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The Syntax and Semantics of Manner Modification: Adjectives and AdverbsAlyeksyeyenko, Oleksandr 18 April 2016 (has links)
This dissertation is concerned with the syntax and semantics of manner adjectives and manner adverbs. Its aim is to develop a theory of manner modification that (i) accounts for the possibility for manner adjectives to occur with manner, event, and individual nouns (cf., e.g., careful driver/driving/way of driving), while keeping their semantics constant across these uses, and (ii) establishes the semantic relation that holds between manner adjectives and manner adverbs. In particular, it is argued that manner adjectives denote properties of manners of events, rather than of events themselves. This means that their occurrences with manner nouns present the most transparent syntax-semantics mapping, whereas their occurrences with event and individual nouns involve mismatches between overt syntax and logical form. Accordingly, it is shown (i) how the manners specified by manner adjectives are formally linked to the events introduced by event nouns, and (ii) where the events whose manners are specified by manner adjectives come from in the context of individual nouns. With respect to the latter point, it is suggested that the source of the relevant events is the semantics of overt or covert prepositional gerunds that are subcategorized by manner adjectives when they modify or are predicated of individual nouns (as, e.g., in a driver careful at driving). Finally, manner adverbs are argued to have complex semantics which incorporates a predicate of manners contributed by the base adjective, along with the manner function and a manner quantifier. Importantly, this semantics is motivated on (morpho)syntactic grounds, insofar as -ly adverbs are shown to have a complex internal structure of null-headed compound PPs containing the nominal morpheme -ly and the base adjective as its attributive modifier, and thus are not members of a separate lexical category or positional variants of a single major category of adverbs and adjectives, as is usually assumed. As a result, both the syntactic function and the semantic contribution of the morpheme -ly is accounted for.
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Automatische Analyse orthographischer Leistungen von SchreibanfängernThelen, Tobias 09 June 2010 (has links)
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der automatisierten Analyse orthographischer Leistungen von Schreibanfängern zu erforschen und zu bewerten. Ausgangspunkt der Betrachtungen ist ein linguistisch orientiertes Modell der deutschen Orthographie, für das zudem erprobte didaktische Umsetzungen für den Anfangsunterricht im Lesen und Schreiben existieren. Dieses Modell dient, vor allem auf den Bereich der Wortschreibung fokussiert, als Beurteilungskriterium etablierter standardisierter und nicht-standardisierter diagnostischer Rechtschreibtests. Bei den betrachteten Tests wurden Defizite auf mehreren Ebenen festgestellt. Zum einen operieren sie mit linguistisch nicht sauber begründbaren Begriffen und Kategorieabgrenzungen. Zum anderen und zum Teil daraus folgend erlauben sie nur wenige diagnostische Schlüsse, die zielgerichtetes didaktisches Handeln begründen können. Aus diesen Gründen wird ein neues, vor allem auf phonologische Aspekte der Wortschreibung abzielendes Auswertungsschema definiert. Auf dieser linguistisch gesicherten und für den Praxiseinsatz vielversprechenden Grundlage werden unterschiedliche algorithmische Verfahren entworfen, umgesetzt und erprobt werden, die die notwendigen Analyseschritte automatisieren oder zumindest teilautomatisieren können. Für die Erprobung der Verfahren wurde ein Testkorpus von ca. 750 Bildergeschichtenverschriftungen aus verschiedenen Regionen Deutschlands erhoben. Die entworfenen Analyseverfahren decken drei Bereiche ab: Die Analyse von Wortschreibungen ohne Kenntnis der korrekten Schreibungen, den Vergleich korrekter und beobachteter Wortschreibungen und die Analyse von Groß- und Kleinschreibungsleistungen. Die Verfahren liefern keine unmittelbaren Erkenntnisse über Wissen und kognitive Zustände der Schreiber. Vielmehr liegt ihnen ein Modell zur Validität von Analyseergebnissen zugrunde, das sich wesentlich auf die Gültigkeit zweier Übertragungen beruft: Zum Einen die Übertragung des Gegenstandsbereichs Orthographie in ein linguistisch fundiertes Modell der deutschen Orthographie und daraus begründete Analysekategorien. Und zum Anderen die Übertragung der beobachteten Leistungen in ein Wissensmodell des Lerners, das wiederum linguistisch fundiert ist und mithilfe linguistisch begründeter didaktischer Modelle in unterrichtliches Handeln umgesetzt werden kann. Die Verfahren konnten so weit entwickelt und umgesetzt werden, dass sie für den tatsächlichen Praxiseinsatz geeignet sind.
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Immersion als Textfunktion? Sprachliche Praktiken der Spielerlenkung in der Textgrundlage von Computerspielen / Immersion as textual function? Linguistic practices of player guidance in computer games texts / L'immersion comme fonction textuelle? Pratiques linguistiques de l'orientation des joueurs dans la base textuelle des jeux vidéo / Погружение как текстовая функция? Лингвистические практики руководства игроком в текстовой основе компьютерных игрPrez, Julia January 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Die Textfunktion beschreibt den vom Emittenten intendierten Effekt eines Textes auf den Rezipienten. Sachbücher etwa sind in erster Linie informativ, Werbeanzeigen appellativ, Testamente deklarativ, Verträge erfüllen eine Obligationsfunktion und Danksagungen eine Kontaktfunktion. Wie sieht es aber mit Computerspielen aus? Können diese als Texte auf ihre Textfunktion untersucht werden? Laut den Game Studies ist Immersion das erklärte Ziel der Spielentwickler, wobei Aufmerksamkeitslenkung eine bedeutende Rolle einnimmt. Ist denn Immersion auch linguistisch als Textfunktion nachweisbar?
Um dies herauszufinden, werden Computerspiele – gemäß dem Textanalyseschema von Brinker, Cölfen und Pappert \(^8\)2014 – zunächst als Texte definiert. Im Rahmen dieser Analyse werden auch Kohärenz und Kohäsion untersucht und sprachliche Mittel werden als Indizien betrachtet, die auf die Funktion hinweisen. Im Fokus stehen dabei Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit, emotionale Sprache, die Kodierung von Regeln und Herausforderungen sowie Referenzen auf das Interface.
Im Speziellen werden Adventure und Role Playing Games (im Offline- und Single Player Modus) als Textsorten untersucht, weil diese Spiele üblicherweise viel Text enthalten. Zur Textsortenabgrenzung wird zunächst ein Spiel genauestens mittels AntConc untersucht, um anschließend das gesamte Korpus (23 Spiele, 70.060 Types, 1.183.536 Tokens) unter Verwendung von LancsBox vergleichend zu analysieren.
Zusammenfassend kann diese Masterarbeit als eine der ersten Studien eines vernachlässigten, aber gegenwärtigen und an Bedeutung gewinnenden Bereichs linguistischer Forschung betrachtet werden, der Linguistik, Computerspiele und Immersion zu verbinden versucht. Die Hypothese, dass es gewisse sprachliche Praktiken in Computerspiel-Texten gibt, anhand derer der Rezipient beeinflusst und gelenkt wird, um in das Spiel hineinzutauchen, konnte auf Basis des Korpus bestätigt werden. / The textual function describes how the creator of a text wants the recipient to understand it. A non-fiction book, for example, is informative, an advertisement is appellative, a testament is declarative, contracts fulfill an obligation and an acknowledgment establishes contact. How about computer games? Provided that they can be considered texts, can their textual function be described? According to Game Studies, the aim of game developers is for the player to be immersed in a game by controlling attention. Can immersion also be proven linguistically?
In order to ascertain this, computer games - according to the text analysis scheme of Brinker, Cölfen and Pappert \(^8\)2014 - are first defined as texts. In the context of this analysis, coherence and cohesion are also examined, and linguistic devices are considered as indications that point to the textual function. The focus is on orality and writtenness, emotional language, the encoding of rules and challenges, and references to the interface.
Specifically, Adventure Games and Role Playing Games (offline and single player mode) are examined as text types because these games usually contain a significant amount of text. To delineate text types, one game is examined in detail using AntConc. Subsequently, the entire corpus (23 games, 70,060 types, 1,183,536 tokens) is analyzed comparatively using LancsBox.
In summary, this master thesis can be viewed as one of the first studies on a neglected but contemporary area of linguistic research that tries to combine linguistics, computer games and immersion. The hypothesis that there are certain linguistic practices in computer game texts by means of which the recipient is influenced and guided to immerse into the game could be confirmed on the basis of the corpus.
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Inhaltsverzeichnis30 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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VorwortPrinz, Michael, Siegfried-Schupp, Inga 30 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Sprachliche Integration: mittelalterliche Ortsnamen im Kontaktgebiet des Kantons St. GallenBerchtold, Simone, Steiner, Linda 30 August 2021 (has links)
The article deals with toponyms in the canton of St. Gallen in Switzerland
with regard to language contact. Since the emergence of the Romance
language in late antiquity (3rd-6th century AD) and until the Germanisation
in the early Middle Ages (ca. from the 9th century until ca. the 14th century)
St. Gallen has functioned in an interaction of two languages: Old Romansh
and Old High German. This sequence can still be identified in a considerable
number of toponyms. Here we want, first, to show how Romansh toponyms
were transferred to Swiss German and, second, to discuss the methodological
challenges facing toponymists when dealing with names in contact areas.
Based on the categorization of Nicolaisen (1996) various types of adaptational
processes such as translations, analogical re-formation and re-interpretation
are illustrated and discussed using names and historical name data from the
database «Flurnamen des Kantons St. Gallen». Two important categories in
this regard are phonological adaptation and morphological translation. Finally,
the study offers an insight into how toponomastics in an ancient contact area
can help to reconstruct an extinct language, i.e. Old Romansh.]
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Zur Frage der Slawizität einiger oberfränkischer Ortsnamen (Würgau, Gleußen, Feuln, Marktzeuln, Wirbenz) und Flurnamen (Külmnitz, Külmitz, Leubnitz)Bichlmeier, Harald 30 August 2021 (has links)
The article is concerned with the etymologies of northeast Bavarian,
i.e. Upper Franconian, settlement names Würgau, Gleußen, Feuln, Marktzeuln
and Wirbenz and the microtoponyms Külmnitz, Külmitz and Leubnitz. While
tradition had it that the settlement names are of Slavic origin, a PhD thesis
published in 2016 claimed them to be of West Germanic origin. In the case of
the microtoponyms Külmnitz and Külmitz only a West Germanic etymology
had hitherto been presented, while in the case of the microtoponym Leubnitz
both a Germanic and a Slavic one had been proposed, with no final conclusion
reached. The article compares the Slavic etymologies with the West Germanic
ones and reaches the conclusion that neither of the West Germanic etymologies
proposed is more convincing than any of the Slavic ones. In the case of the settlement
names Feuln and Marktzeuln, however, each proposed etymology is
roughly as convincing as the other (though the author ultimately still sides with
the Slavic etymologies). In the case of the other names, the Slavic etymologies
are (clearly) more convincing than the West Germanic ones.
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Eine deutsche ‚Schicksalsgemeinschaft‘ im Spiegel ihrer Namen: Studie zu Bernhard Schlinks Roman Der VorleserBrütting, Richard 30 August 2021 (has links)
School student Michael Berg (15) becomes involved in an erotic
relationship with Hanna Schmitz (36), to whom he reads from works of literature
during their lovers’ trysts. Hanna constantly calls Michael mein Jungchen
(‚my young laddie‘), while the latter addresses her not just as Hanna but also
using pet names such as Boukeffelchen (Alexander the Great’s tempestuous
war horse was called Boukephalos). Years later Michael recognizes Hanna
among the accused in a concentration camp trial. When she falsely assumes
responsibility for the authorship of a report on the death of a group of concentration
camp prisoners, Michael realizes that Hanna would rather accept a long
prison sentence than admit to her illiteracy.
The name Michael Berg reminds us of locations around Heidelberg (e.g. Michelsberg);
Berg also alludes to the hill as a location of insights and to Michael’s
complicated Schicksalsgemeinschaft with a concentration camp guard. While
the simplified name Hanna evokes childishness and motherliness, Schmitz recalls
the hissing of the horsewhip used by many concentration camp supervisors.
Hanna also readily evokes the name Hannah Arendt, while Schmitz is
a common, everyday surname whose occurrence is reminiscent of A Report
on the Banality of Evil, the subtitle of Hannah Arendt’s book Eichmann in
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Das Projekt Aus der Tradition in die Zukunft als Beitrag zur digitalen NamengeographieDicklberger, Alois, Janka, Wolfgang 30 August 2021 (has links)
As part of a cross-border project at the Jihočeská univerzita v Českých
Budějovicích and the University of Passau, similarities and divergences
were examined in place names, surnames, literature and social culture along
an old trade route between Passau (Czech: Pasov) and Budějovice (German:
Budweis). This makes it possible to trace the development of the relationship
between the two peoples of the border area back to the Middle Ages. In this
essay, we focus on place names and family names. Place names such as Czech
Čakov and German Groß Čekau were explained and classified typologically
on the basis of the documents and dialectal pronunciations elicited during the
project. In the area of family names, the development and spatial distribution
of names such as Janko are examined in order to trace linguistic exchanges
and changes in the contact area shared by the two ethnic groups/language
communities. A database and web application involving geographical multimedia
have been used to store, analyse and represent the research results. The
material collected can be displayed cartographically and evaluated according
to a variety of criteria. Concerning family names, the application is intended
to lay the foundation for a spatial representation not only of individual names
but also of etymological or semantical name groups as well as name formation
patterns. The results of this research have been made accessible via a web
browser and a mobile app.
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Alternativen namentlicher Anrede als Ressourcen sozialen Handelns: ein Fall für die Interaktionale OnomastikDroste, Pepe 30 August 2021 (has links)
The sociolinguistic literature suggests that the choice of terms of
address (e.g. nickname, term of endearment, kin term, first name, or prefix
+ last name) depends on the identities of the participants and the settings in
which they are used. However, the names which participants use to address
their co-participants may also vary within single episodes of social interaction,
whereby terms of address with specific names are not only bound to specific
participants but to the social activities in which the participants are engaged
as well. This paper investigates from an interactional-onomastic perspective
how participants rely on specific terms of address in sequences of turns-attalk
as a resource to get things done. Detailed analyses of sequences in which
family members address their co-participants with first names as opposed to
nicknames and kin terms demonstrate that specific names serve as means for
the locally situated recalibration of identities that participants methodically
use to contextualize social actions. The results are discussed along with their
implications for both the study of social action and the study of names. Data
are from family interactions in German
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