers reported external<br />Mr Dragan M. Galić - Doktorska disertacija<br />vii<br />services used, achieved yields, marketing channels of sale, percent of each channel and achieved average sale prices. Based on collected information the cost of establishment, regular care, harvest in first and second year and total income were calculated for both groups of strawberries. Short-day strawberries are grown on matted-rows, while day-neutral on raised beds on white plastic with trickle irrigation installed. Most (70%) of the short-day crop was sold via direct sale (“U-pick”, ready-picked and farmers’ market), while 55% of day-neutral strawberries were sold in wholesale. On average, growers of short-day strawberries generated a profit of 22,300 $CAD/ha (29.10% of total income), and growers of day-neutral strawberries 37,962 $CAD/ha (29.50% of total income). Based on this study, both groups of strawberries in Ontario are highly profitable and with great potential for frofit increase.</p>
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La stratégie ironique comme militance féministe : le cas des Guerrilla Girls, des Fermières Obsédées et de Dana WyseSavignac-Rousseau, Sara 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire porte sur la présence de l'ironie comme stratégie esthétique et politique. Les œuvres analysées le sont dans l'objectif de connaître comment cette figure s'articule à l'intérieur de créations à contenu féministe et quels indices de l'ironie apparaissent de façon parfois récurrente. Ne prétendant pas universaliser le mode fonctionnel de l'ironie dans la militance féministe, ni dans les arts visuels, ce mémoire cherche plutôt à saisir de quelle manière l'ironie, en tant que méthode rhétorique, agit à l'intérieur de pratiques artistiques précises et distinctes les unes des autres. Le concept d'ironie est analysé principalement à partir des définitions qu'en donnent Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni, Linda Hutcheon et le Groupe MU, c'est-à-dire une figure avançant une affirmation et qui, à l'aide de certains éléments, en suggère à la fois la négation. Ce paradoxe qui conduit à la notion d'ambiguïté permet d'éliminer ce qui peut être perçu telle une attitude totalitaire, menant de force ou forcément le récepteur ou la réceptrice vers une Vérité. En fait, la stratégie ironique oblige à la réflexion et exerce l'esprit critique dans la mesure où le public oscille entre deux lectures contradictoires. Cette incitation à faire preuve d'une pensée critique à l'égard de thèmes fondamentaux à l'étude, notamment la notion de genre, révèle le type particulier d'engagement que propose la stratégie ironique. Ce travail se concentre sur divers courants féministes et conceptions du genre. Parmi les écoles de pensée abordées, une attention particulière est portée à l'égard de la philosophe et féministe Judith Butler. Celle-ci propose d'ouvrir les possibilités identitaires et de miser sur les différences, au-delà de la pensée binaire contraignante. Son concept de pratiques parodiques du genre a été retenu afin d'analyser subséquemment ce que la psychanalyste Joan Riviere qualifie de "mascarade de la féminité". À partir de ces concepts, les pratiques artistiques de deux collectifs d'artistes, soit les Guerrilla Girls et Les Fermières Obsédées, ainsi que de l'artiste Dana Wyse seront abordées de sorte à faire voir des variantes postmodernes qui élargiraient la définition d'un art militant.
MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : art et féminisme, ironie, genre, pratiques parodiques, Guerrilla Girls, Les Fermières Obsédées, Dana Wyse.
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Dana and Dhyana in Jaina Yoga: A Case Study of Preksadhyana and the TerapanthKothari, Smita 10 January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation examines the role one aspect of the Jaina tradition plays in a
globalized world in the 21st century vis-a-vis an economically viable, socially just, and
ecologically sustainable society. I address this by means of an in-depth study of dana
(giving, gifting, charity) and dhyana (meditation) conducting a case study of
preksadhyana, a form of meditation developed by the Terapanth, a Svetambara Jaina
sect, in 1975 and their stance on dana. These practices, the Terapanth claim, are
transformative on an individual and societal level. I argue that while preksadhyana’s
spiritually transformative influence remains narrowly circumscribed to the individual
level, nevertheless it allows the Terapanth to participate in the booming economy of the
transnational yoga market. Yet, as my analyses of their historically controversial position
on dana vis-a-vis the Jaina position on dana and the recent change in this position within
the Terapanth reveal, their ability to transform the world is limited to their own
community. I explore, through participation/observation, how preksadhyana as a
performative ritual brings an individual closer to spiritual liberation, and attempt to
demonstrate how the Terapanth construct this practice as a form of modern yoga by using
authoritative discourses of science and scripture. I conclude by offering some final
thoughts on how successful the Terapanth are in their dissemination of preksadhyana to a
global audience and what role the authoritative discourses of science and scripture play in
the evaluation and/or erosion of Jaina theology.
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Dana and Dhyana in Jaina Yoga: A Case Study of Preksadhyana and the TerapanthKothari, Smita 10 January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation examines the role one aspect of the Jaina tradition plays in a
globalized world in the 21st century vis-a-vis an economically viable, socially just, and
ecologically sustainable society. I address this by means of an in-depth study of dana
(giving, gifting, charity) and dhyana (meditation) conducting a case study of
preksadhyana, a form of meditation developed by the Terapanth, a Svetambara Jaina
sect, in 1975 and their stance on dana. These practices, the Terapanth claim, are
transformative on an individual and societal level. I argue that while preksadhyana’s
spiritually transformative influence remains narrowly circumscribed to the individual
level, nevertheless it allows the Terapanth to participate in the booming economy of the
transnational yoga market. Yet, as my analyses of their historically controversial position
on dana vis-a-vis the Jaina position on dana and the recent change in this position within
the Terapanth reveal, their ability to transform the world is limited to their own
community. I explore, through participation/observation, how preksadhyana as a
performative ritual brings an individual closer to spiritual liberation, and attempt to
demonstrate how the Terapanth construct this practice as a form of modern yoga by using
authoritative discourses of science and scripture. I conclude by offering some final
thoughts on how successful the Terapanth are in their dissemination of preksadhyana to a
global audience and what role the authoritative discourses of science and scripture play in
the evaluation and/or erosion of Jaina theology.
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This project explores the zombie’s status and function as an artistic traumatic grotesque within the 2000s. Coined as a grotesque “stream” by art historian Frances S. Connelly, the traumatic grotesque interrupts established visual norms by presenting contemporary social anxieties in monstrous form. Though a historically filmic monster, the zombie made its formal and enduring appearance in visual art amid the near-continuous cultural traumas of the 2000s. My goal was a better understanding of how the zombie, as expressed in art and film, embodies the traumatic imagery and psychology of three specific tragedies. They are: Britain’s 2001 Foot and Mouth disease outbreak, Damien Hirst and Jenny Saville, and Danny Boyle’s 28 Days Later (2002); 9/11, Dana Schutz’s “Self Eaters” series (2003-2005), and George A. Romero’s Land of the Dead (2005); and the 2008-2010 Great Recession, Jillian McDonald, and AMC’s The Walking Dead Season Four (2013-2014).The zombie’s iconographic crossover marks art history’s need for a detailed history of both zombie symbolism and how the social contexts of past and present iterations affect the monster’s function and reception. I used a combination of semiotics, psychoanalysis and critical theory to begin that examination. First, a brief historiographic analysis of grotesque theory establishes the artistic construct’s evolving “yes, and…” semiotic functions. From within a socio-historical breakdown of zombie movies, the monster uses its grotesque characteristics to critically challenge the viewer’s social identity. During cultural trauma, sociological and psychoanalytic effects transform the zombie into a traumatic grotesque. By invoking viewer identification and traumatic memory, the zombie traumatic-grotesque engages individual viewers in self-realized moments of either progressive or traditional cathartic trauma processing. / Art History
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Who Speaks for the Enslaved? Authorship and Reclamation in Octavia Butler's KindredHayden, Antoinette Daineyell 12 August 2016 (has links)
Octavia Butler’s Kindred is often looked at as a historical science fiction novel. While there are critics who have discussed the slave narrative aspects of the novel, the way Butler tackles authorship and what it means to re-write history has been overlooked. By examining the way Butler uses authorship to question authorial authority, one can see the way Butler uses her protagonist to revise history and reclaim historical figures. This process of reclamation and revision enables Butler to examine the historical gaps that have been created and the way enslaved blacks have been caricatured and further dehumanized. Through her protagonist, Butler is able to endow these historical figures with complex identities and emotions and challenges what it means to be a viable authorial voice.
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Do tecer do algodão ao tecer da informação: organizando a explosão informacional do século XIX / -Mendes, Luciana Corts 27 November 2014 (has links)
Analisa os objetivos e propostas de organização da informação desenvolvidos pelo Movimento Bibliográfico e indica sua influência na Ciência da Informação. Esta pesquisa de natureza exploratória, realizada através de levantamento, revisão e análise bibliográficos, investiga o pensamento de Paul Otlet, Wilhelm Ostwald, H. G. Wells, John Cotton Dana e Watson Davis, expoentes do Movimento Bibliográfico, no contexto da modernidade. O Movimento Bibliográfico caracterizava-se por sua pluralidade e buscava responder às alterações no mundo informacional decorrentes da modernidade. O movimento atribuía à informação a potencialidade de transformação dos indivíduos e, portanto, transformou o foco dos serviços de informação da preservação para o acesso, procurando organizar acervos em função de seus conteúdos. O desenvolvimento tecnológico contemporâneo ao movimento fez com que seus expoentes enfatizassem a aplicação de novas tecnologias ao processo de disseminação da informação, pois entendiam que este seria facilitado e agilizado. A Ciência da Informação herdou seu papel social parcialmente do Movimento Bibliográfico, objetivando a organização da informação para seu acesso, e compartilha com o movimento a perspectiva de emprego de alta tecnologia na disseminação da informação. O espírito do tempo no qual se originou o Movimento Bibliográfico levou ao aparecimento de um ideário comum que permitiu a elaboração de propostas similares, entretanto, não se descarta a influência mútua entre os indivíduos analisados na pesquisa. Apesar de sua especificidade histórica, o Movimento Bibliográfico compartilha com a Ciência da Informação o ideário informacional moderno e a relação deste com a cultura. Conclui-se que a cultura da informação contemporânea e aquela do movimento pesquisado apresentam diferenças, porém são culturas que se entrelaçam; muitos de seus problemas sendo semelhantes e necessitando soluções similares. / Analyses the objectives and proposals of information organisation developed by the Bibliographic Movement, and indicates its influence in Information Science. This exploratory research, accomplished through bibliographic survey, literature review, and analysis, investigates in the context of modernity the ideas of Bibliographic Movement exponents Paul Otlet, Wilhelm Ostwald, H. G. Wells, John Cotton Dana, and Watson Davis. The Bibliographic Movement was characterized by its plurality, and aimed to respond to modernity\'s effects in the information world. The movement attributed to information the potentiality of individual transformation. Therefore, it changed the focus of information services from preservation to access, and pursued the organisation of collections according to its contents. The development of technology made the Bibliographic Movement exponents emphasise the application of new technologies to the process of information dissemination in order to facilitate and accelerate it. Information Science inherited its social role partially from the Bibliographic Movement, and aims at organising information so that it can be accessed. Information Science also shares with the movement the perspective of employing high technology to disseminate information. The Zeitgeist that gave rise to the Bibliographic Movement led to a common set of ideas and allowed the elaboration of similar proposals for the organisation of information. However, it is not discarded the probability of mutual influence between the individuals analysed. Despite its historical specificity the Bibliographic Movement shares with Information Science modern ideas and its relation to culture. It is concluded that the current information culture and the information culture of the Bibliographic Movement have differences, notwithstanding, they are entwined cultures and many of their problems are similar and need similar solutions
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Do tecer do algodão ao tecer da informação: organizando a explosão informacional do século XIX / -Luciana Corts Mendes 27 November 2014 (has links)
Analisa os objetivos e propostas de organização da informação desenvolvidos pelo Movimento Bibliográfico e indica sua influência na Ciência da Informação. Esta pesquisa de natureza exploratória, realizada através de levantamento, revisão e análise bibliográficos, investiga o pensamento de Paul Otlet, Wilhelm Ostwald, H. G. Wells, John Cotton Dana e Watson Davis, expoentes do Movimento Bibliográfico, no contexto da modernidade. O Movimento Bibliográfico caracterizava-se por sua pluralidade e buscava responder às alterações no mundo informacional decorrentes da modernidade. O movimento atribuía à informação a potencialidade de transformação dos indivíduos e, portanto, transformou o foco dos serviços de informação da preservação para o acesso, procurando organizar acervos em função de seus conteúdos. O desenvolvimento tecnológico contemporâneo ao movimento fez com que seus expoentes enfatizassem a aplicação de novas tecnologias ao processo de disseminação da informação, pois entendiam que este seria facilitado e agilizado. A Ciência da Informação herdou seu papel social parcialmente do Movimento Bibliográfico, objetivando a organização da informação para seu acesso, e compartilha com o movimento a perspectiva de emprego de alta tecnologia na disseminação da informação. O espírito do tempo no qual se originou o Movimento Bibliográfico levou ao aparecimento de um ideário comum que permitiu a elaboração de propostas similares, entretanto, não se descarta a influência mútua entre os indivíduos analisados na pesquisa. Apesar de sua especificidade histórica, o Movimento Bibliográfico compartilha com a Ciência da Informação o ideário informacional moderno e a relação deste com a cultura. Conclui-se que a cultura da informação contemporânea e aquela do movimento pesquisado apresentam diferenças, porém são culturas que se entrelaçam; muitos de seus problemas sendo semelhantes e necessitando soluções similares. / Analyses the objectives and proposals of information organisation developed by the Bibliographic Movement, and indicates its influence in Information Science. This exploratory research, accomplished through bibliographic survey, literature review, and analysis, investigates in the context of modernity the ideas of Bibliographic Movement exponents Paul Otlet, Wilhelm Ostwald, H. G. Wells, John Cotton Dana, and Watson Davis. The Bibliographic Movement was characterized by its plurality, and aimed to respond to modernity\'s effects in the information world. The movement attributed to information the potentiality of individual transformation. Therefore, it changed the focus of information services from preservation to access, and pursued the organisation of collections according to its contents. The development of technology made the Bibliographic Movement exponents emphasise the application of new technologies to the process of information dissemination in order to facilitate and accelerate it. Information Science inherited its social role partially from the Bibliographic Movement, and aims at organising information so that it can be accessed. Information Science also shares with the movement the perspective of employing high technology to disseminate information. The Zeitgeist that gave rise to the Bibliographic Movement led to a common set of ideas and allowed the elaboration of similar proposals for the organisation of information. However, it is not discarded the probability of mutual influence between the individuals analysed. Despite its historical specificity the Bibliographic Movement shares with Information Science modern ideas and its relation to culture. It is concluded that the current information culture and the information culture of the Bibliographic Movement have differences, notwithstanding, they are entwined cultures and many of their problems are similar and need similar solutions
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A study of inscribed reliefs within the context of donative inscriptions at SanchiMilligan, Matthew David 17 December 2010 (has links)
Inscribed relief art at the early Buddhist archaeological site of Sanchi in India exhibits at least one interesting quality not found elsewhere at the site. Sanchi is well known for its narrative reliefs and reliquaries enshrined in stūpas. However, two inscribed images of stūpas found on the southern gateway record the gifts of two prominent individuals. The first is a junior monk whose teacher holds a high position in the local order. The second is the son of the foreman of the artisans of a king. Both inscribed stūpa images represent a departure from a previous donative epigraphical habit. Instead of inscribing their names on image-less architectural pieces, these two particular individuals inscribed their names on representations of stūpas, a symbol with a multiplicity of meanings. In this thesis, I use two perspectives to analyze the visual and verbal texts of these inscribed reliefs. In the end, I suggest that these donations were recorded as part of the visual field intentionally, showing the importance of not only inscribing a name on an auspicious symbol but also the importance of inscribing a name for the purpose of being seen. / text
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