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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Darknet Drug Markets in a Swedish Context: A Descriptive Analysis of Wall Street Market and Flugsvamp 3.0

Magnúsdóttir, Hulda January 2019 (has links)
Drug use is a global pandemic with overdose-related deaths on the rise. Technological advances have made drug markets more commonly located online, indicating that Darknet markets will become the drug markets of the future. While Darknet markets have existed since the year 2010, research on the phenomena is scarce. The Wall Street Market (WSM) was established in 2016 and by 2017 it was the world´s largest international cryptomarket. Flugsvamp 3.0 is the most current Swedish domestic drug market on Darknet. This study examined WSM and Flugsvamp 3.0, regarding available drug types, number of advertisements, prices and countries of origin on WSM. The study also compared prices on these cryptomarkets with the street prices of Stockholm. During the research process, WSM was shut down by law enforcement. Therefore, an additional day of data collecting on Flugsvamp 3.0 was conducted. The study utilized a method of structured simple observation. A descriptive analysis, with uni- and bivariate analyses, was conducted. The most common drug on both markets was Pharmaceuticals, or prescription drugs. The market with the lowest prices was WSM, while street prices in Stockholm were the lowest of all three marketplaces. Germany most commonly shipped drugs to Sweden, via transactions through WSM. After the closure of WSM both number of advertisements and prices increased on Flugsvamp 3.0, in general. There is a pressing need for further research on Darknet drug markets, as the efficiency of law enforcement efforts to combat drug use depends on it.

Analys av inskannade arkiverade dokument med hjälp av objektdetektering uppbyggt på AI

Svedberg, Malin January 2020 (has links)
Runt om i världen finns det en stor mängd historiska dokument som endast finns i pappersform. Genom att digitalisera dessa dokument förenklas bland annat förvaring och spridning av dokumenten. Vid digitalisering av dokument räcker det oftast inte att enbart skanna in dokumenten och förvara dem som en bild, oftast finns det önskemål att kunna hantera informationen som dokumenten innehåller på olika vis. Det kan t.ex. vara att söka efter en viss information eller att sortera dokumenten utifrån informationen dem innehåller. Det finns olika sätt att digitalisera dokument och extrahera den information som finns på dem. I denna studie används metoden objektdetektering av typen YOLOv3 för att hitta och urskilja olika områden på historiska dokument i form av gamla registerkort för gamla svenska fordon. Objektdetekteringen tränas på ett egenskapat träningsdataset och träningen av objektdetekteringen sker via ramverket Darknet. Studien redovisar resultat i form av recall, precision och IoU för flera olika objektdetekteringsmodeller tränade på olika träningsdataset och som testats på ett flertal olika testdataset. Resultatet analyseras bland annat utifrån storlek och färg på träningsdatat samt mängden träning av objektdetekteringen.

Illuminating Dark Paths : Identifying Patterns of Darknet Drug Vendor Migration

Waldner, Oscar January 2022 (has links)
Drug vendors on darknet cryptomarkets are notoriously elusive. When cryptomarkets are subjectedto law enforcement crackdowns or other types of closures, rather than being deterred vendorsmigrate to other cryptomarkets. However, knowledge is lacking on why vendors migrate in thedirection that they do. A Swedish cryptomarket vendor community, whose primary cryptomarket”Flugsvamp 3.0” was suddenly closed in October of 2021, reappeared on a new cryptomarketcalled ”Archetyp Market” shortly after. With this thesis, I attempt to explore how the vendors ofthis community might have coordinated their migration to Archetyp Market. Building upon recenttheoretical contributions of vendor decision-making, I propose two ideal types of vendors inmigration. The first type is vendors with high reputation who have a greater economic incentive tore-establish themselves quickly, to minimize loss. Vendors with lower reputation will not have thesame need to move quickly. As their primary concern is to reach new customers, they will look tocryptomarkets with a high level of general trust. Cryptomarkets that have received an influx ofhigh reputation vendors will thereby have reached an attractive level of general trust, causing aninflux of lower reputable vendors. I tested this hypothesis by collecting cross-sectional data fromArchetyp Market and measured the covariation between when the Swedish vendors joined the siteand their reputational status. Using a standard linear regression analysis, I found a moderatepositive covariation between two reputationally related variables and the number of days sincejoining Archetyp Market. The vendors with high reputations joined Archetyp Market earlier thanthose with less. This finding thereby provides us with insight into how vendor reputation is not justeffective in influencing buyers, but also other vendors. Additionally, I proposed how thesereputational values could be developed into early indicators of the direction of vendors duringcryptomarket closure.

Darknet file sharing : application of a private peer-to-peer distributed file system concept

Ledung, Gabriel, Andersson, Johan January 2010 (has links)
Peer-to-peer network applications has been a tremendous success among end users and has therefore received much attention in academia and industry, as have illegal public file sharing in media. However, private peer-to-peer file sharing between family, friends and co-workers have attracted little interest from the research community. Existing approaches also limit the users by not allowing for native interaction with userspace applications. In this paper we ex- -plore how private file sharing can be made safe, fast and scalable without constraining the users in this aspect. We demonstrate the concept of a private file sharing application utilizing a decentralized peer-to-peer network overlay by creating a prototype with extreme program- ming as methodology. To maximize the freedom of users the network is accessed through a virtual file-system interface. The prototype proves this to be a valid approach and we hope readers can use this paper as a platform for further developments in this area. / Fildelningsapplikationer som använder peer-to-peer teknik har varit en enorm framgång blandslutanvändare och har därmed erhållit mycket uppmärksamhet från akademi och indus- tri, liksom olaglig fildelning fått inom media. Däremot har inte privat fildelning mellan vän- ner, arbetskamrater och kollegor tilldelats samma uppmärksamhet från forskningssamfundet. Nuvarande tillämpningar begränsar användaren genom att inte tillåta naturlig interaktion med användarapplikationer. I denna uppsats utforskar vi hur privat fildelning kan göras snabb, skalbar och säker utan att begränsa användaren ur den aspekten. Vi demonstrerar ett koncept- för privat fildelning som nyttjar decentraliserad peer-to-peer arkitektur m.h.a en prototyp som tagits fram med extreme programming som metodologi. För att maximera användarnas frihet nyttjas ett virtuellt filsystem som gränssnitt. Prototypen visar att vår tillämpning fungerar i praktiken och vi hoppas att läsaren kan använda vårt arbete som en plattform för fortsatt utveckling inom detta område.

Tor och webbplatsorakel : Konstruktion och utvärdering av webbplatsorakel från DNS-tidtagning i Tor-nätverket. / Tor and website oracles : Creation and evaluation of website oracles from timing DNS in the Tor network.

Andersson, Oscar January 2021 (has links)
This paper discsusses the question: is website oracles in Tor from timing DNS something we have to worry about? This paper builds apon the findings done by Rasmus Dahlberg and Tobias Pulls in thier paper Website Fingerprinting with Website Oracles. A website oracle is a side channel attack that answers the predicate: has this website been visited before? The website oracle is constructed and test are carried out, with great outcome, resulting in that website oracles from timing DNS is not an attack that puts individuals using Tor at risk, but certanly challanges the idea of an anonymity network when such a lot of data can be derived from DNS. / Den här uppsatsen diskuterar frågan: är ett webbplatsorakel från DNS-tidtagning i Tor en attack att oroa sig för? Uppsatsen bygger på tidigare forskning utförd av Rasmus Dahlberg och Tobias Pulls i rapporten Website Fingerprinting with Website Oracles. Ett webbplatsorakel är en sidokanalsattack som svarar på predikatet: är denna webbsida besökt av en specifik delmängd användare? Tor är ett anonymitetsnätverk för gemene man, en viktig teknik för ett utvecklande samhälle där den enskilde individens rätt över sin egen information på internet är under konstant hot. I uppsatsen förklaras vad ett webbplatsorakel är i detalj, hur webbplatsorakel fungerar i Tor-nätverket och hur detta konstrueras i detalj. Resultat presenteras och en diskussion förs med anknytning till dagens teknik och samhälle i stort. Resultaten tyder inte på någon större risk för enskilda användare av Tor men visar på en riskfylld utveckling av perceptionen av hur Tor uppfattas och hur dess rykte kan skadas om attacker likt den presenterad i uppsatsen kan vidareutvecklas. / <p>Presentation utfördes online p.g.a. coronapandemi.</p>

Protocolo multiplataforma no centralizado para comunicaciones multimedia seguras

Aguirre Pastor, José Vicente 27 January 2016 (has links)
En este trabajo se propone y desarrolla una topología en k-hipercubos que resuelve los principales inconvenientes asociados a la topología en hipercubo convencional. Los resultados obtenidos son muy prometedores, con aplicaciones tanto en el campo de la voz sobre IP, como en muchos otros campos que precisen de un intercambio de información muchos a muchos. Sobre la topología propuesta se define el protocolo Darkcube, que es una propuesta de protocolo totalmente distribuido basado en el concepto de darknet, posibilitando la realización de conversaciones muchos a muchos incluyendo audio, vídeo, texto y datos de geoposicionamiento, entre otros. También se propone un método de codificación de coordenadas de geoposicionamiento que resulta especialmente eficiente en el aprovechamiento del ancho de banda sobrante en las comunicaciones muchos a muchos que proporciona Darkcube. Durante el desarrollo de este trabajo, se ha implementado el simulador DarkcubeEmu; herramienta que posibilita la obtención de resultados relevantes en términos de la calidad de la comunicación. Finalmente, utilizando como base el protocolo Darkcube, se propone un protocolo de seguridad que traslada un esquema de infraestructura de clave pública a un protocolo totalmente distribuido, como es Darkcube; garantizando, de esta forma, la confidencialidad en las comunicaciones y la legitimidad de la identidad asociada a cada uno de sus miembros.

The Instant Generation : - hur ser ungdomars attityder till fildelning ut?

Strand, Carl January 2006 (has links)
<p>Abstract:</p><p>Title: Engelska (Svenska)</p><p>Number of pages: 40 (47 including appendix)</p><p>Author: Carl Strand</p><p>Tutor: Göran Svensson</p><p>Course: Media and Communication Studies C</p><p>Period: Fall 2005</p><p>University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University</p><p>Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this essay is to analyze how young people, in the ages 18 to 25, relate to the subject of file sharing, and what their attitudes to this phenomenon are. I aim to describe how they use file sharing, their knowledge about it, how their usage have changed due to the new copyright law, what their stands are on the question of resource control and management on the Internet, and what they think of the future of file sharing.</p><p>Material/Method: The method being used is a qualitative focus group interview model, used to investigate how young people look at the subject of file sharing. The results of the interviews is then applied to a theoretical framework based on thoughts of Denis McQuail, Lawrence Lessig concerning creativity, copyright, resource management and file sharing on the Internet</p><p>Main Results: My conclusion is that the widespread file sharing habits of young people is not only caused by the temptation of getting free stuff, but of the lack of commercial and legal alternatives. Youths are willing to pay for media if the distribution is superior to the illegal file sharing alternative. They are a generation of young people that has grown up in a society where the tendency in many fields has been to make everything faster and more effective. They want to be able to get everything, and they want it fast. They are what I call the Instant Generation.</p><p>Keywords: File sharing, attitudes, focus groups, Darknet, Open Source, free resources, free creativity</p>

The Instant Generation : - hur ser ungdomars attityder till fildelning ut?

Strand, Carl January 2006 (has links)
Abstract: Title: Engelska (Svenska) Number of pages: 40 (47 including appendix) Author: Carl Strand Tutor: Göran Svensson Course: Media and Communication Studies C Period: Fall 2005 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this essay is to analyze how young people, in the ages 18 to 25, relate to the subject of file sharing, and what their attitudes to this phenomenon are. I aim to describe how they use file sharing, their knowledge about it, how their usage have changed due to the new copyright law, what their stands are on the question of resource control and management on the Internet, and what they think of the future of file sharing. Material/Method: The method being used is a qualitative focus group interview model, used to investigate how young people look at the subject of file sharing. The results of the interviews is then applied to a theoretical framework based on thoughts of Denis McQuail, Lawrence Lessig concerning creativity, copyright, resource management and file sharing on the Internet Main Results: My conclusion is that the widespread file sharing habits of young people is not only caused by the temptation of getting free stuff, but of the lack of commercial and legal alternatives. Youths are willing to pay for media if the distribution is superior to the illegal file sharing alternative. They are a generation of young people that has grown up in a society where the tendency in many fields has been to make everything faster and more effective. They want to be able to get everything, and they want it fast. They are what I call the Instant Generation. Keywords: File sharing, attitudes, focus groups, Darknet, Open Source, free resources, free creativity

La réussite criminelle des participants à la fraude financière en ligne

Guillot, Mathieu 09 1900 (has links)
Le carding est un phénomène cybercriminel de par lequel des cyberdélinquants (appelés carders) vont compromettre et utiliser frauduleusement des données financières et bancaires. De nombreuses entités privées ou publiques ont mis en évidence l'importance des pertes monétaires occasionnées par ce nouveau type de criminalité. D'un point de vu criminologique, peu de recherches académiques se sont penchées sur l'ampleur de ce phénomène et plus particulièrement sur la réussite criminelle des carders. Pour combler ce manque de connaissances, ce projet de recherche a pour objectif de comprendre la réussite criminelle des carders en observant l'impact de leurs caractéristiques personnelles et sociales sur leurs revenus criminels. Les différentes variables mobilisées relatent entre autres les activités marchandes ou encore les caractéristiques sociodémographiques des carders interrogés. Pour ce faire, un sondage en ligné, hébergé sur Tor, a été mené. Au total, 49 sondages complets ont été collectés pour être analysés. En s'attelant à décrire les caractéristiques personnelles et sociales des carders, ce travail a été en mesure de mettre à jour les connaissances préalablement acquises sur les carders et de répondre à des manques de consensus sur certains pans des activités de ces cyberdélinquants. L'ensemble des résultats révèlent que peu de carders affichent une réussite criminelle élevée et qu'une minorité d'entre eux gagnent de forts revenus. La réussite crimnelle des carders s'explique par le fait de disposer de compétences spécialisées, de bénéficier d'une bonne expérience, d'utiliser des forums de discussion en ligne ou encore d'occuper des rôles centraux sur les lieux de convergence virtuels. Outre le fait d'apporter des réponses quant à ces prédicteurs sur la réussite criminelle des carders, ce projet de recherche permet de constater les apports et les faiblesses de l'utilisation d'un sondage pour collecter des données dans une écosystème cybercriminel. / Carding is a criminal phenomenon which consists of compromising financial data in order to do fraudulent transactions. Several private and public parties highlighted the size of the loss caused by this new form of criminality. From the criminological angle, little research is available in the size and scope of the phenomenon, particularly on the criminal achievement of this kind of online offenders (called carders). To fill this gap, this research project is aimed at understand the criminal achievement of carders by observing the impact of their personal and social characteristics on their criminal income. Theses variables relate among others to their market activities or their sociodemographic. To do so, an online survey, hosted on Tor, was conducted. A total of 49 completed surveys were collected to do our analysis. By describing these personal and social characteristics, this work has been able to update our knowledge about carders and to address gaps about certain part of what we known about carding. Overall, the results shown that few carders can claim a good criminal achievement and that a minority of them can earn large amounts of money. Experience, speciliazed skills, the use of online forums or play the role of broker explained the criminal achievement among carders.Apart from the fact that our study brings some answers about those predictors, this project highlights the strengths and weaknesses of using an online survey to collect data from a criminal ecosystem.


Tiberg, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vad som karaktäriserar personer som döms för narkotikabrott på internet och hur rättssystemet beskriver de dömdas sociala situation och motiv. Uppsatsen använder en mixed-methods metodologi med både kvantitativ och kvalitativ analys. Det empiriska materialet utgörs av dokument i form av domar och förundersökningsprotokoll. Den kvantitativa analysen har bland annat undersökt 222 dömda personers demografi, tidigare brottslighet och vilka påföljder de dömts till. Den kvalitativa analysen har undersökt hur de dömdas sociala situation och motiv beskrivits av rättsväsendet. Pierre Bourdieus teori om olika kapitalformer utgör uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkt. Narkotikamarknader kan betraktas som olika fält som i olika utsträckning kräver symboliskt kapital. Utmärkande för narkotikamarknaden på internet är att de inte kräver symboliskt kapital. Resultatet för både den kvantitativa och kvalitativa analysen visar att de dömda köparna är en heterogen grupp utifrån rättsväsendet beskrivningar. De dömda har en stor spridning gällande bland annat ålder, geografi och valet av substanser. En del av de dömda beskrivs som vanliga människor med ordnade sociala förhållanden. Andra dömda beskrivs ha stora problem gällande psykisk ohälsa, missbruk och kriminalitet. Beskrivningarna av motiven till att köpa narkotika på internet är att få tillgång till substanser av viss kvalité, kvantitet, pris eller typ. Men också att få annan typ av relation mellan köpare och säljare av narkotika som inte baseras på personliga kontakter. / The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the characteristics of persons who are sentenced for purchasing illicit drugs on the internet, and how the legal system describes the social situation and motives of the convicted persons. The thesis uses a mixed-method methodology with both quantitative and qualitative analysis. The empirical material consists of documents in the form of judgments and preliminary investigation protocols. The quantitative analysis has examined the demography, previous criminal records and the sanctions of 222 convicted persons. The qualitative analysis has examined how the social situation and motives of the convicted persons are described by the judicial system. Pierre Bourdieu's theory of capital forms constitutes the theoretical starting point of the essay. Drug markets can be regarded as fields which, to varying degrees, require symbolic capital. The characteristic of the drug markets on the internet is that they do not require symbolic capital. The result of both the quantitative and qualitative analysis is that the convicted buyers are described as a heterogeneous group in the documents of the legal system. The convicted are a diverse group regarding age, geography and choice substances. Some of the convicted are described as ordinary people with organized social conditions. Others convicted are described as having major problems with mental illness, drug abuse and crime. The descriptions of the motives for purchasing drugs on the internet are to access substances of a certain quality, quantity, price or type. But also, to access a different kind of relationship between the buyer and the seller of drugs.

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