Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dde nova"" "subject:"dee nova""
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[pt] Esta pesquisa analisou a extensão e o significado de expressões adotadas
por ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal, como notórias mudanças ou alterações fáticas ou jurídicas, utilizadas para fundamentarem mutações constitucionais
informais de dispositivos da redação original da Constituição de 1988, e se com
isso haveria uma fundamentação adequada e específica, observando os princípios
da segurança jurídica, da proteção da confiança e da isonomia, exigidos pelo Código de Processo Civil. A metodologia aplicada foi a pesquisa empírica por meio
do estudo de quatro casos julgados pelo Pleno do Tribunal, no período de
05.10.1988 a 24.11.2022, quando foram analisadas dez mutações constitucionais
judiciais neles detectadas. E ao final, apresentou-se algumas contribuições para a
formação de uma teoria brasileira da mutação constitucional judicial, quando foi
apresentado não só um novo conceito do fenômeno, como uma proposta para sua
sistematização para uso pelo Pleno do STF, e um rol de certas circunstâncias que
se mostraram irrelevantes à sua ocorrência. / [en] This research analyzed the extent and meaning of expressions adopted by ministers of the Federal Supreme Court, such as notable factual or legal changes or alterations, used to support informal constitutional mutations of provisions of the original wording of the Constitution of 88, and whether this would provide a basis appropriate and specific, observing the principles of legal certainty, protection of trust and equality, required by the Code of Civil Procedure. The methodology applied was empirical research through the study of four cases judged by the Full Court, from 10.05.1988 to 11.24.2022, when ten judicial constitutional mutations detected in them were analyzed. And in the end, the hypothesis of unfounded, adequate and specific judicial exercise was confirmed, without observing the aforementioned procedural principles. And as contributions to the formation of a Brazilian theory of judicial constitutional mutation, a new concept of the phenomenon was presented, a proposal for its systematization for use by the Plenum of the STF, and a list of certain circumstances that proved to be irrelevant to its occurrence.
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Caractérisations et impacts des transposons à ADN chez Ophiostoma ulmi et O. novo-ulmi, principaux agents de la maladie hollandaise de l'ormeBouvet, Guillaume 12 April 2018 (has links)
Des éléments mobiles de type 2 ont été mis en évidence chez Ophiostoma ulmi et O. novoulmi, agents pathogènes de la maladie hollandaise de l'orme. Dans un premier temps, ces transposons à ADN, nommés OPHIOl, OPHI02 et OPHI03, ont été subséquemment caractérisés, tant au niveau structural qu'au niveau de leur répartition dans les espèces concernées. L'étude approfondie de leur séquence a permis de faire ressortir des mutations particulières de type RIP (Repeat induced point mutations) uniquement présentes chez OPHI03. Ces dernières, ont par ailleurs, permis de mettre au point une nouvelle technique de visualisation de ce type de mutations (CTS visualizatiori), applicable à l'ensemble de ces éléments mobiles. Dans un second temps, la mobilité & OPHIOl et OPHI02 a fait l'objet d'une étude détaillée. Grâce à divers stress abiotiques, nous avons démontré que ces éléments sont mobiles au sein des génomes des champignons responsables de la maladie hollandaise de l'orme. En dernier lieu, des analyses bioinformatiques ont permis de mettre en évidence des zones de sélection positive au sein de domaines précis des transposases, l'enzyme requise pour la mobilité d'OPHIOl et d'OPHI02. L'ensemble de ces résultats a permis d'accroître la connaissance des TE ainsi que d'essayer de comprendre la dynamique complexe existant entre les transposons et leurs génomes hôtes. / Type 2 mobile elements were detected in Ophiostoma ulmi and O. novo-ulmi sp., the causal agents of the Dutch elm disease. Firstly, the structure and the distribution in Ophiostoma species of these DNA transposons, named OPHIOl, OPHI02 and OPHI03, were characterized. A precise analysis of their sequence demonstrated some particular RIP mutations (Repeat induced point mutations) in the case of OPHI03. These mutations allowed us to develop a new visualization (CTS visualization) for these types of mutations, applicable to ail mobile elements. Secondly, the mobility of OPHIOl and OPHIOl was the main investigation of a detailed study. We demonstrated that abiotic stresses have a direct impact on the induction of mobility of the transposons within Ophiostoma sp. To finish our investigation, bioinformatics analyses were performed on OPHIOl and OPHIOl (considered to be active transposons) and allowed the presence of regions under positive selection inside the transposase (enzyme required for their mobility). Taken together, these results lead to a better understanding of a part of the complex dynamics that links mobile elements to their host genomes.
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O cinema político de Leon Hirszman (1976-1981): engajamento e resistência durante o regime militar brasileiro / -Cardenuto Filho, Reinaldo 13 October 2014 (has links)
O objetivo central desta tese é estudar o percurso artístico e intelectual de Leon Hirszman a partir dos filmes Que país é este? (1976-77), ABC da greve (1979- 90) e Eles não usam black-tie (1981). Discutindo as relações entre cinema e História, a pesquisa se concentra nas práticas culturais, estéticas e ideológicas do realizador, procurando analisar as interpretações que ele mobilizou em torno do Brasil durante a vigência do regime militar. A despeito de Hirszman ter consolidado a sua trajetória como integrante do Cinema Novo, questão que percorre as páginas deste doutorado, propõe-se também uma aproximação entre a sua obra e o projeto dramatúrgico construído por autores oriundos do Teatro de Arena. Na década de 1970, face à crise que se instalou no campo cultural da esquerda, em especial o colapso da crença revolucionária anterior a 1964 e o refluxo da leitura do povo como vanguarda heroica para uma transformação do mundo, o cineasta se aproximaria do revisionismo artístico proposto, principalmente, por Gianfrancesco Guarnieri, Paulo Pontes e Vianinha. Mantendo em seus filmes uma abordagem politizada da classe popular, sem abdicar da figura do intelectual como mediador de denúncias contra a ditadura, o diretor se voltaria para uma produção em sintonia com o viés comunista de engajamento, em diálogo com a tradição do realismo crítico e disposta a elaborar narrativas e registros documentais em confronto ao autoritarismo dos militares. Nesse sentido, mesmo sem partilhar do ideário do novo sindicalismo surgido sobretudo entre os metalúrgicos da cidade paulista de São Bernardo do Campo, Hirszman deslocaria a figura do operário para o centro do processo criativo de ABC da greve e de Black-tie, representando-o em uma chave próxima à resistência articulada pelo Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB), na qual o trabalhador seria visto como parte de uma ampla frente organizada para superar a ditadura e atuar em prol da redemocratização. Uma obra realizada com o intuito de responder aos dilemas sociais de seu contexto histórico, a propor uma abordagem particular sobre a classe popular e a militância antiautoritária, a partir de leituras e experiências estéticas construídas em meio aos impasses que percorreram a esquerda política e cultural na segunda metade dos anos 1970. / The main goal of this thesis is to study Leon Hirszman\'s artistic and intellectual trajectory through the films Que país é este? (1976-77), ABC da greve (1979-90) and They don\'t wear black-tie (1981). Discussing the relation between film and History, the research concentrates itself on the cultural, aesthetic and ideological practices of the director, aiming to analyze his interpretations about Brazil during its military dictatorship. Despite Hirszman\'s consolidated career as a member of the Cinema Novo movement, issue that is described during this doctoral thesis, it also proposes an approach of his work with the dramaturgical project originated by authors from the Teatro de Arena. On the 1970\'s, in virtue of the crisis installed in the left wing\'s cultural sphere, specially the collapse of the revolutionary belief preceding 1964 and the retrocession of the interpretation placing the people as the heroic vanguard leading a structural transformation, the filmmaker would court the artistic revisionism proposed by Gianfrancesco Guarnieri, Paulo Pontes and Vianinha. Maintaining a politicized approach about the popular class on his films, without abdicating the image of the intellectual as a mediator of denounces against the dictatorship, the director would proceed to a production in tune with the communist\'s active participation project, establishing a dialogue with the tradition of critical realism, willing to elaborate narratives and documental registers confronting with the authoritarian way of the military. In this sense, even without sharing the ideology originated from the newly born trade unionism, especially among the steelworkers from São Bernardo do Campo\'s city, Hirszman shifted the figure of the worker, making it the core of the creative process of ABC da greve and Black-tie. In these movies, it was represented as a key-piece close to the resistance articulated by the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB), in which it was seen as part of a large front, organized to overcome the military regime and act in favor of the country\'s redemocratization. A work realized with the intention of responding to the social dilemmas of its time, proposing a singular approach about the popular class and the anti-authoritarian militancy, originating interpretations and aesthetic experiences constructed among conflicts that filled the left-wing politic and cultural manifestations on the second half of the seventies.
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Herramientas de cribado virtual aplicadas a inhibidores de entrada del VIH. Diseño de nuevos compuestos anti-VIHPérez Nueno, Violeta Isabel 25 May 2009 (has links)
Els inhibidors d'entrada del VIH han sorgit recentment com una nova generació de fàrmacs antiretrovirals, els quals bloquegen la unió del virus als co-receptors de membrana CXCR4 i CCR5. S'han desenvolupat diverses molècules petites antagonistes d'aquests co-receptors, algunes de les quals estan actualment en fase d'assaig clínic. No obstant això, donat que no existeixen estructures cristal·logràfiques per aquests co-receptors proteics, és necessari analitzar els modes d'unió d'inhibidors coneguts a la cavitat d'unió extracel·lular dels co-receptors mitjançant experiments de mutagènesi dirigida i estudis computacionals. En general, l'objectiu d'aquestes aproximacions computacionals és cribar un gran nombre de compostos candidats a fàrmacs ràpidament. El cribatge virtual s'ha convertit recentment en un complement útil dels mètodes de cribatge experimentals high-throughput screening per a grans llibreries de compostos. Per tant, en aquesta tesi s'ha portat a terme un protocol de cribatge virtual, mitjançant aproximacions basades en el receptor i en lligands actius coneguts, amb la finalitat de trobar antagonistes de CXCR4 i CCR5 que puguin servir com a potencials inhibidors d'entrada del VIH.Per al cribatge virtual basat en el receptor, s'han millorat els models dels co-receptors CXCR4 i CCR5 construïts a la secció de disseny molecular de l'IQS, i s'han portat a terme assajos preliminars de mode d'unió utilitzant aquests models i lligands coneguts d'elevada afinitat. Així mateix, s'ha analitzat el comportament en el cribatge virtual i en el post-processat de resultats de docking de diferents fingerprints d'interacció en comparació amb els resultats obtinguts per un nou fingerprint d'interacció (APIF) desenvolupat a la secció de disseny molecular de l'IQS.Per al cribatge virtual basat en lligands, s'han comparat models farmacofòrics i diverses aproximacions basades en la forma i propietats moleculars utilitzant lligands d'elevada afinitat com a molècules de referència. A més, s'ha desenvolupat una nova aproximació basada en la forma molecular, la qual s'ha utilitzat per a estudiar en profunditat la hipòtesi de la multi-regió d'unió de la cavitat d'unió extracel·lular del co-receptor CCR5.Tots els mètodes, ja siguin basats en el receptor o en lligands coneguts, s'han aplicat en primer lloc de manera retrospectiva utilitzant una extensa base de dades d'inhibidors de CXCR4/CCR5 i suposats inactius, similars en propietats als actius, recopilada en aquesta tesi. Per a cada receptor, la quimioteca ha estat cribada utilitzat inhibidors coneguts, S'han analitzat els factors d'enriquiment i la diversitat a les llistes finals de hits. A més, s'han portat a terme anàlisis ROC per a ambdós inhibidors de CXCR4 i CCR5 amb la finalitat de comparar l'habilitat del nou algoritme basat en la igualtat de formes de lligands amb la resta d'aproximacions de cribatge utilitzades.Una vegada validades les diferents aproximacions de cribatge i seleccionats els millors paràmetres per a cadascuna d'elles, s'han aplicat les eines de cribatge virtual de manera prospectiva sobre una quimioteca combinatòria dissenyada a la secció de disseny molecular de l'IQS, així com tècniques de disseny de novo de lligands per tal d'identificar nous bloquejadors de l'entrada del VIH a les cèl·lules. / Los inhibidores de entrada del VIH han surgido recientemente como una nueva generación de fármacos antiretrovirales, los cuales bloquean la unión del virus con los co-receptores de membrana CXCR4 y CCR5. Se han desarrollado diversas moléculas pequeñas antagonistas de estos co-receptores, algunas de las cuales están actualmente en fase de ensayo clínico. Sin embargo, dado que no existen estructuras cristalográficas para estos co-receptores proteicos, es necesario analizar los modos de unión de inhibidores conocidos a la cavidad de unión extracelular de los co-receptores mediante experimentos de mutagénesis dirigida y estudios computacionales. En general, el objetivo de estas aproximaciones computacionales es cribar un gran número de compuestos candidatos a fármacos rápidamente. El cribado virtual se ha convertido recientemente en un complemento útil de los métodos de cribado experimentales high-throughput screening para grandes librerías de compuestos. Por lo tanto, en esta tesis se ha llevado a cabo un protocolo de cribado virtual, mediante aproximaciones basadas en el receptor y en ligandos activos conocidos, con el fin de encontrar antagonistas de CXCR4 y CCR5 que puedan servir como potenciales inhibidores de entrada del VIH.Para el cribado virtual basado en el receptor, se han mejorado los modelos de los co-receptores CXCR4 y CCR5 construidos en la sección de diseño molecular del IQS, y se han llevado a cabo ensayos preliminares de modo de unión utilizando estos modelos y ligandos conocidos de elevada afinidad. Asimismo, se ha analizado el comportamiento en el cribado virtual y en el post-procesado de resultados de docking de diferentes fingerprints de interacción en comparación con los resultados obtenidos por un nuevo fingerprint de interacción (APIF) desarrollado en la sección de diseño molecular del IQS.Para el cribado virtual basado en ligandos, se han comparado modelos farmacofóricos y diversas aproximaciones basadas en la forma y propiedades moleculares utilizando ligandos de elevada afinidad como moléculas de referencia. Además, se ha desarrollado una nueva aproximación basada en la forma molecular, la cual se ha utilizado para estudiar en profundidad la hipótesis de la multi-región de unión de la cavidad de unión extracelular del co-receptor CCR5.Todos los métodos, ya sean basados en el receptor o en ligandos conocidos, se han aplicado en primer lugar de manera retrospectiva utilizando una extensa base de datos de inhibidores de CXCR4/CCR5 y supuestos inactivos, similares en propiedades a los activos, recopilada en esta tesis. Para cada receptor, la quimioteca ha sido cribada utilizando inhibidores conocidos, Se han analizado los factores de enriquecimiento y la diversidad en las listas finales de hits. Además, se han llevado a cabo análisis ROC para ambos inhibidores de CXCR4 y CCR5 con el fin de comparar la habilidad del nuevo algoritmo basado en la igualdad de formas de ligandos con el resto de aproximaciones de cribado utilizadas.Una vez validadas las diferentes aproximaciones de cribado y seleccionados los mejores parámetros para cada una de ellas, se han aplicado las herramientas de cribado virtual de manera prospectiva sobre una quimioteca combinatoria diseñada en la sección de diseño molecular del IQS, así como técnicas de diseño de novo de ligandos para identificar nuevos bloqueadores de la entrada del VIH a las células. / HIV entry inhibitors have emerged as a new generation of antiretroviral drugs that block viral fusion with the CXCR4 and CCR5 membrane co-receptors. Several small molecule antagonists for these co-receptors have been developed, some of which are currently in clinical trials. However, because no crystal structures for the co-receptor proteins are available, the binding modes of the known inhibitors within the co-receptor extracellular pockets need to be analyzed by means of site-directed mutagenesis and computational experiments. Generally, the objective of these computational approaches is to screen large numbers of candidate drug compounds rapidly. Virtual screening has recently become a useful complement to laboratory-based high-throughput screening methods for large libraries of compounds. Hence, in this thesis, a virtual screening protocol, using several receptor-based and ligand-based approaches, has been performed to find CXCR4 and CCR5 antagonists that could potentially serve as HIV entry inhibitors.For receptor-based virtual screening, homology models of CXCR4 and CCR5 co-receptors built in our research group have been improved, and preliminary binding mode analyses using these models and high affinity known ligands have been carried out. Also, the performance in virtual screening and docking post-processing of different interaction fingerprints, compared to the results obtained with a new interaction fingerprint (APIF) developed in our research group, has been analysed.For ligand-based virtual screening, pharmacophore modelling and several shape-based and property-based molecular comparison approaches have been compared, using high-affinity ligands as query molecules. Also, a novel consensus shape-based virtual screening approach has been developed and used to investigate and add further evidence for multiple binding sites within the CCR5 extracellular pocket hypothesis.All the receptor-based and ligand-based methods have been firstly applied in a retrospective virtual screening, using a large database of known CXCR4/CCR5 inhibitors and similar presumed inactive molecules assembled in this thesis. For each receptor, the library has been queried using known binders, and the enrichment factors and diversity of the resulting virtual hit lists have been analyzed. Moreover, receiver-operator-characteristic analyses for both CXCR4 and CCR5 inhibitors have been carried out in order to compare the performance of the new consensus shape matching algorithm with the other screening approaches used. Once the different virtual screening approaches have been validated and the best parameters for each one have been selected, prospective virtual screening of a combinatorial library designed by our research group and de novo design methods have been applied to identify new HIV entry blockers.
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O cinema político de Leon Hirszman (1976-1981): engajamento e resistência durante o regime militar brasileiro / -Reinaldo Cardenuto Filho 13 October 2014 (has links)
O objetivo central desta tese é estudar o percurso artístico e intelectual de Leon Hirszman a partir dos filmes Que país é este? (1976-77), ABC da greve (1979- 90) e Eles não usam black-tie (1981). Discutindo as relações entre cinema e História, a pesquisa se concentra nas práticas culturais, estéticas e ideológicas do realizador, procurando analisar as interpretações que ele mobilizou em torno do Brasil durante a vigência do regime militar. A despeito de Hirszman ter consolidado a sua trajetória como integrante do Cinema Novo, questão que percorre as páginas deste doutorado, propõe-se também uma aproximação entre a sua obra e o projeto dramatúrgico construído por autores oriundos do Teatro de Arena. Na década de 1970, face à crise que se instalou no campo cultural da esquerda, em especial o colapso da crença revolucionária anterior a 1964 e o refluxo da leitura do povo como vanguarda heroica para uma transformação do mundo, o cineasta se aproximaria do revisionismo artístico proposto, principalmente, por Gianfrancesco Guarnieri, Paulo Pontes e Vianinha. Mantendo em seus filmes uma abordagem politizada da classe popular, sem abdicar da figura do intelectual como mediador de denúncias contra a ditadura, o diretor se voltaria para uma produção em sintonia com o viés comunista de engajamento, em diálogo com a tradição do realismo crítico e disposta a elaborar narrativas e registros documentais em confronto ao autoritarismo dos militares. Nesse sentido, mesmo sem partilhar do ideário do novo sindicalismo surgido sobretudo entre os metalúrgicos da cidade paulista de São Bernardo do Campo, Hirszman deslocaria a figura do operário para o centro do processo criativo de ABC da greve e de Black-tie, representando-o em uma chave próxima à resistência articulada pelo Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB), na qual o trabalhador seria visto como parte de uma ampla frente organizada para superar a ditadura e atuar em prol da redemocratização. Uma obra realizada com o intuito de responder aos dilemas sociais de seu contexto histórico, a propor uma abordagem particular sobre a classe popular e a militância antiautoritária, a partir de leituras e experiências estéticas construídas em meio aos impasses que percorreram a esquerda política e cultural na segunda metade dos anos 1970. / The main goal of this thesis is to study Leon Hirszman\'s artistic and intellectual trajectory through the films Que país é este? (1976-77), ABC da greve (1979-90) and They don\'t wear black-tie (1981). Discussing the relation between film and History, the research concentrates itself on the cultural, aesthetic and ideological practices of the director, aiming to analyze his interpretations about Brazil during its military dictatorship. Despite Hirszman\'s consolidated career as a member of the Cinema Novo movement, issue that is described during this doctoral thesis, it also proposes an approach of his work with the dramaturgical project originated by authors from the Teatro de Arena. On the 1970\'s, in virtue of the crisis installed in the left wing\'s cultural sphere, specially the collapse of the revolutionary belief preceding 1964 and the retrocession of the interpretation placing the people as the heroic vanguard leading a structural transformation, the filmmaker would court the artistic revisionism proposed by Gianfrancesco Guarnieri, Paulo Pontes and Vianinha. Maintaining a politicized approach about the popular class on his films, without abdicating the image of the intellectual as a mediator of denounces against the dictatorship, the director would proceed to a production in tune with the communist\'s active participation project, establishing a dialogue with the tradition of critical realism, willing to elaborate narratives and documental registers confronting with the authoritarian way of the military. In this sense, even without sharing the ideology originated from the newly born trade unionism, especially among the steelworkers from São Bernardo do Campo\'s city, Hirszman shifted the figure of the worker, making it the core of the creative process of ABC da greve and Black-tie. In these movies, it was represented as a key-piece close to the resistance articulated by the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB), in which it was seen as part of a large front, organized to overcome the military regime and act in favor of the country\'s redemocratization. A work realized with the intention of responding to the social dilemmas of its time, proposing a singular approach about the popular class and the anti-authoritarian militancy, originating interpretations and aesthetic experiences constructed among conflicts that filled the left-wing politic and cultural manifestations on the second half of the seventies.
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Interactions microsporidies-insectes in vivo : dissémination de Nosema bombycis (Microsporidia) dans son hôte Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera) et caractérisation de protéines structurales majeures de N. bombycis impliquées dans l'invasionWang, Jian-Yang 02 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Nosema bombycis est un parasite obligatoire intracellulaire et eukaryoitique microsporidia apparenté aux champignons. Cette microsporidie est l'agent responsable de la pébrine, maladie du ver à soie Bombyx mori qui inflige de sévères pertes économiques à la sériciculture mondiale. Nous avons étudié l'interactions N. bombycis-B. mori in vivo : l'infestation par N. bombycis démarre au niveau de l'épithélium intestinal antérieur, puis s'étend aux muscles et trachées adjacents. Les tissus plus distants sont ensuite infectés. Cependant, les réponses immune mélanisation et phagocytose, l'hémolymphe et les hémocytes sont les vecteurs de la dissémination de N. bombycis dans son hôte. Nous avons développé une approche protéomique pour identifier des protéines de tube polaire (PTP). Trois PTPs ont été caracterisés par immunocytochimie MET et MS/MS. Des motifs de séquence peptidique ont pu en être déduits par les programmes Peaks Online et DeNovoX, puis évalués par algorithmes Mascot et Sequest
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The classification patterns of bank financial ratiosKordogly, Rima January 2010 (has links)
Financial ratios are key units of analysis in most quantitative financial research including bankruptcy prediction, performance and efficiency analysis, mergers and acquisitions, and credit ratings, amongst others. Since hundreds of ratios can be computed using available financial data and given the substantial overlap in information provided by many of these ratios, choosing amongst ratios has been a significant issue facing practitioners and researchers. An important contribution of the present thesis is to show that ratios can be arranged into groups where each group describes a separate financial aspect or dimension of a given firm or industry. Then by choosing representative ratios from each group, a small, yet comprehensive, set of ratios can be identified and used for further analysis. Whilst a substantial part of the financial ratio literature has focused on classifying financial ratios empirically and on assessing the stability of the ratio groups over different periods and industries, relatively little attention has been paid to the classifying of financial ratios of the banking sector. This study aims to explore the classification patterns of 56 financial ratios for banks of different type, size and age. Using data from the Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR), large samples of commercial, savings, and De Novo (newlychartered) commercial banks were obtained for the period between 2001 and 2005, inclusive. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed on a yearly basis to classify the banks' ratios after applying the inverse sinh transformation to enhance the distributional properties of the data. The number of patterns were decided using Parallel Analysis. The study also uses various methods including visual comparison, correlation, congruency, and transformation analysis to assess the time series stability and cross-sectional similarity of the identified ratio patterns. The study identifies 13 or 14 ratio patterns for commercial banks and 10 or 11 ratio patterns for savings banks over the period on which the study is based. These patterns are generally stable over time; yet, some dissimilarity was found between the ratio patterns for the two types of banks – that is, the commercial and savings banks. A certain degree of dissimilarity was also found between the financial patterns for commercial banks belonging to different asset-size classes. Furthermore, four ratio patterns were consistently identified for the De Novo commercial banks in the first year of their operations. However, no evidence of convergence was found between the ratio patterns of the De Novo commercial banks and the ratio patterns of the incumbent (that is, long established) commercial banks. The findings of this study bring useful insights particularly to researchers who employ bank financial ratios in empirical analysis. Methodologically, this research pioneers the application of the inverse sinh transformation and parallel analysis in the area of the ratio classification literature. Also, it contributes to the use of transformation analysis as a factor comparison technique by deriving a significance test for the outputs of this analysis. Moreover, this is the only large scale study to be conducted on the classification patterns of bank financial ratios.
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Transcriptomic analysis of ovarian development in parasitic Ichthyomyzon castaneus (chestnut lamprey) and non-parasitic Ichthyomyzon fossor (northern brook lamprey)AJMANI, NISHA 31 March 2017 (has links)
Lampreys are primitive jawless fishes that diverged over 550 million years ago. As adults, they are either parasitic or non-parasitic. In non-parasitic species, sexual differentiation and oocyte development generally occur earlier than in parasitic species; fecundity is reduced and sexual maturation is accelerated following metamorphosis. The genes controlling ovarian differentiation and maturation in lampreys are poorly understood. This study used RNA-Seq data in the parasitic chestnut lamprey Ichthyomyzon castaneus and non-parasitic northern brook lamprey Ichthyomyzon fossor to identify suites of genes expressed during different stages of ovarian development that show different developmental trajectories with respect to ovarian differentiation and sexual maturation. For this, reference-guided and de novo assembly pipelines were designed for studying a non-model species. To test and explore the relative advantages of the pipelines, expression of insulin superfamily genes was used. This research helps to identify genes involved in lamprey ovarian development and provides insight into evolution of the insulin superfamily in vertebrates. / May 2017
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Mixed phenotype acute leukemia with t(9;22): success with nonacute myeloid leukemia-type intensive induction therapy and stem cell transplantationChan, Onyee, Jamil, Abdur Rehman, Millius, Rebecca, Kaur, Ramandeep, Anwer, Faiz 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Transformace médií v Portugalsku po Karafiátové revoluci / Media Transformation in Portugal after the Carnation RevolutionKotasová, Martina January 2016 (has links)
This thesis analyzes how the media system and the role of the media in society have changed over time in Portugal. It focuses on the period of the dictatorship Estado Novo, the period of the media transition after the Carnation Revolution, and the media in the 21st century. Since the media transition would not be possible without the political transition of the authoritarian regime, this thesis will also address the overall context of the transition. The theoretical part analyzes the Mediterranean or polarized pluralist model of media from Halllin and Mancini. According to the authors, this model describes the current Portuguese media system. The aim of this thesis is to determine whether the model is applicable to all periods of Portuguese history of the 20 and 21st century or whether at some point the media system can be described by another Hallin and Mancini's model or whether it is necessary to use a different classification from other authors.
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