Spelling suggestions: "subject:"drug offense"" "subject:"drug offensive""
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Česká a polská právní úprava trestní odpovědnosti za drogové delikty / Czech and Polish legal regulation of criminal liability for drug offensesRosůlek, Adéla January 2019 (has links)
The dissertation thesis about Czech and Polish legislation on drug offenses deals with driving under the influence of addictive substances, responsibility for acts committed under the influence of addictive substances, drug possession, cannabis cultivation, production and distribution of drugs, handling of articles for drug production and spreading drug addiction. The aim of this work is to bring a critical view of the current Czech legislation on drug offenses and related issues and then to present specific legislative proposals based on comparison with Polish law. The thesis analyzes the Polish and Czech legal regulations of drug offenses and brings a comparison of the facts of the aforementioned crimes and specific case studies. The work is based on legal regulations and case law of both countries, practical knowledge and also available statistical data. The thesis deals with the legalization of drugs comprehensively, including the arguments for and against legalization, wich are used in the Czech Republic and Poland. It addresses the legalization of cannabis on the example of Holland, the USA and Uruguay, as well as the availability of hard drugs in substitution programs in the Czech Republic and Poland. In conclusion the thesis gets to the explanation how the Czech legislator should proceed...
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Trestná činnost související se zneužíváním návykových látek / Substance abuse crimeŠolcová, Šárka January 2021 (has links)
1 Abstract Crime relating to the abuse of addictive substances This thesis deals with the issue of substance abuse and criminality associated with this pathological phenomenon. Addiction and substance abuse can be considered a significant criminogenic factor, which is a common cause of traffic accidents, domestic violence, reduced self-control, increased aggression and other crime-related behaviors. Criminality related to the production, distribution and use of addictive substances covers a wide range of offenses, from trivial offenses bordering on offenses to the diverse activities of international organized crime, which can be consider a global issue. Subject matter of this thesis is to link this stated issue with fundamental knowledge about narcotic and psychotropic substances and its effects on individuals, along with their potential influence on the delinquent behavior of drug users, while providing a theoretical definition of crimes related to substance abuse and an effort to quantify this phenomenon. This thesis is devided into four parts. The introductory chapter focuses on interpreting concepts related to substance abuse, which is necessary for a comprehensive understanding of the stated issue. As a follow up to this, the second chapter deals with narcotic and psychotropic substances' fundamental...
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Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vad som karaktäriserar personer som döms för narkotikabrott på internet och hur rättssystemet beskriver de dömdas sociala situation och motiv. Uppsatsen använder en mixed-methods metodologi med både kvantitativ och kvalitativ analys. Det empiriska materialet utgörs av dokument i form av domar och förundersökningsprotokoll. Den kvantitativa analysen har bland annat undersökt 222 dömda personers demografi, tidigare brottslighet och vilka påföljder de dömts till. Den kvalitativa analysen har undersökt hur de dömdas sociala situation och motiv beskrivits av rättsväsendet. Pierre Bourdieus teori om olika kapitalformer utgör uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkt. Narkotikamarknader kan betraktas som olika fält som i olika utsträckning kräver symboliskt kapital. Utmärkande för narkotikamarknaden på internet är att de inte kräver symboliskt kapital. Resultatet för både den kvantitativa och kvalitativa analysen visar att de dömda köparna är en heterogen grupp utifrån rättsväsendet beskrivningar. De dömda har en stor spridning gällande bland annat ålder, geografi och valet av substanser. En del av de dömda beskrivs som vanliga människor med ordnade sociala förhållanden. Andra dömda beskrivs ha stora problem gällande psykisk ohälsa, missbruk och kriminalitet. Beskrivningarna av motiven till att köpa narkotika på internet är att få tillgång till substanser av viss kvalité, kvantitet, pris eller typ. Men också att få annan typ av relation mellan köpare och säljare av narkotika som inte baseras på personliga kontakter. / The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the characteristics of persons who are sentenced for purchasing illicit drugs on the internet, and how the legal system describes the social situation and motives of the convicted persons. The thesis uses a mixed-method methodology with both quantitative and qualitative analysis. The empirical material consists of documents in the form of judgments and preliminary investigation protocols. The quantitative analysis has examined the demography, previous criminal records and the sanctions of 222 convicted persons. The qualitative analysis has examined how the social situation and motives of the convicted persons are described by the judicial system. Pierre Bourdieu's theory of capital forms constitutes the theoretical starting point of the essay. Drug markets can be regarded as fields which, to varying degrees, require symbolic capital. The characteristic of the drug markets on the internet is that they do not require symbolic capital. The result of both the quantitative and qualitative analysis is that the convicted buyers are described as a heterogeneous group in the documents of the legal system. The convicted are a diverse group regarding age, geography and choice substances. Some of the convicted are described as ordinary people with organized social conditions. Others convicted are described as having major problems with mental illness, drug abuse and crime. The descriptions of the motives for purchasing drugs on the internet are to access substances of a certain quality, quantity, price or type. But also, to access a different kind of relationship between the buyer and the seller of drugs.
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Avkriminalisera narkotikabrott eget bruk : ett polisiärt perspektiv / Decriminalize personal use of drugs : a police officer perspectiveHenriksson, Sara January 2024 (has links)
I Sverige kriminaliserades eget bruk av narkotika 1988 och sedan dess har antalet personer som rapporterats för brottet stadigt ökat (Brottsförebygganderådet [BRÅ] 2023). Kriminaliseringen har setts som framgångsrik då vi internationellt sätt har lägre narkotikaanvändande än många andra länder. På senaste har dock den svenska narkotikapolitiken ifrågasatts och två statliga utredningar har uppmanat regeringen att se över konsekvenserna av lagstiftningen, framför allt kopplat till den höga narkotikadödligheten (SOU 2023:10; SOU 2023:62). Studien undersöker hur poliser som arbetar mot narkotika ser på frågan om narkotikabrott eget bruk ska avkriminaliseras eller inte. Studiens teoretiska ramverk utgår från deterrence theory och ethics of care. Deterrence theory, avskräckningsteori, har sin grund i att individen aktivt väljer att avstå från brottsliga handlingar för att straffet väger högre än vinsten av att begå brott (Beccaria 1778, s.29). Ethics of care, omsorgsetik, syftar till att vi kan och bör bemöta marginaliserade individer i samhället med omsorg och empati. Vad som är gott eller vad som bör uppnås är viktigare än korrekthet eller principiella kriterier (UNODC u.å.). Studien har skett genom kvalitativa intervjuer med poliser som arbetar mot narkotikabrott för att undersöka hur de ser på kriminaliseringen av narkotikabrott eget bruk. Intervjuerna har analyserats efter studiens frågeställningar och teoretiska ramverk. Resultatet visar att poliserna selekterar vilka derapporterar för brott och grunden till selekteringen är omsorg för individen bakom bruket. Det råder en stark konsensus bland deltagarna att avkriminalisering av narkotikabrott eget bruk skulle få negativa konsekvenser och de uttrycker en oro för både ett ökat användande och problem för polisens arbete mot den organiserade brottsligheten. Arbetet mot narkotikabrott eget bruk är komplext och stort ansvar läggs på den enskilde polismannen för att orientera sig i tillämpningen av lagstiftningen. Polismyndigheten bör underlätta arbetet genom att tydligare riktlinjer kring hur lagen ska tillämpas så legaliteten bibehålls. / In Sweden, personal use of narcotics was criminalized in 1988 and since then, the number of people reported for the crime has steadily increased (BRÅ 2023). Criminalization has been seen as successful as we have lower drug use internationally than many other countries. Recently, however, Swedish drug policy has been questioned and two government inquiries have called on the government to review the consequences of the legislation, especially linked to the high drug mortality rate (SOU 2023:10; 2023:62). The study examines how police officers who work against narcotics view the question of whether use of drugs should be decriminalized or not. The theoretical framework of the study is based on deterrence theory and ethics of care. Deterrence theory involve that the individual actively chooses to abstain from criminal acts because the punishment outweighs the profit of committing a crime (Beccaria 1778, p.29). Ethics of care means that we can and should treat marginalized individuals in society with care and empathy. What is good or what should be achieved is more important than correctness or principled criteria (UNODC n.d.). The study has been conducted through qualitative interviews with police officers who work against drug offenses to examine how they view the criminalization of personal use. The interviews have been analyzed according to the study's questions and theoretical framework. The results show that the police select who they report and the basis for the selection is care for the individual behind the crime. There is a strong consensus among the participants that decriminalization of use of drugs would have negative consequences and they express concern towards both increased use and problems for the police's work against organized crime. The work against drug offence, personal use, is complex and great responsibility is placed on the individual police officer to orient himself in the application of the legislation. The Police Authority should facilitate the work by providing clearer guidelines on how the law is to be applied so that legality is maintained.
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